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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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Does anyone know how long GA is banned for?

There is a short list of people on this forum that make it positive and who bring something of substance to it... and he's definitely at the top of that short list.


So when I'm not on BatGAF or Gaming Side, I'm a Christian apologist myself. Not a very good one, as my studies permit since I'm still in High School and have a ton and a half to worry about, but that's no excuse. I'm just wondering who the apologists on this board are. Would love to get some advice.


So when I'm not on BatGAF or Gaming Side, I'm a Christian apologist myself. Not a very good one, as my studies permit since I'm still in High School and have a ton and a half to worry about, but that's no excuse. I'm just wondering who the apologists on this board are. Would love to get some advice.

It's awesome to see people getting into apologetics while in high school. I could have spared myself a lot of pain had I known about it at that age! Like so many people, I was terrified that if I started asking the difficult questions, my faith would be shattered like a fragile vase. Ironically, as I started asking and researching the questions, I found the opposite was true. The deeper I dug, the wider and stronger the Christian foundation became. I learned that when something is objectively true, you can't ask a question that will make it untrue, and that there will always be a trail of evidence that leads you to that truth.

Because the western culture typically doesn't ask questions or attempt to substantiate the Christian faith in many churches, we are developing a Christian culture that is adopting contradictory ideals as people profess to have a saving faith, yet lead lives that are indistinguishable from those who are not saved. The culture around us sees it for what it is, hypocrisy. Most of my 20's was spent living like this. Apologetics is so vital, not because it will bring a person to faith, but because it will allow someone to consider it in the first place, in addition to strengthening the foundation of our own faith.

Keep plugging away at it! But never forget, our minds must be balanced with our hearts. Too much head knowledge and a lack of hear to accompany it turns us into Pharisees. Too much heart and not enough head knowledge leads to a shallow faith that can quickly turn to heretical practices. And always remember, apologetics is meant to supplement the gospel, not replace it. God bless you, brother!


It's awesome to see people getting into apologetics while in high school. I could have spared myself a lot of pain had I known about it at that age! Like so many people, I was terrified that if I started asking the difficult questions, my faith would be shattered like a fragile vase. Ironically, as I started asking and researching the questions, I found the opposite was true. The deeper I dug, the wider and stronger the Christian foundation became. I learned that when something is objectively true, you can't ask a question that will make it untrue, and that there will always be a trail of evidence that leads you to that truth.

Because the western culture typically doesn't ask questions or attempt to substantiate the Christian faith in many churches, we are developing a Christian culture that is adopting contradictory ideals as people profess to have a saving faith, yet lead lives that are indistinguishable from those who are not saved. The culture around us sees it for what it is, hypocrisy. Most of my 20's was spent living like this. Apologetics is so vital, not because it will bring a person to faith, but because it will allow someone to consider it in the first place, in addition to strengthening the foundation of our own faith.

Keep plugging away at it! But never forget, our minds must be balanced with our hearts. Too much head knowledge and a lack of hear to accompany it turns us into Pharisees. Too much heart and not enough head knowledge leads to a shallow faith that can quickly turn to heretical practices. And always remember, apologetics is meant to supplement the gospel, not replace it. God bless you, brother!

Sweet, yeah I went through a deep time of agnosticism and atheism during my freshman year, and decided to see if Christianity held any weight. Mostly, this website godandscience.org is what helped convinced me, along with the apologetic works of William Lane Craig among others.


Hi there everyone :)

Don't think I'll be posting in here much (I just talk games here :p) but I just want you all to know that I support all of you. It definitely feels a bit tough being a Christian here, so I tend to stay out of most controversial topics. :p

I'll definitely show up every now and again to say hello to my fellow GAF Christians. :D


what does 'apologetics' mean to you guys? i've heard the phrase, but i have never really looked into it to much. i checked the wiki entry and i guess i understand what it is, but its more than just knowing how to win arguments about Christianity, right? the only book i have read at this point that i think would qualify for this subject is 'the screwtape letters', which really opened my eyes to ways that 'the world' would try to keep me separated from god and keep me from following the teachings of jesus. it wound up helping me quite a bit. it does get difficult to read at times.


Sweet, yeah I went through a deep time of agnosticism and atheism during my freshman year, and decided to see if Christianity held any weight. Mostly, this website godandscience.org is what helped convinced me, along with the apologetic works of William Lane Craig among others.

William Lane Craig is pretty amazing. I'm currently reading his book Reasonable Faith. I also like Jim Warner Wallace (pleaseconvinceme.com), and Greg Kokul at Stand To Reason, and of course Ravi Zacharias.

what does 'apologetics' mean to you guys? i've heard the phrase, but i have never really looked into it to much. i checked the wiki entry and i guess i understand what it is, but its more than just knowing how to win arguments about Christianity, right? the only book i have read at this point that i think would qualify for this subject is 'the screwtape letters', which really opened my eyes to ways that 'the world' would try to keep me separated from god and keep me from following the teachings of jesus. it wound up helping me quite a bit. it does get difficult to read at times.

Apologetics is a defensive of the faith, and seeks to demonstrate the truth of the Christian faith. It shouldn't be used as a means to "win" arguments, but a a means to bring people to Christ. Often times we are just planting a seed in someone, or working the soil in their heart. It's about winning souls, not debates (something that can be easily forgotten as we increasingly become more equipped to defend the faith). The Holy Spirit testifies to the truth of Christ; apologetics demonstrates why it's true. For example, if we were talking about the existence of God, we could discuss the cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments. If we were discussing the validity of the Bible, we could explore the historicity of the Bible, etc. It's always extremely tempting to use the knowledge we have gained as a weapon and club people over the head with it, but that is contrary to how we are to live as followers of Christ.

but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, -- 1 Peter 3:15

Above all else, we are to be ambassadors of Christ, and our lives and disposition should reflect him in all that we do. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. When engaging with a non-believer, we need to consistently call on the Lord to ensure that we are acting in love, and not according to our flesh (and it is extremely easy to let the flesh sneak in and take over!).



we have been following this series in our college-age ministry at my church the last 3 weeks, its been a pretty good experience for everyone. its crazy that the whole thing is basically free online, although the videos are basically an entire service and we wind up cutting out around 15-20 minutes to keep things moving so we can do small group discussion and the whole thing will last just over an hour.

this weeks session was 'providential relationships' and it was interesting how it varied for different people. for people who were saved later in life (27 for me) relationships were a huge huge deal. if it wasnt for the people that i came into the church with and developed friendships with that replaced a lot of my old ways, i dont know how i could have every completely changed. for people that grew up in church that have been committed christians their entire life, it was more about a few people or instances that might have made them recommit their faith or brought them into a group of friends in a church that they could relate to. there are so many times that i ran into christians that i couldnt relate to (judgmental, hyper conservative, aggressive to other views) and that kept me AWAY from the faith, so when i finally met someone who would just listen and discuss with me in a civilized way and was more guiding than pushing... well, that was exactly what i needed.

just wanted to share the series since its been good for our church and it might be useful for others.
I came across an article on Al-Jazeera that criticised US Christian groups "exporting" anti-gay principles into African politics. Those groups claim they are defending the Christian faith in Christian countries.

One of the comments on the site caught my attention however.

The Bible (both Jewish and Christian) as well as Quran declare homosexuality a sin, like it or not. There is no difference in this respect between the 3 great monotheistic religions. Evangelicals therefore have little choice: they must be either politically correct hypocrites or they should teach and preach what they believe in. Evangelicals were always anti-gay except for some "liberated" ministers here and there like Americans Ted Haggard and Richard Cizik, British Jeffrey John (Church of England), Canadian Gary Paterson, (Church of Canada), et cetera. However, the overwhelming majority of evangelicals remain openly anti-gay, as they should be if they call themselves "evangelicals". By the way Jesus repeated word by word the 10 commandments from the Jewish Bible (Torah and Tanakh) including ban on homosexuality.

Some agreed whereas others did not.

These people are not conservative Christians; they are extremists.

Assuming some do not share the belief, lets assume for arguments sake that homosexuality is a sin. How do you as a Christian treat it therefore? Do you have a moral obligation to oppose it politically or is that extremism? And why is there such a sharp divide?


Disclaimer: I am dumb and do not know much of anything. But this is how I feel about homosexuality and Christianity.

John 8:7 said:
If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.
Matthew 7:1-2 said:
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I personally believe it is not our place to judge others sexual orientation or condemn anyone for such things.
I would follow Jesus' example and show everyone love. I feel others' sexual orientation doesn't even matter to Christians. Just let the love of Jesus shine through you. That's it. Stop trying to police the world. That will be God's job when the time comes.

All this anti-gay stuff is doing is ruining the Christian name. You can see it everywhere now. The hatred for Christianity is growing because a lot of people see us as hateful hypocrites. Is this what Jesus would've liked the church to look like?

We don't need to condone sin, but we absolutely can not be hateful and unaccepting of people who do sin. We are sinners too.

There is no "degrees of sin". You kill someone or you stole a dollar. It doesn't matter. It was a sin and you're no longer worthy - except through Christ. So stop acting like "being gay" is a huge sin and so you have the right to put people down. That is hypocrisy. And I hate it when people do such things in the name of God.

Jesus showed love and spent much of his time associating with sinners. It is damaging to Christianity to sit in our "perfect and sinless churches" hurling hateful speech at everyone outside.

To be honest, it really feels like a lot of Christians are no different from the Pharisees in Jesus' time.

To non-Christians, our faith is no longer defined by Love - in fact, it is defined by Hate. Is this what Jesus wants?


you'd have a hard time convincing most christians that homosexuality is NOT a sin. it is pretty explicitly laid out in the bible. in the passage you refer to, when everyone leaves and only the woman and jesus remains, he says '... go, and from now on sin no more.'

i cant explain why some christians are consumed by a fear/hate of homosexuality. it is no more of a sin than adultery, stealing, lying, greed, and yet it seems to come to the forefront of the discussion more than anything else. i suppose the reason is simply that many in the world do not view homosexuality is wrong, but many (oftentimes religious) do.

i agree in showing love for everyone, and that is something i strive to do every day. however, dont expect christians to change their beliefs on something like 'is homosexuality wrong'. all the arguments about gay marriage seem moot to me- i can say that my church would never marry two people of the same sex, but that is MY church, and we dont speak for the entirety of the state i live in. if a state wishes to allow it, then fine.

as far as the question below- do you have a moral obligation to oppose it politically- i dont think that the purpose of the church was to push any sort of political agenda. what all these anti-gay protestors are doing doesnt bring people do towards god IMO, and that should be the real goal of all christians- to help people be saved.
Odd question: if you were discussing the main difference between a traditional Bible-based Christian faith and the Catholic faith, what points would you bring up?

Essentially... making yourself idols? Praying to anyone but Jesus...? Etc.
Not religious/Christian, but:

You are awesome for having a Larry Boy avatar.

Odd question: if you were discussing the main difference between a traditional Bible-based Christian faith and the Catholic faith, what points would you bring up?

Essentially... making yourself idols? Praying to anyone but Jesus...? Etc.

And I'd say that the Catholic faith goes beyond what is seen in the Bible. There is more importance on non-Holy Trinity figures (Virgin Mary, for example), and there is the belief in confession removing your sins, instead of the only path to redemption being through Jesus -> God.

Something like that.


Even though GA is banned at the moment (and I hope not for long) I want to thank him for his posts, it really does my heart good to see this thread, also thanks to everyone else that has contributed to it. God Bless!

You are more than welcome.

Was he banned because of copyright issues?

No. I got banned because I spoke out against polygamy from a Biblical perspective in a nonreligious thread.

There is a short list of people on this forum that make it positive and who bring something of substance to it... and he's definitely at the top of that short list.

Thanks bro.

Odd question: if you were discussing the main difference between a traditional Bible-based Christian faith and the Catholic faith, what points would you bring up?

Essentially... making yourself idols? Praying to anyone but Jesus...? Etc.

There are a few differences:

Catholics: The pope is the head of the church.
Christians: Jesus is the head of the church.

Catholics: Theology comes from traditions and the Bible.
Christians: Theology only comes from the Bible.

Catholics: Salvation comes through Faith, Works, Baptism, and Grace.
Christians: Salvation comes through Faith only. Works are the result of true belief in Christ.

Catholics: The Catholic church is the only true church.
Christians: Anyone who is born again is by God's grace through faith is in God's church.

These are some of the differences between Catholic and Christian beliefs.

On a side note:

I uploaded some new sermons to my soundcloud page. All of them can be downloaded or stream for free:

1 John 1 - The Conditions of Fellowship (7.26.2012)

This sermon is for those that want to know if they are truly walking with God and... "We can't come to fellowship with God through philosophical speculation. We can't come to fellowship with God through intellectual education. We can't come to fellowship with God through drugs or entertainment. We can't come to fellowship with God through scientific investigation. We can only come to fellowship with God by dealing with your sin problem through the blood of Jesus. Sin is the hindrance to fellowship and the blood of Jesus, received by faith as the payment for our sin, solves the problem of sin and opens the way to fellowship with God."

Dan Finfrock - The Battle Over Truth (2 Timothy 3, 7.22.2012)

This sermon goes into how postmodernism has crept into the church (as seen in the latest fad known as the Emergent Church). Postmodernism basically says that the church should be following the culture. The Bible on the other hand teaches that God's people should be living in such a way that the culture gets drawn to God through His people. A lot of other subjects are discussed as well.

Genesis 23 - How to cope when we experience the death of a loved one

"After the death of his wife and daughter in separate car accidents, hear the fascinating story of how Jon Courson found peace that only God can provide in our most difficult times."

Amir Tsarfati - Current events in the Middle East in regards to Bible Prophecy (7.19.2012)

Why life is empty and people want to escape - Searching for the meaning of life without God

This sermon goes through the first 6 chapters of the book of Ecclesiastes. Humanism is one of the themes of the book (life lived on the animal plane). Solomon does everything a person can do if God didn't exist and describes what each of these efforts produced. Many of the things he wrote about are statements that other philosophers many years later would conclude.


I personally believe it is not our place to judge others sexual orientation or condemn anyone for such things.I would follow Jesus' example and show everyone love. I feel others' sexual orientation doesn't even matter to Christians. Just let the love of Jesus shine through you. That's it.

A blog that I read recently really summed it up what I think you are hinting at:

Pick up just about any good book about the history of Christianity, and go to the section on persecution in the first few centuries of the Christian movement. Scan the paragraphs until you come to the part where they describe the reasons why Christians were persecuted, or at least why people in the Roman Empire thought Christians were worthy of persecution.

I took a quick look through Kenneth Latourette’s and Philip Schaff’s works and here’s what I found:

- They accused Christians of hostility to the emperors and conspiracy against the state.

- They accused Christians of incest.

- They accused Christians of cannibalism.

- They accused Christians of being atheists.

- They accused Christians of being “haters of humanity.”

- They accused Christians of being the reason why problems plagued the empire.

That list is interesting for many reasons, especially for the twisted reasons behind these beliefs and accusations. For example, they called Christians “haters of humanity” simply because they didn’t agree with pagan beliefs and they didn’t participate in pagan immoralities.

People do not like being told that what their doing is immoral. We live in a postmodern society. Where truth doesn't exist anymore and morals are relative. Christianity is thorn in the side of society because of what God says in His Holy Book. Here is a quick summary of postmodernism:

The postmodern mind

The majority of unbelievers today do not have even a basic understanding of biblical principles. Their worldview is often naturalistic; that is, they perceive and interpret the world in light of natural principles (often evolutionary), combined with relativism in the areas of morals and truth. The postmodern person says that truth is understood in the context of one's culture and personal experience and these observations in turn dominate how the world is to be interpreted.

The postmodern person might ask if there is any such thing as truth and whether or not truth can be known either experientially or rationally. The modernist would say, "Of course there is absolute truth! Asking if truth can be known is an absolute question!"

Hopefully this helps you in understanding why people are against Jesus and His servants.

All this anti-gay stuff is doing is ruining the Christian name. You can see it everywhere now. The hatred for Christianity is growing because a lot of people see us as hateful hypocrites. Is this what Jesus would've liked the church to look like?

Didn't Jesus say, “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you"?

This is not to say that there are many people who are not Christian, hiding behind Christianity to hate on other people. Jesus said these false converts would be in his church in the Gospel of Matthew. So, keep speaking the truth in love, praying for those you share with and pointing them to the one that can save them.

We don't need to condone sin, but we absolutely can not be hateful and unaccepting of people who do sin. We are sinners too.

In the church, Jesus said to call people out of when the sin and do the following if they do not repent:

“If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. Matthew 18

For unbelievers this does not apply. As Paul said:

"When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people." 1 Cor 5

People in the world need to be told that God loves them even though they have sinned against him, and that he offers them a pardon for their sins through the death and resurrection of His Son. It is up to them if they want to repent or not.

There is no "degrees of sin". You kill someone or you stole a dollar. It doesn't matter. It was a sin and you're no longer worthy - except through Christ. So stop acting like "being gay" is a huge sin and so you have the right to put people down. That is hypocrisy. And I hate it when people do such things in the name of God.

Is sin sin? Yes. No one is disagreeing what that statement. Is sexual sin different then other types of sin? Yes.

"Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body." 1 Cor 6

But this is taking to the Christian. Nonchristians are already living in sin and their body is spiritually dead.

To be honest, it really feels like a lot of Christians are no different from the Pharisees in Jesus' time.

I think what you are describing many Christians. Anyone can fall for a Pharisaical mindset. But to say, not that you said it, that Christians should not share with people that God hates all sinning and wants everyone to repent is not what Jesus declared.

To non-Christians, our faith is no longer defined by Love - in fact, it is defined by Hate. Is this what Jesus wants?

You do realize that the media loves to focus on things that make people look bad. Turn on the news and its like watching a slander marathon every night.

It would be a huge error on anyone's part to say that all Christians hate. There are many loving Christians who stick to what the Bible says and continue to love those who rebel against the one that created them.


Neo Member
hate to be the guy who comes in way into the thread and doesn't read what's been posted up to this point, but I just wanna say that I'm digging the direction that Christian music is going. I got sick of all the lame music where it's all about how everything is great with God when, in actuality, it doesn't get better, it just becomes worth it. I love how bands like Gungor are starting to shatter the mold and not be afraid to say that they have bad days...idk if this has already been talked about, but I just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.


I haven't posted here in a while, heck I haven't posted on NeoGaf lately really. I just wanted to add some thought on the subject of homosexuality.

Leviticus Chapter 18 as well as Chapter 20 specify the morality and law of sexuality.

As a christian we are held responsible to know the Bible and its contents. If we lack knowledge and are ignorant of this we will be held accountable by God. We are to love the sinner, but hate the sin. If anyone has read the book of Leviticus you will understand how much God hates sin and utterly how brutal and gory the animal sacrifices were. Which ultimately was a prophetic foreshadowing of the coming Redeemer that would bear the sin of the world. And how brutal and gory his crucifixion would be.

I understand that some people try to apply ranks to certain sin's. Who say that one is more wicked than the other. But from reading my Bible I can say that there may be things that God's hates more than others (in terms of sin). For example God's most assuredly hates pride. It was pride that made Satan "The Anointed Cherub that covereth" to rebel and ultimately cause mankind to fall. In Leviticus when it talks about sexuality and the moral law of it. God calls it an "abomination". In the Hebrew language that word is the strongest word to help describe how utterly grotesque, repugnant, disgusting that sin is in the sight of God. And when the word abomination is used in the Bible to describe a sin it raises the distinction of that sin and how much God hates that sin.

Does that mean God hates people who are homosexual? No. But if you read and understand your bible you understand it is the SIN that God hates not the person who is sinning. Why would God cast hate and disgust on his own creation? He loved you before the very fabric of your cells were conceived in your mothers womb. As Christians we are held accountable to teach people the way of the Narrow Path. We must give them food when they hunger, drink when they thirst, clothing when they are cold, and a bed when they tire. And to bear them up to help them overcome sin and be free of its bondage. Which is ultimately achieved through the blood of Messiah.

Also when it comes to "judging".

Most Christians like to quote "Judge not least ye be Judged yourself".

Well John 7:24 tells us to

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."

As I human being I have not authority against my fellow man. But if I am to judge I do so by the word of God. For he has authority and his wisdom is complete. If I judge a person's actions by the word of God I have made no folly.

So if you choose to judge a man, do so by the word of God and his law, not by your own.


Can I just say that reading this thread is uplifting and heartwarming? As a Christian geek, I find that my beliefs are often the minority on message boards such as these, and I am so glad to see people who not only profess faith in Christ, but do so with intelligence and grace.

I have a quick prayer request, and maybe a small discussion point. What do you do when your fire for Jesus runs out? Ever since college has ended, I've felt lost and alone. My friends have moved away, my girlfriend of two years and I broke up, and ever since I've felt like the distance between God and I has grown.

I no longer feel the urge to read my Bible or pray and going to church has become a rarity instead of the norm. I've decided to make a massive change in my life and I'll be going to London in six weeks to start graduate school. I'm kind of hoping that this will jolt me out of my spiritual stupor.

Is this just normal ennui? I think I understand what C.S. Lewis means in The Screwtape Letters when he talks about time being one of the easiest ways for the devil to get someone's soul, since those first few years of enthusiasm have bubbled away. How do I find the drive again?
Whoah! Didn't even know this thread could exist on NeoGaf. I am so subscribed!

There are one or two religious OTs that act as a sanctuary for members to discuss religion without the hostility of the main board. It's interesting that threads on religion can be so popular yet these dedicated threads consist of only a dozen or less active posters.
Disclaimer: I am dumb and do not know much of anything. But this is how I feel about homosexuality and Christianity.
I personally believe it is not our place to judge others sexual orientation or condemn anyone for such things.
I would follow Jesus' example and show everyone love. I feel others' sexual orientation doesn't even matter to Christians. Just let the love of Jesus shine through you. That's it. Stop trying to police the world. That will be God's job when the time comes.

All this anti-gay stuff is doing is ruining the Christian name. You can see it everywhere now. The hatred for Christianity is growing because a lot of people see us as hateful hypocrites. Is this what Jesus would've liked the church to look like?

We don't need to condone sin, but we absolutely can not be hateful and unaccepting of people who do sin. We are sinners too.

There is no "degrees of sin". You kill someone or you stole a dollar. It doesn't matter. It was a sin and you're no longer worthy - except through Christ. So stop acting like "being gay" is a huge sin and so you have the right to put people down. That is hypocrisy. And I hate it when people do such things in the name of God.

Jesus showed love and spent much of his time associating with sinners. It is damaging to Christianity to sit in our "perfect and sinless churches" hurling hateful speech at everyone outside.

To be honest, it really feels like a lot of Christians are no different from the Pharisees in Jesus' time.

To non-Christians, our faith is no longer defined by Love - in fact, it is defined by Hate. Is this what Jesus wants?

A blog that I read recently really summed it up what I think you are hinting at:

People do not like being told that what their doing is immoral. We live in a postmodern society. Where truth doesn't exist anymore and morals are relative. Christianity is thorn in the side of society because of what God says in His Holy Book. Here is a quick summary of postmodernism:

Hopefully this helps you in understanding why people are against Jesus and His servants.

Didn't Jesus say, “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you"?

This is not to say that there are many people who are not Christian, hiding behind Christianity to hate on other people. Jesus said these false converts would be in his church in the Gospel of Matthew. So, keep speaking the truth in love, praying for those you share with and pointing them to the one that can save them.

In the church, Jesus said to call people out of when the sin and do the following if they do not repent:

“If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. Matthew 18

For unbelievers this does not apply. As Paul said:

"When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people." 1 Cor 5

People in the world need to be told that God loves them even though they have sinned against him, and that he offers them a pardon for their sins through the death and resurrection of His Son. It is up to them if they want to repent or not.

Is sin sin? Yes. No one is disagreeing what that statement. Is sexual sin different then other types of sin? Yes.

"Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body." 1 Cor 6

But this is taking to the Christian. Nonchristians are already living in sin and their body is spiritually dead.

I think what you are describing many Christians. Anyone can fall for a Pharisaical mindset. But to say, not that you said it, that Christians should not share with people that God hates all sinning and wants everyone to repent is not what Jesus declared.

You do realize that the media loves to focus on things that make people look bad. Turn on the news and its like watching a slander marathon every night.

It would be a huge error on anyone's part to say that all Christians hate. There are many loving Christians who stick to what the Bible says and continue to love those who rebel against the one that created them.

These are quite different views [on how Christians should respond to sin]



he's back!

GA is always more eloquent than myself so i appreciate seeing his posts again


Can I just say that reading this thread is uplifting and heartwarming? As a Christian geek, I find that my beliefs are often the minority on message boards such as these, and I am so glad to see people who not only profess faith in Christ, but do so with intelligence and grace.

I have a quick prayer request, and maybe a small discussion point. What do you do when your fire for Jesus runs out? Ever since college has ended, I've felt lost and alone. My friends have moved away, my girlfriend of two years and I broke up, and ever since I've felt like the distance between God and I has grown.

I no longer feel the urge to read my Bible or pray and going to church has become a rarity instead of the norm. I've decided to make a massive change in my life and I'll be going to London in six weeks to start graduate school. I'm kind of hoping that this will jolt me out of my spiritual stupor.

Is this just normal ennui? I think I understand what C.S. Lewis means in The Screwtape Letters when he talks about time being one of the easiest ways for the devil to get someone's soul, since those first few years of enthusiasm have bubbled away. How do I find the drive again?

i would say it is finding an active church that does works in the world, as well as a group of friends to do those works with. if my church experience was simply showing up every sunday and leaving, it would be a real struggle. i suppose i should feel lucky for having what i have.


Like I said, I am dumb and do not know much of anything. So I can't get into some long debate. And there is no way I could keep up with Game Analyst. But I want to speak from my heart about some things.

All I know is that my heart tells me to love. Nothing more.

I am not a perfect or sinless person. I am not worthy to judge others using any criteria. I truly believe only someone without sin can properly judge. We can speak of what is wrong or sinful but we absolutely can not let it become hate.

To be honest, I can barely keep myself on the right path. Who am I to point at others and say "you have sinned!"
I believe God is an active entity and can do things for himself. He doesn't need someone like me to do his job for him by condemning others.

There is a difference between persecution because we are Christian and hate because we deserve it by our actions. If you hate others, what do you truly expect to come of it? In this case, we are the persecutors, not the victims.

I believe our job is to Love. That's it. It is the greatest commandment.

Others will be saved through the Love of Christ. Once Jesus has found them and they have accepted, they can work out their issues and sins with Jesus. This is how it was with me. If Christians came to me and showed me nothing but hate for everything that I am, I would never have come to Christ. It was because I was Loved that Jesus found me. Then it was the Spirit that worked in my heart to fix my life. It wasn't a human Christian condemning me that fixed me. It was God.

Jesus told me to Love. So that is what I will do.

Matthew 22:36-40 said:
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


These are quite different views [on how Christians should respond to sin]

The main thing is that we as Christians should go not by our feelings, but by what God's Word declares. The following commentary on Romans 12:2 will hopefully shed some light on what I mean:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

The battle ground between conforming to the world and being transformed is within the mind of the believer. Christians must think differently.

i. "I don't want to be conformed to this world. I want to be transformed. How do I do it?" By the renewing of your mind. The problem with many Christians is they live based on feeling, or they are only concerned about doing.

ii. The life based on feeling says, "How do I feel today? How do I feel about my job? How do I feel about my wife? How do I feel about worship? How do I feel about the preacher?" This life by feeling will never know the transforming power of God, because it ignores the renewing of the mind.

iii. The life based on doing says, "Don't give me your theology. Just tell me what to do. Give me the four points for this and the seven keys for that." This life of doing will never know the transforming power of God, because it ignores the renewing of the mind.

iv. God is never against feeling and doing. He is a God of powerful and passionate feeling, and He commands us to be doers. Yet feelings and doing are completely insufficient foundations for the Christian life. The first questions cannot be "How do I feel?" or "What do I do?" Rather, it must be "What is true here? What does God's Word say?"


Didn't know this tread existed. I'm glad it does. Lots of great stuff here and kudos to GA for bringing the knowledge and enlightening me.

As for the homosexuality debate, it's not a simple debate as some people make it out to be because the majority of us can't truly understand the act nor the desire. The majority of us will never have any of those urges. Ultimately the Bible says it's a sin, so it is.

As for how Christian should respond to sin, the way I was taught was to hate the sin, not the sinner.


Didn't know this tread existed. I'm glad it does. Lots of great stuff here and kudos to GA for bringing the knowledge and enlightening me.

As for the homosexuality debate, it's not a simple debate as some people make it out to be because the majority of us can't truly understand the act nor the desire. The majority of us will never have any of those urges. Ultimately the Bible says it's a sin, so it is.

As for how Christian should respond to sin, the way I was taught was to hate the sin, not the sinner.

If you can truly only hate the action and not the person itself (persecuting gay people is hating the person), then I think it's okay. Though it should be noted that such a statement is not actually in the Bible.

At least for me, it's impossible to hate a person's actions and still show love to the person. I'm not Jesus and I can't do it. So I'll just do the part that I can and let God handle what I can't.

From my own experience, Love is what brings people to Christ. Not judgement and condemnation and persecution and hate. If my introduction to Christianity was people telling me I'm a terrible person and I'm going to hell, I would not have even considered Christianity.

I see absolutely no difference between me and a homosexual person. We're both sinners in many many many ways in many aspects of our lives and we should love and support each other in the name of Jesus. Neither of us is worthy but neither of us is Loved any less by God himself. Both of us can be saved by the Grace of Jesus no matter what we've done in the past, how we struggle in the present with our issues, and what we will do in the future.

But I guess this is really a question for the believer to sort through between herself and God. This is the answer I feel the Spirit has led me to.


If you can truly only hate the action and not the person itself (persecuting gay people is hating the person), then I think it's okay. Though it should be noted that such a statement is not actually in the Bible.

"hating the sins that contaminate their lives." Jude 23

There is more to the story though. The Bible says:

1. All people are slaves to sin (until they are born again).
2. All people are held captive by Satan to do his will (until they are born again).
3. All people are blinded by Satan to the truth of God and His Son (until the Holy Spirit opens a persons eyes).
4. Peoples consciences can become defiled or seared. Meaning, that people become desensitized to the truth over time by the choices and actions they commit. This is fixed when a person becomes born again and as they continue to renew their mind by reading and obeying God's Word.
5. There are spiritual forces, controlled by Satan, influencing all people (Christians included).
6. Jesus commands us to forgive (love is selfless and always forgives), love all people (including those that hate us), tell them the truth (sharing with them the Gospel) and praying for them (that God will help them see the truth and be able to make a choice free of Satan's influences).

From my own experience, Love is what brings people to Christ. Not judgement and condemnation and persecution and hate. If my introduction to Christianity was people telling me I'm a terrible person and I'm going to hell, I would not have even considered Christianity.

Jude wrote: "And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire." Jude 23

The love of God will bring many to salvation in Christ, while the fear of God will also bring many to salvation in Christ.

I see absolutely no difference between me and a homosexual person. We're both sinners in many many many ways in many aspects of our lives and we should love and support each other in the name of Jesus. Neither of us is worthy but neither of us is Loved any less by God himself. Both of us can be saved by the Grace of Jesus no matter what we've done in the past and how we struggle in the present with our issues and what we will do in the future.



Can I just say that reading this thread is uplifting and heartwarming? As a Christian geek, I find that my beliefs are often the minority on message boards such as these, and I am so glad to see people who not only profess faith in Christ, but do so with intelligence and grace.

I have a quick prayer request, and maybe a small discussion point. What do you do when your fire for Jesus runs out? Ever since college has ended, I've felt lost and alone. My friends have moved away, my girlfriend of two years and I broke up, and ever since I've felt like the distance between God and I has grown.

I no longer feel the urge to read my Bible or pray and going to church has become a rarity instead of the norm. I've decided to make a massive change in my life and I'll be going to London in six weeks to start graduate school. I'm kind of hoping that this will jolt me out of my spiritual stupor.

Is this just normal ennui? I think I understand what C.S. Lewis means in The Screwtape Letters when he talks about time being one of the easiest ways for the devil to get someone's soul, since those first few years of enthusiasm have bubbled away. How do I find the drive again?

Well if I can say anything if you can find a church body that preaches sound doctrine. That would be a good start. If you cannot do that then if you can at least find one other person (if more then great) to just talk about the Bible and how the world relates prophetically in the Bible. I can tell you there is a guy who lives in Midland, Texas. I live in Dallas which is about 4 hours away. Every night or so when get on PSN chat to talk about the Bible or share what we learn in our studies. And even though is just the two of us, I can tell you its is refreshing and keeps my head in the Bible or at the very least dwelling on a subject that is rooted in the Bible or my faith. I would say the most critical thing is finding another person who is saved to just talk to.

Proverbs 27:17

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

Find a person(s) that you can rely on and bear you up. A person that not only you can learn from, but also that person can learn from you as well. Be servants to each other. Cover each others flank. Let Satan know if he comes after you he will have to take you both down.

Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Once you become saved you have enlisted yourself in God's army. And most definitely you are marked as a enemy by Satan. There is a spiritual war going on. I bring this up to stress the importance of being a part of a church body. Not because it makes you more christian (like some people want to think), but because an army fights as one single body. The Body of Christ is the church, it is YOU. Once you are saved you become part of that body. Fighting this war on your own will be taxing and difficult. Amongst a congregation of people who are a part of God's Kingdom you will find your strength and resolve.

Also there will be people who attend church who have been around for a while. I personally look up to older people in my church as Elders. People who have been spiritually growing and maturing who many many years. I always try to find the chance to surround myself with the Elders of my church in hopes of absorbing their knowledge. Elder is a word I personally use myself. But its what I call those who are advanced in age, but also their spiritual. You mentioned your girlfriend of two years broke up with you. When you see a couple that is about 70 or so years old and have been married for 50+ years who have been Christians since their youths. That is one good source to ask advice from when it comes to courtship/relationships.

2 Corinthians 6:14

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

This I can tell you from experience. If you truly seek out the face of God and wish to seek first his kingdom then most if not all the people you hang out with or are friends with will become distant. And trust me, you don't have to do anything. They will walk away from you. I use to have a strong core of friends when I graduated high school, now they are close to becoming non-existant. Simply because when it came to honoring God's law and maintaining a high morale compass that often got in the way of what my friends wanted to do or how they perceived the world. In the end the only people you will truly bond with are others who have admitted as Yahshua (Jesus) as their personal Lord and Savior.


Well if I can say anything if you can find a church body that preaches sound doctrine. That would be a good start. If you cannot do that then if you can at least find one other person (if more then great) to just talk about the Bible and how the world relates prophetically in the Bible. I can tell you there is a guy who lives in Midland, Texas. I live in Dallas which is about 4 hours away. Every night or so when get on PSN chat to talk about the Bible or share what we learn in our studies. And even though is just the two of us, I can tell you its is refreshing and keeps my head in the Bible or at the very least dwelling on a subject that is rooted in the Bible or my faith. I would say the most critical thing is finding another person who is saved to just talk to.

Proverbs 27:17

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

Find a person(s) that you can rely on and bear you up. A person that not only you can learn from, but also that person can learn from you as well. Be servants to each other. Cover each others flank. Let Satan know if he comes after you he will have to take you both down.

Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Once you become saved you have enlisted yourself in God's army. And most definitely you are marked as a enemy by Satan. There is a spiritual war going on. I bring this up to stress the importance of being a part of a church body. Not because it makes you more christian (like some people want to think), but because an army fights as one single body. The Body of Christ is the church, it is YOU. Once you are saved you become part of that body. Fighting this war on your own will be taxing and difficult. Amongst a congregation of people who are a part of God's Kingdom you will find your strength and resolve.

Also there will be people who attend church who have been around for a while. I personally look up to older people in my church as Elders. People who have been spiritually growing and maturing who many many years. I always try to find the chance to surround myself with the Elders of my church in hopes of absorbing their knowledge. Elder is a word I personally use myself. But its what I call those who are advanced in age, but also their spiritual. You mentioned your girlfriend of two years broke up with you. When you see a couple that is about 70 or so years old and have been married for 50+ years who have been Christians since their youths. That is one good source to ask advice from when it comes to courtship/relationships.

2 Corinthians 6:14

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

This I can tell you from experience. If you truly seek out the face of God and wish to seek first his kingdom then most if not all the people you hang out with or are friends with will become distant. And trust me, you don't have to do anything. They will walk away from you. I use to have a strong core of friends when I graduated high school, now they are close to becoming non-existant. Simply because when it came to honoring God's law and maintaining a high morale compass that often got in the way of what my friends wanted to do or how they perceived the world. In the end the only people you will truly bond with are others who have admitted as Yahshua (Jesus) as their personal Lord and Savior.

Well said!


I have a question, as a christian myself, I must ask for opinion. If there truly is a homosexual gene and one cannot help being gay, then what will God say about this? I just ask because I do not hate gays, and actually actively support for their rights. I just am confused and will be pretty angry if God would treat them horribly if they literally cannot help it.
That's a good question, njean777. I just want to point out that biology is more complex than that and there are additional layers of inheritance than just genes. The important part is that most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation. Calling homosexuality a sin while heterosexuality isn't, is an expression of intolerance and hatred. Thankfully, there are plenty of Christians who have long since learned to accept people for who they are.


I have a question, as a christian myself, I must ask for opinion. If there truly is a homosexual gene and one cannot help being gay, then what will God say about this?

Here is some scientific research, from the book The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped (by neuroscientist Dr. Stanford), regarding your questions about the gene issue.


Sexual orientation is the degree of romantic or sexual attraction an individual experiences toward either men or women. Individuals who show a consistent preference for sexual relations with members of the opposite sex are said to have a heterosexual orientation, while those who show a preference for sexual relations with members of the same sex are said to have a homosexual orientation. A small number of individuals are relatively ambivalent about their sexual partner’s gender and are therefore considered bisexual (sexually attracted to both men and women). The biological study of sexual orientation, specifically homosexuality, is a very hot topic in neuroscience, and presently the majority of scientific evidence suggests that a problem in the sexual differentiation of the brain early in development results in a homosexual orientation.

Sexual Differentiation

Every cell of your body contains twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. The DNA that makes up those twenty-three pairs of chromosomes contains all the genetic information needed to make another you. The information contained in twenty-two of those chromosome pairs determined your physical development apart from your sex. The last pair consists of two sex chromosomes, and it is this set of genetic information that determines if you are a male or a female. There are two types of sex chromosomes: X chromosomes and Y chromosomes. Females have two X chromosomes (XX), and males have both an X and a Y chromosome (XY). An individual’s genetic sex (XX or XY) is determined at the time of conception.

All the genetic information needed to develop the body and behavior of either a male or a female is contained in the X chromosome and the twenty-two nonsex chromosomes found in the cells of every individual. Through the sixth week of development, male and female fetuses are physically identical. Each contains tissue that has the potential of developing into male or female sex organs. It is the Y chromosome, which is only present in the male, that causes this undifferentiated tissue to develop into testes. When the Y chromosome is not present, as in the XX female, this tissue develops into ovaries. The function of the testes and ovaries is to produce sex hormones, and it is exposure to these hormones both before and after birth that produces the physical and behavioral differences seen between men and women.

Sexual Inversion

In utero, the male fetus is bathed in androgens produced by the newly formed testes. Exposure to androgens during prenatal development has a masculinizing effect on the fetus and promotes the development of anatomical and behavioral characteristics typical of males. The testes also release androgens that have a defeminizing effect by preventing the female reproductive system from developing. The female fetus, in contrast, develops anatomical and behavioral characteristics typical of females because it is not exposed to androgens in utero. So you might say that the default biological program is to develop a female unless androgens are present.

In the case of a male with a homosexual orientation, it is thought that a problem in early androgen exposure results in an incomplete masculinization of the brain, allowing the development of feminine neuroanatomical and behavioral characteristics. In the homosexual female, it is thought that the reverse occurs: abnormal exposure to high levels of androgens in utero causes masculinization and defeminization, resulting in neuroanatomical and behavioral characteristics typical of males.

This reversal of brains and behavior has been referred to as a sexual inversion, and there are three indirect behavioral sources of evidence that support this theory.

First, since this theory is based on a dysfunction in early sex hormone exposure, which is a process that predominately occurs in the developing male fetus (remember the default is to make a female), homosexuality should be more common among males than females. Indeed, as I mentioned earlier in regard to prevalence, that is exactly what occurs: homosexual orientation occurs more often in men than in women.

Second, since an individual is born with this sexual inversion, then behaviors typical of the opposite sex (such as boys preferring to play with dolls)—called childhood gender nonconformity—should be more prevalent in young children who later develop a homosexual orientation. Research shows that childhood gender nonconformity is strongly related to adult homosexual orientation. Gay men typically report having been feminine boys, while lesbian women were masculine girls.

Finally, according to the sexual inversion theory, adult homosexuals should show a higher frequency of behaviors and interests typical of the opposite sex. Studies focusing on masculinity/femininity in adult homosexuals have found that gay men are typically more feminine and lesbian women more masculine than their heterosexual peers.

Behavioral differences are interesting, but if this theory is correct, we should also be able to identify structural brain differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Specifically, we should find that areas of the brain known to be involved in sexual behavior appear more feminine in organization in male homosexuals and more masculine in organization in lesbian women.

Brain Mechanisms

The area of the brain that has been most studied in regard to homosexuality is the hypothalamus. This small structure located near the bottom of the brain controls an amazing variety of behaviors, ranging from heart rate to eating to sexual activity. In chapter 4, I described how the hypothalamus is involved in our sex drive and long-term attachment system. From research with both humans and animals, we know that several areas (each called a nucleus) within the anterior hypothalamus are sexually dimorphic, meaning that these areas develop differently in the two sexes.

The first reported neuroanatomical difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals was found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN is an area in the anterior hypothalamus that is involved in biological rhythms and sexual behavior. Normally the SCN is larger and more elongated in women than in men. The SCN has been shown to be larger and more elongated in homosexual men than in heterosexual men, having the shape and size characteristically found in women.8 Another sexually dimorphic area of the anterior hypothalamus, the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), has also been found to differ in homosexual males. The INAH3 is usually smaller in women compared to men. Several studies have found that the INAH3 is smaller in homosexual men than in heterosexual men, suggesting a more femalelike anterior hypothalamus.9

A very similar result was recently found in a study of transsexuals—individuals who, despite being genetically and physically male or female, believe that they belong to the opposite sex. This conviction is so strong that these individuals often choose to have sex-change surgery. This condition is different from homosexuality, but these two groups have similar sexual orientations. Male-to-female transsexuals live as women and are sexually attracted to men, while female-to-male transsexuals live as men and are sexually attracted to women. A recent study found that the INAH3 of male-to-female transsexuals was similar to heterosexual females and that the INAH3 of female-to-male transsexuals was within the normal range for heterosexual males.10

A final piece of evidence that links sexual inversion in the anterior hypothalamus to homosexuality comes from research with sheep. It is estimated that as many as 10 percent of rams show a sexual partner preference for other males. This is the only known animal species (other than man) that shows exclusive homosexual behavior independent of human intervention. Similar to the human studies I have just described, a sexually dimorphic nucleus (oSDN) has also been found in the anterior hypothalamus of the sheep. The oSDN is normally larger in rams (males) than ewes (females). However, the oSDN in male-oriented (homosexual) rams has been shown to be smaller than in female-oriented (heterosexual) rams and similar in size to ewes.11

Taken together, these studies suggest that the anterior hypothalamus is involved in sexual orientation. Sexual preference for male or female sexual partners appears to be dependent on the level of masculinization or feminization of this neural structure during prenatal development. So what exactly is causing this sexual inversion in the brains of individuals with a homosexual orientation? To answer that question, we must look more closely at the hormonal environment that a fetus is exposed to during development.


Since most of the work in the neurobiology of homosexuality has been done with males, let’s first look at the hormonal environment of the male fetus. As previously mentioned, the testes of the developing male fetus produce androgens. The most important of these, for our discussion, is testosterone. As testosterone is released by the testes to masculinize the fetus, some of it is changed by enzymes in the fetus’s brain into other important hormones. One of those enzymes is a substance called aromatase. The function of aromatase is to convert testosterone into estradiol. Estradiol then masculinizes the areas of the brain high in estrogen receptors. The anterior hypothalamus is one such area, and aromatase activity is very high there (see Figure 8A). It has been suggested that a lack of aromatase activity in the fetal brain results in the neuroanatomical and behavioral differences seen in the male homosexual (see Figure 8B).

Support for this theory comes from studies that have looked at sexual behavior in animals. For example, if male rats are treated prenatally and postnatally with a substance that inhibits the activity of aromatase, they show bisexual behavior as adults. In addition, an examination of their brains reveals that their suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), located in the anterior hypothalamus, is larger than in untreated male rats.12 This is consistent with the larger SCN found in human male homosexuals, as I described above.

Additional evidence for reduced aromatase activity in the anterior hypothalamus of male homosexuals comes from the male-oriented rams I mentioned earlier. When the brains of these “homosexual” rams are examined, specifically the oSDN in the anterior hypothalamus, they are found to show reduced aromatase activity compared to female-oriented (heterosexual) rams.13 Again, this supports the idea that homosexual orientation in men may be the result of an undermasculinized (more feminized) anterior hypothalamus.

In females, the picture is not quite so clear. For the sexual inversion theory of homosexuality to hold up, the brains of lesbians—or at least parts of them—should be masculinized. The most likely cause of this would be increased prenatal androgen exposure, but how that occurs is still, as yet, unknown. There are two potential sources of androgens to which the developing female fetus might be exposed: circulating maternal testosterone and androgens secreted by the fetus’s own adrenal glands. Several studies have shown that females prenatally exposed to high levels of maternal testosterone show more male-typical behaviors and interests as both children and adults.14

The best evidence for a link between female homosexual orientation and brain masculinization (caused by prenatal androgen exposure) comes from research with individuals who suffer from a genetic disorder called congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). In CAH, a genetically mediated enzyme deficiency causes the adrenal glands of the fetus to produce excessive amounts of androgens during development. Worldwide, newborn screening suggests that CAH occurs in one in 14,500 live births. The disorder occurs in both sexes, but its effects on the female fetus are of the most interest. Research finds that girls with CAH are behaviorally masculinized, meaning they show more male-typical behaviors and interests.15 As adults, women with CAH report higher rates of bisexuality and homosexuality than women without the disorder.16

Taken together, these studies are supportive of the sexual inversion theory and demonstrate that females exposed prenatally to high levels of androgens are masculinized and report differences in sexual orientation.


Just as we have seen that rage, lust, criminality, and addictions are all influenced by heredity, so is homosexuality. Family studies find that homosexual men and women have more homosexual brothers and sisters than do their heterosexual peers. Twin studies (see chapter 3 for explanation) have shown a greater concordance for homosexuality in monozygotic (identical) twins compared to dizygotic (fraternal) twins.17

Genetics researcher Dean Hamer has suggested that a set of genes on the X chromosome may influence male sexual orientation. His studies have shown that this X-linked genetic marker is shared by approximately 64 percent of gay brothers.18 As I have said previously, behaviors like homosexuality are complex phenomena that result from an interaction between biological predispositions and environmental triggers. Several environmental factors have also been linked to homosexuality, including family dysfunction, an older father, late birth order, the number of older brothers, and maternal stress during pregnancy.

Now back to your question. The Bible says we are all infected with the virus of sin (through DNA or genes). This doesn't change the fact that Christ came to die for each of us and live a holy life through the power of His Spirit. Paul goes into extreme detail about what this means for us as believers:

"We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace." Romans 6:6-7, 12-14

So, how does this relate to your original question? Before we were saved, we didn't have a choice when we sinned. Now that we are born again, we do not have to sin. We choose to die to self, our sinful nature, and let Christ live through us through the power of His Spirit. This applies to all Christians. Just because I feel that I am attracted to another woman other than my wife, and this feeling doesn't go away (for example), doesn't mean I have to act on those feelings. I die to those desires, ask God for help and trust that God will be with me through these struggles (and he will).

I just ask because I do not hate gays, and actually actively support for their rights. I just am confused and will be pretty angry if God would treat them horribly if they literally cannot help it.

God will not treat anyone horribly. God put His wrath on His Son on the cross for humanities willful rebellion and sins. God is fair and just, and will always do what is right in each individual case. God calls each of his children to die to self, sinful life styles, and live for Him.

That's a good question, njean777. I just want to point out that biology is more complex than that and there are additional layers of inheritance than just genes. The important part is that most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation. Calling homosexuality a sin while heterosexuality isn't, is an expression of intolerance and hatred. Thankfully, there are plenty of Christians who have long since learned to accept people for who they are.

Any person sins that has sex outside of marriage, lusts after another person, or commits adultery with another person. God calls all people to repent of these sins, and obey what he says is the right way to live.
The Bible says we are all infected with the virus of sin (through DNA or genes).
There is no scientific support or evidence for sin in DNA. I can't recall seeing it being mentioned in the bible either.
Any person sins that has sex outside of marriage, lusts after another person, or commits adultery with another person. God calls all people to repent of these sins, and obey what he says is the right way to live.
Does this mean you have nothing against married same-sex couples having sex?


There is no scientific support or evidence for sin in DNA. I can't recall seeing it being mentioned in the bible either.

We know from what the Bible says that when "Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned." We also know through biology that rage, lust, adultery, lying, stealing, addiction, all of which God says are sins, are part of our genes or DNA. I think it is pretty easy to see the correlation between sin and our DNA. If we didn't have sin, then people wouldn't steal, lie, cheat, get angry, etc.

More scientific evidence can be found in the book The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped.

Does this mean you have nothing against married same-sex couples having sex?

I think it is important to define the meaning of the word marriage.

From 1828 edition of Webster's American Dictionary

MAR'RIAGE, n. [L.mas, maris.] The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them. Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity, and for securing the maintenance and education of children.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is the Biblical definition of marriage.

Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question: “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for just any reason?” “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Matthew 19

If same-sex people want to get married it cannot be under the definition that God gave for marriage. It would have to be under another name because God defines marriage as one man and one woman becoming one in marriage.


Here is some scientific research, from the book The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped (by neuroscientist Dr. Stanford), regarding your questions about the gene issue.

Now back to your question. The Bible says we are all infected with the virus of sin (through DNA or genes). This doesn't change the fact that Christ came to die for each of us and live a holy life through the power of His Spirit. Paul goes into extreme detail about what this means for us as believers:

"We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace." Romans 6:6-7, 12-14

So, how does this relate to your original question? Before we were saved, we didn't have a choice when we sinned. Now that we are born again, we do not have to sin. We choose to die to self, our sinful nature, and let Christ live through us through the power of His Spirit. This applies to all Christians. Just because I feel that I am attracted to another woman other than my wife, and this feeling doesn't go away (for example), doesn't mean I have to act on those feelings. I die to those desires, ask God for help and trust that God will be with me through these struggles (and he will).

God will not treat anyone horribly. God put His wrath on His Son on the cross for humanities willful rebellion and sins. God is fair and just, and will always do what is right in each individual case. God calls each of his children to die to self, sinful life styles, and live for Him.

Any person sins that has sex outside of marriage, lusts after another person, or commits adultery with another person. God calls all people to repent of these sins, and obey what he says is the right way to live.

I just do not think it is that simple, asking somebody to abstain from their genetic makeup is really a messed up thing to do. If you are gay, and only have one partner for life (marriage), then why would you be sinning? It is not like you can help it. You were born this way, and if god really does love you, then he will not punish you for being who you are.

See this is why it is hard for me to follow the bible. There are so many grey areas that the bible does not answer. Man tries to answer it, but they are not god/jesus himself. So I take what most men say with a grain of salt.


Ha, wow, is "sin is part of our DNA/biology" the tack that Christians are now taking to combat homosexuality? I'm sorry your "homosexuality is a choice!" platform fell through!


I just do not think it is that simple, asking somebody to abstain from their genetic makeup is really a messed up thing to do. If you are gay, and only have one partner for life (marriage), then why would you be sinning? It is not like you can help it. You were born this way, and if god really does love you, then he will not punish you for being who you are.

Hopefully the following video will shed some light on this subject for you:

Is it possible for a homosexual to live a sincere Christian life?

See this is why it is hard for me to follow the bible. There are so many grey areas that the bible does not answer. Man tries to answer it, but they are not god/jesus himself. So I take what most men say with a grain of salt.

I do not agree, but I do understand where you are coming from.


I just do not think it is that simple, asking somebody to abstain from their genetic makeup is really a messed up thing to do. If you are gay, and only have one partner for life (marriage), then why would you be sinning? It is not like you can help it. You were born this way, and if god really does love you, then he will not punish you for being who you are.

I would say that living a Christian life is largely about abstaining from the impulses you were born with. To lie, to steal, to satisfy your lusts. The Bible commands us to throw off our sinful urges, no matter where they come from. In my opinion, the Bible is also pretty clear about homosexual urges being sinful as well:

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Romans 1:24-27

I recently read an interpretation of this passage which concludes that Paul was referring to pagan practices of prostitution and was not making a statement concerning homosexuality in general, but I found no evidence in either the context of the passage or the rest of the Bible to show that conclusion as more than tenuous. The intent of this passage seems very clear to me.


Ha, wow, is "sin is part of our DNA/biology" the tack that Christians are now taking to combat homosexuality? I'm sorry your "homosexuality is a choice!" platform fell through!

All humans are infected with sin and slaves to sin. As the Apostle Paul wrote, "The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it."
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