Zzoram said:Man achievements are a bit bugged. I just won as Greece on a Duel map at Prince difficulty and got none of the achievements for that.
What do they look like?Beowulf28 said:Anybody else having weird graphical issues popping up every now and then?
Like the sky is falling :/zoku88 said:What do they look like?
EDIT: And fitting that I have my first crash right when I post that >_<
czartim said:Yeah.![]()
czartim said:Yeah.![]()
trinest said:For those who have played the demo- how long is it and what does it allow access to?
Seth C said:You get to play as one of three leaders/countries (Persia, Greece, Egypt), each of which has a unique map (same map each time you play as a specific ruler). You get 100 turns and then the game ends.
I like the new tech "trading". Both civilizations get a technology that neither has. Useful if you're so advanced that you're just technologically ahead of everyone else, anyway.DurielBlack said:Wait, they really did take that out?
I forsee I will not be seeing much of the diplomacy screen at all in Civ V. Technology trading seems like a bust, and now no map trading?
Akim said:and 100 turns is definitely not enough!
zoku88 said:I like the new tech "trading". Both civilizations get a technology that neither has. Useful if you're so advanced that you're just technologically ahead of everyone else, anyway.
eznark said:Definitely my least favorite part of the game so far.
Reading Chick's review I really do agree with the text. I think he was maybe overly harsh but clearly he values the diplomacy aspect more than I do.
http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3181540Norante said:Can I have a linky to that review?
I forgot to mention the nuclear attack animation. Now it DOES looks like a proper hydrogen flare :lol :lol
zoku88 said:I like the new tech "trading". Both civilizations get a technology that neither has. Useful if you're so advanced that you're just technologically ahead of everyone else, anyway.
Well, I mean. It's true that you could research a tech or two at the same time that you could do a research agreement for, however, does that really matter? Cleary, 3 techs during the period that you're talking about is better than the 2 that you said you could get done in that frame.DurielBlack said:Admittedly I only have had enough time with the game to do one Research Treaty but it seemed about worthless. For 600 gold and 90 turns I could get a new random tech. Now this was marathon mode but 90 turns seemed a bit far-fetched when every available tech to be researched on my tree at the time could have been done in about 30-35 turns.
You also don't get to control the tech you get, and may end up with something thats worthless to your plans.
I'll reserve final judgement for when I have had more play time.
Oh, and its one more thing you can't trade to civs to keep them happy or to get access to strategic resources which are even more key now that they are limited.
Maybe I just suck, but its not even close to enough to even get a good feel for the game. Too many of those turns are wasted doing basic upgrades and getting to a decent level. Unless you go all out army, you really can't do anything worthwhile.Akim said:and 100 turns is definitely not enough!
eznark said:
Respect +10
1Up just picked up an extra life in my opinion. Been worried for a while now that they'd simply gone the route of other review sites - placating to the developers and apathetically serving as a mouthpiece of advertising.
But look at that . . . an honest, in-the-trenches review! Good on you. Please keep 'em coming.
Finally a reviewer who doesn't take kickbacks
Tom, I often wonder if IGN and the rest are taking kickbacks -- they always rate expensive franchise games highly, even though as a player I can't understand their enthusiasm. As a Civilization fanatic I can already tell I'll agree with you when I play this game. Thanks for being a voice I trust. And thank you as well for your excellent writing in this review. It shows a care and an eye for detail that I admire. --niftyc
Tom Chick: One of the last honest reviewers left.
If this reviewer cared about any of your opinions concerning his credibility, he would've stopped writing reviews a long time ago.
At least he's backing up his score with facts, not hyperbole like "In case you haven't guessed already, Grand Theft Auto IV is a game that you simply have to play." (Gamespot) or "Heavy Rain is a hell of an experience." (IGN) Umm... No, GTA IV was not a game I had to play and yes, Heavy Rain was a hell of an experience in the literal sense.
Good reviewers are like non-obese Americans. They're few and far between and they refuse to drink the Kool-aid. Learn from Tom Chick, future game writers! Learn, I say!
Thanks Tom
Thank you Tom Chick for taking your job seriously. It's near impossible to find an honest review nowadays. Keep up the good work.
Jenga said:...Civ has haters? Really?
Someone made a nice comparison post showing the topics shitting on Civ4 compared to Civ3 when it came out. Lots of the same things.Archie said:I was reading the CivFanatics forum and there is alot of hate for the game. I love it so *shrug*
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Someone made a nice comparison post showing the topics shitting on Civ4 compared to Civ3 when it came out. Lots of the same things.
I love both, but I really love Civ5 so far.
I've been listening to the civ 4 soundtrack all day lol.Archie said:I eagerly await the mod that puts Baba Yetu back as the title music. I'm searching CivFanatics right now to no avail.
Archie said:Yeah, I saw that thread. Civ5 can seem kinda barren compared to Civ4, but I think people are forgetting what vanilla Civ4 was like. That game had five years to mature into the product it is today. I'm sure Civ5 will be a totally different beast in 2015, and then people will bitch about Civ6 stating that it isn't as good as its prequel.
:lol :lolVGChampion said:I want 5 but I've barely put a dent in 4. I bought the complete pack on Steam two sales ago and still haven't even installed the expansions.
Half the time I'm stuck on the menu screen just to listen to Baba Yetu.
:lolTheQueen'sOwn said:Just as I was getting ready to kick some ass the demo ended. Motherfucker.
Unless it's super complicated, I think all you need to do is convert the mp3 from Civ4 into a .wav file then just rename it to the file in \Assets\Sound\Streaming\ or whatever.Archie said:I eagerly await the mod that puts Baba Yetu back as the title music. I'm searching CivFanatics right now to no avail.
Click the panel where your research is (top left corner), it'll open up a list where you can sort your units/cities/etc.Animator said:Is there a way to display\select your units on the map from a list? I have a bitch of a time finding my units when the map is big.
Setting the workers to auto is probably best for a new player, you've got enough going on elsewhere.Whoompthereitis said:Bought this today. First time Civ player. So far it's intimidating, despite how 'friendly' they've made it for first timers. If I set my workers to 'auto build', will that be a pretty safe way to start out?
Any tips if I wanna focus on military might? I'd like to reap and pillage my way through the land.
Miitary Overview, I believe.Animator said:Is there a way to display\select your units on the map from a list? I have a bitch of a time finding my units when the map is big.