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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


Is there a screen where you can find the surplus or amount of resources you have? Surely you're not supposed to count them one by one?

I played a game on King difficulty where I was focused on conquest, and frankly I had no idea where it was headed even though I built only 2 cities and conquered another ~8. I made most of them as puppet states, and they never seem to grow or contribute much other than the resources in their hexes. While you get more resources, your social policy gets harder to achieve and you keep getting more and more unhappiness. I had extra luxury resources but of the same type, and with no one wanting to trade for them, so that didn't help either on the happiness front and made the resources pointless. Courthouses that take like 40 turns to build never seems worth the trouble when I was around the Medieval eras or earlier. The map also had like 8 militaristic city states and only 1 cultured and maritime city state. It seems like all I was doing was digging myself into a bigger hole as the game progressed.

Also research agreements are too obtuse, I can never tell if they're worth the money.

There's also far too much space for each civilization with the penalties around. Am I supposed to expand or am I not to?


Totakeke said:
Is there a screen where you can find the surplus or amount of resources you have? Surely you're not supposed to count them one by one

I'd love to find that, I've been just proposing trades with people to find what I have but there should be something easier.


Just updated my Nvidia drivers and all my performance woes have magically disappeared. I must have had old drivers or none at all. Loving the game even more now!


There is this guy that gives Starcraft 2 tips (Day9) that said once something like:
On a fighting game, if you screw up, you miss a combo, 20 seconds later you try again. On Starcraft is like, you did something wrong, 20 minutes later, you try again.
This game is like, 5 hours later you go "hum, maybe I should have tried something else". :lol


pilonv1 said:
I'd love to find that, I've been just proposing trades with people to find what I have but there should be something easier.

Top bar there are icons for all resources. Hover and it will show you how many used and how many left. Is that what you mean?


Second-rate Anihawk
Just did a OCC with Ghandi
on Chieftain :'(

I think I'm gonna have to uninstall this game, it is seriously affecting my sleep.


Aselith said:
Top bar there are icons for all resources. Hover and it will show you how many used and how many left. Is that what you mean?

I want the luxury items, I haven't seen them anywhere. I know the Iron & Horses are on the top bar. Maybe I'm just blind but I didn't see stuff like Silver/Wine/Dyes etc there.


FUUUCK. I got all 5 of my civics filled out... ready to build the utopia with 20 turns left until end of the game...Estimated 32 turns to build..

Archie said:
Just did a OCC with Ghandi
on Chieftain :'(

I think I'm gonna have to uninstall this game, it is seriously affecting my sleep.

ALT + TAB to desktop

change clock to pm.

your not tired. you just finished work. time to play.

if needed play on laptop. bring to bathroom. have mom come over and make you some sandwhiches. ask her if she can bring extra toilet paper, rodalon and those things babies have around their necks when they are unfocused but have to eat.


psilva said:
Played the demo. Runs great. Just purchased. Goodbye, world.
I posted this at around 10 pm yesterday. It is now 4:30 am, and I just stopped playing my first game.

We're all fucked.


Bought the game from Steam for my wife - the game keeps crashing after around 2-3 turns. Black screen, I have to alt-tab to windows and kill the process via task manager. Windows runs just fine when the game crashes/freezes, so it seems that it's not hardware related..

Nothing in event log.


Windows 7 Professional x64
Core Quad Q6600
Geforce 8800 GTS 640mb
6gb RAM

All on stock speed, DirectX has been updated and I have the newest 258.96 nVidia drivers.

This has been my wife's only purchase in the last 2 years for PC (Sims 3) and now the game crashes all the time.. poor girl. :(
Any ideas what's causing this? I'm currently making her run the game in DirectX9 mode with minimum details and see what happens..


manzo said:
Bought the game from Steam for my wife - the game keeps crashing after around 2-3 turns. Black screen, I have to alt-tab to windows and kill the process via task manager. Windows runs just fine when the game crashes/freezes, so it seems that it's not hardware related..

Nothing in event log.


Windows 7 Professional x64
Core Quad Q6600
Geforce 8800 GTS 640mb
6gb RAM

All on stock speed, DirectX has been updated and I have the newest 258.96 nVidia drivers.

This has been my wife's only purchase in the last 2 years for PC (Sims 3) and now the game crashes all the time.. poor girl. :(
Any ideas what's causing this? I'm currently making her run the game in DirectX9 mode with minimum details and see what happens..

I honestly didn't see that much difference between DX9 and 10 modes. Just keep it in 9 if it works there.


Rad- said:
I honestly didn't see that much difference between DX9 and 10 modes. Just keep it in 9 if it works there.

After reading from Steam forums and local game forums, it seems that a lot of other people are having the same kind of problems. Look like the game was released as a pretty buggy mess.

Running the game in windowed mode also seems to help...


So what are you guys choosing for your policies? Overall, I've found Piety to be amazing and the military one to be pretty bad. Tradition and Liberty are both OK, with tradition being better in most cases.


pilonv1 said:
I want the luxury items, I haven't seen them anywhere. I know the Iron & Horses are on the top bar. Maybe I'm just blind but I didn't see stuff like Silver/Wine/Dyes etc there.

Yeah, it's pretty retarded. City States can also give you resources and those resources don't show when you go to the trade screens. So you can trade your own away when city states are already giving you the same resource, but you can't trade the ones they give you away. Plus sometimes when everyone already has the resources you have, you can't see them on the trade screen either. So you have to go and count on the map and go through several screens just to get the information you need.

leroidys said:
So what are you guys choosing for your policies? Overall, I've found Piety to be amazing and the military one to be pretty bad. Tradition and Liberty are both OK, with tradition being better in most cases.

Piety seems tied to cultural wins, Honor seems like the best choice in most games, Liberty I've had trouble evaluating how good it is, Tradition is what it is. Actually it seems like better to just save your social policies for later eras in a lot of situations.

Also I can't believe they don't let you order your save games by time, that's pretty lame.


As eznark once said, in a very different context, "I dig liberty."

The Liberty tree is pretty cool.

The problem is that this game, unlike previous Civs, heavily punishes / prevents / slows expansion. The key thing you need to keep pace is lots of gold to pay maintenance for buildings that raise happiness.

To that end, I'm exploring the Commerce tree as well now, and I like it - a couple of things have slowed me down from finishing my first game as many as you have. For one I'm playing Marathon - I really liked marathon in last civ, but boy it takes a lot longer for anything to happen in this game. The others are all fighting over the computer / not getting enough sleep related - I crashed last night at 0930, my wife found me asleep on the couch with Civ 5 going. :lol

I'm thinking Liberty, Commerce, Rationalism is a powerful combo since population so heavily drives science, and gold supports the buildings to make a large population happy and growing.


Commerce seems like only really worth investing to if you have a lot of coastal cities or your capital generates a ton of gold. The maintenance reduction for roads isn't that great either in this tree, if you're mostly coastal, you can avoid making roads to connect your cities together. Like the liberty tree, it feels like too much for too little for me in most situations.
Ok so i have played the demo quite a few times and i have tried like 3 times to take down a citystate and the most i could muster in terms of units was two warriors, a unit of spearmen and two units of archers and yet the citystate ripped the ever living shit out of my units in like two turns, am i doing something wrong or is it way to early in a game with less than 100 turns to take someone out? Or am i just doing the attacking wrong?


EvilDick34 said:
Ok so i have played the demo quite a few times and i have tried like 3 times to take down a citystate and the most i could muster in terms of units was two warriors, a unit of spearmen and two units of archers and yet the citystate ripped the ever living shit out of my units in like two turns, am i doing something wrong or is it way to early in a game with less than 100 turns to take someone out? Or am i just doing the attacking wrong?

You should be able to handle a city state fine even at higher difficulties. I don't see why you would have trouble unless the city state has really high population. Either that or you're horribly behind in tech. Did you position your units correctly having your archers behind your melee units? Also were you attacking across a river? Pay attention to the terrain modifiers.

You can also go into the honor tree and get a free great general which boosts your units by 25%. Get a medic promotion somewhere within your units if you're able to too.


Totakeke said:
Commerce seems like only really worth investing to if you have a lot of coastal cities or your capital generates a ton of gold. The maintenance reduction for roads isn't that great either in this tree, if you're mostly coastal, you can avoid making roads to connect your cities together. Like the liberty tree, it feels like too much for too little for me in most situations.

True enough. The naval buff is going to be helpful to me pretty soon, though. I own my continent, Bismarck is like 500 points ahead of me and there's still 3 rival civs left on his continent.

I just found an ancient ruins in the middle of nowhere, though, and my shiny new knight, once a chariot archer with 450ish xp is now a shinier new cavalry. I'm actually kind of curious how much damage it can do to Bismarck right now all by itself, but that would be something of a waste, I guess.

I don't suppose he'd have much luck or much interest in attacking me, but I also don't suppose I'll win if I leave that continent completely alone.
Totakeke said:
You should be able to handle a city state fine even at higher difficulties. I don't see why you would have trouble unless the city state has really high population. Either that or you're horribly behind in tech. Did you position your units correctly having your archers behind your melee units? Also were you attacking across a river? Pay attention to the terrain modifiers.

You can also go into the honor tree and get a free great general which boosts your units by 25%. Get a medic promotion somewhere within your units if you're able to too.

I'm new to Civ, first time ever playing and i just dont have enough knowledge of these things. However yes i always have my archers behind the melee units, but even outside the citystate borders they can reach my archers after they finish off my units. Now the only promotions i have seen for my units are insta heal, which seems to be a one time thing and then a choice to level up in rough terrain fighting and one in open land fighting. I must really suck or something. In most instances i have not had to cross a river to engage them.


EvilDick34 said:
I'm new to Civ, first time ever playing and i just dont have enough knowledge of these things. However yes i always have my archers behind the melee units, but even outside the citystate borders they can reach my archers after they finish off my units. Now the only promotions i have seen for my units are insta heal, which seems to be a one time thing and then a choice to level up in rough terrain fighting and one in open land fighting. I must really suck or something. In most instances i have not had to cross a river to engage them.

Nah, the Medic is the promotion you can only get as your second promotion. Instant heal is instant heal and it's also useful when you're trying to take down a city. Use it if you have to.

I think the problem is that you're doing it too slow? You should surround the city state, take out their units, and start sieging within a turn or two. The city state itself should do like 2-3 damage per turn and that shouldn't kill your units before you can reach them. You can leave your melees at front sitting idle while you wear down the city with your archers then go in for the kill.

Or maybe you're going in with wounded units? Make sure you heal up before you start going in. Units only heal if they haven't done anything for the turn. You can use the fortify until healed button (H) and they'll sit idle until they heal to full. I believe they also heal faster in your own territory if I'm not wrong. You can also just keep pressing spacebar each turn to skip their turn until they heal.


This game is freaking awesome.

After I went out yesterday when I came home I had to finish my fucking match, 300 turns more :D

Political victory FTW! I only had 2 battalions from the start of the game, never built any more militar units in all the game.!

Loving it so far, would like a button to advance 5 turns if nothing important happens in order to speed up the process when building big things with no imminent threats.


leroidys said:
So what are you guys choosing for your policies? Overall, I've found Piety to be amazing and the military one to be pretty bad. Tradition and Liberty are both OK, with tradition being better in most cases.

I went Liberty and Piety in my first game, which I never quite finished, but they were working out great for really expanding with Settler/Worker bonuses for early expansion and then the happiness from connected cities from Liberty and the reduced unhappiness from Piety.

Second game I went Liberty + Commerce... and won by a domination victory. I love commerce for the purchasing discount and of course extra money, I just bought all my colosseums and then when I went to war I bought all my units. The extra happiness per luxury was nice for later on when I really needed all the extra happiness I could get.

The first one in Honor is awesome, and double exp seems like it would be great - I really wish I had had that in my domination game, but it sucks that you stop gaining exp from barbarians so quickly. ;p

Next I'm trying for a cultural victory, going Tradition + Honor first. I tried one game out as Songhai and it was going pretty damn well (built Stonehenge first on Emperor) but then I got tied up in a nasty war with someone who had tons of units. Next time I will buy more units with my 117 gold per crappy barbarian encampment I destroy to deter people from bullying me. ;p

So overall I'm liking them all so far!

Oh yeah and how in the world is it 5am... >_<


Totakeke said:
Nah, the Medic is the promotion you can only get as your second promotion. Instant heal is instant heal and it's also useful when you're trying to take down a city. Use it if you have to.

I think the problem is that you're doing it too slow? You should surround the city state, take out their units, and start sieging within a turn or two. The city state itself should do like 2-3 damage per turn and that shouldn't kill your units before you can reach them. You can leave your melees at front sitting idle while you wear down the city with your archers then go in for the kill.

Or maybe you're going in with wounded units? Make sure you heal up before you start going in. Units only heal if they haven't done anything for the turn. You can use the fortify until healed button (H) and they'll sit idle until they heal to full. I believe they also heal faster in your own territory if I'm not wrong. You can also just keep pressing spacebar each turn to skip their turn until they heal.

It may have to do with the demo settings, too. I don't have the full game yet (though I have all the other Civ games) but I was able to easily kill one of Rome's expansion cities and could barely dent Helsinki with five units. You can't really build up much in the demo, it's hard enough to even get Swordsmen on the field before the turn limit is hit.


Wallach said:
It may have to do with the demo settings, too. I don't have the full game yet (though I have all the other Civ games) but I was able to easily kill one of Rome's expansion cities and could barely dent Helsinki with five units. You can't really build up much in the demo, it's hard enough to even get Swordsmen on the field before the turn limit is hit.

Could be, but you really don't need much to take down a city state. I took down a population 4 city state with a warrior using just 1 spearman (upgraded from hut) and 2 archers supported with a great general at king difficulty without any trouble at all.


Totakeke said:
Could be, but you really don't need much to take down a city state. I took down a population 4 city state with a warrior using just 1 spearman (upgraded from hut) and 2 archers supported with a great general at king difficulty without any trouble at all.
Tech of city states upgrade differently than rival civs, so it's quite possible for them to match you in military tech while the rest of the civs are still in the stone age. I faced a city state with riflemen when I was the only one in the whole game with gunpowder.


Aaron said:
Tech of city states upgrade differently than rival civs, so it's quite possible for them to match you in military tech while the rest of the civs are still in the stone age. I faced a city state with riflemen when I was the only one in the whole game with gunpowder.

I'd hardly call warrior vs spearman an advantage in tech. It's 6 vs 7. Tech difference isn't the issue here.
My first game of CIV 5 (i played for 8 hours in one sitting :lol):

>playing as germany
>spawn on a continent with egypt india and 10 city states
>build about 25 cities
>start building an army
>kill 7 city states
>india goes mad at me
>kill 2 units and they offer me peace
>kill kuala lumpur
>ramses and ghandi team up
>destroy india completly
>ramses offers me peace
>later comments that my army looks weak i have future technology he is in renaisance
>turn 492 - start war with egypt
>he is totaly destroyed by turn 499

I must say this is an excellent game. Really happy to have got it. Never played a Civ game before so there's plenty to learn. But honestly, this game really ticks all the right boxes. The options are excellent, graphics are excellent (and the text is readable in 1080p for a change) and the whole thing is just so polished and well, logical! Definitely the best PC purchase I've made this year!


Wallach said:
It may have to do with the demo settings, too. I don't have the full game yet (though I have all the other Civ games) but I was able to easily kill one of Rome's expansion cities and could barely dent Helsinki with five units. You can't really build up much in the demo, it's hard enough to even get Swordsmen on the field before the turn limit is hit.

If you want to kill stuff in the demo you need to rush to catapults. I didn't have much problem wiping out the England as Persia (Immortals are really good).


lastplayed said:
She really wants peace. :lol

Funny thing is I only went to war with her because Germany asked me too. Our forces never even met.

They definitely need to down that down in future patches. The AI gives up far too easily. It could also be part of their "AI plays to win" design... which is terrible so far.


What do I need to do to run the DX10 mode? Do I need to install DX11 (my GPU isn't DX11)? It just says "Requires update".

Also, can't seem to enable MSAA ingame.

And I seem to be having the problem I saw some people in this thread having, the intro plays for a few seconds then skips to the main menu.


Firebrand said:
What do I need to do to run the DX10 mode? Do I need to install DX11 (my GPU isn't DX11)? It just says "Requires update".

Also, can't seem to enable MSAA ingame.

And I seem to be having the problem I saw some people in this thread having, the intro plays for a few seconds then skips to the main menu.
Go to X:\Documents\My Games and open up usersettings.ini and make SkipIntroVideo = 1

Also, is there any way to stop the game from automatically moving the camera to a unit that needs orders? It's so god damn annoying.


OK, clearly I suck at this game, the game I just played I didn't even manage to invent Computers till 2038 :lol so what am I doing wrong? Are there specific starting strategies that are worth trying like there were with Civ 4?


Kills Photobucket
Hope I'm missing something.

I'm playing a long game to get the feel for everything in easy mode.

One thing I liked about Civ IV was an option to automate workers. Can you do that in Civ V? Also can you automate scouts explorers?
DrForester said:
Hope I'm missing something.

I'm playing a long game to get the feel for everything in easy mode.

One thing I liked about Civ IV was an option to automate workers. Can you do that in Civ V? Also can you automate scouts explorers?
Yeah, there's an arrow (>>) at the bottom of the left side-panel when you have a unit selected that hides a few crucial options like that.


Horsebite said:
Go to X:\Documents\My Games and open up usersettings.ini and make SkipIntroVideo = 1

Ah. But... I'd like to see it, just once. :lol EDIT: Might just be me clicking something and it skips once it has loaded the main menu.


Firebrand said:
What do I need to do to run the DX10 mode? Do I need to install DX11 (my GPU isn't DX11)? It just says "Requires update".

Also, can't seem to enable MSAA ingame.
You try this?

Screaming_Gremlin said:
This was happening to me. It turns out for whatever reason Windows 7 had been running Steam in compatibility mode for Vista (with no service pack) the entire time without me knowing. When I tried to turn it off, it was grayed out. I followed this and was able to fix it.
Firebrand said:
Ah. But... I'd like to see it, just once. :lol EDIT: Might just be me clicking something and it skips once it has loaded the main menu.
You can skip the intro without the config file force skip, but only after the game's done loading in the background. Until then, it'll keep playing.


lastplayed said:
She really wants peace. :lol

Funny thing is I only went to war with her because Germany asked me too. Our forces never even met.
Similar thing happened to me but it was a bit more drastic and with George Washington. Felt strange. Anyhow, we were the two biggest civs on the continent, grew to the point we were bordering each other. Friendly the whole time until he got uncomfortable with me. Destroyed Boston and Chicago, and he GAVE me New York, plus money, resources etc. Felt kinda badass. Wiped him off the map before our peace treaty finished. :lol


Harry_Tequila said:
When you're trading with someone, is the value for luxury items the total number you have or the surplus?

You only trade one luxury resource at one time, and the most a civ can get through trade with all the civs is just one copy of the luxury resource provided he doesn't already have it, so the value they provide you on the trading screen is for a single luxury resource. This is different with strategic resources as you can get more than one and state how many exactly you want to trade. That's how I believe it works anyway.

Danj said:
OK, clearly I suck at this game, the game I just played I didn't even manage to invent Computers till 2038 :lol so what am I doing wrong? Are there specific starting strategies that are worth trying like there were with Civ 4?

Science depends mostly on the population you have. It is also affected by the science buildings you have of course. Other ways to advance technologies quicker is to beeline to technologies that lets you get more science, build technology granting wonders, assign scientist specialists and generate great scientists, sign research agreements, and use specific social policies. Advancing through the tech tree quickly is also highly dependent on your use of free techs, most of the time you want the free tech to be the most expensive one and you have to plan for that very carefully.

I think higher difficulties also make technologies more expensive to research.

Since there's no tech trading, your tech advance rate shouldn't depend too much on the difficulty levels. It used to be on civ4 that at lower difficulties, you tend to tech slower since you have no one to trade technologies with. But in Civ V, I think it's mostly on how you play the game.

psilva said:
Similar thing happened to me but it was a bit more drastic and with George Washington. Felt strange. Anyhow, we were the two biggest civs on the continent, grew to the point we were bordering each other. Friendly the whole time until he got uncomfortable with me. Destroyed Boston and Chicago, and he GAVE me New York, plus money, resources etc. Felt kinda badass. Wiped him off the map before our peace treaty finished. :lol

Surely you meant after your peace treaty finished? That would be quite a bug. ;p
Just finished my first game. I had conquered every city apart from the Mayan capital and realised that there was no way to loose (the Mayans were weak, they were fighting my tanks with horses and carts) so I surrounded there capital with artillery cannons, just far enough away that there city could not attack them but if the Mayans ever produced any units they would be destroyed. Then I researched nukes, I got the nukes after 50 or so turns and using my large amounts of money bought 10 nuclear missiles and 5 atomic bombs. The next turn I launched all of them, one after the other at the capital. It was at 0 health after the first few but I didn't care, then I sent one of my guys in to take the city and win the game.

tl;dr this game is awesome


Does anyone have a list of the non-original pieces of music that Civ 5 uses? I recognize most of the pieces but am having trouble remembering composers/titles, and would like to listen to the full versions away from the game. Thanks


Latest game, quick saved at turn 56, crashes at turn 57. Load the game again, crashes again at the exact same place, twice.

Everything was going so well too, damn.


XiaNaphryz said:
You try this?

Nope, am on Vista already. Thanks for the help though.

Managed to fix it seems after installing a small number of Windows updates and rebooting. Don't know what the difference in visuals / performance is between DX9 and DX10 for this game, I'll have to try them both I guess.

EDIT: And it seems DX10 runs at slideshow frame rates on a bloody GTX260, and if I try to apply new video settings I get a black screen until I Alt+tab out and back, and then the settings are just back to what they were before. Ah well, DX9 it is then.


Liquid Helium said:
Just finished my first game. I had conquered every city apart from the Mayan capital and realised that there was no way to loose (the Mayans were weak, they were fighting my tanks with horses and carts) so I surrounded there capital with artillery cannons, just far enough away that there city could not attack them but if the Mayans ever produced any units they would be destroyed. Then I researched nukes, I got the nukes after 50 or so turns and using my large amounts of money bought 10 nuclear missiles and 5 atomic bombs. The next turn I launched all of them, one after the other at the capital. It was at 0 health after the first few but I didn't care, then I sent one of my guys in to take the city and win the game.

tl;dr this game is awesome

HAHA epic. I love demolishing weaker foes.
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