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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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If someone says 'Yes, I did pray before writing that.' Will it have made a difference to whether you change your posting style?

I will change my posting style if God wants me to change it. I want to see if God is putting this on peoples hearts, or if they are just following what their feelings are telling them. I am also praying to see what God wants me to do.

My point? If God wants to change what He has been doing through me, I believe He will confirm those changes to multiple people. I just want to make sure that God's will is done.

Changing the subject.

Bible Study: 12/27/2012 - Russia Will Invade Israel, Pt. 1 (Ezekiel 38:1-13)

1. Verses 1-2: Declaration to God's opposition to Russia (God opposes Russia)
2. Verses 3-9: Confederation of Armies with Russia
3. Verses 10-13: The Imagination of the Mind of Russia
I will change my posting style if God wants me to change it. I want to see if God is putting this on peoples hearts, or if they are just following what their feelings are telling them. I am also praying to see what God wants me to do.

My point? If God wants to change what He has been doing through me, I believe He will confirm those changes to multiple people. I just want to make sure that God's will is done.

Changing the subject.

Bible Study: 12/27/2012 - Russia Will Invade Israel, Pt. 1 (Ezekiel 38:1-13)

So regardless of the fact that multiple people have told you they aren't participating in this thread due to your posting style, you are going to continue posting as is until you receive a response from God. Ok.

This thread has died since your long posts have taken over. There use to be discussion and debate. That is no longer happening. This thread isn't church and you are not the pastor. This thread is meant to be a forum for discussion. What it has become is not what it was meant to be. Why not start a new thread where it's specifically centered around you leading a Bible lesson? That way people can join the discussion if they want while also feeling comfortable posting in this one?


Wonder if he would be compelled to take over another Chrisitianity thread if someone made one with the intent of things turning out differently. In this sign, conquer?


So regardless of the fact that multiple people have told you they aren't participating in this thread due to your posting style, you are going to continue posting as is until you receive a response from God. Ok.

I am not going to continue doing any more Bible studies until I know what God wants me to do.

This thread has died since your long posts have taken over. There use to be discussion and debate. That is no longer happening. This thread isn't church and you are not the pastor. This thread is meant to be a forum for discussion. What it has become is not what it was meant to be. Why not start a new thread where it's specifically centered around you leading a Bible lesson? That way people can join the discussion if they want while also feeling comfortable posting in this one?

I do not believe that believers growing and learning God's Word, thus being equipped to go out into the world to love others and bring them to the truth, is not as important as general "forum for discussion." On average hundreds of people go through the thread weekly. They lurk, but continue to read what is posted. As long as one person grows or is ministered to by God through these studies, that is all that matters.

I hope that you reread what you said, and ask God if what you are telling me if from God or from you.
I am not going to continue doing any more Bible studies until I know what God wants me to do.

I do not believe that believers growing and learning God's Word, thus being equipped to go out into the world to love others and bring them to the truth, is not as important as general "forum for discussion." On average hundreds of people go through the thread weekly. They lurk, but continue to read what is posted. As long as one person grows or is ministered to by God through these studies, that is all that matters.

I hope that you reread what you said, and ask God if what you are telling me if from God or from you.

Noone is asking you to stop, just create a thread specifically for that purpose.


Noone is asking you to stop, just create a thread specifically for that purpose.

I have been doing these studies for over 1 year and a half in this thread. You have been the first person in this entire time to have wanted a different thread. The moment you said something, other started saying the same thing.

I will wait on the Lord and see what He says.
I have been doing these studies for over 1 year and a half in this thread. You have been the first person in this entire time to have wanted a different thread. The moment you said something, other started saying the same thing.

I will wait on the Lord and see what He says.

Yes but the thread has been dead for months. I may have been the first to point it out but the fact that its been dead should have told you something. But ok.
Question: Do you believe that the CHURCH would be better off in the U.S. if it weren't so BIG. I don't mean in numbers but in our cultre, politically influential, etc.

If we look at how the Churches acted in the first century when they were simply the newest kid on the block, seems they were more concerned with the hallmarks of christianity such as hope, helping one another, preaching the gospel of grace.

What do you folks think?


Question: Do you believe that the CHURCH would be better off in the U.S. if it weren't so BIG. I don't mean in numbers but in our cultre, politically influential, etc.

If we look at how the Churches acted in the first century when they were simply the newest kid on the block, seems they were more concerned with the hallmarks of christianity such as hope, helping one another, preaching the gospel of grace.

What do you folks think?

Absolutely. The way the Catholic church throws its weight around in public policy, and the very thought of megachurches where the fire and brimstone pastor goes up exhorts his congregation to vote a certain way without naming names... They're unholy unions of church and state that the US constitution and Christianity itself sought to avoid.

They are also, to an extent, uniquely American problems in the modern era.
Absolutely. The way the Catholic church throws its weight around in public policy, and the very thought of megachurches where the fire and brimstone pastor goes up exhorts his congregation to vote a certain way without naming names... They're unholy unions of church and state that the US constitution and Christianity itself sought to avoid.

They are also, to an extent, uniquely American problems in the modern era.

Maybe it's me but Christianity, the message of Jesus seems to fit much better with a persecuted people, a minority, moreso than that of a group who holds power and influence.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe it's me but Christianity, the message of Jesus seems to fit much better with a persecuted people, a minority, moreso than that of a group who holds power and influence.

I remember reading somewhere that cultures with higher living standards or a higher economy tend to ignore the lessons and beliefs of religion as a whole, not just Christianity. It could be that when you've got something good and you've had it for a long time, why bother where it came from? If you were born rich, stay rich, and die rich, it might be hard to get to a humble thought process.

I could just be wrong, just a theory. I'm not trying to bad talk any other cultures or countries.

But another thought is that it seems as even though the standards of living in some countries are so high, and they are a very prosperous country, the citizens seems to be less happy than in cultures where there is a very small amount of wealth. You could contest that there is a primal or basic need not being met by the higher countries that is being met in lower ones.
I remember reading somewhere that cultures with higher living standards or a higher economy tend to ignore the lessons and beliefs of religion as a whole, not just Christianity. It could be that when you've got something good and you've had it for a long time, why bother where it came from? If you were born rich, stay rich, and die rich, it might be hard to get to a humble thought process.

I could just be wrong, just a theory. I'm not trying to bad talk any other cultures or countries.

But another thought is that it seems as even though the standards of living in some countries are so high, and they are a very prosperous country, the citizens seems to be less happy than in cultures where there is a very small amount of wealth. You could contest that there is a primal or basic need not being met by the higher countries that is being met in lower ones.

Good point. Just reading the beattitudes, it really makes sense what you said.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.a
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.b
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.c
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.d
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.e
8Blessed are the pure in heart,f
for they will see God.g
9Blessed are the peacemakers,h
for they will be called children of
0Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,j
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.k
11“Blessed are you when people insult you,l persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.m 12Rejoice and be glad,n because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Seems that much of the Western Church has become too big, too well off, and too powerful if you will. So much so that it seed taking down a 10 commandments sign in front of a court house as an attack or example of persecution.

Jesus's listeners actually were living day to day with poor conditions, being persecuted, blamed for their own sicknesses. His words must have been exactly what they needed to hear, gave them purpose and hope. If you have everything you believe you need then besides heaven, what can Jesus give you? And IMO his concern was as much about this life as the next.


Some would argue that the real most popular religion in America isn't Christianity at all, but Christian-influenced egonovism. Essentially buffet-style religion where people pick and choose the beliefs that make them comfortable and suit their lifestyle. It certainly explains the repugnant mixes of Christianity and right wing ideology we see here.
Some would argue that the real most popular religion in America isn't Christianity at all, but Christian-influenced egonovism. Essentially buffet-style religion where people pick and choose the beliefs that make them comfortable and suit their lifestyle. It certainly explains the repugnant mixes of Christianity and right wing ideology we see here.

True. It's one of the reasons I had been turned off for the last 5 years.


I have a question for each person who said to stop doing the Bible studies on GAF.

Before you posted and shared what you did, did you pray and ask God if this is what He wanted?

What I will personally ask each of you to do is to ask God what He wants in this matter until He gives each of you an answer. If God want's His Word to be preached, and a few do not want it, I am going to obey God not what a few say. If God says to move the Bible study from GAF to a blog, I will do what He says.

Let's just make sure that we are all praying about it and seeking God on the matter (His will and way), instead of going by what our hearts say because that is not the best way to make Godly decisions.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

I've read a lot of ridiculous stuff on GAF, but this surely takes the top spot by a country mile.

Anyway, tough question for christians. Have you ever thought about what would make you lose your faith completely? I'm not talking about doubting your faith (hypothetical or stuff that happened), but rather, something that would make you go "if this happens, then there's no way I could keep believing.

I realize it's a hard one but I'm curious about it.
Regarding egonovism, couldn't it be argued that every single person that claims to be Christian is instead egonovism? I personally do not know of any one individual that follows the Bible to the T. Every single one of us determines what is and isn't applicable for us.
The beginning of the church, they were a community that sold all of their possessions and gave to each who needed. Today, most of us would simply argue that it wasn't an actual command, that it simply cannot work in today's society, or that it was just for a certain time.

For anyone in this thread who considers himself to be a Bible believing Christian, would you mind explaining what that is and how you carry it out in your life?

I've read a lot of ridiculous stuff on GAF, but this surely takes the top spot by a country mile.

Anyway, tough question for christians. Have you ever thought about what would make you lose your faith completely? I'm not talking about doubting your faith (hypothetical or stuff that happened), but rather, something that would make you go "if this happens, then there's no way I could keep believing.

I realize it's a hard one but I'm curious about it.

I cannot speak for anyone else but after losing my daughter in 2007 to her being stillborn, I lost my faith. I was in my final year of graduate school at Fuller Theological Seminary to boot.
Talk about a kick in the head and stomach. I didn't attend church regularly for years even though my in laws are pastors here in Spokane. I finished my degree but haven't do anything with it. The few times I would attach church I would just be miserable. I am beginning to have a little faith again but it's a much different type. I fully admit that God may not exist. I fully understand that I may be believing in a fantasy. I fully accept that there is no actual evidence to support a belief in an unseen deity. I don't know if there is anything that could happen that would forever destroy my faith in God.


I cannot speak for anyone else but after losing my daughter in 2007 to her being stillborn, I lost my faith. I was in my final year of graduate school at Fuller Theological Seminary to boot.
Talk about a kick in the head and stomach. I didn't attend church regularly for years even though my in laws are pastors here in Spokane. I finished my degree but haven't do anything with it. The few times I would attach church I would just be miserable. I am beginning to have a little faith again but it's a much different type. I fully admit that God may not exist. I fully understand that I may be believing in a fantasy. I fully accept that there is no actual evidence to support a belief in an unseen deity. I don't know if there is anything that could happen that would forever destroy my faith in God.

This is pretty much how I feel about it.

Anyway, to get this thread back on track, does anyone else ever feel pushed in because of their faith, as if they are less of a human being or just generally insulted for believing such a thing as a God? What do you do about it?
This is pretty much how I feel about it.

Anyway, to get this thread back on track, does anyone else ever feel pushed in because of their faith, as if they are less of a human being or just generally insulted for believing such a thing as a God? What do you do about it?

I don't feel like less of a human being. I feel like I'm on the outside looking in now though. I'm don't partake in the sinful ways of this world anymore. I believe God gave me a new heart like He promised so now I can see things more clearly. Look at this forum as a reflection of society. Look at all the thread titles and the topics people are coming up with. Full of perversity and depravity at times. That's a reflection of the heart. The bible says paraphrasing, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." So look at all of this sinfulness going on. Plus people need to know what it means for God to be holy. Sin cannot be in the presence of God. Anything that is not of God is sin. The wages of sin is death. If you're sinful body was to be in the direct presence of God right now, you would die. The flesh is what we fell to and is part of our sinful nature. Yup, that skin you have on your body. One of Paul's letters(maybe Romans) speaks about the flesh. It causes many men to sin and is not of God but we fell to it. God came in the form of flesh and overcame it so you could have a way to be back into God's presence.
Back to your question. No I don't feel bad when people think I'm less of a person for my beliefs. I know what I believe in. I know about the Light(Jesus). I know that people in this world like to run away from the Light. Jesus Himself said:
John 3:19
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

When you get stronger in the Word of God your heart will change from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh and you will start to see.(Ezekiel 36:26)
God meant for His creation to be holy like Him but we went our own way.
This is an interesting story.

DUBLIN — A well-known Irish Catholic priest plans to defy Vatican authorities on Sunday by breaking his silence about what he says is a campaign against him by the church over his advocacy of more open discussion on church teachings.

The Rev. Tony Flannery, 66, who was suspended by the Vatican last year, said he was told by the Vatican that he would be allowed to return to ministry only if he agreed to write, sign and publish a statement agreeing, among other things, that women should never be ordained as priests and that he would adhere to church orthodoxy on matters like contraception and homosexuality.

“How can I put my name to such a document when it goes against everything I believe in,” he said in an interview on Wednesday. “If I signed this, it would be a betrayal not only of myself but of my fellow priests and lay Catholics who want change. I refuse to be terrified into submission.”

Father Flannery, a regular contributor to religious publications, said he planned to make his case public at a news conference here on Sunday.

The Vatican’s doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote to Father Flannery’s religious superior, the Rev. Michael Brehl, last year instructing him to remove Father Flannery from his ministry in County Galway, to ensure he did not publish any more articles in religious or other publications, and to tell him not to give interviews to the news media.

In the letter, the Vatican objected in particular to an article published in 2010 in Reality, an Irish religious magazine. In the article, Father Flannery, a Redemptorist priest, wrote that he no longer believed that “the priesthood as we currently have it in the church originated with Jesus” or that he designated “a special group of his followers as priests.”

Instead, he wrote, “It is more likely that some time after Jesus, a select and privileged group within the community who had abrogated power and authority to themselves, interpreted the occasion of the Last Supper in a manner that suited their own agenda

Father Flannery said the Vatican wanted him specifically to recant the statement, and affirm that Christ instituted the church with a permanent hierarchical structure and that bishops are divinely established successors to the apostles.

He believes the church’s treatment of him, which he described as a “Spanish Inquisition-style campaign,” is symptomatic of a definite conservative shift under Pope Benedict XVI.

“I have been writing thought-provoking articles and books for decades without hindrance,” he said. “This campaign is being orchestrated by a secretive body that refuses to meet me. Surely I should at least be allowed to explain my views to my accusers.”

His superior was also told to order Father Flannery to withdraw from his leadership role in the Association of Catholic Priests, a group formed in 2009 to articulate the views of rank-and-file members of the clergy.

In reply to an association statement expressing solidarity with Father Flannery, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith denied it was acting in a secretive manner, pointed out that Father Flannery’s views could be construed as “heresy” under church law, and threatened “canonical penalties,” including excommunication, if he did not change his views.

This month, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith wrote to an American priest, Roy Bourgeois, notifying him of his laicization, following his excommunication in 2008 over his support for the ordination of women.​



I thought I'd share some Christ centered, God glorifying, and theologically rich Puritan rappers that I came across not too long ago. The label is called Lamp Mode and here are some samples from several albums:

First from artist Shai Linne's album "The Atonement":
"Atonement Q&A"

"The Gospel"

From Shai Linne's "The Attributes of God"album:
"Taste and See"

"Our God is in the Heavens"

"All Consuming Fire"

"Self Sufficiency" by Timothy Brindle

Timothy Brindle's album "The Restoration"

"Restore My Vision"

"The Completeness Cypher"

Timothy Brindle's album "Killing Sin"
"The Preciousness of Time"

Hazakim from their album "Theophanies"
Fulfillment (Ben Joseph, Ben David)

"Brace Yourself"


I've read a lot of ridiculous stuff on GAF, but this surely takes the top spot by a country mile.

Anyway, tough question for christians. Have you ever thought about what would make you lose your faith completely? I'm not talking about doubting your faith (hypothetical or stuff that happened), but rather, something that would make you go "if this happens, then there's no way I could keep believing.

I realize it's a hard one but I'm curious about it.

Faith is more of a choice than something you lose. Faith is action, it is a verb. So I think you are referring more to belief and not faith.

You cannot prove or disprove things not seen. I suppose you can choose at some point that you no longer wish to believe, so your faith leaves you. But how could one thing occur to cause you to change your mind about the unseen? The example of losing a loved one is probably how many either stop believing, or if they still believe, no longer trust in a loving God because of the pain. This is just one example of the problem of suffering as it relates to the belief in an all powerful and all loving God. I think this father explained the correct answer to the problem, that it lies in the fact that God chose to give man free will...



Hello... newbie here in the forum. Long time lurker!

Christian here. I don't really like denominations, but I attend the Methodist Church. God bless you, brothers.


Wow... this thread is not active at all... D:

Well, what do you guys say if we share some Christian Music or something like that?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Wow... this thread is not active at all... D:

Well, what do you guys say if we share some Christian Music or something like that?

It's a bit quiet at the moment. Goes up and down a bit. Got rather overdominated by one poster for a long while and I think it scared a number of people off.

Share music by all means, but be warned - my taste tends towards Stabat Mater and Dona Nobis Pacem rather than anything more recent!


It's a bit quiet at the moment. Goes up and down a bit. Got rather overdominated by one poster for a long while and I think it scared a number of people off.

Share music by all means, but be warned - my taste tends towards Stabat Mater and Dona Nobis Pacem rather than anything more recent!

Do you know why Game Analyst was banned?


Wow... this thread is not active at all... D:

Well, what do you guys say if we share some Christian Music or something like that?

Lovely. I'd like that.


Gungor are just beautiful. Ignore in studio stuff they do, live is where its @.

Oh and for guys in dallas area, chris tomlin and Kari jobe are having a concert in march. Can't wait!

EDIT: I occasionally read what Game analyst would post even if i didn't participate. Sad to see him go. He had good intentions.

And welcome bro! God bless you too!


Faith is more of a choice than something you lose. Faith is action, it is a verb. So I think you are referring more to belief and not faith.

You cannot prove or disprove things not seen. I suppose you can choose at some point that you no longer wish to believe, so your faith leaves you. But how could one thing occur to cause you to change your mind about the unseen? The example of losing a loved one is probably how many either stop believing, or if they still believe, no longer trust in a loving God because of the pain. This is just one example of the problem of suffering as it relates to the belief in an all powerful and all loving God. I think this father explained the correct answer to the problem, that it lies in the fact that God chose to give man free will...


Very well said TaeOH.


Well... I just want to give you guys some background. I'm from Mexico and maybe you will know this, but the majority of people here are Catholics. Like 85% of the entire country! So, I just want to say that I'm blessed to have found the Church I attend. I go to a Methodist Church, and to be honest, the Protestant Church in my city is very small (I live in a 500,000 people city). So, all the Protestant Churches, no matter the denomination, we are very close to each other.

I'm blessed to have found Jesus and God in this country where most people pray to idols above Jesus and God.

Lovely. I'd like that.


Gungor are just beautiful. Ignore in studio stuff they do, live is where its @.

Oh and for guys in dallas area, chris tomlin and Kari jobe are having a concert in march. Can't wait!

EDIT: I occasionally read what Game analyst would post even if i didn't participate. Sad to see him go. He had good intentions.

And welcome bro! God bless you too!

Thank you.


Lovely. I'd like that.


Gungor are just beautiful. Ignore in studio stuff they do, live is where its @.

Oh and for guys in dallas area, chris tomlin and Kari jobe are having a concert in march. Can't wait!

EDIT: I occasionally read what Game analyst would post even if i didn't participate. Sad to see him go. He had good intentions.

And welcome bro! God bless you too!

Do you like this guy's music? I mean, I actually do like his songs but I feel that they are so ubiquitous in church and on Christian radio I don't know if I ever want to hear them again. He's just insanely popular.
Wow... this thread is not active at all... D:

Well, what do you guys say if we share some Christian Music or something like that?
Welcome, brother.

Sure, sounds cool to me.

I want to know how you guys read the Bible? I've been on again off again for a couple years with a read-along while listening to daily audio bible podcast.

He switches translations every week and the schedule is such that you read through the entire Bible in a year.

It has really changed the way I spend my mornings. I look forward to the time spent in God's Word every day.

Anyway, do you guys just flip to a page and read until you are done, or use a reading plan, or what?

Also I really like to use e-sword bible software and of course biblegateway.com

Going through the Bible like this, it's challenging as well as refreshing. I admit I'm fond of it.


Do you like this guy's music? I mean, I actually do like his songs but I feel that they are so ubiquitous in church and on Christian radio I don't know if I ever want to hear them again. He's just insanely popular.

Hey Jet. Yeah, i do. However, chris tomlin is more of a throw back worship music kinda guy if you know what i mean. I don't know how to put this....hmm...like i wouldn't put his music on my phone and carry it around....something like that. Not because i don't find it appealing but it's more of the type of music you play when you are really worshiping God and not just listening to music on the go. It might be the reason why he is really popular. He knows his audience and he sticks there. See micheal w. smith (Late 90s, early 00s and now hillsong) The concerts are also always amazing.



I live in Atlanta and have been to a few Passion events as well as visited Passion City Church. It's cool to visit. I'm a bit overwhelmed by how big it is sometimes. Worshipping with a bunch of voices in unison is some kind of awesome.

Pretty much lol. I've had life changing experiences in some of them. There's just nothing like it. If i may ask, what kind of christian music do you fancy? I listen to so many genres and artists. I could point you to a few?


I live in Atlanta and have been to a few Passion events as well as visited Passion City Church. It's cool to visit. I'm a bit overwhelmed by how big it is sometimes. Worshipping with a bunch of voices in unison is some kind of awesome.

Sometimes I have wondered how the worshiping will sound with all the people and heavenly creatures during Judgement Day.
I don't think I can take religion seriously. The reason the first girl I've ever liked rejected me was because we didn't have mutual religious beliefs.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Well... I just want to give you guys some background. I'm from Mexico and maybe you will know this, but the majority of people here are Catholics. Like 85% of the entire country! So, I just want to say that I'm blessed to have found the Church I attend. I go to a Methodist Church, and to be honest, the Protestant Church in my city is very small (I live in a 500,000 people city). So, all the Protestant Churches, no matter the denomination, we are very close to each other.

I'm blessed to have found Jesus and God in this country where most people pray to idols above Jesus and God.

With all respect to you and your faith Asimov, if we want to open up to other Christians here, let's not go dismissing the faith of other strands of Christianity eh? Or at least if we do then maybe in an open and inquiring spirit.

Happy to discuss if you wish - but I wouldn't want to derail this thread with that discussion unnecessarily; it's been derailed once already.


Sometimes I have wondered how the worshiping will sound with all the people and heavenly creatures during Judgement Day.

Same here. I always picture the sea of glass that they mention in revelation and a multitude of people singing in unison.
Pretty much lol. If i may ask, what kind of christian music do you like? I listen to say many genres and artist i could point you to a few?
My favorite favorite songwriter and worship leader is Paul Baloche. His work is remarkable. I also like Kari Jobe and All Sons and Daughters.

Kari Jobe's best CD is when she was at Christ for the Nations though. That CD is so powerful (it has that kind of older '90's sound though).

Yeah man, I am always looking for some new music


With all respect to you and your faith Asimov, if we want to open up to other Christians here, let's not go dismissing the faith of other strands of Christianity eh? Or at least if we do then maybe in an open and inquiring spirit.

Happy to discuss if you wish - but I wouldn't want to derail this thread with that discussion unnecessarily; it's been derailed once already.

Oh, of course. I am very sorry. It wasn't my intention. It's just that I live in one of the worst cities in the world (literally... just search Nuevo Laredo). And I keep thinking and thinking why is this happening in my country, in my city. And one of the things I can think is because our nation has a background and history of Aztec, Mayan and a lot of other gods. Heck, our flag is based on that. Cities in the country are named after those gods. Our money has the faces of some of that.

I was not dissing Catholics (a lot of my family is Catholic) but I'm pretty sure they are very different in the USA than in Mexico. Here we have most Catholics asking for protection to the Santa Muerte.

EDIT: Don't Google images of my city, please. They are scary. But you can Google news and stuff to see the situation we have.


My favorite favorite songwriter and worship leader is Paul Baloche. His work is remarkable. I also like Kari Jobe and All Sons and Daughters.

Kari Jobe's best CD is when she was at Christ for the Nations though. That CD is so powerful (it has that kind of older '90's sound though).

Yeah man, I am always looking for some new music

Nice. He always does alot of his music in different languages like spanish or hebrew sometimes.
Have you heard of christy nockels? if you like kari jobe that might be something to your liking.


Eoghan Heaslip


If you're into indy type music.Maybe Gungor:


One more, Dana Maclean:



Omg :( I'm hoping things start looking up in mexico soon. How is everything now?

Well... not all of the country is like that. It's mostly the border. But, yeah... it's pretty scary out there. They usually don't mess with the people, but there is always collateral damage. If you are in the wrong place and the wrong time, you can get in trouble.

And things are not getting better so far.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Oh, of course. I am very sorry. It wasn't my intention. It's just that I live in one of the worst cities in the world (literally... just search Nuevo Laredo). And I keep thinking and thinking why is this happening in my country, in my city. And one of the things I can think is because our nation has a background and history of Aztec, Mayan and a lot of other gods. Heck, our flag is based on that. Cities in the country are named after those gods. Our money has the faces of some of that.

I was not dissing Catholics (a lot of my family is Catholic) but I'm pretty sure they are very different in the USA than in Mexico. Here we have most Catholics asking for protection to the Santa Muerte.

EDIT: Don't Google images of my city, please. They are scary. But you can Google news and stuff to see the situation we have.

That's fine Asimov. I just wanted to grab the point before (and in case) things got out of hand here. I quite appreciate what you're saying too - and it's true that in many places Catholicism absorbs older traditions (some might say that it "feeds off them" but I think that's a little unfair) but this is I suspect largely because it has been around and been dominant for so long that it is a cultural thing. And it's deep culture, not something that's easily eradicated by any religion (or political creed, or ideology, or anything else). I'm not in the USA by the way, I'm in Europe, and we have much the same thing here in different flavours in different parts of different countries - it's different in the East of England, and Malta, and the Southwest of France, and in Southern Italy and so on. I don't see it as necessarily a bad thing in itself, it is just that where there has been for a long time a common religion then that tends to get all muddled up with local culture and local politics and even local tribal differences until it is hard to tell the difference sometimes.


That's fine Asimov. I just wanted to grab the point before (and in case) things got out of hand here. I quite appreciate what you're saying too - and it's true that in many places Catholicism absorbs older traditions (some might say that it "feeds off them" but I think that's a little unfair) but this is I suspect largely because it has been around and been dominant for so long that it is a cultural thing. And it's deep culture, not something that's easily eradicated by any religion (or political creed, or ideology, or anything else). I'm not in the USA by the way, I'm in Europe, and we have much the same thing here in different flavours in different parts of different countries - it's different in the East of England, and Malta, and the Southwest of France, and in Southern Italy and so on. I don't see it as necessarily a bad thing in itself, it is just that where there has been for a long time a common religion then that tends to get all muddled up with local culture and local politics and even local tribal differences until it is hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Yeah, I think I phrased my comment with the bad words. I guess I wasn't referring to the Catholic Church in Mexico, but mostly to the people who worship the death and other saints (like the drug dealers saint Malverde).


Evening all.

Showing my fresh face too. Been a lurker for too long, finally decided to sign up, and here we are.

Look forward to interesting discussions with everyone.


Welcome, brother.

Sure, sounds cool to me.

I want to know how you guys read the Bible? I've been on again off again for a couple years with a read-along while listening to daily audio bible podcast.

He switches translations every week and the schedule is such that you read through the entire Bible in a year.

It has really changed the way I spend my mornings. I look forward to the time spent in God's Word every day.

Anyway, do you guys just flip to a page and read until you are done, or use a reading plan, or what?

Also I really like to use e-sword bible software and of course biblegateway.com

Going through the Bible like this, it's challenging as well as refreshing. I admit I'm fond of it.

There's a thread around here somewhere "GAF reads the Bible". Have you seen it? It would be nice to follow along with the guys over there. I wonder how they're getting on.

I tend to dip in and out. Been reading John recently.

Anyone familiar with Ravi Zacharias? I subscribed to his daily podcast back in June and I've made time for it every day since. Highly recommend it if you're interested in apologia.
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