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CNN GOP debate line-up revealed, includes Carly Fiorina in main event

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Perry, Santorum, Jindal, Pataki and Graham will be at the kids' table.
Former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore, who participated in the August 6 debate, did not meet the criteria for inclusion in next Wednesday's debate. Candidates were required to average 1% support in any three polls released during the two-month window. Out of the 14 polls released during that time, Gilmore had 1% support in only one poll.


I watched that whole first debate and for the life of me cannot remember Jim Gilmore.

They don't mean Gilmore was knocked out of the main table debate. They mean Gilmore no longer qualifies even to be at the kid's table. He has fallen to the level of a novelty candidate, except without the novelty.


Poor Gilmore. Can't even make the kids' table.

Also, I love Fiorina forcing them to go to 11 at the grown-ups' debate since it makes them give Trump that perfectly centered seat where he belongs.

They don't mean Gilmore was knocked out of the main table debate. They mean Gilmore no longer qualifies even to be at the kid's table. He has fallen to the level of a novelty candidate, except without the novelty.

This is what's so fun about Gilmore. There's absolutely nothing unique or interesting about him. What are his positions even? It's like when Thad McCotter ran in 2012, except this year with the kids' table Gilmore was at least able to work his way into one debate.
I almost can't believe that Carson has emerged as one of the main contenders after that first debate. He barely said a damn thing, and what he did say was almost instantly forgettable. Really speaks to the weakness of the field that he's now in the top three.


They don't mean Gilmore was knocked out of the main table debate. They mean Gilmore no longer qualifies even to be at the kid's table. He has fallen to the level of a novelty candidate, except without the novelty.

He participated in the earlier debate (with Fiorina, Graham et al), not the main debate with Trump, Trump and Trump.

Yeah I watched both of them and he isn't ringing a bell. :p


I'm hoping there will be more substance to the questions this time (also why I can't wait for some of these clowns to drop out, so that the rest gets more attention).


Do you think CNN will give Trump policy questions or will they try to pull a Fox News on him?

Trump needs to brush up on his foreign policy. That's his biggest flaw as a candidate. If I were his aides I'd be forcing him to study day and night. Then he'd tell me to sit down and shut up.


Do you think CNN will give Trump policy questions or will they try to pull a Fox News on him?

I kind of feel like it doesn't matter what questions Trump gets because he'll just pepper his answers with school-yard invective either way.

Jake Tapper: Mr. Trump, you've said that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East but you've also said that we should take Iraqi oil fields by force, how do you reconcile these two irreconcilable ideas?

Trump: Everyone elses Middle East policies are stupid because they're idiots. I mean are we serious here? Iraq? Afghanistan? SERIOUSLY?! If we didn't have dopes running the country America would be strong!

People Watching To Be Entertained: *laughs*

People Actually Serious About Voting For Trump: Duh, he's right! *drool*


I can envision it now.

Wolf Blitzer will be the main host of the event and in order to make things 'fair' they will impose a 60 second stop clock. At some point he will cut a fringe candidate off after 30 seconds and at another point will allow trump or someone else to talk longer only to say 'we forgot to set the stop watch, so we will ask you the question again beginning now'.
How long is is supposed to be? I'm assuming something like 1.5 to 2 hours.
If so, I have to make the difficult choice between watching the debates, going to trivia night at the pub, or starting my entire life over in an attempt to be less of a nerd.

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I can envision it now.

Wolf Blitzer will be the main host of the event and in order to make things 'fair' they will impose a 60 second stop clock. At some point he will cut a fringe candidate off after 30 seconds and at another point will allow trump or someone else to talk longer only to say 'we forgot to set the stop watch, so we will ask you the question again beginning now'.

It would be hilarious if the mics cut out after 60 seconds.


I LOVE that Rubio and Kasich aren't doing well. What were their polling results this morning..? 3 and 2%, if I recall correctly?


Political Gods: "Greetings, GOP! We know that your path to 269 electoral votes is narrow, slippery, and steep. One wrong move, and you're pretty much done. So here's a bit of help - take these candidates who are quite capable of delivering their large, must-win swing states. Enjoy!"

Republican electorate: "Huuuuurrrrrrrrrrr, no thanks. We're good." {*drooling, continues to poke fork at electrical outlet*}
I still think the fact that Carson is doing well is a million times more baffling than Trump doing well. The guys a straight up idiot.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I thought they would eliminate one person after each debate, not add one.

LMAO, what a clown car.

At least institute a minimum 5% polling requirement or something.
1% is just an absurd minimum.


At least institute a minimum 5% polling requirement or something.
1% is just an absurd minimum.

Then there would only be like 5 people in the debate.

Trump, Carson and Jeb are the only guys consistently hitting 5% or above in every single poll.
I wonder who has a higher IQ between some rando on NeoGAF and a lauded brain surgeon.
I don't know, but only one of us thinks Obamacare was worse than slavery.

But I agree, even the "he's just a normal guy" argument doesn't work because he's not a normal guy. He's a delusional brain surgeon who also happens to know less about politics than randos on NeoGAF.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Then there would only be like 5 people in the debate.

Trump, Carson and Jeb are the only guys consistently hitting 5% or above in every single poll.

It would be Trump, Carson, Jeb!, Cruz, Rubio and Fiorina based on RCP's Polling Averager

Which might actually give each person a chance to talk.
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