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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...

AstroLad said:
Bleh too bad. Seems like that would be a fair penalty to force them to vote for you at least. Ah well good thing I always left them dead.
I liberated a Civ, hoping that he'd quite happily trade his nearby incense as a thank you gift. Sadly though, he acted as though nothing had happened, complaining that my trade was unreasonable. I deliberated him immediately.


Playing games with max civs and city states on huge maps WRECKS my computer later into the game.

It's to the point where the game just crashes my entire computer like every 3 turns.

EDIT: And it's a goddamn shame because, fuck if I know how I managed it, I'm at 1100 points and the next highest guy is Al-Rashid at like 320.


JoeMartin said:
Playing games with max civs and city states on huge maps WRECKS my computer later into the game.

It's to the point where the game just crashes my entire computer like every 3 turns.
Ya my e8400 with hd4870 can't handle huge maps very well. I wonder if they can optimize performance with a patch.
AstroLad said:
Never actually tried this (dead Civs stay dead in my book!) but if you liberate a dead Civ (not city-state) do they vote for you in the UN?

Yes, though they may still dislike you.

On the Victory Progress details screen for diplomacy, you can see a table of where all the votes are going. There's a column just for liberated Civs. They also will have 0 self votes.


Zzoram said:
Ya my e8400 with hd4870 can't handle huge maps very well. I wonder if they can optimize performance with a patch.
I'd like to see someone with a monster 8+ core rig report how well late game huge maps on marathon run.


Neo Member
XiaNaphryz said:
I'd like to see someone with a monster 8+ core rig report how well late game huge maps on marathon run.
It runs fine on my late '08 macbook with graphics set to medium. Takes a while between turns but I can deal with that.


XiaNaphryz said:
I'd like to see someone with a monster 8+ core rig report how well late game huge maps on marathon run.

I've got an 8-core rig with 6 gigs of ram. I consider the performance on larger maps unacceptable. I spend 2-3x more time waiting for the game to process turns then I do actually playing the turns.

Which is unfortunate as it's my first game at the king level and things are really starting to get interesting. The whole world has been carved up between 6 remaining civs. Siam just built the Apollo Program and I just got tanks. If only I didn't think it'd take 8+ hours to get through another 130 turns I'd be stoked to get home and see how it all shakes out.


I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I've got two cities seperated by non-ocean water, both with harbors, and it refuses to create a trade route between the two.

Am I missing something or?


platypotamus said:
Yes, though they may still dislike you.

On the Victory Progress details screen for diplomacy, you can see a table of where all the votes are going. There's a column just for liberated Civs. They also will have 0 self votes.

Yeah, I read something similar in a review, can't remember where. The guy said that liberated civs and city states will vote for you in the UN.

Is there a way to tell that the city you capture used to belong to another civ or city state without knowing the name origins?


JoeMartin said:
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I've got two cities seperated by non-ocean water, both with harbors, and it refuses to create a trade route between the two.

Am I missing something or?

Trade routes must link to the capital. If your capital is land locked, and you want to establish a trade network to a city down the coast line or on another continent, you need to have a road from your capital to a coastal city with a harbor then a harbor in the city you want to connect.


Hail to the KING baby
cpu recommendations are so weird sometimes

workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors


AstroLad said:
cpu recommendations are so weird sometimes

workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors

Lol. Yeah. I just turned off the recommendations all together. I love how I would sit on one city for +100 turns and the whole time it would tell me to build a settler. Then all of a sudden the computer would 'get it' and start suggesting other things like workers and leave the settlers alone. About this time I would start building a settler because I got the social policies I wanted and it was a good time to expand for me. I can just picture the monkeys spinning the wheels on my CPU scratching their heads. "What do we tell him to do now?"


Hmm. Something weird just happened. My guy was standing next to an enemy city. I wanted him to go the next empty tile next to it. As I hovered over it, it said combat was going to happen if I entered that tile, despite there not being a unit in it. I go for it, and the animation shows my guy attacking the city instead... he survives, and then he's suddenly standing in that empty tile.

What happened there? Bug, or is there some combat rule I'm not aware of?


Firebrand said:
Hmm. Something weird just happened. My guy was standing next to an enemy city. I wanted him to go the next empty tile next to it. As I hovered over it, it said combat was going to happen if I entered that tile, despite there not being a unit in it. I go for it, and the animation shows my guy attacking the city instead... he survives, and then he's suddenly standing in that empty tile.

What happened there? Bug, or is there some combat rule I'm not aware of?

Sounds like a bug to me. There is no reason it would channel your move through a city, even if there was a bottleneck.


AstroLad said:
workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors workers & harbors

Speaking of harbors, can I use a harbor to connect a coastal city to a non-coastal capital? Perhaps if there's another coastal city with a harbor that also has a road connection to the capital?


Firebrand said:
Speaking of harbors, can I use a harbor to connect a coastal city to a non-coastal capital? Perhaps if there's another coastal city with a harbor that also has a road connection to the capital?

Najaf said:
Trade routes must link to the capital. If your capital is land locked, and you want to establish a trade network to a city down the coast line or on another continent, you need to have a road from your capital to a coastal city with a harbor then a harbor in the city you want to connect.



Firebrand said:
Speaking of harbors, can I use a harbor to connect a coastal city to a non-coastal capital? Perhaps if there's another coastal city with a harbor that also has a road connection to the capital?

Yes, as long as the inland city is connected by road to a city with a harbor , it will be part of the trade network.


Najaf said:
Trade routes must link to the capital. If your capital is land locked, and you want to establish a trade network to a city down the coast line or on another continent, you need to have a road from your capital to a coastal city with a harbor then a harbor in the city you want to connect.

Ah yes, should have said my capital and another city.

But at any rate it's because you can't form trade routes at all, land or sea, until you research the wheel.


AstroLad said:
Never actually tried this (dead Civs stay dead in my book!) but if you liberate a dead Civ (not city-state) do they vote for you in the UN?

Sometimes, not always. Sometimes they are dicks, sometimes not. You'll never know why they decided to do what they did though.


I must say that the whole 1 GPT for road maintenance is rubbing me the wrong way. First, roads back in the day were not maintained. People walked on the same paths for hundreds of years and then started riding their horses and riding their wagons on those same paths for hundreds more. Rome did not have workers out their trimming the trees and fixing potholes. It just maintained itself because of the amount of travel it saw.

In todays world, the roads that need maintenance regularly are the crummy streets of ancient downtowns or the city streets that did a cheap rush job laying asphalt over broken chunks of concrete to pinch a penny. Major interstates and freeway systems are built to last. Road maintenance is in general a city and back-road issue.

This game wants to charge me 6 GPT to have a road linking two of my cities? I can have three more happiness buildings for that amount. Why would I ever build a city inland if I had the choice? Harbors are cheap. What, 2 GPT? I just never build roads now. If a city state asks for a road to its capital, I build it and then immediately delete it to save the money. Even if you have large cities, the trade bonus barely makes up for the cost of a road; and that's if it is close.

A network of five cities in relatively close proximity to one another can easily cost 20 GPT. That is a lot of money in Civ V. That is more than enough to regularly pay off a city state for the whole game. I might be interested in roads if the cost was cut in half: first hex is free, second costs 1 GPT and so on. Paying every other, while adding a bit of micro management to city placement, would be a lot better than how roads work in my games now. (Which is that they simply don't exist.)



Subconscious Brolonging
Najaf said:
I must say that the whole 1 GPT for road maintenance is rubbing me the wrong way. First, roads back in the day were not maintained. People walked on the same paths for hundreds of years and then started riding their horses and riding their wagons on those same paths for hundreds more. Shit just wore out in a path that people eventually called a road instead of a pathway. Rome did not have workers out their trimming the trees and fixing potholes. It just maintained itself because of the amount of travel it saw.

In todays world, the roads that need maintenance regularly are the crummy streets of ancient downtowns or the city streets that did a cheap rush job laying asphalt over broken chunks of concrete to pinch a penny. Major interstates and freeway systems are built to last. Road maintenance is a city and back-road issue.

This game wants to charge me 6 GPT to have a road linking two of my cities? I can have three more happiness buildings for that amount. Why would I ever build a city inland if I had the choice? Harbors are cheap. What, 2 GPT? I just never build roads now. If a city state asks for a road to its capital, I build it and then immediately delete it to save the money. Even if you have large cities, the trade bonus barely makes up for the cost of a road; and that's if it is close.

A network of five cities in relatively close proximity to one another can easily cost 20 GPT. That is a lot of money in Civ V. That is more than enough to regularly pay off a city state for the whole game. I might be interested in roads if the cost was cut in half: first hex is free, second costs 1 GPT and so on. Paying every other, while adding a bit of micro management to city placement, would be a lot better than how roads work in my games now. (Which is that they simply don't exist.)


Trade routes almost always make up for the cost of the road and then some, and roads are critical if you're at war. Having your units take 10 turns just to get to the front line can kill you.

Also railroads are kick-ass.


Spire said:
Trade routes almost always make up for the cost of the road and then some, and roads are critical if you're at war. Having your units take 10 turns just to get to the front line can kill you.

Also railroads are kick-ass.

They make up for it yes, but I don't know about 'and then some'. The amount of food I get from my allied maritime city state is hard to beat. And I always have my best troops stationed between cities in flexible positions. Getting to a city in three turns is more than enough to counter an attack on a frontier city.


It's size-of-the-connected-city * 1.25 g per turn. The length of the route is actually something you should keep in mind when settling cities. You should use a mix of harbors and roads really. Harbors are 3g and harbor cities are generally somewhat worse than inland ones.


eznark said:
When you [blaspheme], they default to road-building if the tech option is there, correct?

Edit: Looked it up. Yes, they will build roads, but not by default. Now it seems trading posts take the default task. (only half joking)


Neo Member
Well it may not make sense but indeed it limits the amount of roads and gives another tactical element to the game. In Civ4 I just spammed roads everywhere. Why? Because I could :D This was far more "unrealistic" than paying gold for maintenance. And besides it looked ugly.


slyght said:
Well it may not make sense but indeed it limits the amount of roads and gives another tactical element to the game. In Civ4 I just spammed roads everywhere. Why? Because I could :D This was far more "unrealistic" than paying gold for maintenance. And besides it looked ugly.

Do you only have 3 roads in your whole country?


Neo Member
Shambles said:
Do you only have 3 roads in your whole country?
Of course not, but I only build them for interconnecting cities compared to my build-a-road-on-every-tile mania in Civ4


Firebrand said:
Hmm. Something weird just happened. My guy was standing next to an enemy city. I wanted him to go the next empty tile next to it. As I hovered over it, it said combat was going to happen if I entered that tile, despite there not being a unit in it. I go for it, and the animation shows my guy attacking the city instead... he survives, and then he's suddenly standing in that empty tile.

What happened there? Bug, or is there some combat rule I'm not aware of?

I had something similar happen where an enemy city was shooting me, in addition to TWO archers. It turns out, one of the archers was on a tile next to the city, but invisible, as I discovered when I tried to move a swordsman into the tile to surround the city more. It showed the combat as if I was attacking the city, but it was clearly just archers, and the city took no damage in the attack.


In a MP game, someone had two cities far enough apart that the road to connect them was outside of their borders in several tiles. I kept moving a worker over and destroying them when his units weren't around to see who was doing it. Kept breaking his trade route all game.

I have 20 turns left and no chance of winning :(

England has 200 more points than me and out-techs me, and is too well defended to try and conquer

And after a long war with Japan I don't have the means to get a cultural or science win

My lust for being the only Civ on a continent got the best of me, and now England has a bigger continent with only one Arab city left on it.........Lizzy conquered pretty much all the city-states over there too =/


There needs to be a check against tech for fucking barbarians vs. embarked units. I've lost 3 mech infantry now to some fucking barbarian caravel cruising out of the fog. That's fucking stupid. 15th century boats are not shooting down my modern era soldiers.
JoeMartin said:
There needs to be a check against tech for fucking barbarians vs. embarked units. I've lost 3 mech infantry now to some fucking barbarian caravel cruising out of the fog. That's fucking stupid. 15th century boats are not shooting down my modern era soldiers.

Does it help if you think of your embarked units as swimming somewhere rather than riding in an armoured battleship?

Because that's effectively what's happening in gameplay terms. Embarked units by default have no defences.


Lategame transports in civ could at least defend themselves from low tech marine units with their modest strength.

All I'm saying is that embarked modern era units should have some modest strength so they don't get ninja owned by barbarian caravels. Because that's fucking dumb. I shouldn't have to have an armada of destroyers on all sides of my embarked units for fear of fucking caravels in 2020.


JoeMartin said:
There needs to be a check against tech for fucking barbarians vs. embarked units. I've lost 3 mech infantry now to some fucking barbarian caravel cruising out of the fog. That's fucking stupid. 15th century boats are not shooting down my modern era soldiers.

It is actually somewhat accurate as to what happens today. Tanks, Hummers, helicopters and all the other equipment used overseas is loaded onto standard freight ships with civilian crews. They are defenseless without an armed escort. Its like sending out a settler without an escort. Don't do it. If you do, you must accept the risks.

Edit: just look at the Horn of Africa. Three guys with Ak47s seize 20 million worth of cargo in ten minutes by driving a motorized raft up next to the ship and climbing aboard.


Hail to the KING baby
wouldn't just one caravel have done the trick? then again i'm not much of a seafarer. just won a diplo victory on king without even seeing half the world :lol


Najaf said:
It is actually somewhat accurate as to what happens today. Tanks, Hummers, helicopters and all the other equipment used overseas is loaded onto standard freight ships with civilian crews. They are defenseless without an armed escort. Its like sending out a settler without an escort. Don't do it. If you do, you must accept the risks.

Edit: just look at the Horn of Africa. Three guys with Ak47s seize 20 million worth of cargo in ten minutes by driving a motorized raft up next to the ship and climbing aboard.

Though defending your land army crossing the ocean against someone like Elizabeth will be a nightmare (in perfect AI/working multiplayer land). You'll probably need to have 3-6x ships just to completely surround your transports. Then units like great general doesn't stack anymore once you embark into a water tile which complicates things even further.

Personally I think it's a bit much for an automatic kill like it is right now. Nothing stopping someone from making a lot of cheap sea units just to do suicide runs on your embarked land units. Furthermore the whole thing feels a bit unfinished. You just move your ship over and the embarked unit disappear, no animations?


Palmer_v1 said:
In a MP game, someone had two cities far enough apart that the road to connect them was outside of their borders in several tiles. I kept moving a worker over and destroying them when his units weren't around to see who was doing it. Kept breaking his trade route all game.

I love this.



A very appropriately shapen land for this game. Was only Prince difficulty.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Rapping Granny said:
So how do I switch from DX10 to DX9? I see it nowhere in the video options.
when you boot the game it should ask you which mode you want to boot in


Rez said:
just a shout out to Pacman2k for the gift via Steam, saved me a good thirty dollars. you're a legend!

No problem Rez. Glad you are playing this gem with us. :)

Gonna shot for my first full on military domination tonight. I'm leaning towards Japan for the attempt.

Can't wait. :D


slyght said:
Of course not, but I only build them for interconnecting cities compared to my build-a-road-on-every-tile mania in Civ4

Sorry, I meant your real life country not game civilization :D The road chaos of Civ4 is actually a lot closer to reality than the current setup, as is the road maintanence costs more like real life as well (No road lasts long in the frozen north). Mapping the roads of the real life country side alone would far surpass the road density of even Civ4.


JoeMartin said:
Under the resources drop down what does Legendary Start do?

It puts a metric ton of resources at your front door (and everyone else's) for your first city. There are also more resources on the map like in 'abundant' settings.

I ended up winning a timed victory after settling some new cities, upgrading units, managing some golden ages, and bribing some city-states

Overcame a 200 point deficit in the last 7 turns :lol
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