Totakeke said:No, the AI is just dumb, even at higher difficulties.
Seriously, I just played a game in which the English AI were attacking a city state for over 1000 years. Longbowmen in every tile of the city.
Totakeke said:No, the AI is just dumb, even at higher difficulties.
It autosaves after each turnI3rand0 said:Can you not save in multiplayer games?
butts said:I'm going for a domination victory; there are about 4 cities left, one of them being Montezuma's last city. Every time I take it over, the game crashes. Is this common?
Eh-yo!timetokill said:Yes it's called Montezuma's Revenge
rhfb said:Tried to get my Bollywood on, only to get moaned at by two other civs, who end up attacking me :| Two games ~150+ turns each down the hole.
I'm not expanding fast or anything, just cranking out wonders and other +culture buildings. I guess I just need to be buying military units to keep them off me instead of spending gold on city states :|
timetokill said:Yes it's called Montezuma's Revenge
Are you playing the dx10 version? Play dx9 it's much more stable.Tabris said:I have had 10+ game crashes so far. Fun :| I have to save every turn.
This is why I hate PC gaming.
Are my specs at fault, I am running generally low settings and my specs are as follows:
Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @ 3GHz
4.00GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512mb VRAM
Aaron said:Are you playing the dx10 version? Play dx9 it's much more stable.
butts said:I found the issue, its a bug with the game not being able to handle you getting a 70th city under your control. To get around it, you have to raze to the ground enough cities to keep you below the 70 mark :\
Totakeke said:Better performance for older graphics cards, less crashes.
Ya I'm going to try to mix it up. I was playing on Small (or whatever the 6 civ setting was) with continents, so its basically 3 on one island with not much room for expansion. Even knocking the difficulty down didn't quench their blood thirsty nature :lol Hoping a larger map and pangea will fix things.DEO3 said:When I did Bollywood I just made friends with the top dog civ and did whatever he wanted me to. Since he was going for a domination victory he'd ask me to declare war on someone like every 20 turns. I always agreed but never actually helped, and it was rare for any enemy units to come my way since they were usually too busy getting crushed by him. It got close near the end though, as he had just finished off the last of the other players when I completed the Utopia project in 1992, if I had taken only a couple of turns longer he surely would've wiped me out to win the game.
I get significantly better graphics and performance when running it in DX10-11 mode on a ATI Radeon HD 4890.Tabris said:What's the negative though?
Tabris said:What's the negative though?
It looks better in DX10. You can't enable AA and I think a few other graphics effects in DX9. Honestly, you'll barely notice the difference, and the game will stop crashing.Tabris said:What's the negative though?
I need this printing on top of my monitor.zoku88 said:You don't need to sleep every day.
slyght said:Sorry if this has already been asked but is it possible to influence which tile is taken next by a city which got enough culture? It is quite often that I would go for a tile on sea because it has fish but instead it takes a tile which is just plain grasland.
Magic.LCfiner said:Sorry for this bit of lazyweb but I haven't checked the Civpedia yet...
How does the game decide which tiles are available for purchase for a city and how much they cost?
Rez said:fuckin Napoleon
Borgnine said:This is how my Bollywood attempt went:
probably coincidenceeznark said:This image has to be doctored. The AI never properly places its ranged units.
:lol :lol :loleznark said:My favorite part of that image? Facing all of that firepower and all of that infantry, you are building a warrior!
Tabris said:I am playing the DX10-11 version. What's the difference?
Rapping Granny said:I just had my first game crash, so to make it not crash is to switch to DX9?
Cheech said:Is the Prima guide of any use? Amazon has it for $12, and I'm thinking of biting.
Many of the concepts/relationships in the game are beyond my understanding. I read the actual 200 page behemoth manual cover to cover, and it explains what everything is on the surface, but the actual relationships I don't get.
For example, what is the formula that determines how many turns it requires to research a new tech? For some reason I can't find this anywhere.
Also, what is the full result of an unhappy Civ? The Civlopedia just says "build more happy shit", without actually explaining the impact of the unhappy Civ in the first place.
Anyway, if anyone can recommend/not recommend the Prima guide, I'd appreciate it.
Cheech said:Is the Prima guide of any use? Amazon has it for $12, and I'm thinking of biting.
Many of the concepts/relationships in the game are beyond my understanding. I read the actual 200 page behemoth manual cover to cover, and it explains what everything is on the surface, but the actual relationships I don't get.
For example, what is the formula that determines how many turns it requires to research a new tech? For some reason I can't find this anywhere.
Also, what is the full result of an unhappy Civ? The Civlopedia just says "build more happy shit", without actually explaining the impact of the unhappy Civ in the first place.
Anyway, if anyone can recommend/not recommend the Prima guide, I'd appreciate it.
evilgreg said:Forgive me if this has been asked, but how exactly do you "liberate" a city?
I've seen this term used a few times--people saying that other civs will like you if you liberate cities. I assume it's not referring to puppeting/annexing cities after you conquer them but I'm probably wrong.
evilgreg said:Forgive me if this has been asked, but how exactly do you "liberate" a city?
I've seen this term used a few times--people saying that other civs will like you if you liberate cities. I assume it's not referring to puppeting/annexing cities after you conquer them but I'm probably wrong.
AstroLad said:Never actually tried this (dead Civs stay dead in my book!) but if you liberate a dead Civ (not city-state) do they vote for you in the UN?
Bleh too bad. Seems like that would be a fair penalty to force them to vote for you at least. Ah well good thing I always left them dead.Totakeke said:I'd say no. I liberated Washington and he didn't want to cooperate with me several turns later. Heard others say the same.