As a resident of new york id like her to stay away. Thanks
Fight fight fight!As a resident of N.Y. I would love to see her back.

As a resident of new york id like her to stay away. Thanks
Fight fight fight!As a resident of N.Y. I would love to see her back.
She wants to serve the people not self interests. Nothing bad about that.Would she want to do so though? After the grind and then disappointment of the election I wouldn't think she'd want to jump back into politics so soon (or ever considering her age). Particularly when she'd be going against an incumbent Democrat.
After this article got linked earlier, Clinton just seems like a straight up upgrade:
If you care about progressive policy, you're not going to do worse than Cuomo (and the options appear to be either let him rock or use Clinton to dislodge him.)
After this article got linked earlier, Clinton just seems like a straight up upgrade:
If you care about progressive policy, you're not going to do worse than Cuomo (and the options appear to be either let him rock or use Clinton to dislodge him.)
They'll settle like they always do. When someone like Cuomo is considered progressive, it doesn't mean much. The question is: do NYers consider Cuomo progressive?
The problem isn't only cuomo, its the state senate which elects shitty dems who caucus with republicans. Hillary isn't going to be able to stop that unless she gets coattails in upstate and long island which seems eh... She'd also have to end the IDC which again, Jeff Kline has no incentive to do. (Dems have only controlled the state senate for like 3 years since the 40s)
This is a nothing story by Chris who just vomits out random stupid comments. This isn't happening and is super ignorant of NYS politics.
They'll settle like they always do. The question is: do NYers consider Cuomo progressive?
She wants to serve the people not self interests. Nothing bad about that.
Wouldn't be totally against it, but she had her time in the spotlight.
Time for her to fade into irrelevance.
Depends. The unions love him, he's been decent on wage, labor and now the university thing. Also gay marriage and immigration.
But he won't rock the boat on criminal justice, truly fixing institutional racism, and housing. He also is an ego maniac who loves stymieing the mayor due to NYS weird power over the city with the MTA, Port Authority, housing (421-a), and CUNY
He's not Jerry Brown and I hate him for being a corrupt slimeball. But the guy can get stuff done when he wants. But that's kinda the problem, its less ideological than just pure glory seeking (most obviously through his desire to rebuild major infrastructure and be the new Robert Moses). Cuomo is out for Cuomo, and in his first term that was much less progressive. Now with Trump and progressive pressure its advantageous for him to move left. Which is good, just not principled.
I mean I feel its hard to argue that Cuomo isn't the second most progressive gov. Who else is even thinking of pushing things like free university or an expansion of benefits in this day and age besides Brown? Dayton?
The problem isn't only cuomo, its the state senate which elects shitty dems who caucus with republicans. Hillary isn't going to be able to stop that unless she gets coattails in upstate and long island which seems eh... She'd also have to end the IDC which again, Jeff Kline has no incentive to do. (Dems have only controlled the state senate for like 3 years since the 40s)
This is a nothing story by Chris who just vomits out random stupid comments. This isn't happening and is super ignorant of NYS politics.
Dude's a straight up glory hound, it'd be a lot easier to get rid of him if he wasn't so damn good at getting shit passed the legislature. He's a fuckface but I'm still impressed by how he got gay marriage done.
Maybe I didn't call out "Missteps with the polls, arrogance, assumption" because...I agree with them. I'm not going to argue against points I agree with.
I don't know what sitting on a throne of superior knowledge means, so it must not be all that superior.
I'm saying that Feingold outperformed her in the traditional Democratic strongholds that made the state blue for so long. Sorry that Feingold wasn't appealing to a bunch of suburbanites who want to crush unions and slash taxes. If Clinton had visited those areas and reminded them that Democrats are still on their side, we'd probably have won the state and the senate seat.:lol people actually blaming Hillary for Feingold doing worse than her. Incredible
He's a less principled LBJ kind of executive.
TBH I think he'd make a great president if like there was no one running against him. I just can't support him because 1) He's corrupt as shit 2) no chance of winning 3) there are better candidates
I used to watch his show, like half of his "analysis" is to spew stories with the idiot ed rendell that had no basis in reality beside an imagined alternate 1980s, 90s where Tip and Reagan were still buds or something.For some reason, my immediate reaction to learning about Cuomo's involvement in bridgegate was to laugh.
It is kind of amazing this thread gained so much traction off of something Chris Matthews said.
Depends. The unions love him, he's been decent on wage, labor and now the university thing. Also gay marriage and immigration.
But he won't rock the boat on criminal justice, truly fixing institutional racism, and housing. He also is an ego maniac who loves stymieing the mayor due to NYS weird power over the city with the MTA, Port Authority, housing (421-a), and CUNY
He's not Jerry Brown and I hate him for being a corrupt slimeball. But the guy can get stuff done when he wants. But that's kinda the problem, its less ideological than just pure glory seeking (most obviously through his desire to rebuild major infrastructure and be the new Robert Moses). Cuomo is out for Cuomo, and in his first term that was much less progressive. Now with Trump and progressive pressure its advantageous for him to move left. Which is good, just not principled.
I think at this point its been established that people don't really want Hillary Clinton anymore. Democrats didn't show up for her in the general election and she lost to Donald freaking Trump. Democrats should keep fighting, but I don't think they're fighting for Hillary
I'm saying that Feingold outperformed her in the traditional Democratic strongholds that made the state blue for so long. Sorry that Feingold wasn't appealing to a bunch of suburbanites who want to crush unions and slash taxes.
And basically every Senate candidate underperformed Clinton, including the winners like Hassan who underperformed her by far fewer votes than Feingold.
That's not bad though. Getting unions to like you is good. New York has some of the toughest unions in the nation, so that's not bad. Apparently according to a quick google search, the NY state union accounts for 1,982,771 workers. But I also recall this. But that was a presidential race soooooo it has completely different stakes. What are your thoughts on the labor union situation post-election in NY?
So I've been lurking you and Legacyzero's debate a bit (like all day lol) and I've got to say, one of the worst part of online debates/interactions is no facial features or tone. I was taken aback because I too thought you were cherry picking and the idea you two could agree on something was super shocking.
I kind of want to talk about Identity Politics a moment. 1, good for you that it means progressive and such. Honestly, really good for you, keep fighting the good fight and such. But I think the big problem with Identiy Politics (that I never see anyone mention) is what it means to other people. Like, that's why you vote Democrat, but I know Dems who are iffy on any LGBQT issue and still vote because they've always voted Dem. Same with Republican voters. Similarly, I feel like we pushed an identity of "Republican=Racist" onto republican voters, especially at the end. This election cycle was essentially a battle of scandals when you get down to it, and I think Trumps biggest strength was simply going "I'm not going to call you a racist, say what you want, come to my rallies, its a good high energy time!" Of course people find that way more likable, and I'm not saying need to coddle racists, just maybe not bring up race with them like that one uncle at dinner? The country is big, we can fight multiple fights. I saw I think we Legacyzero is super right and that we (Dems) didn't really balance a message well, advertisements in New York don't work in Idaho if that makes sense?
Lastly: I appreciate the "Don't give them an inch" strategy but that works when you've got land to stand on, and we just lost a lot of land.
Sure, I'm not saying he was perfect and had a Kander-esque outperformance, I'm just saying that using him as the key to "all the left-wing candidates lost!" is unfair, because all the centrist-leaners lost too and he outperformed her in the counties Trump flipped from 2012.A ton of other Democrats in those areas were able to run way ahead of the top of the ticket (Peterson, Nolan) and win. Feingold couldn't. That's on him.
Sure, I'm not saying he was perfect and had a Kander-esque outperformance, I'm just saying that using him as the key to "all the left-wing candidates lost!" is unfair, because all the centrist-leaners lost too and he outperformed her in the counties Trump flipped from 2012.
So I've been lurking you and Legacyzero's debate a bit (like all day lol) and I've got to say, one of the worst part of online debates/interactions is no facial features or tone. I was taken aback because I too thought you were cherry picking and the idea you two could agree on something was super shocking.
I kind of want to talk about Identity Politics a moment. 1, good for you that it means progressive and such. Honestly, really good for you, keep fighting the good fight and such. But I think the big problem with Identiy Politics (that I never see anyone mention) is what it means to other people. Like, that's why you vote Democrat, but I know Dems who are iffy on any LGBQT issue and still vote because they've always voted Dem. Same with Republican voters. Similarly, I feel like we pushed an identity of "Republican=Racist" onto republican voters, especially at the end. This election cycle was essentially a battle of scandals when you get down to it, and I think Trumps biggest strength was simply going "I'm not going to call you a racist, say what you want, come to my rallies, its a good high energy time!" Of course people find that way more likable, and I'm not saying need to coddle racists, just maybe not bring up race with them like that one uncle at dinner? The country is big, we can fight multiple fights. I saw I think we Legacyzero is super right and that we (Dems) didn't really balance a message well, advertisements in New York don't work in Idaho if that makes sense?
Lastly: I appreciate the "Don't give them an inch" strategy but that works when you've got land to stand on, and we just lost a lot of land.
Right, but...There really is no cohesion to who did better than Clinton on an ideological scale.
McGinty got ~60k less votes than Clinton did in PA, which is a lot more than Feingold's ~2k loss even when accounting for population differences in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and McGinty didn't win any counties that Clinton didn't. CCM got about 20k fewer votes than Clinton in a state much smaller than Wisconsin.This is not true. McGinty and CCM matched Hillary, Gray and Kander ran way ahead. Blumenthal, Schumer, Leahy ran way ahead. Eldridge ran way ahead. Strickland, Ross, and Murphy did worse. It was a grab bag. Not "basically every".
Let the people decide. I would wager she'd win.
Democratic party message was poor. It was all identity politics and in hindsight, far too reactionary to Trump's latest gaffe of the week/day/hour/minute rather than building up a solid coalition that attracts many issues as an alternative.
That's not to dismiss identity politics as not important, but from the Democrats' tone this election, they thought everything was fine economically. And to be fair, Obama's administration did help raise employment after 2008. But the thing is, most of those new jobs are minimum wage and service jobs, and yes, people have jobs but that doesn't mean they're making ends meet or that they're working good jobs. And when you learn people are juggling two to three jobs a day to makes ends meet, that's clearly not good enough. And the Democrats decided that, yes, despite the employment rate boost, that it was.
So they focus on identity politics.
I think it's possible for the party to balance both labor and identity concerns, but I don't actually trust them to accomplish it.
We just have to take it in for what it is: Democrats were complacent and arrogant. The fact they they hedged their bets on this after loss after loss after loss locally and at the state level for a period of 8 years, is the icing on the cake.
The party needs a new strategy from the top down.
Or, you could make Hillary Clinton the governor of New York. I dunno.
Democratic party message was poor. It was all identity politics and in hindsight, far too reactionary to Trump's latest gaffe of the week/day/hour/minute rather than building up a solid coalition that attracts many issues as an alternative.
That's not to dismiss identity politics as not important, but from the Democrats' tone this election, they thought everything was fine economically. And to be fair, Obama's administration did help raise employment after 2008. But the thing is, most of those new jobs are minimum wage and service jobs, and yes, people have jobs but that doesn't mean they're making ends meet or that they're working good jobs. And when you learn people are juggling two to three jobs a day to makes ends meet, that's clearly not good enough. And the Democrats decided that, yes, despite the employment rate boost, that it was.
So they focus on identity politics.
I think it's possible for the party to balance both labor and identity concerns, but I don't actually trust them to accomplish it.
We just have to take it in for what it is: Democrats were complacent and arrogant. The fact they they hedged their bets on this after loss after loss after loss locally and at the state level for a period of 8 years, is the icing on the cake.
The party needs a new strategy from the top down.
Or, you could make Hillary Clinton the governor of New York. I dunno.
Your opinion is absolutely not based on facts. I just wrote about this in the OT and I'll repost the relevant bits here, as it's topical.
Sanders was not on the ballot in 2016, but his platform, his stable of endorsed candidates and the initiatives they backed were. And they under-performed Clinton in the exact same areas Bernie has criticized Democrats for neglecting the white working class. He's been silent on the losses of Strickland, Feingold et al as has his supporters. These candidates followed his playbook and were defeated by margins much greater (in some instances) than Clinton. Instead, Bernie blames the Democrat's political correctness on Trump's victory. He whines that Hillary failed to reach the WWC, and that the party didn't focus enough on the economy.
...except that in PA, MI, WI, and OH exit polls show it was Hillary Clinton who actually won voters concerned about the economy! Donald Trump wasn't carried to victory by the "economic anxiety" of the white working class at all, but by their xenophobia. That he named himself "Mr. Brexit" is amazingly appropriate in this context, is it not?
In nearly every swing state, voters preferred Hillary Clinton on the economy
The Dangerous Myth That Hillary Clinton Ignored the Working Class
Victory in 2020 is going to require the Left do some soul searching and earnestly attempt to analyze what went wrong and what did not go wrong. To that end Sanders is not helping. People who have convinced themselves that appealing to the "economic anxiety" of the WWC are not helping. Propagating a false narrative that the WWC actually even care about the economy as their primary issue is not helping. Constantly arguing that Sanders would have fared better in 2016 when his entire platform fared worse than Clinton's is not helping. Ignoring that his candidates who did appeal to the WWC's presumed "economic anxiety" and were soundly defeated is not helping. The truth is that we can not begin preparing ourselves for the next election if we're still squabbling over a man who never figured out why he lost his primary and clearly does not understand why the party lost the general.
So to repeat myself: It wasn't about the economy. Hillary Clinton campaigned on the economy. She talked about jobs more than her opponent. She is the one who garnered the votes of Americans who highlighted the economy as their primary issue. And she still lost. Because for the white working class the economy was demonstrably not their primary concern. And believing it was and exclusively appealing to them on this issue is one of the reasons BernieCrats performed even worse than HRC in the Rust Belt.
If we can't be honest about why we lost how can we hope to win 2020? This is the question I'm asking everyone still carrying the torch for Bernie Sanders.
This idea that she only focused on Identity Politics is not necessarily factual
I'm going to quote this post by Aaronology because I feel it needs to be engraved on everyone's minds when they talk about this election (ignore the Sanders references and focus on the points and data):
While this is true, her coalition was on average much richer than Obama's and she won more wealthy suburbanites while losing the WWC by much larger margins.To add to this, I believe Hillary also won voters making under $48,000.
On average, about 13 percent of people in the 27 states said foreign policy was most important and they preferred Clinton by an average of 30 points. On average, voters who said the economy was most important preferred Clinton by 7.3. But on terrorism, rated most important by a fifth of voters, on average, Trump led by an average of 21.8 points. On immigration (most important to an average of 12.2 percent of respondents)? A huge 42.1 percentage point lead for Trump.
A Republican that attacks her from the left?
Who the hell would that be?
She's not a conservative.
Prepping for another presidential run, no doubt. She couldn't even beat Trump. She's basically the team rocket of the political world after that one. Just stop.
No, the people of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx and a few other cities upstate wanted her. Check the state map, shit is completely red save for those few cities which house enough people.The people of New York absolutely wanted Hillary Clinton.
No, the people of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx and a few other cities upstate wanted her. Check the state map, shit is completely red save for those few cities which house enough people.
And as every Republican knows, city folk's votes should only count 3/5 as much as "normal" folk.
This seems like a brilliant plan to get a Republican elected as the Governor of New York.
No, the people of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx and a few other cities upstate wanted her. Check the state map, shit is completely red save for those few cities which house enough people.
Hillary Clinton is an embarrassingly shitty candidate but Cuomo is a legit bad guy.
So yeah I'd vote for Hillary. Really says something about the state of the Democratic party though that she even has a future at all after she blew a race that anyone but her would have won. If somebody with a 60% disapproval rating is the best you got it's game over. The fact that she was dueling Trump as one of the most hated general election candidates is pretty incredible.
No, the people of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx and a few other cities upstate wanted her. Check the state map, shit is completely red save for those few cities which house enough people.