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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands


France is occupying one of my districts so that I can't use my great person there and we are allies.

How do I get them to move? *shakes fist*

Skip turn and/or move your units until they move.

Any leader that gets the Religion bonus that lets you buy Campus buildings with Faith. After having that religion tenet for a while I had so much faith by the end of my game that I had completed Future Tech 5ish times as well as the rest of the science tree. And I had stopped bothering with Science at some point and just focused on production. Communism as your late game government to get those projects going is VIP.

Exactly why science isn't quite the only major component to a science victory. Production is probably more important in many cases.


Oh wow, I didn't see this earlier.


Basically district costs don't increase once you have the number of the type of district of an average player in the current game. You get a max of 25% cost reduction depending on how many fewer districts of that type you have in your civ compared to the average player.

The main cost increase driver is instead the number of civics or techs that you have completed. That kind of means that if you want to have an empire that has a ton of districts, it would be in your best interest to slow down both your science and culture rate.

As a side note you can lock in cheaper districts by putting them down immediately and only finishing them afterwards. That's actually a pretty good idea for planning districts as well.

Time to do a district heavy game. I also realized I have forgotten about the general district adjacency bonuses for most districts in my games so far. That explains why I always thought the adjacency bonuses civic cards were horribly weak. :p


Who is best leader for a science victory, it's the last type I need...

also why does every game I'm in with Brazil lead to them declaring war on me 25 turns in... it's happened as Scythia, America, Russia and I forget the last one..

Germany, cause production is more important than science.

I like that modders are fixing all the UI issues the game has. Hopefully Firaxis looks at some of them and implement the changes into the base game.


Oh wow, I didn't see this earlier.


Basically district costs don't increase once you have the number of the type of district of an average player in the current game. You get a max of 25% cost reduction depending on how many fewer districts of that type you have in your civ compared to the average player.

The main cost increase driver is instead the number of civics or techs that you have completed. That kind of means that if you want to have an empire that has a ton of districts, it would be in your best interest to slow down both your science and culture rate.

As a side note you can lock in cheaper districts by putting them down immediately and only finishing them afterwards. That's actually a pretty good idea for planning districts as well.

Time to do a district heavy game. I also realized I have forgotten about the general district adjacency bonuses for most districts in my games so far. That explains why I always thought the adjacency bonuses civic cards were horribly weak. :p

Interesting. I was wondering how that worked.


Also, not a fan of changes to workers. I used to really like the bursts of activity when you were rushing the first rail roads or had just unlocked a technology that let you exploit more resources or make improvements faster. It could really feel like productivity revolutions, which is a feeling this game is missing. And trains. Or does the military engineer make rail roads?

Also do forts work as canals? Never tried that in my game.
Hey guys, I have quick question: I'm about to take a 14h flight in a couple of weeks and would like to play Civ6 to pass the time. My laptop is a OG Surface Pro, so would that be able to handle Civ6 at all?

Steam says min reqs are AMD 5570 or nVidia 450, but I have no frame of reference for that.

It runs pretty well on my SP2 8GB if that's a better frame of reference.


Watching some vids and it seems like people are actually trying to make competitive civ6 a thing. They're testing a mod which separates combat phase and empire building phase into two different turns. The rationale is that the empire building phase takes roughly the same amount of time per turn while the combat phase takes more time depending on number of units and whether war is occurring, so by separating the two, you reduce the turn time down by not spilling combat times into lengthening empire times. And apparently it wouldn't work with Civ5 because combat turns are simultaneous and are awful.


It's still quite early and I don't have any experience with civ multiplayer, still interesting to see people make an effort though. Maybe one day competitive civ multiplayer would not sound silly? /shrug
Watching some vids and it seems like people are actually trying to make competitive civ6 a thing. They're testing a mod which separates combat phase and empire building phase into two different turns. The rationale is that the empire building phase takes roughly the same amount of time per turn while the combat phase takes more time depending on number of units and whether war is occurring, so by separating the two, you reduce the turn time down by not spilling combat times into lengthening empire times. And apparently it wouldn't work with Civ5 because combat turns are simultaneous and are awful.


It's still quite early and I don't have any experience with civ multiplayer, still interesting to see people make an effort though. Maybe one day competitive civ multiplayer would not sound silly? /shrug

One of the esports teams already picked up a guy


So I was so bummed about missing out on founding a religion that I decided to restart, and randomed Mvemba a Nzinga. Ha. So rerolled again as Rome for a nice standard expansion style playthrough.

Is there a toggle to force the game to show you all the visible unit movements between turns? Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on all the action even though I can still hear it while I sit there staring at my capital.


I can't launch the game. The preparing to launch window appears and then disappears. I never see Civ 6 show up in the task manager.

I just reinstalled windows. Reinstalled steam and pointed it to my steam games on a different hard drive.

I can launch other games.

Verify integrity doesn't help. It hits 100%, and show successfully validated.

I deleted the game and downloaded it again too.

Any ideas?

My friend was having this issue. He found a solution in the following reddit post. I know that it has info about Alienware devices.. but just try and do what it says anyway. My friend doesn't have Alienware either and this fix worked for him.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Communism is the only good ideology. The others aren't as good.

Exactly why science isn't quite the only major component to a science victory. Production is probably more important in many cases.

To be fair production has always been tied to science victory even before.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Just checked. You can set 19 AI + yourself, so a total of 20 civs per Huge map.


This sounds horrible in every way imaginable.

If you want to prevent city spam build out your cities. I am referring to civ5. having a single city most be the most boring thing in the world.

I am not saying that you should only have a single city. I am saying that I like having to fight a crowded world for expansion. I am in the belief (contrary to the designers of Civ5) that Civilization should be about expansion and that a bigger empire should always be better than a small. However, that means that the challenge of the game should come from getting big. In civ4 they created this challenge with the maintenance-system, which meant that a new city would initially cost you more money than you earned, before eventually earning a surplus. Late-era new cities would often not give you a surplus before the end of the game (which sucks and is contrary to my enjoyment of the game). In civ5 this was even worse, because after only four-five citites (depending on which version and patch you played), a new city would never earn a surplus since the cost of tech etc scaled with citites. This meant also that late game lots of great terrain went unused, and it removed the incentive for conflict from the game.

In my opinion both of these downsides to expansion sucks (but the civ5 one sucks way more), so I used to play a heavily modified version of Civ4 where your challenge was not maintenance or scaling of tech cost, but simply that the terrain would already be occupied. To become strong, you had to be able to conquer enemy ais already from an early stage of the game, thus making away with the standard human tactics of minimizing unit build untill late game, and instead forcing a true strategic game where you had to consider the trade offs from expansion (militarily) and development. This game is of course much more challenging than the standard civ-game, and thus in my opinion also much more enjoyable.

The point is not to have a single city. It is to work for your expansion.
I really don't like the cost scaling of districts with tech and civics. I also don't like the cost scaling of builders based on the previous number built. If Firaxis won't change this in a patch, I hope someone mods it to be that way. If no one else makes that mod, I guess I'll have to teach myself how to mod!
When an AI is close to Religion Victory how do I stop them? I just lost a standard game on turn 290 despite crushing it in every field except religion. :(

When I saw Norway was getting close I attacked all of Egypt's Protestant cities so they would no longer have been coverted to it. Starting a religious war felt a bit wrong but it was effective in slowing Norway.


Watching some vids and it seems like people are actually trying to make competitive civ6 a thing. They're testing a mod which separates combat phase and empire building phase into two different turns. The rationale is that the empire building phase takes roughly the same amount of time per turn while the combat phase takes more time depending on number of units and whether war is occurring, so by separating the two, you reduce the turn time down by not spilling combat times into lengthening empire times. And apparently it wouldn't work with Civ5 because combat turns are simultaneous and are awful.


It's still quite early and I don't have any experience with civ multiplayer, still interesting to see people make an effort though. Maybe one day competitive civ multiplayer would not sound silly? /shrug

That is FilthyRobot, he has said before he doenst think Civ VI has a chance as a esport. He just loves to play multiplayer, he has done it for years with Civ V.
Also, it seems they are talking about mods (mention of that guy Hellblazer), their group Civ group called NoQuitters likes to use mods for their multplayer games of Civ V, they havent even used the oficial version of Civ V for a couple of years in their multiplayer games because the balance is bad.

Edit: yeah, they are not gonna bother with any oficial esport lol, they already have mods out! https://www.reddit.com/r/fruitymod/


I am not saying that you should only have a single city. I am saying that I like having to fight a crowded world for expansion. I am in the belief (contrary to the designers of Civ5) that Civilization should be about expansion and that a bigger empire should always be better than a small. However, that means that the challenge of the game should come from getting big. In civ4 they created this challenge with the maintenance-system, which meant that a new city would initially cost you more money than you earned, before eventually earning a surplus. Late-era new cities would often not give you a surplus before the end of the game (which sucks and is contrary to my enjoyment of the game). In civ5 this was even worse, because after only four-five citites (depending on which version and patch you played), a new city would never earn a surplus since the cost of tech etc scaled with citites. This meant also that late game lots of great terrain went unused, and it removed the incentive for conflict from the game.

In my opinion both of these downsides to expansion sucks (but the civ5 one sucks way more), so I used to play a heavily modified version of Civ4 where your challenge was not maintenance or scaling of tech cost, but simply that the terrain would already be occupied. To become strong, you had to be able to conquer enemy ais already from an early stage of the game, thus making away with the standard human tactics of minimizing unit build untill late game, and instead forcing a true strategic game where you had to consider the trade offs from expansion (militarily) and development. This game is of course much more challenging than the standard civ-game, and thus in my opinion also much more enjoyable.

The point is not to have a single city. It is to work for your expansion.

BTW, the problem with wide vs tall empires in civ v was that the Liberty tree was just bad compared to Tradition and Rationalism was a must on all games because there is nothing better, science is too good. The NQ mod tried to fix this by buffing the other policy trees so wide empires do not suffer an insane penalty on income and science in the early game. It was a little bit too efective, in some versions of the NQ mods going tall is not good, and you want either wide and/or focus on early wars.

Also, watching multi civ games show a different metagame, you have people settling cities next to the enemy city they want to take, spaming roads to the point they go negative in an atempt to defend. Many religion/civ bonuses go unused cause they just dont work with other human players (extra growth when not at war? the player on the other side of the map declares permanent war on you), etc


I'm not even talking about esports and the typical connotations that come with that though. Just even establishing the idea that multiplayer civ can be competitive and balanced is a first big step the series still need to take.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I definitely agree with that. I actually mostly play Civ in mp, and while I havent checked out Civ6 yet, this was another aspect where Civ5 were terrible. Civ4 was not great, but at least slightly better.


(disregard this, if it's already been posted)
Here's the Super Bunnyhop review. As always, super in depth - great teardown of the changes.
He loves the district system, the new builders, the new religious victory.
Not a fan of the civics tree.
Finds late game more interesting.

Except for the bothersome research / trade routes / civic refreshing.

100% lines up with my experiences.



So then those are my main gripes: Civ VI does urbanization better than the Civs before it, but it still could use some work, and Civ VI industrialization is markedly worse than Civ III, Civ IV industrialization (didn't play enough V to judge). And Diplomacy is pretty dumb, turns on these awkward idiosyncrasies largely and has little to do with things like religion.
Civics refreshing is one of the best additions to the game, it allows for a much more adaptive play style and really rewards planning your turns out. The power level of some of the policies could probably use some tuning but other than that I love the system.


... I did not expect island plates to be literally small islands.



I wanted to play a navy heavy game on island plates but it feels like I have to relearn the game on island starts. Eureka and build orders are all screwed up, settlers can't cross water until shipbuilding, you don't get any goody huts. After my third restart I have to drop back to immortal for now.
Maybe I'm missing something.

In CIV 5 you have the advisor who could tell you "hey, you have 2 of this luxury ressource, we could trade it to X civ for Y ressource", is there any way to get such info in 6 without having to look through trade with every single civ 1 by 1?


What's the best solution to house great works of writing? I keep getting great writers but keep running out of slots to place them in. Only building I think I've encountered which increases this capacity are amphitheatres (of which you can build one per city).
Dammit, at turn 1192 in marathon, and getting a crash to desktop, no matter how many times I reload, at this exact point, it crashes. Any info on fixing this?


Turn 74.

Three civs declared war on me and barbs joined in the fun. I can't even get my settler out now.

It's also really dumb that embarked land units retain their full strength as if on land. What are ships even for.


Man, when the full orchestra of the Greek music kicks in it might be the most epic thing ever. Singlehandly winning me games in Dota tonight on repeat.


Elden Member
Turn 74.

Three civs declared war on me and barbs joined in the fun. I can't even get my settler out now.

It's also really dumb that embarked land units retain their full strength as if on land. What are ships even for.

Wait they do? I have no issue obliterating embarked ubits with classical era boats. They are sitting ducks.


No they don't actually, there were some turns where my ships were damaged by non-ranged land units, I have no idea how those happened. My galley was only next to a enemy scout and yet it got damaged. It still takes 3-5 attacks to kill an embarked land unit though which still feels a bit silly.
Sudden surprise culture victory caught up with me the very turn after I thermonuked Japan for sending a spy to my capital after I told them not to do that. I guess folks love my culture no matter how many I slaughter.
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