Ikuu said:Brilliant, I get Civ V a day early and because it's not unlocked I need to wait until tomorrow.
You can bypass it friend!
Ikuu said:Brilliant, I get Civ V a day early and because it's not unlocked I need to wait until tomorrow.
But without autosave I won't have a recent save if it crashes....Rollo Larson said:not sure if its been suggested already but i think auto-save is whats crashing mine
How?fanboi said:You can bypass it friend!
Ikuu said:How?
Zing said:Did you even play Civ IV? Ignoring your hyperbole, you never needed an extreme amount of units in a stack. I think my record in Civ IV was something like 10.
Jenga said:...Civ has haters? Really?
Thanks, but I've got the retail version so I can't preload.fanboi said:Preload --> close Steam --> Activate proxy/VPN so it looks like you are in USA --> Start game
You should still be able to install it and then set the proxy before launching Steam, right?Ikuu said:Thanks, but I've got the retail version so I can't preload.
Ikuu said:Thanks, but I've got the retail version so I can't preload.
Ikuu said:Nope, install process asks for serial before it lets you do a thing, and once you enter the serial it says the game isn't released yet.
Not sure why you stopped in this thread on your way to Crazytown.dollartaco said:I played the demo. It was fun. On the other hand, I'm not sure why I wouldn't just play Civ4 instead. Seems almost like a new Madden.
I present to you, "Civ3 WAY BETTER than Civ4" wharrrgarbbbl. CivFanatic forum headlines from Civ4's release five years ago.
Lions attacking units... How stupid is that!? (Multi-page thread 1 2)
Entire Game is a bug (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Stupid, Evil Civ IV...
This game is making me mad
TRAGEDY ! How could we COMPARE ?
Civ IV: good, but plenty of bad (Multi-page thread 1 2)
Its the little things the make me INSANE!
Poor Performance
Half Baked Release
Shame on Gamespot and IGN!! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
Why is this game so highly rated? 'myrantings' (Multi-page thread 1 2)
What a let down!
Civ 4 works for me, but I'm still angry!
This game should have been tested longer? (Multi-page thread 1 2)
The spearman just beated my tank , this game sux and its retarded
What in Sid's name is wrong with the multiplayer server selection window?!?!
Useless Advisors (Multi-page thread 1 2)
With All the Complaints, is it worth buying? (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
And many more!!
So far, I'm loving the new combat system. I usually play a more peaceful Civ, but it's been a blast using Nobunaga to blitzkrieg through the entirety of my starting continent. Well, I've let two city-states maintain their independence, but I've already got my armies moving south to take care of Hanoi. After that it's time to take to the sea and annihilate the rest of the world's civilizations! It's only 1200 AD, so we'll see if I can mop things up before the modern era.Solstice said:Actually, I played the shit out of Civ IV. I just got tired of people being able to stack 20 damn units on a single city. I think the new method of one per tile works perfectly, since it makes for more strategic offense & defense.
XiaNaphryz said:Also out of curiosity, have the people that are running into issues with the AI tried playing at harder difficulties? I remember the devs saying they'll make better choices at higher difficulties, whereas it'll be more random at lower ones. Just curious how much of a difference people may have seen yet.
MrPing1000 said:from what the pc gamer uk review said. Increased difficulty only gives the AI opponents resource multipliers. Which is pretty shit.
MrPing1000 said:from what the pc gamer uk review said. Increased difficulty only gives the AI opponents resource multipliers. Which is pretty shit.
Effects of Difficulty
Prince is the middle level. On that level neither you nor your AI opponents get any particular
bonuses. On levels below Prince you get bonuses in happiness and maintenance costs,
and you get better results from Ancient Ruins. Barbarians are less aggressive and less smart
on lower levels, as well.
On levels higher than Prince, the AIs receive increasing bonuses in city growth, production,
and technology. They may also get additional starting units and free techs to boot.
MmmSkyscraper said:PC Gamer are wrong. One of the devs said on the 2 hour live stream that the AI evaluates the available options and will choose based on their comparative strategic values. The higher the difficulty level, the better the choice it makes.
Dishing out higher resource multipliers would be useless if the AI is incapable of making a smart decision.
MmmSkyscraper said:PC Gamer are wrong. One of the devs said on the 2 hour live stream that the AI evaluates the available options and will choose based on their comparative strategic values. The higher the difficulty level, the better the choice it makes.
Dishing out higher resource multipliers would be useless if the AI is incapable of making a smart decision.
On levels higher than Prince, the AIs receive increasing bonuses in city growth, production,
and technology. They may also get additional starting units and free techs to boot.
razgriz417 said:Hey guys, I'm thinking bout getting Civ 5, tried and loved the demo but the 2k forums are riddled with people having technical problems with the game. Has anyone here had the game crash or bug out repeatedly?
That's the way it's always been in Civ. But I wouldn't necessarily take no mention in the manual on it as proof it's not there as I'm sure there's plenty of under-the-hood stuff not mentioned, hence why I was asking if people have seen anything yet from gameplay impressions.Cday said:That's the way it was in Civ IV too.
MjFrancis said:So far, I'm loving the new combat system. I usually play a more peaceful Civ, but it's been a blast using Nobunaga to blitzkrieg through the entirety of my starting continent. Well, I've let two city-states maintain their independence, but I've already got my armies moving south to take care of Hanoi. After that it's time to take to the sea and annihilate the rest of the world's civilizations! It's only 1200 AD, so we'll see if I can mop things up before the modern era.
If I've learned anything about the quirks of Civ V combat, it's that Great Generals are priceless additions to the front lines. It's nice having them separate from individual units so I can position them for maximum coverage. I pretty much station 2-3 catapults within firing range of a city before I declare war so they can strike first before they get softened up too badly. I sweep a few Samurai or Swordsmen from another direction and it's done in 1-3 turns. If I'm ever on the other side of the coin, I'm making sure my cities buy enough hexes to keep siege weapons at bay before war starts and keeping a few units around the city so the capital can hold on a bit longer than this.
I'm pretty sure the Bushido ability is helping this wanton hostility go so smoothly, too.![]()
xbhaskarx said:But without autosave I won't have a recent save if it crashes....
DopeyFish said:It is stupidly difficult to win the game with culture and science - I've built every wonder so far - have +600 culture and +1000 science Have only 30 turns left and i don't think I'll get to the utopia project - :/
Might not even make it to modern era
It's been my focus from the start and vie been pushing hard for it - why is it still difficult? Almost forcing my hand to be militaristic
Were all your cities focused on culture or science production? It seems that splitting between the two isn't really a viable option this time around. Expanding too much will hurt as well - see the Bollywood achievement for example, a 3 city Cultural Victory is supposed to be possible.DopeyFish said:It is stupidly difficult to win the game with culture and science - I've built every wonder so far - have +600 culture and +1000 science Have only 30 turns left and i don't think I'll get to the utopia project - :/
Might not even make it to modern era
It's been my focus from the start and vie been pushing hard for it - why is it still difficult? Almost forcing my hand to be militaristic
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:It's Charles Napier. You know him from a TOOOONNNNNN of stuff.
:lol :lol :loldollartaco said:I played the demo. It was fun. On the other hand, I'm not sure why I wouldn't just play Civ4 instead. Seems almost like a new Madden.
MrCompletely said:I think I've spent about 12 hours now in game... since release, I stayed up playing till 2am (which is very late for me) because I couldn't put it down. This morning I was late to work because on my last turn last night, I produced a great artists and I couldn't wait to pop him on my border with Russia, setting the stage for her border city to flip (please tell me cities can still be flipped with culture).
I've warmed up to the new social policy system. It's better than gov't+religion. There's more room for customization, the policies are reasonably challenging to obtain, and there's long term implications to choosing the policy thats aligned with your goals. The only downside is that policies aren't factored into the personality of your Civ as well (or your competing civs). Policies are really just stat modifiers, but they are significant stat modifiers. For example, piety policies have significant effect on happiness, but you only ever see that reflected in the numbers, it would be nice to get that in the presentation of your civ somehow.
I can't say I've experienced bad AI like the reviewers have. Siam was moving in on Genoa, a city state right on my border. Siam was the most powerful civ at the time, and I wanted to keep them out of Genoa for fear of them encroaching on my borders. The best option was taking Genoa myself, as was with Siam would be very very bad. As friendly nations, we both moved in on Genoa from opposite sides, and I ended up taking the city. Siam became hostile towards me although I didn't attack any of their units. Siam's siege and melee units have been parked outside Genoas border on Siam's side. Additionally, I had a trade agreement for some luxury resources with Siam that expired during this time, and they won't establish any more agreements, squelching my happiness a bit, forcing me to accommodate for happiness by building some coliseums and be stuck with some extra luxury resources.
I could have also used Genoa as a proxy to fight back Siam by gifting military units (other civs dont see when you gift to city states), but it might have been a significant strain on my production, as I'm trying to gear up to take russia.
It just seems like the AI was making all the right moves.. playing on Prince difficulty.
Loving this game so much right now.
Cday said:D2D says the Digital Deluxe content is stored here
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC\DLC_Deluxe\
No such folder exists...
Page 14 of the manual:
That's the way it was in Civ IV too except 100 times worse since you would have the AI building 20 unit deep stacks on their cities every 10 turns.
I love youfanboi said:Preload --> close Steam --> Activate proxy/VPN so it looks like you are in USA --> Start game
panda21 said:anyone in the UK know can you preload it?
Colkate said:You can preload it yes, and you can activate it to play using a proxy as people have mentioned. I've been playing it most of today.