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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Mr. Spinnington said:
i notice the patch has fixed a problem where i used to have the self control to quit the game

You had that once?


With the latest patch when the citizens rivot with unhappyness- can they make city states within your nation? cause that would be epic.


Cday said:
Spain/Inca + Scenarios is the "1st DLC Pack" you get for pre-ordering from D2D.
Did not know that. I had always assumed who just picked and chose some random DLC to add. Now, I wonder if I should be a whore and just DL the babylonians.
I'm seeing a weird issue where my trade deals are ending early, sometimes after 1 turn.. which is cool when they give me money for a resource then next turn I can trade it to them again... but yeah doesn't seem quite right. Anyone else seeing this?


I don't think the DLC is officially live yet but if you preordered Civ 5 from D2D, you can log onto your account, grab the key, and start downloading it now. It's listed as:

9/14/10 Civilization V - Double Civilization and Scenario Pack: Spain and Inca
Yep, if you D2D people didn't see the email, you should be able to log into your D2D account for the serial now. Just c/p it into steam, and download away.


platypotamus said:
Yep, if you D2D people didn't see the email, you should be able to log into your D2D account for the serial now. Just c/p it into steam, and download away.
Cool, didn't see that.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
If this new patch is up, how is it for people who were frustrated with the game before? The main complaint I hear is that pursuing a peaceful victory doesn't work in this game because of the ridiculous AI, has that been helped at all?


Pachucuti - The Inca
Great Andean Road - Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.
Unique Unit - Slinger (replaces the Archer)
Tile Improvement - Terrace Farm (farm on a hill)

Isabella - Spain
Seven Cities of Gold - Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, happiness, and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.
Unique Unit 1 - Tercio (musketman replacement)
Unique Unit 2 - Conquistador (replaces knight)

The music for Inca is nice and their settler unit has a freakin llama.

mattiewheels said:
If this new patch is up, how is it for people who were frustrated with the game before? The main complaint I hear is that pursuing a peaceful victory doesn't work in this game because of the ridiculous AI, has that been helped at all?


225 Turns in and Napoleon hasn't expanded or talked any shit. Caesar has been bullying Alexander the whole game but that's it.


Cday said:
Isabella - Spain
Seven Cities of Gold - Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, happiness, and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.

I can see that getting nerfed. I moved a couple of scouts around as Izzy and the bonus is a pretty insane 500 gold per discovery.


mattiewheels said:
If this new patch is up, how is it for people who were frustrated with the game before? The main complaint I hear is that pursuing a peaceful victory doesn't work in this game because of the ridiculous AI, has that been helped at all?

New patch is fantastic. I ran for a culture victory on King with China. (yes, China for a culture victory) I played a huge map, 12 civs, 24 City States, on continents; settled two cities and got busy friending everyone. The feedback for the AI's stance toward you is great. The Iroquois were listed as 'Afraid', and it lists why. They coveted my land, and were afraid of my tech lead. It makes friending the AI a lot easier because you can see what they are thinking.

Also, good ol' Napoleon got patched right up. He pursued a cultural victory at first, but then saw I was beating him Policy wise, so he switched to space race it seemed. No war mongering civ in my whole game. There were skirmishes, but everyone seemed to play nice. A few civs got taken out early, but by separate powers so there was no runaway AI.

The adjustments to meritocracy, the forbidden palace, happiness caps on Colosseums and Theatres, along with Maritime CS nerfs make Infinite City Spam a poor choice. Also, making you adopt social policies and use free tech's immediately prevents the beeline problems when combined with some additional requirements in the Tech tree tying up era changing techs.

Overall, this patch has restored my interest entirely with Civ V. I was bored (120 hours before the patch) as victories, even on Immortal were dry and repetitive. I got to the point of enforcing my own made up rules to make things more interesting requiring roads between all of my cities before I built a new one for instance (think triangle trade routes, City A connects to B and C by separate roads). This patch has brought back the challenge and tactics I thought were missing. Now if only they would stop with this overpriced DLC and just start working on a proper expansion.

dream said:
I can see that getting nerfed. I moved a couple of scouts around as Izzy and the bonus is a pretty insane 500 gold per discovery.

Well, that was for discovering it first. There are only 7, and they are spread across the map. So, it encourages beelining to Optics to maybe snag some undiscovered cross-ocean landmarks, but most will have been discovered already. I like the idea of encouraging the Spanish to explore.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Sounds great, I'll have to get this from the Steam sale now.
qwerty2k said:
Anyone got Civ V on mac? tempted to buy it but heard terrible things about performance?

I have it, but I've never been able to get it to run (graphics are all screwed up). But don't let my experience be your word on the matter, I'm sure other people have gotten it to run great.


Human_Shield said:
I have it, but I've never been able to get it to run (graphics are all screwed up). But don't let my experience be your word on the matter, I'm sure other people have gotten it to run great.

hmm whilst it may be true your bad experience coupled with the others ive read on the steam forums aren't exactly filling me with confidence :(.

i haven't played Civ IV either, would people recommend IV or V?
This patch has finally made the game fun. There's a couple of nerfs that I disagree with, but overall Civ5 has been vastly improved. I'll have to cross this off of my 'most disappointing games of 2010' list.

qwerty2k said:
Anyone got Civ V on mac? tempted to buy it but heard terrible things about performance?
What Mac do you have? I've a 17inch i7 MacBook Pro and Civ5 runs at about 30fps with every graphical setting at minimum. Running in Bootcamp on the other hand, I've a much better frame rate, high screen resolution and some settings on medium.


Liking the diplo tweaks in particular. I can see points of contention and such with the AI, but they're not reduced to crude +/- indicators. I like the clarity the new changes have brought, but I also like that there is still a factor of ambiguity in this.

I just discovered the "show tile yield when Worker selected" option, it's very handy for supplying that clusterfuck of information only when I need it. I can go about other tasks without all those icons wallpapering the view, and without ticking the yield info on and off every turn like a maniac.


marvelharvey said:
This patch has finally made the game fun. There's a couple of nerfs that I disagree with, but overall Civ5 has been vastly improved. I'll have to cross this off of my 'most disappointing games of 2010' list.

What Mac do you have? I've a 17inch i7 MacBook Pro and Civ5 runs at about 30fps with every graphical setting at minimum. Running in Bootcamp on the other hand, I've a much better frame rate, high screen resolution and some settings on medium.

current gen macbook pro 15" NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics processor with 256MB


qwerty2k said:
i haven't played Civ IV either, would people recommend IV or V?
If you like fighting wars in strategy games, Civ V is unquestionably the better choice. Civ IV (like III) has unit stacking, which can make combat a truly mind-numbing and tedious affair. Civ V is leaps and bounds better in this department.
People will love the new A.I. and whatnot, but the patch broke the game further insofar as I'm concerned. (well somewhat, making cities harder to capture is pretty much an incredibly stupid thing). (This is from a MP POV).

To the person who asked, I would recommend 4 over 5.
About the info on the new civs.

Inca – Pachacuti

Unique Ability: Great Andean Road
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hill; half-cost elsewhere.

Unique Unit: Slinger
Cost: 70, Moves: 2, Range: 2, Ranged Strength: 6, Strength: 2
One of the first available ranged Units, this Incan Unique Unit replaces the Archer. The Slinger is no more powerful than the Archer, and is even more fragile if subjected to a melee attack. However it possesses a promotion that gives it a good chance to withdraw to the rear before an enemy melee attack can occur.

Unique Improvement: Terrace Farm
The Terrace Farm can only be built on hills and does not need a source of fresh water to do so. It provides additional food for each adjacent mountain.

Spain - Isabella

Unique Ability: Seven Cities of Gold
Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). Culture, happiness, and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.

Unique Unit: Tercio
Cost: 140, Moves: 2, Strength: 18
Dominant military Unit of the Renaissance Era. Only Spain may build it. This Unit has a higher Combat Strength than the Musketman which it replaces, as well as the Bonus vs Mounted (100) promotion. However it is also more expensive to build.

Unique Unit: Conquistador
Cost: 150, Moves: 3, Strength: 18: Requires: 1 Horses
Renaissance Era unit that specializes in scouting and colonizing overseas (can found a city on a different continent). Only Spain may build it. Replaces the Knight.
I picked it up being a quest-whore. And damn . . . it is a nice looking game.

And lots of nice touches . . . I love the quotes it given when you invent new technology. The maps are beautiful. And little whales frolicking in the water.


ErasureAcer said:
Civ IV hours logged...who the hell knows, way too many.
Civ V hours logged...12. Game is garbage.

How is it garbage? your not even giving a reason for you saying it's garbage?

I think it's a great game definitely worthwhile to play as is Civ 4 if you can find it for cheap.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Yeah, coming in and trashing without giving reasons is lame.

Got this and loving it right away so far, my fears of it being just a notch in depth above Civ Rev are gone. One thing I always wondered with every Civ game is if just going in order with research, straight down the list, is what most people do? Or is there good strategy in skipping around and getting some done before others?


ErasureAcer said:
Civ IV hours logged...who the hell knows, way too many.
Civ V hours logged...12. Game is garbage.

How come?

The only times I have seen hate on this game is by Amazon reviewers complaining that you need Steam to play and that not being able to stack units changes the game too much.


Cday said:
225 Turns in and Napoleon hasn't expanded or talked any shit. Caesar has been bullying Alexander the whole game but that's it.

Fuck Alexander and this games AI. 3v3, two real people and one AI being Alexander vs 3 CPU AI and every time when we were in war attacking cities, god damn fucker does a peace treaty :mad: fucker trolled us 3 times :mad:

Mobius 1

Willy105 said:
How come?

The only times I have seen hate on this game is by Amazon reviewers complaining that you need Steam to play and that not being able to stack units changes the game too much.
Well ... I'm a complete Civ fiend but I could not get into Civ V with the same kind of commitment. It just felt awkward and un-Civ-like most of the time. I need to give it another go with the new patches over the holidays.
Willy105 said:
How come?

The only times I have seen hate on this game is by Amazon reviewers complaining that you need Steam to play and that not being able to stack units changes the game too much.

Actually the response from the MP community was that the game should not have been released without functioning multiplayer. They have patched it up somewhat but the effort players put in to play MP now is practically dead. In general the new york steam region server had about 10-20 games up at any given time after 1 week from launch. In just 3 weeks from that point in time, it dwindled down to approximately 6, and now stands at 1-6 depending on time. This because the mp community has some serious gripes about MP which I'll go into below.

I'm not going to touch up on the actual network and p2p coding itself, which prevents about 50% of games launching.

Some of the main problems with the game mechanics:
French is currently the most powerful civ for duels. The culture bonus it gets is pretty much equivalent to 40 free hammers per city.
Workers take way to long to build and improvements take too long to get up. I'm speaking in terms of the quick game setting btw. Fact of the matter is, with the liberty social policy you can get a settler quicker than a worker, and you will get more from that extras city's population point than you will from the worker in the long run. In civ IV it was generally the case that you would want approx 1.5 workers per city. In this game, although its nice to have about 1 worker per city, you get the cities out first then the workers, and this takes a fair amount of time despite getting you more production in the long run.
There's also a debate about whether or not tile improvements should offer more in terms of hammers. (pasture +2 hammers instead of +1). This would again be to increase the value of workers.

Another big problem is all happiness resources give the same amount of happiness despite some requiring more advanced tech to access. If you have gems, gold, and silver near you, and your opponent has cotton, silk, and sugar, you have a pretty large advantage given that the standard tech path of animal husbandry -> mining -> bronze working -> iron working will also get you the happiness resources. (not to mention great tiles if you want to do some kind of rush).

Greece is pretty overpowered in ancient although I haven't seen what the horsemen nerf has done to the comp cavalry. (pretty sure they're still second best civ in ancient).

On that note, all this talk of online MP is kind of putting me int he mood for an mp game. If anyone in gaf is interested in playing some civ 5 MP (and not this pussy a.i. shit) add me on steam. Steam Name: Earthstrike.


I just changed the main menu music to Baba Yetu, but does anyone know if it is possible to change the image shown behind the main menu? I want to make it like it was in Civ 4 if I can :D


Earthstrike said:
Workers take way to long to build and improvements take too long to get up. I'm speaking in terms of the quick game setting btw. Fact of the matter is, with the liberty social policy you can get a settler quicker than a worker, and you will get more from that extras city's population point than you will from the worker in the long run. In civ IV it was generally the case that you would want approx 1.5 workers per city. In this game, although its nice to have about 1 worker per city, you get the cities out first then the workers, and this takes a fair amount of time despite getting you more production in the long run.

I'm not sure if you even need 1 worker per city. I mean, between tile improvements sucking and not needing to spam roads anymore, I end up with a LOT of idle workers once I hit the halfway point of a game.
dream said:
I'm not sure if you even need 1 worker per city. I mean, between tile improvements sucking and not needing to spam roads anymore, I end up with a LOT of idle workers once I hit the halfway point of a game.

Well, most things I say are from a MP point of view and not SP. In MP you end up space constrained since planting a city to close to your enemy can get you killed and you need workers to chop forests to get out settlers faster as well as build roads to maintain your army. 1 worker per city was the general consensus a lot of the "top" players had for some time.


GAF parliamentarian
1 city Gandhi culture victory on Price yesterday. The new diplomacy systems made it pretty damn interesting.


Lyphen said:
1 city Gandhi culture victory on Price yesterday. The new diplomacy systems made it pretty damn interesting.
I have a save from pre-patch where I was going for a 1 city Gandhi cultural victory. Will be interesting to see how it shapes up post-patch.
I may pick up this game if it goes on sale during the Steam Holiday sales. (I seem to have missed the previous sale...)

I played about 50 hours of Civ IV, and really lived. I felt like I just scratched the surface, though. Part of me just wants to dive back into that game (once I have some free time somday!) and part of me wants to get into Civ V. Some of the changes look great, but some kind of concern me. For example, I think I'll miss religion (not a deal breaker or anything, though). I like the idea of better combat, but has it become too much of a focus? Is it too difficult to play a game with as little emphasis on warfare as possible?

Anyway, I don't even know if it'll go on sale! But if it does, talk me into/out of it, GAF!


I only see Civ 4 on sale. Got it today to play it. And man, I wish it was Civ V.

From what I have read here, it seems the balancing problems of Civ V can get on the nerves of the more experienced and in-depth players, but otherwise Civ IV is just less appealing in it's presentation. Very unintuitive and slow, but great music.

But I'm sure this opinion will change as I get more used to it.

Maybe Civ V can get a patch that has the best of both worlds.


Meteorain said:
Alright just picked up Civ 5 and the only question I have for now is.....

Where the hell is the Civilopedia!?

You have to be in a game to view it, which is one of my biggest disappointments with the game actually.


I can confirm that anyone who is thinking of getting this for the Mac that the port is TERRIBLE, performance is absolutely woeful.
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