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Christianity [OT] The Word became flesh and dwelt among us




New Resources:

Video: What is Secularism?
Dr. Michael F. Bird (Ridley College) interviews Prof. Jacques Berlinerblau (Georgetown University) about his book Secularism: The Basics.

Video: God of the Nations – Timothy Keller
Psalm 96 is a beautiful psalm about music, splendor, majesty and creation joining in praise. Why is it crucial that the Bible invites creation and its fullness to join this chorus? What is so special about the role of music in a believer’s life? How does judgment, which is in the last verse of this psalm, fit into the context of this passage? The text shows us a call to see, a call to sing, and a call to rejoice in judgment.

Video: How Christianity shaped our culture, with Glen Scrivener
In this episode of QC Conversations we chat with Glen Scrivener about the cultural influence Christianity has had on a post-Christian culture.

Video: Bart Ehrman v Glen Scrivener: Did Christianity give us our belief in equality, compassion & consent?
Glen Scrivener's book 'The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress & Equality' makes the case that our belief in modern human rights & values are a direct product of the Christian story that shaped the West. New Testament critic Bart Ehrman, whose own book 'The Triumph of Christianity' tells the story of how the faith swept the world, responds to Glen's view that our embrace of equality, compassion and sexual consent are uniquely Christian.

Video: Will Everyone be Saved? Top Scholar Weighs in on the History and Doctrine of Universalism
Is Universalism the opiate of the Theologians? Dr. Michael McClymond has written a two volume work on the history of Universalism and joins me to talk about why he believes this doctrine fails from a historical, theological, and philosophical perspective.

Video: 1 Corinthians 12:10 - Skip Heitzig
"Every Christian (“to each one”) receives spiritual gifts. A spiritual gift is an ability (“working” or power) that comes to you freely (“gift”) for the purpose of ministering to needs (“service”) so as to build up Christian community in size and depth (“the common good”). This doesn’t mean gifts only meet needs of Christians. They meet needs “in Jesus’ name,” as a witness and sign of the coming kingdom. Ephesians 4:7–12 says that Jesus’ kingly power—which will eventually heal the world physically, socially, and spiritually—is now distributed into us. The bottom line is that every Christian is in ministry through the church. No one is merely a consumer of services; everyone is a distributor...The second benefit is community. When you approach the church as a consumer (that is, only to get your needs met), you are in a solitary mode of being, but when you reject the consumer mindset, serving will draw you out of yourself and into relationships. The third benefit is the fulfillment and joy of seeing others touched through you, or seeing something great happen through the part you play in the body of Christ. Paradoxically, if you serve primarily for the benefits to yourself, then it isn’t really serving, and you won’t receive the benefits. The only workable dynamic for every-member ministry is Mark 10:45. Because Jesus served you in such a radical way, you have a joyful need to serve. It’s a form of praise that doesn’t fully enjoy what it admires until it expresses itself in service." (Theologian Tim Keller)

Video: Abner Chou | TMS Chapel | The Christocentric Hermeneutic



On this first day of Holy Week begins I felt moved to take some time each day to consider the profound meaning of Jesus' death for us, by reflecting on the 7 times Jesus spoke from the Cross. Yesterday all over the world Christians were celebrating Palm Sunday, the moment when Jesus came into Jerusalem as people lay down their robes for his donkey to walk on and waved palm branches blessing Jesus. But within less than a week Jesus was hanging on a cross at Calvary. People were sneering and one of the criminals on a cross next to him was even hurling insults at him. What a dizzying and extraordinary turnaround. We're living in a time of great turmoil and change and lots of us are experiencing extraordinary anxiety as a result of the global pandemic and now the war in Ukraine. We're living in a cultural moment of huge shocking loss. But at the Cross that's where we encounter Jesus as God with us. Even in our disorientation and anxiety, Jesus' words from the Cross and his crucifixion offer us an insight into the heart of God and the assurance that only He can offer.



New Resources:

Article: Is Easter Named After a Pagan Goddess?
...the reason that people in antiquity cared about a date or used a term is often lost to history or usurped and made to serve a different cause than its origin intended. Fixating on a contemporary, unfavorable connotation of the term “Easter” (due to its regular flogging) is like fixating on the Crusades to justify anti-Christian ideas. Even if the term had some pagan association (again, see the article — that’s dubious), why should we care if the content of the celebration is biblical?

Video: Easter Isn't pagan
It's commonly asserted that many of our modern Easter traditions - including the name of the celebration itself - have pagan origins. This idea, although popular on the internet and in popular shows, when you actually dig into the origin of these supposed pagan roots (much like the accusation around the pagan origins of Christmas) they really start to fall apart.

Video: 7 Words From The Cross | Easter Series | Amy Orr-Ewing
This is a word of tremendous power and finality. Jesus' death like his life is a work of perfection. There are no loose threads, there is no unfinished business. And now as Jesus lays down his life, we hear this word that He speaks from the Cross, "It is finished.” In Greek it's one word, 'tetelestai.' Jesus shows us that He has completed the work of the Cross and with this word He declares that the Cross is not a defeat. Jesus has seen his purpose on earth through to completion, overcoming the evil and the darkness of sin. Resisting that temptation to come down from the Cross; making atonement or 'at-one-ment' — the gap between us and a Holy God covered by the Cross so that we can come to the Father. Hear that word over your life today, "tetelestai" "It is finished" — whatever you may be struggling with today, loss, anxiety, sickness, addictions, brokenness, regrets, sin, shame, failing, violations, insecurities. “It is finished” through the work of Christ on the Cross for you and for me.

Video: The Archaeological Evidence for Jesus: A Conversation with Dr. Titus Kennedy
How strong is the archaeological evidence for Jesus? What are the top 10 discoveries? In this video, I talk with Dr. Titus Kennedy, an archaeologist, Biola professor, and author about his book Excavating the Evidence for Jesus.

Video: Can we believe in a dead man rising? | Simon Edwards
"A few years ago Time Magazine published an article in which an assembled panel of experts concluded that of all the people who have ever walked the face of this planet, the Jewish carpenter from Nazareth named Jesus has left the biggest historical footprint of anyone. And if you’re a thinking person you have to ask “why?” Especially when you consider that Jesus wasn’t wealthy, he wasn’t powerful, he never travelled that far from home and he was killed when he was only 33 years old, in the most humiliating fashion possible, hung naked on a cross to die in full public spectacle. And yet today 100s millions across the globe call themselves Christians. So, obviously something extraordinary must have happened after this very humiliating death – and of course Christians believe something extraordinary did happen! The resurrection!" (4/13/22)

Video: Your Bible HAS been changed but here's why that doesn't blow up inspiration or inerrancy!
I sat down with Timothy Mitchell (aka the "Textual Mechanic"), a PhD student at the University of Birmingham in textual criticism, to discus a question I get a lot: given scribal errors in the history of the biblical text how does that then affect doctrines like inspiriation, inerrancy, and scriptural preservation?

Video: Medicine, Missions and Christianity: Facing the Canon with Dr Peter Saunders
J. John speaks with Dr Peter Saunders. CEO of The International Christian Medical and Dental Association.

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Happy Resurrection Sunday, GAF!

New Resources:

Tim Keller on Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
The resurrection was as inconceivable for the first disciples, as impossible for them to believe, as it is for many of us today. Granted, their reasons would have been different from ours. The Greeks did not believe in resurrection; in the Greek worldview, the afterlife was liberation of the soul from the body. For them, resurrection would never be part of life after death. As for the Jews, some of them believed in a future general resurrection when the entire world would be renewed, but they had no concept of an individual rising from the dead. The people of Jesus’ day were not predisposed to believe in resurrection any more than we are. Celsus, a Greek philosopher who lived in the second century A.D., was highly antagonistic to Christianity and wrote a number of works listing arguments against it. One of the arguments he believed most telling went like this: Christianity can’t be true, because the written accounts of the resurrection are based on the testimony of women—and we all know women are hysterical. And many of Celsus’ readers agreed: For them, that was a major problem. In ancient societies, as you know, women were marginalized, and the testimony of women was never given much credence.

The Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidential Contribution of Luke-Acts
Any discussion of the evidence for the resurrection must first ascertain what the original apostolic witnesses claimed and whether those claims are best explained by the resurrection, or by some alternative hypothesis. The contemporary discussion of the case for the resurrection has largely focused around 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, a text believed by many scholars to represent an ancient creedal tradition that Paul had received from the Jerusalem apostles and which he passed on to the believers in Corinth. [1] Paul’s words in verse 11 (“Whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed”) also suggest that the message Paul presented to the Corinthians is the same as that proclaimed by the Jerusalem apostles. A popular criticism of this line of argument is that Paul makes no qualitative distinction between his own experience of the risen Jesus and those of the other apostles, using the Greek word ὤφθη to describe both. [2] Acts 9:1-9 indicates that Paul’s encounter with the risen Jesus, which took place after the ascension, did not involve the sort of physical interactions we read of the apostles having with Jesus following His death in the gospel accounts. On what basis, then, can we be confident that Paul understands the apostles to have had the sort of experiences with Jesus following His resurrection that we read of in the gospels?

A Meditation about Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday begins the Passion Week culminating in Jesus' atoning death and life-giving resurrection from the dead. It celebrates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem riding on a young donkey. Both Matthew (21:5) and John (12:15) cite this in fulfillment of Zech 9:9: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

Video: Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?
Is the Easter story a pre-scientific fable? Or can a rational, well-educated, and well-informed person think Jesus bodily rose from the dead? In this live event, Executive Director Carson Weitnauer hosts Dr. Max Baker-Hytch as he shares his personal story of approaching the evidence - and changing his own mind about the resurrection.

Video: Resurrection Throughout the Old Testament

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New Resources:

Audio: Is Social Media an Existential Threat?
A recent Atlantic article by social psychologist, Jonathan Haidt, argues that not only is social media making us stupider, it's also threatening to tear our society apart. These are bold claims, but Haidt's evidence is compelling and worthy of a close look. In this episode, Nathan and Cameron wrestle with the article and consider its broader implications.

Audio: Grace in Common
James Eglinton, Cory Brock, Marinus de Jong, and Gray Sutanto. Four theologians and friends from four different countries talk theology, religion, public faith, culture, and more.

Sacred Spaces and the Mission of the People of God
The mountain of Sinai in Exodus 19 is set aside temporarily as God’s throne room from where He will speak and manifest His presence to all the people. This is clearly indicated by the requirements that the mountain be fenced off from the people and the clear warning that they not touch even its base (v. 12); in fact, they were to consider it holy (v. 23). God summons Moses to the mountain of His presence, and he is told to explain to the Israelites how God has delivered them from slavery to the Egyptians, “And how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to me” (v3-4). This wonderful image of being carried on eagles’ wings to the Lord indicates that God has delivered them for a purpose – He is going to make covenant with them. It is important to understand the covenantal nature of all that is taking place at the mountain otherwise we cannot understand the severity of the penalties for touching the mountain – the death penalty. A covenant is two-sided. The terms are set by the Lord. But Israel is required to freely accept the terms or not, and promises to keep the Lord’s Word. The “yes” of the people here points us forward to the “Yes” of the Lord Jesus Christ, who declared as the truly obedient Israelite and Son, “Yes, Father, not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

What to Do When God Enrolls Us in the “School of Hard Knocks”
In the school of hard knocks, Paul is not our only instructor. The Bible offers a diverse array of faculty members, including the Old Testament saint Job. In the previous installments of this series, we have traced the broad contours of Job’s story. In this installment, however, we summarize what we can learn from Job’s enrollment in a PhD-level version of the school of hard knocks.

Video: The Archaeological Evidence for the Old Testament: 20 Discoveries with Titus Kennedy
What are the top archaeological discoveries that support the Old Testament? Do finds both illuminate and support the reliability of the Bible? In this video, Sean talks with field archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy about 20 discoveries that span the breadth of the Old Testament Scriptures. Here's the 20 finds:

0:00 Intro
2:08 Atra-Hasis (Simmonds Ark Tablet)
5:12 Code of Hammurabi
7:40 Papyrus Brooklyn
9:43 Weighing of the heart (42 Negative Confessions, Hunefer)
11:50 Nomads of Yahweh
14:04 Jericho scarab (Amenhotep III)
17:02 Merneptah Stele (aka Israel Stela)
19:36 Piym weight
21:23 Tel Dan Stele (House of David)
23:23 Khirbet Qeiyafa ostracon
25:07 Shoshenq I stele (Megiddo)
27:48 Mesha Stele (aka Moabite Stone)
29:30 Black obelisk of Shalmaneser III
31:10 Bulla of Isaiah (the prophet?)
33:00 Sennacherib Prism (Taylor Prism, Oriental Institute Prism, Jerusalem Prism)
36:06 Nebo-Sarsekim tablet
38:04 Jerusalem Chronicle (ABC 5)
39:34 Babylon “ration tablets” (Jehoiachin=Yaukin=Jeconiah)
41:31 Cylinder of Nabonidus
43:58 Geshem king of Qedar (Qaynu bowl)

Video: Cameron McAllister | The Reason of the Heart
Guest preacher Cameron McAllister opens up Acts 8 to show how the story of Simon Magus demonstrates that we are more motivated by the heart than the intellect.

Video: Let’s Pretend by C.S. Lewis Doodle (BBC Talk 23, Mere Christianity, Bk 4, Chapter 7)
C. S. Lewis asks the question, have we got rats in the basement of our soul that seem to pop out when we least expect it? What to do? C.S. Lewis has a stab at what it means to 'put off the old behaviours' & 'clothe ourselves in the new' - in Christ.

Video: Lee Strobel on Near-Death Experiences, heaven and evidence for the soul
Author and apologist Lee Strobel talks about his new documentary movie 'The Case For Heaven' and the evidence for an afterlife from accounts of Near Death Experiences, consciousness and the resurrection of Jesus.

Video: Exiles With Hope - A study in 1 Peter
"Exiles With Hope - A study in 1 Peter Teaching by [New Testament scholar] Dr. Thomas Schreiner...at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 2nd Annual Abner Creek Baptist Church Bible Conference April 1 & 2, 2022."

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New Resources:

Audio: EP # 118 | A Biblical Response to Perfectionism
Behavioral perfectionism – not to be confused with the doctrine sometimes referred to as Christian perfectionism or sinless perfection – is a sin many professing Christians struggle with (yes, it is a sin). But not only is the individual perfectionist affected by their behavior, so are those who are closest to them. In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil “Omaha” Walker leverage their experience as biblical counselors to walk you through what the Word of God, and other trusted biblical sources, have to say about dealing biblically with the issue of behavioral perfectionism toward the goal of gaining victory over it.

Did Jesus Co-Opt The Teaching Of Buddha?
The four sights experienced by Guatama Siddhartha underlie all Buddhist teachings. As the story goes, Siddhartha (or as he would come to be known, Buddha) lived a luxurious existence until one day when he left his palace and “in quick succession, met a young child full of energy and joy, followed by an old and decrepit man in great pain… a younger man who was very sick and clearly approaching the point of death… [and] a funeral procession carrying a decaying corpse.”[1] As a result of his experiences, Siddhartha went on a spiritual quest, ultimately arriving at the conclusion that the principle problem is human want.[2] The ultimate goal in Buddhism is nirvana, “to eliminate all desires or cravings, and in this way to escape suffering.”[3]

Audio: PEP Talk Podcast With Paul Woolley
In our culture, the way we present the gospel can be anything but "good news". It's worrying, disappointing, even life-diminishing news! But in a world of pandemics and Putin, how can we hold out real good news for our friends who are so desperate for it?

Video: Church: A Place for Belonging - Galatians 3:26-29 - Skip Heitzig
To belong is to be accepted. To belong is to feel secure. Without belonging, we are isolated and alone. Our greatest desire as humans is to know and be known, to love and be loved, and to feel confident that those who know and love us will be there for us through thick and thin. Mother Teresa, the tireless servant in Calcutta’s slums, said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” That is never truer than in the church. This new society that Jesus calls His church is where we find connection to God and a sense of belonging.

Video: Understanding (and Evangelizing) Radical Muslims
Dr. Jay Smith has been taking on radical Muslims for thirty years. He shares his wisdom and experiences in Africa and London.

Video: Understanding and Evangelising Jehovah's Witnesses - Phil Roberts
Jehovah’s Witnesses are a particularly aggressive and widespread alternative Christian movement. This workshop provides information and history on the JW movement. Additionally, it assists Christians in knowing how to best approach them to share the Gospel as well as to deal with objections raised by them.

Video: A New Argument for Christianity? w/ Dr. Gavin Ortlund
In this video, Dr. Gavin Ortlund lays out C. S. Lewis' famous 'Liar, Lunatic, or Lord' trichotomy. This is actually a really fun argument to think about. If it works, it's another way to know that (a) God exists, and (b) Christianity is true.
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Dr. James R. White gives a lecture on the degradation of commitment to the biblical worldview in respect to sexuality. Christ, our Lord Himself, defines that sexuality goes beyond any "social construct" but was instituted in God's act of the creation of man and woman in the garden. To think anything other than the biblical understanding of sexuality is permissible is folly.


New Resources:

Video: Am I Just My Brain? Facing the Canon with Sharon Dirckx
J. John recently sat down with speaker, author and former neuroscientist, Sharon Dirckx, to learn about her journey of faith and ministry. They discuss many of life’s important questions such as ‘are we just our brain?’ and even explore topics such as near-death experiences.

Video: How to Spot an Idol in Your Life - Dave Patty
We all experience times of spiritual dryness, periods where resources are low, vitality is gone, and the voice of God seems distant. Our natural inclination is to long for a break, but sometimes what we really need is a breakthrough. Hidden areas of unrecognized idolatry can sap our spiritual strength like buried infection in a body. Finding and removing these idols can result in surprising release and blessing. In this Master Class, we look at the Biblical x-ray for discovering your hidden idols, as well as the practical steps to remove them. Since false gods come in different forms, we examine the seven archetypes of idols described by Josiah in 2 Kings 23, as well has how those same idols express themselves today. The goal of this Master Class is to equip you with practical knowledge and skills for courageous idol removal in your life and in the lives of those you serve.

Video: Sinai vs. Paris: Will the coming generation choose principles or power? with Os Guinness
In the second video of our 2 part series on politics, Os Guinness talks about how having a biblical worldview should make Christians actively engaged in politics.

Video: A Seminary Professor Answers Your Toughest Questions About God
Philosophy professor Dr. Doug Groothuis joins me to take your questions live.


New Resources:

We must, Keller convinced me, constantly explain how Christianity is not tied to any particular culture or political party, instead showing how the gospel critiques all sides. He has famously emphasized that Christianity is “neither left nor right,” instead promoting a “third way” approach that attempts to avoid tribal partisanship and the toxic culture wars in hopes that more people will give the gospel a fair hearing. If we are to “do politics,” it should be in apologetic mode.

Why is murder a crime but idolatry isn’t?
In the thread, Pastor Keller suggests that evangelicals have misread their Bibles on matters of politics. He states that “many Evangelicals have no coherent understanding of how to relate the Bible to politics.” He says evangelicals are too fast to elevate certain issues where the Bible offers no clear roadmap and draw hard lines resulting in needless division. He thus wants to prevent “disunity over debatable political differences.” For Keller, the Bible does not give a clear roadmap on how issues the Bible considers sin—such as idolatry, abortion, and same-sex marriage—should be handled in society. In Keller’s reading, because evangelicals allow for idolatry to be legal but want to make abortion illegal, this reveals a failure of principles in determining grounds for division when it comes to politics.

Audio: Every Social Order is a Theocracy
On this episode we conclude our overview of Joe Boot’s newest book, Ruler of Kings, and explain how the concept of heresy applies to political and social life outside of the church. We also lay out the difference between theocracy and ecclesiocracy, and describe how every society, from revolutionary France to modern North America, has a god-concept that demands ultimate allegiance.

Video: Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: When Do Human Rights Kick In? | Guest: Brandan Robertson | Ep 612
Today we're happy to welcome Pastor Brandan Robertson to the show to discuss and debate the issue of abortion. Brandan represents the pro-choice side of things and gives his thoughts on Roe v. Wade being overturned as well as what he thinks laws regarding abortion should look like. We end up debating the theological and scientific question of when life begins, and although things get a little intense at times, it's so important that Christians with differing views are able to come together for civil discussion and debate.

Video: The Covert Danger of Pleasure, Victory, and Your Family Legacy - Dave Patty
These three final archetypes—Ashtoreth, Chemosh, and family gods—are also more common today than we realize. What is their nature, how do they impact us, and how can we discover and remove them? This is part 5 of a 5-part series on The Secret Path Out of Spiritual Dryness.

Video: Developing Virtue: A Christian & Atheist discuss - Dominic Done & Julian Baggini
Dominic Done is the author of the book 'Your Longing Has A Name' in which he explores the seven virtues listed in 2 Peter 1:5-7 - Goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, Godliness, mutual affection and love. He engages with atheist philosopher Julian Baggini, author of 'The Godless Gospel', on the differences between a Christian and secular approach to developing character.

Video: Progressive Christianity: A Defense (w/ Randal Rauser)
Randal Rauser recently published a book defending "Progressive Christianity." In this interview, we discuss his book and how the conversation might look going forward.

Video: Atheists, Evidence and God
Atheists, Evidence and God: A conversation with J. Warner Wallace, a former homicide detective who looks at the life and resurrection of Jesus with the tools of cold-case criminal investigation.

Video: John MacArthur | The Temptations, Trials & Triumphs of Pastoral Ministry | 2022 G3 Pre-conference


New Resources:

Bring back Christianity
Around 5,000 years ago, humans mastered writing. This marked the transition from prehistory to history. It’s a fraught calculation, but there have been around 80 billion individuals in this historical period. The most famous is Jesus, whose birth is celebrated in the world’s biggest annual festival and also sets our calendar. Jesus is so big it’s difficult to soberly assess his impact. Perhaps a useful tool could be to imagine someone like Jesus, but with a nondescript name that isn’t glazed over because of omnipresent familiarity – a name like Doug.

Audio: MIDDLE EAST: God’s Kingdom is Coming
Throughout the Middle East, Muslims are surrendering their lives to Christ—in spite of family pressure and overt persecution. VOM’s Middle East regional leader, Aaron Miller, shares stories from the region, and how we can pray for Christian brothers and sisters there. Join as Aaron discusses the situation for church planting in Turkey and the persecution in a place where being Muslim is seen as part of one’s national identity. You’ll also hear about a young husband who was training to be an Imam, qualified to teach the Quran, but has become a devoted follower of Christ. Facing persecution from their family, he and his wife have found a new family through fellow believers. Aaron will also share the intensity of persecution in Iraq, where lawlessness runs rampant. He will equip us to pray for the believers there. There are many individual cases of persecution—often coming from one’s own family. Aaron shares the heartbreaking story of a young daughter persecuted by her own father—all to punish her mother for leaving Islam to follow Jesus. Aaron reminds us that as God’s Kingdom advances, the enemy will fight back. Yet we see God’s kingdom prevailing and spreading throughout the Middle East. Pray for these dear families and churches living for Christ in spite of the cost. Pray for gospel workers in the region, and for VOM international ministry staff, that they would be renewed in their faith as they see and hear stories of persecution and seek to encourage believers living through it.

Video: After Babel: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World with Andy Crouch & Jonathan Haidt
"We were made for relationship — to be seen, loved, known, and committed to others. And yet we increasingly find ourselves, in the words of our guest, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, whose recent Atlantic article has ignited a national conversation on social media: “disoriented, unable to speak the same language or recognize the same truth. We are cut off from one another and from the past.” As we have grown increasingly reliant on technology and social media, he notes, “something has gone terribly wrong.” In his most recent book, The Life We’re Looking For, bestselling author and Praxis partner Andy Crouch explores how the technology era has seduced us with a false vision of human flourishing—and how each of us can fight back, and restore true community. We were excited to welcome Jonathan Haidt and Andy Crouch for a broad-ranging discussion on the seismic effects of our technology on our personal relationships, civic institutions, and even democratic foundations — and how we might approach rethinking our technologies and reclaiming human connection."

Video: A Conversation with an Almost Witch
Did you know that before Amy was a Mama Bear, she was almost a witch?!?! Yeah, I didn’t either, until we had a conversation last July at Hillary’s house. Thank You God for pursuing her and wooing her back! I can’t imagine where Mama Bear would be without her. We’re changing things up for this episode. I am Mama Bear Apologetics’ Executive Director, Lindsey Medenwaldt, and I’ll be interviewing Mama Bear’s podcast co-host, Amy Davison, about her experiences with Wicca. It is such a good reminder that God can (and will!) use all things, even a shady past, to bring Himself glory and to equip the church.

Video: Are Abortion "Right" Done? Analysis of the Leaked SCOTUS Ruling (with Dr. Scott Rae)
Is the Supreme Court set to overturn Roe vs. Wade? If so, what would this mean for the abortion debate, pro-life movement, and the right to an abortion. In this video, I am joined by Dr. Scott Rae, one of the leading Christian ethicists today.

Video: Experts, Utopia, Globalism and the Kingdom of God - Conversation with Joe Boot
For this week's episode, Church of England vicar Jamie Franklin was joined by The Rev'd Dr Joseph Boot to talk about issues arising from his new book Ruler of Kings: Towards a Christian Vision of Government . We talked about the cult of the expert, our propensity in the wake of the rejection of a Christian culture to deify the state and to thereby attempt to create a globalist utopian on the earth, and a Christian view of government which includes institutions possessing their own integrity and the right to exist independently of the state. We also spoke about the role of the law of God in society and how we might conceive of a Christian culture that eschews the putative neutrality of the secular realm.

Video: The Walk of the True Christian, Part 1 (Ephesians 4:25-32)


Anyone going to see The Harbingers of Thing To Come this Thursday?

Really amazing stuff for those who have evidence based doubts. The books have shown so much that is very difficult to dismiss as coincidence.


Anyone going to see The Harbingers of Thing To Come this Thursday?

Really amazing stuff for those who have evidence based doubts. The books have shown so much that is very difficult to dismiss as coincidence.

Didn't know about this film until now. Will see it when it's streaming:

Is it possible that what has happened to the United States and the world, from COVID-19 to 9/11, are part of an ancient mystery? Is it a warning? Does the mystery tell us what is yet to come? Do we have the key to uncover it? New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn takes audiences on an epic journey from an island off of Massachusetts Bay to the Supreme Court, from Ground Zero, through the New York Harbor, to the Statue of Liberty to uncover this stunning mystery. Uncover… • The ancient signs that warn of impending calamity • The mystery that goes back to the prophet Jeremiah that pinpointed 2020 as the year a plague would come to America • The harbingers that appeared in the last days of an ancient nation that have now appeared on American soil • What all these things reveal about what is still to come • The key, the hope, and what you need to know about the future.


New Resources:

Video: You Probably Should Have Read The Bible | Jordan Peterson at Franciscan University of Steubenville
In this speech at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Jordan shared recent thoughts on ethics, scripture, and the problem of perception. He asked the audience to reflect on how we remember great stories (but seem to instantly forget bad ones), why Western culture ended up being a book (instead of—say—a sickle), and whether the West truly is a “phallogocentric" culture. All of this, Jordan says, tied to a broader possibility—perhaps his “most radical claim"—that, as we navigate the value structures we call reality, a lot of so-called “navigational” problems are really veiled ethical ones.

Video: This Lesson From The Bible Will Make You Unstoppable | Jordan Peterson at Franciscan University
This episode was recorded on April 4, 2022. I discussed gratitude, faith, and suffering in this conversation at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. How can we be sure that pain is a solid guiding principle as we navigate the world? What is the underlying structure of pain, and what does it point at? We also touched on a myriad of topics around those central themes, such as sin and the symbol of the snake, giving advice, resurrection, the relationship between faith and suffering, evil, the effect we have on others, and sunsets.

Video: Strange New World - an interview with Carl Trueman
As Christians in the 21st century UK, we can feel increasingly out of step with the culture, particularly in the distinctly sexual direction of present-day identity politics. Living in this "strange new world," there's a temptation to despair or to get angry. However, neither of those reactions are faithful ways to represent the Lord Jesus. Instead, we can better respond to this new cultural moment if first we understand what has changed and why. Someone who can help us understand the changes and think through our responses is Dr Carl Trueman, author of "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self" and "Strange New World". In this interview with Solas Associate David Nixon, he explains some of the highlights and insights contained in those important books.

Video: Cameron Bertuzzi & James White Discuss Catholicism
In this video, Cameron Bertuzzi and James White discuss the papacy, White's top objections to Catholicism, and more!

Video: C. S. Lewis - The Necessity of Chivalry

Video: C. S. Lewis - The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment


New Resources:

The Trinity
In the gospel, God reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As such, the Trinity is the real content and conceptual framework of the Christian faith. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united in being and differentiated by their eternal relations: the Father eternally begets the Son; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Spirit is the bond of their love. When God acts outside himself in creating and saving, the persons act in unity—from the Father, through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Overcoming Defeat - Joshua 8:1-29 - Al Pittman
In Joshua 8, Israel emerges victorious through faith after a devastating defeat at Ai. Rising from the ashes of defeat, failure, or a fall can test our faith, but as "more than conquerors through [Jesus]" (Romans 8:37), we can experience deliverance when we hold fast to the promises of God. In this message, Pastor Al Pittman reminds us that we do not have to be afraid or dismayed because God is with us.

A Christian and an Atheist Discuss Media, Culture, and Religion (with Adam Davidson)
Can a Christian professor and an "atheist New York media elite" have a constructive conversation? Can they find common ground? Sean talks with Adam Davidson, an American journalist who has written for the New York Times, New Yorker, MSNBC, Slate Magazine and more. They discuss culture, religion, and the media.

How to Share Your Faith with Skeptics (w/ Cameron Bertuzzi)
In this talk, I share 3 keys that can help you have a successful conversation with any skeptic. In fact, if you master these 3 keys, I'm confident that you can have productive conversations with just about anyone.

The Pro-Life Movement Debate
Sometimes pro-life activists are criticized for only caring about vulnerable life in the womb, but caring little about vulnerable lives outside the womb. Is this a fair critique, and are there ways the pro-life movement should be more expansive in its efforts to celebrate the sanctity of life? For Christians, do the theological and moral foundations of the pro-life argument (e.g. imago Dei) call us to align with other causes (e.g. fighting racism and social injustice, climate change, and so on) that might break rank with political coalitions typically aligned with pro-life policy? Or is there an argument to be made that a narrowly focused pro-life movement is essential and that expanding focus can be counterproductive?

Discussing World Religions w/ Dr. Tyler McNabb
In this interview, I sit down with Dr. Tyler McNabb to discuss which other world religions are actually consistent or compatible with theism.

Carl Trueman - What is the modern self?
Dr. Carl Trueman. Dr. Trueman is professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College. He is a contributing editor at First Things, an esteemed church historian, and a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Trueman has authored or edited more than a dozen books, including the best seller “The Rise and Fall of the Modern Self.” In this episode, Dr. Trueman explains the evolution of thought that led us to where we are today in a highly politicized and sexualized world.

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New Resources:

Video: Rediscovering Faith in a Culture of Chaos - Dr. Os Guinness
Dr. Os Guinness shares deep insights into the current chaos in the United States in what is a cultural revolution. Guinness observes a crisis of freedom, a shift in the past fifty years toward the radical left, which has more in common with the French Revolution of 1789 than the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt (The Sinai Revolution of faith) in the Old Testament. He inspires believers to be agents of justice and compassion, offering solutions for the restoration of true freedom, which leads to peace and order in society.

Video: Richard Dawkins & Francis Collins: Biology, Belief and Covid
Richard Dawkins is emeritus Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University and author of the best-selling atheist book 'The God Delusion'. Francis Collins is the former head of the Human Genome Project and National Institutes of Health, currently serving as Science Advisor to the President and author of 'The Language of God: A scientist presents evidence for belief'. They discuss their journeys towards and away from faith, Covid, genetics, evolution, the origin of the universe, evil, morality and God in a wide ranging conversation with Justin Brierley.

Video: Faith in an Empirical World: An Online Conversation with Ard Louis and Tremper Longman
We live in an era where science and faith are widely believed to be in conflict. A spreading materialism asserts, even assumes, that only empirical knowledge is reliable, and denigrates ways of understanding reality beyond the quantitative. Others believe that the realms of science and religion are entirely separate — each with interesting things to say, but nothing to say to each other. In this Online Conversation, we’ll offer a different hypothesis: that science and faith actually have things to say to each other and to us in enabling us to better understand ourselves, our minds, our world, and its originator and designer. And that contemplating the complexity of our Cosmos, and the mystery of our self and soul, may cultivate a new sense of wonder, awe, and even worship – a doxology amidst discovery.

Video: Faith and Reason: Basic Apologetics Course with Art Lindsley (HD)
Os Guinness wrote that faith in Christ is much more than rational but certainly not less than rational. The relationship between reason and faith has been hotly debated in intellectual circles. Some say that reason is the only way to go because faith is utterly without reason or evidence (modernists or rationalists). Others say that we should believe solely by faith in the absence of any reasons (fideists). Still others see a compatibility between faith and reason with different emphases on one or the other. C.S. Lewis and others have argued that there is enough evidence (reasons) available to lead to the psychological exclusion of doubt, though not the logical exclusion of dispute. He believed that the weight of evidence was for, rather than against, Christianity. This lecture explores these various views, some biblical passages on faith and evidence, and how to address various types of doubt in yourself or in others.

Video: Hanging On When You Feel Like Giving Up
As with all Christians, pastors and elders will experience suffering. Indeed, shepherds of God’s flock face particular challenges and griefs. In this session, Alistair Begg exhorts church leaders to shoulder their responsibilities with hope of eternal rewards. It will not be in this world that pastors find glory for their humility, service, and resistance of Satan—but while they labor here on earth, God strengthens and establishes men’s hearts for their part in His kingdom work.

Video: “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified”
While pastors have the ministry of preaching the Gospel, men can talk about the cross in ways that empty it of its power. In this message, Alistair Begg explains how the apostle Paul embraced his weakness as a vehicle for the Gospel and encourages pastors to pray for the gift of studied simplicity. True salvation and redemption for sinners can only be found in one place: the cross of Christ. Therefore, it must be the central message from the pulpit.
I was raised Christian. Fell out/thought myself out of it in college. I have so many doubts, and can't find rationale to fully believe in Christianity over other religions or ideologies. I'd really like to believe, considering how much peace it brings people. And because if Hell is real, I'd prefer not to go there. Is this relatable to anybody? Any tricks I could pull on myself to become a true believer? Self-hypnosis, maybe?


Gold Member
I was raised Christian. Fell out/thought myself out of it in college. I have so many doubts, and can't find rationale to fully believe in Christianity over other religions or ideologies. I'd really like to believe, considering how much peace it brings people. And because if Hell is real, I'd prefer not to go there. Is this relatable to anybody? Any tricks I could pull on myself to become a true believer? Self-hypnosis, maybe?
If you message me I will do my best to help you.

Looking through a few pages I see this topic dominated by Calvinists so I'm not sure if you will get the help you seek asking here.



"The belief that liberal values are on “the right side of history” is a confession of faith, asserted against an accumulating body of evidence. Liberal societies are by-products of western monotheism, which underpinned the practice of toleration with the belief that it was mandated by God. Generations of secular thinkers have attempted to detach liberalism from its theistic base. But decoupling the universal claims of liberalism from monotheism is easier said than done. Secular liberals believe history is moving in the direction of their values. Yet without a guiding providence of the sort imagined by monotheists, history has no direction." (Atheist John Gray, former professor of European thought at the London School for Economics, 9/4/18)

“Everyone is religious. Every religion points to something that is ultimate. Your religion points to what really most matters to you. Even if you just live for yourself and you say the only thing that matters to me is that I’m free to choose what I want to do with my life, then your freedom now is the ultimate thing. Your freedom is like your god. It’s what you put your faith in and your hope in as well as your own competence to make decisions about how to live life. So if you’re living for your own freedom, or if you’re living for your family, or you’re living for your nation or you’re living for God, or you’re living for a certain kind of god, that affects the way in which you live. Everybody has to serve something as their ultimate hope and meaning in life. Therefore everyone is religious.” (Tim Keller)


I was raised Christian. Fell out/thought myself out of it in college. I have so many doubts, and can't find rationale to fully believe in Christianity over other religions or ideologies. I'd really like to believe, considering how much peace it brings people. And because if Hell is real, I'd prefer not to go there. Is this relatable to anybody? Any tricks I could pull on myself to become a true believer? Self-hypnosis, maybe?
Not sure if you're serious with the self hypnosis comment. But you shouldn't have to do anything like that. A good starting point would be where you left off, i.e. sniff around at practices / resources you were raised in. You will never find a fully rational reason to believe in Christianity over other religions or ideologies.

I'm a practicing Catholic (which many people around here might not believe), and I can say that having read through parts of the catechism, etc., the theological basis/rationale for the church's positions is extremely deep and well thought out. It's like a complicated legal code. But it's all based in and requires a faith in scripture to take seriously. Without taking a leap of faith to begin with, much of that can be disregarded (and has been by the secular world).
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Not sure if you're serious with the self hypnosis comment. But you shouldn't have to do anything like that. A good starting point would be where you left off, i.e. sniff around at practices / resources you were raised in. You will never find a fully rational reason to believe in Christianity over other religions or ideologies.

I'm a practicing Catholic (which many people around here might not believe), and I can say that having read through parts of the catechism, etc., the theological basis/rationale for the church's positions is extremely deep and well thought out. It's like a complicated legal code. But it's all based in and requires a faith in scripture to take seriously. Without taking a leap of faith to begin with, much of that can be disregarded (and has been by the secular world).
Thanks. I was trying to be light-heartedly ironic on the self-hypnosis part, but reading it back, it didn't come across that way. My B.

The leap of faith. That's the part I struggle with. I know I'm not the first to say it, but what's to say the leap of faith into Christianity is the right choice when you could take also take a leap into Scientoglogy or anything else, really. I will say that something Christianity has going for it (to me) is that I can easily see a society fully ascribing to its tenets being a very nice place to live in. An actual Heaven on Earth if we could ever pull it off. New Testament, that is. Some of the Old seems a little sus.
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Thanks. I was trying to be light-heartedly ironic on the self-hypnosis part, but reading it back, it didn't come across that way. My B.

The leap of faith. That's the part I struggle with. I know I'm not the first to say it, but what's to say the leap of faith into Christianity is the right choice when you could take also take a leap into Scientoglogy or anything else, really. I will say that something Christianity has going for it (to me) is that I can easily see a society fully ascribing to its tenets being a very nice place to live in. An actual Heaven on Earth if we could ever pull it off. New Testament, that is. Some of the Old seems a little sus.
The Old is definitely a little sus, but you have to keep in mind that it was written for brutal people in a brutal world, and was supplanted by the New Testament. I think the Catholic church actually teaches that while the Old Testament is still true and from God, it has to be taken with a grain of salt because it was the guidance that God gave to the Jews so they would became the people he wanted them to and lead into Christianity (you should look into that yourself if you want to, I'm not an expert).

You are definitely not in the wrong to question, seek, and figure out what you want to believe in or not. That's a big part of why I ended up going back to Catholicism myself after a long hiatus.


Grildon Tundy Grildon Tundy

I have phonetically professed Jesus as my saviour. Does this truly mean I believe what I have said? No. For me it really does take a leap of faith because I've never had this revealing "Ah ha!" moment that some people seem to have. Did Jesus truly raise from the dead? How can I intellectually believe that? It's pretty crazy.


A sperm and an egg joining together and forming a human is pretty crazy. Atoms and stuff joining together to form things is pretty crazy. For every answer we come to from our observations there's always the "But why?" question. At the end of it all I see no other explanation than God. Whether or not I can truly believe Jesus is the only way to God is a question I'll likely wrestle with for the rest of my life.

There are many ways to interpret The Bible and I'm not prepared to say any human interpretation is the correct one.

My interpretation of how the Old Testament has been explained to me is that it shows how sinful and defiant we are. Near the beginning Adam stood back and let Eve taste test the forbidden fruit. Then, when they were caught, he blamed both God and Eve for his own mistake. I can certainly see myself in Adam.


I was raised Christian. Fell out/thought myself out of it in college. I have so many doubts, and can't find rationale to fully believe in Christianity over other religions or ideologies. I'd really like to believe, considering how much peace it brings people. And because if Hell is real, I'd prefer not to go there. Is this relatable to anybody? Any tricks I could pull on myself to become a true believer? Self-hypnosis, maybe?

Ask God directly for guidance. Honestly try. All you can do is have a sincere reason for your choices. And while the splits of religion cannot be cleared and mended. There is no excuse to ignore the moral codes. God let theology be disputed, but the moral codes have been retained between Abrahamic religions.


New Resources:

Video: A French Atheist Becomes a Christian (Guillaume Bignon)
Why would a French atheist become a follower of Jesus? What convinced him Christianity was true, and how did it change his life? In this video, Sean talks with Guillaume Bignon, author of Confessions of A French Atheist, from being a volleyball star and rock star to a Christian.

Video: Debate: How Should Churches Address Racial Injustice?
Few issues have divided the church in recent years more than the topic of race and justice. Even if there is agreement that injustice and systemic racism still exist, approaches to address these issues sharply divide many Christians. For churches and Christians who believe silence and apathy are not biblical options on this topic, but who are confused and frustrated about the best way forward, what should they consider? What are the best things Christians and churches can do to help bring necessary change?

Video: Debate: Woke Church
The “woke” debates have fractured the church like little else in recent years. On one side are Christians who believe Scripture demands the church lead the way in addressing topics like racism, injustice, gender inequality, poverty, and climate change. On the other are Christians who accuse the “woke” gospel of just being a new generation of the “social” gospel, which in previous iterations often meant gradual theological compromise. What are we talking about when we use the word “woke”? And which should be the bigger concern for the church today: caring too little about activism on the social issues of the day, or caring too much about the wrong issues?

Video: Debate: Gun Control and the Right to Bear Arms
The issue of gun control and 2nd Amendment rights is one of the most intractable, polarizing topics in contemporary America. Because it is such a partisan issue, many Christians naturally view the topic through that lens. But is there a Christian lens through which to evaluate the debate? If Christian ethics are brought to bear on the issue, what is the more biblical position? More restrictive gun control or more individual freedom to bear arms?

Video: Death, Dying, and What Comes Next: A conversation on religious practice and palliative care
"A moderated panel with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim physicians sharing how religion affects views on the afterlife. With a specific emphasis on palliative care, we hope to dive deeper into how different religions view life after death, how faith affects daily interactions with patients and difficult decisions that faith-identifying doctors had to face in medical practice." (Recorded at Harvard Medical School on 5/23/22)

Video: Doug Wilson & Michael Brown: Are the gifts of the Spirit still in operation?
The charismatic church is the fastest-growing part of the global church. But not all Christians believe gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing are for today. Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho is a cessationist. He believes the charismatic gifts ceased with the closure of scripture. He engages with Michael Brown, host of the Line of Fire radio show and proponent of prophecy and charismatic gifts.

Video: You May Not Want to Look!
Prompted by prolonged famine, King David sought the Lord for an explanation. Once he received it, though, he sought human counsel for the cure. The result was heartbreaking devastation, particularly for one family. Alistair Begg explains that while the world we live in is beautiful, it can also be harsh and cruel—a fact that, as Christians, we must confront. King David’s endeavors to deal with sin and brokenness were totally inadequate, as are our own. In Jesus, however, we have a perfect King in whom God’s just wrath has been fully satisfied.



New Resources:

Article: Have You Ever Wondered Why We Treat Sex As Something Sacred?
It seems like our culture is obsessed with sex. It’s at the heart of TV shows like Sex in the City, The L Word, Sex Education and Heartstopper. Scandals about illicit romantic liaisons of the rich and famous always make the headlines. Naked Attraction, Love Island, Celebs Go Dating and Married at First Sight are typical viewing fodder because they are guaranteed to boost ratings. Advertisers cynically use sex to flog cars, perfumes and even bread because sex sells right? Magazine problem pages and online forums are full of sexual angst. Are we getting enough? Too much? Are we doing it right? How can we improve our performance?

Video: Debate: Is “Evangelical” a Political or Theological Identity?
What is an “evangelical”? Whatever the term meant historically, what does it mean today? To some ears, the term brings to mind MAGA hats more than church pews. To others, the term connotes certain theological commitments and missional postures. Has the term outlived its usefulness by taking on a meaning far from its original usage? How should faithful Christians use or not use “evangelical” as an identifying term?

Video: Church: A Place for Purpose - Ephesians 2 - Skip Heitzig
Some of the biggest questions people ask have to do with purpose: Why am I here? What is the meaning of my life? What is my purpose? The Bible of course answers all the big questions about life, these included. Today we consider the journey we take from pointlessness to purpose, especially as we engage in the work God has for us in His church. Since the church has always been central in God’s plan (see Matthew 16:18), our greatest sense of purpose comes by fulfilling our part in it.

Video: A Critique of Feminism w/ Dr Abigail Favale
00:00 Start
4:46 Tattoos
13:06 Background and journey
19:02 Contraception
21:01 Conversion story
31:23 Hate mail
32:51 What is wrong with feminism
36:22 What is feminism (first and second wave)
52:09 Strategic feminist
58:44 Edith Stein on women (three different orders and JP2)
1:04:33 Pornification and Pro abortion
1:09:32 Ephesians 5 (and Homily 20 on Ephesians of St. John Chrysostom)
1:14:23 Sacramental Catholic theology
1:21:48 Three ways in which men and women relate
1:41:03-1:48:50 Break (Lofi Music)
1:52:42 Apologetics (and women apologists)
2:07:18 Cultivating femininity (Start of Q&A)
2:15:02 Desire
2:17:09 How to raise a strong Catholic woman
2:19:40 First wave feminists (Erika Bachiochi)
2:21:31 Call to action
2:30:06 Family decision making
2:40:20 The biggest lie of feminism
2:41:04 Ideologies in higher education
2:46:25 Favourite saints
2:49:38 Best way to get people to question their beliefs
2:51:37 Genesis of gender (book)
3:01:31 Video games

Video: Eastern Christianity, St Thomas Aquinas & The Immaculate Conception w/ Fr. Christiaan Kappes
00:00 Start
0:49 Aquinas translated into Classical Greek (after 1354AD)
2:09 Transition to Eastern Culture
2:48 Ruthenian (and the type of people drawn in)
7:49 Devotions and sacramentals
14:13 Blanket spiritual program is not endorsed
16:55 SSPX (and Vatican 2)
20:27 How the Eastern churches came back into union with Rome
23:03 Speculation on the trajectory of the liturgy wars (and male spiritual leadership)
32:56 Doctoral dissertation on the reform of the Tridentine Mass into a transitional form
42:30 What would Fr. Christiaan Kappes do if he were Pope
56:20 Orthodox (and conditions for giving communion to an Orthodox)
1:11:21 Thomas Aquinas and Infant Communion (and Aquinas on intellect and will)
1:24:15 Thomas Aquinas and Immaculate Conception (and Corpus Thomisticum)
1:29:58 Books of Sentences of Peter Lombard (and purification)
1:38:52 String of quotes on Holy Virgin
1:47:27 Protoevangelium of James (and age of Mary)
1:48:11 Translation of Luke 1:46-47
1:54:15 Tradition
1:56:36 Aquinas‘s angelical salutation
1:59:20 Absolute primary of Christ (and the incarnation)
2:10:15 Duns Scotus (and Bonaventure’s arguments for the existence of God)
2:22:10 Orthodox and Immaculate Conception (and co-mediatrix)
2:30:02-2:24:37 Break music
2:35:37 Why can Eastern priests be married and permanent deacons (Start of Q&A)
21:41:56 What the church teaches on ecumenism
2:45:28 What are some things you can do to build unity
2:49:50 Ethnophilism
2:52:49 Eastern Orthodox interpretations of Matthew 16:18
2:57:56 What can Latin and Eastern Catholics learn from each other
3:01:02 Books by Fr. Christiaan Kappes (and rocks my socks)

Video: India, Europe and the Biblical Revolution | Vishal Mangalwadi & Jordan Peterson
Vishal Mangalwadi and I discuss the history of India and the role the Bible played in shaping it as a country. We explore the influence of missionaries, India's caste system, power, the impact of the British empire on slavery, widow burning and infanticide, the revolutionary nature of the distribution of the Bible, and more. Vishal Mangalwadi is a social reformer, political columnist, Indian Christian philosopher, writer, and lecturer. He is the author of 20 books, including The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization.

Video: Rowan Williams & Paul Kingsnorth: Conversion, Culture, and the Cross
Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury engages with author Paul Kingsnorth on his adult conversion to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Paul and Rowan talk about the spiritual longings that still exist under the surface of secular culture and whether ancient forms of Christianity may provide answers to today’s generation.

Video: Confused, Alone, & Without Purpose: Reaching & Discipling Europe's Secularised Youth - L. Greenwood
The current urban population, connected by consumerism, social media, and the entertainment industry, forms the largest global youth culture ever to exist. It spans the globe, sharing the same values, listening to the same music, watching the same movies, and sharing the same posts. They do not look to the church for answers but believe it to be a dead and empty tradition of the past. But God’s heart is broken for this lost generation and we need to make the message of his love accessible to them. In this talk, we spark a discussion on how to start missional, evangelistic, and discipling movements in secularised cities, sent from the local church.

Video: How the Multiverse Points to God: A Conversation with Stephen Meyer
What is the evidence for the multiverse? If real, what implications would it have for the existence of God? In this conversation, Dr. Stephen Meyer raises significant questions for the existence of the multiverse, but argues that even if it did exist, it would point to design.



Pride Month celebrates sexual behavior condemned by the church, but couples that celebration with increasing social pressure to join in the affirmation. Undeniably, this demand arises in part because of past hurt and mistreatment on the part of Christians. Add to this the dynamics of zero sum culture warring and we have a recipe for increasing levels of weariness, confusion, and occasional hostility. How do we as Christians respond to these dynamics? How do we keep before our minds at all times that we inhabit a world filled not with cultural or ideological opponents, but neighbors.

Video: The Alphabet Soup Nazis | Doug Wilson & James White
In this episode of The Sweater Vest Dialogues, Pastor Doug Wilson and Dr James White discuss the rise of the alphabet soup nazis.



Video: Professor Alister McGrath - On The Trinity
"Many Christians, as well as many outside the church, find the doctrine of the trinity baffling. In this lecture, Professor Alister McGrath will open up this area of Christian doctrine, exploring why Christians have found this way of thinking about God to be both helpful and important. Drawing on writers such as C.S Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers, McGrath will develop approaches to the Trinity that are easy to grasp and help us understand exactly why the Christian Church has found the doctrine of the Trinity so rich and rewarding."

Video: Progressive Christianity: A Biblical Response (with Michael Kruger)
What are the ten commandments of progressive Christianity? Based on a list of ten principles put forth by an influential progressive Christian, Dr. Michael Kruger offers a diagnosis and critique of progressive Christianity.

Video: The Dr. Jeff Show Ep. 67 - J. Warner Wallace
Cold case detective J. Warner Wallace encourages faithfulness over popularity, and discusses his new book on the profound positive cultural impact evidencing the historicity of Jesus.

Video: Compassion and Courage in Chaotic Times - Os Guinness with Jason Daye
How can we best invite people to explore the deep questions of life, meaning, and faith? In this week's conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by scholar, author, and Christ-follower, Os Guinness, as they explore this question, and look at what it takes to share the love, the hope, and the truth of Jesus in today's ever-changing world.

Video: BreakPoint - John Stonestreet and Os Guinness Q&A From Wilberforce Weekend
John and Os Guinness discuss the privatization of faith, if Americans should support revolution or revival in this cultural moment, and what Christians should do with public school. They also answer a host of other questions from the audience at Wilberforce Weekend this year asked by Michael Craven, Vice President of Equipping and Mobilization at the Colson Center.



An apocalyptic mood is dominating our cultural landscape. Whether the perceived crisis is spiritual, political, or ecological, many of us find ourselves in an increasingly pessimistic frame of mind. Frequently, said pessimism masquerades as realism--"This is just the way things are. I call 'em as I see 'em." Since the tone of Thinking Out Loud is overwhelmingly hopeful, it's worth asking: Are we simply out of touch? Naive? Hopeless romantics of a sort? Worse, are we guilty of downplaying threats to the church? This episode offers an explanation of why we think the hopeful tone is more responsible, reasonable, and realistic.

A lot of trouble likely lay ahead. The rumors are we are nearing peak fossil fuels. Also some say food scarcity may even be a few months away, and global economic collapse is around the corner. At the same time despite some doubting technological progress, impressive progress is still being made behind the scenes. It is likely if we can get through the dark times ahead, which I think we will, a grand future awaits us.


Video: Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God
"What does the science of brain chemistry and consciousness tell us about the nature of our mind and our cosmos? Recorded live at The British Library London, leading psychiatrist and philosopher Dr Iain McGilchrist, author of the influential books ‘The Master and his Emissary’ and 'The Matter With Things' engages in conversation with Christian neuroscientist Dr Sharon Dirckx author of 'Am I Just My Brain?'. They discuss brain science, consciousness and God." (6/15/22)

The strange afterlife of New Atheism
"New Atheism is dead, but the materialism that underwrote it lives on more powerfully and subtly than ever. The curious sort of pugnacious integrity has gone, replaced with a far more pragmatic and amorphous spirit appropriate to the age of liquid modernity. The New Atheists were perversely very concerned with questions of metaphysics and epistemology, whereas a newer generation of materialists of both left and right are concerned only with power, not capital “T” Truth. In many respects the neoconservative and New Atheist moment of the 2000s was, however perversely, the last gasp of idealistic, traditionally religious politics that prioritised truth over power, and imagined that society was united by a shared rationality and sense of the common good. But they also served to destroy the civilisation of which they were the final embodiment — and have left only sophistry and cynicism as their legacy." (Sebastian Milbank, PhD Candidate in the Cambridge Faculty of Divinity, 6/15/22)

Video: A Christian Response to Wokeness (FULL VIDEO) | Noelle Mering | Leadership Institute
Noelle Mering, author of "Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology," shares with the Leadership Institute at Franciscan University of Steubenville how Christians should respond to woke ideology in today’s culture.

Video: 20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 75)
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:14 {Can Christians ever Sue Christians?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 prohibit believers from ever taking other believers to court? Is there ever an appropriate time to take a brother “before unbelievers”?
2. 20:43 {Working for God Without Selfishness} How can I do work for God to receive a reward but not be seeking to put myself first, such as in Luke 22: 24-30?
3. 25:50 {Are Secret Churches “Denying God Before Men?”} Do secret churches in countries where Christianity is illegal contradict Matthew 10: 32-33?
4. 28:50 {Is Rapture Theology Biblical?} Is it true that rapture theology didn't exist before the 19th century and that it’s a relatively modern interpretation?
5. 33:00 {Anxiety about Hell} I've become anxious about the thought of eternal torment in Hell. If that's the punishment for our sins, wouldn't it have been best for unbelievers never to be born?
6. 39:30 {Understanding Philippians 4} Philippians 4:8 confuses me because so many true things are none of the other things on the list. A lot of truth is just the opposite. I read books about true things that are not the other things.
7. 44:03 {Is Eternal Subordinationism Biblical?} I read recently that the idea that God the Son has been eternally submissive to God the Father is heresy (Arianism). Is that true? Was Jesus only temporarily submissive to God the Father while on Earth?
8. 47:32 {Prayer for a Struggling Marriage} Would you please pray for my wife and I? I know it's a vague request without much detail, but we are struggling in our marriage and prayers are much needed.
9. 48:53 {Balancing Duties as a Young Leader} I am a full time high school/youth pastor whose role involves a lot of leadership and administrative duties. As a young person, I find it challenging and catch myself trying to overcompensate. Advice?
10. 51:28 {Breaking the Sin Cycle of Lust} I’m a 15 year old that has struggled with lust for such a long time, and I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like I will never get out of this constant sin cycle. Could you please help me?
11. 54:37 {Dealing with Toxic People} What biblical counsel would you give for dealing with toxic people, especially Christian family members you live with, who are oftentimes mentally and emotionally unhealthy to be around?
13. 58:18 {Why Would God Give us our Heart’s Desires?} Why would God give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) if the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9)?
14. 1:04:56 {About OT Sacrifices} In the Old Testament sacrificial system, there seems to be a lot of required sacrifices. How often were those sacrifices required, and who was required to offer them? Was it just the heads of households?
15. 1:07:24 {Volunteering vs. Getting a Paying Job?} I'm 31, living with my unbelieving parents. They're pushing me to get a real job, but I feel I should continue volunteering to keep a Foundation alive that's barely holding on. Any biblical advice?
16. 1:11:05 {About the Joy of the Lord} What is the “joy of the Lord,” and how is it our strength?
17. 1:13:48 {Can we be Refilled with the Spirit?} Is it unbiblical to ask for a "refilling of the Holy Spirit"? Don't we already have Him living inside us? I hear this a lot at my church, and I don't know what to think of it.
18. 1:16:57 {The Descriptions of Jesus in Scripture} After reading Daniel 10 and Revelation 1, I was wondering what the connection is between the descriptions of the visions. The description of Jesus in Revelation is so similar to the description given in Daniel 10.
19. 1:19:13 {When Israel is Mentioned in Scripture} In the Bible, when Israel is mentioned in the context, is it referring more to the people or to the land (country)? (Ex: Romans 11:26)
20. 1:22:43 {When Science Cannot Answer} As a new Christian who was raised to follow science first, how can we extract the most knowledge out of the parts of the Old Testament that we cannot fathom/science cannot yet answer?

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Grildon Tundy Grildon Tundy

I have phonetically professed Jesus as my saviour. Does this truly mean I believe what I have said? No. For me it really does take a leap of faith because I've never had this revealing "Ah ha!" moment that some people seem to have. Did Jesus truly raise from the dead? How can I intellectually believe that? It's pretty crazy.


A sperm and an egg joining together and forming a human is pretty crazy. Atoms and stuff joining together to form things is pretty crazy. For every answer we come to from our observations there's always the "But why?" question. At the end of it all I see no other explanation than God. Whether or not I can truly believe Jesus is the only way to God is a question I'll likely wrestle with for the rest of my life.
Nothing wrong with that.

(Nearly) Everybody struggles. Even most people I've met with *Aha* moments. Even if you were witness to something that can be interpreted as a miracle. Be they Saints, Church Leaders or whatever. Wrestling with god and questions related to god, just like with a family member, can be prove in itself that you have a relationship with him.

I'm more sceptical of people that don't.
Video: Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God

While the philosopher comments that miracles might not make sense, I do think they do. From what I understand the laws of physics do not prohibit miracles. Quantum laws suggests it is extremely rare for extraordinary events to happen, but it is conceivable either the probabilities are wrong somehow, or that God can perform them regardless. Still some miracles don't necessarily require that rare of an event, spontaneous cancer remissions, cures from autoimmune conditions, these things can happen spontaneously even without prayer, and are documented to have happened many times.

But that said it is true that some things that would make it too obvious that there is divine intervention don't actually appear to happen. There was a known atheist site, that mocked cures by calling itself "why won't god heal amputees". Healing from amputation would indeed be an extraordinary event, it is possible to happen naturally if the person has a few mutations allowing for regeneration to emerge, but otherwise it is basically impossible. Unlike other cures that do happen spontaneously, and it can be debated whether divine intervention happened or not.

People have even been declared dead by modern doctors, with undetectable heart beats, only to later wake up in the morgue when they were about to be cut up. Some have also ended up buried alive, and there are even coffins with means to call out for help in case you're accidentally buried alive.


New Resources:

Article: Love the Church Like Christ Does
In an age when so many pastoral failures, missteps, and sins are posted for public exhibition, it’s easy to allow our warmth toward the church to grow cold. Through a scrutinizing lens, many scowl at the church with suspicion and sheer amazement that anyone would want to be part of such a seemingly dysfunctional family. Sometimes, the church can seem to be anything but beautiful. Does Jesus look at the church with the same scowl?

Video: UK Christians respond to Roe vs Wade overruling
UK Christians react to the US Supreme Court decision to overrule Roe v Wade, stating that there is no right to abortion in the United States of America. Released by Christian Concern, the video features several well-known UK Christians, including church leaders, evangelists and campaigners, who share why they welcome the decision and are calling on the UK to protect the lives of preborn children. Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, commented: "We are delighted by the court’s decision to protect our children in the womb by overturning Roe v Wade. “A civilised society will always work to protect every human life including the most vulnerable in our society. In the western world, the most vulnerable among us are our unborn children. This is a catastrophic indictment on a kindness society. “How have we got to a place where mothers demand a right on demand to intentionally end their children’s lives? It’s great, at last to see some sense and common humanity prevail. The pushback begins in earnest. “We praise God for this decision and pray that we will see preborn babies protected here as well."

Video: Neurobiology and the Soul with Curt Thompson and Jeffrey Dudiak
What is the connection between our mind and our soul? New discoveries in neuroscience reveal that love can literally change our minds — that our relationships and interactions with others help shape our brains – which in turn, shape our relationships and behaviors. The link between our habits and spiritual practices and the renewing of our mind may be far more direct than once supposed.

Video: Shane Claiborne vs Kyle Thompson - Mass shootings, gun violence and the USA 2nd Amendment
Recent mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, NY have brought the issue of gun violence and mass shooting in the USA back into the spotlight. Christian peace activist Shane Claiborne, creator of the 'Beating Guns' campaign and gun owner Kyle Thompson of Undaunted Life debate whether the Bible justifies lethal force in self defence, whether people or guns are the problem, and what practical steps could be taken to reduce gun violence in the USA.

Video: Moral Philosophy | Prof. John Haldane
John is joined by distinguished philosopher Professor John Haldane for a wide-ranging and rigorous conversation centered on pressing philosophical, ethical and socio-political questions. They discuss the relationship between philosophy and the Christian faith, the emergence of AI technologies, the ethics of transhumanism, abortion and eugenics, the strength of viewpoint diversity in academia and the political philosophical underpinnings of the United States and more.

Video: Does the Trinity Matter?
Dr. Craig discusses various aspects of the Trinity and its importance biblically, theologically, and practically.

Video: Burning Cities, Sulfur Balls: Excavating Sodom & Gomorrah (with Joel Kramer)
How strong is the archaeological evidence for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Have we discovered the sulfur balls God used as the means of judgment? Sean interviews Joel Kramer, an archaeologist and author who lives in Jordan, about his personal journey to visit the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Video: What is the STRONGEST Case for the Resurrection? w/ Dr. Lydia McGrew
In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Lydia McGrew to discuss whether the 'Maximal Data Case' is better than the 'Minimal Facts Argument' for the Resurrection of Jesus.

Video: Does the Bible Condone Slavery (and Other Moral Evils?) with Dr. H.C. Felder
On todays episode, I am joined by Dr. H.C. Felder, author of The African American’s Guide to the Bible, to discuss these questions and other hot-button topics as they relate to race and Christianity.

Video: Encouragement for the Depressed by C. H. Spurgeon

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New Resources:

Article: High-tech study of ancient stone suggests new proof of King David’s dynasty
In a paper published in the Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University Thursday, a trio of scholars dismisses a decades-old hypothesis that line 31 of the stele refers to Beit David, the biblical House of David. However, using a combination of high-tech imaging methods, another researcher shores up the Davidic reading in an upcoming article in the Collège de France’s Semitica journal.

Video: Should Christians Use Satire? A Conversation with Kyle Mann (Babylon Bee)
When does satire go too far? What is the biblical basis for satire? Sean talks with Babylon Bee Editor in Chief Kyle Mann. They also discuss the latest book from the Babylon Bee: The Postmodern Pilgrim's Progress.

Video: Refuge in Him
While David was called a man after God’s own heart, he was neither a perfect man nor a perfect king. So how can we account for David rejoicing that he was righteous and clean before a holy God? Examining 2 Samuel 22, Alistair Begg explains that David was not claiming sinlessness. Rather, David was expressing his trust in God’s promise to blot out his transgressions. The righteousness David experienced was an imputed righteousness that all who put their faith in Jesus enjoy.

Video: Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis - Part 2
Eric Metaxas interviews Stephen C. Meyer on the scientific evidence for the existence of God as outlined in Dr. Meyer’s book THE RETURN OF THE GOD HYPOTHESIS. Their conversation explores evidence from cosmology, showing that the material universe had a beginning; evidence from physics, showing that the universe was been “finely tuned” to allow for the possibility of life, and evidence from biology, showing that since the universe came into being, large amounts of genetic information present in DNA must have arisen to make life possible.

Video: The Christian Platonism of C S Lewis | Reasonable Faith Podcast
"Platonists came to regard the Good as the ultimate deity, from which lower levels of reality and divinity emerged. They commonly taught that a second god came forth from the ultimate Good, an active cosmic power through whom all lower realities were made. A primordial principle of disorder was also part of this Platonist cosmology until late antiquity, providing the material substrate that the active divine craftsman molded to produce the cosmos. Finally, Platonists taught that the human soul had the capacity to draw itself up to that higher transcendent level of reality through the practice of philosophy. Platonists believed in different versions of reincarnation, but the common goal was to be freed from repeated incarnations and to exist eternally in that perfect world. Thus, pagan Platonism might be said to have offered salvation through philosophy, and thereby took on aspects of what we would describe as a religion." (John Peter Kenney, Professor of Religious Studies at Saint Michael's College)

Video: Graham Oppy & Guillaume Bignon • Rationality, Religious Experience and the Case for God
Why do people convert to belief in God? Is it rational do so? Graham Oppy is Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean of Research at Monash University, Australia and a well-known atheist thinker and author. He engages with Guillaume Bignon a Christian philosopher from France whose book ‘Confessions of a French Atheist’ tells the story of his adult conversion to Christianity.

Audio: AFGHANISTAN: God Faithfully Protects His Children
In 2021, as the US prepared to withdraw its military presence from the country, radical Islamist Taliban forces swept across Afghanistan. Many Christians—especially those publicly known to follow Jesus—needed to flee the country or risk immediate execution. Charmaine Hedding, president of , has worked to help persecuted believers around the world since 2014. When Christians needed help getting out of Afghanistan, she and a committed team quickly stepped forward to help. They arranged flights, helped Afghan Christians hide and get to the airport, and helped find nations willing to accept them as refugees. They worked around the clock to help Afghan believers. Listen as Charmaine shares how she became involved in helping persecuted Christians, first-hand stories of the hardships Afghans faced, and God’s faithfulness to answer prayer amidst the chaos and upheaval of the Taliban takeover. She will also share specific ways we can continue to pray for our Afghan brothers and sisters in Christ—both those still living in Afghanistan and those who have relocated to surrounding Islamic Nations.

Audio: Episode 39 - The Religion of Pride
The influence of LGBT+ has grown astronomically in recent times, not least in “Pride Month”. Those refusing to be active allies of the movement are swiftly labelled heteronormative bigots. Have parts of the LGBT+ movement become effectively a religion? How was such mass opinion-change achieved in so short a time? Was it natural, or the product of a long-term PR strategy? Should Christians speak out against Pride, even if risking accusations of homophobia? What is at stake when we let sexual immorality run riot in culture? In what ways does it seep into the Church? How can the Gospel bring us back to reality? Aaron and Andy discuss, and somehow end up talking a good deal about Nazis and Vikings too!

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New Resources:

Seventy Years Without Shipwreck: Five Reasons That Some Fall Away
My aim in these next few minutes is to provide another incentive for the perseverance of your faith and your fruitfulness for the next seventy years. To say it another way, my aim is to sharpen your sword so that you will be able to fend off the forces that threaten to make you faithless and fruitless for the next seventy years. I chose the number seventy not only because a few of you will live that long, but also because this year — 2022 — marks the 70th anniversary of my becoming a Christian. I have been pondering, with a kind of trembling thankfulness and wonder, how God has held me fast for so long. That’s what I want for you. Will you endure to the end, or not?

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New Resources:
Conversion in C. S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength
C. S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength is often regarded as one of his most bizarre and unwieldy books. There are very few studies of it, and those that do exist tend to focus on its central social critique, leaving its ancillary theological and philosophical themes largely unexplored. This article examines the motif of conversion in That Hideous Strength. It traces out the contrasting conversion narratives of Mark and Jane Studdock, situates them in relation to the larger social message of the novel, and then draws two applications for what we can learn about evangelism today from this book.

A Doctor Shares the Secret to Dying Well
I have been at many bedsides with patients near the end of life—a few times even as they took their last breath. I’ve lost track of the number of death certificates I’ve filled over the years. But my experience isn’t unique among those in my profession, except perhaps for the fact that I’m a Christian working in a major hospital in the heart of San Francisco, a city known as the “least Christian metropolis” in America. Most people who have died on my watch weren’t believers. With very few exceptions, I’ve been the only Christian doctor in my group for most of my career. This vantage point has put me in a unique position to see how the gospel provides far better resources than any man-made way of coping with the existential angst of death.

Footnotes to Lucifer: The 7 Most Destructive Philosophers in Western History
It has been said, famously, that all Western philosophy is “footnotes to Plato.” And, while this statement rings true, the deeper and more salient observation is that much of Western philosophy is footnotes to Lucifer. Indeed. At the Fall, the Evil One spoke a word against God’s word, calling into question the truth of God’s word, the goodness of his created order, and the righteousness of his character. Lucifer’s destructive word can be viewed as his “antithesis” for the world. In the modern world, the Evil One’s antithesis has been active—and nowhere more than Western philosophy departments. Thus, in recognition of Lucifer’s antithetical word, this article “calls out” the seven most destructive philosophers in Western history.

Video: Lord Martin Rees & John Wyatt: Robots, Transhumanism & The Future • The Big Conversation
Is Artificial Intelligence a friend or foe of human flourishing? Does faith have any part to play in the robotics revolution, and the race to upgrade our bodies and even escape our planet? What does the future hold for humans? Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees author of 'On The Future' and Christian bioethicist Dr John Wyatt author of 'The Robot Will See You Now', discuss these questions alongside clips from interviews with robotics experts Nigel Crooke and David Levy.

Video: A Book Observed: The Abolition of Man with Dr. Michael Ward
In this classic, Lewis reflects on the effects of modernity and sets out to persuade his audience of the importance and relevance of universal values, such as courage and honor, in contemporary society. Join us for an online presentation and discussion as Dr. Michael Ward, author of After Humanity: A Commentary on C.S. Lewis’s Abolition of Man, shares his insights on this powerful work from C.S. Lewis.

Video: Are we more than our brains? with Sharon Dirckx
Sharon Dirckx happily spoils the punchline in her brilliant and punchy book, Am I Just My Brain? It’s a fascinating and important question; one that’s fundamental to human nature, as Dirckx highlights with a quote from author Marilynn Robinson: ‘Whoever controls the definition of the mind controls the definition of humankind itself.’ (10) Am I just my brain? answers the question quickly and with ease in the first few chapters. No, Dirckx argues, I'm not just my brain. But it leads to further questions. If I am more than my brain, what am I? What is my mind? How does my mind interact with my brain?

Video: Refuting Objections To The Biblical Exodus
Egyptologist Dr. David A. Falk joins me to answer common objections to the Exodus and Joshua's Conquest.

Video: John MacArthur - Living in a Perverse World (Philippians 2:12-16)

Video: John MacArthur - Be Separate (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1)


New Resources:

Video: How We Become Believers – Timothy Keller
Tim Keller sermons via Gospel in Life: In this passage, we see Naaman, a sophisticated, powerful Syrian general, go to Israel and to the God of Israel to get help. Given the astonishing amount of hatred and disdain there was between these two nations, it’s shocking that Namaan would do that. What causes an incredibly sophisticated, unlikely person like Naaman to start to seek the God of the Bible? This sermon will show us: 1) Why people seek, 2) How people find, and 3) Why people can seek and find.

Video: Louise Perry on The Case Against the Sexual Revolution - Interview with Glen Scrivener
Louise Perry, columnist for The New Statesman, speaks to Glen Scrivener about her new book, 'The Case Against the Sexual Revolution'.

Videos: Soul Care Day - "The Church and Hope for the Traumatised" with Dr Diane Langberg
The Soul Care Network of the Wales Leadership Forum was delighted to host Dr Diane Langberg for her first speaking visit to Wales. Diane is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked with trauma victims for over fifty years. She is also the author of several helpful books including, ‘Suffering and the heart of God’ and more recently, ‘Redeeming Power – Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church’. Dr Langberg has been a great help both to victims of trauma and those who seek to give care to them and has a real heart for the honour of Christ’s name in the church. During our time together Diane helped to develop our understanding of how trauma affects Christians and the needs of those who sadly experience it. There was an opportunity for Q&A and we believe this day will have been a great help to churches. It was a rare opportunity for us to benefit from her experience and insights.

Video: Ep. 119 | Cultural Denominationalism
Does the world have anything to offer the Church today? It appears that some protestant churches, denominations – and their leaders – seem to think so. But to what end? What’s the payoff for them? Are there to be no distinctions between the kingdom of darkness (the world) and the kingdom of Light (the Church) in our churches and denominations? Those questions, and others, are the focus of Darrell Harrison and Virgil “Omaha” Walker in this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, titled “Cultural Denominationalism.”

Video: 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39 - Skip Heitzig

Video: The Pilgrim’s Guide to Standing Firm (Mike Riccardi) (Selected Scriptures)

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New Resources:

Audio: AFRICA: “The Church is the Pillar of Truth”
Sean Paton enrolled in university to study pastoral ministry. But on the first day of his first class, the professor challenged students to think more broadly, to consider if God was calling them to take His love to people who hadn’t yet heard the name of Christ. Sean left class that day and changed his major to missions—and ever since he’s seen and lived a direct link between pastoral and missionary work. In recent years Sean has led VOM’s work serving Christians on the continent of Africa. Now he’s transitioning back into a pastoral role with an American congregation. Listen as he shares some of the stories he’ll take with him—like the story of meeting the wife and children of a long-imprisoned Eritrean pastor and being inspired by their faithfulness. Sean will tell how persecuted Christians like these impacted his own faith and understanding of the gospel. He will also encourage listeners to pray—with specific ideas on how to pray for VOM’s international staff that travel extensively and deal often with suffering and pain. Sean encourages pastors to incorporate our persecuted brothers and sister’s stories within their church services, such as during communion or prayer time, as weekly reminders that we are one body in Christ.

Article: The divine mind: Does this new theory of the brain point to a creator?
Books on neuroscience don’t usually become bestsellers, but Iain McGilchrist’s new theory of the brain is capturing the attention of both Christians and sceptics. Nick Spencer explains why we’re all fascinated by questions of brain science, faith and God

Article: Myth, Worldview, and Identity in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Books—Part I
Tolkien showed Lewis that part of being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27) entails that we are “sub-creators” (myth-makers) because God is the Storyteller—and the Author of the “story of reality” which is disclosed in the Bible.

Video: Dallas Willard - Human Beings as Spiritual Beings
In 1993 Dallas began teaching an intensive two-week residential course for Fuller Theological Seminary's Doctor of Ministry program. His task was to teach about spiritual life in a systematic way so that its full connection to the work of the minister was clear. These sessions from 2012 are from Dallas's last year of teaching the course before he died. Though a bulk of the course was usually centered on the nature and practice of disciplines, the beginning of the course dealt with more theological themes like the nature of spiritual reality and the end of the course dealt with topics in spirituality like vocational issues.

Video: Mikhaila Peterson & Jon McCray (Whaddo You Meme) • Are Millennials & Gen Z ready to believe in God?
Almost half of Millennials and Gen Z in the USA identify as 'nones' (having no religious affiliation). Mikhaila Peterson who runs a popular Youtube channel and Podcast talks about her own recent journey to faith along with the journey of her father, renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson. Jon McCray who runs 'Whaddo You Meme' a popular Youtube channel responding to internet atheism and popular culture joins the conversation as he and Mikhaila talk about the spiritual search among Gen Z and Millennials and take questions from the live audience that joined in online.

Video: Race Relations & Justice | Darrell Harrison & Virgil Walker
What does Scripture say about Race Relations and Justice? Too often we approach this subject from a polemical standpoint. But we must approach it from Scripture. God created diversity for His glory. In this episode of Wield The Sword, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker discuss God's glorious design in Creation, the power of Gospel and how Christians should address the culture in issues of race, reconciliation and justice.

Video: Examining the Case for the Christian Faith (with Doug Groothuis)
How strong is the evidence for Christianity? How has the evidence, and issues, changed over the past few decades. Dr. Doug Groothuis is the author of the best-selling book, "Christian Apologetics," which he just updated. In this interview we discuss his conversion to faith and his perspective of how the evidence for Christianity has grown over the past few decades.


New Resources:

Video: AI, Man & God | Prof. John Lennox
"John is joined by mathematician, bioethicist and Christian apologist Professor John Lennox for a profound conversation centered on the current and future impacts of artificial intelligence technology. They discuss the shortcomings of science in the search for universal truth, the factors behind rising secularism in the West, China’s rapid AI implementation, our growing desire for immortality through biomedicine and the true meaning of 'faith’." (8/4/22)

Video: Serving Christ in an Unchristian World - Colossians 1:23-29
Serving Christ is the result of being saved by Christ. But the Christian life should carry a warning label: “Warning: Those who enter here won’t find it easy. In fact, at times it will be very difficult, but it will be the greatest adventure ever!” In this paragraph, Paul opened the curtain on his own personal life as a servant of Christ and shared five characteristics of his own ministry. Are they yours?

Video: A Near Apostate Keeps the Faith through Church Hurt, Doubt, and Addiction with Bobby Conway
After years of partying, Bobby Conway got saved at a Greg Laurie crusade as a teenager. From there, he became an evangelist, telling virtually everyone he would meet about Jesus. After becoming a Pastor and pioneering a successful apologetics YouTube channel, he went through a dark time of doubt, only to end up in an alcohol relapse that would threaten his family and ministry. In today's episode, Bobby shares the intimate journey that led him to almost leave the faith, and the reasons he would not end up as another deconstruction story and could not turn his back on the Jesus who saved him.

Video: Esoteric Christianity | with Michael Martin and Nate Hile
This video is a repost from Nate’s channel, ‘Grail Country’. We discuss Valentin Tomberg’s book ‘Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism’ and Christian esotericism more generally, how different esoteric perspectives unfolded throughout history, Rosicrucianism, freemasonry, perennialism and how these traditions deviate from Orthodox mysticism. We also discuss evolution and natural selection as a mythical narrative.

Video: Philosopher Dallas Willard - What Ministry Is and How It Is Spiritual
In 1993 Dallas began teaching an intensive two-week residential course for Fuller Theological Seminary's Doctor of Ministry program. His task was to teach about spiritual life in a systematic way so that its full connection to the work of the minister was clear. These sessions from 2012 are from Dallas's last year of teaching the course before he died. Though a bulk of the course was usually centered on the nature and practice of disciplines, the beginning of the course dealt with more theological themes like the nature of spiritual reality and the end of the course dealt with topics in spirituality like vocational issues.

Video: My Bipolar Experience: James Mumford & Roger Bretherton on a Christian approach to depression
Author and academic James Mumford recently wrote an article for The New Atlantis magazine about his experience undergoing therapy at a clinic for bipolar disorder and his concerns about its value neutral approach. He engages with psychologist Roger Bretherton, creator of The Character Course, on what role faith can play for those struggling with depression.

Video: Mary's Assumption: A Protestant Critique w/ Dr. Gavin Ortlund
In this interview, I'm joined by Dr. Gavin Ortlund to discuss the bodily assumption of Mary from a Protestant perspective. Is it reasonable to believe that Mary was assumed into Heaven?

Video: Why Forgiveness Changes Everything (Reflections on Matthew 18:21-35)
In a recent chapel message at Biola University, Sean shares one of the biggest lessons he's learned since college. He discusses Matthew 18:21-35 and why forgiveness is one of our greatest apologetics today.

Video: Using Questions to Navigate Hard Questions About Faith Greg Koukl - Ep. 76 The Dr. Jeff Show
Ever feel scared to talk about faith or worldviews? Apologist Greg Koukl from Stand to Reason shares stories about how practicing curiosity in conversations opens up others and objectors to thinking about what they believe.


New Resources:

Video: Jesus Paid It All! - Colossians 2:11-15 - Skip Heitzig
Sitting in the choir loft one Sunday morning, Elvina Hall, inspired by a sermon, wrote in the flyleaf of her songbook the words to a now-famous hymn: “Jesus paid it all; all to Him I owe.” Paul expressed much the same thing in this paragraph. After telling his readers they were complete in Christ, he then showed them how that was so. Against the backdrop of false teachers, some of whom insisted on performing rituals, Paul showed exactly what Jesus had done.

Video: Relativism: The Worst Belief Ever, with Greg Koukl
Greg Koukl joins the podcast live from the Cross Examined Instructor Academy to talk about Postmodernism, Relativism, and subjective truth claims. Greg explains how Relativism fails to explain reality, refutes itself, and wrecks lives. Living lives firmly planted on the truth of God's Word comes with a cost in today's culture, but will ultimately set us free.

Video: Why is God hidden? Cosmic Skeptic & Lukas Ruegger at Oxford University with Max Baker-Hytch
Recorded at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, atheist Alex O'Connor (aka Cosmic Skeptic) and Christian apologist Lukas Ruegger join Justin discuss the hiddeness of God. OCCA tutor Max Baker-Hytch also joins the discussion for a post-script commentary.

Audio: Episode 43 - The Loss of Family Worship
Why is family worship less prominent than it used to be? Are we somehow more mature than previous generations? Has digital technology replaced the need to come together regularly in prayer, song, and Scripture? The absence of these important practices is more significant than many realise, within and beyond the Church. Biblically, it is clear that parents (especially fathers) have a key role to play in seeing their children raised in the training and instruction of the Lord. But there are many ways this can happen, and also many ways it can go wrong. In this episode we discuss some of the the pitfalls and the joys of family worship. We also recommend some key resources which have helped us along the way.

Video: Austin Duncan | TMS Chapel | The Voice of God


New Resources:

Video: Where Is Heaven? A Response to Sam Harris
A clip surfaced of Sam Harris from a recent interview he did on Triggernometry where he expressed incredulity about the apparent absurdity of the idea of “heaven”, given that we have telescopes and satellites that have never observed it. In this video I respond to that sort of literalism and confusion about what heaven means from an ancient and symbolic perspective.

Video: Am I More than My Brain? Neuroscience and Christian Faith - Alexander Fink
The human brain is one of the most complex objects in the known universe, and its incredible performance impacts every area of our lives. The question may arise: Am I nothing but my brain; am I more than my brain? Certainly, there are links between brain function and our personality. But does that show that we are purely material beings? Is consciousness only a function of the brain? Has neuroscience refuted the notion of free will and personal responsibility? Are religious faith and our concept of God just products of neuron function? What does the Bible teach about our brain and our soul? In this talk, we wrestle with these issues. These questions are not only scientifically interesting but have a deep impact on understanding our own identity as human beings.

Video: The Misunderstanding about 'Faith' | John Lennox
John Lennox explains how the rise of AI and transhumanism has forced us to make big decisions about morality and our beliefs. Lennox also discusses 'faith' and why it's generally thought to be belief without proof or evidence. Lennox argues against this notion, asserting that a faith in God is a trust based on evidence.

Video: Why I Am/Am Not a Christian, @CosmicSkeptic vs. T The Counsel of Trent // CCx22 Session 2
In the second session recorded at CC Exchange 22, Alex O'Connor (Cosmic Skeptic) and Trent Horn (The Counsel of Trent) engaged each other in conversation over the topic of why they are/are not a Christian.

Video: Using Questions to Navigate Hard Conversations About Faith Greg Koukl - Ep. 76 The Dr. Jeff Show
Ever feel scared to talk about faith or worldviews? Apologist Greg Koukl from Stand to Reason shares stories about how practicing curiosity in conversations opens up others and objectors to thinking about what they believe.

Video: Dr Christian Hofreiter - How Can A Loving God Allow Suffering?

Video: Christian Hofreiter - Making Sense of OT Genocide
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Video: Where Is Heaven? A Response to Sam Harris
The video appears to think of Heaven in a more abstract manner but there's a possibility for a physical location for Heaven.

First in the traditional view there's the option of alternate universes and alternate dimensions.

Second, for those on the more conspiratorial side, nasa has been caught and proven time and again doing lots of fakery. We also know that we see too far, and now its been admitted that the global physical horizon cannot be observed as refraction basically eliminates it and makes the earth look as if it was flat. The flat earth view while unlikely hasn't been entirely ruled out, imo, in which case Heaven could indeed be physically up there and space could simply be made in a hollywood basement.

It also seems other space agencies have been caught faking stuff
Video: Am I More than My Brain? Neuroscience and Christian Faith - Alexander Fink
I would say Searle's thought experiment is invalid. As the same applies to the brain, neurons are only biological machines following rules or algorithms encoded by the genes. No single neuron knows anything.

As for free will there is an experiment that suggests that is an illusion it is the color phi phenomenon

This is an experiment which I've not heard of it being done with regards to the observed color phi phenomenon. But it is clear that if a subject is asked to decide to move or not move a finger when the color changes, their conscious perception of moving the finger or not moving it will only occur after it has been moved or not moved and they see an illusory percept that is created after the fact. Thus if their conscious sensation occurs after the event, and that conscious sensation contains their actions, it is clear the action was done unconsciously.

As for near death experience, I've heard that the seeing numbers from above has been debunked, there was a skeptic that looked into them and found practically all with additional info were debunkable. It is also known that in order for it to be remembered it has to be physically recorded in the brain otherwise there is no memory even if there is consciousness. The fact one doesn't remember something does not mean one didn't experience it.

I do believe consciousness is independent of material instantiation.
Video: The Misunderstanding about 'Faith' | John Lennox
I disagree here. We still do not know exactly how things are to manifest. Some Christians believe there will be a supernatural intervention into the world in the future, others believe the change will be done through technology taking us into potentially something called the Omega point which will have supernatural capabilities.

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Friends, in the latest “Bishop Barron Presents,” I’m delighted to be joined by Shia LaBeouf, the actor famous for “Transformers,” “Honey Boy,” and “The Peanut Butter Falcon,” among other films. His most recent role is as the young Padre Pio in a new biopic on the great saint. In our conversation, we discuss: - Method acting - Prayer - Suffering - The ego - The traditional Latin Mass - Padre Pio - Shia’s time with the Capuchin friars - And more
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