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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands


Just finished my first game with a culture win at 308 turns. Took me 20 hours, hoy.

Pleasantly surprised there's actually a short victory video.


I am so sick and tired of the game constantly crashing on me. I can make it maybe a handful of turns before the game chokes and dumps me back to the desktop. I don't want to wait for a patch but I'm not sure I'll even be able to finish my first game at this point. Really frustrating.

Uhm.. are you sure the issue isn't on your end?


Clustered farms are really good late game.



Well shit. So excited to get home and play it but it won't work. Trying to some proposed fixes I found on Reddit..

Is there a post on GAF with suggestions for people who can't get the game to launch?
Confused with what to do with a city I captured. It never got any new citizens (said it was short of food when it wasn't) and said something about being occupied and had no growth. But unlike in Civ V when you built a Courthouse to open it up I didn't see an option. Am I blind? Did I miss it? Or is there something else I have to do? Probably should have finished the tutorial, lol!

Either you make a peace deal and gain control of the city in the deal, or you wipe the Civilization that originally owned the city out.
Uhm.. are you sure the issue isn't on your end?

I mean, maybe, but I don't know how I'm supposed to go about solving a random crash issue. The only things I've been able to find on the Steam forums are that other people have the same issue, and it miiiiiight be a save corruption thing but basically who knows. So basically, ????????

Random aside: this was a weird rabbit hole to go down. Here's the quote you get from discovering Lasers:


This is an actual thing Courteney Cox said on the Tonight Show in 2013:


In the related articles list is this wonderful gem from three years later.


In summary: lasers are totally not the future and you shouldn't research them.


Just finished my first game, landslide tech victory in 1970. The end screen sucks though, where's are all the stats and beautiful graphs? Lackluster as hell.
So I got into a war with Egypt earlier. It was going alright, but then China rolled up on me from out of nowhere. I was pretty close to Egpyt's capital, but Cleopatra wound up suing for peace, and I decided to take it since she was offering me a lot of money and a luxury resource.

I then used that money to levy Geneva's troops. They mostly had just warriors, but China was completely undefended so I was able to just roll in and capture Beijing in a couple of turns. That felt pretty nice.

I'm still getting used to a lot of the new systems. I feel like I'm running into issues with gold and not growing fast enough, but there's always a curve with a new Civ game.
Unless you're playing on a difficulty that you can do whatever and nothing matters anyway, I wholly disagree. Considering that many of the districts, wonders, and improvements fight over the very same productive tiles, it requires every bit of decision making and figuring out what tradeoffs matter. Also eureka bonuses and city states quests are often diverging paths that you can take and you don't just click end turn to get those.

How did you play a game where "district layout constraints basically railroad you down certain paths"? My capital doesn't have even space for an industrial zone.

i will spend more time learning all the ins and outs of civ 6, but even in the first few hours i'm already doing something just because the tech tree tells me to do something or because a city state tells me to do something

in every civ before civ4:BTS, i always did something contributing to a real strategy. in civ6 i'll half-complete a ton of techs/civics without following a real plan because getting the free boosts are too important

it narrows the range of possible development paths. maybe the right real strategy is to make 5 farms and 13 other things with my 18 builder charges, but it's artificially better to make 6 farms and 12 other things because of some random boost that triggers when you make 6 farms and does nothing when you have 5. the whole game is full of that kind of stuff

civ6 also has all these restrictions on what districts can benefit from which tiles so there tends to be a "best" location for a city which is predetermined by the random map generation and not really something i'm choosing based on what strategy i'm going for. like fresh water is so much better than not having fresh water, so i'm picking from 5 possible city locations instead of 50 possible city locations

civ6 just presents you with a bunch of free stuff and you make yes-or-no choices about whether you want it or not. there's less nuance, and more all-or-nothing bonuses.

i think it's a step up from brave new world because you have more freedom in how much you expand, but there amount of time and energy i spend on not-very-strategic stuff makes the pacing worse than civ4
This Spanish guy started at war with me , I won, captured one of his cities and than I gave it back to him but demanded another city of him that wasn't involved in the war. Good times. I don't think I got any warmongering points for it. Diplomacy is king, that's why Bismarck is looking over me. (Pic incoming)


I mean, maybe, but I don't know how I'm supposed to go about solving a random crash issue. The only things I've been able to find on the Steam forums are that other people have the same issue, and it miiiiiight be a save corruption thing but basically who knows. So basically, ????????

Random aside: this was a weird rabbit hole to go down. Here's the quote you get from discovering Lasers:


This is an actual thing Courteney Cox said on the Tonight Show in 2013:


In the related articles list is this wonderful gem from three years later.


In summary: lasers are totally not the future and you shouldn't research them.

I saw that too and just thought "Naw it can't be THAT Courtney Cox".
barbarians are fucking awful.

i'll have to play more games before i confirm this, but they accidentally ended up having a really nice balancing effect

what i'm noticing so far is that when you have a really good location (lots of land to yourself, few close neighbors), the barbarians are a significant hindrance

when you have a bad location (squished in between other empires, less land to expand towards), the barbarians are a nuisance for everyone except you


i will spend more time learning all the ins and outs of civ 6, but even in the first few hours i'm already doing something just because the tech tree tells me to do something or because a city state tells me to do something

That's precisely how you shouldn't play civ though. Civilization at its finest is deciding what to not do and having a clear plan rather than doing everything you see.

I know there's a fair bit of people who didn't like Civ5, wishing everything was more like Civ4, and undoubtedly Civ6 sharing the same systems will make them dislike it, and I'd rather not tread those waters.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Just finished my first game. Played an easy one to practice and learn with:

Chieftain difficulty
Standard Length
Small map

I won a culture victory on turn 387, it was a much longer game than it needed to be, lol. I started on a landmass with Spain and France, and Spain was being a dick to me pretty much all throughout history. I should have wiped him off the planet early on but I kept showing him mercy, my mistake. France and I were buddies the whole time. I slacked with boats and Norway found us first from a distant continent, eventually I got my ass over there and found Russia and the Aztecs too.

All three of them on that far off land were trading wars constantly, I stayed neutral and peaceful to everyone the whole game except for freakin Spain who would surprise war on me, sue for peace, play best buds, and then a couple decades later do it all over again. My military leveled up to right monsters with all of the XP from slaughtering Spain's soldiers, lol.

I made so many mistakes. I had no direction at all until very late where I finally decided to go for a tourism victory. Also had a man on the moon by the end and was working towards Mars just in case I flubbed the culture win. I didn't realize the power of districts quick enough, I know so much more now and my next game will go much better.

I found one minor complaint though: there isn't a map replay at the victory screen anymore!!! I'm pretty sure that every Civ game has had that, it's like my trophy at the end that I long for, I love watching how the world unfolded and seeing the early stuff that I missed. I do love the win movie though, that's nice, but I miss the map replay. :(

I'm starting a new game right now, lol!


Trying out Aztecs on Immortal. Got a notification that an unmet player has lost by turn 25. On the other hand my Aztec warriors are woefully underutilized. I think the AI is killing all the barb camps. :(

Edit: Three german cities before turn 30? Wow.
That's precisely how you shouldn't play civ though. Civilization at its finest is deciding what to not do and having a clear plan rather than doing everything you see.

i agree that the game should work the way you describe, but i do not believe that it is the optimal way to play civ6 because the free handouts are too strong to ignore

i don't do every one of them, but they completely change my decision-making

the game should be balanced around some choices being only slightly better than others so that it's always interesting to figure out what option to pursue. i should always be balancing short-term vs. long-term considerations

but when one of those options (which might have been the optimal or close-to-optimal choice anyways) gives you something major for free, it trivializes all those decisions because the profitability of one choice shoots way ahead of the others


i'm in a delayed start because fucking japan decided after he took out brazil that i was next on the chopping block. spent a couple of terms decimating his invading army until he sued for peace. a few decades later he tried again and I just trampled his ass. I'm seriously considering just taking out his captured Rio for my own ends, because fuck him.


i agree that the game should work the way you describe, but i do not believe that it is the optimal way to play civ6 because the free handouts are too strong to ignore

i don't do every one of them, but they completely change my decision-making

the game should be balanced around some choices being only slightly better than others so that it's always interesting to figure out what option to pursue. i should always be balancing short-term vs. long-term considerations

but when one of those options (which might have been the optimal or close-to-optimal choice anyways) gives you something major for free, it trivializes all those decisions because the profitability of one choice shoots way ahead of the others

It just means you don't know the game enough and you don't have a game plan. All civ games are like that as far as I remember.


i'm in a delayed start because fucking japan decided after he took out brazil that i was next on the chopping block. spent a couple of terms decimating his invading army until he sued for peace. a few decades later he tried again and I just trampled his ass. I'm seriously considering just taking out his captured Rio for my own ends, because fuck him.

I had to do the same thing with Germany, they held a grudge from losing the first war they started and would keep causing shit every so often even though they were vastly out matched. Had to put them down for good.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I don't know what I am doing?

What's a good beginners guide.

It's hard to know if im progressing correctly of if I am missing some steps.


Uh, lol. I have to take what I said back. How am I supposed to use aztec warriors against 3 barb horsemen and 1 barb horse archer by turn 40 at my gates. Also either the aztec warrior doesn't work on scouts or I'm having bad luck.

I don't know what I am doing?

What's a good beginners guide.

It's hard to know if im progressing correctly of if I am missing some steps.

Play the tutorial or watch some videos on youtube? You can just take every game as a learning experience. Really depends on how familiar you are with the civ games.

Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZKTdSJjrdc maybe?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Uh, lol. I have to take what I said back. How am I supposed to use aztec warriors against 3 barb horsemen and 1 barb horse archer by turn 40 at my gates. Also either the aztec warrior doesn't work on scouts or I'm having bad luck.

Play the tutorial or watch some videos on youtube? You can just take every game as a learning experience. Really depends on how familiar you are with the civ games.

Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZKTdSJjrdc maybe?

I have a bunch of older civ games on my steam library and I have never played them.

I just feel like I don't know if I am progressing towards a win condition.


I have a bunch of older civ games on my steam library and I have never played them.

I just feel like I don't know if I am progressing towards a win condition.

Click the victory screen in the top right (looks like a globe with a wreath) and it will tell you where you stand in terms of the current victory conditions and gives you some ideas how to progress towards them,


I have a bunch of older civ games on my steam library and I have never played them.

I just feel like I don't know if I am progressing towards a win condition.

Go through the civilopedia, read the victory types, then choose one to go for and plan accordingly. Check the world rankings tab on the top right to see whether you're on the right track.


Rodent Whores
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at when analyzing what I'm supposed to be doing for an optimal culture win. It's not like Civ5 anymore where I have to build up my tourism bucket so that it's greater than every other civ's culture bucket right?


I guess Eagle Warrior's ability don't work on barbs. So I guess the strategy is, build spearmen to clear barbs, once barbs are dead then use eagle warriors on other civs that never upgrade their warriors.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at when analyzing what I'm supposed to be doing for an optimal culture win. It's not like Civ5 anymore where I have to build up my tourism bucket so that it's greater than every other civ's culture bucket right?

Your tourism spreads turn by turn and increases the number of tourists you get from each civ. You win when that sum exceeds the largest tourism number that isn't yours.


Is there any way to upscale the hud? My TV is killing my eyes lol
This is the only thing I've seen so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/58o0ia/civilization_vi_ui_font_fix/

I have an unrelated question. I like the game, but I feel like my options for construction are limited. Each district seems to only unlock about 3 building types. Whenever I go to a city, it seems like I have maybe 3-5 options (or some wonders that don't help me) for buildings, and then a ton fo unit options.

Am I just doing it wrong and you can find a way to get lots of useful buildings available?
It just means you don't know the game enough and you don't have a game plan. All civ games are like that as far as I remember.

i don't remember anything in civ before beyond the sword where the decisions were affected by free handouts for what is essentially completing a quest

the prices for units/improvements are set for the benefits they provide, and that just stops working as intended when making a certain unit or improvement suddenly comes with bonuses out of nowhere

even if you can plan for some of them because they're the same every game (eg. eurekas), it funnels players towards doing "a little bit of everything" instead of focusing on a real strategy


I have an unrelated question. I like the game, but I feel like my options for construction are limited. Each district seems to only unlock about 3 building types. Whenever I go to a city, it seems like I have maybe 3-5 options (or some wonders that don't help me) for buildings, and then a ton fo unit options.

Am I just doing it wrong and you can find a way to get lots of useful buildings available?

Most buildings are unlocked through districts. You have to build district before you can build the corresponding type of building. This encourages city specialization which has always been a good idea to do in Civ5 anyway. You should plan out to have a military city, production city, growth city, etc. Even in King difficulty I didn't have enough time and space to build everything in my best cities.

i don't remember anything in civ before beyond the sword where the decisions were affected by free handouts for what is essentially completing a quest

the prices for units/improvements are set for the benefits they provide, and that just stops working as intended when making a certain unit or improvement suddenly comes bonuses out of nowhere

even if you can plan for some of them because they're the same every game (eg. eurekas), it funnels players towards doing "a little bit of everything" instead of focusing on a real strategy

The amateur civ player approach to civilization has tended to be, I want to research ALL the techs, and I want to build ALL the buildings everywhere. That lure has always existed in Civilization and quests, districts and eurekas are no different. Just because they're there doesn't mean you should get it. Again if you can do everything without repercussions, you're just playing on too low of a difficulty.


Debater apostles are overpowered. So easy to win a religious victory by just placing them in enemy territory as bait and watch as they destroy 4-5 opposing apostles and spread religion to many cities. The AI sure is stupid.


Most buildings are unlocked through districts. You have to build district before you can build the corresponding type of building. This encourages city specialization which has always been a good idea to do in Civ5 anyway. You should plan out to have a military city, production city, growth city, etc. Even in King difficulty I didn't have enough time and space to build everything in my best cities.
Yeah, but: http://i.imgur.com/roUW0RN.png

According to that, each district only tends to unlock 3-5 buildings. If you specialize with 1-3 districts like I do, it's easy to build all the buildings and be left with no options. So then either you crank out units and eat the maintenance costs, or you just leave the city sitting and producing science / culture, or you try for a wonder.

*edit* I've only played the tutorial and one game, so I may be missing something. I just feel like it's easy to run out of things to build when you specialize in a few districts.
my god does this game need polish, i think it's in a worse state (polish wise) than civ V was at launch

finished my first game: rome/prince/culture

i just dicked around and tried random stuff and somehow led the entire game in just about every respect. arabia tried to convert me but i fought back, though it wouldnt have made a difference anyways because there was no way he was going to convert the rest of the world. i didnt build any science buildings for aaages, yet i still finished like, satelites before year 1850....

had a hard time getting causa belli to work. in fact, i never did.

a bit disappointing. i'm going to shelve it until it gets updates.


Yeah, but: http://i.imgur.com/roUW0RN.png

According to that, each district only tends to unlock 3-5 buildings. If you specialize with 1-3 districts like I do, it's easy to build all the buildings and be left with no options. So then either you crank out units and eat the maintenance costs, or you just leave the city sitting and producing science / culture, or you try for a wonder.

*edit* I've only played the tutorial and one game, so I may be missing something. I just feel like it's easy to run out of things to build when you specialize in a few districts.

I never had the issue of running out of things to build in my game. Just play a game and you'll see. Plus there's always projects that converts production into the district yield if you really don't want to build anything.

my god does this game need polish, i think it's in a worse state (polish wise) than civ V was at launch

finished my first game: rome/prince/culture

i just dicked around and tried random stuff and somehow led the entire game in just about every respect. arabia tried to convert me but i fought back, though it wouldnt have made a difference anyways because there was no way he was going to convert the rest of the world. i didnt build any science buildings for aaages, yet i still finished like, satelites before year 1850....

had a hard time getting causa belli to work. in fact, i never did.

a bit disappointing. i'm going to shelve it until it gets updates.

Surely the solution is not to try the five harder difficulties.
The amateur civ player approach to civilization has tended to be, I want to research ALL the techs, and I want to build ALL the buildings everywhere. That lure has always existed in Civilization and quests, districts and eurekas are no different. Just because they're there doesn't mean you should get it. Again if you can do everything without repercussions, you're just playing on too low of a difficulty.

my perspective is from competitive multiplayer. i don't really play much single player because the AI is garbage

i don't want to research all the techs and all the civics, but when the tree is a line of prerequisites instead of a tree there's not much choice in the matter

even if eurekas disappeared and i picked techs based on strategy instead of cost optimization i would still need to loop back and get what i skipped because it's a prereq for something

my theory is that they threw a lot of stuff in civilization6 which was specifically designed to cripple the tactic of beelining, and for a civ game that means crippling strategy

it's just a continuation of civ 5's free handouts that were designed to give players interesting things to do without requiring them to make hard choices or play well, and it's a great way to introduce people to the different parts of the game. it also inadvertently makes their AI perform better because it increases the chance that the obvious decision is the right decision

but the price for that is that strategic planning becomes less important. almost all the money comes from non-competitive players, so it's not even bad business


my god does this game need polish, i think it's in a worse state (polish wise) than civ V was at launch

finished my first game: rome/prince/culture

i just dicked around and tried random stuff and somehow led the entire game in just about every respect. arabia tried to convert me but i fought back, though it wouldnt have made a difference anyways because there was no way he was going to convert the rest of the world. i didnt build any science buildings for aaages, yet i still finished like, satelites before year 1850....

had a hard time getting causa belli to work. in fact, i never did.

a bit disappointing. i'm going to shelve it until it gets updates.
It's weird how opposite some reactions are. I specifically saw someone mention the game felt so polished, it feels like a Nintendo game. I kind of feel the same way in that most parts of the game are polished, and this is the best a Civ game has ever been at release.

I do think some things need work.

Also you should try being a bad player like me. :p I played Cleopatra on Prince, did 4 cities and tried to rush science hard with lots of jungles and mountains, and STILL had 1-3 civilizations higher than me in science and culture for 250 turns. I think I'm #1 at culture now, but STILL not the highest science compared to the Kongo. I don't know how they did it. *edit* I'm at turn 250 or so.


my perspective is from competitive multiplayer. i don't really play much single player because the AI is garbage

i don't want to research all the techs and all the civics, but when the tree is a line of prerequisites instead of a tree there's not much choice in the matter

even if eurekas disappeared and i picked techs based on strategy instead of cost optimization i would still need to loop back and get what i skipped because it's a prereq for something

my theory is that they threw a lot of stuff in civilization6 which was specifically designed to cripple the tactic of beelining, and for a civ game that means crippling strategy

it's just a continuation of civ 5's free handouts that were designed to give players interesting things to do without requiring them to make hard choices or play well, and it's a great way to introduce people to the different parts of the game. it also inadvertently makes their AI perform better because it increases the chance that the obvious decision is the right decision

but the price for that is that strategic planning becomes less important. almost all the money comes from non-competitive players, so it's not even bad business

Uh no, look at the tech and civic trees. There's a ton of stuff that isn't a prerequisite for a specific tech.

I'm going to stop responding.


Yeah, definitely a bug. I'm playing as Rome but the game actually thinks I'm both Rome and Aztecs. Whenever an Aztec unit is in another civ territory, they ask me to remove my units from there, and if I try to take down the last Aztec city, I get a game over screen. lol, that's a first. Time to start again.

Happened to me when I conquered Chicago. Not their last city nor their capital. I just saved and hope a retroactive fix will happen. Quite unbelievable this got past QA. Other than this and other bugs I'm enjoying the game a lot.


Having put about 13hours into the MP, there seems to be a rather large issue with de-syncing. Now the good news is it realises a de-sync occurred and does fix it without you having to re-make the game. The bad news is it happens a lot and does still force a re-load to re-sync the game up again.

The more units on the screen, the worse it gets, and by the later turns 100+ it was literally de-syncing every turn.


Having put about 13hours into the MP, there seems to be a rather large issue with de-syncing. Now the good news is it realises a de-sync occurred and does fix it without you having to re-make the game. The bad news is it happens a lot and does still force a re-load to re-sync the game up again.

The more units on the screen, the worse it gets, and by the later turns 100+ it was literally de-syncing every turn.
That sucks, because the same sort of thing happened in Civ V multiplayer in 100+ turns. Everyone would freeze or disconnect or whatever, or not know if they SHOULD reconnect, and sometimes if you're lucky you'll disconnect and reconnect and things will move again.

It was literally never fixed in the game's lifetime, to my knowledge. And I have a few internet friends who would normally try to do multiplayer Civ games.


That sucks, because the same sort of thing happened in Civ V multiplayer in 100+ turns. Everyone would freeze or disconnect or whatever, or not know if they SHOULD reconnect, and sometimes if you're lucky you'll disconnect and reconnect and things will move again.

It was literally never fixed in the game's lifetime, to my knowledge. And I have a few internet friends who would normally try to do multiplayer Civ games.

Yeah I do remember it happening in V a bit as well. I don't recall it happening this much though. :/
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