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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 26-30:

Things discussed:

The Last Supper with the disciples (Part 2):

Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper.

Was Judas at the Lord's Supper?
What is the significance of Jesus blessing and breaking bread at the Last Supper?
Why did Jesus reinterpret the Passover for Christians?
Jesus announces the new covenant between mankind and God.
Which is the correct interpretation of Communion?
Jesus' example to be thankful for God's new covenant.
Will Passover be celebrated in heaven?

Jesus sings with His disciples and goes out to the Mount of Olives.

Jesus teaches us to sing and worship God before we go through a storm.
Which Old Testament hymn did Jesus sing with His disciples?


Do you write for this thing? If so, what are you covering after Matthew?

I write some things, but most of the studies are from commentaries that I have read throughout many years that I have compiled together. Each commentary that I have studied usually addresses some but not all things spoken about in scripture. So, I combine all of them into one comprehensive study that address most if not all points so that people truly understand the historical, cultural, and present day application of God's Word.

Don't know what I am going to do next. I am heavily leaning on going through the book of Romans since it summarizes the entire Bible in one book.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 31-35:

Things discussed:

Jesus predicts the desertion of the disciples:

Why did Jesus tell His disciples that they would desert Him?
Why was Jesus so confident and courageous that He would be raised from the dead?
What was Peter's mistake (s) in thinking he wouldn't deny Jesus?
Jesus' warning to us not to trust in our own strength through Peter's example.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 36-39:

Things discussed:

Jesus' prayer in deep distress:

What are the differences between Adam in the Garden of Eden and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Why does Jesus become sad and depressed?
Are there any things that are impossible for God?
Jesus asks God if mankind can be saved without His death on the cross.
Jesus teaches us the key to praying and how to resist temptation.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 40-50:

Things discussed:

Jesus wins the battle of prayer.

Jesus catches His disciples sleeping.
Jesus teaches the disciples and all believers how to deal with temptation through prayer.
Why does Jesus pray repeatedly?
Why was Jesus able to go confront His enemies after praying three times?

Judas betrays Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Why does Judas bring six hundred Roman soldiers to arrest Jesus?
Jesus offers Judas an opportunity to repent while Judas is betraying Him.
Jesus is arrested.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 51-56:

Things discussed:

The arrest of Jesus in Gethsemane.

What is the last miracle that Jesus performed before His death?
Jesus tells Peter that He is in total control of His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Why did the disciples abandon Jesus?


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 57-64:

Things discussed:

Jesus' illegal trial before the Sanhedrin (part 1):

Why was Jesus taken to the home of the high priest Annas and Caiaphas?
Peter begins to crack by following Jesus from a distance.
The Sanhedrin break multiple Old Testament Laws by having Jesus' trial in the middle of the night.
How did the false witnesses violate the Ninth Commandment when they repeated what Jesus previously said?
Why did Jesus not respond to the false accusations that were spoken about Him?
Why did the high priest want Jesus to admit that He was the Son of God (God in human flesh)?
Jesus admits under oath that He is the Son of God (fully God, fully man).


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 26 (Jesus' Betrayal and Arrest) verses 55-75:

Things discussed:

Jesus' illegal trial before the Sanhedrin (part 2):

What was the Sanhedrin's reaction to Jesus' claim of divinity?
The Sanhedrin and temple police punch, spit, and rip Jesus' beard out due to their hatred of Him.
How did Peter sin by denying Jesus multiple times?
What are the differences between Judas' apostasy and Peter's backsliding?


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 27 (Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial) verses 1-10:

Things discussed:

Jesus is handed over to Pilate.

The Sanhedrin vote on whether to murder Jesus or not,
Why did the Sanhedrin hand Jesus over to Pontius Pilate?

Judas' miserable end.

What is the difference between remorse and repentance?
The religious leaders show the true condition of their hearts by their treatment of Judas.
Judas commits suicide.
Did Matthew make a mistake in his quote regarding the prophet Jeremiah?


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 27 (Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial) verses 11-20:

Things discussed:

Jesus before Pilate (Part 1):

Background on Pontius Pilate.
Pilate asks Jesus if He is the King of the Jews.
Why was Pilate greatly impressed with Jesus?
Pilate hopes to release Jesus by offering the people a choice on who to release from prison: Jesus or a murderer.
Why were the religious leaders envious of Jesus?
How did Pilate fail to defend and protect Jesus?
Pilate's wife has a dream telling her that Jesus should be released.
The religious leaders manipulate the crowds to murder Jesus.


13 Contrasts Between American and Biblical Christianity

1. American Christianity focuses on individual destiny. The Bible focuses on corporate vision and destiny.
2. American Christianity focuses on individual prosperity. The Bible focuses on stewardship.
3. American Christianity focuses on self-fulfillment and happiness. The Bible focuses on glorifying God and serving humanity.
4. American Christianity appeals to using faith to attain stability and comfort. The Bible encourages believers to risk life and limb to advance the Kingdom.
5. American Christianity usually focuses on individual salvation. The Bible deals with individual and systemic redemption.
6. The American apologetic focuses on human reason. The Bible's apologetic focuses on the power of God and experience.
7. American believers have a consumerist mentality regarding a home church. The biblical emphasis is being equipped for the ministry.
8. American Christianity promotes a culture of entertainment. The Bible promotes the pursuit of God.
9. American Christianity depends upon services within a building. The biblical model promotes a lifestyle of worship, community and Christ following.
10. American Christianity is about efficiency. The biblical model is about effectiveness.
11. In American Christianity the pastor is elected. In the biblical model God calls the pastor.
12. In American Christianity the individual interprets the Bible. In the New Testament the hermeneutical community interprets the Bible.
13. American Christianity trains its leaders in Bible colleges. Biblical Christianity nurtures leaders through personal mentoring.


Two new blogs are up.

Blog 1 is on Matthew chapter 27 (Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial) verses 21-25:

Things discussed:

Jesus before Pilate (Part 2):

Why did the crowd demand the release of a murderer and the crucifixion of Jesus?
Pilate tries to avoid responsibility for Jesus' fate.
Pilate admits Jesus was innocent but chose to ignore helping him.
Do children pay for the sins of their parents?

Blog 2 is on Matthew chapter 27 (Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial) verses 26-44:

Things discussed:

The suffering of Jesus Christ:

What was the purpose of Jesus being scourged?
Jesus (God in Human flesh) is beaten and mocked.
Jesus carries His cross as He is led to be crucified.
Who is the man Simon who helped Jesus carry His cross?
Jesus is taken to die where criminals were crucified.
Why was Jesus offered a pain killer before His Crucifixion?
Historical and medical facts on Jesus' Crucifixion.
Why did the Roman soldiers gamble for Jesus' clothing?
Why did the Roman soldiers guard Jesus?
Is Jesus the King of the Jews?
Why was Jesus hung between two criminals?
Jesus is mocked and blasphemed on the cross.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 27 (Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial) verses 45-56:

Things discussed:

The death of Jesus:

At what time did God darken the land when Jesus was on the cross?
Did God darken the land or the entire world when Jesus was on the cross?
Why does Jesus quote from Psalm 22 as He is dying on the cross?
Why did God separate Himself from Jesus while Jesus died on the cross?
Why did Jesus cry out to the Father in agony from the cross?
Jesus continues to be misunderstood and mocked.
Did God force Jesus to die on the cross for humanity?
Why did God tear the veil in the temple when Jesus died?
Why did the earth quake when Jesus died?
One of the strangest passages in the Bible.
Who is the first person to be saved after Jesus' death?
The immediate impact of Jesus' death on the women watching.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 27 (Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial) verses 57-66:

Things discussed:

The burial of Jesus:

Why was Joseph of Armithea a secret disciple of Jesus?
Joseph of Armithea sets Jesus in his own tomb.
The religious leaders actions reveal what happens when unjustified hate fills a person's heart.
The religious leaders show more faith than the disciples.
What is the "Swoon Theory"?
Were the religious leaders afraid of the disciples?
The tomb is sealed and guarded.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 28 (A Risen Lord Jesus and His Commission) verses 1-10:

Things discussed:

Jesus rises from the grave:

Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany find an angel at the tomb.
Why were the Roman soldiers scared?
Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany are told that Jesus has come back to life (resurrected).
What was the purpose of the stone being rolled away and what is the meaning of the resurrection?
Why were women the first witnesses of Jesus' resurrection?
An angel instructs Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany to go and see Jesus asap.
Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany meet a risen Jesus.
Were Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany sinning by worshipping Jesus?
Jesus calls His disciples His brothers.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 28 (A Risen Lord Jesus and His Commission) verses 11-20:

Things discussed:

The Resurrection Cover-up & The Great Commission:

The religious leaders attempt to cover-up the resurrection with the bribery of the guards.
Are there any objections to Jesus' resurrection?
What does present-day scholarship say about Jesus' resurrection?
The disciples meet Jesus at Galilee and worship Him.
Why did some of the disciples doubt Jesus at Galilee?
What did Jesus mean that all authority had been given to Him on earth and in heaven?
Jesus's Great Commission explained.

Red Mage


What are you referring to as "American Christianity?" Are you referring to the general Evangelical movement? I'd mostly agree. Are you referring to the Emergent Church and/or Prosperity Gospel? I would not label those Christianity; they're heresies. Anyhow...

1. American Christianity focuses on individual destiny. The Bible focuses on corporate vision and destiny.

Scripture focuses on both. Recall 1 Timothy 1:18 and Jeremiah 1:5

Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well,

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

God is not lax when it comes to caring for the individual. = )

6. The American apologetic focuses on human reason. The Bible's apologetic focuses on the power of God and experience.

This one sort of rubs me the wrong way, because it gives the impression that we're not to use reason, which isn't true at all. God calls us to reason together and to contemplate his works. Luke's gospel is compiled from testimonies and even Peter says to ask the eye-witnesses in one of his letters. I feel that the modern Western Church's focus on "experience" and emotion has been detrimental to it as a whole.

11. In American Christianity the pastor is elected. In the biblical model God calls the pastor.

Not quite sure what you're getting at here. Are you suggesting that the pastor should not be held accountable to the congregation? Because in my experience the local congregation sends out requests to different pastors, who then prays on whether he should allow himself to be called by the congregation, and from those who answer in the affirmative, the congregation elects one. Everyone in a congregation is accountable to everyone else. If, as an elder, I failed to live up to my duties or do something to disgrace. This lack of accountability is what leads to pastors becoming tyrants, like Mark Driscoll. Timothy and Titus are instructions about qualifications. It doesn't say anything about choosing your own. From the time of Church Fathers, leaders have been elected. If it's good enough for those the apostles personally trained, it should be good enough for us.


New blog is up on 1 Samuel chapter 1 (The Birth of Samuel) verses 1-11:

Things discussed:

Hannah's barrenness and her vow:

God calls Hannah's husband Elkanah.
What is the background of the Elkanah's family?
Did God ever approve of polygamy?
Elkanah and his family journey to the tabernacle for their yearly trip.
Are there any differences between Elkanah and Eli's two sons?
What was Elkanah's view of Hannah?
Why was Hannah in constant pain?
What should have Elkanah and Hannah done together as a married couple about Hannah's sorrow?
Why all Christians should follow Hannah's example of talking to God about our suffering.
Why did Hannah make a vow to God?
What was the purpose of God in not giving Hannah a son until she prayed?


New blog is up on 1 Samuel chapter 1 (The Birth of Samuel) verses 12-28:

Things discussed:

Hannah's silent prayer and the birth of her son:

Do our prayers have to be vocal for God to hear us?
Why did the high priest believe Hannah was drunk?
Hannah responds to Eli's accusation by telling him that she had surrendered her anxiety and depression to God.
Eli answers Hannah with a blessing from God.
What happens to us when we choose to believe God's Word?
Hannah models for us Biblical faith.
Is it possible for God to remember?
Hannah models for us Biblical patience.
Hannah keeps her child until he is weaned.
Hannah dedicates Samuel to God's service.
Where does the idea for baby dedication come from in the Bible?
Lessons to learn from Hannah and her family worshipping God.


New blog is up on 1 Samuel chapter 2 (Hannah's Prayer, Eli's Evil Sons) verses 1-11:

Things discussed:

Hannah's prayer:

Why did Hannah pray and gives thank to God?
What is the remedy for suffering?
What is one of the many reasons God allows suffering in our lives?
How should we treat our enemies?
Does Hebrew poetry rhyme words?
Why does God want us not to be arrogant and proud?
What are the benefits of remaining humble?
Lessons to learn from Hannah's confidence in God.
Hannah prophesies about Jesus.
Samuel becomes God's helper.


New blog is up on 1 Samuel chapter 2 (Hannah's Prayer, Eli's Evil Sons) verses 12-26:

Things discussed:

The consequences of bad parenting: Eli's Evil Sons

Examples of evil people pretending to be servants of God and His people.
The sons of Eli stole from people and God.
What are the effects of corrupt ministers on the people of God?
Do corrupt ministers stop the work of God permanently?
Are there any character differences between Samuel and Eli's evil sons?
Is it possible to out give God?
The very first preacher/pastor sex scandal.
Eli shows the consequences of bad parenting.
Eli shows the consequences of bad parenting on society.
Does God hold people accountable for their actions?
Samuel shows us the consequences of walking with and living for God.


What are you referring to as "American Christianity?" Are you referring to the general Evangelical movement? I'd mostly agree. Are you referring to the Emergent Church and/or Prosperity Gospel? I would not label those Christianity; they're heresies. Anyhow...

Scripture focuses on both. Recall 1 Timothy 1:18 and Jeremiah 1:5

God is not lax when it comes to caring for the individual. = )

This one sort of rubs me the wrong way, because it gives the impression that we're not to use reason, which isn't true at all. God calls us to reason together and to contemplate his works. Luke's gospel is compiled from testimonies and even Peter says to ask the eye-witnesses in one of his letters. I feel that the modern Western Church's focus on "experience" and emotion has been detrimental to it as a whole.

Not quite sure what you're getting at here. Are you suggesting that the pastor should not be held accountable to the congregation? Because in my experience the local congregation sends out requests to different pastors, who then prays on whether he should allow himself to be called by the congregation, and from those who answer in the affirmative, the congregation elects one. Everyone in a congregation is accountable to everyone else. If, as an elder, I failed to live up to my duties or do something to disgrace. This lack of accountability is what leads to pastors becoming tyrants, like Mark Driscoll. Timothy and Titus are instructions about qualifications. It doesn't say anything about choosing your own. From the time of Church Fathers, leaders have been elected. If it's good enough for those the apostles personally trained, it should be good enough for us.

The article answers all of your questions.


New blog is up on 1 Samuel chapter 2:27-36 through 3:1-9:

Things discussed:

God's judgment against Eli's house:

Who is the unknown man of God that pronounces judgment to Eli?
God judges Eli for committing idolatry.
Do our sinful choices lead to consequences that effect those we love?
God tells Eli that both of his sons would die on the same day.
God gives a prophecy about a future faithful priest.

Samuel is unable to recognize God's voice

Samuel serves God.
Why did God rarely speak during the time of Samuel?
God's first words to Samuel.
Does God still speak to people?
What should we do if we believe God has spoken to us?
Why hadn't Samuel heard God's voice if he lived at the temple?


Two new blogs are up.

Blog #1: Samuel chapter 3 (God Speaks to Samuel) verses 10-21.

Things discussed:

God's message to Samuel:

Did Jesus appear to Samuel?
The coming judgment on Eli and his house.
Why did God judge Eli and his sons?
God promises to reject any sacrifice for Eli's rebellion.
Eli asks Samuel what God told him.
Samuel tells Eli God's message of judgment,

Samuel matures and is established as a prophet:

Samuel walks with God as he grows up.
The word of the LORD comes to Samuel.

Blog #2: Samuel chapter 4 (Capture of the Ark of the Covenant) verses 1-5.

Things discussed:

The Ark of the Covenant is captured (Part 1):

Who were the Philistines?
Israel is defeated by the Philistines.
Why did the elders of Israel want to bring God's Ark into battle?
The elders of Israel blame God for their loss in war.
Why did the elders of Israel try to manipulate God by forcing Him to come with the Ark into battle?
Israel puts their confidence in pagan superstitions rather than God.


New blog is up: Samuel chapter 4 (Capture of the Ark of the Covenant) verses 6-22.

Things discussed:

The Ark is captured (Part 2):

Why were the Philistines' fearful of the Ark of the Covenant?
The Philistines believe that God exists but fail to submit to Him.
The Philistines become courageous due to the Ark of the Covenant.
Why were the Philistines able to defeat Israel?
Is there any historical evidence for the battle between Israel and the Philistines?
Why did God allow the Ark of the Covenant to be captured?
Does God keep His word?
Israel's great anguish at the loss of the ark.

Israel's great anguish at the loss of the ark:

Eli hears of the loss of the Ark of the Covenant of God and dies.
More pain and suffering is forced upon Eli's remaining family due to the consequences of Eli's past sins.
What are the consequences for refusing to repent and surrender to God?


New blog is up: Samuel chapter 5 (The Ark of the Covenant Among the Philistines) verses 1-12.

Things discussed:

The ark in the Philistine city of Ashdod

Who was the god Dagon?
Why did God make the statue of Dagon bow down before Him?
Why did the Philistine priests reject Yahweh despite knowing Dagon was not a real god?
Why did God afflict the Philistines with hemorrhoids or the bubonic plague?
What happens when we push God out of our lives?

The ark of God in Gath and Ekron

The people of Gath and Ekron suffer due to refusing to repent and turn from their false god to Yahweh.


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 6 (The Ark of the Covenant Is Returned to Israel) verses 1-12.

Things discussed:

How did the Philistines get rid of the Ark of God?

Why did the Philistines keep God's ark for seven months?
The priests of the Philistines suggest offering a special offering due to insulting God.
Did the Philistines acknowledging that Yahweh is the one true God prove that they had real faith?
Why did the priests suggest to the Philistines not to harden their hearts?
The Philistines decide how to get rid of the ark of God.
The Philistines test to see if their judgment was from God (consequences due to cause and effect) or by random chance.
Is it rational and logical to believe life came about by random chance?
Why is it believed that the cows were supernaturally led by God back to the Israelites?


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 6 (The Ark of the Covenant Is Returned to Israel) verses 13-21.

Things discussed:

The Ark of God at Beth Shemesh:

The ark is received with honor and joy at Beth Shemesh.
A short history on the Ark of God.
God fulfills the Philistines test.
Why did God kill the men of Beth Shemesh for touching the Ark of the Covenant?
Does God keep secrets from humanity?
Did seventy or fifty thousand men of Beth Shemesh die due to profaning God's holiness?
Why did the men of Beth Shemesh want to distance themselves from God's holiness?
The men of Beth Shemesh appeal to the men of Kirjath Jearim to take the ark from them.


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 7 (Samuel as Judge to Israel) verses 1-4.

Things discussed:

Samuel leads the nation in repentance:

Why was the Ark of the Covenant at Kirjath Jearim for twenty years?
God uses Samuel to call Israel to repentance
Why does true repentance have to be both outward and inward?
Why does God want all His children to abandon the worship of false gods?
Why would Israel worship Baal and Ashtoreth instead of Yahweh?
Do modern cultures still worship Baal and Ashtoreth?


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 7 (Samuel as Judge to Israel) verses 5-9.

Things discussed:

Repentance leads Israel to seek God:

Why did Samuel call Israel to meet at Mizpah?
What type of evidence is shown when someone truly repents?
What do repentance and the pouring of water have in common?
Why does God want each of us to confess our sins to Him?
Why are Spiritual revivals always linked to the confession of sins?
Lessons to learn from being fearful and not trusting God.
What is the best thing to do when dealing with fear or making decisions?
Why did Samuel offer a lamb when he prayed for Israel?
What is the result of effective prayer?


Calvary Chapel Pasadena is presently hosting a Simple Truths Conference on Apologetics featuring guest speakers Dr. Ken Johnson & Xavier Ries with worship by Joseph Tata right now. Click the link below to watch the live stream being broadcast right now.

Stream link.


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 7 (Samuel as Judge to Israel) verses 10-17.

Things discussed:

Samuel leads Israel to victory:

Why did God fight on behalf of Israel?
What is the stone of Ebenezer?
Why is it important to remember that God has and will never fail us?
Why was Samuel successful as the last judge over Israel?
Samuel's service (as judge and prophet) as the last judge in Israel.


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 8 (Israel Demands a King) verses 1-9.

Things discussed:

Israel rejects God and requests a king:

Why did Samuel commit nepotism by appointing his sons as judges over Israel?
Did prophets like Samuel sin?
An example of what happens when believers are hypocrites in their relationship with God.
Why were Samuel's sons rejected as leaders over Israel?
What is the difference between a judge and king in Israel?
What is the best thing to do when someone hurts us?
What can happen when we demand our will to God.
Does God warn people of the consequences of ignoring His will?


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 8 & 9..

Things discussed:

Israel gets what they want:

Samuel warns Israel of the consequences of choosing man over God.
Israel chooses bondage over having God as their king.
Why did Israel want to copy the behaviors and customs of the world?
Are there any consequences when we reject God's best for our lives?
Background on the family of the soon-to-be king of Israel.


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 9 (God Leads Saul to Samuel) verses 3-14.

Things discussed:

Saul searches for his father's donkeys:

What mistakes do people make regarding God' guidance through our circumstances?
What is the difference between Saul, Saul's servant, and Samuel?
What is the difference between a seer and a prophet?
Where did the custom of the blessing our food come from?


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 9 (God Leads Saul to Samuel) verses 15-27.

Things discussed:

Samuel and Saul meet:

Samuel shows us what it means to pray without ceasing.
Does God use supernatural or natural ways to lead us?
God tells Samuel that Saul is the man who will be king.
Samuel proves to Saul that he is a true prophet of God.
Saul responds to Samuel with modesty about his future.
Why did Samuel make certain that Saul was the honored guest at his dinner?
Samuel and Saul talk together through the night.


Neo Member
What up Christian Gaf? Big shoutout to GA, it's nice to have something like this to seek encouragement and learning.

Just something I'd be interested in hearing from others, but do you think that the lack of science knowledge and and such tends to hurt Christians when explaining their beliefs? I get frustrated personally when those who tend to attack Christianity base their arguments on those who say things like "Explain the sunset if God didn't exist". The fact is, we can explain many of those things, such as tides and other once 'fantastic' events. And while God is responsible for the creation of the systems and laws that enable those things to occur, it sometimes comes across as Christians cheapening the argument when we say God did it. Am I crazy here, or has this line of thinking occurred to anyone else?

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
What up Christian Gaf? Big shoutout to GA, it's nice to have something like this to seek encouragement and learning.

Just something I'd be interested in hearing from others, but do you think that the lack of science knowledge and and such tends to hurt Christians when explaining their beliefs? I get frustrated personally when those who tend to attack Christianity base their arguments on those who say things like "Explain the sunset if God didn't exist". The fact is, we can explain many of those things, such as tides and other once 'fantastic' events. And while God is responsible for the creation of the systems and laws that enable those things to occur, it sometimes comes across as Christians cheapening the argument when we say God did it. Am I crazy here, or has this line of thinking occurred to anyone else?

My belief has been that God is the creator of Heaven and Earth. If a being has the ability to create all that is then don't you believe that he truly understands how it works. Many people want to separate science and religion as two different things completely apart and against each other, when in reality I believe that God is the master of science and created it. We are merely trying to understand how everything works. In this sense both aspects work. God created the sunset - religious outlook. Here is how the sunset happens - Science outlook. In Genesis it states that God created the Heavens and the Earth. He create light. It doesn't go into specific detail on how he did it, just that he did it. Its like explaining something to a child. You don't go into all the details, but give the simplest explanation. How could we understand everything?



I think the following lecture will answer your question and then some. ^_^

Faith & Science Conference 2014: Science and the God Question (Aug 15, 2014)

Audio download link

John Lennox lectures on the history of science and Christianity. This is part of the 2014 Faith & Science Conference Session 1 - Science and the God Question. Faith & Science 2014

John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford, Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science, and Pastoral Advisor at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He is also an adjunct Lecturer at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University and at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and is a Senior Fellow of the Trinity Forum.


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 10 (Saul Anointed and Proclaimed King) verses 1-16.

Things discussed:

Saul is anointed as king over Israel:

Why are believers anointed with oil?
Why was Saul's anointing as king over Israel done in secret?
Samuel tells Saul of a sign to confirm that God really called him.
Samuel tells Saul of another sign to confirm what God has done.
What is a prophetic guild?
Samuel tells Saul of a third sign to confirm what God has done.
Why did the Holy Spirit have to come upon Saul?
Why was Saul commanded to wait for Samuel at Gilgal?
Who is the only one that can give us a new heart?
God's signs come to pass for Saul.
Saul hides his experience from his family.




Two new lectures by Professor John Lennox.

Is God a delusion?, Prof. John Lennox @ University of Cape Town part 1
Is God a delusion?, Prof. John Lennox @ University of Cape Town part 2


"54 prophecies fulfilled in 60 years"

Israel will be reestablished as a nation. Isa. 11:11
British ships will be the first to bring the Jewish people home. Isa. 60:9
Israel will come back as one nation, not two. Hosea 1:11; Ezek. 37:18,19,22
Israel will be reestablished by a leader named David. Hosea 3:5
The revived state will be named Israel. Ezek. 37:11
The Star of David will be on the Israeli flag. Isa. 11:10
The nation will be reestablished in the ancient land of Canaan. Jer. 30:2,3; Ezek. 37:12
Israel will no longer speak of being freed from Egypt. Jer 16:14,15
Israel will not be restored as a monarchy. Mic 5:5
Israel will be established on the date predicted. Dan 4; Ezek. 4:4-6
The Hebrew language will be revived in Israel. Jer. 31:23
Jerusalem will be divided. Zech. 14:1-3
Jordan will occupy the West Bank. Zeph. 2:8; Zech. 12:1-7
Israel will be initially restored without Jerusalem. Zech. 12:1-7
Israel will have a fierce military (fire-pot). Zech. 12:1-7; Isa. 41
Dead Sea Scrolls will be found. Isa. 29:1-4
Israel will be reestablished by the fourth craftsman. Zech 1:18-21
The Jewish people will come back in unbelief. Ezek. 37:7-8,11
First Shepherd will arise. Mic. 5:5-8

Yemenite Jews will return. Isa. 43:3-7

Israel will control Ashkelon. Zech. 9:1-8

Egypt will no longer have kings (Suez crises). Zech. 10:9-11

Second Shepherd will arise. Mic. 5:5-8
The 1967 war will occur on the date predicted. Dan. 5
Five Egyptian cities will be conquered by the Israelis.Isa. 19:16-18
Jordan will give up the West Bank. Zech. 12:6
West Bank Jews will go home to Jerusalem. Zech. 12:6

Israel will control Ashdod. Zech. 9:1-8

Yom Kippur War will occur. Mic. 5:5-8
Jerusalem will be a burden to all nations. Zech. 12:2,3

The shekel will be revived as Israeli currency. Ezek. 45:1,2

Third Shepherd will arise. Mic. 5:5-8
Israel will attack Iraqi (Nuclear) facility. Mic. 5:5-8

Israel will give back the Sinai peninsula. Zech. 10:6
First Lebanese War will occur (fire-pot). Zech. 12:6

The Berlin Wall will fall. Ezek. 38:4-6

Ethiopian Jews will be brought to Israel. Isa. 18:1-7

Cities will be restored and Israel will have non-Jewish farmers. Isa. 61:4,5; Zeph. 2
Jerusalem will grow beyond its old walls. Zech. 2:4,5
Land of Israel will be divided by its rivers and by Muslims. Isa. 18:1-7
Tourists will fly in and support Israel. Isa. 60:8-10; Isa. 61
There will be constant planting and reaping (crops). Amos 9:13-15
Forests will reappear in Israel (cedar, etc). Isa. 41:18-20
Desolate land and cities will be restored. Ezek. 36:33-36
Five cities will stay desolate. Matt. 11:20-24
Muslims will not reckon Israel among nations. Num. 23:9
Israel will inherit remnant of Edom/Palestinians. Amos 9:12
Satellite-Television Communication Systems invented. Rev. 17:8

Sanhedrin will be reestablished. Matt. 24:15,20

Palestinians will want Jerusalem as their capital. Ezek. 36:2,7,10-11
Gaza will be forsaken. Zeph. 2:4
Russia and Iran will sign a military defense pact. Ezek. 38:3-8

Second Lebanese War will occur. Psalm 83:1-18

Turkey makes a military pact with Russia. Ezek. 38:3-8


New blog is up: 1 Samuel chapter 10 (Saul Anointed and Proclaimed King) verses 17-27.

Things discussed:

Saul is proclaimed as king:

Was Israel to blame for wanting a king instead of God?
Why was Saul selected by lot if he was already king of Israel?
Saul reveals his first weakness as king, Is physical stature important for leadership?, Samuel teaches Israel how a monarchy should function
Why does God want our lives surrounded by men and women of God (i.e. at Church)?
Lessons that we can learn from King Saul.


New blog is up on 1 Samuel chapter 11.

Things discussed:

Saul's Victory at Jabesh Gilead:

Why did Nahash the Ammonite give an ultimatum to an Israelite city?
Why did Nahash want all the men to have their right eyes gouged out?
What similarities are there between Satan and Nahash?
Two lessons to learn from the elders of Jabesh Gilead.
Saul hears of the plight of Jabesh Gilead.
What is the purpose of the Spirit of God coming upon a person?
Is being angry always a sin?
Why does Saul threaten those who refuse to help and stop the evil being committed by Nahash?
Israel defeats of Nahash the Ammonite.
Saul shows mercy to his former opponents and gives God glory.
Why did Israel finally accept Saul as King?
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