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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


Ikuu said:
I remember there was a pretty decent guide for Civ 4 from some fansite, anything like that for 5? I love the game but I feel like I'm playing it completly wrong (always seem to be broke, loads of unhappiness etc).
You're probably thinking of Sisiutil's Civ 4 guide for beginner's. I don't think a Civ 5 version exists, but you can try looking around here for something similar.


Did they patch the game again?

Last time I played (a little over a month ago), I was France and took over two city-states in a small amount of time. It was about 280 turns into the game, and it was the first time I'd invaded anywhere the entire game. Suddenly, literally every civilization declared war on me. I had a strong/technologically advanced military, so I was able to fend them off forever. Eventually, everyone except the two civs that directly bordered me made peace with me, but I just stopped playing because it was like 50-70 turns later and those two still wouldn't negotiate peace.

Do you have to be actively taking the other civ's cities and such for them to try to make peace? I just took a couple of their cities and then put units along certain choke points to massacre any forces they sent my way and stayed there.


Gold Member
I've been playing a long 1st campaign and the game constantly freezes now that I'm in the late game. Anyone else have this issue?

Reducing the settings seemed to bare minimum seemed to allow me to get past the turn where it's stuck on, but it'll start freezing on some random future turn.


Rollo Larson said:
im still having a problem with evryone denouncing me for no reason

Hover over the diplomatic screen and the reasons why they like/don't like you will pop up.

Civ5 AI is built a little different than Civ4 AI, which often dance to their defeat.

-Friendly AI can turn if you take cities/territories they want. This is especially true if your in a coalition fighting against the same enemy and you beeline for the resource cities. This used to be a non issue, but it now weighs on your diplomacy after the war.
-When attacking a city state, it will tell you who is protecting it. It's pretty easy to know who you will piss off.
-When you start pulling away to victory, AIs will openly block you from winning, including attacking your city state allies to make you lose UN votes or stealing them form with you money drops. I've had an AI steal a CS from me then declare war, making the CS go from light blue influence to full red >.>
-Each Civ 'grand master' AI have a strategy on how they want to win. If you are also trying for the same win, that is extra penalties on your relations. Though this usually do not show up until the end game.

I can confirm denunciation is not limited to the AI against humans. My current game had Elizabeth being prissy and annoying and I had no trouble getting most of the world to denounce her as I prepared for war.

In Civ5, you just have to play a more logical diplomatic game. The AI knows when you've broken your word, it knows when you're stealing influence from a city state they are friendly with and it definitely knows when you settle on land or take a city (controlled by someone else) that they wish to take for themselves.


KingK said:
Did they patch the game again?

Last time I played (a little over a month ago), I was France and took over two city-states in a small amount of time. It was about 280 turns into the game, and it was the first time I'd invaded anywhere the entire game. Suddenly, literally every civilization declared war on me. I had a strong/technologically advanced military, so I was able to fend them off forever. Eventually, everyone except the two civs that directly bordered me made peace with me, but I just stopped playing because it was like 50-70 turns later and those two still wouldn't negotiate peace.

Do you have to be actively taking the other civ's cities and such for them to try to make peace? I just took a couple of their cities and then put units along certain choke points to massacre any forces they sent my way and stayed there.
I've found that razing a city and then wearing down their forces can be helpful, eventually they'll have lost "enough" and offer a treaty. If they rebuild the city later in the same place (probable if the terrain remains borderless) and go to war with you again, you can often repeat the punishment to the same effect.


Question - when patches come out that significantly change certain gameplay mechanics, are the tutorials in the game ever updated to ensure they actually stay accurate?


dLMN8R said:
Question - when patches come out that significantly change certain gameplay mechanics, are the tutorials in the game ever updated to ensure they actually stay accurate?
Unsure, but I vaguely recall someone saying that the Civilopedia is updated with every patch, and that they're working on updating the digital manual as well. Do the tutorial windows go into enough detail to become outdated by patches?


dLMN8R said:
Question - when patches come out that significantly change certain gameplay mechanics, are the tutorials in the game ever updated to ensure they actually stay accurate?
I haven't played recently but from what I read from recent patches nothing dramatic in gameplay changed, just mostly balance to fix some certain cheese strats and such. Tutorial IIRC didn't go too much in detail.
There are so many mods officially listed and to an extent supported through the in-game browser. It's just so damn confusing to know what's been outdated by patches and what hasn't - does anyone have any recommendations on what they're using?

I'm found exactly what I was looking for (city state improvements) and more (new specialists? job classes? resources and land management UI changes? swoooooon.) but I was also wondering what others had success with and liked?


New Patch details.

Note from the Producer
Dennis Shirk said:
The patch notes below are the first part of a large two-part update. We wanted to focus this part of the update on stability and bugs, and as you’ll see in the notes below, we’re progressing nicely. There is also continued work going into the AI, the modding framework, and WorldBuilder, and we expect to have this in your hands shortly.

The second part we have begun working on will be released in the coming months, and will include our next balance pass (for those areas of the game that were not included in the March 1 update), as well as continued work on AI, diplomacy, and a much-requested addition to the game that we’ll be discussing in more detail very soon.

You guys have all been instrumental in helping us to continue to make Civilization V better with each update, and there’s more to come!


* Economic AI: Tweaks to improve the number of workers built.
* Diplo AI: Correct minor error in calculation by AI to decide if it wants to join a coop war.
* City Strategy AI: Fix flavor broadcast to cities just after they are founded. Player level adjustments since start of game weren't being copied over to the new city.
* Operational AI: If AI sees that WarState is Calm (i.e. no one has troops near enemy lands), still consider launching an attack if overall military strengths are at least even.
* Operational AI: Enhancements to more sensibly pick city from which to launch a naval invasion.
* Operational AI: Slightly relax requirements for naval invasion to be on target (to get them onshore and attacking sooner).
* Operational/Tactical AI: Fix to movement/deployment for naval invasion forces.
* Operational/Tactical AI: Improved weighting and selection of muster and target cities for city attack operations.
* Tactical AI: Early game AI tweak to allow occasional sneak attack.
* Tactical AI: Improvements in civilian and embarked units targeting.
* Tactical AI: Units with defensive embarkation had a combat strength when embarked and were being considered for tactical moves (like making ranged attacks) that they weren't actually eligible for.
* Tactical AI: Improved the logic of how units are chosen for tactical moves so embarked units can now drop into place on land as flanking units, bombard units, etc.
* Tactical AI: Changes to more effectively use Great Generals offensively.
* Tactical AI: Citadels now project danger.
* Tactical AI: Units defending citadels are high priority targets; AI will prioritize trying to take these spaces.
* Tactical AI: AI will now pillage undefended citadels.
* Tactical AI: Be wary when approaching an enemy city; don't close on it if enemy clearly has superiority.


* Fixed an issue that was not allowing the Americas building set to display properly.
* If a 3D leaderhead scene cannot be created, fallback to 2D.


* Units: Stealth Bombers can now get promotions.
* Units: Add “Fortify until Healed” option for aircraft. Before, they only healed when inactive, which could cause confusion for the player.
* Units: Prevent units with the "No Melee" promotion from capturing cities (archers, catapults, etc.).
* Units: Air units must be in a city to upgrade, and no sneaky "I'm on a carrier in the city" either.
* Units: Fixed a problem that was allowing units to upgrade in territories that were not their own.
* Terrain Improvements: Allow Moai to be built over top of resources.
* Terrain Improvements: Correct an issue that resulted in double resources if you founded a city on top of an improved resource plot.
* Yields: Fix a load order problem where the lake bonus is not applied to a farm after loading an existing save.
* City Management: When selling a building, ensure that all citizens are properly removed.
* City Management: When assigning a specialist to a building, make sure we don't accidentally assign more citizens than we have available.
* City Management: Fix for an issue that was causing workers to go missing when population went down.
* City Management: After the citizen is removed from working, adjust the unassigned worker count before subtracting from the total population. There were rare situations that could cause the worker to disappear.
* Culture: Keep the current culture level of the city after it is captured. The culture production will go to 0, but the culture level must remain the same or else a large city will be able to acquire tiles at the same rate as a smaller city.


* Pre-Game: The tooltips for unique items in the Loading screen no longer show up until AFTER loading has finished, preventing potential “stuck” UI.
* Pre-Game: Prevented escape key from being used to corrupt starting parameters while starting a tutorial game.
* Pre-Game: Multi-player maps added to Single-player as well.
* Pre-Game: Fixed a rounding issue in the options menu so that values are always integer based for the tooltip delay.
* Pre-Game: Using ":" in a save filename is no longer considered valid since Windows does not allow this. Players could potentially use this character in a save name without knowing that the file was not created when they exited the dialog.
* Notifications: Fix notifications that arise after a city is liberated so they show the name properly.
* Notifications: Extra DOF expiration notifications removed.
* Notifications: Notifications for denouncement or friendship are only displayed if the active player has met one of the teams.
* Tool-tips: Tooltips for worker/workboat build recommendations now build dynamically by looking at tile yields for these improvements: camp, pasture, farm, mine, trading post, fishing boats, custom house and manufactory.
* Tool-tip: Plot Mouse Over text for Natural Wonders will now display the culture yield as if it was in your borders and being worked, similar to how other yields are displayed.
* Mod Browser: Mod Browser panels now reset their scroll value when a new mod is selected.
* New Addition: Resource Panel integrated into upper-left Info Panel UI.
* New Addition: Specialist slots in buildings are now shown in the info tooltip for both the tech tree, production popup, and Civilopedia.
* Combat Preview: "Bonus VS Cities" is now renamed to "Penalty VS Cities" when it's < 0.
* Combat Preview: Fix bonus display issue when bombarding an enemy unit (if enemy had bonuses that required “friendly” territory, it would show up in the preview even though they were obviously in enemy territory).
* Combat Preview: Show Oligarchy Garrisoned Unit bonus for city ranged attacks.
* City Screen: City Growth meter within the City screen now displays the correct amount.
* City Screen: Fix the display of the current research progress UI, which made research estimates appear to be incorrect.
* In-Game: Fix the display of the movement cost for units that can embark.
* In-Game: Fixed a rounding issue in the military overview (actually, a lack of rounding issue).
* In-Game: Properly hide the Aircraft selection UI if hidden from view (fog of war, etc.).
* In-Game: City State's "Quest" icon is now hidden if that City State is at war with your team.
* In Game: City banner now displays different tooltip for puppet cities that are not owned by the player.
* In Game: Top Panel now differentiates between unhappiness from regular population and unhappiness from specialists.
* In-Game: Selecting a unit in the military overview will now select that unit, selecting it twice will now move the camera to it.
* Victory: Fix UI display of Diplomatic Victory votes (it was displaying votes from dead Civs/City States).
* Victory: UN Voting and Results screens now have better support for team games.
* Multiplayer: Human players no longer show an approachability type since that was meant for AI.
* Multiplayer: Multiplayer diplomacy w/ teams no longer has overlapping text.
* Diplomacy: There's now a confirmation dialog when you publicly denounce a civ.
* Diplomacy: Player cannot publicly denounce a civ multiple times in the same turn.
* Unit Panel: Fixed an erroneous display of a needed upgrade resource if the needed resource quantity was 0 and you are running a deficit on that resource (negative return value).
* Production: In UI for national wonders that have a prereq building, don't list each individual city that needs the building if the prereq doesn't have to be in EVERY city in the empire. Instead just continue to show the count.
* Production: City connected by railroad production bonus now correctly displays across all UI.


* Don't allow research agreements if one party has finished the tech tree.
* Correct opinion code so we can get outcomes of friendly or allied.
* Fix the AI's deal adjustment so that it doesn't accidentally treat your luxury items as strategic items. This essentially prevented the AI from ever countering the deal with a request for a strategic resource from the other player. It just re-submitted the counter offer, requesting more luxury items, which the player could not see. If accepted, the player would realize too late that all their luxury resources were gone.


* Map Resize: Added controls for adding and removing rows of hexes from the top, build, left, or right of a map.
* Added default “map size” drop-down so that players can set the default number of Civs that they want to play on a map.
* Fix permanent war setting in the WB so that it reflects properly in the game.


* Support for disabling the Happiness system.
* Support for disabling the Science/Research system.
* Support for disabling Social Policy acquisition.
* Support for disabling the Tutorial system.
* Properly initialize citizens and trade routes when loading for a scenario with a preexisting empire.
* Correct a problem with the awarding of contacts with minor civs in games created from WB scenarios.
* Add "CityCanConstruct" Lua hook.
* Exposed LoadString to Lua scripts.


* Fixed issue for Lancer that was stopping the Model of a Modern Major-General achievement from firing.
* Fixed issue with building type comparison that was keeping the Tomb Raider achievement from firing.
* Fixed issue that was keeping the Barbary Coast achievement from firing.
* Fixed issue with the Flying Fortress achievement that would cause it to fire when the action was performed by an AI player.
* Fixed issue with the God is Great achievement that would cause it to fire when the action was performed by an AI player.


* Mongol: Disable all victory conditions except domination.
* Disable tutorial across all Scenarios.


* Additional nil checking to prevent possible Lua crashes due to invalid data in the HoF database.
* Tighten up decal culling to reduce the number of decals rendered per cell (Scroll crash).
* Fix to "Moai on the edge of the map" crash.
* Prevent CvDiplomacyAI::DoUpdateEstimateOtherPlayerMilitary Threats from doing a divide by 0 (caused by a city having more damage that hit points).
* Added in additional protections against using invalid player IDs that were causing crashes in community provided saves.
* Fix bad cast of PlayerType to TeamType (and resulting crash).
* Fix random map selection in multiplayer, which could cause a crash.


Quick question btw: Im able to get the game from Gamersgate, but they only have it listed for Mac. If i redeem the code on steam will i be able to also get it for Windows since its steamplay ?


I really appreciate all the love the AI has gotten in these patches, it gets a lot more enjoyable dealing with them when they commit fewer egregious mistakes. The Citadel stuff here will definitely have an impact on my strategies for defensive wars, especially seeing as they'll target them for destruction.


I havent even bothered to attmept to play the Mac version its that broken (such awful performance), anyone know if the latest patches improve the situation?
Tactical AI: Be wary when approaching an enemy city; don't close on it if enemy clearly has superiority.
Oh, this is quite the game changer (if it works as intended)... no more cheap AI baiting tactics on deity.
qwerty2k said:
I havent even bothered to attmept to play the Mac version its that broken (such awful performance), anyone know if the latest patches improve the situation?
I think the Mac is getting the PC's Feb/March update latter this month, it's supposed to be a lot more stable.


I recently got back into Civ 5 after having it in the freezer for several months. I haven't read about all of the changes but it have to say the game feels a lot more solid than I can remember. Glad to see they're still making adjustments and improvements. I wonder what that much requested feature will be.

I bought the Babylonians yesterday, they seem pretty cool.


Zzoram said:
How is the pace of this game in the latest patch? Is it viable to kill Prince or higher AI in early wars yet?

The game has been much different since the last patch as the power of buildings have been amped up. Buildings like Stables now have a place, and bonuses resources horses/cattle are now quite valuable for production cities.

I don't believe their patching was to make early rushes viable. I did manage to kill of the English with their one city (capital) with 5 warriors and 2 archers.

It's not easy and they have to be close for early rushes to work, and it's a huge gamble to forego buildings and go all out on building military units that early.
Any word on an expansion? i know they've added new leaders etc via DLC on steam etc.. wondering if they plan an expansion that'll have all those included..


SalsaShark said:
Quick question btw: Im able to get the game from Gamersgate, but they only have it listed for Mac. If i redeem the code on steam will i be able to also get it for Windows since its steamplay ?

anyone ?


SalsaShark said:

Where do you live? Having a game available but ONLY on one platform seems beyond rational intelligence. Anyways, yes when you register on Steam it will act just as if you had bought it from Steam in relation to SteamPlay and the Windows+Mac combo so you will indeed get both.




im terribly late to the party, i know

Time to lose control of my life


I played my first few multiplayer matches in civ5 with a few friends over the weekend. While extremely fun, its a sad state of random loading screens, non-progressible turns, and awful bugs. The state that the barebones multiplayer was left in is inexcusable, you can't even load your multiplayer saves without moving it to multi > auto folder and attaching Autosave_ to the front.


So yeah the game finished installing and i said, what the hell lets try the tutorial to wrap my mind around Civ again since its been so long..


6 am now D:



Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
SalsaShark said:
So yeah the game finished installing and i said, what the hell lets try the tutorial to wrap my mind around Civ again since its been so long..


6 am now D:


you're doomed.



I can once again confirm that the mac version still SUCKS in terms of performance, please do not buy it if you're thinking about it.
qwerty2k said:
I can once again confirm that the mac version still SUCKS in terms of performance, please do not buy it if you're thinking about it.
Indeed, I've a 2010 Macbook Pro 17" with the Intel i7Intel. I get : 10-12 fps on lowest possible settings at the game start, but by the game end the frame rate may drop to around 2-4fps. It's horrible. Apparently it's the Nvidia graphics card. The 2011 MacBook Pros (with their ATI cards) can run at high detail settings at 30fps.

All I can say is that I'd have smashed my Mac to pieces by now if it weren't for glorious Bootcamp.
I can once again confirm that the mac version still SUCKS in terms of performance, please do not buy it if you're thinking about it.
Yeah, I have a this-year Mac Pro and the port is disgusting when it comes to resource management. Slowdowns, graphics display issues, many engine problems. Thank dog for Boot Camp.


SalsaShark said:
So yeah the game finished installing and i said, what the hell lets try the tutorial to wrap my mind around Civ again since its been so long..


6 am now D:

Washington is not impressed with me :(


afternoon delight said:
Yeah, I have a this-year Mac Pro and the port is disgusting when it comes to resource management. Slowdowns, graphics display issues, many engine problems. Thank dog for Boot Camp.

There was a recent fix for Mac. Did you DL it?

Even on a powerful PC, it does not always run smoothly, just due to its overall complexity.
There was a recent fix for Mac. Did you DL it?

Even on a powerful PC, it does not always run smoothly, just due to its overall complexity.
No, I played it pre-the-latest-patch. It was wonderful up until near-ish endgame, once radar lifted fog of war the whole processor must've bloated to hell. I haven't had anything like it on the Windows partition.


Full patch notes.

Looks interesting, need to run a new game on this patch!

Sid Meier's Civilization® V PC Update Released
Product Update - Valve
• Economic AI: Tweaks to improve the number of workers built.
• Diplo AI: Correct minor error in calculation by AI to decide if it wants to join a coop war.
• City Strategy AI: Fix flavor broadcast to cities just after they are founded. Player level adjustments since start of game weren't being copied over to the new city.
• Operational AI: If AI sees that WarState is Calm (i.e. no one has troops near enemy lands), still consider launching an attack if overall military strengths are at least even.
• Operational AI: Enhancements to more sensibly pick city from which to launch a naval invasion.
• Operational AI: Slightly relax requirements for naval invasion to be on target (to get them onshore and attacking sooner).
• Operational/Tactical AI: Fix to movement/deployment for naval invasion forces.
• Operational/Tactical AI: Improved weighting and selection of muster and target cities for city attack operations.
• Tactical AI: Early game AI tweak to allow occasional sneak attack.
• Tactical AI: Improvements in civilian and embarked units targeting.
• Tactical AI: Units with defensive embarkation had a combat strength when embarked and were being considered for tactical moves (like making ranged attacks) that they weren't actually eligible for.
• Tactical AI: Improved the logic of how units are chosen for tactical moves so embarked units can now drop into place on land as flanking units, bombard units, etc.
• Tactical AI: Changes to more effectively use Great Generals offensively.
• Tactical AI: Citadels now project danger.
• Tactical AI: Units defending citadels are high priority targets; AI will prioritize trying to take these spaces.
• Tactical AI: AI will now pillage undefended citadels.
• Tactical AI: Be wary when approaching an enemy city; don't close on it if enemy clearly has superiority.
• Diplo AI: Make sure the diplomacy AI doesn't declare war on someone they are already at war with. Prevents confusing pop ups.
• Operational AI: AI will now correctly abort operations against a player that were started during a war (like gathering a new attack), but could execute after a peace treaty was declared. This corrects the occasional “AI declared war during a peace treaty” issue.
• Operational AI: Fix muster radius for gathering a naval invasion. Invasions won't get stuck trying to gather and will get moving to target sooner now.
• Operational AI: Don't allow nuke attacks on tiles that will break a peace treaty.
• Homeland AI: Make sure that flavor settings don't prevent workers from building improvements. This would cause some AI players to have large amounts of unimproved space in later parts of the game.
• Homeland AI: Fixed a problem that was causing workers to ignore pillaged non-resource and bonus resource tiles.

• Fixed an issue that was not allowing the Americas building set to display properly.
• If a 3D leaderhead scene cannot be created, fallback to 2D.
• Update to river color, texture, and shader.

• Units: Stealth Bombers can now get promotions.
• Units: Add “Fortify until Healed” option for aircraft. Before, they only healed when inactive, which could cause confusion for the player.
• Units: Prevent units with the "No Melee" promotion from capturing cities (archers, catapults, etc.).
• Units: Air units must be in a city to upgrade, and no sneaky "I'm on a carrier in the city" either.
• Units: Fixed a problem that was allowing units to upgrade in territories that were not their own.
• Terrain Improvements: Allow Moai to be built over top of resources.
• Terrain Improvements: Correct an issue that resulted in double resources if you founded a city on top of an improved resource plot.
• Yields: Fix a load order problem where the lake bonus is not applied to a farm after loading an existing save.
• City Management: When selling a building, ensure that all citizens are properly removed.
• City Management: When assigning a specialist to a building, make sure we don't accidentally assign more citizens than we have available.
• City Management: Fix for an issue that was causing workers to go missing when population went down.
• City Management: After the citizen is removed from working, adjust the unassigned worker count before subtracting from the total population. There were rare situations that could cause the worker to disappear.
• Culture: Keep the current culture level of the city after it is captured. The culture production will go to 0, but the culture level must remain the same or else a large city will be able to acquire tiles at the same rate as a smaller city.
• Exploit: Removed ability to gain additional free settlers/workers by gaming the policy system.
• Units: City States in games started in the industrial/modern era now correctly produce workers as needed.

• Pre-Game: The tooltips for unique items in the Loading screen no longer show up until AFTER loading has finished, preventing potential “stuck” UI.
• Pre-Game: Prevented escape key from being used to corrupt starting parameters while starting a tutorial game.
• Pre-Game: Multi-player maps added to Single-player as well.
• Pre-Game: Fixed a rounding issue in the options menu so that values are always integer based for the tooltip delay.
• Pre-Game: Using ":" in a save filename is no longer considered valid since Windows does not allow this. Players could potentially use this character in a save name without knowing that the file was not created when they exited the dialog.
• Notifications: Fix notifications that arise after a city is liberated so they show the name properly.
• Notifications: Extra DOF expiration notifications removed.
• Notifications: Notifications for denouncement or friendship are only displayed if the active player has met one of the teams.
• Tool-tips: Tooltips for worker/workboat build recommendations now build dynamically by looking at tile yields for these improvements: camp, pasture, farm, mine, trading post, fishing boats, custom house and manufactory.
• Tool-tip: Plot Mouse Over text for Natural Wonders will now display the culture yield as if it was in your borders and being worked, similar to how other yields are displayed.
• Mod Browser: Mod Browser panels now reset their scroll value when a new mod is selected.
• New Addition: Resource Panel integrated into upper-left Info Panel UI.
• New Addition: Specialist slots in buildings are now shown in the info tooltip for both the tech tree, production popup, and Civilopedia.
• Combat Preview: "Bonus VS Cities" is now renamed to "Penalty VS Cities" when it's < 0.
• Combat Preview: Fix bonus display issue when bombarding an enemy unit (if enemy had bonuses that required “friendly” territory, it would show up in the preview even though they were obviously in enemy territory).
• Combat Preview: Show Oligarchy Garrisoned Unit bonus for city ranged attacks.
• City Screen: City Growth meter within the City screen now displays the correct amount.
• City Screen: Fix the display of the current research progress UI, which made research estimates appear to be incorrect.
• In-Game: Fix the display of the movement cost for units that can embark.
• In-Game: Fixed a rounding issue in the military overview (actually, a lack of rounding issue).
• In-Game: Properly hide the Aircraft selection UI if hidden from view (fog of war, etc.).
• In-Game: City State's "Quest" icon is now hidden if that City State is at war with your team.
• In Game: City banner now displays different tooltip for puppet cities that are not owned by the player.
• In Game: Top Panel now differentiates between unhappiness from regular population and unhappiness from specialists.
• In-Game: Selecting a unit in the military overview will now select that unit, selecting it twice will now move the camera to it.
• Victory: Fix UI display of Diplomatic Victory votes (it was displaying votes from dead Civs/City States).
• Victory: UN Voting and Results screens now have better support for team games.
• Multiplayer: Human players no longer show an approachability type since that was meant for AI.
• Multiplayer: Multiplayer diplomacy w/ teams no longer has overlapping text.
• Diplomacy: There's now a confirmation dialog when you publicly denounce a civ.
• Diplomacy: Player cannot publicly denounce a civ multiple times in the same turn.
• Unit Panel: Fixed an erroneous display of a needed upgrade resource if the needed resource quantity was 0 and you are running a deficit on that resource (negative return value).
• Production: In UI for national wonders that have a prereq building, don't list each individual city that needs the building if the prereq doesn't have to be in EVERY city in the empire. Instead just continue to show the count.
• Production: City connected by railroad production bonus now correctly displays across all UI.
• Civilopedia: Multiple updates to Civilopedia functionality and accuracy.
• Pre-Game: Civillization Name in Load Menu is now truncated if it's too large.

• Don't allow research agreements if one party has finished the tech tree.
• Correct opinion code so we can get outcomes of friendly or allied.
• Fix the AI's deal adjustment so that it doesn't accidentally treat your luxury items as strategic items. This essentially prevented the AI from ever countering the deal with a request for a strategic resource from the other player. It just re-submitted the counter offer, requesting more luxury items, which the player could not see. If accepted, the player would realize too late that all their luxury resources were gone.

• Map Resize: Added controls for adding and removing rows of hexes from the top, build, left, or right of a map.
• Added default “map size” drop-down so that players can set the default number of Civs that they want to play on a map.
• Fix permanent war setting in the WB so that it reflects properly in the game.

• Support for disabling the Happiness system.
• Support for disabling the Science/Research system.
• Support for disabling Social Policy acquisition.
• Support for disabling the Tutorial system.
• Properly initialize citizens and trade routes when loading for a scenario with a preexisting empire.
• Correct a problem with the awarding of contacts with minor civs in games created from WB scenarios.
• Add "CityCanConstruct" Lua hook.
• Exposed LoadString to Lua scripts.

• Fixed issue for Lancer that was stopping the Model of a Modern Major-General achievement from firing.
• Fixed issue with building type comparison that was keeping the Tomb Raider achievement from firing.
• Fixed issue that was keeping the Barbary Coast achievement from firing.
• Fixed issue with the Flying Fortress achievement that would cause it to fire when the action was performed by an AI player.
• Fixed issue with the God is Great achievement that would cause it to fire when the action was performed by an AI player.

• Mongol: Disable all victory conditions except domination.
• Disable tutorial across all Scenarios.

• Additional nil checking to prevent possible Lua crashes due to invalid data in the HoF database.
• Tighten up decal culling to reduce the number of decals rendered per cell (Scroll crash).
• Fix to "Moai on the edge of the map" crash.
• Prevent CvDiplomacyAI::DoUpdateEstimateOtherPlayerMilitary Threats from doing a divide by 0 (caused by a city having more damage that hit points).
• Added in additional protections against using invalid player IDs that were causing crashes in community provided saves.
• Fix bad cast of PlayerType to TeamType (and resulting crash).
• Fix random map selection in multiplayer, which could cause a crash.
• Additional crash protections


Man, was running this with Direct X 11, almost everything on High and AA and it ran fine until endgame when it was just all over the place. I just took the decision to switch over to DX9 with default settings (mostly Normal, textures on High), and this is fucking night and day. Dont really care that much how the game LOOKS anyway.

Slowly advancing on a multiplayer match with some friends and man, i truly missed this, a lot.


The AI definitely seems less stupid as of this patch.

The Arabians declared on me with a significant advantage in terms of troop quality and a slight edge in numbers, but with some catapults and a citadel I was able to stay alive. To my annoyance they avoided the citadel and its accompanying forts, instead pressing to the north and south of them, and were soon at three of my cities (my capital was one of them). It was pretty hairy for about 10-15 turns, they brought a cannon with them to my gold-producing city (which sat nearby the silver natural wonder mountain), and along the entire front I was outnumbered by about 2:1 after taking considerable losses during the initial Arab offensive. My pikes and knights weren't exactly good matches to the hordes of Camel Archers and Longswordsmen.

After I took out their heavy hitters and started picking off their cavalry archers, their force fell back en masse so as to avoid further losses (I haven't seen the AI do much of that before now). They managed to save nearly all of the units that retreated, but Persia decided to declare war on them shortly after. After being given a respite and rebuilding some of my units, I was able to prod around their frontier region and found that it was barely manned. They must have emptied it to fight the more dangerous Persians to the east, so I took the opportunity to press in further to do some scouting.

I only razed a single tile before the Arabs offered a simple peace, and I took it immediately. Soon their border region was again manned with superior troops, but diplomatic relations has gotten better, oddly enough. Their status is friendly, they're trading with me again, they signed a research agreement, and the diplo status indicates they don't hold a grudge despite the war. I guess there's something to be said for fighting a "clean" war and being reasonable in the end?


Ookami-kun said:
Where did Isabella and Pchauti (sp?) go in Steam?
Huh, you're right, they're gone, along with Polynesia.

EDIT: More DLC incoming?

CVG said:
2K Games and Firaxis have announced plans to launch two new downloadable content packs for Civilization V next Tuesday, May 3.

Available from "select digital distribution partners", the 'Civilization and Scenario Pack: Denmark - The Vikings' and 'Explorers Map Pack' will set you back £2.99 apiece



SalsaShark said:
Man, was running this with Direct X 11, almost everything on High and AA and it ran fine until endgame when it was just all over the place. I just took the decision to switch over to DX9 with default settings (mostly Normal, textures on High), and this is fucking night and day. Dont really care that much how the game LOOKS anyway.

Slowly advancing on a multiplayer match with some friends and man, i truly missed this, a lot.

multiplayer is half broken atm. It's there, but AI does less processing and there's no animation. I also heard connections can be iffy.


I have to say I'm not liking the DLC approach to this game. If there was an expansion coming I'd probably be amped for some new civs but when they release new ones every few months it just doesn't feel exciting.
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