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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?

Yeah I might have to use them just to counter the balloon. I hate the fact that they cost 5 elixir though, I don't think they are usually worth it.

Minion HOrdes are versatile. They're fast enough that they can counter something like a PEKKA or giant. Yeah they can be taken out easily, but if the opponent doesn't shoot out arrows prematurely, they can deal huge damage.
Just downloaded this game, did the tutorial and filled up my chest slots. I'd like to upgrade some cards as bigger numbers make me feel good, but I heard it's best to be stingy with your gold. What starting cards are safe upgrades (good stat boosts on upgrade and ulikely to be replaced soon)?
Just pick your favorites.

Maybe an epic and a rare.

You're not that starved for gold until much much later. But even then, whatever you spend now is pennies compared to what you can make later.


Do you try and keep your average card coat down so you aren't stuck waiting for elixir to build up? Tempted to try my newly levelled up barbarian hut and swap out my barbarians, but 7 is very expensive.


Do you try and keep your average card coat down so you aren't stuck waiting for elixir to build up? Tempted to try my newly levelled up barbarian hut and swap out my barbarians, but 7 is very expensive.

yes, because waiting for elixir to refill while your opponent has an army coming your way is what loses games. it's really good to have some cheap units to buy some time or even provide a lot of damage if played properly. (minions on barbs/giants/pekka, goblins dropped on witch/musketeer)
Do you try and keep your average card coat down so you aren't stuck waiting for elixir to build up? Tempted to try my newly levelled up barbarian hut and swap out my barbarians, but 7 is very expensive.

Despite both being Barb related, they have very very different uses imho. Barb Hut isn't reliable for defending due to very high costs. It's more for getting the lane to push itself. Barbs are fantastic at defense because they will wreck any ground card 1v1 and still survive. I think the only ground card it loses to is Wizard if placed from afar.

Anything higher than 4.5 cost is really dangerous. I won't place my Barb Hut unless I have near 10 elix and have soft counters available against rushes (Cannon/Skele/Spear/Ice Wiz vs Princes/Hog) or aerials (Spear/Fireball/Arrow vs Minion Horde/Balloon/Baby Drag).


There's a crapton of "GAF" clans. Any indication of which one is the correct one?
I've sent a request to one of them, but I can't tell!

Edit : No I haven't. It wouldn't let me request a join.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
There's a crapton of "GAF" clans. Any indication of which one is the correct one?
I've sent a request to one of them, but I can't tell!

Edit : No I haven't. It wouldn't let me request a join.

I can't tell either. I have some listed in the OP, but I fear there are more out there.

To anyone in/running a legit GAF clan, please PM me the name of your clan. Want to update the OP with a current list. Lots of folks want in a clan so I'd like to keep it current.


formerly "chigiri"
I can't tell either. I have some listed in the OP, but I fear there are more out there.

To anyone in/running a legit GAF clan, please PM me the name of your clan. Want to update the OP with a current list. Lots of folks want in a clan so I'd like to keep it current.

Three of the many:

NeoGAF, clan tag #20Y9PQ
NeoGAF Elite, clan tag #8R8YJQ0
Giantbomb GAF, clan tag #9UC2VR8
If youve applied for GAF, please post here or put your gaf name in your request. Got alot of requests but none of them had a gaf name listed.


If youve applied for GAF, please post here or put your gaf name in your request. Got alot of requests but none of them had a gaf name listed.

For some reason, I can't apply to GAF #QYYQCQ. Maybe because it's location is North America?

There's also GAF #2RVU999 which I could apply for but haven't been accepted yet.


For some reason, I can't apply to GAF #QYYQCQ. Maybe because it's location is North America?

There's also GAF #2RVU999 which I could apply for but haven't been accepted yet.

Right now there's 48/50 spots, but there's 5 people who have applied and need to either be accepted or rejected so that might be why.


Was on a good streak from 1000-1200 trophies, making it into arena 4. Then I faced some random level 7 (i'm level 6) who schooled me so hard it was almost surgical haha. If I was cocky about this game, it would have been a swift humbling. I'm still not even sure how he did it, he wasn't using any crazy units. I'm gonna have to take a look at that replay.
So I have Level 6 Minions and just unlocked Minion Horde. Not sure it's worth it to swap out Minions for the Horde in my deck, though, as my Level 6 Minions are more than 50% more powerful than the Level 1 Horde. The Horde does have a slight Elixir advantage, in that there are 6 Minions in the Horde for only 5 Elixir, whereas there are 3 Minions in the standard Minions unit for 3 Elixir, but that still doesn't make up for the power difference. The other advantage the Horde has is simply placing more at the same time; thus strength in numbers. Thinking I'll need to stick with the regular Minions until I get the Horde leveled up a few levels. Thoughts?


Finally got to the Spell Valley! I'm now at 1428 trophies.
My deck is Goblin, Bomber, Giant, Arrows, Barbarians, Minions, Freeze and Musketeer. I was very weak to hordes with Fireball so I swapped it for Arrows, it did wonders.


So, after my rut at 1000-1200 doing the yo-yo, I settled on this deck:

Hog Rider (level 5)
Freeze (level 2)
Baby Dragon (level 3)
Cannon (level 6)
Skeletons (level 7)
Arrows (level 7)
Spear Goblins (level 7)
Valkyrie (level 3)

The average elixir cost is a nice 3.1. The Hog Rider and Freeze do the work on enemy towers, along with occasional help from Baby Dragon. Baby Dragon cleans up AOE hordes, as do Arrows. Valkyrie can help with the AOE, tank the occasional tower, and clean up cards like Barbarian pretty quickly when dropped in the middle of them. Skeletons eat up Hog Rider, Prince, Mini PEKKA, PEKKA, etc, and the cannon functions as both an extra tower on defense and an amazing distraction for those tower charging units to buy you enough time to get Skeletons or Spear Goblins up.

This has gotten me to 1560 cups where I've plateaued I bit. I think I can push this deck as currently constructed to 1700 and Arena 6, but games are definitely 50/50 now. So many balloon decks and with only Spear Goblins and Cannon to take care of em, it may be time for a change. Hut/Tower decks are really rough for me because Hog Rider never even gets to a tower due to the distractions.

That has caused me to consider trying different options. I could replace Valkyrie with my level 7 Barbarians (thanks GAF Royale for helping me get em!), or I also have level 7 Minion Horde. Minion Horde would take care of Balloon Decks, but it does cost a little more than Valkyrie and can be easily dispatched. I also have enough Wizard cards to level him to 5, and Witch is level 3.

I'd kind of prefer to build a new deck with a more reliable win condition than Hog Rider + Freeze, or at least with a win condition beyond that option. If they have enough small minions (or buildings) to distract/wreck Hog before he gets to the tower so I can Freeze, those games are instant loss. And to be honest, it's kind of an easy to see gimmick coming, I'm amazed it still works at 1500+ so well, but then I see it on the TV Royale videos too so /shrug.


Opened a giant chest from arean 6. Got 8 elixer cards, 13 wizards, and about 157 moartars haha.

Need to find a good elixer deck maybe?


What is the counter for the joust knight? Lots of small units or one big unit die fast to him and air doesn't kill him fast enough.


What is the counter for the joust knight? Lots of small units or one big unit die fast to him and air doesn't kill him fast enough.

The one that gets running fast and does bonus damage? Prince, I think?

What I do is let him get in range of my tower then pop a low-cost unit in front of him - Skeleton hoard is ideal but regular skeletons or goblins is fine too.


Small skeletons (that cost 1 elixir) are pretty big problem to princes too. Drop them with goblins, air units, and you're good to go.
What is the counter for the joust knight? Lots of small units or one big unit die fast to him and air doesn't kill him fast enough.

Mostly you just want to avoid having him hit your tower with his powerful charge attack. Draw him farther away from the tower toward the middle of the field in front of your King's tower. That gives your tower longer to attack him as he's headed away from it or working his way back. Cheapo units like Skeletons or Goblins are good options to take the brunt of his charge attack, then you can wail on him with whichever unit you prefer. Depending on what's up on my deck, I'll drop Barbarians or get him from distance with Musketeer or Goblin Spears while he's busy fighting the cheapo units.

Prince is super common in the decks I'm seeing in Arena 3, and I'd like to get him to drop for my own deck, but I don't think he's too difficult to handle most of the time.


Unconfirmed Member
What is the counter for the joust knight? Lots of small units or one big unit die fast to him and air doesn't kill him fast enough.

I just drop spear goblins near the centre and the Prince will change direction toward them. They'll get a few shots in before he actually gets there. He'll still usually get to the tower to damage it, but at least you'll lessen the pain.
I've hit a major wall at around 1400 trophies, those of you that got past arena 5, what did your deck look like? I'm getting beat by a wide variety of decks but most common are decks that center around getting balloons and Hogriders to your tower.
Is a 4.4 elixir average too high? I just got a prince and I really want to keep him there.
Depends on the Deck. It is not too bad for a hut Deck. You have to carefully manage your elixir though and keep an eye on the cards following in Rotation or you might get screwed.


Depends on the Deck. It is not too bad for a hut Deck. You have to carefully manage your elixir though and keep an eye on the cards following in Rotation or you might get screwed.

How do Hut decks work? The spear hut is my most used card but I usually use it as a diversion.

Maximus P

I've hit a major wall at around 1400 trophies, those of you that got past arena 5, what did your deck look like? I'm getting beat by a wide variety of decks but most common are decks that center around getting balloons and Hogriders to your tower.

Hog riders, balloons and freeze is very popular even at higher levels.

I use this deck

Spear goblins
Giant Skelton
Mini pekka
Bomb tower

I'm at 1950 trophies level 7.

The tactic I use is to get out the giant Skelton and then try to put a lot of ranged troops behind it. Some people fall into the trap of spamming troops in front of him which will end in disaster when he drops his death bomb. If that doesn't work I use the decoy trick of putting a mini pekka on the opposite lane when my enemy has used all of his/her elixer.

Musketeer is by far my most valuable troop. Shes powerful, has good range and is good for both defence and attack.
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