I know, what I'm saying is the insurers are still screwed since their pools will be much sicker. I'm not saying this doesn't screw individuals or business owners. I don't know how bad it will ultimately hurt insurers but it will hurt them.
Their pools will be much healthier because they will be group plans (companies, etc) which tend to skew healthier.
Back in the day this was how insurance companies operated:
1) If you are in a group we can assume a nice diversified risk profile of workers and price well.
2) If you are an individual we cannot aggregate risk because we don't have a solid cross-section of people applying so we are going to make you take a physical, get a full medical history and we will individually underwrite health insurance based on risk. So, we can deny coverage or put riders into the coverage that don't cover certain pre-existing conditions because we could lose our ass and go bankrupt.
Number 2 is now illegal. Which means they will simply only offer #1 and fuck over anyone who doesn't work for an employer who offers insurance.