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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

Speaking of which, why are AI's so aggressive against city-states?

The AI needs to calm down lol. Just because I haven't spread my religion to you the turn after I founded it, please don't surprise war me with 6 warriors and a slinger.


Speaking of aggressive AIs, I had the weirdest early game just now. I was playing King on Pangaea as Germany. I was on pretty good terms with everybody, though I'd settled near France and she told me to stop. I was declared friends with Scythia. Then on the same turn Scythia, France, and Portugal all declare a surprise war on me, again even though I'm friends with Scythia and her whole thing is that she doesn't like backstabbing, and even though Scythia and Portugal are pretty far away from me - I never actually see a Portuguese unit and only a couple Scythian scouts. I smash France's warriors with my warriors and slingers while Portugal and then Scythia slowly decide to ask for peace. Now I've got Paris surrounded and suddenly Japan and someone else on the far side of the continent declare war on me. This doesn't seem right.


Was gonna come in here to complain about diplomacy... Saw that everyone else already did that.

I really just want to be able to go "shame on you" when they stack units at my borders...


On King difficulty I beat back two surprise wars (from friendly civs who backstabbed) and one formal war (from one civ that just plain didn't like me) at a numerical disadvantage. I conquered Athenian Greece and stole a Settler from them before the Classical Era, conquered China's capital, liberated a city state they had held captive (netted 2-3 envoys and became Suzerain), and left Beijing to them as their sole possession, then repelled and routed an amphibious Egyptian invasion, and battle carried me to their walls within a few turns.

Scythia is insane, especially when you fight using the doctrine of local superiority of numbers. Your units plowing through enemies keeps them healing up and you're able to execute absurdly-swift blitzkrieg maneuvers. I love the playstyle.


I don't know why I enjoy playing Civ. I've never been any good at it, but it still manages to be a time vampire for me.
I can for no lack of trying simply not clear that barb camp whenever I waltz in with my army its entire surroundings are filled with units. They now have switched from horses to Swordmen w/o ever having had access to either and they churn out new units every couple turns.
I've gotten close when I had to fend off an ill conceived surprise war from Kongo.


I don't know why I enjoy playing Civ. I've never been any good at it, but it still manages to be a time vampire for me.
I'm super new to Civ and I have no idea what I'm doing but i'm having such a great time playing it. Even though the game feels just as complex as Civ 5 the improved UI really helps ease stuff for me.
I don't know why but I'm enjoying the crap out of the game.

Angry Fork

Can someone tell me how to deal with spies? I'm bleeding money because someone keeps stealing it in my capitol and I don't know how to stop them. I've tried looking online and people say you can make your own spies to combat them but I can't make one right now (I don't know what's required for this also) and by the time I can my money will be gone probably. What do I do?


Move your spy to your capital or wherever you're haemorrhaging money and ask them to counterspy.

Yep, then assign them to the given Commercial District that's sieving money.

Other options that I've found:

  • Extract a diplomatic promise from the civ spying to cease spying (iirc more likely to abide such a promise if on good terms with you)
  • Civics to increase home spy levels at home
  • Civics to decrease foreign spy levels at home (I've found one that does the above and below simultaneously)
  • Spy Promotions that increase their level
  • Spy promotion that enables spy to defend as though two levels higher
  • Spy promotion that raises the level of OTHER spies while they're at home
  • Stack more than one spy on the district

Angry Fork

k thanks, gonna look through the tree's to see what I need to upgrade so I can make spies and if it takes a while then oh well.


Just came across my first crash to desktop.

I'm about to take a city and every time I move a unit into it the game just crashes.
I've reloaded and done some things a little differently, moved units around, waited a few extra turns but every time I try to move a unit into that city it just crashes

Anyone found a way around this? Kinda killing my enthusiasm to keep going


Just came across my first crash to desktop.

I'm about to take a city and every time I move a unit into it the game just crashes.
I've reloaded and done some things a little differently, moved units around, waited a few extra turns but every time I try to move a unit into that city it just crashes

Anyone found a way around this? Kinda killing my enthusiasm to keep going

That's the most common CTD right now. Hopefully Firaxis releases a bug fix soon.
Wait, what? I was steamrolling the standard map in King with Greece/Gorgo and almost at domination victory while also leading in culture and science... and then, wham!: game over screen.

It's 1915, turn 336... I just get the generic 'civilization lies in ruins' cinematic and no info whatsoever what happened. If I click on the tabs or replay, there's no indication about any of other civ posing a threat on any dimension. Going 'one more turn', I'm still dominating the planet with my armored brigades and about to take the final two capitals. But I guess that no longer counts for scoring or achievements.

Dammit, game - stop being so obtuse with your information.

EDIT: Ah got it, India snuck in a religious victory because I took out one of the last non-religious civs in conquest, tipping the scales of the world conversion. Jesus, Fireaxis - at least tell us what happened if you drop a sudden death condition on us.


Anyone else with a compatible keyboard really like it when you declare war and your whole keyboard lights up red for the duration of the war? It's a nice little touch.

Holy shit, so this is why my keyboard was lit in different colours, despite my default settings for it.
Developers should really use this more often.

Hari Seldon

k thanks, gonna look through the tree's to see what I need to upgrade so I can make spies and if it takes a while then oh well.

If you know what nation is doing it you can ask them to stop under "Discuss" I think. They usually say they will.

One cool thing I noticed is that if you catch a spy, the nation will try and give you money or something back for him haha.


Speaking of aggressive AIs, I had the weirdest early game just now. I was playing King on Pangaea as Germany. I was on pretty good terms with everybody, though I'd settled near France and she told me to stop. I was declared friends with Scythia. Then on the same turn Scythia, France, and Portugal all declare a surprise war on me, again even though I'm friends with Scythia and her whole thing is that she doesn't like backstabbing, and even though Scythia and Portugal are pretty far away from me - I never actually see a Portuguese unit and only a couple Scythian scouts. I smash France's warriors with my warriors and slingers while Portugal and then Scythia slowly decide to ask for peace. Now I've got Paris surrounded and suddenly Japan and someone else on the far side of the continent declare war on me. This doesn't seem right.

the AI does proxywars.
Cleopatra AI paid me to start a proxy war with ghandi (and it was a big amount all in all around 1600 gold).
the amount of gold made me greedy and i got obliterated by ghandis warelephants. specialy since i was closer to him than cleo...
i could bet its the same here.

edit: i also should mention that she didnt even take parts in any fights.


Speaking of aggressive AIs, I had the weirdest early game just now. I was playing King on Pangaea as Germany. I was on pretty good terms with everybody, though I'd settled near France and she told me to stop. I was declared friends with Scythia. Then on the same turn Scythia, France, and Portugal all declare a surprise war on me, again even though I'm friends with Scythia and her whole thing is that she doesn't like backstabbing, and even though Scythia and Portugal are pretty far away from me - I never actually see a Portuguese unit and only a couple Scythian scouts. I smash France's warriors with my warriors and slingers while Portugal and then Scythia slowly decide to ask for peace. Now I've got Paris surrounded and suddenly Japan and someone else on the far side of the continent declare war on me. This doesn't seem right.
no one likes Germany
I'm German, I'm allowed to say that

Hari Seldon

Every time I exit to desktop the game freezes, anyone else having this problem?

I have noticed that if you do a quicksave then immediately click exit to desktop it freezes. There must be a bug when it is still trying to save and exiting at the same time. To avoid this I click quicksave then wait a little bit before exiting.
I really really love the district system.

You can't just build everything in one city, balancing out improvements vs districts vs wonders adds a great level of strategy.

The sim city game right now is a lot more interesting than diplomacy and war.
So far I've only played on standard speed and I'm at a conflict with myself over how I want to approach my next game. Last couple games I played as Norway and Greece. I really like both these civs and their early era units (Berserker, Hoplite). However, I feel you advance through the ages too fast. My run as Noway I took out my neighbor right away with archers before I researched Berserker, and once I got to the point where I needed to engage in another war I was already advanced beyond berserker. With Greece it played out a little differently and I got to use Hoplites a few turns but still moved beyond them very fast.

At the same time, I don't want to slow down the game speed and make the game last ridiculously long.

I really really love the district system.

You can't just build everything in one city, balancing out improvements vs districts vs wonders adds a great level of strategy.

The sim city game right now is a lot more interesting than diplomacy and war.
I usually go very district heavy and my last run was quote interesting. I played as Gorgo and had mountains nearby and also settled closer to my own cities so I could get those area of effect bonuses in entertainment and industrial districts working well. I also had mountains in my borders. I very quickly ended up with more civilians than I had tiles to work.


I feel like science does move too fast right now. I can easily reach the end of the tech tree before the 1900s, and I'm not even the best player.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wait, what? I was steamrolling the standard map in King with Greece/Gorgo and almost at domination victory while also leading in culture and science... and then, wham!: game over screen.

It's 1915, turn 336... I just get the generic 'civilization lies in ruins' cinematic and no info whatsoever what happened. If I click on the tabs or replay, there's no indication about any of other civ posing a threat on any dimension. Going 'one more turn', I'm still dominating the planet with my armored brigades and about to take the final two capitals. But I guess that no longer counts for scoring or achievements.

Dammit, game - stop being so obtuse with your information.

EDIT: Ah got it, India snuck in a religious victory because I took out one of the last non-religious civs in conquest, tipping the scales of the world conversion. Jesus, Fireaxis - at least tell us what happened if you drop a sudden death condition on us.

Yeah, Civ 6 needs some minor polishing when it comes to the game victory conditions. More warnings about impending victories, more feedback at the game’s end, etc.

In my second game Scythia was getting very close to a religious victory, they had converted 5 out of 7 capitals, so I went to war on her just to stop her. BUT the game never told me any of this, I only realized it because I have a habit of glancing at the victory condition screen from time to time, if not for that I probably would have lost that game to her without even realizing what was happening.


Loving this game, the series has me totally addicted once again. Firstly, the music! Soooo good. Sogno di volare is an amazing, epic main theme, but the in game music is really terrific too. Brazil's fun, playful industrial-era theme sounds like it's straight from a Broadway play. Russia's medieval theme makes me want to get up and start doing their traditional dance. Spain's medieval theme is actually pretty mournful and melancholic.

But the one that blew my mind was Greece's theme. I loved it so much I looked into it and found out that the melody is actually Seikilos Epitaph, the world's oldest surviving complete musical composition, from Ancient Greece... Blew my mind! So cool to have an actual 2000 year old Greek song as their theme in the game. And it's damn good too! Especially the industrial and atomic era versions (sounds like a marvel movie soundtrack in parts). Really makes it feel epic playing the game while having that on.

The graphics are also really gorgeous at times too. Particularly at night time, it just looks really good. Thankful that my pc can run it fairly well on medium settings and it still looks great. The leader animation is fantastic too, really expressive.

As far as the actual gameplay goes, I'm still getting used to it, but I'm liking the majority of the changes. Really seems like there's more interesting things to do on most turns than other civ games. One of the only big changes I'm not too keen on so far is the movement points change. Just seems to make movement slower and more difficult/tedious. But pretty much every other big change I'm liking (districts, city states, builders, etc).

Love how the civs feel more unique from each other too. Makes every play-through different and interesting.

There is definitely a fair bit of balancing to do and diplomacy, AI and quite a few aspects of the UI need some work. Hopefully they get some patches out dealing with those aspects.

TL/DR: Really happy with this version of civ so far. It's feeling much more fleshed out and interesting than civ 5 was at launch. Looking forward to seeing what they can build on in expansions and dlc. But really, I'm addicted already.

Hari Seldon

Finished my first cultural victory last night, it was actually pretty fun. Not sure why it is a cultural victory since as far as I can tell, culture has nothing to do with it lol. It is 100% tourism. Winning via culture is definitely more fun than science in this game at least.


is there a way to have the game stop asking me to pick a civic/tech when i reach the end of their respective trees? just do it automatically or something?

Late game gets bogged right fucking down when i'm being asked to choose future tech #999 every bloody turn. How is this still a thing in Civ?


There's no point in creating more than one spaceport is there?

You can't have more than one city contributing to the same project, and you can't do more than one project at a time.

This needs to be changed.


There's no point in creating more than one spaceport is there?

You can't have more than one city contributing to the same project, and you can't do more than one project at a time.

This needs to be changed.

The (3) Mars projects can be done at the same time, so having a second or third spaceport isn't a complete waste.


Have somebody here tried the game on a laptop with Nvidia 950m?
How was the experience+

I'm thinking of buying a Acer Aspire E5 575G with i5-6200U and Nvidia 950M 2GB


Rodent Whores
Especially since there is a mechanic for this already in the game. You would think they could get the AI to use it.

AI is basically.

Save and return London for my ally in the Medieval era, conquer it outright in the Information era - Damnit Victoria, you never repaired your pillaged farms after all that time. Literally a 900 year farm fire that was never put out.


Save and return London for my ally in the Medieval era, conquer it outright in the Information era - Damnit Victoria, you never repaired your pillaged farms after all that time. Literally a 900 year farm fire that was never put out.

The repairs mechanic in this game is really poorly thought-out. It makes sense from a literal perspective (hey, something's broke - send a guy to fix it), but it's not something that really should be micromanaged at a civ-wide level.

Being required to manually repair every pillaged tile is one of the most obnoxious things in the game. There should be a setting that allows you to use production or one of your currencies (maybe not culture or science, but gold and faith seem like reasonable methods for community betterment) to auto-repair things. It could take longer than doing it the manual way, but would be way less hassle. The setting could be civ-wide or on a city-by-city basis. (i.e a city with tons of excess production could use that for repairs, but a less productive city may need to dip into the treasury or get the church to help out)

Since it's far less of a problem early game, the ability to auto-repair could be tied to a technology or civic learned during the renaissance or thereabouts.


The repairs mechanic in this game is really poorly thought-out. It makes sense from a literal perspective (hey, something's broke - send a guy to fix it), but it's not something that really should be micromanaged at a civ-wide level.

Being required to manually repair every pillaged tile is one of the most obnoxious things in the game. There should be a setting that allows you to use production or one of your currencies (maybe not culture or science, but gold and faith seem like reasonable methods for community betterment) to auto-repair things. It could take longer than doing it the manual way, but would be way less hassle. The setting could be civ-wide or on a city-by-city basis. (i.e a city with tons of excess production could use that for repairs, but a less productive city may need to dip into the treasury or get the church to help out)

Since it's far less of a problem early game, the ability to auto-repair could be tied to a technology or civic learned during the renaissance or thereabouts.

It means that you have to be able to defend the tile to repair it. Look at repairing districts, it halts your production just for the action. It sucks.

Short of introducing another system just to solve for this, and that seems like needlessly complicating the system, I think the current system works fine.
Ok marathon isn't very fun. I'll have to try the other one in between. Still feel like standard advances the eras too fast.

Also a criticism towards Norway: Berserkerson in a completely different tech path than sailing stuff which they also get s bonus towards and both of those are in a competitor different path than the basic tech you need to get resources and luxuries. This is probably I feel like as soon as I get a chance to build Berserkers I'm already moving on.

Finished my first cultural victory last night, it was actually pretty fun. Not sure why it is a cultural victory since as far as I can tell, culture has nothing to do with it lol. It is 100% tourism. Winning via culture is definitely more fun than science in this game at least.
The social media civic at the very end is insanely helpful for tourism though. Also I think there's something regarding your culture per turn and tourism to prevent your own tourist leaving your civ or something like that. Something like if your culture is greater than your tourism you're winning tourists. I'll have to look into that more, heard it in a video.

In the two games I actually completed one was science and one was culture. The culture was way more fun, agreed.
If you know what nation is doing it you can ask them to stop under "Discuss" I think. They usually say they will.

One cool thing I noticed is that if you catch a spy, the nation will try and give you money or something back for him haha.
Yeah this actually happened once for me. The little jazzy tune for espionage event played on one of my turns and I was like "oh cool a spy was apprehended". Some time later Japan was offering me a lot of gold for a spy named Saro, and I was like "Wait I don't remember training any Spies. I guess I got a free Spy at some point and now Japan wants to buy my Spy? That's pretty cool." I only put two and two together the next day haha.

the AI does proxywars.
Cleopatra AI paid me to start a proxy war with ghandi (and it was a big amount all in all around 1600 gold).
the amount of gold made me greedy and i got obliterated by ghandis warelephants. specialy since i was closer to him than cleo...
i could bet its the same here.

edit: i also should mention that she didnt even take parts in any fights.
Oh man I made a similar mistake one time. A civ I was """good friends""" with decided to offer me a ton of gold to go warring with a neighbor that I didn't care for, and I was like "Yeah okay that seems like a fine deal. I'll just sit back and leave that civ alone while I eat up a lot of gold." Unfortunately not only did relations with that specific neighbor go bad, a bunch of other civs on another continent denounced me the next turn, then shortly went to war against me later.

I usually am quite behind in science but production gets out of hand quickly.
Also terracotta army is a lot of value.
Dude yes. Promotions are so great to have this time around, and by extension Terracotta Army is incredible. I usually try to have at least 8 units fielded before I build Terracotta Army, but sometimes I get so greedy and want to have more...

Stealing unescorted settlers is my new guilty pleasure.

Edit: omg 3 in this game. It's ridiculous.
I have... mixed feelings about this.

On one hand yes this is so awesome and I bypass the increasing Settler costs this way too :3

On the other hand this seems stupidly overpowered for human players.

is there a way to have the game stop asking me to pick a civic/tech when i reach the end of their respective trees? just do it automatically or something?

Late game gets bogged right fucking down when i'm being asked to choose future tech #999 every bloody turn. How is this still a thing in Civ?
There isn't... which is admittedly really annoying :< I wish they'd give a proper Future Civic to the end of the civic tree. The dream is for varied Future Civics/Techs that I can repeatedly research and earn bonuses upon researching.

Future Tech <Production>: Each of your cities gains a permanent +1 production.
Future Tech <Gold>: Each of your cities gains a permanent +2 gold.
Future Civic <Faith>: Each of your cities gains a permanent +2 faith.
Future Civic <Food>: Each of your cities gains a permanent +1 food.

Even if the above don't happen, I would at least want Future Civic and Future Tech to just be infinitely researchable, and the "points" awarded by either to just be however much I dump into either divided 10 or whatever. I think the points only matter towards a Time Victory anyway, which is just a backhanded way of saying you took too long imo.




I had to star a war with the Aztecs so I could get rid of their apostles and missionaries. I'm the last civ they need to convert... now I should expect a real army on my shores in just a few turns.
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