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Cincinnati braces for footage release in campus cop killing (Up: Murder charge)

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I just don't understand being called a racist and cop sympathizer because I asked a simple question.

There was a lot of back lash at you.

Who called you racist though?

I think people including me thought the question was kind of moot. When so much more important stuff is going on.


Can't watch people get killed, couldn't even bring myself to watch a second of it...

I think they really need to reconsider how police training is done as well as psych evaluation..

I mean yeah, there are knuckle heads out there that the cops have to look out for and not let their guard down..

But the citizens are jumpy and the cops are jumpy, and the cops will shoot if you get jumpy. Couple that with the fact that some people just straight up become a fidgety mess when pulled over because well...all of what's been going on, it's a recipe for disaster

It's a hard equation to solve for sure. Our police culture is so far beyond other 1st world police forces. Police tend to be better people and not as willing to murder people for shits and giggles when they aren't given insane power and law immunity. These facets remove the selection bias towards better candidates that is found in other countries (who know they are putting their life on the line and can't just gun people down), and it means any shhmuck that wants this authority can have it. But these factors which I believe are the root (there are many branching solutions) of shiftiness in U.S. policing phill not be changed for decades imo.


There was a lot of back lash at you.

Who called you racist though?

I think people including me thought the question was kind of moot. When so much more important stuff is going on.

Honestly, what the hell is there to play devil's advocate about? Outside of being a racist, shitty cop sympathizing dick and making terrible attempts to justify this fuckboy cop's actions, what innocent intentions do you have with playing devil's advocate? Its fruitless.

On the question, I was just curious. Trying to find a reason for the guy starting his car. Yes, it's kind of moot and there is more important stuff. But it was just a harmless question trying to find a reason why he would start his car.
Are these cops complete idiots?
This is crazy.


They're operating from a system of power that shields them from responsibility and accountability. He lied and another officer lied with him.

It just so happened that in this situation it couldn't be spun, at least from the standpoint of the indictment. We'll see if there's a conviction.
On the question, I was just curious. Trying to find a reason for the guy starting his car.

Hm. They might have jumped the gun.

I think people are just tired of this stuff in threads that deal with cops killing black people or any thread that has race as a part of it. It always has this side discussion that discredits the victim in some way, whether or not it's intentionally done. Its like a broken record.


Ubisoft Marketing
What the hell is going on with the EOF/ use of force models and training in the States, especially for cops? Holy shit, it gets more and more terrible with each passing week.

And especially in this instance, anyone even remotely trying to defend any part of this cop's actions can get in the damn sea with that crap.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Guys it's not urine or alcohol or an explosive compound, or the blood of a dead god, or whatever other "devil's advocate" out there argument you want to make up.

Watch the bloody video, he says it's air freshener and gives it to the cop. Do you people really think the cop would take the bottle examine it and then simply put it away if it were alcohol? Or whatever other nonsense "maybe it's..." some of you have been coming up with?

You have no sense of humor.


Hm. They might have jumped the gun.

I think people are just tired of this stuff in threads that deal with cops killing black people or any thread that has race as a part of it. It always has this side discussion that discredits the victim in some way, whether or not it's intentionally done. Its like a broken record.

I can get that. I normally stay out of the discussions, but I saw how certain some were that it was whatever he said it was, or pee. So I just wanted to pose the question.
On the question, I was just curious. Trying to find a reason for the guy starting his car. Yes, it's kind of moot and there is more important stuff. But it was just a harmless question trying to find a reason why he would start his car.

That man was a wanted animal rapist.
What if the cop was Brad Pitt and the driver was Kevin Spacey?

I just don't understand being called a racist and cop sympathizer because I asked a simple question.

From my time here and threads I have thumbed through in the past on cop killing blacks, white privilege, racism, cause for the American Civil War, etc. there is always those subtle posters that like to concern troll or try to turn the tables ever so slightly to their liking and people call it out because of how toxic it is to the real discussion and how disingenuous it is. Sadly, people who don't have those same intentions and are just innocently posting get caught in the crossfire because they don't see what these people are trying to do and use the same or similar arguments.

Sorry for lashing out. I didn't intend to call you a cop sympathizer in my post.

But just know in the future about statements like the devil's advocate one people are using or how some want to ask questions about a bottle or ID and not the dude he took a bullet to the head for no objective reason. Its hard to know who is playing who so, its easier for most people to just go ahead and call them out and not even waste time arguing with people speaking in code.
From my time here and threads I have thumbed through in the past on cop killing blacks, white privilege, racism, cause for the American Civil War, etc. there is always those subtle posters that like to concern troll or try to turn the tables ever so slightly to their liking and people call it out because of how toxic it is to the real discussion and how disingenuous it is. Sadly, people who don't have those same intentions and are just innocently posting get caught in the crossfire because they don't see what these people are trying to do and use the same or similar arguments.

Sorry for lashing out. I didn't intend to call you a cop sympathizer in my post.

But just know in the future about statements like the devil's advocate one people are using or how some want to ask questions about a bottle or ID and not the dude he took a bullet to the head for no objective reason. Its hard to know who is playing who so, its easier for most people to just go ahead and call them out and not even waste time arguing with people speaking in code.

Thats understandable. I think discussing beforehand what happened merely exemplifies why this was a senseless killing. Thats just me. Though if people are tired of that since its been "discussed to death" apparently people can go back to mocking others with memes. This page is just full of that alone.


From my time here and threads I have thumbed through in the past on cop killing blacks, white privilege, racism, cause for the American Civil War, etc. there is always those subtle posters that like to concern troll or try to turn the tables ever so slightly to their liking and people call it out because of how toxic it is to the real discussion and how disingenuous it is. Sadly, people who don't have those same intentions and are just innocently posting get caught in the crossfire because they don't see what these people are trying to do and use the same or similar arguments.

Sorry for lashing out. I didn't intend to call you a cop sympathizer in my post.

But just know in the future about statements like the devil's advocate one people are using or how some want to ask questions about a bottle or ID and not the dude he took a bullet to the head for no objective reason. Its hard to know who is playing who so, its easier for most people to just go ahead and call them out and not even waste time arguing with people speaking in code.

You are forgiven. I get that what matters in the end is this guy was murdered.

I'm only trying to paint the picture in my head of the whole situation. And what's in the bottle/why he started his car are part of that situation. Hence, my question.


Are these cops complete idiots?
This is crazy.

He was almost pretty smart. Just think. If this had happened last year he'd be on paid vacation right now, and would probably have gotten sympathy for having to go through all of this. And he would have 100% gotten away with it.

Officer to corroborate the story, dead black guy driving with a bottle and without his license, nothing out of the ordinary here. Brave officer just doing his duty. Makes you think.
Thats understandable. I think discussing beforehand what happened merely exemplifies exactly why this was a senseless killing. Thats just me. Though if people are tired of that since its been "discussed to death" apparently people can go back to mocking others with memes. This page is just full of that alone.

Its what happens when people open up the side discussions like "why the black man had to cut his car on and drive off."

We don't need it because it gives opportunities to dehumanize or undermine the victim and there are people who are cavaliers in that shit.

He was almost pretty smart. Just think. If this had happened last year he'd be on paid vacation right now, and would probably have gotten sympathy for having to go through all of this. And he would have 100% gotten away with it.

Officer to corroborate the story, dead black guy driving with a bottle and without his license, nothing out of the ordinary here. Brave officer just doing his duty. Makes you think.

No body cam would have definitely got him off as well.

We had footage of the Walmart black man getting shot after there were obvious lies being told on what happened and what was reported and how the cops handled the situation and nothing came out of that.
I didn't intend to call you a cop sympathizer in my post.

It's not even like sympathizing with cops is a bad thing! LEOs have a tough job that I wouldn't do. I thank them for that. But there's a wide gulf between that and having carte blanche to enforce and abuse the law as you see fit with no consequences.


He was almost pretty smart. Just think. If this had happened last year he'd be on paid vacation right now, and would probably have gotten sympathy for having to go through all of this. And he would have 100% gotten away with it.

Officer to corroborate the story, dead black guy driving with a bottle and without his license, nothing out of the ordinary here. Brave officer just doing his duty. Makes you think.

Think about all the decades this has been going on. *shudders*


He was almost pretty smart. Just think. If this had happened last year he'd be on paid vacation right now, and would probably have gotten sympathy for having to go through all of this. And he would have 100% gotten away with it.

Officer to corroborate the story, dead black guy driving with a bottle and without his license, nothing out of the ordinary here. Brave officer just doing his duty. Makes you think.

Yep, that's the harrowing thing about all this. Before the video came out we'd basically accepted that this was going to be another unresolved killing of a black man by the police and like you said, just last year this officer absolutely would have gotten away with this.
Its what happens when people open up the side discussions like "why the black man had to cut his car on and drive off."

We don't need it because it gives opportunities to dehumanize or undermine the victim and there are people who are cavaliers in that shit.

Don't you think thats kind of sad we can't have an open discussion about all the points without having trolls or assholes with an agenda come in?
Don't you think thats kind of sad we can't have an open discussion about all the points without having trolls or assholes with an agenda come in?

Yes, but some of the discussions do fall into the victim blaming area or entertain it. Not to close out all discussion and solely spend time saying how shitty the cop or the system is, but I believe there is no point in discussing why he has no ID or the bottle he had in his car. Its almost like asking why the girl had to wear those tight jeans when she was sexually assaulted in my view.


Don't you think thats kind of sad we can't have an open discussion about all the points without having trolls or assholes with an agenda come in?

some points aren't important to the police officers choices. But those are the ones that people want to argue more so than acknowledging the gigantic ongoing daily problem, to share the blame aka victim blame. As long as people can give 1% of blame to the dead black man, I imagine it helps people deal with the nation better.


I'm in line with you on that idea.

The issue is the predisposition to believe harm is coming. That's not always based on race, but in many cases, that also feeds into officer interactions. Someone else brought up our ready access to gun as another potential issue. Or poor training. Or a system that places the officer's life above that of the citizen. There's a number of issues that feed into situations like this and compliance is only one small facet. And that's before we get into the idea of compliance in the face of unlawful requests

Yeah definitely; very small compared to the other issues. I understand the strong reaction to it being brought up and agree for the most part.


Victim blaming and a slippery slope...
I sincerely hope you're trolling

Naw, I don't believe you're serious. Good shot at it though, had me going for a whole.

Uncooperative subject could do anything?

Disobeying a cop means you shoot get shot.


For the life of me I can't figure out what was going through the cop's mind when he shot him. Was the driver turning on the car enough of an instigator to take the situation from 0 to 100? The progression is mind boggling.

Edit: Oh lawd, there always has to be that one guy:

Did I ever say I agreed with the officer's action? A lot of you guys on here are asking what possibly went through the officers mind. I was giving another way of looking at things. I give another view of what might of went through the officer's mind , and i'm trolling. Some of ya'll are quick to judge without looking at the facts objectively. More than likely, he will use this defense in court.

He will lose because he violated Tenessee vs Garner (1985). He used obsessive amounts of force to seize for the situation which violated Sam Dubose's 4th amendment right.

It's unfortunate that this officer's judgement was bad and resulted in a end of a life. He will now have to face his judgement.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I do, just not when discussing about someone being murdered in cold blood for absolutely no reason. Much like I wouldn't make jokes in a thread about other heinous crimes.

Oh, dear...
I meant that the air freshener comment by the victim was possibly a joke about a bottle of pee.
Yes, but some of the discussions do fall into the victim blaming area or entertain it. Not to close out all discussion and solely spend time saying how shitty the cop or the system is, but I believe there is no point in discussing why he has no ID or the bottle he had in his car. Its almost like asking why the girl had to wear those tight jeans when she was sexually assaulted in my view.

some points aren't important to the police officers choices. But those are the ones that people want to argue more so than acknowledging the gigantic ongoing daily problem, to share the blame aka victim blame. As long as people can give 1% of blame to the dead black man, I imagine it helps people deal with the nation better.

I'm in the camp that likes to look at the whole thing and discuss it. Not because I'm trying to make arguments against something but just to talk about it. Its more of an analytical thing. To try and cover all angles and come to my own conclusion about what happened and why it happened/or didn't have to happen. Maybe So i can apply it to my own life some day. Of course people assume that somehow if people discuss one thing that somehow you're making arguments against someone. So basically we can't have a discussion because people get defensive because simply by stating something that somehow means you're arguing for it. Take your example above about someone asking why was the girl wear tight clothing if we were discussing say a rape case. I'm sure if I was discussing the issue and stated she was drunk people would of gotten defensive and attacked me merely for stating something that could of been a fact. Like somehow I'm validating her rape because she was drunk. Its ridiculous.

Also while I believe argueing for change is a good thing I'm going to learn some life lessons that may keep me safe because not everything changes for the better. A good example in my life where I applied that was when I was pulled over with a friend at 2 am in the morning on our way home. No reason to stop us at all but we were. While talking to the police officer we were asked what we were up to and a friend of mine said we just came back from a friends after playing video games. He was clearly nervous and he reached into his pocket to grab some controllers and I saw the officer reach for his gun. After that I desculated the situation since I knew that he was thinking my friend may have been going for a weapon. Its nice to argue whats right and wrong but that doesn't matter if you are dead. So No I don't think the cop was nowhere in the right however I would never act the way the victim did. I don't need to give a reason for a trigger happy or a nervous cop to shoot me. Hopefully people look at this video and learn something by it. Learn to look out for yourselves in these situations.


Don't you think thats kind of sad we can't have an open discussion about all the points without having trolls or assholes with an agenda come in?

It is sad when you can't have an open discussion correct, Kind of like if you have any other opinion on the matter besides fuck all pigs right?
I'm in the camp that likes to look at the whole thing and discuss it. Not because I'm trying to make arguments against something but just to talk about it. Its more of an analytical thing. To try and cover all angles and come to my own conclusion about what happened and why it happened/or didn't have to happen. Maybe So i can apply it to my own life some day. Of course people assume that somehow if people discuss one thing that somehow you're making arguments against someone. So basically we can't have a discussion because people get defensive because simply by stating something that somehow means you're arguing for it. Take your example above about someone asking why was the girl wear tight clothing if we were discussing say a rape case. I'm sure if I was discussing the issue and stated she was drunk people would of gotten defensive and attacked me merely for stating something that could of been a fact. Like somehow I'm validating her rape because she was drunk. Its ridiculous.
What objective conclusion are you going to come to when you discuss a bottle or ID in a situation where someone was murdered for no reason in a second?

It's not "ridiculous" to call out unnecessary, unrelated arguments. It's being focused on what matters. There's no reason we collectively have to entertain derails and unimportant information.


It won't be when you find out that he was a knight of Templar and that the bottle contained the very essence of the holy grail.

People will always look for low hanging fruit or anything that can prevent them from having to address the real issue.

yeah! bad police training!

we obviously need more funding for better police training, and more money to hire better police. Unfortunately, so many of our tax dollars go to entitlements, while people out there are dying.
your admitting that inherently as a black person your a second class human. Your asking a whole ethnicity to behave in a way as to not be at fault for being killed. Don't you think that's incredible fucked. Like he's black, he should have know to be extraordinary courteous and be aware of all local laws so he won't have a reason to be pulled over.

This post hasn't gotten enough attention.

Fuck compliance.


Echoing the popular sentiment around here, seems like straight up murder.

What kind of cop escalates to that level in such a small window of time? Over starting a car? Thank God for body cams.


Slowing it down to 0.25 really shows who's fault it is.

The cop attempts to open the guys car door without warning, only saying "go ahead and take your seatbelt off for me" then lunges into the car to get either the steering wheel, ingnition or something else, but ends up grabbing the guy's seat belt.

The guy in the car reels back, covers his head and is shot, causing his body to spasm and hit the acceleration.

The altercation took place before the car started moving.

Cop done fucked up.
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