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Christianity [OT] The Word became flesh and dwelt among us


New Resources:

Article: On Not Wanting to Live but Not Wanting to Die
"During my recent depression, I never contemplated suicide. I have three beautiful children who are worth more to me than anything in this world. Thus, I never wanted to die. Yet, although I didn’t want to die, I also didn’t want to be awake."

Video: Science & God Q&A with Dr. Sy Garte
In this live Q&A, Dr. Sy Garte answers YOUR questions on God and science.

Video: Sam Harris Said WHAT About Heaven?? (Christian Response)
Sam Harris recently said on the @Triggernometry YouTube channel that if Heaven is real, why can't we see it with our telescopes? In this video, I'm joined by PhD candidate Cruz Davis who will analyze Sam Harris' comments from a Christian philosophical perspective.

Video: The State of Religious Freedom
On Friday, August 26, The Trinity Forum sat down for an Online Conversation with Center for Public Justice's Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance founder and director Stanley Carlson-Thies and scholar and legal advocate Kristina Arriaga to explore the meaning and implications of religious freedom in the U.S. With decades of legal and academic experience defending the principles of religious freedom, Stanley and Kristina discussed the problems currently facing religious liberty while providing insight on how to navigate the coming decades.

Video: The 2 men who invented the science vs faith conflict - Tim O'Neill, Dave Hutchings & James Ungureanu
In the 19th Century John Draper and Andrew White conjured up one of the most successful and enduring myths of the modern world - the supposed historical conflict between science and faith. Justin explores their story with David Hutchings and James Ungureanu, authors of 'Of Popes and Unicorns: Science, Christianity and how the conflict thesis fooled the world'. They are also joined by Tim O'Neill of the 'History For Atheists' website, a non-believer who has established a reputation for critiquing his own side when they get things wrong.

Video: Dallas Willard - The Beatitudes and the Kingdom in the Book of Acts
In 1993 Dallas began teaching an intensive two-week residential course for Fuller Theological Seminary's Doctor of Ministry program. His task was to teach about spiritual life in a systematic way so that its full connection to the work of the minister was clear. These sessions from 2012 are from Dallas's last year of teaching the course before he died. Though a bulk of the course was usually centered on the nature and practice of disciplines, the beginning of the course dealt with more theological themes like the nature of spiritual reality and the end of the course dealt with topics in spirituality like vocational issues.

Video: So, You Just Became a Christian?
So you’ve just become a Christian! Congratulations! The moment you responded to Christ a number of things happened to you... First, you were given new life. You began a relationship with God that will last forever. Second, you gained a new status before God. You went from being under God's just condemnation ... to being fully pardoned of all your sins. Third, you were adopted into a new family as a child of God. You now belong to a huge and incredibly diverse global family. Fourth, you were given a new job. You now represent Christ with your words and actions to everyone you meet. God wants to grow his family through you! Fifth, you also have new enemies, so expect trouble. This world will pressure you to conform ... your old nature will betray you ... and the forces of darkness will oppose you.

Audio: MIDDLE EAST: Training Believers to Reach Their Own People
Muslims in the Middle East are hungry for the gospel! Jerry and Stacy, founders of , say they sometimes repeat the gospel message even after the person they’re witnessing to says they’re ready to accept Christ—just to be sure they understand the decision and the risk of persecution they face. Last week, in the of our conversation with Jerry and Stacy, they shared how God drew them out of the American suburbs to minister in Africa, then called them to Iraq just as the ISIS caliphate was born. This week we’ll hear stories of how God is changing lives in Iraq, Iran, Syria and among Kurds throughout the region. Jerry and Stacy are working to see healthy house churches multiplying along what they call “The Highway of Holiness,” where 35 million Muslims are still unreached by the gospel. Training local believers is 90% of their effort, using simple tools and practical, easy-to-learn ways to study the Bible and share God’s love. What powers disciple-making movements, they say, is prayer and fasting. Listen as Jerry and Stacy share amazing ways God’s truth has spread from one individual to larger groups of believers and how He is using miracles to show His power and grow His church. You’ll also hear about a sister in Christ who has become known as “The Magic Prayer” in the prison where she is incarcerated for her ministry work—because other prisoners have seen that her prayers actually get answered. Jerry and Stacy will also equip you to pray for persecuted Christians, gospel workers and believers throughout the Middle East.

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I think many will enjoy the following free books:

In 1813, Benjamin Brook, a church historian and Congregational minister, published his compilation of biographical sketches and bibliographies of many of the English Puritans. He provides a basic Puritan history of nonconformity from the Reformation to the Act of Uniformity (1662), followed by accounts of more than 450 Puritans. Full of fascinating historical detail and edifying anecdotes, Brooks opens windows through which we may observe divine grace transforming the inner man to walk in the footsteps of Christ. The set has been one of the most sought after and, at the same time, rarest to find on the used book market. The Lives of the Puritans was first published in 1813 in London for Jack Black. The Soli Deo Gloria edition was first printed in 1994. It is now reprinted in 3 volumes.

The Lives of the Puritans Vol. 1

The Lives of the Puritans Vol. 3


New Resources:

Article: Our Bodies, Our Selves: Gender Dysphoria and the Longing for Wholeness
The affirmation model, while often motivated by good will, is ultimately unethical. It is dependent upon a diminished, dualistic model of personhood. The goodness, wholeness, and givenness of the body is discarded. The body is seen merely as an inert object, upon which an idealized sense of self is projected. This approach inverts the very definition of health, by pursuing a “treatment” that makes a healthy body ill, actively disrupting the delicate balance of the endocrine system in ways that have cascading and harmful effects. Invasive surgeries on healthy genitalia are often irreversible and involve short-term pain and long-term complications. The affirmation approach encourages violence to the healthy body rather than carefully working through the underlying causes of psychological distress and considering ways to manage that distress that do not cause physical harm. In this model, the body is the scapegoat, blamed as the sole source of one’s pain and sacrificed on the altar of self-will.

Article: Intersectionality and My Adoptive Family
“It is false compassion when others tell my kids — over and over — that their neighbors are secretly afraid of them, that police officers are at war with them, and that their teachers don’t believe in them. ‘Cruel’ is a better term for it.” —Trent Hunter

Video: Apologetics Week 1 - Gavin Ortlund teaching on "5 Ways Beauty Points to God"

Video: Apologetics Week 2 - Craig Hazen teaching on "The Case for the Resurrection of Christ"

Video: Apologetics Week 3 - Chris Nye teaching on "Reliability of Scripture"

Video: Apologetics Week 4 - Paul Copan teaching on "Who is God?"

Video: How God Used Roads to Pave the Way for Jesus | J. Warner Wallace

Video: Defenders LIVE! // The Existence of God Part 21: The Moral Argument Part 4


New Resources:

Video: “Sh*t Cray” | Jonathan Pageau
"...self love is represented as an exploration of the strangeness and idiosyncrasies of oneself, self seduction, self-victimizing, self-abasement, self-gratification and ultimately self-crowning... Pride as self-love appears ultimately as a sterile revolution against the natural patterns of the world, a desire for the world to be in our own image, and a desire to free ourselves from the usual constraints of natural patterns and cycles of being."

Video: How do I grow in my trust in God when I am struggling to trust Him?
The Christian life is one of faith, and sometimes we can find it difficult to trust the Lord. From one of our live Ask Ligonier events, Sinclair Ferguson encourages believers who are desiring to grow in their trust in God.

Video: Panel: Saving the Transitioned Church | Jon Benzinger, Michael O'Fallon, James Lindsay
Jon Benzinger, author of Stand: Christianity vs Social Justice and Pastor of Redeemer Church in Gilbert, AZ, joined Michael O’Fallon and James Lindsay as they discussed the incursion of Marxism into Evangelical Christianity at the Sovereign Nations Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Video: The Making Of The Western Mind | Tom Holland
In this conversation, John joins Tom Holland in his London home to discuss Christianity’s role in shaping Western civilisation. Holland prompts us to reflect on the intricate moral web our society still upholds today and consider the intertwined history of the Western imagination and Christianity. John and Tom also discuss cyclical patterns seen through the historical record, the notable decline of Christian faith and the impact of increasing secularisation.

Video: Should We Cut the Toxic People Out of Our Lives?
Responding to Kaitlyn Tiffany's recent article in The Atlantic about toxic people title 'That's It. You're Dead to Me.' What is a toxic person? Are we all toxic? Is there ever a place for distancing ourselves from people? How should this happen within the church? Nate Morgan Locke, Glen Scrivener and Paul Feesey from Speak Life discuss.

Video: An Atheist Journalist Interviews a Christian Apologist (with Adam Davidson)
What would an atheist "media elite" like to ask an evangelical Christian professor? You're about to find out. In this video, Sean turns over the hosting reigns to Adam Davidson, a journalist from the New Yorker, to interview him about his life and faith.

Video: Are the public ready to move beyond Science vs Faith conflict? Nick Spencer & Katherine Mathieson
Katherine Mathieson, director of the Royal Institution and Nick Spencer of Theos discuss the recent report 'Science and Religion: Moving away from the shallow end', which surveyed the British public's attitudes towards science and faith. They explore questions such as: Why does the public believe there is a conflict? How has New Atheism played into the debate? Is science the only way of knowing truth?


New Resources:

Video: What Is a Worldview? How Does It Shape the Way We See the World and Do Evangelism? - Tom Price (9/8/22)
Thinking about worldviews is important because of the power and effect of a worldview, but what are the different elements of a worldview and how can we uncover them? How can we help people decide which worldview is a good one and which worldview is a bad one? This talk gives tools and teaches practical skills that will enable people to have helpful and enjoyable conversations about our deeper beliefs with those around them.

Video: Theism & Science: A Conversation with John Lennox (9/8/22)
Join a live interview with Dr. John Lennox and Dr. Paul Nesselroade, Director of the Asbury University Honors Program at the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics.

Video: Does God Exist? | Dr. Frank Turek | Apologetics Conference
Psalm 103: 11-12 "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 147:4 " He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name."

Video: Aiming at Heaven While Living on Earth - Colossians 3:1-4 (9/7/22)
“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal,” said Thomas Moore. But if that is true, why don’t we think more about heaven? Why do we only think and talk about heaven at funerals? How can the reality of our future home motivate our activities right now? If you were to think about your life in terms of chronology, how much time do you have left on earth? Let’s look at three categories of truth that will help us aim at heaven while we are living on earth.

Video: 'Cosmic Christianity: Do Science & Christianity Mix?', with John Lennox // Birmingham, 2018
Professor Lennox came to Birmingham Town Hall to address themes of science and Christianity.

Video: 'Can Science Explain Everything?' with Professor John Lennox // ThinkTank, Birmingham, April 2022
The first in a series of evenings exploring Science and Faith, we were joined by Professor John Lennox, who took us through a wide range of topics around the explanatory power of science.

Video: 'Faith: Essential or Outdated?' with Michael Ramsden // Birmingham, February 2017
What is the role of faith in a modern life, a modern society? Michael Ramsden explored in our event at the ICC.

Video: 'Who Am I? Am I Just My Brain?' with Dr Sharon Dirckx // Birmingham UK, June 2022
Some would claim that I am simply the sum of electrical impulses in my brain. Is this really the conclusion of modern science or might there be something more to personhood? Dr Sharon Dirckx is a neuroscientist, an academic and a writer. In this talk, Dr Dirckx examines questions of human identity from the perspectives of neuroscience, philosophy, and theology.
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New Resources:

Article: Duty and Faith
...Elizabeth’s sense of duty and Christian commitments propelled her onward to reign in a Britain still coming out of the challenges of the war and its aftermath. Her coronation was an event to celebrate. The coronation of any monarch is a profound moment and Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953 was no less spectacular, in particular because it was the first ever-broadcast on television. The Christian commitments of Elizabeth were made very clear in the liturgy that day particularly in the anointing and prayers for the Holy Spirit to sanctify the new queen, but even as she promised to “maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel.” That day, the Archbishop of Canterbury spoke these words while handing the queen the Bible: “Our gracious Queen: to keep your Majesty ever mindful of the law and the Gospel of God as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, we present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords.” After which the Moderator of the Church of Scotland continued by saying: “Here is Wisdom; This is the royal Law; These are the lively Oracles of God.” The profoundly Christian nature of the British monarchy was on full display and it was something that Elizabeth took to heart. It was upon this foundation that she acted as a gracious sovereign.

Article: The priests of 9/11
Whether at Ground Zero or leading prayer at home parishes, clergymen provided ministry of presence on tragic day.

Article: The Fight of My Life: Why I Failed During the Time of Greatest Trial
Theologian N.T. Wright is famous for suggesting that the Christian mission can be compared to a theater improvisation. Suppose a lost Shakespearean play were to be unearthed, containing a five-act structure but missing the fifth act. In this hypothetical scenario, the first four acts provide well-defined movements, rich character development, and a clear narrative trajectory. Thus, with the fifth act lost, how can the play be staged in a theater? It would seem inappropriate to write a definitive fifth act that would freeze the play into a form that Shakespeare might not have intended or could have written more superbly. Instead, it seems more appropriate to give the key parts of the play to highly-trained, deeply-committed, and well-seasoned Shakespearian actors, who could immerse themselves in the first four acts of the play and then—to the best of their abilities—work out a fifth act for themselves. This analogy, Wright argues, illumines the Christian task. In Scripture, God has given his people a dramatic narrative of God’s interaction with his good world. He has detailed his actions in Creation, the Fall, Israel, Jesus, and the Early Church. And he has prophesied the future action in which his Son, Jesus will return to set the world to rights. What is missing is a written revelation of his actions during our era—this time between the times of Christ’s first and second comings. Thus, the mission of God’s people is to saturate ourselves in the biblical narrative, remembering God’s actions and his words. As we remember, repeatedly, God’s actions on behalf of his people, we become skillful “actors” in the unfolding narrative of God and the world. We are called to “act” as ambassadors of the king, to represent God and his ways to the societies in which we live.

Video: Masculinity and Femininity: Social Constructs or God’s Design? With Kyle Thompson
Kyle Thompson from the Undaunted Life Podcast joins to talk about the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Are manhood and womanhood simply social constructs or are there innate differences between men and women that are God-ordained and good? Kyle discusses pornography, abortion, modern feminism, toxic masculinity, gender roles, and much more!

Video: Christianity is the Greatest Story - Tom Holland and Paul Vanderklay
Glen Scrivener hosts a panel with historian Tom Holland (author of Dominion and co-presenter of The Rest is History podcast) and pastor Paul Vanderklay (YouTuber known as the pastor to the intellectual dark web). They discuss mission in the meaning crisis. Recorded on 3rd September at Oak Hill College.

Video: Gavin Ashenden - Why the death of Queen Elizabeth II marks the end of Christendom
Gavin Ashenden, former Chaplain to the Queen reflects on the monarch's faith and the significance of her death to the church and the country. Does her death after 70 years of reign and cultural change mark the end of Britain as a Christian country?

Video: Is the American Experiment Over? (with Os Guinness)
America is at a crossroads. According to Os Guinness, America is at a "zero hour" in which it needs to decide if it will embrace real freedom or reject it. What does the future hold? Sean talks with Os about his latest book Zero Hour America. Os offers a sobering warning to Americans that must be heard.

Video: Antichrist and His Ruin - Official Trailer
When the Canadian government ordered churches to close, practically everyone complied. But some pastors led their churches to assert the supremacy of Christ over all things and especially Christ’s church and her worship. The state has been presuming to tell the church how, when, and with whom she ought to worship her Lord. In so doing, it has made itself an antichrist, trying to take the place and the honours that are due to Jesus alone. This feature-length documentary takes its name from John Bunyan’s book, Of Antichrist and His Ruin, and is inspired by not only this text, but the life and witness of Bunyan and the English Dissenters of the 17th century. The players are different, and the setting has changed, but there are many clear parallels between the issues faced by Bunyan and those that Canadian Christians have been facing.

Audio: Episode 45 - On the Death of the Queen
The death of Queen Elizabeth II catalysed worldwide mourning and reflection, with tributes pouring in from people from all walks of life right across the globe. Yet in individualistic western nations like Britain, some may have surprised themselves by realising with a shock how much the Queen actually meant to them. What does this tell us about the yearning for nobility and virtue in our times? How should Christians think about the monarchy? Are there ways we can honour its virtues without falling prey to political idolatry? In this special episode, Aaron and Andy explore these questions, and more.

Audio: MIDDLE EAST: Going The Right Direction
“If you read the Bible, He can change you and God will be with you.” Brother Hayel learned that truth first-hand when he started reading the Bible. In its pages he knew he’d found the One True God. He couldn’t stop reading God’s Word, and hungrily opened it each day. Having found truth, Hayel couldn’t keep himself from sharing the good news with his fellow Druze—even knowing he would be persecuted for doing so. Hayel desires to see his people, the Druze, changed by the gospel. This people group includes about 1.5 million individuals across Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria; they are distinct ethnically and religiously from the Muslims and others around them. Druze who choose to become Christians face intense persecution. Hayel was forbidden to share his Christian faith, but he refused to stop. He was kicked out from his home and ostracized, but he regards that sacrifice as nothing compared to knowing Jesus. Today, Hayel is working with Brother Dan to share the gospel with Druze. Dan never planned on living in the Middle East. He was a businessman serving on his local church missions committee when God put Syria on his mind, even though he admits that deep down in his heart he had hatred for Arabs and Muslims. Yet he chose obedience and ended up on a missions trip to Syria before the war there. Through that experience and the people he met, God scrubbed Dan’s heart clean of hatred and gave him a passion to see people in the region reached for Christ—a passion so strong he and his wife moved to the region. Today, Hayel and Dan serve Druze people through social media ministry. They speak to the Druze in their homes and their heart language with the gospel—through their phones.


New Resources:

Video: The Atheist Who Didn't Exist: Facing the Canon with Andy Bannister
J. John speaks with Andy Bannister; evangelist, apologist, and author of 'The Atheist Who Didn't Exist'.

Video: Carl Trueman - Understanding The Modern 'Self' | Real Talk With Zuby Ep. 223
Carl Trueman is professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. He has written more than a dozen books, including Histories and Fallacies: Problems Faced in the Writing of History, Luther on the Christian Life, The Creedal Imperative, and The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.

Video: The Purposed Deconstruction of Religion | Michael O'Fallon
In our current age, our nation and culture are being deconstructed by those that would seek to create a cultural revolution within our nation, subversively, and replace that once great nation with a hyperreal new social contract. This new social contract will re-imagine human liberty, economics, mobility, family and faith.

Video: Angels, visions & near-death encounters - Dale Allison on strange religious experiences
From rapturous joy to inexplicable terror, angelic encounters to near death experiences, New Testament scholar Dale Allison has researched a wide range of phenomena in his new book 'Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age'. He tells of his own experiences and explains why they are more common than many people realise, and why skeptics shouldn't dismiss them out of hand. Justin also brings listener questions from atheists and believers.

Video: G3 Regional Conference: The Bible Is Sufficient | Day 1 - Thursday, Sep. 15, 2022
Description for all three days (line breaks as seen in this text message): A regional conference with Josh Buice, Scott Aniol, James White, Steve Lawson, Virgil Walker & Darrell Harrison. The theme is "The Bible is Sufficiency". Streaming September 15-16.

Video: G3 Regional Conference: The Bible Is Sufficient | Day 2 - Friday, Sep. 16, 2022
Description for all three days (line breaks as seen in this text message): A regional conference with Josh Buice, Scott Aniol, James White, Steve Lawson, Virgil Walker & Darrell Harrison. The theme is "The Bible is Sufficiency". Streaming September 15-16.


New Resources:

Article: Belief in God can help us find a purpose in life that we are currently lacking - David J Nixon
Our secular society has discovered the hard way that a world without God is a world without purpose. We’re no longer pilgrims on the road to a destination, but wanderers on a never ending journey. We’re still avid consumers of stories, but we’ve stopped believing that there is a divine Author who brings significance to the story of our lives. That’s why atheist Noah Yuval Harari can write in his best-selling book “Sapiens” that “life has no meaning”; there are only the stories that we invent to make sense of our otherwise meaningless existence.

Article: Symbolism in Nietzsche’s Moral Desert
For Nietzsche, morals are complex entities that need to be brought to life through the telling of a story. That story then results in the delineation of character. His moral landscape is depicted as a desert. There is nothing there but sand, and a grand dragon with golden scales, upon which shines the phrase “Thou shalt” which is God’s phrase of commandment. The desert in which human morality is fought for is lifeless, void of biodiversity, and policed by a mystical, fairy tale creature born of the human imagination; there exists no growth, only a guardian of tradition. Nietzsche posits a three stage metamorphosis so that mankind may move forward, so that we may will our way out of this desert.

Video: Douglas Murray and Jonathan Pageau
Jonathan Pageau, Douglas Murray, and Dr Jordan B Peterson discuss our hierarchies of perception, existence, faith, and whether meaning is a self evident truth or something intangible that is sought in vain.

Video: The Great Commission
Before His ascension, Jesus established one of the church’s main priorities, which is to share the Gospel so that people will be converted, be baptized, grow in faith, and tell others the good news of salvation. Unfortunately, some churches have replaced this call to mission with a comfortable “maintenance” approach. Challenging all Christians to embrace Jesus’ Great Commission, Alistair Begg takes a closer look at the claim that only Christ can make, the command that only Christ can give, and the comfort that only Christ can provide.

Video: Church abuse, scandals & RZIM: Rachael Denhollander, Amy Orr-Ewing, Mike Cosper & Diane Langberg
Justin Brierley was joined by four guests and hundreds of attendees for a live webinar event Falling From Grace: Addressing power, leadership and abuse in the church. This included the fallout from prominent figures such as Ravi Zacharias and Mark Driscoll.

Video: Is God a Vindictive Bully? (with Philosopher Paul Copan)
How is it just for the prophet Elisha to summon bears to maul 42 children? Did the Bible permit Israel to take sex slaves from nations they defeated in war? These are some of the tough questions I discuss with Dr. Paul Copan, author of the upcoming book Is God a Vindictive Bully?

Video: A Philosophical Discussion on Molinism & Middle Knowledge
Dr. Craig dives into Molinism with two philosophy professors.

Audio: MIDDLE EAST: “Forgiveness is a Decision”
It’s a Bible verse all of us have quoted, one we’ve likely shared with a Christian friend in the midst of a difficult season: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28 After her husband Rami, a leader of the Bible Society in Gaza, was murdered, Pauline Ayyad wrestled deeply with this verse. What good would come of her husband being killed? What good could come from raising her two children—and the one about to be born—without their father? Pauline asked God why He even allowed her to marry Rami if he was chosen to die a martyr’s death? When Rami decided to leave a good, safe job at a bank, Pauline questioned the decision. The couple went into ministry serving kids through Awana, and Rami at the Bible Society, in 2005. Rami had peace about the transition, and eventually Pauline also felt at peace. They settled into what became normal life. Rami faced repeated threats, but refused to be afraid. “What can they do?” he asked. “The only thing they can do is kill me, and then it would be for Christ.” Then one day Rami didn’t arrive home from work. The next morning, Pauline learned that her husband’s body had been found. Pauline struggled and questioned God. She did not want to forgive Rami’s killer. She wanted the murderer to pay for his crime. Listen as Pauline shares how the Holy Spirit was at work, and the five-year journey that brought her to forgive her husband’s killer. She didn’t only quietly forgive in her heart, but posted a message of forgiveness on Facebook. That post has blessed many Christians and challenged many Muslims as it’s been read thousands of times—an incredible witness for the gospel and the power of God’s grace in the face of Christian persecution. Pauline will also share specific prayer requests for her family and for the church in Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank.


New Resources:

Video: The Everlasting Man, by G. K. Chesterton | Presentation by José Maria J. Yulo, Part 1/2
José Maria J. Yulo, Ph.D., professor of philosophy and western civilization at the Academy of Art University, discusses G. K. Chesterton’s classic “The Everlasting Man,” judged by some to be “the best modern argument for Christianity.

Video: The Everlasting Man, by G. K. Chesterton | Presentation by José Maria J. Yulo, Part 2/2
In this second of two videos, José Maria J. Yulo, Ph.D., professor of philosophy and western civilization at the Academy of Art University, discusses G. K. Chesterton’s classic “The Everlasting Man,” judged by some to be “the best modern argument for Christianity.

Video: The Role of Consciousness and the Evolution of the Gospel of Marxism | James Lindsay
In that Marxism is a theology that gives birth to a religion of Communism, it has to also have a process of conversion. That process was not well-developed under Karl Marx, but it grew over the intervening century and a half and came to be known as "conscientization." As Marxism entered its cultural turn in the 1920s, Theorists like Gyorgy Lukacs recognized that "class consciousness" unfolds in stages and is educable, though the last steps remained elusive and mysterious. By the 1980s, Theorists like Paulo Freire developed the process of conscientization further into a critical and even utopian consciousness that can be used to mobilize converts to transform the world. As we learn from the United Nations and its Agenda 2030, however, the next phase in transformation is to mobilize this utopian consciousness to create a sustained regime branded as a "sustainable and inclusive future." Thus, they forward 17 Sustainable Development Goals "to transform our world" and are beginning to gear conscientization in that direction.

Video: Covid, Churches & the Frankfurt Declaration: Jamie Franklin & John Stevens debate Christian liberty
As the global pandemic subsides the way the Covid lockdowns were implemented in churches still divides Christians. The Frankfurt Declaration has been signed by church leaders who are concerned that civil and religious liberties are being eroded by Government overreach. One of the signatories is Anglican priest Jamie Franklin, a co-host of the Irreverend podcast. He has been critical of the church's handling of Covid saying it fell into line with restrictions too readily. He discusses the issues with John Stevens of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) who believes that the government mandates were appropriate for what was known at the time.

Video: The Language of Creation | Matthieu Pageau
Matthieu Pageau and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discuss the structure and significance of the Biblical corpus of stories, concentrating in no small part on the Genesis account of Adam and Eve.

Video: My Mental Health and Spirituality with Rev Prof John Swinton
The recent pandemic has damaged us all and has served to exacerbate the inequalities of our modern world. It’s not surprising then that we are all talking about mental health. John Swinton is uniquely qualified to speak about a spiritual dimension to the subject of mental health. He is a registered mental health nurse and professor of divinity at the University of Aberdeen. He contends that mental health problems require theological understanding and not just medical intervention and in this talk will identify fresh perspectives for care, healing, recovery and community.

Video: John MacArthur Addresses Governor Newsom
The Word of God pronounces judgment on those who call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20), and yet many of your policies reflect this unholy, upside-down view of honor and morality. The diabolical effects of your worldview are evident in the statistics of California’s epidemics of crime, homelessness, sexual perversions (like homosexuality and transgenderism), and other malignant expressions of human misery that stem directly from corrupt public policy. I don’t need to itemize or elaborate on the many immoral decisions you have perpetrated against God and the people of our state, which have only exacerbated these problems. Nevertheless, my goal in writing is not to contend with your politics, but rather to plead with you to hear and heed what the Word of God says to men in your position.


New Resources:

Video: Virgil Walker The Culture and the Sufficiency of Scripture
In this session, Virgil Walker—Executive Director of Operations for G3 Ministries and Co-host of the Just Thinking podcast—preaches from 2 Corinthians 10:1–6, stressing the importance of followers of Christ being equipped with the Word of God as they battle against the culture of the day.

Video: Making Sense of Manuscripts | James White
In this session, James White—Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries—explains the history of biblical manuscripts.

Video: Deistic Amorism | Darrell Harrison
In this session, Darrell Harrison—Director of Digital Platforms at Grace to You and Co-host of the Just Thinking podcast—warns against Deistic Amorism, a romanticized thinking about God.

Video: Survey Says The Average American Christian Believes Bad Theology, with Dr. Jeremiah Johnston
A recent study concluded that many Evangelical Christians hold some pretty unbiblical beliefs. About half believe that God changes, half believe that God accepts worship from other religions, and over half believe that humans are born innocent. Dr. Jeremiah Johnston joins the podcast today to unpack these beliefs and several more, including Evangelical beliefs about church membership, the nature of Jesus, sexuality, and the Bible. We talk through what Americans actually believe, how these beliefs affect the gospel, and then we talk through some key Scriptures. Plus, Dr. Johnston gives us an update on the curse tablet found at Mt. Ebal!

Video: Can we reconcile the Canaanite conquest with a God of love? Paul Copan vs Randal Rauser
How should we understand Old Testament accounts of warfare and violence where God seems to command the slaughter of men, women and children? Paul Copan, author of 'Is God A Vindictive Bully?' aims to show why the Old Testament accounts, severe as they may seem, are not incompatible with Jesus in the New Testament. Randal Rauser, author of 'Jesus Loves Canaanites', says that too many 'apologists for genocide' are defending the indefensible and argues for an alternative reading of scripture. They discuss whether the warfare passages are hyperbolic, whether non-combatants would have been killed, and whether the term 'genocide' is appropriate.

Video: 13 Lies that Make us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed (with Alisa Childers)
Should we live our own truth? Ought we follow our hearts? Sean talks with Alisa Childers about her new book LIVE YOUR TRUTH. They discuss the most common cultural lies that imprison us and how to experience genuine freedom by living God's truth.

Video: Os Guinness and "The Great Quest" on The Disciple Dilemma
Who Am I? What Am I? Why Am I? Os Guinness joins Dennis and Raymond to talk about his new book "The Great Quest, Invitation to an Examined Life and a Sure Path to Meaning". What does Os mean by his use of the term seeker? Why do so few people think about who or what they are? How does this apply to the life of a disciple?

Video: What is REALLY Real and Who Says? - Stuart McAllister
We know our world is in trouble. As Christ followers, though, we can’t wring our hands and just shout at the darkness. We can’t give aggression and hatred and anger and belligerence as an answer. We can give the Grace of God. The kindness of God. And when all the confusion swirls, we can offer Jesus, the light and hope of the world to a world swirled in darkness. Make walking worthily your core aim [Colossians 1:9-10]. See to it no one takes you captive [Colossians 2:4-8]. Be prepared [Colossians 4:5-6].


New Resources:

Video: Dr. Frank Turek - Westminster College
Does truth exist? Does God exist? Are miracles possible? Is the New Testament True? Find out how the scientific, archeological, and historical evidence points to "YES!" with Dr. Frank Turek streaming LIVE from Westminster College (Champ Auditorium) in Fulton, MO on Wed. 10/12 at 7:00 pm (CDT).

Video: Counting the Cost by C.S. Lewis Doodle (BBC Talk 24A, Mere Christianity, Bk 4, Chapter 9)
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to re-build that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He’s doing. He’s getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and which doesn’t seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of...” (C.S. Lewis).

Video: A Philosopher Reviews "The Rings of Power"
Have you ever wondered why Tolkien does not have Frodo defeat Sauron by casting the ring into the fire? Middle Earth has no heroes who rise up to defeat the dark lord. Why did the Valar only send 5 wizards to Middle Earth and not a whole host of Maiar to deal with Sauron? Why didn't the ents help with the war against Sauron? The reason has to do with the philosophy that was guiding Tolkien's narrative. It is not a world, like Game of Thrones, where heroes rise up to vanquish evil. Tolkien's philosophy is far different than what we see in typical fantasy novels. I'll explain what philosophy was guiding Tolkien and why he wrote as he did. I'll also explain why "Rings of Power" fails to capture Tolkien's philosophy.

Video: Tolkien: One Myth to Rule Them All
With the release of the Amazon series 'The Rings of Power', everyone is once again talking about The Lord of the Rings. Reformed Mythologist Nate Morgan Locke from Speak Life explains how The Lord of the Rings is profoundly shaped by Tolkien's Christian faith.

Video: Are religious funerals 'empty and platitudinous'? Ian Dunt & Andy Bannister
The Queen's state funeral was watched by billions of people and marked by deep Christian symbolism. However, during the ceremony, atheist journalist Ian Dunt tweeted that he found it "empty and platitudinous, a cardboard shield against existential despair". Ian engages with Christian thinker Andy Bannister who wrote a response article to Ian's tweet. They discuss the royal funeral, meaning, purpose and what death means to an atheist and a Christian.

Video: Dialectic with John Vervaeke - Thunder Bay Conference
John Vervaeke and I [Jonathan Pageau] have a discussion at the September 2022 Thunder Bay conference. We talk about iconography, relevance realization, symbolism and ritual.

Video: Is Christian Nationalism Dangerous? A Conversation with Paul Miller and R.R. Reno
What is Christian Nationalism? How concerned should Americans be? Sean hosts a conversation between Dr. Paul Miller, author of The Religion of American Greatness: What's Wrong with Christian Nationalism and R.R. Reno, author of Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West.

Video: Is God's Moral Perfection Reducible to His Love?
In September of 2022, Dr. Craig participated in a philosophy conference in Poland on “Christian Philosophy and Its Challenges.” Here he lectures on the topic of divine goodness.


Video: How Religion and Technology are Shaping Humanity w/ Jonathan Pageau
"Is technology a god? Can artificial intelligence become sentient? What do the masses worship in modern culture? Jonathan Pageau is an orthodox Christian icon carver and public speaker who seeks to understand the symbolic patterns that underlie our experience of the world. Including but not limited to how these patterns emerge and come together, manifesting in religion, art, and in popular culture. Coming from vastly different backgrounds, Jonathan and I differ in some of the ways we see the world, making this conversation richly enjoyable." (10/19/22)

Video: John Lennox on the Transhumanist Claim AI Will Turn Humans into Gods
In this bonus interview for the series Science Uprising, mathematician John Lennox discusses the threats and benefits of artificial intelligence (AI), especially the claim by transhumanists that AI will create a race of god-like super-humans. Lennox compares the transhumanist claims to his Christian understanding of the future of humanity.


New Resources:

Video: EQUIP 2022 - “Lessons in Perseverance from Scripture” with John Lennox
John Lennox, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, leads us through some examples of perseverance that we find in the Bible, looking particularly at the character of Daniel. John follows his talk with a Q&A session.

Video: EQUIP 2022 - “Lessons and laughter from the life of Seth Joshua”
Jonathan Thomas, pastor of Cornerstone Church, Abergavenny, explores the life of Seth Joshua - A donkey driver who became a daring evangelist, who called Wales to a deepening of the Spiritual life.

Video: EQUIP 2022 - "Soul Care Network"
Soul Care has Richard Myerscough, a Pastor from Pontefract, West Yorkshire, as our contributor this year. In this session, titled "A quiet heart", Richard shares the need to remain humble in helping others, avoiding the temptation to see ourselves as saviours. Learning to be content in the Lord and quietly part of his work.

Video: EQUIP 2022 - “The Hallmarks of a Resilient Leader”
Peter Baker, Senior Minister at Lansdowne Church, Bournemouth, explores the theme of 'How to stay the course and cross the line – the challenge of resilience in leadership'.

Video: EQUIP 2022 - "Evangelism Network"
JP Earnest, Field Operations Manager for The Open Air Mission, joins the Evangelism Network session, and shares some advice and experience on how churches and Christians can engage people as they share their faith.

Video: Michael Gungor & Evan Wickham: Millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa were pioneers in the Christian music scene, building a loyal fan base through Gungor's music and podcasts such as The Liturgists. However, Michael's recent turn towards an increasingly progressive, mystical and deconstructed interpretation of faith has left many Christians confused. Evan Wickham is a pastor in San Diego and a friend and former musical collaborator with Gungor. They engage in a discussion on Michael's spiritual journey and why Evan has stayed within a historic orthodox Christian tradition.

Video: Understanding Worldviews and the Distinctness of Christianity - Peter Saunders
This talk helps you understand the non-Christian mindset and confidently communicate the Gospel in the way the Apostles did it – in understandable language, in a safe place, and with the opportunity for discussion. We focus on understanding the basic worldview categories, determining a person’s worldview, and what is distinctive about Christian theism in contrast.

Video: Glen Scrivener: Science - How Christianity birthed the scientific revolution • Unapologetic 3/4
Where did modern science come from? Contrary to popular atheist accounts of the conflict between science and faith, Glen Scrivener argues that Christianity gave the framework of an intelligible universe invested with order that scientists set out to explore.

Video: John Lennox: Do God and Science Mix?
Is it possible to be a scientist and a person of faith at the same time? Are Christianity and Science at odds with one another? These questions and others are explored in this interview with renowned scientist and philosopher, Dr. John Lennox. Examining some of the latest scientific research and theories surrounding the origins of life and concepts of the mind Dr. Lennox demonstrates that a Christian approach to an understanding of the universe is consistent with modern science and provides a strong framework for the scientific method. If you are a believer who is looking for a way to explain the validity of the Christian worldview to scientifically oriented friends, this is a must-watch interview.

Video: Episode 75: Defending Young Minds Against Porn with Kristen Jensen
Kristen Jensen, author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids, joins Amy to talk about how we can protect kids from pornography. Main Points Covered: Kristen shares how she was motivated to write this book. Average age kids are exposed to porn: 8! More about Good Pictures Bad Pictures book Will talking about pornography cause kids to be more curious about it? The relationship is key in all of this. Pornography can become an addiction in the same way that people are addicted to drugs. Teen girls are using porn as sex education.
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Happy 505th Birthday!

On this date in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of Wittenberg’s city church, symbolically marking the beginning of the Protestant Reformation... The highlighted pieces below unpack the Reformation’s legacy from different angles. Take a few minutes today to read (or listen to) these resources. I know they’ll enrich your understanding, application, and gratitude for this significant part of church history.
  1. Nailed It? The Truth About Martin Luther, the Ninety-Five Theses, and the Castle Church Door: Church historian Forrest Strickland challenges popular conceptions about the historical details of what happened on October 31, 1517.
  2. America’s Mythology of Martin Luther: Obbie Tyler Todd explores Luther's influence in the past and present of American evangelicalism.
  3. Tim Keller on 3 Things Pastors Should Learn from Calvin: In this podcast, Keller expounds three principles we can take from Calvin and apply to pastoral practice today.
  4. Why the Reformation Should Make You More catholic: theologian Fred Sanders provocatively argues that, “We are Protestant specifically to be more catholic” (lowercase c).
  5. 6 Lessons from Luther on Congregational Singing: Matt Merker draws out lessons from Martin Luther’s philosophy of church music.
To go even deeper in your study of the Reformation, you might take a look at Carl Trueman’s essay, “Justification and the Protestant Reformation,” part of our collection of 250 free theological essays to equip the global church. Or, consider taking our free online course on the Reformation’s “Five Solas,” part of our library of hundreds of free online courses.
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Where do you guys stand on Predestination vs Free Will.

God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are both taught by Scripture. John 3:16 is a perfect example of this. God offers salvation to all mankind because Jesus died for each person (1 John 2:2), but God knows who will choose and who will reject His Son. Do I understand how this is even possible as a finite being? No. A quote that honestly addresses the complexity of this issue:

"...that God on the one hand by his providence not only decreed, but most certainly secures, the event of all things, whether free or contingent; on the other hand, however, man is always free in acting and many effects are contingent. Although I cannot understand how these can be mutually connected together, yet (on account of ignorance of the mode) the thing itself is (which is certain from another source, i.e., from the Word) not either to be called in question or wholly denied" (Francis Turretin, Four Views on Divine Providence, 41)

We as human beings tend to put God in a box and attempt to use human language to explain how God knows everything and yet we have the capacity to choose. This isn't possible and is a trap in my view. Another quote, this time from my blog about Human free will vs. God's sovereignty eloquently explains the mistake that we can make in this type of theological conundrum.

"Our compartmentalizing minds want to put everything into a box, and yet the claims of Christian belief are not mutually exclusive. God, in His divine sovereignty, has given to us liberties and freedoms. Since our sovereign God chose to grant us this privilege, it cannot be something that in any way diminishes His sovereignty. He circumscribes the limits of that freedom such that we cannot violate His sovereign plan and His will, but that does not negate the freedom that we enjoy. Paradox sits uncomfortably on our rational mind, but then so should the Incarnation, since it is the advent of a Person who is proclaimed to be very God of very God while also being very man of very man."

I have wrestled with this subject for many years now and I believe it's best to let God's Word speak for itself. In reading His Word, it is clear to me that both positions are taught and equally valid. That is what the Bible teaches. Biblical scholar A.T. Robertson expresses my position in his commentary on Philippians 3:12 (working out our salvation).

"He [Paul] exhorts as if he were an Arminian in addressing men. He prays as if he were a Calvinist in addressing God and feels no inconsistency in the two attitudes. Paul makes no attempt to reconcile divine sovereignty and human free agency, but boldly proclaims both." (A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament, Vol. IV, 446)

Finally, John Lennox addresses the question: Will We Have Free Will in Heaven?

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Parody of actual AJUMP23
God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are both taught by Scripture. John 3:16 is a perfect example of this. God offers salvation to all mankind because Jesus died for each person (1 John 2:2), but God knows who will choose and who will reject His Son. Do I understand how this is even possible as a finite being? No. A quote that honestly addresses the complexity of this issue:

We as human beings tend to put God in a box and attempt to use human language to explain how God knows everything and yet we have the capacity to choose. This isn't possible and is a trap in my view. Another quote, this time from my blog about Human free will vs. God's sovereignty eloquently explains the mistake that we can make in this type of theological conundrum.

I have wrestled with this subject for many years now and I believe it's best to let God's Word speak for itself. In reading His Word, it is clear to me that both positions are taught and equally valid. That is what the Bible teaches. Biblical scholar A.T. Robertson expresses my position in his commentary on Philippians 3:2 (working out our salvation).

Finally, John Lennox addresses the question: Will We Have Free Will in Heaven?

Beautifully put. I have always held a both are working pieces of salvation. My leadership though is all hardline Calvinist. I am an inconvenient leader in the church as I am not a staunch Calvinist. I think Calvin is off with Limited Atonement in the idea that there are people that are incapable of accepting Christ. Where Calvinist say only some people are capable and not all men. And I argue, if Adam's sin was enough to condemn all, then Christ death was enough to redeem all who accept it. I also find that Irresistible Grace doesn't hold as we see in scripture people rejecting the grace of God and saving faith offered on many occasions, From Abram to Paul.
Where do you guys stand on Predestination vs Free Will.
All actions are chosen unconsciously it seems consciousness only occurs after the fact. The only form of free will that seems viable is compatibilism.

Here's a link to an article on compatibilism
Compatibilism offers a solution to the free will problem, which concerns a disputed incompatibility between free will and determinism. Compatibilism is the thesis that free will is compatible with determinism. Because free will is typically taken to be a necessary condition of moral responsibility, compatibilism is sometimes expressed as a thesis about the compatibility between moral responsibility and determinism.
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Video: Spiritual Warfare in a Material World with Dr. Jerry Root
"What is Spiritual Warfare? Does it really affect my everyday life? What role does the unseen world play in our visible, material world? Is there more than meets the eye to the problems of violence, deception, division and other societal ills? Who or what are our real enemies? Listen to world-renowned C.S. Lewis Scholar and Professor Emeritus of Wheaton College, Dr. Jerry Root, as he shares insight on the reality of spiritual warfare, the unseen spiritual realities and principalities we face in this world, and the weapons God gives us to find hope and victory over the world, the flesh and the devil." (10/31/22)


New Resources:

Video: A Conversation with John Piper & John MacArthur
00:00 What Do You Appreciate About Each Other’s Ministry?
16:05 About the Book ‘Providence’
22:19 How Were You Called into Pastoral Ministry?
35:49 Advice for New Pastors
45:45 What Is the Pastor’s Role in Speaking God's Truth to Political Rulers?
56:26 How Can Christians in America Prepare for Persecution?
01:14:16 How Have the Puritans Shaped Your Life and Ministry?

Video: What Should I Do When I Am Exhausted and Want to Give Up? - Paul Coulter
Why is ministry sometimes such a struggle? Why does my desire to help people so often end in frustration and exhaustion? Is there a way of doing ministry that brings encouragement and refreshment? This talk unpacks the hidden landmines of ministry and how we get stuck in unhealthy patterns. Together we explore God’s biblical pattern for rekindling joy and the path of refreshment.

Video: Have You Ever Wondered Why Humans Are Drawn To The Spiritual?
Halloween has recently come and gone, dismissed as a children's ploy for sweet treats. But have you ever wondered why we humans seem attracted to spiritual things? Whether it is a fascination with ghosts, practising yoga or just describing a bond with a loved one as a "spiritual connection", the supernatural crops up usually often in our scientific, secular culture. And when you look beyond the modern West, it becomes readily apparent that humans have always had an innate desire for the spiritual realm. Could it point to something true about our universe?

Video: The Gospel Is the Power of God
In a culture increasingly interested in therapy over theology, the Bible alone is able to make us wise for salvation. In this Reformation Sunday message, Alistair Begg highlights the Gospel’s power to reveal God’s righteous character and activity. If believers are to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus to a world that would shame us into silence, we must be convinced of this truth: the Gospel alone is the power of God to save men and women from eternal condemnation.

Video: Batman: Ethics 101
Reformed Mythologist Nate Morgan Locke dives into the mythology and theology of Batman.

Video: What Is the Meaning of Success?
Charles Lee (Stanford) and Andy Van Schaack (Vanderbilt) explore student questions about work, achievement, purpose, and success. | Vanderbilt University, 10/19/2022

Video: Christian Nationalism? An International Perspective || Glen Scrivener responds to Stephen Wolfe
Glen Scrivener reacts to Stephen Wolfe talking about his new book 'The Case for Christian Nationalism'. Featuring clips from Wolfe's discussion on CrossPolitic with Gabe Rench (aka Waterboy) and David Shannon (aka Chocolate Knox) as well as Wolfe's discussion with Jared Longshore.

Audio: SOUTH ASIA: Obedience Over Comfort
210 million people in Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and the Maldives have yet to hear who Jesus is. Almost all the major world religions—including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam—compete for the hearts and minds of people in these countries. Christian persecution is a regular part of following Christ. Pastors have been martyred for their faith, believers beaten and imprisoned, missionaries expelled, and churches burned or bombed. Tim and Dawn are gospel workers in the region, helping guide gospel efforts and workers. Listen as they unpack what it looks like to follow Christ in South Asia—and how we can pray for gospel advance in the region. Listen to hear how Christians in Sri Lanka responded to the Easter Sunday church bombings in 2019, and how recent political turmoil in that country has affected their work. They will also equip listeners to pray for persecuted Christians in other nations of South Asia. What has God put on your heart to do? Has he stirred up your heart for missions work in another country? Tim and Dawn say there’s a reason the Lord placed a particular people group or place on your heart. They will share practical next steps to explore God’s leading into missions. You can see opportunities to serve in their region at the web site. On the first Sunday in November, churches around the world will mark The International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. You can join in prayer with your family, friends and church. Learn specific ways to pray by downloading free resources , including a video telling from Nigeria.


Great Shepherd of Thy People, Hear

1. Great Shepherd of Thy people, hear;

Thy presence now display.

As Thou has giv’n a place for prayer,

So give us hearts to pray.

2. Show us some token of Thy love,

Our fainting hope to raise;

And pour Thy blessing from above,

That we may render praise.

3. Within these walls let holy peace,

And love, and concord dwell;

Here give the troubled conscience ease,

The wounded spirit heal.

4. May we in faith receive Thy Word,

In faith present our prayers,

And in the presence of our Lord,

Unbosom all our cares.

5. And may this Gospel’s joyful sound,

Enforced by mighty grace,

Awaken many sinners round

To come and fill this place.



Prayer. I can find it hard to pray. Maybe this is due to not wanting to let go of being in charge.

pleaseinsertdisctwo pleaseinsertdisctwo recently made a post asking for advice and answers. I entered the topic and made my reply. Was what I wrote sound? I do not know.

Now it seems time to let it go, what ever reasons I have for going in there. Handing something over to God. I can't say I particularly understand God but I do know I can not carry the cares of the world. God is there to carry the weight.

'You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. ' Isaiah 26:3 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/ISA.26.3
Am I the only one who found it funny that the original posters and creator of this thread have been banned lol? Guess they got too political when talking about Jeeesus!


I should have saved that image, but I didn't... It went something like this:

Jesus! Jesus!

Jesus was a ........
Some lyrics

Blessenating the countryside!
More lyrics and stuff.

And all the doubting Thomases!
Doubting Thomases!


A true shame I did not save the image.


Trogdor was a man
I mean, he was a dragon man
Or, maybe he was just a, dragon
But he was still Trogdor!

Burninating the countryside
Burninating the peasants
Burninating all the peoples
And their thatched-roof cottages!
Thatched-roof cottages!

Whoa, this has wicked dueling guitar solos
It's like squeedly versus meedley over here
Go squeedly!
Go squeedly!
Squeedly wins!

When all the land is in ruins
And burnination has forsaken the countryside
Only one guy will remain
My money's on Trogdor!

And the Trogdor comes in the night!
Curious what some of the denominations are here? RC over here. Looking into Protestantism and Orthodoxy atm though.
RC looking into judaism. There's some interesting arguments for it.

Well we are in end times, as far as I can see, either Christianity or Judaism will be proven true, and everyone will unite under the Messiah or they'll all be proven false. Everything is collapsing the climate, the economy, the fossil energy sources.


Video: An Attitude of Gratitude - Charles R. Swindoll
"...in a timeless sermon on the topic of gratitude, [Chuck Swindoll] reflects on Psalm 103, in which King David thanks God for pardoning his sin, redeeming his life from the pit, and crowning him with love and compassion. The hymn “It Is Well with My Soul” reveals why we are so grateful. “My sin, not in part but the whole; Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!” That’s true redemption indeed!"


PDF: Journal of Christian Legal Thought - 2022 Vol. 1

In this issue of the Journal, we will advance this theme of engaging culture, challenging its imprisoning ideologies without confusing a mission of liberation with one of extermination. In “Engaging the Culture with Carl F.H. Henry,” Samuel Parkison draws on the wisdom of the revered twentieth-century theologian to chart a more balanced Christian course through our lingering cultural conflicts, one shaped less by the pervasive partisanship of our day. In “American Exceptionalism and Critical Race Theory,” Douglas Groothuis questions trending narratives from both the Left and the Right in the cultural conversation (or rather shouting matches) about America and its checkered legacy. In his contribution “Critical Race Theory: Can We ‘Eat the Meat and Spit Out the Bones’?” Neil Shenvi picks up on these themes, particularly as they relate to the divisive national uproar about Critical Race Theory, one of the latest battlefronts in the so-called culture wars. We close with P. Andrew Sandlin’s “Statism as Toleration,” which places the critical questions raised throughout this issue within the broader milieu of political and legal power as they relate to sustaining a robust Christian worldview in the twenty-first century. It is our hope and prayer that this issue helps you be a more thoughtful and engaging advocate for your faith in the public and legal spheres, while moving beyond the Kulturkampf mentality that has marred our Christian witness for too long.


New Resources:

Video: Archaeological Evidence for Jesus - Peter S. Williams
We live in an age of uninformed scepticism about Jesus. This talk shows how the physical discoveries of archaeology undermine common misconceptions about: the existence of Jesus; the reliability of the Gospels; the historical credentials of the crucifixion, burial, and empty tomb of Jesus; and the existence of people who believed Jesus was God long before the 4th-century church council of Nicea.

Video: Dr Malcolm Guite's Keynote Talk on C.S. Lewis at Ulster University's First Annual CS Lewis Symposium
This is Dr Malcolm Guite's keynote talk from Now We Have Faces: The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University (3 Nov 2022). His talk is entitled 'A Little Incarnation: C.S. Lewis and the poetry of embodiment'. Here, Malcolm traces the links between Lewis’s theology of incarnation and his imaginative vision as a writer.

Video: Dr David Clare's Talk on C.S. Lewis at Ulster University's First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium
Dr David Clare's talk is entitled, ‘“The Man from God Knows Where”: Four Plays about C.S. Lewis in which his Belfast Background is Ignored or Downplayed’. It was recorded at The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University (3 November 2022).

Video: Dr Sharon Jones' Talk on C.S. Lewis at The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University
The title of Dr Sharon Jones' talk is ‘Much grass and many flowers: attending to floral particulars with C.S. Lewis’. Dr Jones delivered this talk at 'Now We Have Faces: The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University' (3 Nov 2022).

Video: Teodora Driscu's Talk on C.S. Lewis at The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University
Teodora's talk is entitled ‘The Embodiment of Heaven in [C.S.] Lewis’s Works’. Ms Driscu delivered this talk at Now We Have Faces: The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University (3 Nov 2022).

Video: Dr Sarah Waters' Talk on C.S. Lewis at The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University
The title of Dr Waters' talk is ‘Facial (mis)recognition: Out of the Silent Planet and the boundaries of face-to-face’; this talk was recorded at Now We Have Faces: The First Annual C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University (3 November 2022).

Video: Dennis Prager and Jordan Peterson Analyze Exodus 1:15-16 (Exodus Clip)
In Exodus Dr. Peterson is joined by formidable theological and literary scholars for an in-depth analysis of the second book in both the Christian Bible and the Torah. Exodus is also a profound demonstration of the way in which God continues delivering freedom from tyranny. Scholars at the table are Dr. Douglas Hedley (Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge University), Dr. Os Guinness (English Author and Social Critic), Dr. James Orr (Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge), Dennis Prager (author of the Rational Bible Series, Co-Founder of PragerU), Dr. Stephen Blackwood (President of Ralston College), Gregg Hurwitz (novelist, screenwriter, and comic book creator), and Jonathan Pageau (Christian thinker and artist).


New Resources:

Video: Stories of Advent: Mary | with Clare Williams
Join us each week during Advent, where we’ll be highlighting the key characters of the Christmas Story. To kick-off December, Clare Williams explores Mary’s reaction to a surprising encounter with an angel. Her story points to a God who is different than we might expect…

Video: John Bell: The world is broken – what would Jesus do?
John Bell is a minister of the Church of Scotland and a member of the Iona Community. He has worked for over 30 years in the areas of music, worship, spirituality and social justice. A prolific hymnwriter, John has published 17 collections of original and global songs, and numerous collections of liturgical material. His most recent books are 10 Things They Never Told Me About Jesus, and Living with the Psalms. In this conversation with Major Nigel Bovey, John talks about how Jesus might react to war, poverty, suffering and the climate crisis. He also examines the accuracy of the Victorian depiction of Jesus as ‘Gentle Jesus, meek and mild’, which still influences how people think about Jesus.


My kids and I have been reading The Wingfeather Saga since January and we absolutely love it! We're going to finish the fourth and final book next weekend, but I wanted to mention that they just launched a crowd-funded animated series last night.

After being really disappointed by The Rings of Power, it was wonderful to finally have a good book-to-show adaptation. They crammed 10-15 chapters of the book into this first episode and it felt entirely natural and accessible, even for n00bs. You should give it a watch, especially if you have kids. You can easily cast this to your TV for large-scale viewing and, if you like what you see, perhaps consider buying the books as a Christmas gift.



New Resources:

Video: The Burning Bush: Exodus 3-4
In light of my participation in Jordan Peterson's Exodus Seminar, I'm continuing with my own commentary on Exodus. This is my second video on the subject, where I will cover the burning bush in Exodus 3 all the way up to Zipporah and the circumcision of Moses' son in Exodus 4.

Video: How Do We Live Like Jesus Commanded? The Biblical Model of Discipleship: Moving Forward - Rick Hill
Often within church life, we can become so focused on activities, meetings, and programmes that we can lose focus on the first calling and final command of Jesus to make disciples. As we emerge from a pandemic that has brought so much disruption to our normal rhythms and patterns, how can we ensure that the Great Commission doesn’t become an omission from our lives? This talk will focuses on recovering the invitation and challenge of making disciples within the life of the church and how we can better reflect the models and methods of Jesus.

Video: Playing God: What are the Limits of Biotechnology? | William Hurlbut at University of Arkansas
William Hurlbut (Stanford) explores genetic editing, bioethics, and how compassion can play a role in the future of biotechnology. | University of Arkansas, 10/24/2022

Video: Is There Knowledge Beyond Science? | Ian Hutchinson & Tamar Rudavsky at Ohio State
Ian Hutchinson (MIT) and Tamar Rudavsky (Ohio State) explore religion, science, and philosophy at the Faculty Roundtable at Ohio State. | The Ohio State University, 11/17/22

Video: "What is the truth?" | Stories of Advent: Joseph with Sara Stevenson
"Joseph's story within the larger Christmas narrative is filled with betrayal, doubt, and confusion. Understandably, he is doubtful of Mary's story that she became pregnant through the Holy Spirit. As Sara Stevenson suggests, we can see him wrestling with natural, human questions when confronted with the miraculous: "What is the truth?" "Who can I trust?" Questions we might also ask when reminded of the Christmas story." (12/8/22)


Article: Persecuted, Jailed, Passionate: That's my kind of Santa Claus

"The story goes that Nicholas was born in A.D. 280 of pious and wealthy parents who raised him in the fear and admonition of the Lord and taught him "sacred books" from the age of 5. He was forced to grow up quickly upon the sudden death of his parents. Inheriting his family's wealth, he was left rich and lonely, but he had the desire to use his wealth for good. The first opportunity to do this happened when he heard about a father who, through an unfortunate turn of fortune, was left destitute with three daughters. Without marriage dowry money, the daughters would be condemned to a life of singleness and prostitution, so Nicholas threw some small bags of gold coins into the window of the home (some traditions say down the chimney), thereby saving the children from a life of misery. Later as a teenager, Nicholas made a pilgrimage to Egypt and Palestine. Upon returning home he felt called to ministry and was subsequently ordained. He spent time at the Monastery of Holy Zion near Myra until an old priest had a vision that he was to be the new bishop. The congregation overwhelmingly elected him bishop, and he became known for his holiness, passion for the gospel and zeal. He challenged the old gods and paganism at the principal temple in his district (to the god Artemis), and it was said that the evil spirits "fled howling before him." But the old deities did not go easily. In A.D. 303, Emperor Diocletian directed the persecution of Christians, and "as he [Nicholas] was the chief priest of the Christians of this town and preached the truths of faith with a holy liberty, Nicholas was seized by the magistrates, tortured, then chained and thrown into prison with many other Christians." (James Parker, III, Professor and Associate Dean of Worldview and Culture at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)


New Resources:

Article: My AI Spiritual Director
Searching for medical advice on google requires a modicum of discernment, but AI spoon-feeds information in bite-sized chunks. It’s not hard to imagine a patient losing trust in a doctor who disagrees with an AI that’s processed most human-made information created before 2021. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy living in the penumbra of artificial, technical mastery? As a pastor, I expect to face similar problems around soul care. While the GPT-3 Chatbot hedges its medical advice with pleas to speak to a doctor, it does not advise pastoral visits when it pontificates on prayer, fasting, forgiveness, generosity, greed, marriage, lust, or scripture application. It speaks as an authority. Who is a pastor to question the wisdom of an intelligence that’s memorized the whole of scripture and historical theology? Who needs a church when you can enjoy snappy answers from an all-knowing AI? The algorithm has searched me and known my every anxious thought, after all. But again, I wonder: what precisely is the value of easy-to-access spiritual wisdom provided by AI? To answer that question, we need to explore the subjective value of information in general, and how AI changes the equation.

Video: What if Christmas isn't relatable? | Stories of Advent with Charlie Style
What if Christmas isn’t relatable? Although some people love Christmas, for others it’s another reminder that they don’t belong. Charlie Styles explains the inclusion of the Magi challenges the religious establishment. They too were viewed as outsiders, yet they play a central role in the Christmas story.

Video: Debate! When Did the Exodus Happen?
Did the Exodus happen in the 15th century BC (1400s) or the 13th Century BC (1200s)? Dr. David A. Falk and Dr. Titus Kennedy face off to discuss this issue. Kennedy argues for the early date and Falk takes the late date.

Video: An Introduction: Discovering the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible
Introducing a new series that begins in January 2023 — Discovering the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible. In this series, Tim Keller will introduce each book of the Bible. Each episode will highlight themes that point to the Gospel and help you discover the overarching narrative of God’s Word in every book — Christ cominginto the world to save us from our sins and reconcile us to God the Father.

Video: The Early Years of C.S. Lewis (and How They Shaped Him)
What childhood experiences of C.S Lewis had the greatest impact on his life? Which people and books influenced his thinking, his conversion from atheism to Christianity, and his later writing career? Join me in welcoming back Harry Lee Poe, a C.S. Lewis expert, to hear about the formative years and untold stories of this intellectual giant.

Video: Have You Ever Wondered Why We Treat Sex As Sacred?
Have you ever wondered why even in our secular age we still treat sex as something sacred? Consider the way that those who sexually assault others are considered to be the worst moral monsters. Why do we see sex as about far more than the raw evolutionary need to reproduce our DNA? Why do we long for intimacy? And could it be possible that sex is a pointer to a much greater story?

Video: Embracing Hope in Anxious Times (Stuart McAllister)
The world is full of anxiety, fear, frustration, and confusion today. At every turn it seems we encounter political polarization, social division, racial tensions, and non-stop crises. It’s no wonder many are confused about how to live faithfully without contributing to the culture wars or disengaging altogether. How do we, as disciples of Jesus Christ, find peace and enjoy a flourishing life where we keep in step with the Spirit? How do we embrace hope in a world that often appears hopeless? Join us for an important evening in which Stuart McAllister will take a serious look at today’s concerns and point to the hope we can have despite our anxieties. There will be a period for question and response with Stuart as we seek to chart a way forward in these disorienting times.

Video: Apologetics #8: Engaging our Culture: The Case of Science
This eighth lecture in a 2021 series on “Christian Apologetics” for Regent College Vancouver explores aspects of the relation of science and faith. It opens by considering the Cultural Myth of the warfare of science and faith, exploring its origins and why it is now considered somewhat simplistic. The lecture then considers the viewpoint that is known as “Scientism”, which holds that science has privileged access to reality, before moving on to reflect on the question of whether science proves its beliefs, as some writers in the “New Atheism” suggest. This is followed by an important section which considers three ways of correlating Science and Faith, followed by a concluding section reflecting on how science can be as a pointer towards faith. This lecture is of particular importance in the light of the high cultural profile of science, and opens up some important ways of engaging apologetic issues.

Video: Understanding and Responding to the Transgender Moment - Peter Saunders
The transgender movement has exploded internationally in the last few years fueled by celebrity endorsement and high level media and political support. It raises profound challenges which are cultural, legal, medical, theological, and pastoral. What are its ideological and cultural roots? How has it impacted medicine and law? What is the science behind it? What is the difference between sex and gender and between transgender and intersex? How is the transgender agenda impacting the church and what opportunities and threats does it bring? How do we respond to the ideology and those involved both biblically and pastorally?


Does God's utilitarian cruelty in the name of good things make him sort of good and sort of evil at the same time? The nature of Christian enlightenment seems akin to madness - there's a thin distinction between christianity and schizophrenia.
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About 2.5 years ago I went to Jesus.
Does God's utilitarian cruelty in the name of good things make him sort of good and sort of evil at the same time? The nature of Christian enlightenment seems akin to madness - there's a thin distinction between christianity and schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. Christianity is a belief in a singular God.

How can cruelty even be utilitarian? That doesn't even make sense because in that statement the end doesn't justify the means but cruelty is the means.

You also make bold outlandish statements with no backing and therefore they're not relevant.


Video: The Lord Governs My Good and Is My Good: All of Psalm 16 for a New Year
“This is the battle of the Christian life: to have God as our good, to have God as our delight, to have God as our treasure.” (John Piper)


New Resources:

Video: I ❤️ NY || New Year’s Poem for 2023 || Glen Scrivener
"Ready or not, time marches on. In a culture that exalts autonomy and the cult of youth, this feels outrageous. But what if the arrow of time is a one way street to redemption?"

Video: Put First Things First in 2023 (Mark 2:18-28)
C.S Lewis once said, “Put first things first and second things are thrown in. Put second things first and you lose both first and second things.” What is the thing that should be first in our lives? According to Jesus, it is how we answer the question of his identity. In this talk, which Sean recently preached at South Shores church, he discusses the identity of Jesus and how that should be the "first thing" in our lives.

Video: Dale Ahlquist on G. K. Chesterton's "The Story of the Family"
Dale Ahlquist, President of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, presented on his new book, "The Story of the Family: G. K. Chesterton on the Only State That Creates and Loves Its Own Citizens". Society is built on the family, in all its unglamorous beauty, and Chesterton helps readers to see this reality with fresh eyes. As he writes: "The first things must be the very fountains of life, love and birth and babyhood; and these are always covered fountains, flowing in the quiet courts of the home."

Video: Evil. Hell. Slavery: 10 Challenges to Faith
In this video, I'm tackling the top 10 objections to Christianity that I often hear from skeptics and nonbelievers. I'm joined by Doug Groothuis who is a Christian theologian, philosopher, and author who has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He has taught at Denver Seminary in Colorado and has written extensively on topics related to apologetics, theology, and philosophy. Some of his books include "Unmasking the New Age," "Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith," and "On Jesus." He is also a speaker and has spoken at conferences and events on topics related to faith and apologetics. We discuss topics from the problem of evil and suffering, to the death and resurrection of Jesus, I'll be addressing these objections head on and offering some helpful responses and perspective. Whether you're a Christian looking to better understand and defend your faith, or someone simply seeking to better understand the Christian worldview, I hope this video is helpful for you!

Video: The Logos at Ephesus
Ralston College presents the inaugural lecture of its Chancellor, Dr Jordan B Peterson, delivered at one of the most iconic sites of the ancient world, the Library of Celsus in Ephesus. This ancient city was the birthplace of Heraclitus, the philosopher who first articulated the idea of the Logos, and the final resting place of St. John, who uses that same Greek word to name the Divine Word. In his lecture, Dr Peterson argues that the intelligibility of the world depends on the patterned regularities that are superordinate to our immediate perception; this underlying order - which, from the Greeks onward, we have called Logos - is both the horizon that enables human perception and the basis for the possibilities that we realize in the world. Such an account of our intrinsic, rational, and self-determining capacity constitutes a challenge to the assumptions of many prevailing schools of though - such as behaviorism, rigid empiricism, and postmodernism - and lays the burden of personal ethics, and the formation of a good society, squarely on the shoulders of the individual.

Video: Forgiving Others, Freeing the Soul (Part 1/2) - Dr. Timothy Keller
Forgiving others in a meaningful way is a very difficult thing to do, especially in today’s culture, where the idea of forgiveness is often distorted. But without forgiveness, resentment and vengeance will poison the soul. Dr. Tim Keller unpacks powerful stories of forgiveness and shares Scripture to help you forgive those who’ve wronged you, as you gain a better understanding of all that Christ has forgiven. Dr. Keller takes you through the steps to forgiveness, including the need to forgive yourself, and how to lovingly confront others. In addition, he shares an update on his battle with cancer.

Lately I've been more interested in catholicism. I find the ceremonial aspect of it fascinating and I appreciate it's more solemn tone. My family's background is catholic, but I wasn't really religiously.

My wife was raised catholic (she's filipino). But she left the church and became protestant. But I want to attend a service. What should I know?
Lately I've been more interested in catholicism. I find the ceremonial aspect of it fascinating and I appreciate it's more solemn tone. My family's background is catholic, but I wasn't really religiously.

My wife was raised catholic (she's filipino). But she left the church and became protestant. But I want to attend a service. What should I know?
I think it's quite simple. You just have to find a local catholic church and attend, iirc, they usually have free space. You sit listen to the Priest, and take the eucharist bread wafer. I've heard it is good to have confessed all sins prior to taking the eucharist. When the time comes to take it, you'll know as the Priest takes the wine and wafers and also people start getting in line for it Also it would be good to bring some cash in case you want to donate, as there's a time when they pass the donations basket, it is optional to donate.

They'll read some passages from the bible, and sing some songs. You don't need to know anything in particular to attend.


New Resources:

Tim Keller Q&A on cancer, prayer and forgiveness
"Tim Keller is a renowned thinker, writer, and speaker who has been dubbed New York's 'pastor to skeptics'. In a live online show hosted by Ruth Jackson and Justin Brierley he answers audience questions on his journey with pancreatic cancer, his transformed prayer life, and his new book 'Forgive'." (1/6/23)

Does God Exist? A Conversation with Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray
"Does God exist? Something—a being, a power—that’s supernatural? That is, an entity that we’re unable to perceive with our five senses but that’s still real? Ever since the Enlightenment, the knowing, urbane, sophisticated answer has been, “Of course not.” Now a historian, a scientist, and a journalist talk it over and reveal new threads in the debate around science and theism." (1/10/23)

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:17 - Skip Heitzig (1/11/23)


New Resources:

Video: “Is the Cosmological Argument Still Sound?” With Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Stephen C. Meyer
Many have attempted to discredit the Kalam Cosmological Argument for God. Have they succeeded? Join Frank for this special livestream as he hosts two of the most accomplished Christian philosophers, Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, as they present their own approaches to the argument and answer the main objections to it. They will also take your questions.

Video: Top 5 Archaeological Finds That Affirm the Bible, with Dr. Scott Stripling
Throughout the years, skeptics have claimed that the Bible got certain historical figures, places, and people groups wrong. Over and over again, archaeological finds have proven them wrong. Today, we are discussing the top 5 archaeological artifacts that disrupted the skeptical narratives, and affirmed certain people, places, and events in Scripture.

Video: Craig Keener, Peter May & Joshua Brown: Miracle Healing - does it happen today?
Craig Keener, author of 'Miracles Today', returns to the show to debate one of his fiercest critics Peter May, a retired medical doctor who says he has never encountered a compelling case of miracle healing after decades of investigation. Craig is joined by Joshua Brown of the Global Medical Research Institute who defends two cases of healing - of a digestive tract and restored vision - which he says pass Peter May's criterion for miracles.

Video: The Beauty and Relevance of the Christian Faith - Simon Edwards
One of the challenges facing the apologist today is that demonstrating the rationality of the Christian faith does not always lead people to embrace Christianity. Unless people can see that Christianity is practically relevant to their lived experience, as well as morally attractive, they are unlikely to give a fair hearing to the strong arguments for the truth of Christianity. In this talk, we therefore consider the apologetic importance of not only appealing to people’s intellects with arguments and evidence to show that the Christian faith is true; but also of appealing to people’s imaginations with the beauty and relevance of the Christian faith so that they actually want it to be true.

Video: The Laws of Nature by C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis reaches a dazzling conclusion: In the whole history of the universe, the laws of nature have never produced a single event! The laws of nature are the pattern to which events conform: the source of events must be sought elsewhere.

Video: Alanzo Paul: A former opiate addict on how to reach young people • Unapologetic
Originally from Canada, Alanzo Paul fell into a life of addiction after his parents' divorce. Here, he shares some of his story with Ruth Jackson, including his reflections on working with Ravi Zacharias. He also looks at some of life's big questions and suggests ways to reach the apathetic with the gospel.

Video: Dr. David Berlinski: Human Nature
A conversation between David Berlinski and Socrates in the City host Eric Metaxas regarding Dr. Berlinski's recent book "Human Nature." David Berlinski received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University and was later a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and molecular biology at Columbia University. He has authored works on systems analysis, differential topology, theoretical biology, analytic philosophy, and the philosophy of mathematics, and three novels. He has taught philosophy, mathematics and English at Stanford, Rutgers, the City University of New York and the Université de Paris. David is the author of many books including the bestselling book The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions. Dr. Berlinski lives in Paris, France. This event took place at the Union League Club in New York City in November 2022.

Video: Discovering the Gospel in Exodus – Tim Keller


New Resources:

Video: Rev. Dr Ian Paul | Christianity SHOULD NOT allow gay marriage - 4/8 | Oxford Union
“The creational-covenant pattern of marriage…is a consensus doctrine of the church catholic. Until the present generation, all Christians everywhere have believed, and every branch of the Christian tradition has taught, that marriage is man-woman monogamy.” (Mennonite scholar Darrin Belousek)

Video: 7 Reasons the Gospels Can be Trusted (w/ Lydia McGrew)
Can we really trust the Gospels as reliable? Do the Gospels embellish facts, or do they get locations, customs, and cultural details right? My guest today, Dr. Lydia McGrew, has written an excellent new book called Testimonies to the Truth. We look at her 7 pieces of evidence for the trustworthiness of the Gospels and then take LIVE questions.

Video: What should I do when a loved one deconstructs (leaves the faith)?
This internet age is full of trends. One of the latest is the trend to “deconstruct” one’s beliefs about Jesus and Christianity. If someone you love has done this, how should you respond? Alisa Childers joins Frank on this livestream to offer insights on how you can make progress, especially when your loved one now thinks you are “toxic” and seems resistant to reason.

Video: Demons: BIG Questions (and Answers)
Can demons read our minds? What is the evidence demons are real? Can demons be redeemed? Join me and investigative journalist Billy Hallowell to discuss these questions and more. Billy is the author of Playing With Fire: A Modern Investigation into Demons, Exorcisms, and Ghosts.

Video: Josh Porter & Jon Steingard debate faith, deconstruction, evil and the Bible
Punk singer-turned-pastor Josh Porter charts his own journey of reconstructing his Christian faith in the book 'Death to Deconstruction: Reclaiming faithfulness as an act of rebellion'. He discusses deconstruction, the Bible, the problem of evil and more with Jon Steingard, former lead singer of Hawk Nelson who underwent his own journey of deconstruction in 2020.

Video: What If Christianity Never Existed?
I am joined by the historian Tom Holland to help me look at the possibility of Christianity had never existed. What would the world look like today if Jesus never launched the world's largest and most influential religion?

Video: Finding God... in Contemporary Film - Tom Price
Online streaming video is one of the most popular pastimes for people. Movies deal with topics as diverse as transcendence and terrorism. How does cinema overlap with theology in engaging with God and our beliefs? This talk explores some of the cinematic commentary in recent films and shows and asks: what is cinema saying? And how can we make use of it and engage with it meaningfully in our outreach?

Video: Character, Virtue, & Leadership
The increasing conflict, chaos, and moral confusion of our time has made leadership more challenging, and the role of character increasingly questioned. What does it mean to lead wisely and well? Is successful leadership defined by “winning”? How is trust built in a cynical age? Wake Forest professor, author, and director of the The Program for Leadership and Character, Michael Lamb wrestles with such questions by exploring the link between virtue and wise leadership, and showing how character formation enables leaders to establish trust, think wisely, empower others, and persevere through difficult times.

Video: Two views on LGBT and the Church - Andrew Bunt & Charlie Bell
Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations director at Living Out and author of 'Finding Your Best Identity', is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes marriage is male-female. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar who also works as a psychiatrist, is the author of 'Queer Holiness' and wants to see gay marriage accepted in the church. In a live show with audience Q&A they discuss sexuality, gender and identity, recent controversy in the CofE over gay blessings, and what the Bible says about marriage and LGBT.

Video: Canada's Cult of Death: Bethel McGrew Interview - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 110
In today’s episode, Becket talks with writer, Bethel McGrew about Canada’s euthanasia program called, MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying), and its dangerous implications. They discuss what the program is, what the moral and practical problems are, and why Canada is on a suicide mission (literally) in the first place. You will be shocked to learn about some of the gory details of this diabolical program.


Chaplain Chaplain where do you find the time! Keep posting though, always enjoy stumbling upon more quality content.

Also in other news: I went to Church for the first time in decades and have also gotten a fresh new Bible again! Now, I'm still very much struggling with being disciplined when it comes practicing faith (reading scripture, praying, etc) but I do try to be mindful of these things in daily life and to reconcile the fact that I'm a sinner and to once again accept Jesus into my heart. I do wish to find some sort of Bible study group so that I can connect with others who might've also had a long lapse/absence from the faith so that I can be guided along the path and to reacquaint myself with the broader aspects of my denomination, which is Roman Catholic.

That said, I'm not sure if I wish to remain RC as I do not agree with many of the Pope (Francis') "teachings" nor its overall power structure. I need to explore this more and perhaps also visit a Protestant community here in my town.
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Chaplain Chaplain where do you find the time! Keep posting though, always enjoy stumbling upon more quality content.

I don't have much time with work, ordination, and other responsibilities right now, but I do my best to set some time aside while driving to continue learning as much as I can.

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Gavin Ortlund of ( @TruthUnites ) and Trent Horn ( @TheCounselofTrent ) debate whether scripture is the sole rule of faith for Christians.
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