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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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It's not a great thread for discussion. Argumentative atheists are not welcome and I'm guessing a lot of you believers don't see eye to eye about the details since you belong to vastly different denominations.

Anyone is welcome, regardless of their worldview.

Some Christians might hold to some different theological views, but what matters are the core doctrines of what defines a follower of Christ. The rest is usually trivial when it comes to things that are not sins.

Diversity and unity are what is central to Jesus' family. Just look at the disciples. His crew had a hated tax collector, religious zealot, fishermen, and other men who wanted to have people serve them. This hasn't changed even in this generation.
To be honest, I'm surprised this thread even exists given much of the agnosticism and atheism that makes up the majority of the OT board.


To be honest, I'm surprised this thread even exists given much of the agnosticism and atheism that makes up the majority of the OT board.

I glad that this thread is allowed to exist since it offers a different worldview to the majority here. The message that we are created in God's image, with intrinsic value and purpose, that we are rational and logical beings, and moral absolutes exist is timeless in my view.


Glad to see this thread still up.

I just finished an outstanding book that I'd like to share with the rest of you all: Understanding the Times by David Noebel. Essentially it breaks down the most popular worldviews of our modern age and lays out (by letting the people who believe in those views speak for themselves) how each views the major aspects of life: History, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Politics, etc. Really fascinating read that I would highly recommend.
Glad to see this thread still up.

I just finished an outstanding book that I'd like to share with the rest of you all: Understanding the Times by David Noebel. Essentially it breaks down the most popular worldviews of our modern age and lays out (by letting the people who believe in those views speak for themselves) how each views the major aspects of life: History, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Politics, etc. Really fascinating read that I would highly recommend.

Cool. On that topic, I read "The Universe Next Door" when I was in Bible college. Also, very good.
What is a good place to start reading the bible? I belong to a church, and I go here and there, but I've yet to fully dive in to reading. Also, how do others feel about tithing?


What is a good place to start reading the bible? I belong to a church, and I go here and there, but I've yet to fully dive in to reading. Also, how do others feel about tithing?

I will just address the where to "start reading" part of your question.

I would start reading through the Gospel of John and then head on over to the book of Romans. The book of Romans is really good to read because it summarizes the Old Testament into one book and explains God's entire plan from the beginning until the end. Try to also go through the book of proverbs daily (a few verses at a time or an entire chapter at a time).

Blue Letter Bible will help you in your studying. They offer a comprehensive list of free study tools like commentaries and dictionaries at your disposal.

I am sure others will add to what I shared. So, hope my info helped. ^_^
Also, how do others feel about tithing?

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Malachi 3:10

Your tithe supports not only your local church but also the community, missionaries, and charitable efforts worldwide. This is what we are called to do.

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"

1 John 3:17


New blog is up on the Matthew chapter 20 verses 1-16.

Things discussed:

The parable of the workers in the vineyard.
Jesus responds to Peter with a parable.
A landowner highers workers to work at his vineyard.
The landowner continues to hire workers throughout the day.
The landowner pays all of his workers the same wage regardless of what time of day they started at.
The first hired workers complain against the landowner.
The landowner responds to the complaints of the first workers.
Why does the landowner tell the first workers that they have evil eyes?
What is the meaning of the parable of the workers in the vineyard?


New blog is up on the Matthew chapter 20 verses 17-23.

Things discussed:

Jesus discusses (for the third time) his suffering, betrayal, murder, and resurrection waiting for Him in Jerusalem.
James and John have their mom ask Jesus for special status for them in Heaven.
Jesus answers James and John: when you ask for a place of special status, do you know what you ask for?
James and John tell Jesus they can handle any suffering that comes their way.
Jesus tells James and John that they will indeed suffer for Him.


New blog is up on the Matthew chapter 20 verses 24-34.

Things discussed:

Why were the disciples displeased with James and John?
Jesus tells us that being great in God's kingdom is the opposite of how people reach greatness in the world.
Jesus came to Earth to serve people and tells us to do the same to others.
Did Jesus die for all mankind or just a select few?
Two blind men gain the attention of Jesus by screaming for Him.
Jesus heals the two blind men.


Some crazy stuff happening right now to our brothers and sisters in Kenya due to radical Muslims. Don't click on the link if you do not want to see graphic pictures.

'My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head': How al-Shabaab militia went from door to door killing non-Muslims as Kenyan village watched World Cup

Kenya attack happened as residents watched World Cup matches last night
Authorities have blamed al-Shabaab, Somalia's al-Qaida-linked terror group
Assault happened in Mpeketoni which is 60 miles from Somali border
Witnesses say gunmen went door to door asking if residents spoke Somali
If the answer was no they shot them dead on their doorstep, say locals
Images of Iraqi men being shot dead in a ditch by ISIS militants shock world
Taliban insurgents hack off fingers of 11 men for voting in general election
Search continues for three Israeli teens kidnapped by Hamas in Palestine
Former Nigerian president says kidnapped schoolgirls may never be found



New blog is up on the Matthew chapter 21 verses 1-14.

Things discussed:

Jesus prepares to reveal Himself as the Messiah to the people in Jerusalem.
Jesus instructs His disciples to bring Him a specific colt that had never been ridden.
Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy by riding on a colt and entering Jerusalem as the Messiah and the suffering servant.
What is the significance of people spreading their clothes on the road for Jesus?
People sing Psalm 118 to Jesus and worship Him as He enters Jerusalem.
Jesus enters Jerusalem without any fear.
Why did Jesus overturn merchant tables in God's temple?


What a thread. On GAF too. Wow. Lots to discuss.

Welcome bro. ^_^

New blog is up on Matthew chapter 21 verses 1-14.

Things discussed:

Why were the Jewish leaders so angry at Jesus?
The Jewish leaders ask Jesus why He is OK with children blaspheming God due to their worship of Him in God's temple.
What does it mean that Jesus left the Jewish leaders?
Why did Jesus rebuke a fig tree?
What is the parable of the fig tree?
The disciples ask Jesus how he made the fig tree wither away so quickly.
Jesus tells His disciples that the power of prayer and the potency of faith is the reason for the miracle.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 21 verses 23-32.

Things discussed:

The religious leaders question Jesus regarding where His authority comes from.
The religious leader refuse to answer Jesus' question.
Jesus tells the religious leaders a parable about two sons.
What is the difference between the first and second son?
Jesus reveals the meaning of the parable of the two sons to the religious leaders.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 21 verses 33-46.

Things discussed:

What is the parable of the wicked servants about?
What is Jesus teaching the religious leaders through the parable of the wicked servants?
The religious leaders condemn themselves by answering Jesus' question.
Jesus calls out the religious leaders for their ignorance in not knowing God's Word very well.
Jesus reminds the religious leaders of Psalm 118 and that there would be consequences foe their rejection of Him.
Jesus warns the religious leaders that their leadership would be taken away from them for rejecting God and Him.
Jesus warns the religious leaders of the result of their inevitable rejection of Him.
The religious leaders reveal what is inside of their hearts by what they wanted to do with Jesus.


New blog is up on Matthew chapter 22 verses 1-14.

Things discussed:

The parable of the wedding feast:
What is a parable?
Invited guests refuse to go to the kings royal wedding of his son.
The king sends out a second invitation to guests who were already invited.
Some invited guests ignore the second invitation - while others murder the servants that brought the invitations.
The king reacts to the news his servants were hurt and murdered.
The king invites anyone (good or bad) who is willing to come to his son's wedding.
The king finds a man without a wedding garment at his son's wedding.
Why did the King cast out the man without a wedding garment into outer darkness?
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