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Chris Matthews (MSNBC) suggests Clinton might run for Gov. of NY in 2018

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A governor of New York that can run for President in 2024/2028/2032.

Are you implying that Cuomo, who's become pretty disliked by his constituents, is a valid presidential candidate? Or another governor. Either way, governor of NY isn't really a launching pad for anyone. I think the last presidential candidate to serve as Gov. of NY was Dewey. It was a launching point before Dewey but ever since then it's been more of a post to just be held, kind of like mayor of NY.

Someone who's way more in tune with political history than I can probably explain why that's the case, but I have no idea.



That 66% coming off her tenure as a US Senator of NY.
She was rated highly. People seem to forget that this position, it's not a presidency, it's representative of NY opinion. Not national opinion.
She won the popular vote of the entire country. New York like Cali voted overwhelmingly for her as president. For sure they'd want her as governor.

Who cares? When has this country elected Presidents based on the popular vote? She lost.

Clintons are over. It's time to let it go.

This is my feeling and I would've LOVED her as President, I even supported her in the primaries, I never felt the Bern. Unfortunately, we all found out too late how terrible of a campaigner she actually is. Her time has passed and she needs to fade away now, all she is doing is taking the spotlight from someone else who could actually make a difference in the future. It's not like she can use being Governor to launch a Presidential bid again, that opportunity is over and she shouldn't be taking it from other possible Democrats.
Great. I could call Clinton a Snake as well and it'd be true. I'm not saying Cuomo is a Saint...that article says otherwise vetoing stuff that'd help the poor. Glad people are waking up that Democrats are crap.

Long live Socialist Alternative.

Clinton still wouldn't do shit to get people out of poverty though....which was my whole point.

Yes, comrade!
Great. I could call Clinton a Snake as well and it'd be true. I'm not saying Cuomo is a Saint...that article says otherwise vetoing stuff that'd help the poor. Glad people are waking up that Democrats are crap.

Long live Socialist Alternative.

Clinton still wouldn't do shit to get people out of poverty though....which was my whole point.

Maybe you should just admit you have no idea what you're talking about.
We're not making statements on her political or policy ability. We're reflecting on the simple fact that it would be very difficult to get her elected to that position after a very expensive and public ally shaming election. You and I feel similarly about the way the election went but there HAS to be a better candidate than her, she's tainted goods at this point to voters on both sides of the aisle.

It doesn't help that NY is heating up due to its rust belt status which doesn't help her case. What matters is that she's PERCEIVED as a weak candidate when it comes to addressing those issues.
In the rust belt Clinton won voters whose primary concern was the economy. Which issues are you talking about, exactly? And by all means go through the list of Democrats on the ballot in the rust belt from BernieCrats to moderates and compare their performance.


NY Governor oversees important NYC functions, like the MTA. Control of NYC schools is granted by state into NYC hands on a temporary basis. NY and NJ governors control the Port Authority. The state has over the decades grabbed power from NYC - not much of meaning for the state to govern outside of NYC in the past 30 years.

Would I rather the NYC city government have full say over a NYC city-state? Probably. But we have a world where NY State likes to butt in frequently, making NY governor very powerful and relevant.
She would be running against Cuomo in a democratic primary, which would mean most of the upstate NY'ers (R's) would not be voting since NY primaries are locked down pretty tight with party affiliations needing to be declared well in advance.

Cuomo is generally disliked in NYC, where the vast majority of democrats are located in NY. He picks fights with the mayor and appears to be more interested in upstate affairs. Not to mention his connections with bridgegate and the bribing scandal.

People in NYC are seething at Trump, especially with the debacle on 5th avenue, and would like nothing else but to piss him off by having Hillary be the governor. She's been a successful NY senator and her campaign HQ was in Brooklyn. She could run on a campaign of gut-punching Trump without even discussing issues. In my mind, Cuomo loses the primary no doubt.
In the rust belt Clinton won voters whose primary concern was the economy. Which issues are you talking about, exactly? And by all means go through the list of Democrats on the ballot in the rust belt from BernieCrats to moderates and compare their performance.

None of them want to admit that Clinton did better or as well as all the other candidates except for the guy whose most famous as was him assembling a rifle quickly and had an NRA endorsement.

The country don't want socialists.


None of them want to admit that Clinton did better or as well as all the other candidates except for the guy whose most famous as was him assembling a rifle quickly and had an NRA endorsement.

The country don't want socialists.
No matter what the election results are, their prescription will always be the same.


Who cares? When has this country elected Presidents based on the popular vote? She lost.

Because the governorship only accounts for a single state's vote?
I mean come on, it's not rocket science here guys.

Regardless of how you FEEL about Clinton running for the governorship, if you're not in NY, then you'll never exercise that opinion in a vote. Will she do it? I don't believe so, but if she did, she'd likely have her best shot of it in NY.


Lol, that escalated quickly. Progressive smugness lives on.
Progressive smugness is a bogeyman in the same vein as political correctness. Lazy.

You just told someone they're being anti-intellectual because they disagree with you on your perceived "data". You have no ground to stand on regarding embarrassing yourself.
I know you are but what am I!

It's not tu quoque if you point your finger fast enough.
You just told someone they're being anti-intellectual because they disagree with you on your perceived "data". You have no ground to stand on regarding embarrassing yourself.

Data is not perceived. Again, you're quite literally making the argument that climate change isn't real because it snowed yesterday.

You are no different than those people.
Because socialists are communists, right?

What. Socialists call each other comrade. I support SA. You know what, never mind.

Remind myself in my things to do in 2017: don't talk about politics on neogaf.


Progressive smugness is a bogeyman in the same vein as political correctness. Lazy.

I know you are but what am I!

It's not tu quoque if you point your finger fast enough.

I'm embarrassed for you.
None of them want to admit that Clinton did better or as well as all the other candidates except for the guy whose most famous as was him assembling a rifle quickly and had an NRA endorsement.

The country don't want socialists.

Jason Kander wasn't endorsed by the NRA, if that's who you're talking about.


tbh, I don't know how so many can speak with such authority without being New Yorkers. If they want Clinton, sure, whatever, go for it, but the question is contingent more on whether or not Cuomo bows out.
Jason Kander wasn't endorsed by the NRA, if that's who you're talking about.

Yes, his opponent wasn't endorsed. My mistake.

What. Socialists call each other comrade. I support SA. You know what, never mind.

Remind myself in my things to do in 2017: don't talk about politics on neogaf.


If this is your level of knowledge about politics, you should refrain from talking about politics at all.


I still don't think this happens but as a native New Yorker, I'm starting to get REALLY annoyed at the people in this thread who are more interested in using the NY governorship as a stepping stone to a presidential run than actually care about the duties of the office or show through their words and opinions that they have never stepped foot into the State.

This is why you're suddenly hearing those two words together: http://www.politico.com/states/new-...ropose-free-public-college-in-new-york-108407

What Matthews is hearing suddenly puts that conference in a whole other light, actually.

Oh shit, this is a good point. Cuomo getting spooked?


Data is not perceived. Again, you're quite literally making the argument that climate change isn't real because it snowed yesterday.

You are no different than those people.
Still waiting for you to produce data that Hillary Clinton is "insanely popular" in NY, which was the only phrase you were questioned on. Not even sure why you went hard on the data argument in the first place, when it's not something that can be easily quantified - we're not talking about voting results against Trump here.
tbh, I don't know how so many can speak with such authority without being New Yorkers. If they want Clinton, sure, whatever, go for it, but the question is contingent more on whether or not Cuomo bows out.

At this point, I think we all get a say given the amount of poisonous NY politicians infecting us on a national scale including Donald Trump. Fuck New York.


Wouldn't be totally against it, but she had her time in the spotlight.

Time for her to fade into irrelevance.

But why? She's a capable politician, one with decades of experience. But yeah, tired of seeing her face, she had her 15 minutes...

I don't agree with the OPs assessment that most of GAF hates Clinton. Most Americans do, I would agree with that.


I don't care all too much, but I would prefer her not to- not because she wouldn't win (she would), but because its time for the Clinton' to fade into irrelevance. She gambled on the the lives of minorities with a terrible campaign, and its time for her political career to be put to rest.
Still waiting for you to produce data that Hillary Clinton is "insanely popular" in NY, which was the only phrase you were questioned on. Not even sure why you went hard on the data argument in the first place, when it's not something that can be easily quantified - we're not talking about voting results against Trump here.

2000 and 2006 Senate elections. 2008 and 2016 Democratic Primary for President. 2016 Presidential Election.

Take your pick.
Because the governorship only accounts for a single state's vote?
I mean come on, it's not rocket science here guys.

Regardless of how you FEEL about Clinton running for the governorship, if you're not in NY, then you'll never exercise that opinion in a vote. Will she do it? I don't believe so, but if she did, she'd likely have her best shot of it in NY.

That's not what I was referring to, I think that if Clinton ran she probably would win the race for Governor. She's well liked in NY. I was referring to this trend of dampening Clinton's loss because she won the popular vote, much like people did with Gore. Just stop, the Presidential race is about the EC if you didn't win that then you didn't win.


At this point, I think we all get a say given the amount of poisonous NY politicians infecting us on a national scale including Donald Trump. Fuck New York.


Nah, as annoying as NY politicians might be, non-New Yorkers don't get a say. It's not like Clinton is going to run for governor and then for president again afterwards.
Still waiting for you to produce data that Hillary Clinton is "insanely popular" in NY, which was the only phrase you were questioned on. Not even sure why you went hard on the data argument in the first place, when it's not something that can be easily quantified - we're not talking about voting results against Trump here.

Stop being anti-intellectual.


That's not what I was referring to, I think that if Clinton ran she probably would win the race for Governor. She's well liked in NY. I was referring to this trend of dampening Clinton's loss because she won the popular vote, much like people did with Gore. Just stop, the Presidential race is about the EC if you didn't win that then you didn't win.

The popular vote count is only brought up to counter the notion that "most of the country doesn't like her". That isn't actually true. It doesn't change the fact she lost though.

Still waiting for you to produce data that Hillary Clinton is "insanely popular" in NY, which was the only phrase you were questioned on. Not even sure why you went hard on the data argument in the first place, when it's not something that can be easily quantified - we're not talking about voting results against Trump here.

High favorability ratings during her time in office and the fact she's crushed EVERY statewide election she's ever run in NY?


The popular vote count is only brought up to counter the notion that "most of the country doesn't like her". That isn't actually true. It doesn't change the fact she lost though.

Winning the popular vote doesn't mean she's well liked, just that she's more liked than Donald Trump. Clinton hasn't had good favorability ratings for awhile now, and losing the election certainly didn't help in that regard.

That said, I don't think she's hated by the majority of the country or anything either. I wouldn't exactly call her popular though.
She would be running against Cuomo in a democratic primary, which would mean most of the upstate NY'ers (R's) would not be voting since NY primaries are locked down pretty tight with party affiliations needing to be declared well in advance.

Cuomo is generally disliked in NYC, where the vast majority of democrats are located in NY. He picks fights with the mayor and appears to be more interested in upstate affairs. Not to mention his connections with bridgegate and the bribing scandal.

People in NYC are seething at Trump, especially with the debacle on 5th avenue, and would like nothing else but to piss him off by having Hillary be the governor. She's been a successful NY senator and her campaign HQ was in Brooklyn. She could run on a campaign of gut-punching Trump without even discussing issues. In my mind, Cuomo loses the primary no doubt.

This is an awesome post. Thank you for outlining all that info. It really helps when people can keep the conversation rational. I like being reminded that GAF is made up of adults.

Unrelated: GAF poster Cindi Mayweather, can you please stop posting in this thread? You're derailing the conversation and just acting really immaturely. Please create your own thread if you'd like to start fights.


You need to get that chip off your shoulder.

You're confusing shoulder chip for common sense truth. Truth that all of the Democratic Party and most of it's voter fails to see, even after it smacked them in the face.

But I'll keep my common sense "chip" in the interest of HOPEFULLY taking back the government from the GOP in FOUR YEARS instead of EIGHT. Meanwhile, Democrats can just keep spinning their tires in denial for those eight years. Let's see how that goes for you. Clearly it's working. We'll be swearing in those consequences in a couple weeks.

Cuomo is more progressive it seems as he is promoting Bernie ideas(free college, $15/hr, etc...) where Clinton doesn't believe in shit.
It'll certainly gain him some points, but he's not that great an option either.
Where's the lie? Seriously. You can't lol away a year-long hysterical witch hunt.
"Witch hunt" lmao

How DARE people point out the overwhelming flaws of a candidate in an effort to pick a better one to run our country!!
What. Socialists call each other comrade. I support SA. You know what, never mind.

Remind myself in my things to do in 2017: don't talk about politics on neogaf.


I'm embarrassed for you.
No, you really should. That's the biggest mistake we made during the Primary season. We allowed Clinton supporters to shout us out of discussion.

I would argue that they weren't going to see reason anyway. Can't fault you for trying.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
tbh, I don't know how so many can speak with such authority without being New Yorkers. If they want Clinton, sure, whatever, go for it, but the question is contingent more on whether or not Cuomo bows out.

Hilary Clinton' still a hot topic as long as the Trump wound still stings, and I can't help but be a little more than bitter at her (and Democrats as a whole) for dropping the ball this hard, but you're right, this is a New York decision through and through. Though in a time where Dem's need to play their battles smart, I can't help but be curious if her losing to Trump has created too much a stigma/curse against her.
You're confusing shoulder chip for common sense truth. Truth that all of the Democratic Party and most of it's voter fails to see, even after it smacked them in the face.

But I'll keep my common sense "chip" in the interest of HOPEFULLY taking back the government from the GOP in FOUR YEARS instead of EIGHT. Meanwhile, Democrats can just keep spinning their tires in denial for those eight years. Let's see how that goes for you. Clearly it's working. We'll be swearing in those consequences in a couple weeks.

It'll certainly gain him some points, but he's not that great an option either.

"Witch hunt" lmao

How DARE people point out the overwhelming flaws of a candidate in an effort to pick a better one to run our country!!

No, you really should. That's the biggest mistake we made during the Primary season. We allowed Clinton supporters to shout us out of discussion.

I would argue that they weren't going to see reason anyway. Can't fault you for trying.

Primaries are over dude. Let it go.

edit: And Bernie Sanders supporters like myself weren't shouted down here on GAF. Supporters like you who shit up threads and can't get over his loss were.


High favorability ratings during her time in office and the fact she's crushed EVERY statewide election she's ever run in NY?

If you think she's got another comeback in her and that the well oiled Clinton NY state machine will pull her to a gubernatorial victory despite any outside factors, that's fine. But you can't rely on past popularity as the argument for continued adoration after you lose a high profile, high stakes presidential election to Donald Trump, let alone where her favorability numbers were trending leading up to the race.

If you think she's got another comeback in her and that the well oiled Clinton NY state machine will pull her to a gubernatorial victory despite any outside factors, that's fine. But you can't rely on past popularity as the argument for continued adoration after you lose a high profile, high stakes presidential election to Donald Trump, let alone where her favorability numbers were trending leading up to the race.

What do nationwide favorabilty numbers have to do with Clinton's popularity in NY?

We have 16 years of elections to show that, yes, she is in fact well liked in New York.
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