Is Christ a bastard?
yes and no tbh...
Is Christ a bastard?
Jesus said to his disciples:
"You have heard that it was said,
You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
But I say to you, love your enemies
and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be children of your heavenly Father,
for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good,
and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.
For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have?
Do not the tax collectors do the same?
And if you greet your brothers only,
what is unusual about that?
Do not the pagans do the same?
So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect."
Be not afraid.This thread genuinely scares the shit of me.
Hold meBe not afraid.
Jesus said to his disciples:
"In praying, do not babble like the pagans,
who think that they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them.
Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
"This is how you are to pray:
'Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.'
"If you forgive others their transgressions,
your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others,
neither will your Father forgive your transgressions."
This thread genuinely scares the **** of me.
Everything done in the darkness shall come into the light.
“Never abandon old friends; you will never find a new one who can take their place. Friendship is like wine; it gets better as it grows older. Don't be jealous of a sinner's success; you don't know what kind of disaster is in store for him. Don't take pleasure in the things that make ungodly people happy; remember that they will be held guilty as long as they live. If you keep away from someone who has the power to put you to death, you will not have to fear for your life; but if you must go near him, be very careful, or he may kill you. Be conscious that you are walking among hidden traps, that you are an easy target. Get to know the people around you as well as you can, and take advice only from those who are qualified to give it. Engage in conversation with intelligent people, and let the Law of the Most High be the topic of your discussions. Choose righteous people for your dinner companions. Your chief pride should be your fear of the Lord.”
Sirach 9:10-16 GNTD
Any evangelical Christian's in here that also align themselves with nationalism ideology like trumps? Maybe it would help me understand my family, I was raised heavily Christian, went to churches with people slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues. Was raised to love thy neighbor and all that but now I feel they put trumps America first policy above even the word of christ himself. I just can't understand how nationalism aligns at all with christianity, and quite frankly am scared shitless of this cult like following trump has gotten from evangelicals. Although I'm pretty sure the answer is they are just being manipulated cause he saw them for what they are. An easy target.
I may start a thread, or you can, about this topic. I think there is something interesting to discuss in your baited questions. Let's not pollute this thread with something so far off topic.
Any evangelical Christian's in here that also align themselves with nationalism ideology like trumps? Maybe it would help me understand my family, I was raised heavily Christian, went to churches with people slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues. Was raised to love thy neighbor and all that but now I feel they put trumps America first policy above even the word of christ himself. I just can't understand how nationalism aligns at all with christianity, and quite frankly am scared shitless of this cult like following trump has gotten from evangelicals. Although I'm pretty sure the answer is they are just being manipulated cause he saw them for what they are. An easy target.
“The Lord sees to the government of the world and brings the right person to power at the right time. The success of that person is in the Lord's hands. The Lord is the source of the honor given to any official.”
Sirach 10:4-5
I’m almost 100% certain that if Hillary were elected the aliens would be here already. I always viewed Trump’s election as God hitting the time out button while people are gathering all the info they can about the “reality” we live in. No matter how odd Trump being president may seem, there’s a reason for it.
The Catholic Church is the pimp and the churches of the world are the prostitutes. Just stick with scripture and like minded believers for church. Church has nothing to do with these buildings or the preachers in them. It’s all BS. That “Church“ is the worlds church.
Any evangelical Christian's in here that also align themselves with nationalism ideology like trumps? Maybe it would help me understand my family, I was raised heavily Christian, went to churches with people slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues. Was raised to love thy neighbor and all that but now I feel they put trumps America first policy above even the word of christ himself. I just can't understand how nationalism aligns at all with christianity, and quite frankly am scared **** of this cult like following trump has gotten from evangelicals. Although I'm pretty sure the answer is they are just being manipulated cause he saw them for what they are. An easy target.
Do they? I don't. I ask myself that often and it was the guiding principle that motivated me to vote for Trump and not Clinton.Christians get uncomfortable when you ask them WWJD....
Do they? I don't. I ask myself that often and it was the guiding principle that motivated me to vote for Trump and not Clinton.
Do they? I don't. I ask myself that often and it was the guiding principle that motivated me to vote for Trump and not Clinton.
Yeah I'm sure god loves refugees being denied a better life and immigrants being dehumanized to the point they are all rapists. Seems to me that Christian's should be praying that every single immigrant or refugee legal or illegal makes it here safely. Allow them to pursue a better life and gets them closer to you which would allow you to show the love of christ to them and save their souls. But I guess letting them suffer and die is cool too.
Have you read the Atlantic article on why Evangelicals got hooked on Trump? It answers a lot of your questions and IMO this thread should not be the place where we debate why one country's demographic currently supports its administration. Definitely a good conversation to be had if someone wants to make a separate thread.
Welp, now that AngularSax is banned we can open up the windows a bit and let a little orthodoxy in.
Welp, now that AngularSax is banned we can open up the windows a bit and let a little orthodoxy in.
The “orthodoxy” sure seems quiet. Perhaps baptizing a few “aliens” would help.Anyway, the Holy Spirit and Wisdom are one in the same which would also make the Holy Spirit a feminine spirit. Proverbs 8. Also, Christ is more than likely remains the only “Christian” in our time. To be Christ like it requires repentance, not the love produced by the world. It is impossible to live in any form of sin and be a Christian. People believe in Santa Claus but if he actually existed no one is ever helping him make any toys at the North Pole. The Catholic Church invented the false doctrine of belief and created a church of sinners instead of saints. Only God can know who’s a saint and that comes through Yeshua Hamashiac not your fake Jesus.
Profound. Welp, guess I have to leave "Frankie" and the ancient Holy Roman Catholic Church and join the cult of Sax because Sax says Rome has false doctrine and the basement of the Vatican has rivers of blood and/or basilisks and portals!? Nobody told me about the dang portals! Yeah sure Sax has an infantile understanding of the history of the Church and is a conspiratorial kook...BUT...he does not have PORTALS. IN. HIS. BASEMENT!Aren't we supposed to spread the gospel? correct those within the "church"? speaking of, the catholic church probably thought they were so damn slick knocking down temples and building cathedrals over them. since its a false church, all they were really doing was disguising themselves. I wonder what's really in the basement of the Vatican and what stood there before it. Rivers of blood? Basilisk portals? Basilica? Basilisk? YIKES. Believers and seekers of Christ and Truth are the church with the goal of becoming saints in God's eyes. Tell your grandmother to save her tithe money. These false "fathers" don't need any more free dough because no one is saved through false doctrine.
Basilisk portals? Basilica? Basilisk? YIKES.