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(CNN/Money) PSP to be delayed again?


Analysts Skeptical About PSP Date
[8/18/2004 4:45:22 PM ET]

According to Chris Morris' Game Over column on CNN/Money, there's a chance that Sony's PSP debut may get pushed back again.
****The PSP, which was originally scheduled to launch in North America at the end of this year, was already delayed to the first quarter of 2005. And though Sony firmly denies that any change to the PSP's launch window will occur, many analysts remain skeptical that the handheld can keep its Q1 2005 date.
****An analyst note from P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research states, "We have maintained that it has been at best a 50-50 proposition that Sony will make its scheduled holiday 2004 Japan launch, and any delay in the Japan launch would likely push the North American launch out of the March quarter."
****McNealy believes that we might see an announcement from Sony on the matter, along with a possible date change, at this year's Tokyo Game Show in late September.
****If the PSP's North American launch does indeed get pushed into the second quarter of 2005, it's possible that consumers won't be able to get their hands on the new handheld until next June. That would certainly please handheld market leader Nintendo, since its Nintendo DS is still scheduled for release at the end of this year.


And even i am moderately surprised
I'd highly doubt they'd announce a delay at TGS. It would be raining on their own parade - "HEY LOOK AT ALL THE COOL GAMES YOU CAN PLAY....... NEXT YEAR!"

They need to be still in the minds of people when the DS comes out so they'll want people to have the "Well, i've waited until december - i might as well wait until Feb/March now rather than get a DS"... although saying that, i don't think it's the same market. I'd imagine people who were getting a DS or a PSP would be pretty certain in which one they were buying.


What's taking so long?
What makes the analysts think there'll be a delay?
And if there is a delay, what are the reasons for them?


they should just delay it until the next GameBoy is announced and make Nintendo have released the DS all for nothing ;)


And even i am moderately surprised
"What's taking so long?"

Games development perhaps? Not sure. A few coders i talked to were sceptical they'd have anything in place for Xmas JPN time.

"What makes the analysts think there'll be a delay?"

They probably heard the above .... or something else?

"And if there is a delay, what are the reasons for them?"

Could be any number of things - the units aren't ready, cost of the units, lack of software, problems that they didn't forsee or features that they realised they _must_ have or would increase the functionality of the machine.

Remember they were still saying stuff like "we're gonna be using a better screen than this in the final unit" right around the time when they were saying some devs already had final units - so not sure what the situation is.

I'd guess that the PSP *IS* complete but that the software maybe isn't. Or maybe the software that is available is all ports and they want to hold off for a couple of original titles? (Axel, Golf, Armoured core)

Ah, who knows?

They could, of course, still be perfectly on track!
I agree - the way I understand it, the development of games is way behind. They might not have enough to launch with.

It's advantageous for Sony to delay the US PSP launch, because then they can show the system off at E3 and generate some major hype for whatever their US launch lineup ends up being.

Of course, it's also advantageous for Nintendo...


Well apparently the DS is launching in about three months, and we know so little about its launch games as well!
I'd expect GAF to be flooded with DS screens by now.
explodet said:
Well apparently the DS is launching in about three months, and we know so little about its launch games as well!
I'd expect GAF to be flooded with DS screens by now.
We're so close to that point. The DS announcements are coming. I don't know when, or what's gonna be announced, but all reports indicate that Nintendo is holding its hand close, and then right when we least expect it, BOOM.


Kobun Heat said:
We're so close to that point. The DS announcements are coming. I don't know when, or what's gonna be announced, but all reports indicate that Nintendo is holding its hand close, and then right when we least expect it, BOOM.

Right after TGS?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's advantageous for Sony to delay the US PSP launch, because then they can show the system off at E3 and generate some major hype for whatever their US launch lineup ends up being.
From what I've seen so far, E3 is almost irrelevant as far as selling something goes. I say, bring it on as soon as they can.


(more a nerd than a geek)
You know, if the DS gets full EA support... I can almost see a "casual gamer" appeal to it. If they market the fact that it has Madden, looks "just like the console versions" (which, to a casual gamer, it -will-), lets you draw out your own plays with the stylus, and offers internet ranking... I can see the Madden crowd buying it.

Weird, isn't it?


Duke Juan the Beast said:
I think you're confusing the casual gamer with the blind gamer.

Perhaps you missed the thread with the shots from that shooter, but it the right hands it seems the DS can pump out some beautiful graphics.
Granted, EA is far from the "right hands".


Gen.Wedge said:

Do you know him from GameFAQs too?

I didn't stay there too long, but it seems like Link and CVX have a long standing rivalry.
Unfortunately, yes. I used to browse the Next-Gen forum, posting occasionally. Hell, I remember you, CVX, Raw64Life, Miburu, and several others that also post here at GA. Any idea why Alttp doesn't post here (assuming you still talk to him)? I've mentioned it to him, and he apparently has/had an account.
I never understand why you people even believe the analysts. When have they ever been right? They all claim to be some expert and have some expert opinion on the game industry but rarely are they ever correct.


Gen.Wedge said:
Unfortunately, yes. I used to browse the Next-Gen forum, posting occasionally. Hell, I remember you, CVX, Raw64Life, Miburu, and several others that also post here at GA. Any idea why Alttp doesn't post here (assuming you still talk to him)? I've mentioned it to him, and he apparently has/had an account.

His account is a long name he had at NGG (as another account). I've tried to get Magus to come here, but he doesn't want to or something.


The analysts are likely concerned because they know where its supposed to be built yet there aren't any facilities overflowing with production of PSPs. Since manufacturing is more science than art and lead times are fairly well known as well - people are saying:

'hey - if it takes 9 months from initial run to shelf, if there aren't any units in production right now - how the hell are they going to make that date'.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
IMO, since they already pushed the US launch until next year they might as well wait and do a worldwide launch in Fall 2005. That would give them plenty of time to have games ready, iron out kinks, and build up enough stock to meet the demand. The cost of the unit would also go down. And while they are at it, if they really want to go for Nintendo's jugular, they should make the screen a touch screen.


JC10001 said:
IMO, since they already pushed the US launch until next year they might as well wait and do a worldwide launch in Fall 2005. That would give them plenty of time to have games ready, iron out kinks, and build up enough stock to meet the demand. The cost of the unit would also go down. And while they are at it, if they really want to go for Nintendo's jugular, they should make the screen a touch screen.
and i want a pony!


Kobun Heat said:
It's advantageous for Sony to delay the US PSP launch, because then they can show the system off at E3 and generate some major hype for whatever their US launch lineup ends up being.
I disagree, if they delay that long (summer 2005) then they'll be coming up against Xenon hype. PSP will look much less enticing when you can get a Xenon 5 months later for the same price...


jarrod said:
I disagree, if they delay that long (summer 2005) then they'll be coming up against Xenon hype. PSP will look much less enticing when you can get a Xenon 5 months later for the same price...

Hum, no, I see more the Xenon coming up against the PSP hype.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
jarrod said:
I disagree, if they delay that long (summer 2005) then they'll be coming up against Xenon hype. PSP will look much less enticing when you can get a Xenon 5 months later for the same price...

IMO, when it comes to hype, PSP stomps a mud hole in Xenon's you know what.

As far as pricing goes, by that same logic more people should be buying Gamecubes than GBAs but we know that isn't the case.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I think I'm the only one in existance that *loves* when hardware is delayed.

Better games at launch
Even better post launch games arrive sooner
Less rushed, unfinished software

Bunch of reasons why.

I haven't even craved new hardware since the end of my PSX days. We needed new hardware back then, but not so much right now.


AniHawk said:
Do you know him from GameFAQs too?

I didn't stay there too long, but it seems like Link and CVX have a long standing rivalry.
Ha, that's the same Link? That explains the similar posting styles.


"just like the console versions" (which, to a casual gamer, it -will-)

LOL... you have to be kidding me. The DS has gone from graphics barely reaching n64 proportions to looking current gen....


wazoo said:
Hum, no, I see more the Xenon coming up against the PSP hype.
I think you'll change your tune once we start seeing actual Xenon demos/games.

JC10001 said:
IMO, when it comes to hype, PSP stomps a mud hole in Xenon's you know what.
Xenon hype hasn't started... you'll have to wait until February for that.

wazoo said:
As far as pricing goes, by that same logic more people should be buying Gamecubes than GBAs but we know that isn't the case.
"Logic" would also dictate a comparison in launch performance... meaning your pricing comparison doesn't fly ($89 GBA Vs $199 GC). Though actually the GC/GBA dynamic does make some sense here...

Sony's targeting their PS2 audience with PSP, rather than the kid friendly GBA crowd. Xenon will be targeting this exact same audience though, offering far better specs for the same price, more new content but without portability.

Nintendo inadvertently did the same thing with GameCube by targeting the family first. Only kids bought $99 GBAs and PSones rather than $199 GCs, and a good chunk of N64's legacy fanbase (college kids) went with the cooler PS2 or XBox. Nintendo targeted the same base with two products and it blew up in their face (with little competition I might add but a last gen platform)... but now Sony's attempting to do the same, only with Microsoft breathing down their necks with a nextgen console. :/


sohka88 said:
LOL... you have to be kidding me. The DS has gone from graphics barely reaching n64 proportions to looking current gen....

Not quite current gen but a bit better looking than last gen all the same. :)
Marty Chinn said:
I never understand why you people even believe the analysts. When have they ever been right? They all claim to be some expert and have some expert opinion on the game industry but rarely are they ever correct.

Well the thing is, they're basing at least partially it off of Activision telling them that they don't expect the PSP to launch here until Q2 of next year.

So really it's not even what the analysts are saying that matters, but the fact that the second largest publisher in the US is now expecting a delay is the more relevant point (not sure why sonycowboy left that out...).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
HalfPastNoon said:
What the hell is "xenon"?

Thats what some people call the next Microsoft console.
Grizzlyjin said:
Thats what some people call the next Microsoft console.

And so they're claiming the PSP will squash the "Xenon"?


The only thing the PSP is crushing is someones wallet and 2 double-A batteries over 3 hours. But I'm a sucker for new toys, so I'll still be picking it up...


HalfPastNoon said:
And so they're claiming the PSP will squash the "Xenon"?


The only thing the PSP is crushing is someones wallet and 2 double-A batteries over 3 hours. But I'm a sucker for new toys, so I'll still be picking it up...

Those "someones" will be a lot.


Sucks at viral marketing
jarrod said:
I disagree, if they delay that long (summer 2005) then they'll be coming up against Xenon hype. PSP will look much less enticing when you can get a Xenon 5 months later for the same price...
It'll also have PS3 and Revolution hype to wade through. Handhelds have always been given the back seat to consoles in almost every game magizine in exsistance. I can see the PSP be largely ignored at next year's E3.
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