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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...

Chris R

platypotamus said:
What's his culture bonus for defeated units like? How much culture/unit? Does it scale based on the unit's strength? Is it negligible? The info in civilpedia is unclear, and I was thinking about trying a culture game with him.
I was getting between 3 and 5 per unit killed (Renaissance era units) If you go all out and face a ton of units I guess it could work. Also good for early game play on larger maps with plenty of barbarians.
rhfb said:
I was getting between 3 and 5 per unit killed (Renaissance era units) If you go all out and face a ton of units I guess it could work. Also good for early game play on larger maps with plenty of barbarians.

That sounds about right. I know at the start (Ancient era) it started at +2 per kill, but by the time I had a Destroyer picking off embarked/coast-side units, I was getting +11 per kill. I really benefited from it early in the game when there were lots of barbarians, and late in the game when I kept getting attacked by other nations due to my territory blocking some 'vital' waterways.

If you were ultra aggressive, you could make a steady stream of culture from killing, but I felt that wasting valuable production time on anything but building wonders (Hermitage, Broadcast Tower(non-wonder, but stacks with Hermitage) and Cristo Redentor (among others)), and money to support all the maintenance for all the buildings you need is counter productive. Still, every little bit of culture helps, though by the time I finished the five policies I was pulling in about 350+ culture/turn.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
platypotamus said:
If you got the deluxe edition: Babylon by a good country mile.

Otherwise... not sure? I'd be tempted to try Greece with the patronage science perk.

I think pretty much anybody who can get a good-sized empire going is good for a science win, given how heavily linked science advancement is to population size. I almost had a science win with Siam where I basically just used tons of Settlers and Maritime city-states to get a huge empire going, then built trading posts everywhere and took the Social Policy that makes them generate research. The only reason I didn't get the science win was because when I found that I was tooling around with Mechanized Infantry while everybody else was rolling with Riflemen I decided it'd be faster to just overrun everybody's capital. So I did.
I always feel too lazy to try for domination victories. It's so much more work to move all your units around the map attacking when you could just try for culture or science and sit in your nice, cozy cities.

Diplomatic seems like a nightmare, too. Managing the favor of city states is like one of those sitcoms where the guy is on two dates at the same time and he can't let either woman know what's going on. So tiring and nerve-racking.
DEO3 said:
Make sure when you play/load the game, you're doing it through the "Mods" section of the main menu. That is, open the game and when you're at the main menu click on "Mods", then in the sub-menu choose "Single Player", from there you can either setup a new game or load a previous save with any of the mods you've installed and enabled in the Mod Browser.

I feel like that's what I did, and I even got the achievement for playing with a mod, but playing as Greece I started on some iced over island.

Granted, I was trying to play a huge map with every civ and every city state, just to see if I could, so that might have borked it.

Human_Shield said:
That sounds about right. I know at the start (Ancient era) it started at +2 per kill, but by the time I had a Destroyer picking off embarked/coast-side units, I was getting +11 per kill. I really benefited from it early in the game when there were lots of barbarians, and late in the game when I kept getting attacked by other nations due to my territory blocking some 'vital' waterways.

Cool, sounds pretty powerful. I'd probably end up with some army just wandering the map fighting any takers, and another smaller force defending my cities from any retaliatory strikes. That sounds like a fun game actually. Maybe that'll be the game after this one.

FutureZombie said:
Diplomatic seems like a nightmare, too. Managing the favor of city states is like one of those sitcoms where the guy is on two dates at the same time and he can't let either woman know what's going on. So tiring and nerve-racking.

Personally, I think City States are the best things to happen to the diplomatic victory, ever. I never really wanted to go for it before, as it was essentially (oddly?) a lighter version of a conquest victory (bigger empires got more votes, after all). Now though, keeping them happy, liberating those that fall, liberating other civs even... it feels different, and the rewards from being friendly/allied with city states over the course of the game keep me motivated to keep it up.


That sounds about right. I know at the start (Ancient era) it started at +2 per kill, but by the time I had a Destroyer picking off embarked/coast-side units, I was getting +11 per kill. I really benefited from it early in the game when there were lots of barbarians, and late in the game when I kept getting attacked by other nations due to my territory blocking some 'vital' waterways.

If you were ultra aggressive, you could make a steady stream of culture from killing, but I felt that wasting valuable production time on anything but building wonders (Hermitage, Broadcast Tower(non-wonder, but stacks with Hermitage) and Cristo Redentor (among others)), and money to support all the maintenance for all the buildings you need is counter productive. Still, every little bit of culture helps, though by the time I finished the five policies I was pulling in about 350+ culture/turn.

Protip: leave a few barbarian encampments alive around your base so that they keep spawning units. In my last game i just had one horseman just run around collecting culture for most of the game. Got a hell of a lot of exp too.


Aselith said:
I need to know what this means.

Swype error I imagine. Meant to type dare.

Are achievements turned off when you use a mod? Stinks that I lose a pretty awesome game full of sweet accomplishments because I had a mod telling me what time it is!

"deign denigrate" is just a more convoluted way of saying "dare criticize"

I appreciate the effort
Siam just handed me 8 cities as part of a peace agreement. Is this some kind of intricate scheme of plunging my empire into a permanent state of unhappiness? Right now I'm ruling the world on a large map on prince difficulty with 2 infantry, a cannon, a caravel, a camel archer, and a great general.


archnemesis said:
Siam just handed me 8 cities as part of a peace agreement. Is this some kind of intricate scheme of plunging my empire into a permanent state of unhappiness?

It's better think that way rather than the alternative.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
so cathartic to see France reduced to almost nothing after two long, drawn-out wars on my little three city civ. Luckily I had Songhai and the Ottoman's in my Egyptian back-pocket, so I was able to eventually force a peace treaty on them by defending from the high ground. I then watched as the other two almost wiped Napoleon of the map, it was great. Alexander apparently had a colossal military presence, but luckily we were separated by continent and we never REALLY crossed paths. Hell, I never left my continent with the four other civs who occupied it, and it was an eight civ game, although I think by the end-game Alexander had wiped out the other two entirely, which was kind of frightening. We started out on a good-foot because we met just as I was pummeling Napoleon, so I get the feeling he respected the military prowess enough to prevent a war or a string of unreasonable demands. Ahem.

So, yeah, just had my first disgusting six-hour session with this game. Won a clean cultural victory with Ramses on difficulty level four. Playing with such a small civ is so dramatically different than my usual play-style, it was really cool to be able to really micro-manage every one of my three cities and relatively few units in the late-game. Usually I expand way out and annex quite a few cities later on, and it really makes everything more... well, not tedious, it's fun in it's own right, it's just very, very different. I think I prefer this way.

If I was going for a diplomatic victory, how do I found the UN? I got mass media like in Civ IV but it obviously isn't linked to that anymore.

Hell, I only just got the Utopia Project up in time. Took a string of three Great Person inspired golden ages (one of which I forced out through culture using the Honour tree's spawn Great General function, which wasn't part of my initial five policies).

What a game. Now, if you'll excuse me, I feel unclean and probably need to eat dinner which I skipped roughly four hours ago. Wow.

edit: oh wow, Steam disconnected so I got no achievements. I can barely contain my indifference.


One of the techs unlocks the ability to build the UN. I was dominating a game last night, but totally through economics. I had a small but powerful army and had managed trade pacts with every nation (4 others). I even had four allied city-states. I had been going for space race but figured thered be no better time to get diplomatic so I built the UN. I had zero enemies, had fought no one but barbarians and was supplying the world with my advanced goodies.

I got 5 votes. Myself and the allied city states. The other nations voted for themselves and the other c-s abstained. Zero feeedback or clue as to why. Broken and obtuse are the nicest things one could say about diplomacy.

I eventually nuked them all.

Rez, only reason I care about the achievements in this game is because they essentially set up cool scenarios to play through.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I kind of get what they were going for in taking away the clear plus and minus metres from Civ IV in regard to diplomacy. Paying attention to what the other leaders say or the way they behave, and as a result establishing them as characters rather than statistics sounds all well and good in theory, but I just don't feel like there's enough flexibility or consistency with any of it.

It's all limited options and totally unpredictable AI. I know that giving a guy lots of gifts and expecting him to like me seems really shallow, but in a game like this I think I'd kind of prefer that when I'm given so little other information about how they feel about me.

If this is inarticulate it's because I'm not used to sitting in front of a PC for this long and my brain may have partially started shutting down.


The maiin problem is that even the responses are vague and meaningless. When I got my cultural victory w/ 3 cities and no army I had other leaders taunt me constantly. They never did anything, which leads me to believe their taunts aren't meant as diplomatic tactics but rather tool tips "Clippy says hey bud, build an Army!" I sort of get that. However last night I constantly culture bombed an opponent. He whined about it but never did anything and even kept up the trade pacts...til I nuked his ass. The interactions just seem completely meaningless.
So, I just finished conquering the world as Japan on a small map on difficulty 3, and now im lookin to step it up!

Suggestions for a second play through? I want to do the tech based one, but im guessing it would involve a lot of killin people, and I feel I killed enough people my first run. Maybe I should just go for a Culture or Diplomatic victory instead.

Also, what size map should I bump it up too? and what play speed?


Nobiru said:
So, I just finished conquering the world as Japan on a small map on difficulty 3, and now im lookin to step it up!

Suggestions for a second play through? I want to do the tech based one, but im guessing it would involve a lot of killin people, and I feel I killed enough people my first run. Maybe I should just go for a Culture or Diplomatic victory instead.

Also, what size map should I bump it up too? and what play speed?
You can easily do the space race with no killing. As long as you have high production and science other civs will be scared of you.

Fast expand, build all production bonus buildings and keep upgrading your small army. You never have to leave your borders.
eznark said:
You can easily do the space race with no killing. As long as you have high production and science other civs will be scared of you.

Fast expand, build all production bonus buildings and keep upgrading your small army. You never have to leave your borders.

Sweet, fast expand as in make a few more cities quick and thats it? or keep making a bunch?

Also, Japan was awesome for killing everyone, Samurai were very usefull. Is there a good Civ to play as that will make tech easier?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
do the AI ever really try and win by anything other than domination or the space race?

It just seems so unlikely that they'd try and win a cultural or diplomatic victory. even in Civ IV it always seemed like domination or the space race were the only two real AI options, although maybe that's because I only ever play on Normal.


Nobiru said:
Sweet, fast expand as in make a few more cities quick and thats it? or keep making a bunch?

Also, Japan was awesome for killing everyone, Samurai were very usefull. Is there a good Civ to play as that will make tech easier?

It depends on where you are and what resources you have. Just be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions.

Apparently the Babylonians are good at tech. I wouldn't know as they were limited edition bullshit.
eznark said:
It depends on where you are and what resources you have. Just be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions.

Apparently the Babylonians are good at tech. I wouldn't know as they were limited edition bullshit.

Yeah, I bought the boxed Collectors, so no Babylon for me either.

Thanks for the help, startin a new game up now!


Rez said:
do the AI ever really try and win by anything other than domination or the space race?

It just seems so unlikely that they'd try and win a cultural or diplomatic victory. even in Civ IV it always seemed like domination or the space race were the only two real AI options, although maybe that's because I only ever play on Normal.

It was possible for an AI in Civ4 to aim for cultural victory. Not too sure about diplomatic but it doesn't seem impossible.

AIs in Civ5 however... we don't even know what they're trying to do most of the time. Plus they never really go around and ally with most of the city states anyway. Diplomatic victory in Civ V is also a misnomer, it's pretty much more of a gold/commerce victory than anything.


Rapping Granny said:
How can I connect the great wall to my other cities, right now it's only the capital and some other city.

I'm pretty sure that the actual wall that you can see is just for show, all your cities/territory should still be getting the effect.


scoobs said:
fight the machiiiine man! :lol I dont understand people that will deprive themselves of great games just because its on a single console or in this case service. I just dont get it.

Oh, is it only available on Steam? I actually just came here to ask which version to get, Steam or disc. Guess that's a moot point, then. (As an aside -- coming from a total noob -- is there any way to sync a disc-based PC game with your Steam account?)

Anyway, I tried the demo, and man, they really know how to reel people in. I never played another Civ game before, except for CivRev on DS, but Civ V is one those...like WCIII which has had me hooked since 2003. :lol

At first, I didn't even consider the game a possibility after looking at the system specs. Then a buddy told me the specs were a reflection of high-resolution considerations. For shits I tried the demo, and aside from the opening cutscene chugging a bit, the game ran pretty well. I'm using a pretty modest PC, too: P4 (Celeron 3.2ghz) with an ATI 4670. And it ran!

Well, I know what I'm asking for for Christmas. :D
GeekyDad said:
Oh, is it only available on Steam?

No, you can buy the game in every store near you, but you have to activate it once on steam, because its a so called "steamworks" game, that uses the services of steam (achievements, automatic updates, etc.).
You can activate it, set steam to offline and play it without connection to the internet all the time, but you have to go online to receive the updates.


y'all should be ashamed
I'm actually jumping in from Civ 1 on DOS, which I still play regularly, to Civ 5 (never played any other versions in between). What an epic masterpiece.

Last night I took out the Egyptians with my Russian armies, and thought yeah, I'll take out England next. Then I made my first Tribme and took it out to sea...and discovered more English cities...and more...and more...all with city names from different civilizations...until I came to the realization that my civ was going to be the next to fall. And sure enough, that's exactly what happened.

Damn this game is awesome.


Neo Member
Hello overpowered horsemen. Even worse if you are Greek and have Companion Cavalry. A horse rush pretty much rapes anything early game Diety and below.

Tech Animal Husbandry, The Wheel, Horseback Riding.
Go Scout, Worker, Settler.
Have your scout pop ruins, if you get advanced weaponry upgrade all the better.
When your worker comes out, get a pasture around some horses and get ready to send your next settler to another square one away from another tile of horses.
After your settler comes out, train horsemen.
Settle your second city, pasture the horses, build horsemen from both cities.
If you have the cash from barb farming, buy a third horseman.

Now you have three horsemen, if you went the honor path you probably have a great commander. Go slaughter everything on the map.


zoku88 said:
You don't need to sleep every day.

So true. Like today, I haven't slept today yet. Too busy winning a scientific victory in Civ :lol

I'll sleep tonight, it will be alright. If I have trouble staying up I'll just start a new game :D


Aniketos said:
Hello overpowered horsemen. Even worse if you are Greek and have Companion Cavalry. A horse rush pretty much rapes anything early game Diety and below.

Now you have three horsemen, if you went the honor path you probably have a great commander. Go slaughter everything on the map.
Yeah, I'm playing only on Easy (#3) but I can still roll in, even in the industrial age with some horsemen I had back from the Classical Age and roll some cities down in a few turns or two. In fact, I don't have problems taking cities, is that a difficulty thing? Probably gonna bump it up to normal next.

Also, large maps DESTROY my computer in the mid-to-late game. Ending my turn takes maybe a minute, minute half and sometimes it takes 30 seconds to cycle to some units. Ugh.

Also, is there any limited possibility of pulling off a cultural victory with a relatively large (12-15 cities) civ, or is it just a 3-7 city thing now?





Borgnine said:
This is how my Bollywood attempt went:



Yeesh, that's a lot of turns too...

When I did it, I had two cities. One for culture and the other mostly pumping up military units. Scattering them on my borders pretty much kept the AI from declaring on me.


y'all should be ashamed
So I haven't played a Civ game since the first one. And the whole time I was playing this game, I thought, where's the transport boat so I can move my units overseas? I kept building a ton of boats and trying to move men in there.

So I ended up focusing on my cities that were on the island and got the Space victory at 2037. But right before then I accidentally moved my space unit in a water tile...and then smacked myself in the forehead. :lol

Next time I'll actually go overseas! I'm such a moron. :lol :lol


Borgnine said:
This is how my Bollywood attempt went:



Sheesh. What difficulty are you on? I play King and have never seen anything like that from the AI, even when I have scrap for an army.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Playing on the second difficulty... the AI is completely incompetent. I really need to raise the difficulty apparently, because I just wiped out every nation on the continent without much difficulty after they declared war on me for expanding too much. Maybe the ability to buy units is a bit overpowered?


Zefah said:
Playing on the second difficulty... the AI is completely incompetent. I really need to raise the difficulty apparently, because I just wiped out every nation on the continent without much difficulty after they declared war on me for expanding too much. Maybe the ability to buy units is a bit overpowered?

No, the AI is just dumb, even at higher difficulties.

Edit: Actually I should add that Firaxis said they made the AI even dumber at lower difficulties by allowing them a more variety of possible stupid choices. But don't get your hopes up by increasing the difficulty.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Najaf said:
Sheesh. What difficulty are you on? I play King and have never seen anything like that from the AI, even when I have scrap for an army.
Napoleon did that to me as well, playing on Prince. Sometimes he goes expansion CRAZY and can just pump out units like it's nobodies business. It's surprisingly easy to hold off huge waves of enemies with a few decent units, though.
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