Ah ResetERA. Once again showing how tolerant and diverse they are by shouting down developers to make them conform to their insane views. Why the fuck does that place have so much power in the industry again?
"You didn't apologize hard enough", said the blue-haired unemployed 30-something on Twitter.
LOL. But someone did say something.
In the Reeeee thread, someone brought up a greek guy like Kratos is voiced by black guys................ and he got banned for bringing it up. lol
Wargroove (Chucklefish) is receiving criticism for casting white actors for its POC characters(Dev respond, see threadmark)
and people wonder why nobody discusses racism on gaming side everything is perfect and all roles are given to those who properly earned itwww.resetera.com
Yesterday at 5:30 AM
User Banned (Permanent): racist whataboutism, inflammatory racist commentary
I only see this as a problem if they deliberately dismissed POC for the job. I don't think people have black, brown or white colored voices except if you want to fall into caricature. Should we be up in arms because Kratos' voice is performed by POCs and not greek people? Having POC visual representation seems much more important and that's what we got here, right?
For them his statement reads as "I'm a nazi who wants to see minorities dead". It's equivalent. They see our kind of reasoning as something insane, just as we do theirs. /shrugHow can you even be perma-banned for a statement/opinion like that? How can any sane person want to be part of such a downright dumb, hysteric and hostile community governed by absolutely idiotic mods/admins?
You know how sometimes you're dating a girl who argues about everything, even she knows she's wrong, but she still sets it up so you have to apologize anyway? And then she just finds something new to make you apologize for a couple days later? That's ResetEra. It's the greatest proof that trans women are real women.
Now lets see what the "people" complaining have to say
Wargroove Developers Apologize for Whitewashing Controversy - IGN
Wargroove developer Chucklefish apologized for the whitewashing controversy surrounding its upcoming DLC.www.ign.com
Oh fuck you're right. 100% of people around me are all white. Insecure little bitch lmao.I hate this thread because 98% of you never come into real life contact with people of color, aka me, and this makes all of you believe this is how we act and it's like "goddamn.... an echo chamber worse than Artifact."
You should take another 5 year break. Nobody wants you here.Oh god, I haven't been to this site in like 5 years and everyone is a MAGA loving, delusional, "Gamers Rise Up" "Wah, SJWs! Even though they're one of the reasons I don't work in a sweatshop a day for 18 cents!"
Y'all are just sad. This forum used to be great. And now it's durr cuck... derp SJWs!! why would you be against anyone who fought for social justice? Do you realize this is why you're not dying from well... every thing, because we SJWs fought to have your right to see a doctor when you're ill. Every benefit you've ever gotten is from "SJWs". So suck it up, snowflakes..
Gamer Culture is the worst. This site was never toxic like this. I pity you.
Uh, where did you get this? At least some of those responses are from the Ion Fury thread.
Oh god, I haven't been to this site in like 5 years and everyone is a MAGA loving, delusional, "Gamers Rise Up" "Wah, SJWs! Even though they're one of the reasons I don't work in a sweatshop a day for 18 cents!"
Y'all are just sad. This forum used to be great. And now it's durr cuck... derp SJWs!! why would you be against anyone who fought for social justice? Do you realize this is why you're not dying from well... every thing, because we SJWs fought to have your right to see a doctor when you're ill. Every benefit you've ever gotten is from "SJWs". So suck it up, snowflakes..
Gamer Culture is the worst. This site was never toxic like this. I pity you.
ver heard of it before now.
I thought it was okay...some people say it's not balanced well, and maybe they're right. I haven't played a ton of these types of games, outside of the more recent Fire Emblems. It's more like Advance Wars than Fire Emblem I guess, but there's a little FE in there. Advance Wars always got too hard for at some point whenever I've tried it. I enjoyed my time with this, but I eventually fell off of it before finishing the campaign. Maybe I should go back to it.That aside... I want to try this game. Never heard of it before now.
Suck my dickOh god, I haven't been to this site in like 5 years and everyone is a MAGA loving, delusional, "Gamers Rise Up" "Wah, SJWs! Even though they're one of the reasons I don't work in a sweatshop a day for 18 cents!"
Y'all are just sad. This forum used to be great. And now it's durr cuck... derp SJWs!! why would you be against anyone who fought for social justice? Do you realize this is why you're not dying from well... every thing, because we SJWs fought to have your right to see a doctor when you're ill. Every benefit you've ever gotten is from "SJWs". So suck it up, snowflakes..
Gamer Culture is the worst. This site was never toxic like this. I pity you.
There is only one correct form for a Dev apology. Patch notes.
I wish we had better tools for Devs to find what people are really annoyed about.
The default option will always favor the loudest voice.
Devs (especially indie ones) don't have the bandwidth to triage all that info.
It's a ton of ungrateful work for somebody like a community manager to find the things that can be acted upon.
I like turtlesOh god, I haven't been to this site in like 5 years and everyone is a MAGA loving, delusional, "Gamers Rise Up" "Wah, SJWs! Even though they're one of the reasons I don't work in a sweatshop a day for 18 cents!"
Y'all are just sad. This forum used to be great. And now it's durr cuck... derp SJWs!! why would you be against anyone who fought for social justice? Do you realize this is why you're not dying from well... every thing, because we SJWs fought to have your right to see a doctor when you're ill. Every benefit you've ever gotten is from "SJWs". So suck it up, snowflakes..
Gamer Culture is the worst. This site was never toxic like this. I pity you.
See, your post would be sensible if the people being talked about here were actually fighting for social justice.Oh god, I haven't been to this site in like 5 years and everyone is a MAGA loving, delusional, "Gamers Rise Up" "Wah, SJWs! Even though they're one of the reasons I don't work in a sweatshop a day for 18 cents!"
Y'all are just sad. This forum used to be great. And now it's durr cuck... derp SJWs!! why would you be against anyone who fought for social justice? Do you realize this is why you're not dying from well... every thing, because we SJWs fought to have your right to see a doctor when you're ill. Every benefit you've ever gotten is from "SJWs". So suck it up, snowflakes..
Gamer Culture is the worst. This site was never toxic like this. I pity you.
Yup. Posted this on page 2. Nobody reads that far inUh, where did you get this? At least some of those responses are from the Ion Fury thread.
Ion Fury devs show signs of transphobia among other issues. [Update: Voidpoint apologizes in statement, see threadmarks]
cool that they are donating to trevor project, but yeah, i am pretty skeptical that the devs themselves would have a change of heart this quickly after a whole weekend of doubling down. this reads like a cover your ass statement from the publisher more than any of those who had actually been...www.resetera.com
How can you even be perma-banned for a statement/opinion like that? How can any sane person want to be part of such a downright dumb, hysteric and hostile community governed by absolutely idiotic mods/admins?
I was interested in the game; was waiting to pick it up for Switch (which I am getting for xmas)... but not anymore. I'll buy it used.
If they feel the need to apologize for doing nothing wrong, they won't get my money. As far as I'm concerned, they've went from simply being ignorant of the woke SJW expectations to being part of the problem.
Too bad.
I wouldn't read into it so much. A quick apology is ordinarily the best way to diffuse this kind of bullshit (and it is bullshit).
ERA's solution to everything.
Oh god, I haven't been to this site in like 5 years and everyone is a MAGA loving, delusional, "Gamers Rise Up" "Wah, SJWs! Even though they're one of the reasons I don't work in a sweatshop a day for 18 cents!"
Y'all are just sad. This forum used to be great. And now it's durr cuck... derp SJWs!! why would you be against anyone who fought for social justice? Do you realize this is why you're not dying from well... every thing, because we SJWs fought to have your right to see a doctor when you're ill. Every benefit you've ever gotten is from "SJWs". So suck it up, snowflakes..
Gamer Culture is the worst. This site was never toxic like this. I pity you.
You're not wrong, I do tend to let things like this bother me more than other apolitical consumers.
But I've had enough of companies caving to wokeness and brands kowtowing to the online bullies and SJWs. If they truly did something wrong a quick apology would be appropriate; in this case no apology was necessary and it actually hurt the company because now they've disappointed many people with a similar worldview as myself as well as the original mob (who wasn't even looking for an apology, as is evidenced by their refusal to accept the given the one offered. Their goal was simply to push the fear of retribution against future devs who might not put enough priority on carrying their progressive message).
Can i use a nuclear bomb as a cure?Turquoise-haired, fake-working (blogger, activist, eskimo, etc.), age-fluid, overweight woman with weirdly small boobs/near-anorexic asexual guy who LOVES cute things that mostly young children like but would never go near a real child (they swear!!1). Also they love Ghostbusters 2016 and Rey.
Here, fix that pls.![]()
Can i use a nuclear bomb as a cure?