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A new blog has been posted on Romans 7 (Exposing the Weakness of the Law) verse 24-25: Victory over the law and sin is found in Jesus Christ.

A few samples from the study:

Legalism always brings a person face to face with their own wretchedness, and if they continue in legalism, they will react in one of two ways. Either they will deny their wretchedness and become self-righteous Pharisees, or they will despair because of their wretchedness and give up following after God.

Paul has referred to himself some 40 times since Romans 7:13. In the pit of his unsuccessful struggle against sin, Paul became entirely self-focused and self-obsessed. This is the place of any believer living under law, who looks to self and personal performance rather than looking first to Jesus.

a. You thought the problem was that you didn't know what to do to save yourself - but the law came as a teacher, taught you what to do and you still couldn't do it. You don't need a teacher, you need a Savior.
b. You thought the problem was that you weren't motivated enough, but the law came in like a coach to encourage you on to do what you need to do and you still didn't do it. You don't need a coach or a motivational speaker, you need a Savior.
c. You thought the problem was that you didn't know yourself well enough. But the law came in like a doctor and perfectly diagnosed your sin problem but the law couldn't heal you. You don't need a doctor, you need a Savior.

Some of the other things discussed...

Why was Paul filled with despair?
What does legalism do to the Christian?
Living under the law makes a believer self-focused instead of Jesus-focused.
Can self-help methods deliver a person from the power of sin?
How does sin bring death to our bodies?
Paul finally looks outside of himself to Jesus.
How does Jesus help us in and with our struggles?
How does the Holy Spirit use the law to point us to Jesus?

A couple of new sermons (right click/save as):

3/28/2015 - How to Avoid Divorce (Malachi 2:13-16) (Married couple's study)
3/31/2015 - Genesis 20 (Men's study)
4/1/15 - Proverbs 8-9
4/1/15 - Psalms 93-101

A new apologetic lecture and a short video:

Is Christianity Intolerant? An RZIM Open Forum (March 31, 2015)

Michael Ramsden will address the question, “Is Christianity Intolerant?” and will distinguish the difference between tolerance and respect at the University of Oklahoma School of Music. A Q&A session will follow the forum.

12. Why did Jesus have to die?
Hey guys. Wanted to hear your thoughts on the Religious Freedom Bill.

My thoughts are a Christian shouldn't turn people away just because of their views on things business wise.

Now with fellowship you can hangout, but depending on people's actions as in not even trying to stop sinning/do God's will. A Christian might have to kick people away.

Paul mentions turning people over to Satan, having power over sin through Jesus Christ, we shouldn't continuing willing to sin.

Jesus even warns people that people will call him Lord, but won't know him. Also how people will kill Christians/you and think there doing God a favor.

There is time for flipping tables, rebuking, and compassion/love. Christian should strive to live up to Jesus's standards and ask God to help them grow.

Christians need to make sure there is more love than our personal emotions in the way in everything we do regarding correction/guidance.

I think this testimony sums up what I had to say regarding love. Less than five minutes.

Voice of the Martyrs - Testimony of Pastor Richar…: http://youtu.be/j_Sij_EYed8


A new episode of Unbelievable? has been posted:


Unbelievable? Is the Turin Shroud the burial cloth of Christ? Alan Whanger vs Hugh
Saturday 4th April 2015 - 02:30 pm

Two guests with different views on the authenticity of the Turin Shroud join Justin to debate following his feature documentary on the Shroud.

Alan Whanger has spent decades researching the shroud and believes he has seen images on it that link it to 1st Century Israel. Hugh Farey has spent decades surveying shroud literature and has come to the conclusion it is medieval in origin.

Get the MP3 (right click/save as)

For Justin's radio feature ‘The Turin Shroud: a relic of the resurrection?’: http://www.premierchristianradio.co...roud-a-relic-of-the-resurrection-Unbelievable

For Justin's magazine feature ‘Shrouded in Mystery’: http://www.premierchristianity.com/Past-Issues/2015/April-2015/Shrouded-in-mystery

For Alan Whanger: http://people.duke.edu/~adw2/shroud/

For Hugh Farey: https://www.shroud.com/bstsmain.htm


A new blog has been posted on Romans 8 (Exposing the Weakness of the Law) verse 1: No condemnation in Jesus Christ.

Two samples from the study:

"I think that this particular verse has meant more to me than almost any other passage of scripture, because I lived so many years of my Christian life in constant condemnation. Because, though my spirit was indeed willing, my flesh was weak. Week after week I would promise God that I was going to do better next week. Apologizing, repenting for my failure of the past week. "God, next week, I promise. I will read the Bible every day. I will pray every day. God, I am going to do better." I was always feeling guilty because I was always breaking my vow before God. I was not doing those things that I promised God I would do. I was constantly feeling condemnation. But there is therefore now no condemnation to those which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Smith)

"A friend came by one day with a couple boxes of Häagen-Dazs bars—the dark chocolate-covered ones—my favorites. Now, if you’ve ever read the ingredients on the side panel of a Häagen-Dazs box, you know they’re sinful. And yet that sinfully delicious Häagen-Dazs is now hidden and buried in me. You no longer see it. - So, too—you are in Christ—with all of your sinful tendencies, calories, and fat grams. Thus, when the Father looks on you, He doesn’t see you with all of your failings and shortcomings. No, He sees you robed with the righteousness of Christ Jesus (Isaiah 61:10). He doesn’t see you in your sin; He sees you in His Son. Therefore, there’s no condemnation whatsoever. Regardless of where you’ve been or how badly you’ve failed, regardless of who you are or where you are, there is no condemnation." (Courson)

Some of the other things discussed...

Life in the Spirit contrasted with life in the flesh. (Part 1)

Introduction to Romans 8
Why are Christians not condemned by God?
Can Christians ever be under God's condemnation?
What words were not in the original manuscripts for Romans 8?

Two new sermons (right click/save as):

4/2/2015 - Isaiah 5-6
4/2/2015 - Passion Week, Part 3 (Matthew 27:27-31c; 2-10; 31d-34)

An article on Easter: 5 Answers from Billy Graham About Easter

Three new lectures from John Lennox at the University of Waterloo.

The Hard Question: God and the Problem of Evil (with John Lennox)
Do Science and Miracles Mix? with John Lennox
Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix? with John Lennox
Let all partake of the feast of faith. Let all receive the riches of goodness.
Let no one lament his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed.
Let no one mourn his transgressions, for pardon has dawned from the grave.
Let no one fear death, for the Saviour's death has set us free.

He that was taken by death has annihilated it! He descended into hades and took hades captive! He embittered it when it tasted his flesh! And anticipating this Isaiah exclaimed, "Hades was embittered when it encountered thee in the lower regions."

It was embittered, for it was abolished!
It was embittered, for it was mocked!
It was embittered, for it was purged!
It was embittered, for it was despoiled!
It was embittered, for it was bound in chains!
It took a body and, face to face, met God!
It took earth and encountered heaven!
It took what it saw but crumbled before what it had not seen!
"O death, where is thy sting? O hades, where is thy victory?"
Christ is risen, and you are overthrown!
Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen!
Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!
Christ is risen, and life reigns!
Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in a tomb!
For Christ, being raised from the dead, has become the First-fruits of them that slept.
To him be glory and might unto ages of ages.


- St John Chrysostom, some 1700 years ago
1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.

2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.

3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:

5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

7 Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.

8 And they remembered his words,

9 And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest.

10 It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.

11 And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.

12 Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.

13 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?

18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days?

19 And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

20 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

22 Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

23 And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.

24 And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.

25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?

27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

28 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.

31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.

36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.

41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.

43 And he took it, and did eat before them.

44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

48 And ye are witnesses of these things.

49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

50 And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

51 And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.

52 And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:

53 And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.


Happy late-resurrection Sunday. My wife and I went to our churches sunrise service yesterday at a near by park, and later had a family dinner with both of our families. Here are some pictures from the Sunrise service:

Here is a link to the service.

Easter Sunrise Service

That said, I posted a new blog on Romans 8 (A New and Wonderful Life in the Spirit) verse 2-8: Life in the Spirit vs. life in the flesh.

A sample from the study:

Now man is composed of three parts, an inferior trinity. He is body, mind, and spirit. The mind being synonymous with the soul, the consciousness of man. The consciousness of man is responsive to whatever controls the man. So if a man is controlled by his body appetites, if a man is living predominately after the flesh, then he has what is termed here the mind of the flesh. Or is mindful of fleshly things, or body needs. And this is the state of the natural man apart from Jesus Christ. It is that body consciousness, and you talk to the average person apart from Jesus Christ and they are going to be talking to you about things that relate to the body. They are going to be talking to you about new recipes, exotic new desserts, or they are going to be talking to you about drinks, or they're going to be talking to you about sex, or things that relate to the body appetites. Because that is where the mind of natural man is, because the body is in control, what he is thinking about constantly are those body needs, the body drives.

However, when a man is born again by the Spirit of God and the spirit, then, is in control in his life, that man, then, is concerned with spiritual things and he is going to be talking about God, his relationship, the work of God within his heart, the work of God, spirit, how to please the Lord, how to serve the Lord. And his conversation is going to be addressed to spiritual things. Now the man who lives dominated by his body appetites is living like an animal, because animals are body-controlled beings. They do have a consciousness that is constantly absorbed with their body needs. Any man who lives controlled by his body needs is living as an animal and that is why the humanists today are so certain that they are related to the animal kingdom. Because they look around and they say, "Will you look at that baboon over there? All he thinks about is his body need. His only concern is feeding himself, and of procreation, and so forth and he looks a little bit like me. I guess I am related to that baboon." And he feels the close affinity to it, because the baboon is living just like he lives. But a man whose spirit has come alive and who is living after the Spirit realizes that he is not related to the animal kingdom, he is related to God. He was made in the image and the likeness of God, and it was from that image the he fell. But he seeks to relate himself again to God, because he is living after the Spirit.

Some of the other things discussed...

Life in the Spirit contrasted with life in the flesh. (Part 2)

What is the law of sin and death?
How is the law of Moses weak to a Christian?
How did Jesus defeat the power of sin?
How and why is the Law of Moses fulfilled in Christians?
Why is walking in the Spirit the key to not sinning?
An easy way to tell if we are walking with God.
The difference between a lost person's thinking and a Christian's thinking
Why are so many Christians powerless against sin and full of despair?
Why is our human nature in rebellion against God?
Can Christian good works earn God's favor?
What is the basic purpose of our existence?

Three new sermons (right click/save as):

4/5/15 - Risen Indeed (I Corinthians 15:1-20)
4/5/15 - Easter 2015 ((2 Corinthians 4:8-18)
4/5/15 - Resurrection Sunday 2015

Some new apologetic lectures:

Michael Ramsden: Truth & Trust
Michael Ramsden: Modern Culture and Identity, & The Certainty of Jesus
Michael Ramsden: God of Love, Church of Arrogance?
Michael Ramsden: Delusions of Grandeur (Luke 19:28-48)
Michael Ramsden: God of Love, World of Suffering?
Michael Ramsden: Global Mission Conference Sunday Closing Message (2015)
Michael Ramsden: Global Mission Conference Friday Evening (2015)


I've tried to give an answer to that "Why are Christians hypocrites?" thread. It's pretty long and a little bit theological, but I just thought I'd give it a try. General knowledge of Christian theology on GAF is shockingly low (despite a lot of them thinking they know more about the Bible than Christians). It probably won't go down well, but oh well.
I've tried to give an answer to that "Why are Christians hypocrites?" thread. It's pretty long and a little bit theological, but I just thought I'd give it a try. General knowledge of Christian theology on GAF is shockingly low (despite a lot of them thinking they know more about the Bible than Christians). It probably won't go down well, but oh well.

I read your post. Thank you for writing it. I myself try to distance myself from "those" threads, but I really appreciate you, or anyone else holding the candle in them.
On the topic of posting in threads like those mentioned: my philosophy has always been to try and avoid them because most of the time they are not conducive to authentic conversatioan. Im not sure whether that is right or wrong since I know we should honor Christ in everything that we do, but I also know there is the principle of casting your pearls before swine. Appreciative of those who do it in this environment, though.


A new blog has been posted on Romans 8 (A New and Wonderful Life in the Spirit) verse 9-15: Is Living/Walking in the Spirit a Choice?

A few samples from the study:

1. "Now this should be to each of us tonight a very searching verse, and upon reading this, it is important that each of us now make a personal inventory and evaluation and ask ourselves the question: Is my life led by the Spirit of God? As you look at your life, can you honestly say, "Yes, my life is led by the Spirit of God"? We are told to be careful lest we deceive ourselves. We are told that our heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it. Thus, this kind of a verse should be a very searching verse and one that we should allow to search out our hearts today. Am I lead by the Spirit of God? For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. There are a lot of people today who are making claims to being sons of God. How can I really know that I am a son of God? Because I will be led by the Spirit of God. But if I am being led by my flesh, dominated by my flesh, then I am only fooling myself if I say I am a son of God." (Smith)

2. How does the Holy Spirit lead us?

We are led by guidance
We are led by drawing
We are led by governing authority
We are led as we cooperate with the leading. "It does not say, 'As many as are driven by the Spirit of God.' No, the devil is a driver, and when he enters either into men or into hogs he drives them furiously. Remember how the whole herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea. Whenever you see a man fanatical and wild, whatever spirit is in him it is not the Spirit of Christ." (Spurgeon)

3. Where does the Holy Spirit lead us?

He leads us to repentance
He leads us to think little of self and much of Jesus
He leads us into truth
He leads us into love
He leads us into holiness
He leads us into usefulness

4. "When asked how to find the will of God, Augustine simply said, “It’s real simple. Love the Lord and do whatever you want.” How could he say this? Because if we love the Lord, Psalm 37 says the Spirit will change the desires of our heart to conform to His will." (Courson)

Some of the other things discussed...

Do some Christians live their lives in Romans 7?
Questions to ask ourselves to see if we are saved and have the Holy Spirit?
Why are Christians free from all sin?
Why are Christians in debt to God?
What is the easiest way to die spiritually every day?
How do we put our sinful nature to death?
Is it possible for the Spirit of God to lead a non-Christian?
A personal evaluation and inventory list that all Christians should make to avoid deception.
Is there a simple way to know God's will?
Can Christians call God Daddy?
What does it mean that we are adopted by God through Christ?

Two new new sermons (right click/save as):

4/05/2015 - Christians, A Witness to Jesus' Resurrection (1 Pe 1:3-5)
4/05/2015 - Our Emmaus Road (Lk 24:13-35)

There is a debate tonight that will be streamed over the internet. It starts at 6pm EST. Here are the details.


What is God Really Like: Tawhid or Trinity?

Imam Dr. Shabir Ally and Christian Dr. Nabeel Qureshi (a former Muslim) will debate the question, “What Is God Really Like: Tawhid or Trinity?” April 8, 2015 at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (EDT).

Qureshi is a former Muslim who converted to Christianity through historical reasoning and a spiritual search for God. He and Ally will debate on whether Christianity is correct in its revelation of the Trinity, the triune nature of God, or if Islam is correct in the Tawhid’s proclamation of the oneness of God. There will also be a 30-45 minute Q&A session following the debate.

“I’m honored to debate Dr. Shabir Ally,” Qureshi says. “The last time I saw him was in 2004 when I was still a Muslim. I was watching him debate and was hoping he’d win.”


Stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWpqqqZn7Kg


I think Today's blog on Romans 8 (A New and Wonderful Life in the Spirit) verse 16-18 will resonate with most of us on GAF. We all suffering, many times for believing in and speaking on Jesus' behalf on these boards. I hope today's blog encourages and strengthens those who pray behind the scenes and for those who choose to proclaim God's truth here on GAF.

A few samples from the study:

1. Why do Christians have trials?

To glorify God (Dan 3:16-18, 24-25)
Discipline for known sin (Heb 12:5-11; James 4:17; Rom 14:23; 1 Jn 1:9)
To prevent us from falling into sin (1 Pet 4:1-2)
To keep us from pride—Paul kept from pride by his “thorn in the flesh.” (2 Cor 12:7-10), His eyes? (Gal 4:15; 6:11)
To build faith (1 Pet 1:6-7)
To cause growth (Rom 5:3-5)
To teach obedience and discipline (Acts 9:15-16; Phil 4:11-13)
To equip us to comfort others (2 Cor 1:3-4)
To prove the reality of Christ in us (2 Cor 4:7-11)
For testimony to the angels (Job 1:8; Eph 3:8-11; 1 Pet 1:12)

2. " As a Christian we will experience suffering, because in reality we have become an alien in the world in which we live. This world that is dominated by the flesh, dominated by men who are dominated by the flesh. We are a minority group. The majority of the people in the world are living after the flesh. We are aliens because we live an entirely different lifestyle as we live after the Spirit. One that they cannot understand, and when a person cannot understand you, you will always become a threat to them. So Jesus said, "Rejoice when you are persecuted for righteousness sake. Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven" (Luke 6:22-23). So Jesus, in the hour of suffering or persecution, points us to the glory of that kingdom that we are going to experience for eternity. We are told concerning Jesus, "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame" (Hebrews 12:2). Yes, He suffered, but as He suffered He was looking forward to the glory of the kingdom and the joy of being able to redeem lost man. So in suffering we should not be looking at the suffering, but at the glorious kingdom that shall come when our Lord comes to claim His own. For the present sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed. Paul in writing to the Corinthians, after telling them the whole ten yards that he had gone through, the many beatings and stonings, shipwrecks and imprisonments and all, he said, "But this light affliction which is but for a moment worketh an exceeding eternal weight of glory" (II Corinthians 4:17). This light affliction... "I was beaten five times with rods and stoned three times and dragged out of the city. They thought I was dead. I was hanging on to a part of the ship for a night and a day out in the middle of the Mediterranean." Light affliction, it is just but for a moment. But oh, I am going to have an eternal weight of glory. I reckon that this suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed." (Smith)

Some of the other things discussed...

What evidence is given to us so that we know that we are children of God?
What are the two witnesses of our salvation?
What are the benefits and responsibilities of being God's children?
Why does God call us to share in His suffering?
Paul's analysis of present suffering and our future glory
What is the purpose and meaning of suffering?


Today's new blog is on Romans 8 (A New and Wonderful Life in the Spirit) verses 19-25: Life in the Spirit makes us able to understand and endure suffering.

A few samples from the study:

"Pascal was right when he said there is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man, for here, Paul tells us the creature was made subject to vanity, or emptiness (subjected to futility). Man has a hole in his heart—and although we try to fill that hole with materialism, sexual experience, or recreation, nothing can fill the emptiness but God." (Courson)

"Now, unfortunately, there are those radical groups that take a verse like this and a phrase "manifestation of the sons of God" and they use it to build a whole pernicious doctrine. And this doctrine has a way of cycling. It becomes popular about every forty years. The last time it was popular was 1948, and it is beginning to get popular again, so thirty years. This doctrine of the manifestation of the sons of God is sort of a heavy kind of a doctrine. It surely appeals to a person's flesh, because basically what this doctrine declares is that the whole world is waiting for you to be manifested as the sons of God. That there is going to come in the last days a great power of God's Spirit upon the church and God is going to manifest Himself through you, His church, and you are going to be endowed with all kinds of supernatural powers. And you are going to go over to Moscow and you are going to start pointing at the tanks and they are going to start dissolving. And you are going through the hospital and emptying them all, and the whole world is just waiting for you to be manifested and so the idea is to, "Let's just sit and get perfected and get the church perfected so that God can manifest Himself in the perfected church," and this is in reality the second coming of Jesus Christ. He is not coming physically or bodily, but He is going to be coming in His church to be manifested through His church to the world, and the whole world is just groaning and travailing as waiting for you to be manifested. Sounds pretty wonderful, doesn't it? A powerful finger. Sad that people even give the time of day to such a doctrine. Paul tells us in just a little bit what the manifestation of the sons of God really is. That is the problem of these people who never read the context, they just grab the phrase that they want out of a verse and never bother to look at the context of that particular verse, and we will see it in its context in a moment." (Smith)

What are the three tenses of “Being Saved”?

1. Past - Have been saved: Eph 2:8-9
- Positional, called justification, eternal
- Saved from the penalty of sin.
2. Present - Are being saved: Rom 6
- Operationally, by the Holy Spirit, moment-by-moment
- From the power of sin;- Called sanctification, a process
3. Future - Shall be saved:
- From the presence of sin
- Here called “the redemption of our body.” Rom 8:23

Some of the other things discussed...

Why is all of creation awaiting and anticipating the coming glory of Jesus?
What was the purpose of God creating mankind in an incomplete state?
What is the false doctrine of the manifestation of the sons of God?
Why does all creation groan or in pain?
What is the firstfruits of the Spirit?
Does the Bible talk about salvation in three stages/tenses?
Why do believers also groan and wait with perseverance for the coming glory?
What is the redemption of the body?

New sermons (Right Click/Save As):

4/7/15 - Genesis 21 (Men's Study)
4/7/15 - Christ Above All (Colossians 1) (Women's Study)
4/8/15 - Psalm 102:1-18
4/8/15 - Proverbs 10-11

A Pepperdine University debate between Dr. John Lennox and Dr. Michael Shermer.

The Nature of Suffering and Evil

This year's forum will feature a dialogue between Dr. John Lennox (theist) and Dr. Michael Shermer (non-theist) on the nature of suffering and evil, moderated by Pepperdine's own Dr. Garrett Pendergraft, assistant professor of philosophy at Seaver College.

Dr. John Lennox is professor of mathematics in the University of Oxford, Fellow in mathematics and the philosophy of science, and Pastoral Advisor at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He has written a number of books on the interface between science, philosophy and theology.

Dr. Michael Shermer is the founding publisher of Skeptic magazine, the executive director of the Skeptics Society, a monthly columnist for Scientific American, and adjunct professor at Claremont Graduate University and Chapman University.

Two new apologetics lectures:

Dealing with Emotional Doubt - Gary Habermas, PhD

Faith Is Not a Sideshow - Ross Douthat (NY Times columnist) at the University of Michigan


A new episode of Unbelievable? has been posted:


Unbelievable? Has the Big Bang gone bust? Phil Harper & Jeff Zweerink
Saturday 11th April 2015 - 02:30 pm

Recent news headlines suggested that the theory of the Big Bang in which the universe had a beginning point, has been overturned. If it's true, and the universe is eternal after all, would it consign cosmological arguments to the dustbin?

Jeff Zweerink a physicist with Reasons To Believe debates the issues with atheist commentator Phil Harper, known online as Skydivephil.

Get the MP3 (right click/save as)

For the RTB article on the claims: http://www.reasons.org/articles/have-quantum-physicists-disproven-the-big-bang

For Skydivephil videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/skydivephil

For William Lane Craig vs Sean Carroll on science & God: http://www.premierchristianradio.co...ean-Carroll-debate-God-Cosmology-Unbelievable


Today's blog is on Romans 8 (A New and Wonderful Life in the Spirit) verses 26-30: Life in the Spirit makes us able to understand and endure suffering (part 2).

A few samples from the study:

"The purpose of prayer is never to accomplish my will; the real purpose of prayer is always to accomplish God's will. If I think of prayer as an instrument by which I can get my will done, I totally misunderstand prayer. As do so many evangelists today. That was never God's intention that prayer should be the instrument by which man can accomplish his will upon the earth. Prayer is the instrument by which we cooperate with God in the accomplishing of His will upon the earth. As Jesus said, "Not my will, but thy will be done," and that is always the real thrust of prayer. But I always do not know what God's will is and therein is where the Spirit steps in and helps me, and He will make intercession for me with groanings which cannot be uttered." (Smith)

God's sovereignty and ability to manage every aspect of our lives is demonstrated in the fact that all things work together for good to those who love God, though we must face the sufferings of this present time (Romans 8:18). God is able to make even those sufferings work together for our good and His good.

“I know you meant evil when you threw me in the pit and sold me into slavery,” Joseph said, “but it was all part of God’s plan to get me to Egypt to save your lives.” Don’t you love Joseph? Don’t you desire a heart like his that says, “Whatever happens today, God is at work”? Our Greater than Joseph would say, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34). Joseph says, “You meant it for evil, but God had a plan.” (Courson)

Other things discussed...

How does God help our prayers through the Holy Spirit?
What does "groanings which cannot be uttered" mean?
What is the meaning and purpose of praying?
God's an enduring promise (all things work together for good) to help all believers in their suffering.
A mental trap that many people get into that should be avoided.
An Old Testament example of the New Testament principle of God working together all things for good.
Why does God talk about certain future events as having already happened?
What is God's purpose for working together all things for good in our lives?

One new sermon (right click/save as):

4/8/15 - 1 Thessalonians 5

A two new apologetics video:

The New Atheism Discussion - John Lennox, PhD

John Lennox exposes the New Atheist movement, which is headed by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and the late Christopher Hitchens.

Mining for God documentary excerpt | Is Science the Only Path to Knowledge?


Today's blog is on Romans 8 (A New and Wonderful Life in the Spirit) verses 31-39: The triumphant victory of the life in the Spirit.

A few samples from the study:

"Confession is the result of conviction, not condemnation. Conviction is the work of the Spirit. When He convicts me of sin, I say, “Oh, Father, I realize this is wrong. I agree with You. And I thank You that I’m forgiven.” Conviction draws me to the Father. Condemnation, on the other hand, drives me from the Father. Condemnation makes me say, “I’m such a wretch. I can’t pray and I sure can’t go to church.” (Courson)

"Paul made the case just as airtight as he possibly could. He put in everything he could think of, and yet, some poor timid soul stands there and quivers thinking God is going to forsake them now. "God surely can't love me anymore. You know, He is through with me. He has had it with me." Wait a minute. Nothing can separate you from that love of God which is in Christ Jesus. No angel, no principality, no power, nothing that has ever been before or shall ever come, things present, things to come, height, depth, any other created being will be able to separate you from God's love in Christ, because God's love for you is constant. It is eternal. And it is not predicated upon you but upon His own nature of love. God's love for me is uncaused on my part. Therefore, it is constant and it remains. God doesn't love me when I am good and hate me when I am bad. God loves me good or bad. For better or for worse, for richer for poorer. In sickness and in health, all of the way. His love is there and constant. Oh, how grateful we are for that love of God for us tonight in Christ Jesus. God help us to comprehend what is the length, the breadth, the depth, the height, and to know that love of Christ that God has for us in Him." (Smith)

Other things discussed...

How do know that God is for us and not against us?
Is Satan the opposite of God?
What is the ultimate evidence that God is for us and loves us?
Are Christians ever condemned by God?
What is the difference between conviction and condemnation?
Who is God's appointed judge?
Why are Christians conquerors in Jesus Christ?
Can anything come between a Christian and God's love for them?

I hope everyone has a great day at church, worshiping, and serving our Lord. ^_^


Today's blog is on Romans 9 (Has God Rejected Israel?) verses 1-5: Paul's heart for Israel.

A few samples from the study:

"Paul's statement causes us to recall a statement by Moses in Exodus 32, after Israel had utterly failed God. God said to Moses, "Stand back, Moses. I am going to wipe them all out." Moses interceded for the nation and he asked God to show mercy. Then Moses said, "If not, then I pray that you will blot my name out of the book of remembrances." Now lest we exalt man and make God the villain and man the hero of the story, it is important that we recognize that these men could not have this great burden for Israel unless they had received it directly from the heart of God. It was God who put in Moses' heart this intercession, because God was looking for an excuse to show mercy. And so when Moses made this great declaration, "And if not then, God, blot my name out of Your book of remembrances." God then said, "I will show mercy upon whom I will show mercy." God retreated into His sovereignty so He could forgive them and show His mercy to them. But it was God who prompted the heart of Moses. It was God who prompted the heart of Paul for this great burden for the people. Yet, that which Paul was expressing is not possible nor necessary, for there is one who has already been accursed by God in order that the Jews might be saved." (Smith)

Summary: Everlasting Covenant

1. Unconditional, under grace; based on God’s “I Will’s”: Isa 61:2; Jer 31:31-37; Ezek 16:60-62; 37:26.
2. Everlasting covenant: Jer 31:35-37; 32:40; 50:5; Ezek 37:26; Isa 61:2,8; Heb 13:20.
3. Includes a new heart and new mind of all Israelites: Jer 31:35.
4. Restoration of the nation of Israel: Hos 2:19-20; Isa 61:9; applies during the Millennium: Zech 13:8-10.
5. Provides permanent forgiveness: Jer 31:34
6. Permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Jer 31:33; Ezek 36:27.
7. Universal teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit: Jer 31:34; Isa 11:9.
8. National Israel must be restored to the land for this to be implemented fully Jer 32:41; Isa 61:8; Ezek 36:25-27; Zech 14:9-11; Amos 9:13-15.
9. God’s true Temple established in Jerusalem: Ezek 37:26, 27.
10. Global peace; wars will cease in the Millennium: Hos 2:18; Isa 2:4.

Other things discussed...

Paul's heart for Israel: Introduction to Romans 9.
Why was Paul filled with sorrow over Israel?
Why was Paul willing to go to Hell for all of Israel?
What happens to us when we care about a person's eternal destiny?
Why was Israel God's chosen people?
The four Unconditional Covenants that are essential to understanding both the OT and NT.
The Abrahamic Covenant.
The Land Covenant.
The Davidic Covenant.
The Everlasting Covenant, Jesus' Jewish heritage.
The strongest verse ever given by Paul declaring that Jesus is God in human flesh.

New sermons (right click/save as):

4/12/15 - The Fast God Has Chosen (Is 58:1-12)
4/12/15 - Isaiah 57-59
4/12/15 - Genesis 1
4/12/15 - Luke 6:20-49
4/12/15 - Paul's Exhortations for the Church (Colossians 4:2-6)
4/12/15 - The Suffering Church, Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)
4/12/15 - The Gifts of Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, & Prophecy (Selected Scriptures)
4/12/15 - Ravi Zacharias - Apologetics in the 21st Century
3/22/15 - Nabeel Qureshi - Islam in Context

A new apologetics lecture:

Ravi Zachariah - Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity (4/12/2015)


I have a huge disagreement over the "Zionist" interpretation of Paul, but I won't go into it here.

I would recommend sharing your view here. You are going to hear from those that either agree with you or disagree with you, but in a Christ-centered environment. ^_~


Today's blog is on Romans 9 (Has God Rejected Israel?) verses 6-13: The Doctrine of Election.

A few samples from the study:

"Both Amillennialism and “Replacement Theology” denies the specificity and durability of the Davidic Covenant and makes God’s explicit promises suspect and have historically led to anti-Semitism...and will again… We cannot begin to understand the background that a Jew sees of all history until we understand the abuse of the Jew under the banner of Christianity. Again: Why is this so important? 1) Because of the summary of the purpose, tragedy, and triumph of all history (Mt 23:37-39) and 2) Because the Davidic Covenant impacts each of us more than we can imagine! Our personal destinies are all wrapped up in the Davidic Kingdom that’s on our near horizon!"

"Just being a physical descendant of Abraham did not entitle you to the promises and the covenants and blessings of Abraham. For God was developing not a physical fleshly seed, but a spiritual seed, and Ishmael was the son after the flesh and God would not recognize Ishmael. Isaac was the son of promise, the one after the Spirit, and God recognized Isaac. And later on God said to Abraham, "Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac," as He refused to recognize the works of the flesh. Isn't it interesting that we so often are seeking to offer to God works of our flesh, hoping that God might recognize them? He won't. I am really sort of grateful that He doesn't recognize the works of the flesh. Because I have some works that I just as soon He not make note of. He only recognizes that work of the Spirit. He only recognized Isaac, so God said, "In Isaac shall thy seed be called." (Smith)

Examples of the second proceeding the first:

Not Cain, but Abel (and Seth)
Not Japheth but Shem
Not Ishmael but Isaac
Not Esau but Jacob
Not Manasseh but Ephraim
Not Aaron but Moses
Not Eliab but David
Not the Old Covenant but the New
Not the 1st Adam but the Last Adam

Other things discussed...

Why Israel is in its present condition from God's perspective: Israel missed the Messiah because it was according to God's sovereign plan. (Part 1)

What is the historicity behind the allegorical method of interpreting the Bible?
Has God's Word failed with His plan regarding Israel?
Are all people who call themselves a Jew or Christian true Jew's or Christian's?
Israel and the Church.
Does a person's religious heritage mean they are automatically saved?
Did God choose Jacob over Esau do to his merit or works?
Background on Esau/Edom.
Biblical examples of the second proceeding the first.
Is God's hate towards Esau towards the person or the future nation that was to come from Esau's offspring?

An article about Easter in the world of Academia:


Lock atheist philosophers who do not specialize in religion in a room with theist philosophers who do specialize in religion (well, don’t really, but if you did), and if you listened to the ensuing debates, you “would have to conclude that the theists definitely had the upper hand in every single argument or debate.”

Those are not my words but the words of an atheist. And not just any atheist, an atheist who is a respected professional philosopher with 12 books and over 140 articles to his name.

Despite his atheism, Quentin Smith draws the theism-friendly conclusion that “God is not ‘dead’ in academia; he returned to life in the late 1960s and is now alive and well in his last academic stronghold, philosophy departments.”


Today's blog is on Romans 9 (Has God Rejected Israel?) verses 14-21: God's Sovereignty.

A few samples from the study:

"The sovereignty of God, in His divine election, in His predestination, in His choosing. It isn't that I made my great resolve, that I have willed, nor is it my works that I have run, but that it might stand by election God chose me. Thus, I can't really boast in what I am or what I have done, or even what I hope to do. All I can do is boast in the grace and mercy of God that chose a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I am found. I was blind, but now I see. Oh, that amazing grace of God." (Smith)

"In the Exodus account, Scripture records twenty times when Pharaoh’s heart was hardened—ten times of which God hardened his heart and ten times of which Pharaoh hardened it himself." (Courson))

"Now I do believe that if a man hardens his heart over and over and over against God that is a possibility that God will then go ahead and make firm that person's choice and decision. He will stiffen him in it and that, of course, is a tragic day, because I believe that constitutes, really, the unpardonable sin. When a man has gone so far in hardening his heart against God that God then makes firm his heart. In John 12:39 we read, "Therefore they could not believe," not, "they would not," "they could not." They had hardened their heart against Jesus. They had seen miracle after miracle, demonstration after demonstration. He said, "If you don't believe Me, believe the works that I do because they testify to you." Thus, every miracle that Christ did was a testimony to them that He was indeed the Messiah, but they hardened their hearts and they hardened their hearts and they hardened their hearts, until finally John tells us, "Therefore they could not believe." Be careful if you are hardening your heart against God, lest you come to that place where God will make firm your heart. Thus, God declared, "Those I will I will harden and those who I will have mercy upon, I will show mercy." (Smith)

Other things discussed...

Why Israel is in its present condition from God's perspective: Israel missed the Messiah because it was according to God's sovereign plan. (Part 2)

Does God's choice of one over another make God unrighteous?
What is the meaning of mercy?
Why does God offer mercy to people?
Will God respect a person's decision to reject Him?
Who hardened Pharaoh's heart?
What ultimately happens to the person that hardens their heart towards God?
Does God's right to choose relieve man of responsibility?

New sermons (right click/save as):

4/14/15 - Genesis 22 (Men's Study)
4/14/15 - The Wisdom of Christ (Colossians 2) (Women's Study)
4/15/15 - Isaiah 7
4/15/15 - Proverbs 12:1-13:24
4/15/15 - Psalm 102:16-28
4/15/15 - 2 Peter 1:3


Today's blog is on Romans 9 (Has God Rejected Israel?) verses 22-33: God's Sovereignty & Man's Responsibility.

A sample from the study:

"So if Christ became a stumbling stone for Israel and continues to be such today, and thus, Israel who sought righteousness through the law never did attain it. However, the Gentiles who did not seek righteousness through the law, but sought that righteousness through faith have attained the righteousness of God. Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 5, "Except your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees you shall not enter into the kingdom of God." That is a very alarming, shocking, statement and I am sure that the disciples just were really taken back by that, because no one, but no one followed the righteousness of the law more circumspectly than the Pharisees. And yet, Jesus said, "Unless you are more righteous than those fellows you can't make it in." And I would imagine that the immediate effect of that would be, "Well, forget it. There is no way I can do it." That would indeed be so if you were seeking righteousness by the law. You might as well forget it, because you will never be able to exceed what these fellows were doing. But the Gentiles who were not seeking after this righteousness through the law did attain to that righteousness. Why? Because they sought it by faith. Now Paul the apostle who had attained the righteousness through the law, in his own eyes but not in God's eyes, as he spoke of his past in his Philippian epistle said, "If any man thinks he has wherein to boast, I can boast more than all of you, for I was born of the tribe of Benjamin. I was a Hebrew of Hebrew. I was circumcised the eighth day. Concerning zeal I was a Pharisee and I persecuted the church. And concerning the righteousness which came by the law, I was the blameless. But those things which were gain to me I counted loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, for whom I suffered the loss of all things. I count it as refuse that I may know Him and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which is of the law, but the righteousness which is of Christ through faith" (Philippians 3:4-8). I would gladly chuck the past, count it as nothing, that I may know Him and be found in Him, not having that righteousness which is of the law which I once had. But now this righteousness which is of Christ through faith."

Other things discussed...

Why Israel is in its present condition from God's perspective: Israel missed the Messiah because it was according to God's sovereign plan. (part 3)

Doesn't God have the right to glorify Himself as He sees fit?
What does it mean that God is longsuffering with humanity?
Is God necessarily sovereign in the salvation of humanity?
Is God mercy available to all humanity?
Does God have the right to love all of humanity?
Was it wrong that God choose a remnant among Israel for salvation?
What three groups of people are in God's economy?
Why do people blame God if they cannot resist His will?
Was God wrong for saving a remnant of Judah while they lived in willful rebellion and sin?

Why Israel is in its present condition from man's perspective.

Why do Gentiles find salvation when Jews have had God's Word from the beginning of their history?
Would Israel be saved if they came to God by/through faith?
Is Israel responsible for choosing evil when they rejected Jesus?

Some new apologetic videos:

14. Hasn’t science buried God?
Miracles: A OSU Atheist and an MIT Christian Discuss - Ian Hutchinson and Donald Hubin
DOES SCIENCE POINT TO ATHEISM? Hans Halvorson and David Rand discuss at Brown University
Race, Faith, and Ferguson: Charmaine Royal, Christopher Clark, Christian Miller at Wake Forest
Is Jesus History? John Dickson discusses at Georgia Institute of Technology
The Loud Absence: Where is God In Suffering? John Lennox at UC, Santa Barbara
(In)equality, (In)justice, (In)tolerance-Is God Necessary? Ruth N. López Turley at U of New Mexico


Today's blog is on Romans 10 (Israel's Present Rejection of God) verses 1-8: Israel's rejection of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ (part 1).

A sample from the study:

"God is an equal opportunity Savior, for He still gives Gentiles an invitation to salvation, while giving the Jews the same opportunity. In this chapter, we will see Christ revealed as Savior to all of Israel (verses 2–4), Christ received as Savior by some of Israel (verses 5–15), and Christ rejected as Savior by most of Israel (verses 16–21)."

'The law cannot make a person righteous before God, nor can it give a person a righteous standing before God. For if the law could give a man a righteous standing before God, then it was not necessary for Christ to die. Jesus in the garden prayed, "Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me." If what is possible? If salvation for man is possible by any other means, if man can be saved by the law, if man can be saved by his own efforts, by his good works, if a man can be saved by sincerity, then, God, let this cup pass from Me. Let the cross pass. Now the fact that Jesus went to the cross is God's witness before the world that there is only one way that a man can come to God, and that is by the cross of Jesus Christ. For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. For He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can come to the Father but by me" (John 14:6). You say, “That is too narrow. I can't accept it." I'm sorry you can't accept it, but that is the way it is. Jesus said, "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it, but broad is the way and broad is the gate that leads to destruction" (Matthew 7:13-14). Beware of those endeavors of men today to broaden the gate. And we hear it on all sides. "Oh, God surely loves all mankind, and God loves the Buddhist and God loves the Mohammed, and God loves everybody." And they are broadening the gate so that you breathe, "Oh, God loves you," you will be saved because you are breathing. But God has established the way through Jesus Christ. And the cross offends people, because the cross tells you there is only one way to God. If it were possible that man could be saved any other way, the cross would not be necessary."

"A godly Jew who trusted Yahweh and followed the Levitical system, including the sin offerings and the trespass offerings, would most likely be inclined to respond to Christ by faith and would thus receive God’s righteousness (i.e., be justified; Acts 13:39; Rom 3:24; 4:3, 5). He then could meet the requirements of the Law by the indwelling Holy Spirit (8:4). Conversely, a Jew who sought by works to establish his own righteousness would not recognize Christ as “the end of the Law” and would “stumble over” Him."

Other things discussed...

Do we love our enemies if we do not pray for them?
How did Israel refuse to submit to the righteousness of God?
Is zeal without knowledge harmful?
What are we saying if we reject God's way of righteousness?
Why and how did Jesus fulfill the purpose of the Law for Christians?
Why does God only offer one way to be saved?
Did Moses teach Salvation by Faith?

One new sermon (right click/save as):

4/19/15 - God Takes Note (Colossians 4:7-18)

New apologetic lectures:

Andy Bannister: Sharing Jesus in a Way That Connects With People
Andy Bannister: Why I’m Not an Atheist
Andy Bannister: Understanding Muslims and Answering Their Questions
Nabeel Qureshi - Islam in Context Q&A
Ravi Zacharias: Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity (with Q&A)
Michael Ramsden on Is Christianity Tolerant? at The University of Oklahoma

A new episode of the podcast Unbelievable?:


Unbelievable? The argument from consciousness to God - C’Zar Bernstein vs Arif Ahmed
Saturday 18th April 2015 - 02:30 pm

In a philosophical edition of the show we debate whether humans are both a soul and a body, and does that provide evidence for God?

C’zar Bernstein a young Christian philosopher at Oxford University argues in favour, Arif Ahmed Cambridge philosophy lecturer argues against.

Get the MP3

For C’zar Bernstein: philpapers.org/profile/43971

For Arif Ahmed: www.phil.cam.ac.uk/people/teaching-research-pages/ahmed/ahmed-page

For ‘Mythbusters’ at Westminster Chapel: www.westminsterchapel.org.uk/ministries/mythbusters


Junior Member
Need a little guidance. As a person who just recently started getting back into church and having a relationship with Jesus, I sometimes have trouble shedding off my old lifestyle. One of the things I've been struggling with lately is be careful what I watch on TV. I used to be an avid Game of Thrones fan but last year I realized it's probably something I shouldn't watch anymore (all the nudity/sex scenes). Well, now the temptation has come back to watch the show. Has anyone else here struggled with things like this?
Need a little guidance. As a person who just recently started getting back into church and having a relationship with Jesus, I sometimes have trouble shedding off my old lifestyle. One of the things I've been struggling with lately is be careful what I watch on TV. I used to be an avid Game of Thrones fan but last year I realized it's probably something I shouldn't watch anymore (all the nudity/sex scenes). Well, now the temptation has come back to watch the show. Has anyone else here struggled with things like this?
I'm an atheist, so take this as you will, but if I were you, I'd ask myself what would be wrong about watching a fictional TV show that doesn't hurt anyone? Why would a divine being care about something like that?


Need a little guidance. As a person who just recently started getting back into church and having a relationship with Jesus, I sometimes have trouble shedding off my old lifestyle. One of the things I've been struggling with lately is be careful what I watch on TV. I used to be an avid Game of Thrones fan but last year I realized it's probably something I shouldn't watch anymore (all the nudity/sex scenes). Well, now the temptation has come back to watch the show. Has anyone else here struggled with things like this?

You think you should not be watching it because it's actually harmful and leads you to actually sin or just because it has nudity/sex/whatever "questionable" content, and that's bad because reasons?


Need a little guidance. As a person who just recently started getting back into church and having a relationship with Jesus, I sometimes have trouble shedding off my old lifestyle. One of the things I've been struggling with lately is be careful what I watch on TV. I used to be an avid Game of Thrones fan but last year I realized it's probably something I shouldn't watch anymore (all the nudity/sex scenes). Well, now the temptation has come back to watch the show. Has anyone else here struggled with things like this?

I would assume you are struggling with something in the scriptures such as

Ephesians 5:3-4 said:
3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.

I'm a Christian and I watch Game of Thrones, but my perspective is that I'm not watching it with the sex/violence in mind; I'm watching it for the story and characters. If I were watching it for those reasons then I think that is where the issue comes in. If you look at the Bible, the Old Testament is filled with murder and adultery, but we're not reading it for that content. Might not be the best perspective, but that's how I rationalize reading and watching graphic material.

On the topic of old habits, I personally struggle with swearing. It's not that hard to eliminate from every day speech, but it is hard not to do it in your mind. If something bad happens, you automatically swear mentally. Ultimately, sin is sin no matter what you did. All you have to do is ask forgiveness with sincerity and it will be given.


Need a little guidance. As a person who just recently started getting back into church and having a relationship with Jesus, I sometimes have trouble shedding off my old lifestyle. One of the things I've been struggling with lately is be careful what I watch on TV. I used to be an avid Game of Thrones fan but last year I realized it's probably something I shouldn't watch anymore (all the nudity/sex scenes). Well, now the temptation has come back to watch the show. Has anyone else here struggled with things like this?

We all struggle with these things. For some its pornography, for others its cursing (like mentioned above), while for others its work. The sermon at my church from yesterday was about Christ's rebuke to the church of Pergamos for mixing worldly systems with the body of Christ and the consequences these decisions had on the believers their. Being worldly often makes Christians lose their salt and light due to mixing darkness (self-centered thinking, behaviors, & actions) with light (God & others-centered thinking, behaviors, & actions). Take a listen, because it will definitely address the struggle you are going through and offer you multiple Biblical examples and solutions on a problem going on in most of the church around the world.

4/19/15- The Worldly Church, Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) (right click/save as)

My own suggestion to you would be to seek God to search your heart (see Psalm 139:23) to see what is the root cause for you wanting to watch a show that you know you shouldn't be watching. Surrender that desire to Him once you have been shown what it is. and seek God for strength and discipline in this area ("we have not because we ask not"). He will meet you where you are at if you want His help. Your feelings will dwindle away at some point if you choose to do what God leads you to do. Feelings are fickle and can make us think we have to obey them when we are not slaves to what are bodies tell us anymore (read Romans 6) due to having crucified our flesh on the cross (a daily choice mind you).

I also finished some blog posts on of Romans chapter 6. These studies go into details on what Christ has done for us, and the freedom now offered to us in Christ when dealing with habitual sins/addictions. Here are the links:

Romans 6 verses 1-2: Grace and habitual sinning.

The following quote from the "Grace and habitual sinning" study talks about your question and explains what to do about these desires we all face.

"Since there is daily warfare that goes on in the life of all believers, it is crucial that we pick up our crosses (a choice that we must make) and put to death our flesh. Why? Once the spirit has come alive, now there comes this striving for the mastery of us. Will I be mastered by the Spirit or will I be mastered by the flesh? If I am mastered by the flesh, then I have the mind of the flesh (see Romans 8:5-11). That is, my mind is constantly upon fleshly things. And the mind of the flesh is alienated from God; it cannot know God. The mind of the flesh is death. And so, another issue arises in five minutes. Uh-huh, you did that five minutes. All right, you know. And I can choose whether or not to walk in the flesh, or then again, to commit it and walk after the Spirit. You see, it isn't a once-in-forever kind of a thing. It is once that I have reckoned myself to be crucified with Christ when I accepted Him. I was crucified with Christ, but now I have to reckon it in so many situations everyday. But if my life is dominated by the Spirit, then I have the mind of the Spirit. And I'm thinking of God, and I'm thinking upon spiritual things, and the result of life and joy and peace in the holy Spirit. The mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and joy and peace. The warfare going on. Am I going to yield to my flesh, or am I going to yield to the Spirit? And this comes up every day in many situations, and I have actually the choice in this situation. I can yield to my flesh and I can blow off steam and I can get in and I can fight and I can get into the striving and the whole issue. Or I can walk after the Spirit and say, "Oh Lord, it doesn't matter. Help me, Lord, to just keep the right attitude." And I can just go and pass it by."

Romans 6 verses 3-11: Baptism, Death, & Resurrection in Christ.

"It's a whole newness of life, that new life after the Spirit and, of course, that is the old things. The old life after Adam is a life after the flesh. It is a life where the body is dominant, and the consciousness is occupied by the body needs. It is life on the animal plane--body and soul. The body supreme, the mind subjected and filled with the consciousness of the body needs. Therefore, when you are born again, that which is born of the flesh is flesh. If you are born again by the Spirit of God, the new life that you now have is spirit, soul, and body. So now the spirit is the dominant feature and the new life is spiritual life, the old life was a fleshly life. The new life is a spiritual life. A spirit in union with God's Spirit. So a spirit in union with God's Spirit, my thoughts, my consciousness now is upon God and the things of God and how I might please Him by walking in the spirit. These are the things that dominate my conscious state. God's love for me, God's grace for me, God's goodness for me, these things dominate my conscious state. No longer dominated by my fleshly desires or fleshly needs."

Romans 6 verses 11-14: Choosing Sin or Freedom #1.

"Our biographies has been written in two volumes. Volume one is the old man, the old nature, the old self before salvation. Volume two is the new man, the new self, the new creation. Volume one ended with my death in Christ. Volume two began with my resurrection in Christ." (JM)

Jesus paid the entire penalty for our sin and paralyzed our sin nature. The question is not whether His provision is sufficient. The question is whether or not we reckon it to be true - whether or not we we will die to ourselves and let Jesus live through us. Living for self allows the old man to live. Living for Jesus allows the new man to live.

Romans 6 verses 15-23: Choosing Sin or Freedom #2.

The following was once true in regard to our slavery to sin:

We were born as slaves to sin
Our will was swallowed up and captive to sin within us
Our bondage to sin was so strong that only death - spiritually dying with Jesus on the cross - could break the bondage
We were so enslaved to sin that we served it to the disregard of our own interest, even when sin destroyed us

Now the following is true in regard to our slavery to righteousness:

We are born again, now as slaves to righteousness
Our will is now swallowed up in the will of God. It is His will that matters to us, not our own
We are bound to Jesus with bonds that only death can break; but since He has triumphed over death and given us eternal life, those bonds will never be broken!
We now willingly chose serve Jesus to the disregard of our own (selfish) interests

Hope what I shared helps you in some way. ^_^


Junior Member
I'm an atheist, so take this as you will, but if I were you, I'd ask myself what would be wrong about watching a fictional TV show that doesn't hurt anyone? Why would a divine being care about something like that?

This divine being that we call God is so much more awesome than you know! He's all powerful and could crush us all like ants... but he doesn't want to. Matter of fact, he loves us all more than we'll ever understand. Game of Thrones may be a great show but it has lots of nudity in it. I have a long history with pornography that I'm trying to get away from. Watching those scenes in that show really tempts me to go back to the pornography. I am trying to stay away from sinful stuff like that not because it's in a rule book or because I think I'm better than anyone... but because sin seperates us from God and I wanna get closer to Him. I hope that makes sense.


Junior Member
OMG Gamer Analyst.

"And this comes up every day in many situations, and I have actually the choice in this situation. I can yield to my flesh and I can blow off steam and I can get in and I can fight and I can get into the striving and the whole issue. Or I can walk after the Spirit and say, "Oh Lord, it doesn't matter. Help me, Lord, to just keep the right attitude." And I can just go and pass it by."

I've read that scripture a few times before... but it just jumped off the page at me. Not sure if it's this translation or what. I never thought about it like that. Just keeping the right attitude. Thank you so much!!!


Prayer request for a close friend of mine who is grieving the loss of his five month old son. It was their first child and he was diagnosed with a disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy which took the life of the little boy yesterday afternoon.

I got this poem from a Spurgeon sermon on the issue of infant salvation:

"Short was my life, the longer is my rest,
God takes those soonest whom he loveth best,
Who's born today, and dies tomorrow,
Loses some hours of joy, but months of sorrow.
Other diseases often come to grieve us,
Death restrikes but once, and that stroke doth relieve us."


Prayer request for a close friend of mine who is grieving the loss of his five month old son. It was their first child and he was diagnosed with a disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy which took the life of the little boy yesterday afternoon.

I got this poem from a Spurgeon sermon on the issue of infant salvation:

My wife and I will pray. We will also add your friend and his family to our churches prayer list.


Just keeping the right attitude. Thank you so much!!!

Your welcome bro. ^_^

I also think the following quote applies to dealing with worldly enticements:

Jesus in the New Testament, or the Spirit urges us through the writings of Paul, "Come ye apart from her, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, touch not the unclean thing. And I will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters" (II Corinthians 6:17-18). And here again, the call of separation from God. The separation of ourselves from the world and from the policies of the world. "Be not conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. For he that hath the love of the world in his heart hath not the love of the Father" (I John 2:15). And so God's call to His people to come out of the world. "Depart, depart from the world, touch no unclean thing; go out of the midst of her; be clean, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord."

Today's blog is on Romans 10 (Israel's Present Rejection of God) verses 9-21: Salvation through the Gospel & Israel's rejection of the Gospel.

A few samples from the study:

"In the Christian story, God has given us a great history to remember, and God has called us to remember it dynamically together. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Confessing Christ as Lord, one’s identity is cast with a sense of the same urgency and intentionality as those who have gone before us. It is not an individual, one-time act, but a communal, ongoing activity. Confessing Christ is an active declaration of the church universal and the church before us, a profound claim upon the whole of life and the whole of the church. Like the savior we boldly proclaim, who is unchanging and timeless but also specifically relevant to time itself, what we believe God has done in history calls us to faith and mission today. In a world that would seek to dethrone him, confessing Christ as Lord dynamically continues to tell us who we are and what we then must do. This is the invitation of Christ to the world: not a legal transaction, a stodgy list of creeds and rules, but a new way of life in the Father, by the Son, and through the Spirit."

"Why believe in your heart? Why didn’t Paul say believe in your mind? I suggest it is because the Lord is after our heart first. “You shall love the Lord with all your heart and mind and strength and soul” (see Mark 12:30). You see, my mind can be swayed very easily. I’m convinced about something—until I get a new set of facts and change my mind. Or I have an opinion one day and then I flip-flop the next. But if something is in my heart, I don’t change my mind about it daily. For example, at one time in your life, a boyfriend or girlfriend may have turned his or her back on you. Yet your heart was still drawn toward him or her because it’s difficult to change your heart. Your mind changes easily, constantly, with every new bit of data. But the heart? It doesn’t change so easily. It breaks, but it doesn’t change. And so the Lord says, “I want you to believe in Me with your heart—not simply rationally, but emotionally and intimately.”

"We are told in Jude that one of the ways by which we keep ourselves in that place of blessing, the blessings of God's love, is building up ourselves in the most holy faith. And, of course, the way we build up ourselves in the most holy faith is through the Word. It is hard to trust somebody you don't know. When a person comes up to me and says, "Oh, I have the hardest time trusting God," what they are really saying is, "I really don't know God very well." Because if you know God well you will have no problem trusting in Him at all. How can you know God? Through His Word. Because for He has revealed Himself to us. So faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. If you want your faith increased, study the Word of God."

Other things discussed...

Israel's rejection of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ (part 2).

How God's righteousness is gained by faith (not by works).
Is confessing that Jesus is God necessary for God to save a person?
Do we need to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead to be saved?
Is intellectual belief in the Gospel enough to save a person?
Why does God want people to confess and believe in the gospel?
Are people responsible for choosing to believe in the gospel?
Do we choose God or does God choose Us?
The necessity of the preaching of the gospel.
What is the basis for missionary activity in the church?
What is a Biblical solution for depression?
Did the prophet Isaiah ever talk about the gospel?,

The prophets foretold this rejection of the gospel by Israel.

Why does a big portion of Israel not believe in the gospel?
How do people grow in their faith?
What does it mean when a person says they do not trust God?
The testimony of Psalm 19:4: Is Israel responsible for rejecting the gospel?
The testimony of Deuteronomy 32:21: provoking Israel to jealousy through the gentiles.
The testimony of Isaiah 65:1: God knew Israel would reject Jesus.
The testimony of Isaiah 65:2: disobedience led to Israel's rejection of Jesus.

New sermons (right click/save as):

4/16/15 - The Works of God in Salvation (Ephesians 2:10)
4/19/15 - The Worldly Church, Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17)
4/19/15 - The Gifts of Ministry, Teaching, Exhortation, & Giving (Selected Scriptures)
4/19/15 - Luke 7:1-30
4/19/15 - A Life - Transforming Gospel (Is 61:1-3)
4/19/15 - Isaiah 60-63

New apologetic lectures:

God in the Public Square? Professor John Lennox MA PhD

A lecture with Professor John Lennox at Betesda in the Faroe Islands 1 Nov 2014.

Doctrine of God Part 7: Practical Application of God's Eternity

Professor John Lennox debating high school students in the Faroe Islands

A 90 min Q&A session with Professor John Lennox at a high school in the Faroe Islands 31 Oct 2014.


Today's blog is on Romans 11 (The Restoration of Israel) verses 1-10: Israel and the remnant of grace.

A few samples from the study:

"In chapter 9, Paul points to God’s past dealings with Israel and highlights the sovereignty of God. In chapter 10, he deals with God’s present dealings with Israel, based upon equity. Whether Jew or Gentle, all are invited to be saved. Here in chapter 11, we come to God’s future dealings with Israel, which show His integrity. That is, God made certain promises to the nation of Israel, which He will fulfill. For even though they’ve blown it badly, God has promised to see Israel through on the basis of His own integrity and faithfulness."

"So the question is, has God cast away His people? Is He through with them forever? God forbid. The whole prophecy picture of the Old Testament dealt with Israel's fall, but in order that they might rise again. Hosea was an interesting prophet. God told him to take a prostitute for a wife, and he began to name the children with prophetic names or names of prophetic significance. And, of course, the one child he called Lo-ammi, which means not my child. His wife had gone out and was engaging in her old practices again even while married to him, and had a child that wasn't his. And finally she just left him completely and her life went down the tube. Until she was a slave, almost destitute and destroyed, and God said to Hosea, "Go take her again, buy her out of her slavery, wash her up, cleanse her, and take her as your wife once more." And the whole life of Hosea with this unfaithful wife became a picture of God's relationship with the nation of Israel, how He took her, espoused her unto Himself, married her, the glories of that first bloom of love. But then how Israel began to turn away unto other gods. They began to forsake the fountains of living waters and worship idols. And how they finally turned their back on God completely, but yet, God's undying love and, of course, bringing them back again, and God's work of restoration, which is yet future but shall be."

"Grace and works are mutually exclusive. If I am expecting God to accept me by His grace, then there is no work that I can do to make me acceptable. If I am seeking to be accepted by God by my works, then grace has no affect upon my life. They are mutually exclusive, and yet, we are so often trying to make a combination out of the two. Saved by grace, but oh, you know, let me do my works. But if it is of grace, then it cannot be of works. But if it is of works, then it can't be of grace; they are mutually exclusive."
Other things discussed...

Introduction to Romans 11
Is Israel's rejection of Jesus mean that God is finished with Israel?
Is Israel now the church?
Why is Paul's conversion evidence that God has not rejected Israel?
What is the principle of Israel's remnant?
How is the story of Elijah a picture of Israel's remnant?
Can our works earn God's grace?
Why did Israel struggle with God's free gift of grace?
Why was Israel blinded by God?
Did Israel's pride lead to their fall?
Is there anything that can remove Israel's blindness?

A few apologetic lectures:

Ravi Zacharias discusses "The Problem of Suffering and the Goodness of God" at Johns Hopkins Medical Institution

The Resurrection Argument That Changed a Generation of Scholars - Gary Habermas at UCSB

The Real Jesus: Paul Maier presents new evidence from history and archeology at Iowa State University


Reading Romans 12:2 above made me think of a sermon series my church had last year called "Reset." It's worth listening to if you have the time.


Ty for these links. Are there download links for these messages?

Today's blog is on Romans 11 (The Restoration of Israel) verses 11-21: God's plan in saving only a remnant of Israel at the present time.

A few samples from the study:

"It is a matter for profound regret that just as Israel refused to accept this salvation when it was offered to them, so the Gentiles have all too often refused to make Israel envious. Instead of showing to God's ancient people the attractiveness of the Christian way, Christians have characteristically treated the Jews with hatred, prejudice, persecution, malice, and all uncharitableness. Christians should not take this passage calmly." (Morris)

"He was just really in his heart as he said, "My heart-felt prayer and desire for Israel is that they might be saved." Even though he was called of God as the apostle of the Gentiles, then was in all kinds of hot water for preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, declaring that the Gentiles could be saved, especially could be saved apart from becoming a Jew. They could be saved by just believing in Jesus Christ and they didn't have to proselytize and become a Jew, that made him a heretic, and for this reason they tried to kill him when he was in Jerusalem. But yet, Paul's desire and prayer for Israel was for their salvation."

"The tree provides three symbols of Israel: (1) The vine speaks of the spiritual privileges of Israel (Isaiah 5; Matthew 21); (2) the fig tree speaks of the national privileges of Israel (Matthew 24); and (3) the olive tree speaks of the religious privileges of Israel (Hosea 14). The vine speaks of Israel up to the time of Jesus Christ. The fig tree speaks of Israel from the crucifixion of Christ to the present. The olive tree speaks of Israel in the millennial period. As Gentiles, we were grafted into the olive tree. But because we “partake of its fatness” solely by God’s grace, we have no room to boast, or look down upon the Jew.

Other things discussed...

Does Israel's stumbling as predicted by Psalm 69 mean that they have fallen away permanently?
What is the difference between stumbling and falling?
Why is God not finished with stumbling Israel?
Provoking the Jews to jealousy.
Does good jealousy exist?
Paul's trials as an apostle to the Gentiles.
Paul's love for those that called him a heretic.
How is the Jewish rejection rejection of Jesus a blessing for Christians?
What are the three symbols of Israel in the tree Gentiles were grafted into?
Are Christians superior to the Jews?
Is it possible to be cut of from God due to our unbelief?

New sermons (right click/save as):

4/21/15 - Genesis 23 (Men's Study)
4/22/15 - Proverbs 13:25-15:26
4/22/15 - Psalms 103:1 - 105:23

Two new apologetic lectures:

15. How can you really know what is true?
Ravi Zacharias - A Fish Out of Water - EP2

A recent article by OCCA tutor Tom Price.

If God loves us, why do we face pain and suffering?




Today's blog is on Romans 11 (The Restoration of Israel) verses 12-33: God's plan for Israel includes their eventual restoration.

A few samples from the study:

"Evidently some Gentile believers were tempted to think that there was no future for Israel. She had rejected the gospel and it had now passed to the Gentiles; Israel was finished, rejected, cast off. God had chosen them instead. It is this kind of pride that Paul is opposing." (Morris)

"Paul states clearly for us that God is not finished with Israel as a nation or a distinct ethnic group. Though God has turned the focus of His saving mercies away from Israel specifically and onto the Gentiles generally, He will turn it back again. This simple passage refutes those who insist that God is forever done with Israel as a people and that the Church is the New Israel and inherits every promise ever made to national and ethnic Israel of the Old Testament."

"The study of the history and prophecy of Israel is not a mere academic exercise on the part of the theologian or Bible student, but provides an unparalleled perspective of the majestic dealings of God with this prophetic nation. In it is revealed the faithfulness of God to the people whom He sovereignly chose, the effective outworking of God’s wise purpose for them in spite of failure, delay, and indifference to God’s will. The fact that in our day there is again movement and development in relation to this ancient nation is a sign that the stage is being set for the final world drama. Certainly as Israel’s promises are being fulfilled before our eyes other aspects of prophecy such as the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the translation of living saints become a real and an imminent possibility. The hope of Israel is also the hope of the church. With John the Apostle all faithful students of the prophetic Word can say: “Amen: come, Lord Jesus.”" (Walvoord)

Other things discussed...

Why are Christians called to continue in God's goodness?
Why is Paul against prideful thinking that believes that God is done with Israel?
Is Israel's blindness about Jesus permanent or temporary?
What does the fullness of the Gentiles mean?
God's promise that all Israel will be saved in the future.
Is God going to save spiritual Israel or ethnic Israel?
Is God's Old Testament covenant with Israel unconditional?
How can Israel be God's enemy and be loved by God at the same time?
Does God love us when we are faithless and in rebellion?
Paul cautions the Gentile Christians to remember where they came from and where God has promised to take the Jewish people.
Paul praises God for His plan and progress regarding Israel.

For those that want to take their studies of Israel in prophecy even further, the following in-depth articles will explain this subject in greater detail.

Chapter I The New State Of Israel
Chapter II The Promise To Abraham
Chapter III Israel’s Future As A Nation
Chapter IV The Promise Of The Land To Israel
Chapter V The Kingdom Promised To David
Chapter VI The Suffering Of Israel
Chapter VII The Glorious Restoration Of Israel
Selected Bibliography

A university discussion on ultimate truth:

Give Me an Answer - #1514 - Jesus Stands Alone


I was reading about Jesus's depiction of the after life. How there will be no marriage and how people will be like angels. Very interesting and definitely different from this world.


Today's blog is on Romans 12 (Living the Christian Life) verse 1: The foundation for Christian living #1.

A few samples from the study:

"With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give Him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to Him and acceptable by Him. Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the Plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity." (Phillips)

"Whereas the heathen are prone to sacrifice in order to obtain mercy, biblical faith teaches that the divine mercy provides the basis of sacrifice as the fitting response." (Harrison)

"The previous appeal to the will (I beseech you) means that the will is to be the master over the body. The thinking of our age says that our body must tell the will what to do; but the Bible says that our will must bring the body as a living sacrifice to God. The body is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. Keeping it at God's altar as a living sacrifice keeps the body where it should be." (Guzik)

" It's reasonable if God is so wise and knows so much, it's reasonable to present my body, my life to Him that He might guide and direct me. It is unreasonable for me to try and go ahead and continue to try and figure out things and to work out my own life and to work out my own plan, and I am so stupid. The reasonable thing, the rational thing, the smart thing is to just turn my life and decision-making factors of my life over to God that He might direct my life, and thus, presenting my body unto God as a living sacrifice, that's reasonable, that's smart, that's just good thinking, and anything less is unreasonable. You're not thinking well. You're confused. Don't be conformed to this world, and yet, that is exactly what the world is pressing for, and that is exactly what peer pressure is pressing towards. "You don't want to be different. Try it. Everybody's doing it." The peer pressure to conform to the world." (Smith)

Other things discussed...

Why does Paul call all Christians to live completely for Jesus?
What is/are the mercies of God?
Paul gives us the building-block for all Christian living.
What does it mean to present our bodies moment-by-moment to God?
How do we present our bodies moment-by-moment to God?
Are Christians God's priests?
How does God make us holy by presenting our bodies to Him?
Why does Paul call believers to reasonable service?

One new sermon (right click/save as):

4/23/2015 - Remember Who You Were! (Ephesians 2:11-13)

A new episode of the weekly show Unbelievable? has been posted:


Unbelievable? Does Scripture forbid same-sex relationships? Robert Gagnon vs Jayne Ozanne
Saturday 25th April 2015 - 02:30 pm

Prof Robert Gagnon has become a well-known voice advocating the traditional biblical view on sexuality. In a highly charged show he debates the scriptural issues on sexuality with Jayne Ozanne, the director of Accepting Evangelicals who came out as gay earlier this year.

MP3 Download link (right click/save as)

For Robert Gagnon: www.robgagnon.net

For Jayne Ozanne: www.jayneozanne.com


Sometimes I wonder how apologetics feel trying to debate or get their point across when debating secular people. I know I shouldn't get upset, but the almost dismissive attitude towards Christianity that some people hold just makes me sad. I feel like I jumped into a hornet's nest in the thread in OT about the guy losing his faith in God.


Sometimes I wonder how apologetics feel trying to debate or get their point across when debating secular people. I know I shouldn't get upset, but the almost dismissive attitude towards Christianity that some people hold just makes me sad. I feel like I jumped into a hornet's nest in the thread in OT about the guy losing his faith in God.

I would assume it's easier to do when it's one on one opposed to one or two against a group where it's easier for a majority to dismiss the minority. I don't bother getting upset about those types of threads or debates. I feel like its a waste of time and energy since the most likely outcome is that neither side will change their mind about whatever it is.
Hi fellow brothers in Christ. Had no idea this thread existed. Glad I found it! Do you guys think we are getting closer to the end times? Seems everyone is trying to do away with Christianity and take God out of everything.
Sometimes I wonder how apologetics feel trying to debate or get their point across when debating secular people. I know I shouldn't get upset, but the almost dismissive attitude towards Christianity that some people hold just makes me sad. I feel like I jumped into a hornet's nest in the thread in OT about the guy losing his faith in God.

I wouldn't worry about it fam, it's typically a numbers game is all. As for debating faith I don't bother, and if someone really wants to talk with me on it then it has to be face-to-face. I have extremely little tolerance when it comes to passive aggressive behavior and Internet tough guys in general and faith related threads seem to bring that behavior out in spades. Keep your head up and don't let strangers get you down.


Sometimes I wonder how apologetics feel trying to debate or get their point across when debating secular people. I know I shouldn't get upset, but the almost dismissive attitude towards Christianity that some people hold just makes me sad. I feel like I jumped into a hornet's nest in the thread in OT about the guy losing his faith in God.

This may be a bit divisive, but:

“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you."

This applies to internet debates of such a topic in general, I think. Especially so in a place with the demographics of such a place as this. Open, honest discussions between two people are where actual conversations of substance happen. Not in a thread open to thousands of people who love to take cheap potshots.

That's my opinion, though I admittedly sometimes wonder if it's too elitist.
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