The person responsible for this deserves a special kind of punishment.
Of course her eyes should be removed, but they should also take here hearing and slice her spine leaving her a blind, deaf quadriplegic. THAT would be a fitting punishment.
Is there even any sort of discussion that can be had here? I mean if all anyone can do is post reactions of shock and horror, what's the point of even making a thread about it?
Is there even any sort of discussion that can be had here? I mean if all anyone can do is post reactions of shock and horror, what's the point of even making a thread about it?
I've already made it clear I didn't try to make a pun. That's not my style and I would never do it in an OP on a tragedy like this. Never have, never will, and didn't here.
I may be totally in the dark here, but I had no clue that organ traffickers would do something like that if it is actually what happened. How insane that is.
What horrible thing to happen.
It makes me wonder what would motivate a person to do such a thing?
Makes me wish the bionic eye was a reality, for patients like this poor kid.
If you have an eye removed like this, is it at all possible to reattach it within a period of time or is it a case where the second it is disconnected that is it?
If you have an eye removed like this, is it at all possible to reattach it within a period of time or is it a case where the second it is disconnected that is it?