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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

Sudden surprise culture victory caught up with me the very turn after I thermonuked Japan for sending a spy to my capital after I told them not to do that. I guess folks love my culture no matter how many I slaughter.

Petulant nuclear warfare is just, like, your culture, man.

(But yeah, it seems in the current state of the game there's a really high likelihood of cultural victory pre-empting the other types, just because all the others generally require you to be in such a position to achieve them that you're likely to win by culture in the process of getting there, anyway.)


Played about 40 hours so far. Really enjoying the game, but I seem to be struggling building genuinely good cities outside of my capital when I could do it reliably in Civ 5. They're almost universally not close to my capital in terms of size or production. What are people's general experiences regarding that? Is that an intentional design choice by Firaxis to make it pretty hard to have a super city outside of your capital or am I just screwing up?
So I finished my second game with a science victory. I didn't bother with one holy Civic unless necessary nor did I build any holy districts. Unless you are going for a religious victory it's totally pointless even bothering with religion in 6.
Finished my first game to the end (im addicted to re-starting), got a culture victory which was unexpected. In that game i wasnt getting many great people but ive started a new game and im getting a great person pretty much every other turn. I think i have about 4 writers all waiting for somewhere to display works.


It's a minor thing but I don't like the new leader intros compared to Civ V. It removes all the interesting info about the Civ and the leader and replaces it with some meaningless fluff. I actually like learning a little history about the Civ I was playing as.


Knows the Score
The AI in the beginning is near impossible to second guess, other than the blood thirsty irrational warmongering.


Sudden surprise culture victory caught up with me the very turn after I thermonuked Japan for sending a spy to my capital after I told them not to do that. I guess folks love my culture no matter how many I slaughter.

I had a good game going with Peter on emperor, marathon but brazil are killing the joy of playing it by settling right next and sending a settler right between my cities for niter. I can't currently beat them at war since they have a million knights that beat my army of crossbowmen. Civs should respect boundaries I already had to raze a city from japan after settling on one of my supply lines.
So I finished my second game with a science victory. I didn't bother with one holy Civic unless necessary nor did I build any holy districts. Unless you are going for a religious victory it's totally pointless even bothering with religion in 6.

Religion gives pretty strong bonuses and allows you to defend against religious victories without going to war.


I had a good game going with Peter on emperor, marathon but brazil are killing the joy of playing it by settling right next and sending a settler right between my cities for niter. I can't currently beat them at war since they have a million knights that beat my army of crossbowmen. Civs should respect boundaries I already had to raze a city from japan after settling on one of my supply lines.
Brazil did the same to me. Then I settled a city elsewhere close by Brazil (but not directly bordering him), he got mad for settling "in his lands" and next turn denounced me. Fuck the AI in this game.
Is anyone else having the problem of rarely finding games in multiplayer? Granted, I play odd hours but the most lobbies I have ever seen open is 3. Sometimes I get on and there isn't a single game going. Is this normal?
No they don't actually, there were some turns where my ships were damaged by non-ranged land units, I have no idea how those happened. My galley was only next to a enemy scout and yet it got damaged. It still takes 3-5 attacks to kill an embarked land unit though which still feels a bit silly.
I think something else must've been happening. As far as I recall embarked land units don't even fire back on ships when attacked.

Sudden surprise culture victory caught up with me the very turn after I thermonuked Japan for sending a spy to my capital after I told them not to do that. I guess folks love my culture no matter how many I slaughter.
This has been a common trend so far, and while it's kind of funny, in the grand scheme of things I don't like how one can just "stumble" into a culture victory.

Can you still capture neighbouring cities by pure strength of culture alone or is that no longer a thing?
I don't believe that is a thing in Civ6 currently.


Neo Member
On standard game prince difficultly and the barbarians are too much to handle early game , I don't remember civ 5 like this ! But then again I am not the civ pro or the one who plays for too long because work and life :(damn this game is addictive


On standard game prince difficultly and the barbarians are too much to handle early game , I don't remember civ 5 like this ! But then again I am not the civ pro or the one who plays for too long because work and life :(damn this game is addictive

Build a few Slingers early and it's not a problem.

Swing that to the Archery Eureka (kill a unit with a Slinger), into the Machinery Eureka (own 3 Archers). Gives you a huge early game advantage against Barbarians and other Civilizations as the AI doesn't handle ranged attacks well.

Hari Seldon

Totally addicted to this game. Trying my first King game (I'm a noob). I want to try a cultural victory, but I'm not sure how exactly I'm supposed to do that. The tourism thing is confusing.


On standard game prince difficultly and the barbarians are too much to handle early game , I don't remember civ 5 like this ! But then again I am not the civ pro or the one who plays for too long because work and life :(damn this game is addictive

As Grief.exe already mentioned, a Slinger or two would help. In addition, you don't always want to be attacking. A lot of times it's best to bait them to attack you while you're fortifying your unit, and/or using terrain advantages.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I hate barbarians even more in this civ than ever. Constantly spawning and causing trouble if you just leave one little area in the fog of war. I'm turning them off from now on :p


I'm surprised FilthyRobot's twitch stream actually has 1600+ live viewers.

I guess a decent amount of people do watch Civ6 games.


Again it's really dumb that a single embarked heavy chariot can block a sea path because it takes 5 shots from my quadrireme to kill it.


Turn 134 playing Victoria on island start on an island plates map, I'm ready to give up. Tech difference for naval units feel brutal and one caravel can take out a quadrireme in one hit. Plus since it's naval, even the melee units move like 5 tiles in one turn so there's no way to even react... from not seeing the units to your units being dead. AI doesn't have an issue keeping their naval military current because there's no strategic resources gating them. So keeping updated on tech is super important but that's also pretty hard to do with island maps because sea resources suck, you usually don't start next to fresh water meaning your cities are population capped, and you also have no mountains for campus adjacency boost. Whatever civs that start on a small land mass (4-6 cities) then get a way bigger head start than the civs stuck on an island. Even if you beeline naval techs it's still hard to keep up because your science rate sucks. It's interesting that the citizen slot for the harbor district gives 1 science and 2 gold, but sea resources still give too little food to make that matter.

The only successful test is that I was able to get 100+ gold every turn pretty early by building harbors everywhere as Victoria (unique districts cost half production), which means I can buy monuments and granaries for new cities pretty quickly. However unit purchase costs scale far too quickly for that to be a viable way to build a military. Defending them on land is still fine but on sea it's a lost cause. Another thing that doesn't help is that you need to get to Square Rigging which is late renaissance to even get a ranged naval unit that has range 2. Which means before that you're stuck with slinger-esque naval ranged units for a while which we know are kind of sucky for ranged units.

tldr; play an island start on a island plates map if you want a challenge


Won the weirdest Deity game I've had yet.

It was a Deity/Shuffle Map Type/Small Map Size/Random Leader/Quick Speed game.
Spawned as Sparta, the map was basically islands, met nobody for quite a while, got my culture boosts from barbarians, got my first 3/4 cities and starting just doing my own thing, even when I met other people, they didn't bother me, left me to do my thing, building Acropolies, setting up the perfect Industrial Zones web and especially getting all the wonders I wanted.
Hanging Gardens, Colossus, Oracle, Lighthouse, Petra, Pyramids, Ruhr, Eiffel Tower and so on and so forth.
At the end I was massively far ahead in production, science and culture capabilities. Could have gone Science victory, but the cultural one arrived faster.
Very passive AI. Never seen any war in my territory.

The Argus

I hate barbarians even more in this civ than ever. Constantly spawning and causing trouble if you just leave one little area in the fog of war. I'm turning them off from now on :p

I turned them off with my new game Emperor play. I like that they upped their difficulty, but I feel like I was too far behind other civs because I kept building early units to defend myself. Do barbarians even attack AI units and cities? I've seen them send scouts to AI borders and then just beeline out of there.


I hate barbarians even more in this civ than ever. Constantly spawning and causing trouble if you just leave one little area in the fog of war. I'm turning them off from now on :p

Just kill off the scouts when you see them, that should prevent them from spawning more and attacking. I often have to have a few military units around my borders for some reason or another. Also often have to send escorts with trade units to prevent them from getting picked off by random scout barbs.
Just kill off the scouts when you see them, that should prevent them from spawning more and attacking. I often have to have a few military units around my borders for some reason or another. Also often have to send escorts with trade units to prevent them from getting picked off by random scout barbs.
Doesn't help when 2 civ declare war on you for no reason than "lol, why not". You can be swarmed by the fuckers -
I fought off a dozen or so attackers losing a few units then all these fuckers turn up in the next two turns. Bullshit. Restarted the fucking game. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be slapped. Along with the dodgy AI this is without doubt the biggest complaint of the game. I'm sure once mods come out there'll be a fix for this fuckery.
Yeah I definitely got fucked over by barbarians while fending off invasions. Also that there's no direct pan to where a new barb settlement spawns is annoying. I find myself having to safeguard districts since then getting pillaged is a huge cost.


Civs you're friends with attacking your suzerain is really annoying. I assume they do that when you are allies as well?


I was busy the week this came out so I only started really playing it this weekend. I didn't play much Civ 5 though I played Civ 4 for years with a group of people at my old job.

This is a very good game and worth playing, but I'm conflicted about a lot of what's different. I still think one-unit-per-tile is a mistake without an AI that can handle it. I really like the civ-specific music so far. Animated leaders are neat but I turned them off because they take too long. The UI is kind of a mess.

The religion system is really interesting. There's this neat parallel game going on. But "faith" is sort of weird as a resource - under most policies and governments it's not very useful unless you're really trying hard to spread your religion, but you can switch to Theocracy to crank out a bunch of units with it, and it makes sense to do this even very late in the game.

I've only messed around with late-game military once, but it seems disappointingly similar to the rest of the game. It's still cavalry and melee and anti-cavalry and ranged, and they all work just about identically to the earlier versions with bigger numbers. Aircraft are a big deal, of course, but I would have liked to see cruise missiles and paratroopers and whatever else. Nukes are as ridiculous as always and you'd want to ban them or drastically increase their cost for multiplayer.

One decision that I have a hard time understanding is why it takes so long to repair pillaged districts. It's really, really easy to cripple a city for tens of turns. And this game encourages raiding because you have just as much mobility in enemy territory as they do, plus early on the cities won't even be able to shoot at you.

And even without exploits Scythia seems ridiculously overpowered. Even her religious units heal after killing things.
I followed a barbarian scout back to their camp (could'nt catch them in time because their scouts move faster than my warrior) and they spawned 3 units in 3 turns. And they already had 2.
Barbarians are obviously the most advanced civ when it comes to military production.


Kinda feeling like giving up with this game. I bought Civ V to get ready for this (I don't have any experience with the series), played for about 15 hours, and felt like I had at least the very basics down to start with this game.

I'm early into a game (about 50 turns) on the easiest difficulty, just to get my bearings, in a 1on1 game. I'm playing against the Aztecs. Where I have it saved - even though I'm playing on settlers - he keeps declaring war on me and either killing me or setting me back greatly. Settlers on Civ V was incredibly easy, but the Comp is super aggressive for some reason.

That, plus the fact that I really don't understand how to juggle all the possible science/cultural/religious/buidling/units etc and I always feel like I'm turning my wheels and have no clue which decision is the right decision. It's possible that the series just isn't for me I guess.
Kinda feeling like giving up with this game. I bought Civ V to get ready for this (I don't have any experience with the series), played for about 15 hours, and felt like I had at least the very basics down to start with this game.

I'm early into a game (about 50 turns) on the easiest difficulty, just to get my bearings, in a 1on1 game. I'm playing against the Aztecs. Where I have it saved - even though I'm playing on settlers - he keeps declaring war on me and either killing me or setting me back greatly. Settlers on Civ V was incredibly easy, but the Comp is super aggressive for some reason.

That, plus the fact that I really don't understand how to juggle all the possible science/cultural/religious/buidling/units etc and I always feel like I'm turning my wheels and have no clue which decision is the right decision. It's possible that the series just isn't for me I guess.

You are playing 1v1, what do you expect the ai to do? Just sit back and let you build up? Also, Montezuma just spams units. I've never seen him make another city.

Play with more ai's in a map. They all have different agendas so some might like you for not being aggressive.


Kinda feeling like giving up with this game. I bought Civ V to get ready for this (I don't have any experience with the series), played for about 15 hours, and felt like I had at least the very basics down to start with this game.

I'm early into a game (about 50 turns) on the easiest difficulty, just to get my bearings, in a 1on1 game. I'm playing against the Aztecs. Where I have it saved - even though I'm playing on settlers - he keeps declaring war on me and either killing me or setting me back greatly. Settlers on Civ V was incredibly easy, but the Comp is super aggressive for some reason.

That, plus the fact that I really don't understand how to juggle all the possible science/cultural/religious/buidling/units etc and I always feel like I'm turning my wheels and have no clue which decision is the right decision. It's possible that the series just isn't for me I guess.

1v1 may actually break the AI in the game. In a normal session, the AI has at least 5 other Civilizations to contend with at the minimum. So you may found a religion they dont like, but another AI is settling cities near their borders, sending envoys to their favorite city state, and a different government. Basically, there's nothing to water down their hate if you are the only other Civilization on the map.

Good early game strategy is slingers to eureka archery and crossbows, which will give you a huge early game advantage. Then just try to get techs and civics that you can easily eureka to get whatever advantage you can.

The only thing you have to focus on in the civics tree is making sure you get the upgraded Government civics as soon as possible. For Tech, I generally like to get to muskets and field cannons first to get the military advantage.


Rodent Whores
Finally got a game where at least one civ is my BFF into the atomic age. Playing as Germany and doing commercial and industrial district spam. I made it a point to not war with anyone no matter how much they pissed me off. And gandhi can go straight to hell, that motherfucker.


Rodent Whores
Finally got a game where at least one civ is my BFF into the atomic age. Playing as Germany and doing commercial and industrial district spam. I made it a point to not war with anyone no matter how much they pissed me off. And gandhi can go straight to hell, that motherfucker.
As a side effect of the commercial industry spam, I got merchants and engineers popping out my ass by the truckload.


Rodent Whores
What's the end goal for an industrial powerhouse? Cranking out end game units super fast?
The faster you build a spaceship, the faster you win.

Keep in mind that factories and power plants impart production bonuses to other cities within 6. I can build a new city outside of my main cluster and have it start off at 30 production because it's in range of several other cities.


I don't like how bad production is without industrial zones. Maybe it's cause science goes too fast right now, but you pretty much have to have an industrial zone in every city if you want to build stuff without it becoming obsolete immediately.


Sudden surprise culture victory caught up with me the very turn after I thermonuked Japan for sending a spy to my capital after I told them not to do that. I guess folks love my culture no matter how many I slaughter.
You're playing America, aren't you?


I was busy the week this came out so I only started really playing it this weekend. I didn't play much Civ 5 though I played Civ 4 for years with a group of people at my old job.

This is a very good game and worth playing, but I'm conflicted about a lot of what's different. I still think one-unit-per-tile is a mistake without an AI that can handle it. I really like the civ-specific music so far. Animated leaders are neat but I turned them off because they take too long. The UI is kind of a mess.

The religion system is really interesting. There's this neat parallel game going on. But "faith" is sort of weird as a resource - under most policies and governments it's not very useful unless you're really trying hard to spread your religion, but you can switch to Theocracy to crank out a bunch of units with it, and it makes sense to do this even very late in the game.

I've only messed around with late-game military once, but it seems disappointingly similar to the rest of the game. It's still cavalry and melee and anti-cavalry and ranged, and they all work just about identically to the earlier versions with bigger numbers. Aircraft are a big deal, of course, but I would have liked to see cruise missiles and paratroopers and whatever else. Nukes are as ridiculous as always and you'd want to ban them or drastically increase their cost for multiplayer.

One decision that I have a hard time understanding is why it takes so long to repair pillaged districts. It's really, really easy to cripple a city for tens of turns. And this game encourages raiding because you have just as much mobility in enemy territory as they do, plus early on the cities won't even be able to shoot at you.

And even without exploits Scythia seems ridiculously overpowered. Even her religious units heal after killing things.

Yeah I like the game too, but I really think the systems need to be better integrated tbh. Religion and diplomacy like the old apostolic palace and general 'I like people of my faith, detest others' or 'I'm an evagellizing zealot that will convert you by the sword' or 'I love everyone.' Also needs to be better integrated with culture. Religion is a huge cultural force throughout history, more than a couple slots for relics imply. I give Civ V and VI credit for customization of religion and Civ VI credit for theological conflict, but Civ IV still has the best religion system.

I get they want to open different avenues to funnel your growth into and things to balance, but it just seems so parceled off.

In general diplomacy just seems a bit dumb. Leaders are a bit too idiosyncratic imo and there just doesn't seem to be much of a diplomatic game beyond knowing people's agendas. IDK. Maybe I'm playing the game too much like a hermit kingdom.

As to de-stacked units...it just makes my playstyle (read:low unit count, lots of culture, science, city infrastructure, etc.) a lot easier because the AI seem to be quite idiotic about war. In Civ IV I'd get into some pretty damn scary defensive scenarios. I generally get the feeling though that Civ could use more, smaller wars anyway, but that may just be an artifact of me always playing on huge maps and focusing culture, science, infrastructure, etc. Always has seemed the game should move at slower tech pace and find a way to give more reason to fight over small things and not be able to achieve total victory.


Another gripe though is with workers and tile improvements. The way things are done now, you really miss out on the feeling of industrial progress. I loved jumping on, say, railroad in Civ III and IV and organizing my workforce to tie the ends of my empire together and then to start improving production in my key cities slowly moving out to less important cities. You used to get that Transcontinental railroad like experience in Civ.

I do like districts and think they should have gone further with them and with reducing the number of farms you need as you progress through the game. Best urbanization game in Civ yet, but has a ways to go before it really feels your modern cities aren't ancient cities transplanted into the future.


Also AI seems stupid about settling. In my last game I had a sheltered start with a mountain range almost entirely guarding my peninsula from approach. There were two Civs just north of the peninsula. Literally just north. I completely settled my peninsula with 5 cities in the BC and between 900 AD and 1500 AD or so I also colonized the land north of the mountains right up to the capitals of those neighboring civilizations. Jungle land, but with rivers and resources and one of those civilizations only had one city the entire game. Very odd.


Took about 25 hours to finish my Spartan domination victory on emperor, standard sized map. Really great fun. Took America early but Germany and England built huge powerful empires.

Think I'll go for a religious victory next, thinking Arabia or Spain for that.

Going to have a break though.


It'll be cool if farms added to internal trade route yield for food, so you can set up breadbasket cities with tons of farmland supplying your industrial cities.


Rodent Whores
It'll be cool if farms added to internal trade route yield for food, so you can set up breadbasket cities with tons of farmland supplying your industrial cities.

It worked like that in Beyond Earth. You could have one massive food city that could sustain zero food cities via trading.
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