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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


Rapping Granny said:
It only asked that in the beginning when I first installed it. It doesn't ask it anymore.

Right-click the Civ5 name in the steam game list and there should be a option for DX9.



BigJonsson said:

I ended up winning a timed victory after settling some new cities, upgrading units, managing some golden ages, and bribing some city-states

Overcame a 200 point deficit in the last 7 turns :lol

:lol :lol Thats epic I love close games.


Sober said:
Is it me, or is 2nd tier of the liberty tree kinda meh?

well, +1 happiness per city can be a great help if you've got over 20 cities mid game.

similarly, the culture bonus can be a real boon for really big empires.

production bonus seems less interesting since +1 prod per city doesn't add up the same way


I've experienced some unexpected City State behavior recently.

First, the Romans took over a City-State that was near me. Later on, a different civ went to war with Rome, and one of their first conquests was that same city state, which they puppeted. Seeing a good opportunity to liberate the city state while it was weak, I attacked and took it in a few turns, at which point I chose the Liberate option. However, rather than becoming my ally, it immediately allies with Rome. I checked my influence with them and was at something like 190/30. A few turns later, it finally gave me a message that my influence was enough to make it my Ally instead of Rome. I'm sure it was some kind of bug caused by it being flipped several times in short order.

Second, I found out what happens when a city state you are allied with takes over a city of someone you're fighting. They immediately start razing it. I'm curious what will happen if they ever take over a capital city.

Finally, I had money problems very suddenly in the early modern era, so I gifted most of my military units to one City State who I had been allied with for a long time. It was something like 2 Cavalry, 2-3 Infantry/paratroopers, and a cannon. I was at peace with everyone at this point, btw. A few turns after they got my units, they just marched over to the nearest city state and captured it easily. Rather than razing it like a normal city, they're now just in control of it. It's not granting me any extra bonus from maritime/culture/military, but it did link me to new resources. I also checked the Diplomacy screen, and the double city state still only has one UN vote. FWIW, this was a maritime/friendly CS, and they had no issues with the other city state that i was aware of. I haven't finished this game yet, so I'm hoping to see them take over some other City States before i get my tech victory.

Anyway, I just thought it was some noteworthy behavior. It seems like deliberately gifting strong units to the City States you're controlling can be a good way to get around unit maintenance while empowering your allies. I'm considering trying a game where I have one city that only produces units to be gifted away.


Palmer_v1 said:
Second, I found out what happens when a city state you are allied with takes over a city of someone you're fighting. They immediately start razing it. I'm curious what will happen if they ever take over a capital city.
They don't always raze even if the city they capture isn't a city state/capital. Letting your city state ally, with your assistance, capture cities is pretty useful really if you don't want more puppets/cities.


LCfiner said:
well, +1 happiness per city can be a great help if you've got over 20 cities mid game.

similarly, the culture bonus can be a real boon for really big empires.

production bonus seems less interesting since +1 prod per city doesn't add up the same way

Actually +1 happiness per city is pretty much the same as Forbidden palace, as each city adds 2 unhappiness.
Najaf said:
In todays world, the roads that need maintenance regularly are the crummy streets of ancient downtowns or the city streets that did a cheap rush job laying asphalt over broken chunks of concrete to pinch a penny. Major interstates and freeway systems are built to last. Road maintenance is in general a city and back-road issue.

So, you don't live in the US.


Neo Member
Shambles said:
Sorry, I meant your real life country not game civilization :D The road chaos of Civ4 is actually a lot closer to reality than the current setup
I don't think so. Of course there are many roads inside a city but that's nothing you can built in Civ. And between Cities there's normally only one interconnecting road or do you have roads all over the fields and forrests?

Btw, what's the difference between the ages of the world one can choose at starting a game? Is is that a younger world has more mountains because they are not washed down by rain and rivers?


Neo Member
Anyone playing on a Mac and having issues? My desktop PC seems to run the game fine, but when I try playing on my Mac in VMWare fusion the game simply won't load up. I get the DX9/10 toggle and nothing after. Haven't tried running in bootcamp yet.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Is there any launch commands I can add so the game boots into dx11 without going through the prompts.


Hail to the KING baby
yes. although hopefully you were bribing well beforehand and getting all the cheesy benefits <3 diplo victory :D

Hari Seldon

I'm not a fan of the diplo victory and will never try for it again. I was on a map, remained peaceful while everyone ran around and killed each other. In the end it was my puny 3 city civ vs Monte who owned the rest of the Tiny map. There were 4 city states left and I was allied with all of them. But I needed 6 votes to win the diplo victory. So I said eff it I'll go for a science victory but Monte declared war. Luckily his capital was not far so after I beat his initial wave I just kamikazed to his capital and won domination by only taking this one city the entire game. :lol


Totakeke said:
I'd say no. I liberated Washington and he didn't want to cooperate with me several turns later. Heard others say the same.

Checking my Diplo votes, I just noticed that it currently says Germany would vote for me. FWIW, he was completely eliminated, and the city I liberated for him happens to be Berlin, the capitol. So maybe they only vote for you if you specifically win back their capitol city for them.


Palmer_v1 said:
Checking my Diplo votes, I just noticed that it currently says Germany would vote for me. FWIW, he was completely eliminated, and the city I liberated for him happens to be Berlin, the capitol. So maybe they only vote for you if you specifically win back their capitol city for them.
Pretty sure they vote for you as long as you liberate one city to bring them back from the dead. I did that in my current game liberating the Iroquois.

One whole column in the diplomatic victory score check is devoted to liberated civs IIRC.

Hari Seldon

Sober said:
Is it me, or is 2nd tier of the liberty tree kinda meh?

I agree. My policy strat right now (except if I'm going for a culture victory) is to get Tradition and Aristocracy, and save the rest of my culture for Patronage and then Rationalism.
Germany asks me to declare war on English, I comply and take London before any German units arrive, this is like under 100 turns into the game.......so now I have Athens, Sparta and London as a puppet at the other end of the continent.......

Ok so, whatever, I'll just start building that way

Then Germany starts bitching at a city-state I was protecting so I declare war and conquer them too, make some of their cities puppets as they fit in to my territory well

Problem is that now I have 22 unhappiness :lol

I made some trades to get resources to make my people happy but I had about 70 turns of 22 unhappiness to go through lol

But I do have a lot of city-state support right now and I guess I should try for a diplo victory since the Iriquois and Persians both have a higher score right now.........still haven't met a few Civs too


Palmer_v1 said:
Checking my Diplo votes, I just noticed that it currently says Germany would vote for me. FWIW, he was completely eliminated, and the city I liberated for him happens to be Berlin, the capitol. So maybe they only vote for you if you specifically win back their capitol city for them.

I did liberate their capitol though. Maybe they'll have to vote for you even if they don't want to work with you?

That's kinda stupid.


Totakeke said:
I did liberate their capitol though. Maybe they'll have to vote for you even if they don't want to work with you?

That's kinda stupid.
The AI doesn't seem to take into account that you liberate them, capital or not. They'll still vote for you though.


Unconfirmed Member
Every AI player I have met has been an asshole. They may want to form a pact of cooperation at first, but they will reliably turn on you whenever its advantageous for them. The only allies that you can truly count on are the city-states.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Ghandi is an asshole.

He's all "let's go to war with Japan, mate" and I respond with "uh, come one, look, just give me ten turns to powder my nose" and he's cool with that.

He then declares war on Japan seven turns later and I join him at the ten turn mark. I'm a little pissed he started without me but whatever.

Anyway I'm doing all the heavy lifting on the map and slowly taking out Japan (who occupied the Middle East and central Asia on the huge Earth map to my dominance of the whole of Africa, with the exception of some city states).

Anyway, having not seen one Indian troop, Ghandi declares peace seven turns or so into the war and leaves me to fight alone. His peace treaty was obviously pretty fucking generous because when I went to exploit Japan's surrender later I realized he no longer had any available resources or money which I KNEW he should have still had available, so I just decided to wipe him out anyway.

Anyway, so five turns later I'm rapidly making my way to Japan's capital and Ghandi has the CHEEK to have a go at me for picking on a weaker force than me. Easy for him to say, with his fucking peace treaty and land-raping and economy crushing trade deals with Japan underway. He started it! I was cool with Japan up until he asked me to start this shit with him. And I'm left having to clean up his mess with a now hostile Ghandi scowling at me every few turns.

Not fucking cool. I ended up convincing Alexander to help me take out what was left of Japan, which was less than ideal given how much the Greeks had already expanded over much of real world Russia.

This game.
It seems like once you start having money problems, you can never fix them. I just won a 500 turn game on Prince difficulty where I had a negative gain of gold each turn for probably 80% of the game. I was only able to stay afloat by triggering Golden Ages and creating tons of puppet cities. The last 75 turns, 4 of the 5 cities that I actually controlled were just producing gold, and I still had a negative income. And I was building as few buildings as I could. Every city had its citizens focused on gold production, and I had stock exchanges in each city. I don't see what else can be done.
I missed out on the Diplomatic victory by one vote :(

It was coming to the end of the game (25 turns left or so) and I had just built the UN. All the city-states on my continent were in my pocket.

However, China had completely overrun every other civilization and city-state, meaning I only had 8 votes instead of the 9 I needed to win. And their army was about 3 times the size of mine. :(


JoeMartin said:
I have played like 5 games thru on Prince difficulty now.

Have yet to have an AI break a research agreement with me.

Because you can't break a research agreement. Even if either of the parties declare war, you still get your tech (immediately or eventually? I forgot).

Rez said:
Ghandi is an asshole.

He's all "let's go to war with Japan, mate" and I respond with "uh, come one, look, just give me ten turns to powder my nose" and he's cool with that.

He then declares war on Japan seven turns later and I join him at the ten turn mark. I'm a little pissed he started without me but whatever.

Anyway I'm doing all the heavy lifting on the map and slowly taking out Japan (who occupied the Middle East and central Asia on the huge Earth map to my dominance of the whole of Africa, with the exception of some city states).

Anyway, having not seen one Indian troop, Ghandi declares peace seven turns or so into the war and leaves me to fight alone. His peace treaty was obviously pretty fucking generous because when I went to exploit Japan's surrender later I realized he no longer had any available resources or money which I KNEW he should have still had available, so I just decided to wipe him out anyway.

Anyway, so five turns later I'm rapidly making my way to Japan's capital and Ghandi has the CHEEK to have a go at me for picking on a weaker force than me. Easy for him to say, with his fucking peace treaty and land-raping and economy crushing trade deals with Japan underway. He started it! I was cool with Japan up until he asked me to start this shit with him. And I'm left having to clean up his mess with a now hostile Ghandi scowling at me every few turns.

Not fucking cool. I ended up convincing Alexander to help me take out what was left of Japan, which was less than ideal given how much the Greeks had already expanded over much of real world Russia.

This game.

Sounds like a smart AI.

But of course that's not quite true, they're just programmed to take advantage of any situation without any consideration for what happened before.
marvelharvey said:
I liberated a Civ, hoping that he'd quite happily trade his nearby incense as a thank you gift. Sadly though, he acted as though nothing had happened, complaining that my trade was unreasonable. I deliberated him immediately.
This is why the diplomacy in this game is one of the main turn-offs. EU3, while far from perfect, just feels so much deeper in all respects.


FutureZombie said:
It seems like once you start having money problems, you can never fix them. I just won a 500 turn game on Prince difficulty where I had a negative gain of gold each turn for probably 80% of the game. I was only able to stay afloat by triggering Golden Ages and creating tons of puppet cities. The last 75 turns, 4 of the 5 cities that I actually controlled were just producing gold, and I still had a negative income. And I was building as few buildings as I could. Every city had its citizens focused on gold production, and I had stock exchanges in each city. I don't see what else can be done.

Easy, sell your crappy or unprofitable cities to other civs.


Re: civs voting for you.
You have to bring them from the dead. They have to be completely anihilated, with no cities left and then you liberate one of the cities, bringing them back to the game.


Sblargh said:
Re: civs voting for you.
You have to bring them from the dead. They have to be completely anihilated, with no cities left and then you liberate one of the cities, bringing them back to the game.

Still won't make them cooperate with you though if that's true.


I downloaded the Demo on steam, but for some reason it wouldn't run at 720p, any idea why? I could only get it running by changing my resolution to 1366x768. Is this normal?
Damn Darius started conquering all the city states after Hiwatha built the UN and I missed a diplo victory by a few votes

No idea why Hiwatha built the UN, I was bee-lining it there to try a win but he did the work for me *shrug*

Darius is 2 eras in front of me, its really sad how fucked you get by unhappiness after wars


FutureZombie said:
It seems like once you start having money problems, you can never fix them. I just won a 500 turn game on Prince difficulty where I had a negative gain of gold each turn for probably 80% of the game. I was only able to stay afloat by triggering Golden Ages and creating tons of puppet cities. ...

Puppet cities build a lot of relatively pointless buildings that YOU still have to pay maintenance for. In particular, they love to build military buildings even though they're never going to build a unit.

Just something to keep in mind.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
So after Napoleon stomped on my Bollywood attempt I rolled again on a tiny map instead of small, 4 civs instead of 6, no barbarians, and bumped it down to Warlord difficulty from Prince. It was barely even a game. Felt more like filling out an excel spreadsheet for 5 hours. I had like 550 culture per turn going at the end of the game, 100 happiness, no one ever attacked me.


Trades are weird, I assume there's a bug in there.

Me: "Will you give me all your gold for this Gold resource?"
Bismark: "Are you dumb?"
"Well... how about a few golds per turn?"
"How about a few golds per turn and all my gold?"
"Yes. Wait. What?"

Can be a bit of a pain to find the "best" deal sometimes.

Also ended up with negative culture contribution from Vienna, reducing my culture per turn by 1.


Borgnine said:
So after Napoleon stomped on my Bollywood attempt I rolled again on a tiny map instead of small, 4 civs instead of 6, no barbarians, and bumped it down to Warlord difficulty from Prince. It was barely even a game. Felt more like filling out an excel spreadsheet for 5 hours. I had like 550 culture per turn going at the end of the game, 100 happiness, no one ever attacked me.
Yeah, I recently switched out of a warlord difficulty game to prince, HOLY CRAP at the difference. At least the AI is trying to attack, claim land, piss off city states and everything. Even at warlord, all they did was mock me while I had a 800 point lead on everyone. I kinda wish they didn't give difficulties above Prince a handicap, because it would be cool to play against an AI that makes as good decisions as you, or can outsmart you.


Firebrand said:
Trades are weird, I assume there's a bug in there.

Me: "Will you give me all your gold for this Gold resource?"
Bismark: "Are you dumb?"
"Well... how about a few golds per turn?"
"How about a few golds per turn and all my gold?"
"Yes. Wait. What?"

Can be a bit of a pain to find the "best" deal sometimes.

Also ended up with negative culture contribution from Vienna, reducing my culture per turn by 1.

AI valuation on the Gold Per Turn is bugged.

Did you click propose or "what do you think will make this work?"
Rez said:
Ghandi is an asshole.

He's all "let's go to war with Japan, mate" and I respond with "uh, come one, look, just give me ten turns to powder my nose" and he's cool with that.

He then declares war on Japan seven turns later and I join him at the ten turn mark. I'm a little pissed he started without me but whatever.

Anyway I'm doing all the heavy lifting on the map and slowly taking out Japan (who occupied the Middle East and central Asia on the huge Earth map to my dominance of the whole of Africa, with the exception of some city states).

Anyway, having not seen one Indian troop, Ghandi declares peace seven turns or so into the war and leaves me to fight alone. His peace treaty was obviously pretty fucking generous because when I went to exploit Japan's surrender later I realized he no longer had any available resources or money which I KNEW he should have still had available, so I just decided to wipe him out anyway.

Anyway, so five turns later I'm rapidly making my way to Japan's capital and Ghandi has the CHEEK to have a go at me for picking on a weaker force than me. Easy for him to say, with his fucking peace treaty and land-raping and economy crushing trade deals with Japan underway. He started it! I was cool with Japan up until he asked me to start this shit with him. And I'm left having to clean up his mess with a now hostile Ghandi scowling at me every few turns.

Not fucking cool. I ended up convincing Alexander to help me take out what was left of Japan, which was less than ideal given how much the Greeks had already expanded over much of real world Russia.

This game.
EVERYONE in this game is an asshole. once one AI decides they want your land, everyone dogpiles you and you're up shit creek real quick

lost a game pretty early on this evening that way. f*ck trying a cultural victory

and in line with your story, i had Askia pull that shit with me on Napoleon, negotiating peace with France and leaving me to clean up a mess i pulled most of the weight in. ugh

but let me tell you, rez, revenge is sweet my friend. once i had sorted my troops out from that ordeal, i cleaned house with Askia ASAP and watched him gare at me the whole time. won the game by space race but continued on to world domination to have my way with every leader who fucked me over in the playthrough. 'this game' indeed

.... brb i wanna play now


Does anyone else feel that the ability to destroy embarked units instantly with your boats is too cheesy?

I was in a losing battle in my last game but i built one frigate to patrol the river that the troops were coming down and he killed every single one of them without repercussion because the ai files them in one by one. This was playing on prince difficulty and though it was pretty cool to come back it seemed too much of an exploitation to make me want to do it again.

I wish i could rename my units though because i would have called that one the black pearl
Totakeke said:
AI valuation on the Gold Per Turn is bugged.

Did you click propose or "what do you think will make this work?"

Is this confirmed? If so, to what degree? I have been noticing that the AI usually responds well to GPT/Lump Sums, but I didn't know it was out of whack. Would make sense, haha.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
So what happens exactly when you run negative strategic resources? I didn't have any coal so I traded for 4 coal and then built 3 factories with it (each one requires one coal). Then when the deal expired, I had -3 coal. My factories were still there though, maybe I wasn't getting the benefit? I have no idea I had so much stuff. What would happen if I traded for aluminum and then built some gunships? Are they deleted? Or is the consequence just that if you find more it starts counting from -3?


Hail to the KING baby
Borgnine said:
So what happens exactly when you run negative strategic resources? I didn't have any coal so I traded for 4 coal and then built 3 factories with it (each one requires one coal). Then when the deal expired, I had -3 coal. My factories were still there though, maybe I wasn't getting the benefit? I have no idea I had so much stuff. What would happen if I traded for aluminum and then built some gunships? Are they deleted? Or is the consequence just that if you find more it starts counting from -3?
Couldn't find this in the manual (probably not there), but it makes the units that use those resources less effective. Like 33% less maybe?
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