Helmholtz said:Is it bad to set workers to build improvements automatically? That's what I've generally been doing.
Najaf said:It takes a bit longer, but you actually can start and finish wars in one age using the same types of troops. In a standard game, one can start a war with musketmen and wrap it up with mechanized infantry if it is an even match. Your guys also move at the same speed, so when you go exploring or sailing, you can get stuff done in a reasonable time, especially on a huge map type. No more taking 100 years to sail around the globe.
Zeliard said:What's the best thing to do with workers when they have no land to currently do anything with? Go chop surrounding lumber?
It's a bad idea, yeah. They seem to have worse AI compared to 4 where they'll continuously replace spots if you empire is teetering between certain needs. Like if you need gold, it builds a trading post, but then you need more production, it replaces it with a mine. But now production is up and gold is down, so it replaces that with a trading post...Helmholtz said:Is it bad to set workers to build improvements automatically? That's what I've generally been doing.
Helmholtz said:Is it bad to set workers to build improvements automatically? That's what I've generally been doing.
Zaro said:Is there any way to remove the opening cinematic? For some reason you can roll your face over your keyboard and mouse and it still takes 5 seconds to skip it.
I had a look at the achievement list earlier, it's scary.Spire said:It doesn't help that I feel the need to get every achievement. I have 51 so far, getting all 120 might cost me my job.
AstroLad said:That makes sense, wasn't the case here though as all the city states are on the edges of my empire and I have no roads going through them. I noticed that one of the road tiles went to recommending building a road but there was already a road there and I couldn't built. Then it went away. Might just be a glitch.
kyo_daikun said:Struggling to get into the game, never seem to be able to build much as im surrounded by other civs/ states so I can't expand (this is on huge map) I sit there just trying to research more and I just get bored, going to have to try with less people so I have more breathing room.
Wow! Never even considered that. Awesome.Moonstone said:I recognized that I lost my production bonus for the railway several times. A traderoute can be blocked just by units I think.
What I really like about the city states is that you can gift them units. I just managed to win a diplomatic victory with just one war and one enemy. I never really had military units
and was everybodys darling except for Alexander. But I fought all big nations through city states. Some even lost several cities to the city states.:lol
Florence was in the puffer zone between me and Alexander, my only enemy. They did all the fighting and even got 2 great generals.
Best thing about this is, that you don't have to pay the maintenance anymore if you gift them away, just try to keep them happy.
That's just awesome because you can be friendly with those nations, do research projects with them etc. pp, while you are financing a shadow war against them behind their back at the same time.![]()
moojito said:I don't know if you have the wrong sense of scale or something. You'd often have several cities visible on the same screen, ie fairly close to one another. You don't want to have your second city away over the other side of the landmass or anything like that.
IMACOMPUTA said:Is there an option to have all civs in their real locations when playing on earth with continents?
Well you automatically work the tile you're on, so make it a decent one. You also get defensive bonuses from the terrain, at least for hills I believe.markao said:I have one question though, does it mater on what type of tile you build your city, or is it just about the surrounding tiles. I do see how a river, mountain could help, but does it mater if its on fertile ground, build in the forrest, etc ?
markao said:I have one question though, does it mater on what type of tile you build your city, or is it just about the surrounding tiles. I do see how a river, mountain could help, but does it mater if its on fertile ground, build in the forrest, etc ?
fna84 said:So far all the games i've played online have had complete assholes in them.
I thought the online multiplayer would have more settings![]()
What have they been doing? I've had mixed results with online communities in general, but having a Civilization V community populated by assholes seems surprising. I never took IV online but I do plan to do so with V once I've got the game down on diety - maybe the community will be whittled down to a righteous core in a few short months?fna84 said:So far all the games i've played online have had complete assholes in them.
AstroLad said:Well you automatically work the tile you're on, so make it a decent one. You also get defensive bonuses from the terrain, at least for hills I believe.
Hari Seldon said:I believe cities have a base value no matter where you build them. DO NOT build them on luxury tiles or anything like that. It is best to build the city in the shittiest tile if you have a choice, but it is more important to get the most resources in the 3 hex radius of course.
markao said:Thanks guys, but I think I need a third opinion now![]()
I've found that at least on King it's great forewarning of an impending invasion. They start spamming settlers all around your border. Love how you often have 5 turns or more notice of an attack in this Civ. Nice for production-heavy military-light people like me.Macattk15 said:Speaking of which, they generally seem to ignore and never agree when you tell them to not settle next to your cities.
So very annoying. I ended up losing because by this point he had better units than me, even though I had the quantity.
So stupid.
Macattk15 said:Game AI is so annoyingly stupid sometimes.
I get into a war with Alexander for quite some time, I'm dropping his units and ended up taking 3 of his cities. My forces are starting to wane and he is now tech'ed up to Industrial units while I'm still in the previous era killing stuff with Minutemen. Alexander offers a peace treaty because I have been stomping him at this point and I accept.
About 20 turns later I see him running a settler around. Sure enough he settles like 6 tiles from one of my cities (not one of the ones I conquered from him). About 10 turns later he declares war on me because my borders are too close.
Speaking of which, they generally seem to ignore and never agree when you tell them to not settle next to your cities.
So very annoying. I ended up losing because by this point he had better units than me, even though I had the quantity.
So stupid.
AstroLad said:i thought if you build on a resource i thought you got access to the resource right away once you get the requisite tech. seems like a decent benefit in some circumstances. can't try it out i don't get back to civ for like 9 hours :/ kinda wish it was spelled out better in the manual; i checked in response to the initial question and didn't really see anything on point
yeah i'm gonna mess around with it tonight for sure. right now i'm looking back at pacts of cooperation and secrecy as well. <3 but it's crazy how opaque some of the basic concepts are.Hari Seldon said:That is what it said in the strat guide. What you say is how it worked in the past IIRC. But maybe the strat guide is wrong, I haven't tried it.
I've done this to nab some iron in a previous game, but the only problem is you won't be able to work the resource for whatever extra benefit it would normally provide with an improvement. If a city has a base value whereever you place it though (I haven't noticed any difference besides the palace benefit yet), that really sucks cause putting one on a hill feels like a waste if I can't get a small production boost/build a windmill to offset any defensive benefits and one less mine that might provide.AstroLad said:i thought if you build on a resource i thought you got access to the resource right away once you get the requisite tech. seems like a decent benefit in some circumstances. can't try it out i don't get back to civ for like 9 hours :/ kinda wish it was spelled out better in the manual; i checked in response to the initial question and didn't really see anything on point
MjFrancis said:What have they been doing? I've had mixed results with online communities in general, but having a Civilization V community populated by assholes seems surprising. I never took IV online but I do plan to do so with V once I've got the game down on diety - maybe the community will be whittled down to a righteous core in a few short months?
A good chunk of us are waiting for pending multiplayer modes before we bother to jump in (PBEM, pitboss, etc).MjFrancis said:What have they been doing? I've had mixed results with online communities in general, but having a Civilization V community populated by assholes seems surprising. I never took IV online but I do plan to do so with V once I've got the game down on diety - maybe the community will be whittled down to a righteous core in a few short months?
f0rk said:That sounds pretty smart tbh, he's playing to win rather than just doing what you tell him.
The main AI problem I've seen is the actually combat, the diplomacy and decision making seems ok.
On the city-state screen, mouse over the "type" they are and it lists what they give (updates based on friendly/ally), but they seem to be about the same at either level, plus or minus benefits from the era you are in.AstroLad said:Where are the city-state bonuses specifically outlined? They seem to be only referred to in generalities in the manual.