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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands



Allied with Rome :O, this should make the game a lot easier.

Lost my first game out of nowhere. Seems like someone won by religion, there's an empire with 5/5 civs following its religion.

Whyy? Haha
I'm guessing I need to at least maintain my civilization following my religion even if I'm not going for that win condition.

Yeah, religious victory is when all civs convert to the religion you found.


Do automatically harvest a resource / woods if you build something on it that'll remove it (district etc)?

Tried removing Stone (pillaged mine) with my builder but didn't see an option.


Do automatically harvest a resource / woods if you build something on it that'll remove it (district etc)?

Tried removing Stone with my builder but didn't see an option.

You need the right techs, mining for woods, bronze working for jungle. No, they don't automatically harvest so you have to spend one builder charge to do it.


walls in particular help stave off sieges for ages...

wish it was clearer which troops are marked by AI as being near their borders and how far away they need to move. I think a pikeman sitting one hex out of my territory made germany pissed off. I kicked his ass in the last war though so neener-neener-neener, asshole
Yeah I really like it. I do hope though that city states will more frequently give out envoys for clearing local camps. I think I've only ever seen it once in like 10 hours of play.

I think VI looks better in basically every regard. I get why people prefer a more realistic artstyle I suppose, but this is so lively and colorful, especially around sunrise and sunset.

To me it looks like a mobile game. Simplified to a fault.
Played a culture victory (Pericles) on Prince and a domination victory (Trajan) on King. I haven't decided on my third Civ, but the goals of the next game are less to win than to (a) try to be friendly with as many AIs as possible, and (b) play slow and keep a close eye on city details so I can get more advanced about my district placement/build orders.

Does anyone else think culture seems a little weak? It doesn't have much of a pressure component (I couldn't tell in my first game whether drawing tourists from other civs depressed their economies at all), you can't buy units or buildings with it, and you need relatively little to keep up your civic tech rate. I built zero theater districts in my second game (though I did steal two from Peter in the mid-game) and did just fine.


Are there any tutorials on the whole district aspect? I've only played for 4 hours but can't shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong.


Played a culture victory (Pericles) on Prince and a domination victory (Trajan) on King. I haven't decided on my third Civ, but the goals of the next game are less to win than to (a) try to be friendly with as many AIs as possible, and (b) play slow and keep a close eye on city details so I can get more advanced about my district placement/build orders.

Does anyone else think culture seems a little weak? It doesn't have much of a pressure component (I couldn't tell in my first game whether drawing tourists from other civs depressed their economies at all), you can't buy units or buildings with it, and you need relatively little to keep up your civic tech rate. I built zero theater districts in my second game (though I did steal two from Peter in the mid-game) and did just fine.

Nope, Culture is super powerful as long your production can keep up with it. Switch production bonus civic cards on the fly. Switch in 30% builder production bonus and 2 extra actions, pick a civic tech that that takes long enough to finish so you can finish building all the builders you need, then switch back to other economy cards. It's the most twitchy of the resources.

How do I build an archeologist ?

You need an archaeological museum in a theater district.


I'm sure this has been asked already, but...

As someone who really enjoyed Civ V, but never really understood its intricacies, is it worth it to buy this or just wait for a sale?
Nope, Culture is super powerful as long your production can keep up with it. Switch production bonus civic cards on the fly. Switch in 30% builder production bonus and 2 extra actions, pick a civic tech that that takes long enough to finish so you can finish building all the builders you need, then switch back to other economy cards. It's the most twitchy of the resources.

I've managed my builder production as you say. But on the whole I am fairly static with my policy cards, picking bonuses that suit my strategy and running with them until there's a clear need for something else (e.g., defensive build speed when I unlock the next tech level). So that's something to explore. The thing is, unless my Rome game was an anomaly, even a minimal investment is enough to keep your civics rate up and enable the kind of constant card switching you describe.


I've managed my builder production as you say. But on the whole I am fairly static with my policy cards, picking bonuses that suit my strategy and running with them until there's a clear need for something else (e.g., defensive build speed when I unlock the next tech level). So that's something to explore. The thing is, unless my Rome game was an anomaly, even a minimal investment is enough to keep your civics rate up and enable the kind of constant card switching you describe.

When you're ahead all kind of strategies become merely optional.


Not sure if I'm missing something but the game kept reassign my population onto district tiles, where they contribute nothing, even if I had them locked. Totally screws over biggest city, where my population is either zero or negative unless I manually change it every few turns.

Is there any way to check domestic tourism of other civs? Can't find anything about it online. I'm loaded up on great works, way more tourism than the rest combined but the cultural victory icon is only half filled up. I also produced way too many great artists than I have available great work slots so kind of wasted my policy cards. Seems like you have to be really adaptive with them or you're wasting opportunities.


What's the best way to set up a trade route between these 4 cities? I think I have somewhat of a grasp of the trade route system, but not a full understanding yet.

Trade route priorities for me are:

1) is the city starving / slow growth? go for the most food
2) setting up roads (mainly between my own cities as the ai usually connects theirs to mine)
3) bonus production (esp for new cities or when building wonders)
4) getting the extra bonuses from foreign trade as needed


Not sure if I'm missing something but the game kept reassign my population onto district tiles, where they contribute nothing, even if I had them locked. Totally screws over biggest city, where my population is either zero or negative unless I manually change it every few turns.

Is there any way to check domestic tourism of other civs? Can't find anything about it online. I'm loaded up on great works, way more tourism than the rest combined but the cultural victory icon is only half filled up. I also produced way too many great artists than I have available great work slots so kind of wasted my policy cards. Seems like you have to be really adaptive with them or you're wasting opportunities.

I'm pretty sure it's listed on the culture tab of the victory panel.

Is there a clearer picture of how spread religion works? I got +200 islam from my missionaries on my own cities... but the city didn't convert and then what? How do I know how many more missionaries I need to send to have my city convert?

You need to convert a majority of the city's pops, I think. There should be a graph next to the city when in religious map mode.

edit: oops, sorry for the double post, meant to edit.


I like a lot of the changes they've made and it feels the most "complete" base CIV release. Though I've had quite a few bugs, including a weird event where Trajan declared war on me. I was playing as Trajan.


I like a lot of the changes they've made and it feels the most "complete" base CIV release. Though I've had quite a few bugs, including a weird event where Trajan declared war on me. I was playing as Trajan.

I saw this last night as well, lol.

It happened when another civ declared war on me, so I'm guessing it just loaded the wrong scene.


speaking of trade routes. Apart from that one perk you can pick during the founding / Customization of your religion, trade routes pretty much always merely benefit the city the route starts from, right?


Do I set up trade routes the same way as in Civ 5, or do they work differently?

For instance, right now I'd really like roads between my cities, so I'm using my only trade route (haven't gotten a commercial hub up yet, so much to build!) between my own cities... but does only the start location city get the bonuses? Can I still send food/production to other cities?


What's up with themed museums? Got one to give the bonus by putting three different artists' religious paintings in one, but tried to do another with 3 marble statues and it said Themed 3/3, without giving me the bonus. Is it because I traded for two of the statues from another civ, and you can only get the Theme bonus from 3 homegrown works of art?


Do I set up trade routes the same way as in Civ 5, or do they work differently?

For instance, right now I'd really like roads between my cities, so I'm using my only trade route (haven't gotten a commercial hub up yet, so much to build!) between my own cities... but does only the start location city get the bonuses? Can I still send food/production to other cities?

Only the start city gets the bonus. On the trade screen it will show what each city gets out of the deal.


Only the start city gets the bonus. On the trade screen it will show what each city gets out of the deal.

OK, thanks. So I'm setting up a trade route between my second and third city, to get trading posts up. But curiously it doesn't use the road that's available nearby, maybe it calculated a new road would be faster, fair enough. But how do I utilize my trading posts for longer trade routes, or those do only come into play at end points?



So at immortal, I don't really have an issue with the AI not upgrading units, because most of their units are quite recent. England was using a good amount of knights which was pretty difficult to fend off. Maybe the old ones all died off or something. But for some reason they hardly build any ranged units except for catapults.

Also, while they do a pretty good job of sending forces to the frontline, it's too easy to send a couple of units around the flank or to the back and start pillaging their cities. I sent two calvary units through the west and I took a city (Otsu) pretty easily and probably will take Sendai just below it as well.

Mr. F

Are there any tutorials on the whole district aspect? I've only played for 4 hours but can't shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong.

Same. I played a fair bit of IV and V but I'm a bit rusty in general despite remembering the basics. I feel like a lot of the reworked/added systems are going over my head a bit
Oh the diplomacy is so bugged. Gandhi thinks I'm a warmonger but I've never gone to war with anyone and I'm not the ally of anyone at war. I have'nt fought a barbarian even for 30 turns. Cleopatra wants me as a friend then declares war the next move. I know she looks a bit mad but really. Yeah, I know diplomacy is hard to get right but right know it's just not worth the hassle trying to be diplomatic with anyone. Better off ignoring them or going for a domination victory until it's patched.


Cleopatra wants me as a friend then declares war the next move.

Might me related to their agenda? Not sure how the system works, but maybe someone who's on friendlier terms is more likely to be annoyed by things that conflict with their agenda (in Egypt's case, it's a weak military). Which would fall in line with you not really doing much military-wise from the sounds of it. The Gandhi thing sounds like a bug though.

The Argus

Are there any good tutorial videos on the new features? I'm a little overwhelmed by it all and I played a ton of Civ V with all the dlc. Great game so far, I like the graphics a lot after they grew on me a little.


I love how everyone hates me for being a warmonger when all I've done is defend against their non-stop wars.

Also, this 'your troops are at my border' even though they are 5 hexes away thing needs to stop.
Are there any tutorials on the whole district aspect? I've only played for 4 hours but can't shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong.

you can get bonuses by placing districts in optimal locations instead of just putting them in any location
like the science district gives 1 extra science for every adjacent mountain or every 2 adjacent rainforests. most districts benefit from being near other districts.

it's extra stuff to plan and worry about, but it doesn't matter too much because the bonuses are small.
the game comes with a note-taking feature, so you can place pins to remind yourself that you want to make a certain district on a certain hex

i wouldn't say ignore the district-placing minigame entirely, but when the game's complexity is focused on these relatively insignificant things it becomes easy to lose sight of the fact that it's still primarily about expanding as much as possible as fast as possible


I am really struggling with amenities - people are mad and barbarians aka rebels are in my cities.
What do?

Luxury resources should be your biggest solution. Either work them yourself or trade for them. And be careful how many you trade away. Also build a few entertainment districts. If you need something in an emergency there are a few civics and governments; the one I use most often gives 1 if you have a unit garrisoned in the city.

Also, if you've been at war a lot then either get out of it or let your war weariness cool down if you're already back at peace. Especially if you've been warring with Gandhi.

So if a district you're building is going to destroy a forest would you want to have a worker remove it first for the boost in production?

I think every time I've looked it's been more than 1/3rd of a builder to chop a forest, so I try to do it whenever I can. Especially if you have +charges I think it's almost guaranteed worth unless you have a lot of things to improve ASAP.


So if a district you're building is going to destroy a forest would you want to have a worker remove it first for the boost in production?


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
I love how everyone hates me for being a warmonger when all I've done is defend against their non-stop wars.

Also, this 'your troops are at my border' even though they are 5 hexes away thing needs to stop.

Yeah, I sometimes feel like this game is designed to breed xenophobia and isolationism. Almost none of the time are the other Civilizations, well, civil to you. They're just constantly whining about some perceived slight. China is in the middle of a war with Germany, so I declare war on them too? China denounces me as a Warmonger. Kongo moves a whole battery of tanks into my territory even though we're in an Alliance? They then flip the fuck out when I put one lonely AT unit just on the border of out territory.

I've been loving the hell out of this game, but I really don't feel like I ever want to interact with the other Civs. They denounce me at the drop of a hat simply for playing the game (You have more Wonders than me/You have different luxury goods than I do/You're making use of the City-State system). I think these agendas are not nearly as interesting as the devs imagined they would be. It means I never really work with the other Civs in any tangible fashion. I don't do mutually beneficial trades. I no longer try to form Alliances. I don't care if they think I'm a warmonger. Oh, you want to denounce me? Well fuck you, I'll just declare war on you then. I have to imagine this aspect of the game is going to get a huge overhaul at some point because I think it's the one area where this game still really lacks. I like the idea of Agendas, but I don't really feel like they were executed well enough to be a worthwhile addition.
the AI cheating is idiotic

1/3 of all games at emperor/deity are instantly over because the AI decides to declare war and take your capital on turn 10 with it's extra starting units

depending on the game speed, that's not enough time to even make a single warrior of your own
Yeah, I sometimes feel like this game is designed to breed xenophobia and isolationism. Almost none of the time are the other Civilizations, well, civil to you. They're just constantly whining about some perceived slight. China is in the middle of a war with Germany, so I declare war on them too? China denounces me as a Warmonger. Kongo moves a whole battery of tanks into my territory even though we're in an Alliance? They then flip the fuck out when I put one lonely AT unit just on the border of out territory.

I've been loving the hell out of this game, but I really don't feel like I ever want to interact with the other Civs. They denounce me at the drop of a hat simply for playing the game (You have more Wonders than me/You have different luxury goods than I do/You're making use of the City-State system). I think these agendas are not nearly as interesting as the devs imagined they would be. It means I never really work with the other Civs in any tangible fashion. I don't do mutually beneficial trades. I no longer try to form Alliances. I don't care if they think I'm a warmonger. Oh, you want to denounce me? Well fuck you, I'll just declare war on you then. I have to imagine this aspect of the game is going to get a huge overhaul at some point because I think it's the one area where this game still really lacks. I like the idea of Agendas, but I don't really feel like they were executed well enough to be a worthwhile addition.
That's exactly how I feel. It's as if they've been designed to get in your way again and again for no good reason but to serve as a stumbling block to your progress, which I accept is kind of true. But I wouldn't mind if they just made more sense. But they behave far too weirdly for me.
So Cleo makes friends with me and on the very next turn goes to war with me. Maybe because my army was small but then why become friends? It's stupid stuff like that which puts me off the game. Oh well, I'll just try to ignore it.
the AI cheating is idiotic

1/3 of all games at emperor/deity are instantly over because the AI decides to declare war and take your capital on turn 10 with it's extra starting units

depending on the game speed, that's not enough time to even make a single warrior of your own

Hell, I was on prince and a single barbarian encampment had a 5 units at my city within 5 turns including a spear-man. Silly aggressive.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
That's exactly how I feel. It's as if they've been designed to get in your way again and again for no good reason but to serve as a stumbling block to your progress, which I accept is kind of true. But I wouldn't mind if they just made more sense. But they behave far too weirdly for me.
So Cleo makes friends with me and on the very next turn goes to war with me. Maybe because my army was small but then why become friends? It's stupid stuff like that which puts me off the game. Oh well, I'll just try to ignore it.

You should try multiplayer. It's really proven to be a blast. I do wish there was team play, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that it's coming later.

I just don't like this feeling the game instills in me where I actively bristle when I run into any of the other Civs. I'm not trying to jump through their hoops to appease them. If they don't like that I am making more Wonders than them, they should fucking make more goddamn Wonders.
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