Here I am going to write a constitution for all guys in college to read and sign before their freshman year. I am getting tired of people annoying the hell out of me in class. I dont know if this will catch on, but here is stuff you should know and adhere to. Please, feel free to add any of your personal pet peeves.
1) If the room is half empty, dont sit next to someone else unless you know them. Sit in front of them, behind them a few seats away from them and try and strike up a conversation. Nothing pisses me off more than when some guy comes and sits next to me when there is a mostly empty room. You know dude, we wouldnt have to worry about bumping elbows or where I am going to sit my bottle of water if you would GIVE ME SOME DAMN ROOM.
2) If a guy sits next to a girl every day, talks to her before and/or after class and seems to enjoy the company, dont try and get in that. The cockblock is not, in any way, cool. Move on.
3) two people sit next to each other every day (male, female doesnt matter) and you enter the room. There are a handfull of seats available. One of them is next to one of the people who allways sits next to someone. The other person isnt in the room yet. DONT SIT THERE ASSHOLE.
4) Dont ask to borrow someones notes if they clearly have a multi-class binder. They need it and you make them feel like an ass.
5) Sitting a seat apart from a girl is not smooth. She knows what you are there for. Trying to ackwardly make contact out of the side of your vision or glance is also not smooth. It is ackward. Just walk up, sit next to her and talk to her. Really, I promise. You arent fooling anyone in the room expect yourself. And you look less like a douche this way.
6) A study group is not a date. It is a study group. It doesnt mean one of the people in it like you. Women are not like men, they are not looking at any given situation as a potential sexual interaction.. they actually seem to care about their grades for some reason and likely have figured out that you are smart and are using you. They know you think sex is coming, and are using that to their advantage. Note: this does not apply if it is just the two of you. Generally a girl will get all gung ho and shit and try to organize a study group like a fucking army regiment. If one comes up to JUST you, its probably actually on.
7) Walking up to some random person (me) and bitching about the class sucking all the time isnt cool. Man, that 12 page essay sucked? Really? Because I write 12 page essays for fun on the weekend even when they arent assigned. I KNOW THEY SUCK. WE ALL KNOW THEY SUCK. POINTLESS SMALL TALK ISNT COOL.
8) Being that douche in your class that allways talks out, and argues with the professor and has some stupid joke based on the assigned reading isnt going to make you cool. No one likes the person who constantly talks, especially if you are loud and annoying. No one cares about your intresting questions, they just want to take notes on stuff that matters.. i.e. whats actually going to be on the test. No one cares how smart you think you are, trust me, the entire classrooms eyes roll into the back of their head on instinct when your mouth opens. Including that hot chick you think you are impressing.
Feel free to add on.
1) If the room is half empty, dont sit next to someone else unless you know them. Sit in front of them, behind them a few seats away from them and try and strike up a conversation. Nothing pisses me off more than when some guy comes and sits next to me when there is a mostly empty room. You know dude, we wouldnt have to worry about bumping elbows or where I am going to sit my bottle of water if you would GIVE ME SOME DAMN ROOM.
2) If a guy sits next to a girl every day, talks to her before and/or after class and seems to enjoy the company, dont try and get in that. The cockblock is not, in any way, cool. Move on.
3) two people sit next to each other every day (male, female doesnt matter) and you enter the room. There are a handfull of seats available. One of them is next to one of the people who allways sits next to someone. The other person isnt in the room yet. DONT SIT THERE ASSHOLE.
4) Dont ask to borrow someones notes if they clearly have a multi-class binder. They need it and you make them feel like an ass.
5) Sitting a seat apart from a girl is not smooth. She knows what you are there for. Trying to ackwardly make contact out of the side of your vision or glance is also not smooth. It is ackward. Just walk up, sit next to her and talk to her. Really, I promise. You arent fooling anyone in the room expect yourself. And you look less like a douche this way.
6) A study group is not a date. It is a study group. It doesnt mean one of the people in it like you. Women are not like men, they are not looking at any given situation as a potential sexual interaction.. they actually seem to care about their grades for some reason and likely have figured out that you are smart and are using you. They know you think sex is coming, and are using that to their advantage. Note: this does not apply if it is just the two of you. Generally a girl will get all gung ho and shit and try to organize a study group like a fucking army regiment. If one comes up to JUST you, its probably actually on.
7) Walking up to some random person (me) and bitching about the class sucking all the time isnt cool. Man, that 12 page essay sucked? Really? Because I write 12 page essays for fun on the weekend even when they arent assigned. I KNOW THEY SUCK. WE ALL KNOW THEY SUCK. POINTLESS SMALL TALK ISNT COOL.
8) Being that douche in your class that allways talks out, and argues with the professor and has some stupid joke based on the assigned reading isnt going to make you cool. No one likes the person who constantly talks, especially if you are loud and annoying. No one cares about your intresting questions, they just want to take notes on stuff that matters.. i.e. whats actually going to be on the test. No one cares how smart you think you are, trust me, the entire classrooms eyes roll into the back of their head on instinct when your mouth opens. Including that hot chick you think you are impressing.
Feel free to add on.