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'City of the Dead' will be "goriest game ever made" - American McGee


works for Gamestop (lol)

Mon, 02 Aug 2004

i love zombies
george romero is the undisputed father of zombie gore cinema. franchises like "resident evil" and even "doom" take many of their style cues and world rules from the early romero films. needless to say, there are few things more creepy than dead people who won't *die*.

recently my company tmiec partnered with asylum entertainment to bring to life a new romero concept called "city of the dead". we're now in the process of shopping the interactive rights to games publishers. the tagline for the product is "the goriest game ever made". we hope to bruise a few psyches with this one.
below are a couple of concept images. you can also check out the concept overview document.

if you're a publisher looking for a new piece of IP with pre-sold awareness and a huge built-in marketing you need not look much further than this. romero's most recent film, a remake of dawn of the dead, knocked "the passion of christ" out of the #1 slot a few months back. a second film was just green-lit, and a third is in the works. romero himself would be happy to be involved in the development... and yours truly is available as well :) we also have an amazing development team lined up and ready to go. contact me if you'd like more info about the license.

Click on picture for bigger pic
Those two games are outrageous in other ways... The concepts alone sucked.

This at least has zombies and Romero going for it, therefore I am interested.


is gore even a strong selling point anymore? I mean, yeh in the early to mid 90s I'd say so, but not really today.


Molyneoux (or however u spell his name), already promised us this. Although from what ive seen of B.C, it doesn't seem all that bloody.
To me, there's a certain point where violence and gore stops being a cool detail and becomes disturbing. Soldier of Fortune! Look! You can shoot his limbs off when he's already dead!


It's a bit surprising that no one has licensed the Living Dead franchise for a game so far. You would think somebody would have grabbed it as soon as Resident Evil became popular.


Someone needs to come up with a really advanced particle system to handle blood and gore before I'd be really amazed again. I've heard Conker's system for handling blood/poo/goo is pretty sweet.

Just a limb coming off with no veins and muscle and matter spewing out isn't impressive. It's like pulling apart a daddy long legs spider, there is no pay off.


Soldier of fortune multiplayer: "Hmmm, why the **** can't I climb this latter? Oh, my leg is off. How awkvard. :D"
Conker: Live and Reloaded's "Globular" blood effects look really dumb...Rare is really proud of it according to OXM, but it just looks stupid IMO.


SKluck said:
Someone needs to come up with a really advanced particle system to handle blood and gore before I'd be really amazed again. I've heard Conker's system for handling blood/poo/goo is pretty sweet.

Just a limb coming off with no veins and muscle and matter spewing out isn't impressive. It's like pulling apart a daddy long legs spider, there is no pay off.

Yeah, I want to see people shit themselves when they're shot in gut several times, or people staggering around attempting to fight/live instead of just jerking a bit and falling down
the tagline for the product is "the goriest game ever made".
*shrug* To me the gore in the Romero movies was incidental. It was the aloneness and lack of escape that was really scary.

if you're a publisher looking for a new piece of IP with pre-sold awareness and a huge built-in marketing you need not look much further than this. romero's most recent film, a remake of dawn of the dead, knocked "the passion of christ" out of the #1 slot a few months back.
Well, except Romero had nothing to do with it and thinks of it as a decent popcorn flick at best.

a second film was just green-lit, and a third is in the works.
Are sequels to the Dawn remake coming? Or is he now mixing in Land of the Dead (which was recently green-lit, and which Romero is actually working on) and Day of the Dead: Contagium (which has already shot, is low budget, and again has nothing to do with Romero)?

Rhindle said:
It's a bit surprising that no one has licensed the Living Dead franchise for a game so far. You would think somebody would have grabbed it as soon as Resident Evil became popular.
The problem with a game that would truly be accurate to the movies (as opposed to a separate-but-still-zombie project as this appears to be), is that it would be so easy to lose. Zombie bites you, you're pretty much screwed. Either you amputate a body part quickly or are condemned to become a zombie in time.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
NOTHING Asylum has or ever will make will:

A - come out

B - be any good

They did a game called FREAKS about 4 years ago. Where is it now? Then Curse of Isis - did it even come out?

Forget it. Despite McGee and Romero, this'll be trash.


City of the Dead will be the "goriest game ever made"? Big fucking deal. I don't make my game-buying decisions based on how many buckets of gore are on the DVD. If that's the tagline for the game, it suggests to me that they don't have anything else worth bragging about, which is hardly a glowing endorsement. However, I do hope they find a sucker... er, taker for the project so Mr. McGee can afford to buy himself a new keyboard to blog with, since the shift key on the one he has now is obviously busted. :p
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