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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands


I just noticed chopping trees doesn't scale with era. That's... Interesting.

Haven't actually looked at trees, but the rest, like stones, definitely do scale in some fashion. In the new Beyond the Monument episode they also talk about it. Would be strange if the forests wouldn't scale.

Also, I haven't seen someone mention it, but you can disable the damn unit auto cycle in one of the ini files.

Go to \User\[your login name]\my games\Sid Meier's Ciivilization VI and open UserOptions.txt

Set AutoUnitCycle 0 (from 1) and save. Saw this in a FilthyRobot stream and thought some of you might be interested.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Riempiendo l'universo
Di stupore e gloriaa

I said damn. Sogno di Volare is baba yetu-tier.
"Lyrics by Leonardo da Vinci" is an impressive line to write.


So I don't know if it is just me or the maps tend to be pangeatic, even if you choose continents. I've been starting different games, just for the sake of getting used to some mechanics, and something I've noticed is that the continents go from bottom to top, have a lot of empty places and can hold many civs. I've been using estandard size, for the record.


How many districts are generally recommended per city? I think I'm trying to do too much with each city, and still clinging to the Civ V mindset that each city has to have almost every building type.

Is it recommended to have just 1-2 districts per city, and to then focus on military units/builders/district specific buildings/wonders?

I fell that campus, industrial commercial and entertainment are pretty good always. Did not bother with religious much - just had one city with it next to a natural wonder but did not do all that much with it - was a bad ROI for me.

Encampment is good to have in three cities that will be pumping units when needed, and also has a plus side of housing and additional defence. So not bad.

I did go for a cultural victory so had quite a few cultural districts, but if I would be going another route I would not bother all that much with them - 2/3 is fine I think.

I was also playing rome, so the baths were everywhere as well.
Played a bunch since release and it is great, still find it kind of hard to wrap my head around new districts and other new gameplay stuff. I just have to play more. :D


Woof. Civ 6 looks good! It'll have to go on my Steam Wish-List for the time being for a purchase later on in the year but I'm glad it looks the part.


Finished my first game last night. Ended up with a continent to myself + best bud city states after an early war with Saladin, destroyed it with a Cultural victory before 1900. Good for getting used to the flow but need to up the difficulty next time.

It's impressive for vanilla Civ. I didn't get to mess with all the features but it already feels complete and deep. Looking forward to diving back in with some familiarity.

  • Envoy system + changes to city states. No longer a maintenance heavy money sink to reap benefits.

  • Spy + Religion systems. Great to see both in the vanilla version, they add substantially to midgame tactics. Apostles hit my shores and I realized Russia was quietly trying to achieve Religious victory, had to build up my own "army" to push them back. Spies being able to steal great works, plan multiple escape routes and get captured/ransomed is just cool.

  • Technology + Civic trees. Splitting them feels fresh but familiar. Grew to really appreciate boost objectives, allows the game's systems to feed into one another and provides continual goals if you're looking to maximize advancement efficiency.

  • Districts + city management. There's a lot going on with placement benefits and restrictions, you won't fail if you wing it but by the end I was already planning how I could improve. Housing and amenities work as restrictions that matter but aren't prohibitively oppressive.

  • Great people + great works. Nice variety in benefits across all categories and people. Collecting great works is still not quite a throne room but I'll take it. Glad archaeology made it over.
Sorta liked:
  • Policy cards. The flexibility is powerful but the interface is fiddly, could be organized better. The urge to min/max is strong considering how often you can swap cards, not sure that's a good thing. The government system in general is more gamey than past Civs.

  • Builders. No longer having to micromanage workers is a blessing, but limited charges and micromanaging trade routes for roads instead is a tradeoff.

  • Audio/Visuals. Civ VI has a clean and bright look, the voice work is all top notch, the music is appropriate and evolves over the ages. Couple of the tracks blared a bit too often, could use more variety. UI is hit or miss. The city panel for example has everything you'd want to see in a neat box but readability is not intuitive. Tiny text is a no no.

  • Diplomacy. Starts off with some promising changes but eventually becomes pretty standard Civ diplomacy. Agendas, casus belli and different war options seem like strong additions but haven't had a reason to mess with them yet. Trading is also more robust and trades felt reasonable but relationships with other nations are vague and volatile. No random events, not nearly as robust as Crusader Kings but a decent base if they decide to build on it.

  • Combat. It's Civ combat. Need to experience a modern war to have a stronger opinion either way.
Didn't Like:
  • Barbarians. I know you need some adversity early on but c'mon. Maybe the key is to hunt down scouts and go on the offensive because it's no fun having an army at your doorstep 20 turns in. Plus they never go away, barbarians still set up shop and do their thing if just a spot of nearby land is unclaimed in the mid/late game.

  • Borders. Never liked this system too much in Civ. Let me have a defined country without having to sandwich cities on top of one another. Outposts, at least. Even by the time I won the borders still hadn't fully formed.

  • Discovered/undiscovered map effect. The hand drawn look is pretty but it's too much tan and not a clear enough differentiation from purely undiscovered territory. One time accidentally sending ships to explore the wrong shade of tan is too many.


I don't think most people know how barbs work, which is that if the barb scout reaches your region, then goes back to the barb camp, then it spawns extra units that will head straight to your city.

I've always played on the risky side when not having an escort with my settlers, but this makes early game military far more important and useful to have. As opposed to making a military unit just to make sure your settler doesn't get unlucky, and then becoming pretty useless after the city is built.


Haven't actually looked at trees, but the rest, like stones, definitely do scale in some fashion. In the new Beyond the Monument episode they also talk about it. Would be strange if the forests wouldn't scale.

Also, I haven't seen someone mention it, but you can disable the damn unit auto cycle in one of the ini files.

Go to \User\[your login name]\my games\Sid Meier's Ciivilization VI and open UserOptions.txt

Set AutoUnitCycle 0 (from 1) and save. Saw this in a FilthyRobot stream and thought some of you might be interested.

Bless you. So many misclicks because the fucking game decided to auto-change to another unit when I was trying to move a different one.


Clearing woods and rainforests definitely do scale. Turn 52 I just cleared a rainforest for 19 food and 19 production, previous game much later into the game I cleared rainforests for 100 food and 100 production.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
So after a few games, it really seems like Religious victory is overpowered against the computer. If you rush Stonehenge and then just start churning out Missionaries and Apostles like nobody's business, you can win really early on before the AI even puts up a fight. did the same thing in a game against my friends and surprise beat them out of nowhere. It's sort of unfortunate that I discovered that, as now I find it hard to develop a game where I go for anything other than the religious win. Have to challenge myself, I guess, but the other victory conditions seem so much harder. Add on top of that, the ability for Theocracies to spend Faith to buy military units, and I think they may have pushed religion just a bit too far in this game. Next time through, I'll see if there's another path to victory that's as clear-cut, but at the moment it seems like I'll have to start disabling religious victory when making a custom game if I want something balanced.


I think we can reach a consensus that everything is overpowered.

Early Rome AI on immortal is so scary, roads + regions that are mostly plains + his agenda of hating civs with little territory, there's no way he'll ever like me. All AIs also have a ton of units roaming around at all times.
Saw this and I thought it was funny


This happened to me after Rome decided to settle a small city between my two major cities. They got super pissed about me being too close then when I tried to make a deal they offered me one gold. I laughed so hard.


Played until 5am last night, whoops.

Also had a funny bug where my own leader (with an animation screen demand everything) declared war on me. I found out later it was a player I had not met and so I guess my own leader was the placeholder or something? Was kind of funny playing America and having Teddy telling me that I have gone to far and brought war upon myself.

Also, AI needs to be a bit better at protecting it's settlers and builders. Collected 2 free builders when scouting the map and stole a settler from another Civ that just walked right by my capital with no escort what so ever


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Also, I haven't seen someone mention it, but you can disable the damn unit auto cycle in one of the ini files.

Go to \User\[your login name]\my games\Sid Meier's Ciivilization VI and open UserOptions.txt

Set AutoUnitCycle 0 (from 1) and save. Saw this in a FilthyRobot stream and thought some of you might be interested.

Thanks for this. I had to reload from autosave a few times last night because the auto unit cycle hopped from the unit I wanted to move to a whole different unit as I was pressing the move key, and yep miss-click and a bad unit move.

Also, very nice Pools of Radiance avatar!


Man did I play the hell out of those old gold box D&D games back on my C64....
I don't think most people know how barbs work, which is that if the barb scout reaches your region, then goes back to the barb camp, then it spawns extra units that will head straight to your city.

I've always played on the risky side when not having an escort with my settlers, but this makes early game military far more important and useful to have. As opposed to making a military unit just to make sure your settler doesn't get unlucky, and then becoming pretty useless after the city is built.

Yeah, hunt down scouts mercilessly and Barbs won't be much of an issue. It all helps that you can see where their camps appear even in fog of war. I had a horse unit chase down any scouts that appeared and had little problem with them in my first game.


Elden Member
Im lowering my opinion of the game just a little because right now there are no good map types! Way too much land, not enough water, no big oceans ever. Its super annoying. No Small contents, no world map. Everything else about the game has been great, but the lack of good map generating presets is horrible at the moment. I've restrated games about 20 times now because I either get one giant conetent with 80% of the ai starting on, or a sprawling fractal thats connected to every piece of land on the whole map with barely any water (even with Sea levels at high!).

Very annoying. I know this will be fixed in updates and user mods, but annoying right now.


Im lowering my opinion of the game just a little because right now there are no good map types! Way too much land, not enough water, no big oceans ever. Its super annoying. No Small contents, no world map. Everything else about the game has been great, but the lack of good map generating presets is horrible at the moment. I've restrated games about 20 times now because I either get one giant conetent with 80% of the ai starting on, or a sprawling fractal thats connected to every piece of land on the whole map with barely any water (even with Sea levels at high!).

Very annoying. I know this will be fixed in updates and user mods, but annoying right now.

Putting aside that land cannot be too small or otherwise districts wouldn't work, my first game on standard size with continents had the civs on two continents separated by sea, and then another equally sized continent that wasn't colonized till turn 200+.
I think we can reach a consensus that everything is overpowered.

Early Rome AI on immortal is so scary, roads + regions that are mostly plains + his agenda of hating civs with little territory, there's no way he'll ever like me. All AIs also have a ton of units roaming around at all times.
You can then use those builders which you should have an excess of to clear forests that slow down your aggression and speed up your production of even more warriors. I'm now on my third city and I've not build a single settler and razed another city. On immortal difficulty.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This is a really minor side note as I haven't fully collected my thoughts yet, but this has bugged me for several Civ games now so I thought I'd mention it: borders in Civ are still really poor. There are totally unclaimed areas, or cities disconnected from the main country, waaay into the late-game, instead of clearly defined territorial areas emerging as should be the case by at least turn 150.


Speaking of borders, is there anyway to find out when your city borders expand? It was clearly defined in Civ V but I cannot find anything here


Elden Member
Putting aside that land cannot be too small or otherwise districts wouldn't work, my first game on standard size with continents had the civs on two continents separated by sea, and then another equally sized continent that wasn't colonized till turn 200+.

Wish I had that luck :(
Anyone care for some achievements?

Putting aside that land cannot be too small or otherwise districts wouldn't work, my first game on standard size with continents had the civs on two continents separated by sea, and then another equally sized continent that wasn't colonized till turn 200+.

Yeah, my first game had the civs split evenly between two continents, with a few large islands/landmasses that went unexplored well into the game. Claiming goodie huts on turn 200+ is always a bit odd.


Is there a clearer picture of how spread religion works? I got +200 islam from my missionaries on my own cities... but the city didn't convert and then what? How do I know how many more missionaries I need to send to have my city convert?


Completed 2 games in multiplayer, starting another tonight. Feels a lot smoother than in past games. Only had one bug in the 10 or so hours spent playing with a friend that required a restart.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Okay I for the life of me can't figure out how to obtain fish and luxury whale resources. I can't find out how to make a work boat? Help GAF?


I think the new barbarian scout system is one of my favorite parts of Civ VI. If I know I'm not going for early game wars sometimes I'll let the scout go back on purpose just to have something for my units to fight. I like that barbarians scale so late into the game too.

The seed system that lets you have a number string to match the map and makeup of somebody's game is a great addition too. I can play along with guys like Marbozir without bugging them for a copy of the turn 1 save file.
After playing the game for a little bit, anyone else thrown off by the step back they took graphically? Normally I'm not a graphics whore but Civ 5 looked much better graphically imo. From the landscape to the water, to even the UI. I'm enjoying Civ 6 don't get me wrong. It's just so glaring.


I think the new barbarian scout system is one of my favorite parts of Civ VI. If I know I'm not going for early game wars sometimes I'll let the scout go back on purpose just to have something for my units to fight. I like that barbarians scale so late into the game too.

Yeah I really like it. I do hope though that city states will more frequently give out envoys for clearing local camps. I think I've only ever seen it once in like 10 hours of play.

After playing the game for a little bit, anyone else thrown off by the step back they took graphically? Normally I'm not a graphics whore but Civ 5 looked much better graphically imo. From the landscape to the water, to even the UI. I'm enjoying Civ 6 don't get me wrong. It's just so glaring.

I think VI looks better in basically every regard. I get why people prefer a more realistic artstyle I suppose, but this is so lively and colorful, especially around sunrise and sunset.


Lost my first game out of nowhere. Seems like someone won by religion, there's an empire with 5/5 civs following its religion.

Whyy? Haha
I'm guessing I need to at least maintain my civilization following my religion even if I'm not going for that win condition.
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