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CNN: Green Party files for Wisconsin recount, audit

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Oh God. If Clinton wins via recount, this will be the biggest L trump has ever taken, he'll go insane.

I mean, if Trump's 30,000 vote margin is erased via recount, I think it would seriously throw the integrity of elections into question. We'd have bigger problems on our hands than the awkward transition away from President-elect Trump to President-elect Clinton.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
She won't

there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.


I'm of two minds.

I know Clinton cannot win via this method.

That being said, I would like to expose any possible fraud just in case so as to secure our voting process.

However, if fraud is discovered, it will only bolster the conservative push for voter ID.
there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.
Seriously you are delusional. "Decent" chance? If that was the case why wouldn't Hillary have requested a recount?


GAF is great at predicting things. Take this election for instance.

A lot of people with more knowledge than GAF cares to admit it doesn't have, have all come out and said that there was no dirty business happening behind the scenes. Clinton lost fair and square.


Trump ended with 306 electoral votes. Clinton will need to flip a lot more than Wisconsin to win the election.

True, but considering how likely it should be, if even one state flips, well it certainly would make you wonder what's going on...

Clinton aint winning. Still in the denial stage I see.

Uh, this is coming from Jill Stein and the Green Party. Clinton doesn't have anything to do with this.
Guys, Trump won in a landslide. 3 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary, and a million more dead people voted plus all the people who voted 5 times did as well. Trump won the popular vote by millions.


there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.

Yeah but even then, I'm pretty sure that Trump's day-in/day-out work of meeting with non-urbanites played a role in the election. I can't believe I'll say it, but he really did earn the votes of those voters.

Still though, if the democratic vote was miscounted in any significant way, then it'll pave the way for at least a far more advanced voting system.

This day will go down in history. We've done it, Trump is going down.

I"m as hardcore of a Hillary/Obama/dem fan as they come, but come on it's easy to be skeptical of the results that'll come out of this.

However, if I argue in favor of this recall, it'll at least put Russia's blatant involvement in the election (and future elections) into further light, and what should be done when outside forces attempt to tamper with the process.


Maybe she knew this was coming via Jill herself.

2 weeks after the fact? Nope. She could've easily called back a concession if irregularities were spotted but didn't. She had like 9 hours before her concession speech to do so.

She shouldn't even be allowed to challenge Michigan because she's so far down. And Pennsylvania is too far out of range for anyone to flip without a lot of issues occurring.


there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.


If the election were hacked, a recount couldn't prove it. Most of Pennsylvania voters use DRE (direct record electronic) machines, with no paper ballot whatsoever. In other races where those machines have been probed — like Virginia's 2005 attorney general contest — the recount has consisted of the machine results simply being scanned again. The lost/spoiled votes Palast has talked about are not part of that system. (Meanwhile, nearly every Michigan vote has a paper record.)

All they would is simply rescan the machines which would yield the same result. People need to really let that sink in.
there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.
wait, what


I'm curious as to how Jill Stein is going to find 22,000 uncounted votes just in Wisconsin.

You people would have a better chance using that money to bribe EC voters.


I feel like election audits like this should be part of the election process already. That said, this isn't going to change anything in any way, shape or form: Trump is the President-elect and will remain so, whatever happens here.

I say this as a guy who's voted Democrat or Socialist (Kshama Sawant, in case you're curious) in every election that I've been eligible for. If Democrats really want to make a difference, it's going to have to happen over the next 2 years in the lead up to midterms. That's where I'm focusing my efforts.


there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.

Data analysts (Silver, Cohn, etc.) already showed that when you weight for race/demographics, those anomalies vanish. That was only in WI, though. In MI/PA, when doing the same kind tests, those irregularities simply aren't there in either case.
there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.

You think people can miscount tens of thousands of ballots in one direction? The only way this flips is if there was fraud.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
This is just going to depress people when Trump wins by a slightly larger margin then he did before. No one should get their hopes up.


Do florida and NC.
It's hard to believe the amount of good that could be done in the world if the $5 million specifically donated for this had been used for literally any charitable endeavor.
I would argue that if this bears fruit, restoring integrity in the electoral system is worth way more than $5M in charity ever would.


Trump ended with 306 electoral votes. Clinton will need to flip a lot more than Wisconsin to win the election.

The question I keep freaking asking and no one has an answer to is what happens if just one state flips. Would that warrant more investigation. Ideally, any margin of error should be too small to make a difference right? What would be the ramifications of a single state being recounted and it does flip...or even if it doesn't flip but there are a significant number of votes in the difference.
2 things of note here:

-Hillary would have had a much, much, better chance of winning Wisconsin if Jill Stein stayed home instead of trolling as a 3rd party

-There are thousands of children here in WI (especially in the Milwaukee area) that could have had their lives changed by that money. Kids in foster care, for example, that could have had a better chance at success in life. Instead politicians continue to waste our time and money.

Really frustrating.


This is about integrity of our democracy, and wanting a recount and getting a recount doesn't matter if it doesn't change the election outcome.

Seriously, how could any true American be against this?


Incredibly Naive
there is at least a decent chance she could win wisconsin and michigan, though. MI being paper thin... WI having some reallllllly weird anomalies.

PA recount who the hell knows what would happen because of how their machines work. Lack of paper trail puts an amazing amount of questions on how that would go down.

Based on what?! Where are you getting this from?

edit- what reallllllyyyy weird anamolies? The ones cited in the phony conspiracy article that multiple pundits have shut down?

The question I keep freaking asking and no one has an answer to is what happens if just one state flips. Would that warrant more investigation. Ideally, any margin of error should be too small to make a difference right? What would be the ramifications of a single state being recounted and it does flip...or even if it doesn't flip but there are a significant number of votes in the difference.

Plenty of people have answered this. If the states were to flip, that would be definitive proof of massive tampering, there would likely be a breakdown of our government as we know it, at the very least temporarily. Not only the millions of trump supporters, but all of the GOP would push back hard on this and likely cite conspiracy. If Russia really did this, it would likely lead to war, all the meanwhile there would be a civil war developing stateside. It is the literal "darkest timeline".

All of this being said there is 0 evidence to support anything of the like. There is no evidence of hacking or tampering by the russians outside of propaganda they were responsible for.

This is about integrity of our democracy, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't change the election outcome.

Seriously, how could any true American be against this?

Ive asked this before... if it were flipped and this went the other way. Trump teamed with some wingnut, like lets say Glen Beck of old and they put together this recount, citing some mysterious Hacker working for the DNC. How would you react to people funding it?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
While its not true that she lost "fair and square" (voter suppression may honestly have cost her the election, though its very true that almost nothing would have changed the PA results) unfortunately there's no real chance that anything that went wrong would be caught by this kind of recount


Based on what?! Where are you getting this from?

Plenty of people have answered this. If the states were to flip, that would be definitive proof of massive tampering, there would likely be a breakdown of our government as we know it, at the very least temporarily. Not only the millions of trump supporters, but all of the GOP would push back hard on this and likely cite conspiracy. If Russia really did this, it would likely lead to war, all the meanwhile there would be a civil war developing stateside. It is the literal "darkest timeline".

All of this being said there is 0 evidence to support anything of the like. There is no evidence of hacking or tampering by the russians outside of propaganda they were responsible for.

The concern I have is that we've had multiple assurances in MI and PA that there's been no evidence of fraud or tampering, and if there was, even the slightest bit, lawyers would've been scrambling there before now. Just to simply have this now is extremely off-putting, especially if something changes.

If something changes, especially this far out, we won't really know what to believe anymore in regards to elections. If the numbers flipped, we'd have to ask ourselves which result was legitimate, and that's probably not a question we'd be able to answer.


Conspiracy mode time - I feel like this is just out of the playbook of the Russians to put more doubt into our democratic process.


Oh God. If Clinton wins via recount, this will be the biggest L trump has ever taken, he'll go insane.

You do know that even if (and that's extremely unlikely) Hillary ends up winning Wisconsin, Trump still has more than enough delegates, right? He's projected to have 306 when everything is counted. If he loses Wisconsin (10 delegates), that would still be 296.


Plenty of people have answered this. If the states were to flip, that would be definitive proof of massive tampering, there would likely be a breakdown of our government as we know it, at the very least temporarily. Not only the millions of trump supporters, but all of the GOP would push back hard on this and likely cite conspiracy. If Russia really did this, it would likely lead to war, all the meanwhile there would be a civil war developing stateside. It is the literal "darkest timeline".

Ok Thanks. I was interested in an honest and realistic outcome. The reason I bring it up is that people keep saying, "Clinton would need more than " ..." to flip" or some alternative when the thought of one state flipping is terrifying to me. But yes, I'm aware that it is highly unlikely.


You do know that even if (and that's extremely unlikely) Hillary ends up winning Wisconsin, Trump still has more than enough delegates, right? He's projected to have 306 when everything is counted. If he loses Wisconsin (10 delegates), that would still be 296.

Let's take Texas away from him just to be on the safe side.

Why? Because why the fuck not?


so she did not take the money and run like some of the people in the fund raising thread worried about

this is good

Not all of it but they specifically state that extra money they intend to take and run with.

Conspiracy mode time - I feel like this is just out of the playbook of the Russians to put more doubt into our democratic process.

Of Course. If people think Trump was a Putin Stooge there is no doubt that Jill Stein makes Trump look like a Patriotic American


The recount(s) are unlikely to change anything, however I think people are focusing on the wrong end result. Yeah, flipping all three states would be pretty fucking crazy and show how the election system is broken, but it takes far less than that for cracks to show.

Right now from what I've gathered, Trump and Hilary are 20,000 votes apart. If the recount in Wisconsin goes through and, say, 10,000 votes are changed over or removed or whatever in either direction, that is what should bring cause for alarm, and frankly should call for recounts across the country.

Far as I understand, recounts don't generally change results by the thousands or tens of thousands, and if that happens then that shines a pretty bad light on our election process throughout the country and either shows a need for a serious overhaul of the process or *puts on tinfoil hat* something far more sinister.
My Pennsylvania Ballot was paper, and then you slide it in a folder into an electronic machine.

mine in CT came with a folder just to hide your ballot, you had to take it out of the folder to slide into the scanning machine and give the folder back to the people who gave you your ballot
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