Brutal reasoning. Guess that's what happens when you get cornered by your own "ogic"
So when the commandments say no other Gods or no idols where does that fall? As far as your question, Airola, Christ constantly said to turn from sin. In doing so you are turning to God. Does it not say in revelation that outside the gates of heaven are the murderers, the adulterers, the fornicators and such? You can’t keep sinning. Christ dying for our sins wasn’t a free pass. Eventually you have to leave sin behind if you are truly following Christ. That’s what a true saint is.
So when Christ himself said to people sin no more, Or when he said don’t keep sinning or worse will happen to you, what do you think he meant by that? If you are saying it is impossible to stop sinning then I’m not sure I can say you know who Christ or the Holy Spirit is. This is my biggest problem with the Catholic Church. It’s as if it’s the church of sinners.
You know how often I’m tempted to go and sin? Probably daily. Could I do so? Yes. I used to do it all the time. I was such a sexual deviant not too long ago. I look back at those days and it disgusts me how far apart from God I was and thinking just because I prayed every night that made it ok. It doesn’t work that way. Not at all. I’m almost 100% positive that once the disciples were with Christ, outside of the one who turned on him, they left tsin. Pretty much everyone who he dealt with in the Bible was a sinner but the salvation came in following him.
Do I still sin? Yes. But the sins of my past are a mountain compared to the relative few grains of sand I have left. And I have no one to thank but God for that. Isn’t that whole thing part of the sanctification process? When we seek, we’re cleaned. He fixes us. I can only hope that by the time my body gives out I can say that I sinned no more.
Here. What do you make of this?
“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The LORD will judge His people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven. Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”
Hebrews 10:26-39 NKJV
The fact that this thread gets bumped because of conflict is a shame.
So much negativity. In a thread that is supposed to be about faith, hope, and love.
I very much agree though that this shouldn't be a thread about Catholics telling non-Catholics aren't Christians and non-Catholics telling Catholics aren't Christians.
When Jesus told the adulterer that she shouldn't sin anymore, part of the story was also heavily about sinful people judging sinful people. While he tells the woman to sin no more, he also figuratively gives "the middle finger" to all the sinful people around the woman who were ignoring their own sins and pointing another person's sins to the point that they were ready to end her life. "Sin no more" is not the only thing to learn from this story.
It’s a process. I don’t believe it’s possible to stop sinning over a few days after spending decades doing so. But eventually yes. You’d want to kick the habit completely. Sin is no different than any other addiction. In fact it’s greatly capitalized upon. And I’m not accusing anyone of living in sin. I’m saying Christ always said to leave sin. What is repentance if you don’t leave sin?
Go back to him telling many to leave sin and not to sin. Think about this. Why would he tell people to leave sin if their sins would be forgiven anyway? You think after he died those people were like, OH WHAT? He’s GONE? My sins are paid in full? LETS SPEND OUR SOULS! No. In fact saying that his death covered everything and that’s that would make him a liar because he explicitly told people not to. There was no “oh just wait til I’m gone TEEHEE”
It's not. There has not been one example of a Catholic telling a non-Catholic that they are not Christian. Just orthodox Christians trying to discuss topics relating to Christian belief...and being met with insults, anti-Catholic bigotry, and endless walls of text from a single ego-maniacal poster that prevent any sustained discussion from happening.
You are absolutely right about this, taken in a Christian context.
The problem with your approach though is that this story is constantly trotted out by non-believers and justifiers of immorality as an (supposed) example of Jesus being non-judgmental. We always have to remind them of the last part, the "sin no more" part, because that is what THEY LEAVE OUT!
They want a Christ who says modern pseudo-philosophical things that justify ongoing sin. A hippy Jesus who says everything is OK as long as it is between two consenting adults.
We can't give in to that. It is a lie from the Devil. Yes, people should not be hypocrites and condemn others while sinning themselves. But remember, God doesn't adjust his moral judgments to conform to that of modernity. The same things are wrong now that were wrong in first-century Palestine....and Christians have a duty to tell people that, even when they don't like it.
Are there any experts on gnosticism in this thread?
Nor is the world what it was back then. I can’t even imagine how many times over sin has multiplied. How much lifestyles of sin are celebrated. People weren’t born being force fed sin on a daily basis.
Let me give you an example and I’ll use something unique to Catholicism. In exorcisms it’s said that the priest have to be free from sin or the demons will use that weakness against them during the exorcism. If we truly had people following Christ, church leaders would be healing people of illnesses and casting out demons left and right. Instead we’re left with medications that mask and band aid serious problems as well as infestations misdiagnosed as a myriad of things.
I’m also not sure why you think I’m putting myself above anyone when I admit that I still sin.
Aren’t there scriptures about those who are TURNING away? Doesn’t it say to gently restore those who are caught in sin? If I’m telling you these things perhaps I’m trying to help you by giving you what was given to me.
I look at it as the once you were a child but then it came time to put away childish things verse. At one time I had an entire toy chest but I’m still clinging onto a few GI JOES that I KNOW I have to get rid of but you become attached to things in ways. I’m hoping that’s where grace comes in. After all, He knows the heart.
As far as my church of sinners comment, I don’t think churches teach true repentance. They embrace being a sinner and us all being broken. We’re not supposed to remain broken. That’s what Christ came for. Healing and redemption. Then again if everyone did truly repent, churches wouldn’t stay in business for long would they.![]()
Jesus is god amen
He is part of the holy trinity god the father god the son and god the holy spirit so all three are one and all of them are god with god the father the creator god the son the messiah and salvator and god the holy spirit the knowledge and wisdomChrist is SON of “God”, His Father, MOST HIGH God and creator of heaven and earth. He is heir of all things and made “God” by His Father as a prince is eventually made King.
“God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son”? But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire.” But to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” And: “You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; Like a cloak You will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not fail.” But to which of the angels has He ever said: “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool”? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
Hebrews 1:1-14 NKJV
And Bolivar did say a person following Christ has to be a Roman Catholic.
Mark 9:38-41 said:“Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”
“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.
What emerged instead was liberal-minded partisanship that quickly solidified into a totalitarianism of thought, an approach so dogmatic that what at the beginning seemed a refreshing clarity of vision, quickly became a trap of self-righteous, self-justifying moralism. All who disagreed were considered to be immoral. Conservatism or traditionalism was not tolerated. Those who were guilty of either suffered. Some were silenced. Some were eased out of the Society. Some left of their own accord. Some remained Jesuits, but took refuge among more tolerant clerical colleagues in parish work and elsewhere.
To be fair, I did list a few other denominations that fall under the Apostolic Church! But I don't apologize for stressing the importance of the episcopacy, as I honestly don't see how you could possibly interpret the New Testament any other way, and I've gone through the considerable scriptural evidence for why that is. Even under that line of thinking, I still think your earlier post is unfair, because I've never devoted my posts, let alone entire chains of them, into disparaging or vilifying anyone else's denomination. By the same exegesis that requires deference to the Apostles and their successors, I also know how strongly scripture pushes us toward ecumenism:
Have you guys read anything good on the faith lately?
But while I'm ok with having criticism pointed towards every denomination out there I don't think this thread should be about being anti any denomination. The main point should be about discussing about the saving grace by the work of Christ and not about someone not being in the right house to worship God or someone being in the wrong house to worship God.
Initially I just meant to say this isn't supposed to be a thread where non-Catholics say Catholics aren't Christians - which has been pretty much Sax's stand. But I thought that to be fair I'd have to say the same thing other way around too. Even though you and others might've given some other denominations a pass you can't say this thread hasn't had its share of anti-Protestantism. I don't see the core of that being that far away from the core of anti-Catholicism. Sax surely brought that to an extreme and I can't say any of the Catholics here would've been that harsh, not even nearly. I didn't mean to say the anti-protestant stance would've been as bad as the anti-catholic stance by Sax. But while I'm ok with having criticism pointed towards every denomination out there I don't think this thread should be about being anti any denomination. The main point should be about discussing about the saving grace by the work of Christ and not about someone not being in the right house to worship God or someone being in the wrong house to worship God. Again, I'm not accusing any Catholic here being on the same "level" with Sax on denomination bashing. I'm just saying in the end it's a two way street.
It’s not the church he left. If anything it’s the church that was hijacked. Just as the Catholics have hijacked various lands and properties around the world. You have to be seriously prideful to believe you’re the absolute church when there are many who are against the teachings and doctrines of Catholicism. You know where that comes from? The spirit. If there is no agreement then it’s not true.
The Catholic Church is not a denomination. It is a Church. It is the one true Church that Jesus Christ instituted himself, personally when he walked the earth, when he gave Peter the keys and told him he would build his Church upon him. To call Catholicism a denomination is actually insulting to Catholics. We are the Church of an unbroken chain of apostolic succession from Peter to this very day. We still have Saint Peter's bones under our Vatican (our Church is not just symbolically built upon him, but literally). In fact we have most or all the apostles remains, because they are our apostles, who represented our Church, the only ancient Church.
Then some one-thousand five-hundred years of our Catholic history later, a Catholic monk and priest, Martin Luther, created massive chaos and confusion by causing schism with strange new doctrines, some of them clearly diabolical, unknown throughout the entirety of Christian history.
Luther, the founder of Protestantism abandoned his vows before God to remain celibate, married a nun and wrote ungodly trash such as Jews should have dung thrown at them, the biblical book of James was worthless straw worthy of being burned, and that men should sin heartily to receive great grace.
A tragic number of people followed him in his folly. Of course they could not agree on anything for more than 10 minutes, and without a central Church Magisterium to guide them, they immediately began to fracture into multiple denominations. Five hundred years later we are at or approaching an incredible fifty thousand denominations now. That's chaos and confusion. God is the author of peace, not confusion.
Yet the Catholic Church is still one and unbroken, even as Christ prayed to the Father she would be, 'May they be one even as we are one.' We are the only Church, the oldest Church, the first Church and we will be the last Church into eternity.
Protestants do not have the Holy Eucharist. This cannot be understated. Jesus gives himself for us to eat and drink as the Bread of Life, imparting graces to us through this sacrament, and Protestants are starved of this.
Neither do Protestants have access to the Sacrament of Penance (confession). This, to put it bluntly, makes it much harder to go to heaven. God only forgives mortal sins (sins leading to death of the soul) through either a valid confession through his ordained priesthood (the normal and "easy" means, which Protestants cannot do) or through an act of perfect contrition, which Protestants may or may not do after committing a mortal sin. A man may be contrite, but God requires "perfect contrition" to forgive mortal sins. That is to say, a repentance that comes from the love of God and sorrow for have offending Him in his goodness rather than a repentance that comes from fear of judgment, Hell or some other motive. This is the only type of repentance God will hear for one who commits a mortal sin - a sin which involves grave matter (very serious), with full knowledge and full consent. Again, unless you go through his Church and priesthood, where you need only contrition, not perfect contrition, for absolution of even mortal sins.
If we were already given scripture by the spirit, why is anyone writing anything? Christ said go and preach the good news. Not write out books of your own opinions. It’s one thing to converse with another or a group but a book can be taken in many different contexts. If scripture itself can be twisted for the undiscerning then how much more dangerous is anything written from mans own thought? Look at how far philosophy has gone turning into science.
And within a generation, Paul (primarily) was writing letters to churches all over the world reminding them to stick to what they were taught instead of chasing after flashy new doctrines originating from within the church. The first 500 years of the Christian church (and beyond) was one long ongoing conversation about the nature of God's word, the Gospel, the essence of the faith, etc. and this all could possibly fall under the category of "man's own thought".If we were already given scripture by the spirit, why is anyone writing anything? Christ said go and preach the good news. Not write out books of your own opinions. It’s one thing to converse with another or a group but a book can be taken in many different contexts. If scripture itself can be twisted for the undiscerning then how much more dangerous is anything written from mans own thought? Look at how far philosophy has gone turning into science.
LOLOLOLOL. This explains a lot.If we were already given scripture by the spirit, why is anyone writing anything? Christ said go and preach the good news. Not write out books of your own opinions. It’s one thing to converse with another or a group but a book can be taken in many different contexts. If scripture itself can be twisted for the undiscerning then how much more dangerous is anything written from mans own thought? Look at how far philosophy has gone turning into science.
Initially I just meant to say this isn't supposed to be a thread where non-Catholics say Catholics aren't Christians - which has been pretty much Sax's stand. But I thought that to be fair I'd have to say the same thing other way around too. Even though you and others might've given some other denominations a pass you can't say this thread hasn't had its share of anti-Protestantism. I don't see the core of that being that far away from the core of anti-Catholicism. Sax surely brought that to an extreme and I can't say any of the Catholics here would've been that harsh, not even nearly. I didn't mean to say the anti-protestant stance would've been as bad as the anti-catholic stance by Sax. But while I'm ok with having criticism pointed towards every denomination out there I don't think this thread should be about being anti any denomination.
Source[Both Cathlics and Orthodox] hold that the property of visibility is essential to the true Church. Both Catholics and Orthodox agree that Christian doctrine is something taught by the one, visible Church, not something the individual determines for himself in Protestant fashion, and teaches the Church. Both agree on an objective, visible criterion that served in the first millennium to identify the true Church
I don't think this "chain of apostolic succession" really matters much.
And what comes to keeping Peter's bones in such value, it could be interpreted as idol worshipping. I personally don't think it's that big of a deal in either way.
People can blame Luther for dividing people all they want but had the Catholic church been the perfect Mother Church it claimed to be the divide would've never happened. They can only blame themselves on that.
I don't think priests should have a vow of celibacy so I don't think that's an issue.
Here you are just plain wrong. At least Lutherans have Eucharist.
I don't think the idea of mortal sins is in the Bible. That's a Catholic idea.
You should.
Following the Ascension, one of the first things the twelve did was to select Matthias to replace Judas, with Peter deriving this, as much with Catholic doctrine, from the Old Testament. (Acts 1:20-26). Christ clearly created a hierarchical Church (Matthew 19:28), and instituted the Sacraments for them to carry out: Holy Orders and Baptism (Matthew 28:19), Anointing of the Sick (Mark 6:13), teaching them in private to administer Holy Communion (Luke 22:19) and Reconciliation (John 20:23).
Although succession isn't as important as the necessity of the episcopacy. It's not enough to hear the Word itself unless we have the apostles to teach us the tradition behind it (Acts 8:30-31). After all, the Devil (Matthew 4:6) and those who denied the Eucharist (John 6:31) were well-versed in scripture, and the Pharisees who persecuted Christ were all masters in the law of Moses. Throughout all the letters of Paul, he stresses the early Christian communities to heed the apostles. The Gospel and letters of John were intentionally written to correct the errors of the early Christians, almost all of which are now today the distinguishing features of mainline protestantism and evangelicalism.
It's Peter - surely you must think that's significant. He was personally told to lead Jesus' flock (John 21:17). It was Peter who all the leaders deferred to in the moment of decision, carrying out God's intent on the universalization of the faith (Acts 10:34). And he was the head of this hierarchy that now persists today.
The Catholic Church is too large to be the totemic organization you're generalizing it as. There were great priests during the reformation, just as there are good priests today, and bad priests back then, just as Jesus knew in his own time that not all of his disciples and followers were faithful to him (John 6:64).
Jesus (Matthew 19:12) and Paul (1 Corinthians 7:7-8) both did.
Ironically, many of them also have apostolic succession. I believe most of the Protestant denominations who believe in the Real Presence do, as well.
It comes from the letters of John. (1 John 5:16).
If we're talking about Christian writers during that time period, her stuff is up there with Dietrich Bonhoffer in my opinion. She does not shy away from the truth.Today is the feast of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, also known as Edith Stein, one of the six co-patron Saints of Europe.
Born to a devout Jewish mother, she became an atheist as a teenager. She served in World War I as a nurse with the Red Cross. She studied phenomenology under Edmund Gusserl, wrote her dissertation on empathy, received her doctorate summa cum laude, and is said to have been influenced other philosophers at the time. She converted to Catholicism in 1922 and taught at Catholic schools and institutes before joining the Carmelite nuns in 1933. The SS seized her and other Jewish converts after the Dutch Bishops released a statement denouncing the Nazi's antisemitism. She was killed at Auschwitz in 1942.
So can you show me in scripture where we’re supposed to have feasts for random people? Wouldn’t that be elevating someone to the level of God? Christ would have dedicated a feast to James the just but I don’t think that’s anywhere in scripture either.
In what respect is the person being worshipped?Again, show me another feast in the Bible that’s dedicated to a person. And I’m not referring to a banquet thrown by kings for the people either.
In what respect is the person being worshipped?So you counteract the pagan holidays by doing what the pagans do? Where’s the sense in that? And how is it not worship? Go back to my Isaac example. A feast was held for him. By who? Direct family. It’s not like Abraham went to all of the temples and ordered them to all have feasts in the name of Isaac. If you can’t grasp how that’s a problem then it’s not me who’s spiritually bankrupt. It’s like there’s a group of people that are indoctrinated to the point where they have no discernment whatsoever.