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Chris Christie: legalizing pot will likely be "priority No. 1" if a Dem wins NJ Gov.

Uh, thanks for giving the state another reason to vote for a Democrat Governor lol

The full article is... eye opening


Gov. Chris Christie on Monday unleashed a diatribe against the increasing push to legalize recreational marijuana in New Jersey, warning that Democrats are willing to "poison our kids" to receive "blood money" from the taxes pot sales will bring in.

"We are in the midst of the public health crisis on opiates," added Christie, who has been tapped by President Donald Trump to chair a commission to find ways to fight the opioid abuse epidemic in America. "But people are saying pot's OK. This is nothing more than crazy liberals who want to say everything's OK.

"People like Nick Scutari and Steve Sweeney and Phil Murphy want to bring this poison, legalized, into this state under the premise that, well, it doesn't matter because people can buy it illegally anyway," Christie said. "Then why not legalize heroin? I mean, their argument fails just on that basis. Let's legalize cocaine. Let's legalize angel dust. Let's legalize all of it. What's the difference? Let everybody choose."

The governor, who has often warned that marijuana is a gateway to harder substances, said the "latest data" shows a child who tries marijuana between the ages of 12 and 17 is 10 times more likely to be a heroin addict by the time he is 24.

Scutari argued that marijuana is actually being used to treat opioid abuse.

"If he's gonna say this is stupid, I'm going to say those comment are idiotic," the senator said of Christie's remarks. "To try to draw some kind of nexus between the two is ridiculous, misplaced, and unscientific."

During his speech, Christie also called for people to fight for help against drug abuse the way they fought for help amid the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

"Where's the march for the kids who are dying every day?" he asked. "We believe as a society that these people are getting what they deserve."

...yeah, there's more at the full link. I wanted to quote more but then I realized I'd basically be copying the entire article.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Wasn't there a study that opiate use actually went down in states that legalized marijuana?

That's why NJWeedman.com is the guy atop the ballot this November.

I actually know this dude. He would sometimes sit outside of city hall just waiting to ambush Christie and crew about legalizing pot and writes a ton of articles in the local papers under his smokey nom de plume. He even opened a restaurant in Trenton but I believe the city has been giving him a hard time, surprise surprise.


Slippery slope fallacy for the win.

Why not legalize all drugs!!!!!!! Liberals want your kids to be addicted to heroine!

*takes a chug of whiskey.
doesn't this guy have like single digit approvals?

People listen to him still?

There's always gonna be the people who see the "R" and go "this is fine".

But yes, between bridge gate and everything surrounding it and the entire election period his approval numbers are in the toilet here.


Lawd, please let a dem win. I'll gladly make the trip to jersey to finally be able to smoke without fear of being arrested.


The US obsession with marijuana has always been so strange to me. Who gives a shit, if people want to use it, let them.

It has a lot to do with discrimination drug enforcement and funding. There are also special interests that want this it to stay illegal so they can line their pockets.


And that's a bad thing...?

This is like when it was said that Clinton becoming President would mean taco trucks on every corner. Sign me the fuck up.
Gov. Chris Christie on Monday unleashed a diatribe against the increasing push to legalize recreational marijuana in New Jersey, warning that Democrats are willing to "poison our kids" to receive "blood money" from the taxes pot sales will bring in.
The blood from these marijuana overdoses will be on your hands liberals!
WHY THE FUCK IS CHRISTIE STILL RUNNING? Is this a slight to Trumo for all the mcmuffin runs?

His terms are up, he's talking about why NJ shouldn't vote a Dem in.

Really from my understanding we just got screwed because Corzine was a pretty crappy governor so NJ, even though it's a very blue state voted in fucking Christie. Granted, that doesn't explain his re-election but... I'd have to imagine gerrymandering played a part because even though NJ is overwhelmingly blue there are still pockets of wealthy suburbs who are red.


Junior Member


"Where's the march for the kids who are dying every day?" he asked. "We believe as a society that these people are getting what they deserve."

You show me a single person who has OD'd on weed, and I'll march right beside you, Chris. Just one.


I surely hope it will be priority number 1 so that we can finally start worrying about shit that actually matters.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I really don't like Christie. NJ, please get rid of him.

I know hardcore Republicans who hate him. No one really seems to like Christie at this point. I remember being in a local pizza joint full of all sorts of folks when he announced he was running for the GOP presidential candidate and their was a collective groan across the entire place.
The US obsession with marijuana has always been so strange to me. Who gives a shit, if people want to use it, let them.

There's a lot of background to it, but essentially, pot has been demonized for so long as a drug just as bad as crack or meth or what-have-you for so long, that most older generations still see it that way despite all the science and general reality surrounding it. Even younger generations who have softened on it tend to dub it a 'gateway drug' to doing harder drugs, which is stupid, since the argument can be made for alcohol just as easily, but very few would even dare talk about alcohol in the same way as crack or meth.


And I'll be voting Democrat! Christie is one of, if not the most corrupt politician Ive seen in NJ.

Our roads are fucking awful and the schools are underfunded. Time to tax that shit and make life better for everyone.
I grew up in NJ and every teen has easy access to pot anyway. Might as well be legal.

Yeah the line about the suburbs is hilarious to me, in white suburbs weed flows like water even if some of the parents like to close their eyes and pretend it isn't happening.

With it legal though they wouldn't be able to get free arrests in Newark and such though
Statistics also show that a child that tries oxygen is infinitely more likely to become a smack head than one that doesn't, lets ban oxygen


Christie has done a fucking horrible job with the state.

The heroin problem is fucking insane with kids and the idea that Weed is a gateway to that is so fucking dumb.

The state will not miss him.
*psssssssssss* they never give a shit about the drugs, they want more people to arrest and fill up prisons with

Specifically brown people and "libruls" to be more precise...but especially brown people.

Republicans, far right ones more specifically, really are despicable pieces of shit who cower and hide behind their religion shields.



Tobacco is much more of a poison than weed and it's legal, what makes him think that weed would be sold to kids if tobacco isn't?

Wouldn't Tobacco be a much bigger threat to kids anyways? why don't he goes for them?

And im not even a weed user, his argument just comes off as idiotic.
Chris Christie trapped in a time capsule with his anti drug arguments

You fucks have been banging that drum for over 30 years and nothing has changed

Time to try something new fuckwad
Christie has done a fucking horrible job with the state.
There was like a one week period after Sandy where he shit over other hypocritical Republicans who called him out for using federal funding while working with Obama that gave me hope, and then he just did a giant fucking heel turn.
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