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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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Quick question for everyone of faith in here. How do you feel about secular media? What I mean is, movies and games and books that don't really offer any kind of spiritual growth? You think Jesus / God care if you play something like say No More Heroes? What about movies? I'm currently watching Natural Born Killers while typing, but I never saw any issue with stuff like this. I feel to much of it can be bad (whether you are a deist or atheist), but enjoying this kind of entertainment on occasion is just fine.


Cyan said:
Would be interesting to have a general love-in thread where people can talk about whatever they like without getting hateful responses. Maybe we could try something like that.

That would be very creepy, but I would support it.


so like
someone conned me into going to a youth group when i was younger
at least tell me its just another way of saying "going to church"


Sure, but I am critical of Christianity. There's a heck of a lot of flaws in it, as I'm sure Christian GAF can achknowledge, whether you're a Harry Potter-burning fundie or someone who just believes in virgin birth and whatnot. Or even if you assume Jesus ever existed.
Jeff-DSA said:
Then make a "Criticisms of Christianity" thread and have at it. Simple enough. You don't have to spit in every face you come across every day, do you? Are you honestly that socially inept to understand why that behavior would be frowned upon?
You're assuming that having a discussion assumes 'spitting in someone's face'. Would you rather everyone you met was a yes-man?
racooon said:
Because I'd like to discuss and criticise Christianity, as I would anything I find problems with. That ain't trolling., but clearly OP and co would rather I didn't.

Well what kind of problems do you have with Christianity? Lets just start there.


Uchip said:
so like
someone conned me into going to a youth group when i was younger
at least tell me its just another way of saying "going to church"

Trolling is grounds for a ban. It's best you stay out of this thread.


Uchip said:
so like
someone conned me into going to a youth group when i was younger
at least tell me its just another way of saying "going to church"

No, not at all. You hanged out with other people that may have been of a religion, but that's about it.


Agent Ironside said:
Well what kind of problems do you have with Christianity? Lets just start there.
Firstly, the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth. What proof is there that he ever existed?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
kinggroin said:
Quick question for everyone of faith in here. How do you feel about secular media? What I mean is, movies and games and books that don't really offer any kind of spiritual growth? You think Jesus / God care if you play something like say No More Heroes? What about movies? I'm currently watching Natural Born Killers while typing, but I never saw any issue with stuff like this. I feel to much of it can be bad (whether you are a deist or atheist), but enjoying this kind of entertainment on occasion is just fine.

I drink, enjoy sex, play video games, watch what the fuck I want to watch, cuss and fight. I think Christians who ignore the world are scared of it and not following the directives of Jesus to live in the world. Sure, he followed by saying something along the lines of "be not of the world" but I always took that as not to get lost in those things. Drink, but don't be a drunk. Fuck, but don't be a whore. Etc. Besides, faith based, not works based, nahmean?


racooon said:
Sure, but I am critical of Christianity. There's a heck of a lot of flaws in it, as I'm sure Christian GAF can achknowledge, whether you're a Harry Potter-burning fundie or someone who just believes in virgin birth and whatnot. Or even if you assume Jesus ever existed.

You're assuming that having a discussion assumes 'spitting in someone's face'. Would you rather everyone you met was a yes-man?

I have no problems with criticisms, but it's not the place here for you to come in and act like a clown. Anybody who goes into the other dedicated topic threads and just acts antagonistic gets banned. It's for good reason too.

Start your own thread, I'd have no issues with that.

But yes, feel free to ask questions, but don't just crap on the thread.
Matthew Gallant said:
Vatican II. Before that, all non-Catholics automatically went to hell.

Catholicism is always...an interesting subject.

Speaking of Hell, I've always wondered if people think large cross-sections of their ancestors were going to Hell for having been condoner's and/or supporters of racism and slavery? If large portions of Americans living between 1776 and 1964 (ironically) will be eternally locked out of The Kingdom? And if people think they ARE going to heaven, then how does one square with those moral hazards?


WanderingWind said:
I drink, enjoy sex, play video games, watch what the fuck I want to watch, cuss and fight. I think Christians who ignore the world are scared of it and not following the directives of Jesus to live in the world. Sure, he followed by saying something along the lines of "be not of the world" but I always took that as not to get lost in those things. Drink, but don't be a drunk. Fuck, but don't be a whore. Etc. Besides, faith based, not works based, nahmean?
You might find this article quite interesting. Did Jesus swear?
kinggroin said:
Quick question for everyone of faith in here. How do you feel about secular media? What I mean is, movies and games and books that don't really offer any kind of spiritual growth? You think Jesus / God care if you play something like say No More Heroes? What about movies? I'm currently watching Natural Born Killers while typing, but I never saw any issue with stuff like this. I feel to much of it can be bad (whether you are a deist or atheist), but enjoying this kind of entertainment on occasion is just fine.

I figure if you don't let it take over your like then it's fine. Every Christian listens to certain music, watch certain movies, play certain games that aren't necessarily "Christian" but are only harmful if you let these things consume you. At least that's how I like to look at it.


I was a Christian for 18 years. I was born into it and had no choice but to go to church and "worship god". I feel like I was brainwashed into it. Now that I'm 19, I'm done with it. But this thread will be interesting to read.
Dipindots said:
What are your peoples views on homosexuality and why?

Serious question.

Everyone is created equally and deserves equal rights regardless of gender, sexual preference, race, color, ect ect ect.
WanderingWind said:
I drink, enjoy sex, play video games, watch what the fuck I want to watch, cuss and fight. I think Christians who ignore the world are scared of it and not following the directives of Jesus to live in the world. Sure, he followed by saying something along the lines of "be not of the world" but I always took that as not to get lost in those things. Drink, but don't be a drunk. Fuck, but don't be a whore. Etc. Besides, faith based, not works based, nahmean?
Guess what God designed sex strictly to be. You know that answer. If you don't then lol
Agent Ironside said:
Well what kind of problems do you have with Christianity? Lets just start there.

The Christian Society at my university set up a stand that was giving out sausages for people who came up and wrote down what their problem with Christianity was. It was anonymous and they didn't get to see what you wrote until later, so I wrote down that my problem with Christianity was that they wanted me to write down what my problem with Christianity was before they would give me a sausage.

True story.
Ezalc said:
The thing with GAF is that you guys are usually a pretty accepting bunch, until it pertains to religion. If I went to the gay thread right now, and started bashing homosexuality I'm positive that I'd be banned within a few minutes. This however has never been the case with religion as far as I have seen.

People are not banned for bashing religion due to the same reason they're not banned for bashing a political ideology.


Dipindots said:
What are your peoples views on homosexuality?

Serious question.

Took me a long time to get where I'm at unfortunately, but I have zero problems with it. I understand its not a choice (though I do believe sometimes kids and adults can be confused either way), and that gays and lesbos wanting to get with other gays and lesbos is, well, logical. Why try and rebuke that? Its not like they are trying to indoctrinate straight women and men against their will. If they can't be with folks like themselces, then who can they be with.

That said, I'm still a bit homophobic. It was only just this year that I've allowed myself to interact with a few gay men more than I normally would ( before I had trouble just being in the same room as them), so its a start. I just pray that I continue to grow until I can treat my homosexual brothers like anyone else ( and be a better example of a follower of christ in their eyes).

Never had problems with lesbians though. ; )


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
jay said:
Does anyone else own hundreds of Chick tracts and think they are amazing?

I've read a lot of them. They're fucking hilarious. Especially the DnD one.

racooon said:

What do you mean "think about it?" If it happened, and wasn't a parable, or inserted by some weirdo king along the way, then it happened. If it didn't, it didn't. Depending on the scholar you talk to, the "grievous sin" could have been anything, and often changes due to the political leanings of the individual.


I don't think secular media is bad. Unless it has a clear anti-christ message or if you become too wrapped up in it, otherwise it is fine.

That homosexuality question is tough but I'll bite the bullet. If you are gay/bi/lesbian/transgendered, then great. That is your life, you live it according to what you think is right, and I'll do the same with mine.


AceBandage said:
You mean a society of basically nothing but whores and pedophiles?
How do you think GAF would react to a city that was like that?
I bet a lot would post things like "Nuke it from orbit".
Was it an overreaction? Perhaps. However, there only needed to be 10 people that were righteous, and not even that was possible.
What about the woman being turned into a pillar of salt for looking at it as she left the city?

I think it was pretty evil to declare exterminatus on an entire city of men, women and children, regardless of their 'sin'.
Lol. Page 2 and it is already in full swing.

Its too late for an 'it's a trap' Admiral Akbar pic too :(

I warned you! Ignore them :D there is already a thread for this stuff. They don't have to follow the norms of the thread, but you don't have to reply either.


racooon said:
What about the woman being turned into a pillar of salt for looking at it as she left the city?

I think it was pretty evil to declare exterminatus on an entire city of men, women and children, regardless of their 'sin'.

That's the beauty though, ain't it?
racooon said:
What about the woman being turned into a pillar of salt for looking at it as she left the city?

I think it was pretty evil to declare exterminatus on an entire city of men, women and children, regardless of their 'sin'.

Well, if we want to get into it, looking at that kind of power often results in death in the Bible. Even Mosses looking at the burning bush aged him horribly.

And like I said, it could be considered an overreaction, but it's impossible to tell. Again, if many people on GAF found a place that was as corrupt as that, and had the power, I doubt the results would be much different.
Dipindots said:
What are your peoples views on homosexuality and why?

Serious question.
I believe it to be a sin. However, I think that is ultimately between the person and God. O would rather lead am atheist homosexual to Christ than try to tell them that bring gay is wrong. I am a big proponent of gay rights too.


AceBandage said:
Well, if we want to get into it, looking at that kind of power often results in death in the Bible. Even Mosses looking at the burning bush aged him horribly.

And like I said, it could be considered an overreaction, but it's impossible to tell. Again, if many people on GAF found a place that was as corrupt as that, and had the power, I doubt the results would be much different.
I don't think it's impossible to tell at all. Wholescale annihilation is never righteous. And I don't think GAF would do something so spiteful and frankly barbaric. I don't think 'well GAF would do it' is a very good argument either, even if it were true.
They probably wouldn't do the whole 'pillar of salt' thing either.


AceBandage said:
Well, if we want to get into it, looking at that kind of power often results in death in the Bible. Even Mosses looking at the burning bush aged him horribly.

And like I said, it could be considered an overreaction, but it's impossible to tell. Again, if many people on GAF found a place that was as corrupt as that, and had the power, I doubt the results would be much different.

As corrupt as what? I doubt most people think prostitution should even be a crime. So unless everyone was raping children this idea that GAF would murder a city or two is far fetched.


So does anyone believe that one can be in a homosexual relatioship and be a Christian? And it not be a sin/issue?

Edit: I only ask as this is my situation, except I'm not in a relationship yet.
racooon said:
I don't think it's impossible to tell at all. Wholescale annihilation is never righteous. And I don't think GAF would do something so spiteful and frankly barbaric. I don't think 'well GAF would do it' is a very good argument either, even if it were true.
They probably wouldn't do the whole 'pillar of salt' thing either.

You have way to much faith in people.

However, Old Testament God is certainly more wrathful than New Testament God.
Perhaps more barbaric times called for harsher actions to set an example than more civilized peoples.
AceBandage said:
You mean a society of basically nothing but whores and pedophiles?
How do you think GAF would react to a city that was like that?
I bet a lot would post things like "Nuke it from orbit".
Was it an overreaction? Perhaps. However, there only needed to be 10 people that were righteous, and not even that was possible.

Are you implying there were no innocent children in the entire city, and that it's just punishment to wipe a city full of people out indiscriminately because a large number of them are sex workers or homosexuals?


OttomanScribe said:
Lol. Page 2 and it is already in full swing.

Its too late for an 'it's a trap' Admiral Akbar pic too :(

I warned you! Ignore them :D there is already a thread for this stuff. They don't have to follow the norms of the thread, but you don't have to reply either.

I don't see how it's in full swing. They're asking questions in a respectful manner and I'm answering likewise. Whether they agree or not is up to them, if they start flaming or bashing or trolling is when I ignore the post.


zankara said:
So does anyone believe that one can be in a homosexual relatioship and be a Christian? And it not be a sin/issue?
That hinges on whether gays can be married or not. To my knowledge, pre marital sex is sinful in all denominations.
Except for the one in Waco or some other fringe groups I suppose.


AceBandage said:
You have way to much faith in people.
Nobody likes consigning tens of thousands of people to flames. Much less innocent children, and their parents. Especially when God gave them free will.

However, Old Testament God is certainly more wrathful than New Testament God.
Perhaps more barbaric times called for harsher actions to set an example than more civilized peoples.
He's an omnipotent God, what reason is there for him to have to just wiped them all out? Couldn't he have just introduced socio-economic schemes to improve things? If you catch my meaning. Strikes me as either lazy or just plain bloodthirsty.


AceBandage said:
You have way to much faith in people.

However, Old Testament God is certainly more wrathful than New Testament God.
Perhaps more barbaric times called for harsher actions to set an example than more civilized peoples.

So then the justice of the situation wasn't based on any deep truth but on how the people watching would perceive the punishment?
Rham said:
I was a Christian for 18 years. I was born into it and had no choice but to go to church and "worship god". I feel like I was brainwashed into it. Now that I'm 19, I'm done with it. But this thread will be interesting to read.

Mhmmm. Similar, though I've been without for longer. One thing is if you amassed a large amount of friends within the community over the years you may have a bit of a different feeling towards them since you no longer share the faith.

Fernando Rocker said:
The Bible. Faith.

These are poor answers to the question.
racooon said:
That hinges on whether gays can be married or not. To my knowledge, pre marital sex is sinful in all denominations.
Except for the one in Waco or some other fringe groups I suppose.
Uhh, you can be in a homosexual relationship without having sex.
racooon said:
Nobody likes consigning tens of thousands of people to flames. Much less innocent children, and their parents. Especially when God gave them free will.

He's an omnipotent God, what reason is there for him to have to just wiped them all out? Couldn't he have just introduced socio-economic schemes to improve things? If you catch my meaning. Strikes me as either lazy or just plain bloodthirsty.

jay said:
So then the justice of the situation wasn't based on any deep truth but on how the people watching would perceive the punishment?

Dunno, I'm just throwing out ideas. I have no greater understanding into the insights of God than you do.
Like I said, it could certainly be considered an overreaction, but I don't know. Might have been completely warranted.


Fernando Rocker said:
The Bible. Faith.

If something is believed on faith alone what guides a person to one specific faith? All else held equal, wouldn't just generic faith open up the door for any immeasurable number of belief systems?
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