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Cliff B lays the ownage on Nintendo

Kon Tiki

GI: So you’re obviously working on the Xbox. Are you working on anything currently for next generation?

Bleszinski: Well, Unreal Engine 3 is being promoted for licensing right now for next generation consoles. So one might infer…

GI: Xbox 2?

Bleszinski: All of the above. We are looking at leveraging our engine so that it is efficient on the majority of next generation systems, PC included. I gotta put the corporate face on, man. Engine licensing is a delicate thing. Ever since I was quoted in CGW as saying, “We’re going to take a dump on Doom… yeah. And then the other quote about the PSP with rubbing the balls on it. That was a win-win.

Wait wait wait?

UT for PSP?!


GI: You don’t have enough s*** going on as it is.

Bleszinski: You know, as much as I do want to rub my testicles on the PSP, we gotta develop our AAA, next generation, badass stuff. And it’s one of those things that if we got around to it, maybe.

NOOOOO. Rub your balls on the PSP. Please.



Did he really say that about rubbing his testicles on the PSP?
PSP sale -1


Yeah, I don't want my PSP to be all smelly and hairy when I buy it.... Steer clear of it!!! :p

Funny though, some people see Cliffy B as some sort of demi-god, while others think he is the most vile thing to walk the planet. How I laugh at some of the remarks :)


meh these articles are getting soooo old they are all the same bitch bitch bitch buy a ps2 and shut up. Ill stick with my gamecube and get all these wierd unique experiances.


Bizarro-CliffyB said:
But it seems to me like Sony is more interested lately in doing like just weird stuff like they’re a think tank, you know? Like to try and push gaming forward in its own interesting and unique direction. They’ve got games like the karaoke singing bear game, the vector rabbit photo trampoline game, the outerspace fishing game, the two dimensional rapping dog, and that game that’s like pinball set in a real-world environment. And it’s like, “Okay, congratulations. You’re different. You win.”

And so on.


Reggie was drawing his powers from handheld sales last month. He's dope enough to switch like that.


I'm not 100% sure if what he said is a slam on ninty or more of a.........hey you guys are going in the wrong direction turn the boat around. Hardcore Ninty fans eat it up, but casuals probably aren't biting on Donkey Konga.


hyperbolically metafictive
see, that's precisely why sce is better than nintendo: you get all the think tank experimentation without any of the grandiose rhetoric about SAVING THE VIDEOGAME INDUSTRY. "what's that? one of our designers is working on something that appears SOMEWHAT NOVEL? well, call a press conference! it's going to SAVE THE VIDEOGAME INDUSTRY!" someone needs to save nintendo from their own inflated self-image.

ah sony. where would videogames be without you.

Musashi Wins!

Yea, it seems Sony is king because they deliver a nice selection for every gamer.

Hey, in Zelda: WW don't they have a little self-mocking message about this Nintendo trait with the museum feature? Some Nintendo expert help me out with this...


drohne said:
see, that's precisely why sce is better than nintendo: you get all the think tank experimentation without any of the grandiose rhetoric about SAVING THE VIDEOGAME INDUSTRY. "what's that? one of our designers is working on something that appears SOMEWHAT NOVEL? well, call a press conference! it's going to SAVE THE VIDEOGAME INDUSTRY!" someone needs to save nintendo from their own inflated self-image.

ah sony. where would videogames be without you.

In a better place.

See? It can be read in two ways! EVERYONE WINS!
Nice. Cliffy rocks. I'm glad he got over his whole bling-bling fetish though...watching him cruise around in a blue zoot suit with a giant solid gold Unreal logo medallion at the E32000 Sony party was painful.

I think Cliffy and I share the same opinion on Nintendo, except that I don't love Nintendo.
Sorry, I really can't take anyone who calls himself "Cliffy" that seriously.

And God forbid someone tries to do something different these days. Guess Nintendo should stop screwing around and start making "real" games. You know, stuff where you run and around and blow stuff up. INNOVATION!

Kon Tiki

FortNinety said:
Sorry, I really can't take anyone who calls himself "Cliffy" that seriously.

And God forbid someone tries to do something different these days. Guess Nintendo should stop screwing around and start making "real" games. You know, stuff where you run and around and blow stuff up. INNOVATION!

Now you are thinking.

Wow, imagine if Nintendo started porting PC FPS to consoles. Man that would really kick ass.


Duckhuntdog said:

Bleszinski: I think Nintendo has a place. You know, Sony’s always said this. But it seems to me like Nintendo is more interested lately in doing like just weird stuff like they’re a think tank, you know? Like to try and push gaming forward in its own interesting and unique direction. They’ve got games like the bongo game, and that game that’s like pinball against an army. And it’s like, “Okay, congratulations. You’re different. You win.” It’s like the kid who gets a big tattoo on his forehead at school. It’s like, “Well, you’re different.” And I say this out of my heart because I dearly love Nintendo. My nickname in elementary school was Nintendo Boy. My name’s in the first issue of Nintendo Power.

He also sounds like he is still in school funnily enough.


FortNinety said:
And God forbid someone tries to do something different these days. Guess Nintendo should stop screwing around and start making "real" games. You know, stuff where you run and around and blow stuff up. INNOVATION!

Look at what 'doing something different' different has put them.
In the console section they're dead last in every territory except Japan (and they aren't doing too great there).

They may be different but they aren't necessarily giving gamers what they want.

It’s like the kid who gets a big tattoo on his forehead at school. It’s like, “Well, you’re different.”

Kon Tiki

Insertia said:
Look at what 'doing something different' different has put them.
In the console section they're dead last in every territory except Japan (and they aren't doing too great there).

They may be different but they aren't necessarily giving gamers what they want.

Yes, overall game experience quality is directly related to how well it sells. :rolleyes.



Well I'll be dipped.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Musashi Wins! said:
Yea, it seems Sony is king because they deliver a nice selection for every gamer.

Hey, in Zelda: WW don't they have a little self-mocking message about this Nintendo trait with the museum feature? Some Nintendo expert help me out with this...

Ya, the guy at the photo place said something like "A lot of people used to like us, but now many don't" or something along those lines.
Clearly Nintendo should stop relying on 'gimmicks' and instead build a great new engine to run an eight-hour corridor shooter with gameplay and level design from 1994.

To be fair, Cliffy B seems to have a good sense of humor about many things, including Unreal 2. UT2K4 makes up for the suckiness of UT2K3, too. So he's alright in my book.


Society said:
Yes, overall game experience quality is directly related to how well it sells. :rolleyes.

Last time I checked, Nintendo was a business that has been losing gamer and developer interest with each console release.


It's not like Zelda required a special sword accessory or Mario Kart came with a shell that you threw or Mario Sunshine could only be played with an attachment you hooked to your faucet. Nintendo's giving us a bit of both, and that's what they need to do.


Tag of Excellence
Duckhuntdog said:
And it’s like, “Okay, congratulations. You’re different. You win.” It’s like the kid who gets a big tattoo on his forehead at school. It’s like, “Well, you’re different.”
Hah, that's kinda a strange way to put it. I see where he's going with it, it's just an extremely poor comparison.

This is no ownage, just a creative perspective on what Nintendo is doing.

Comeone kids this is a great thread to get out all your frustrations and tell us how much you hate Nintendo, it's been pretty shallow so far.

Kon Tiki

Insertia said:
Last time I checked, Nintendo was a business that has been losing gamer and developer interest with each console release.
Your point being there are more mainstream gamers. Which is what I was saying...
i don't think he's trying to bash or own nintendo as much as he sounds like a fan who is upset that Nintendo has taken a different direction and isn't making the kinds of games he wants to play. I can (as many others can) probably understand where he's coming from, but the difference i think is that it doesn't piss me off. I watch my little cousins play games like Animal Crossing or pokemon or kirby or whatever and have fun with them like i did with Super Mario Bros, Zelda and PunchOut when i was a kid. Why people get so stressed, or worse yet, angry or bitter that Nintendo isn't making a "gran turismo killer" or a "Halo killer" or more "mature games" and following the lead of the activisions and capcom's of the world is beyond me. Who cares. There's 4 viable systems out there (soon to be 6+), and thousands of games. Find something you DO like to play, and quit your bitching. Maybe these people should just realize that maybe they've outgrown nintendo and just move the hell on.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Ninja Scooter said:
i don't think he's trying to bash or own nintendo as much as he sounds like a fan who is upset that Nintendo has taken a different direction and isn't making the kinds of games he wants to play. I can (as many others can) probably understand where he's coming from, but the difference i think is that it doesn't piss me off. I watch my little cousins play games like Animal Crossing or pokemon or kirby or whatever and have fun with them like i did with Super Mario Bros, Zelda and PunchOut when i was a kid. Why people get so stressed, or worse yet, angry or bitter that Nintendo isn't making a "gran turismo killer" or a "Halo killer" or more "mature games" and following the lead of the activisions and capcom's of the world is beyond me. Who cares. There's 4 viable systems out there (soon to be 6+), and thousands of games. Find something you DO like to play, and quit your bitching. Maybe these people should just realize that maybe they've outgrown nintendo and just move the hell on.

Wisdom +1000

Something I have learned by this point that if somebody is determined to dislike something or criticize it, rationality doesn't enter into it 9 times out of 10. They criticize and then come up with justifications after the fact. This is why Nintendo is damned for just making more sequels/damned for making new weird stuff at the same time. It seems to make no sense because it doesn't.


Insertia said:
Look at what 'doing something different' different has put them.
In the console section they're dead last in every territory except Japan (and they aren't doing too great there).

They may be different but they aren't necessarily giving gamers what they want.

Oh you mean the fact that they're the number two publisher in the world. If Nintendo is doing something wrong then so is every other publisher besides EA.


ah sony. where would videogames be without you.

They'd be videogames instead of hype. Perhaps Nintendo tries to create its hype by doing something different, but either way Sony has made it a warground of hype and image instead of software driven.

Maybe these people should just realize that maybe they've outgrown nintendo and just move the hell on.

I get that vibe often. What amuses me is that I went through a phase where I thought I was too mature for Nintendo games and avoided colorful games like the plague.. but then I realized a lot of the 'mature' games were trite, flawed software. Eventually I grew to a point where I just wanted a game to be fun. I think this is the other part of the whining for Nintendo to follow the crowd, that players want their Halo or their GTA killer, but with Nintendo quality controls and game design.


FortNinety said:
Once again, a game with sex, violence, and blood isn't necessarily "mature". Too bad many people haven't figured this out.

Yeah, but thats the ruling mentality as it stands now.


hyperbolically metafictive
etiolate said:
They'd be videogames instead of hype. Perhaps Nintendo tries to create its hype by doing something different, but either way Sony has made it a warground of hype and image instead of software driven.

when you can no longer make a credible case for nintendo's material superiority, instead make a very silly case for their moral superiority. and hope desperately that no one remembers the way nintendo would deliberately underprint nes carts to create false hysteria. or their years-long project reality/ultra 64 vaporware campaign, surely the precedent for ps2's ridiculous prerelease hype. or indeed the way the remarkably game-free n64 subsisted on hype throughout its early life.

but i'm not sincerely making a case for sony's importance to the videogame industry. i'm just needling the reverent. where would videogames be without sony? i don't really know or care. i guess we might not have rhythm action games.


Once again, a game with sex, violence, and blood isn't necessarily "mature". Too bad many people haven't figured this out.

"Too many people" meaning Nintendo?

Because really, I can name examples of games that are considered Mature, and these don't feature sex, violence and blood, yet Nintendo hasn't really tackled these types of games. Namely, sports and racers. Nintendo isn't doing the Ken Griffey and Kobe games no more, and there hasn't been a serious racer from them in a long long time (at the moment I can't even think of one).

This whole image thing traces back to Nintendo themselves. If Nintendo launched the Revolution with a realistic racer that can compete with GT4, that generates a lot of excitement among gamers, their image has changed then and there. If the released a full sports line that's as good as EPSN's at launch, their image will change, among gamers and developers.

But that's not Nintendo. Fine. As a Nintendo fan though, you'll have to live with this perception, because to some degree it is justified.

Of course, the term "mature" isn't very descriptive, and it doesn't describe this situation well. Perhaps the best term is "mainstream appeal"?
After "Cliffy B's" ridiculous Zoolander performance at this years G-phoria, he really needs to hang his overly primped head in shame.

That was the most camera-obsessed, bizarre head-tilting, 20% more extreme appearance in ages.


when you can no longer make a credible case for nintendo's material superiority, instead make a very silly case for their moral superiority. and hope desperately that no one remembers the way nintendo would deliberately underprint nes carts to create false hysteria. or their years-long project reality/ultra 64 vaporware campaign, surely the precedent for ps2's ridiculous prerelease hype. or indeed the way the remarkably game-free n64 subsisted on hype throughout its early life.

Why are you talking about moral higher ground in regards to Nintendo? The point where hype over software occured as a glaring change was with the Dreamcast being bludgeoned by the PS2. Nintendo has done things for hype in the past, but I'd say overall it had always been a battle decided by software. The N64 fell to the PSX because Sony had the best and most third party games. The N64 had hype, but don't discount the fact it had Wave Race, Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 in its first year.

PS: When did sports and racing become mature? The word mature should be vanquished from videogame writing.
"The point where hype over software occured as a glaring change was with the Dreamcast being bludgeoned by the PS2."

There was way more to the DC going under so easily than just the PS2's hype. You're simpifying it way too much.
drohne said:
when you can no longer make a credible case for nintendo's material superiority, instead make a very silly case for their moral superiority. and hope desperately that no one remembers the way nintendo would deliberately underprint nes carts to create false hysteria. or their years-long project reality/ultra 64 vaporware campaign, surely the precedent for ps2's ridiculous prerelease hype. or indeed the way the remarkably game-free n64 subsisted on hype throughout its early life.

Didn't they also short change MKDD to create a fake shortage last year?

Anyways, the quote is stupid.


There was way more to the DC going under so easily than just the PS2's hype. You're simpifying it way too much.

Yes, there was finacial problems with Sega and no EA support for Dreamcast. People weren't buying up PS2s everywhere for the games though.


hyperbolically metafictive
then i'm sure you're pleased that the ps2 is bludgeoning gamecube and xbox on the merit of its richer, broader, and simply better software library. i certainly am.
Cliffy B needs to do the Mario FPS for Nintendo. Quake II + Mario Model w/ SM64 sounds + the Pee Wee's Big Adventure soundtrack = laughs.

There are already level mods for QuakeIII like this, so we're halfway there, folks.

a personal note:

Cliff, you're awesome. And don't diss Texas. I'm from there, and that's where I met you and that crazy-ass bright blue suit of yours. You're nuts, man. You're a big dork, and I'll try to phrase this in the way this girl Rachel always tells me, " B, you're a big dork, and you're cool. It's cool that you so love what you're in to." Cliff, you get things done, man. I'm inspired. I'm going to make everyone buy your stuff and not pirate it....and still...I get the sense that you're going to have to throw your consumers a bone...Or work with the OEMs as gaming-machine pack-in killer apps. Hell, most of these kids (college kids) I'm introducing your stuff to go right out of their way to buy or build gaming rigs because of the exciting and fundamental human tendency to play. The next time I see someone with a laptop they're not using for something that could get their blood pumping Vs Spider Solitaire, I'll give them your demo. Yours. I don't have one, and I don't know if I ever will, but if it be in my cards, pun intended, then I'll one day give them my demo. Until that time, I'd like to see one of your group's titles grafted into the back of airplane seats. That's where Nintendo's gone with their stuff, man, and I have high hopes for you.

That guy from the farm town doing graphic design and photography in school,
-Raymond Carver


I have a hard time feeling anything but "meh" with this quote. I can understand how he doesn't care for what Nintendo's doing, but at the same he's slating them for seemingly trying to do something new for the sake of it, like there's something wrong. Once in awhile someone has to move towards something new so that next big thing will come along. If Nintendo had kept trying to make arcade shooters, they may not have taken a chance with a young Miyamoto and got Donkey Kong of him. If they avoided putting out a console in NA because everyone else thought it was a dead end, there would not have been a NES and Nintendo would not have played the big role that it did in cleaning up the industry through licensing.

Right now, I think they are honestly looking for new ways in which we can interact with games that are easier than controllers and are affordable, hoping that they can reach more casual demographics that are underserved now. The fact that they make a huge deal out of it shouldn't make it seem like someone looking for a reward. Why aren't people saying the same things about MS when they say they are going to do this or that?

Sho Nuff

Duckhuntdog said:
Well, wow. Annoying attention whore ain't he. Think those high school years are the root of the problem??

You're just jealous that he got to stand next to a cute girl

Cliffy B is cooler than any of us message board nerds!


(more a nerd than a geek)
BobbyRobby said:
I just bought that game, but have no light gun. There aren't any cheao third party guns for the SNES, are there?

Strangely enough, there WAS one. I got it at a Walmart while I was in college... 1996/97/98 or so. An orange, generic looking light gun with an adaptor plug that fit the SNES. It was being sold bundled with a SNES light gun game... the "sets" included Yoshi's Safari and the two Battleclash games.

I have no idea who the manufacturer was, nor anything else about it, sadly.


MightyHedgehog said:
Damn. Anyone who mentions Nintendo in an interview will be met with extreme skepticism and accusations of N-bashing. Crazy.
Still bitter over the response to Itagaki? Wow.

Li Mu Bai

MightyHedgehog said:
Damn. Anyone who mentions Nintendo in an interview will be met with extreme skepticism and accusations of N-bashing. Crazy.

Crazy, you're the exact same way regarding negativity directed at X-Box. Strange, there was no ownage nor criticism here. Simply a strangely & idiotically worded opinion.
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