You can build offshore platforms once you discover refrigeration.santi_yo said:How can I get oil from water? I can't build oil towers there.
You can build offshore platforms once you discover refrigeration.santi_yo said:How can I get oil from water? I can't build oil towers there.
Sblargh said:Just to complete the oil question, you do it with a work boat.
The best thing to do is to make your own campaign. Go into the game and say "I'm going to beat it with a cultural victory with this character" and strive towards that. Make different scenarios. And don't worry, someone will come out with mods that are campaign-like.Slackbladder said:I love this game. My only complaint? No Campaign mode where you are given goals to attain, achievements to, errr..achieve, specific enemies to defeat, etc.
The only game I've played like Civ V was Rise of Nations which was a real time strategy game (except for the Conquer the World map). I'm guessing RoN borrowed heavily from the first Civ games?
Borgnine said:So I'd like to go with 4 cities with lots of food production to make citizens that I can turn in to science specialists when I get the appropriate buildings. Sound strategy?
platypotamus said:Yes, though you may want to build some trading posts too, rather than just farms, as the one social policy makes them give you 1 science each (it says 2, but it lies). Less science than specialists give you, but good to use if you don't have any more capacity for specialists.
i always do this in civ. play like 4-6 hours then go meh shoulda done y instead of x and just restart. even if i'm still in the running :lol. helps that i love the early game so muchBorgnine said:Yeah I figured I'd switch it up eventually once I got enough people and can open up rationalism. Still new to the game and I just didn't want to start off on the wrong path and waste like 8 hours of playing because I didn't think of something obvious.
noise36 said:I dont understand diplomacy; every time a civ talks to you you have to guess who they are friends with and guess what they think of you and guess what impact your trading will have on other civs.
Please tell me there is better info on whats going on with regard to civ relations like civ 4?
Meier said:I guess I am lucky in that I've only ever seen two bugs and they were minimal. One involved loading a game and having some of the graphical touches on the tiles not displaying correctly and the other time I had some of the tile graphics move around the map with me. It eventually fixed itself.
Other than that, I can run the game on max everything with 0 issues.
Meier said:... having some of the graphical touches on the tiles not displaying correctly and the other time I had some of the tile graphics move around the map with me. It eventually fixed itself.
suaveric said:I've run in to a bug, I end my turn and the game just seems to sit there. Normally the computer's turn takes about 30-60 seconds to complete, but I let it sit there for ten minutes and nothing seemed to be happening. I went back to an earlier save and the problem didn't repeat, or so I thought. The same thing ended up happeningagain, just 10 or so turns later then the original instance.
I'm pretty close to a culture victory and I'd hate to throw away 6+ hours of work, is there a way around this?
Because the city's descendants continue telling of the legacy of oppression and are taking "Never forget" to a new level. You're not doing enough to stamp down the movement. Get that courthouse built, this ain't EU3.Ysiadmihi said:Unhappiness from occupation should really just go away after time. I captured a Roman city 2 turns after it was built and I'm still getting extra unhappiness from it 200 turns later.
I know I can build a courthouse but come on, why should I have to, given the circumstances?
Because you're an uncaring ruler that refuses to build the 1 building that you know will solve the situation. I'd be unhappy too.Ysiadmihi said:Unhappiness from occupation should really just go away after time. I captured a Roman city 2 turns after it was built and I'm still getting extra unhappiness from it 200 turns later.
I know I can build a courthouse but come on, why should I have to, given the circumstances?
Ysiadmihi said:Unhappiness from occupation should really just go away after time. I captured a Roman city 2 turns after it was built and I'm still getting extra unhappiness from it 200 turns later.
I know I can build a courthouse but come on, why should I have to, given the circumstances?
XiaNaphryz said:Because the city's descendants continue telling of the legacy of oppression and are taking "Never forget" to a new level. You're not doing enough to stamp down the movement. Get that courthouse built, this ain't EU3.![]()
AstroLad said:build roads if they're close and knock out encampents/barbarians when they ask. also get a huge boost for helping them out in a war.
AstroLad said:sometimes they request a road to them and that gives a big boost. only helpful if close though otherwise the maintenance costs will kill you.
AstroLad said:Do roads get broken randomly? I notice once in a while notifications saying my trade routes have been broken. No barbarians or enemies around since I have every area patrolled. I just send someone to route to from capital but never really paid attention to what's really going on.
That makes sense, wasn't the case here though as all the city states are on the edges of my empire and I have no roads going through them. I noticed that one of the road tiles went to recommending building a road but there was already a road there and I couldn't built. Then it went away. Might just be a glitch.Ysiadmihi said:Usually happens when you have a trade route going through a city-state and they revert back to Neutral.
He secretly wants you to lose. I do this all the time, agreeing to go to war with a Civ and letting them go it alone because I want them to get knocked down a couple pegs and it's easier to have someone else do it. :lolDurielBlack said:In my current game I formed an alliance with Ghandi and we declared war on China. Unfortunately Ghandi must be suffering from Alzheimers in his old age and has forgotten he should be sending units that way. Now I am at war with China, who has a much larger military (although I have much better positioning since I took over a nearby city-state right next to their border) while Ghandi has yet, in over 50 turns, to send a single unit into Chinese territory. Instead I see him bouncing around a bunch of spearmen/archers in some wierd dance on the other side of India.
AstroLad said:That makes sense, wasn't the case here though as all the city states are on the edges of my empire and I have no roads going through them. I noticed that one of the road tiles went to recommending building a road but there was already a road there and I couldn't built. Then it went away. Might just be a glitch.
Someone asked this earlier but is there a way to see how much trade routes will yield to see if the road maintenance cost is justified before building?
Firebrand said:Still haven't figured out how to deal with city states, seems like that would be a huge money sink. I take it gifting gold still is preferrable to gifting units unless one wants to get rid of some?
punkypine said:so the way i look at it so far, if my civilization is pretty successful and producing at a rate i that i'm happy with, i should always just create puppet cities so that i dont take on any of the downsides and let them add to whatever they want? it just seems like puppets are far superior to annexed cities unless you really need more cities
punkypine said:so the way i look at it so far, if my civilization is pretty successful and producing at a rate i that i'm happy with, i should always just create puppet cities so that i dont take on any of the downsides and let them add to whatever they want? it just seems like puppets are far superior to annexed cities unless you really need more cities
punkypine said:so the way i look at it so far, if my civilization is pretty successful and producing at a rate i that i'm happy with, i should always just create puppet cities so that i dont take on any of the downsides and let them add to whatever they want? it just seems like puppets are far superior to annexed cities unless you really need more cities
Rad- said:Yeah, had a similar situation myself. That really needs to be fixed. I think the ruins should just give a large XP boost and not evolve the unit.
Zeliard said:Do the turns scale with the match type? As in, if I'm playing on Epic, does it actually take more turns to get to the year 2050, or does it just take more turns to get stuff done?
Zeliard said:Do the turns scale with the match type? As in, if I'm playing on Epic, does it actually take more turns to get to the year 2050, or does it just take more turns to get stuff done?
Najaf said:Yes they scale, big time. A standard match is 500 turns on a normal sized map. In marathon, its 1500 turns and epic is 750.
Zeliard said:Good to know. Though I guess it wouldn't ultimately make a huge difference if it also takes exponentially longer to build stuff.
zoku88 said:Actually, this is somewhat of an important question. In this game, do you have foreign trade routes?
I know you did in Civ IV, but I'm not sure about this game.