absolute nonsense lmao
just to be clear , i am not drinking this stuff like it's water ( although during my school years i came dangerously close to that )
i usually drink water or tea or juice or anything basically but occasionally i crank one of these open ( especially in Summer) it's my guilty pleasure i suppose .
And yeah i should have made the question how much is it less unhealthy ?
just to be clear , i am not drinking this stuff like it's water ( although during my school years i came dangerously close to that )
i usually drink water or tea or juice or anything basically but occasionally i crank one of these open ( especially in Summer) it's my guilty pleasure i suppose .
And yeah i should have made the question how much is it less unhealthy ?
So is there anyone here claiming that it's as unhealthy actually doing so from scientific studies?
I mean, I don't doubt that it is unhealthy, but using blanket statements like "it has artificial flavours" and "it's fizzy so of course it is" is about one step removed from raving about GMOs and chemtrails.
Basically, as i have heard it. It may not have sugar. But your body still reacts as if it IS sugar. So it isn't that much better. It doesn't have the calories, but your body almost still thinks it does, and you still gain weight
It's junk.
No nutritional value.
edit: Kidney Stones come from lack of water. Those who drink tons of soda, don't drink water.
It doesn't make you gain weight but it does throw your blood sugar out of whack. And plenty of people think that because they aren't drinking sugar soda they can eat other junk food.
Yes if a person is prone to it and is downing sodas and no water at all, but the fallacy is that it applies to any drink, not just sodas. It's not the sodas fault, it's the lack of drinking enough water
I think you asked the wrong question.
You should ask how unhealthy it is, because I doubt it does anything positive to your health.
Greatest of all time though.
I don't think I've ever seen anything that indicates artificial sweeteners elevate blood sugar levels independently.
slightly altered the question in the op to make it clear i understand it is not healthy for you , but i was wondering if it was better then drinking the classic stuff .
0 out of 10 healthy. Switch to soda water, your life expectancy will thank you.
As a rule, you should not look to any sodas for health or nutrition.
No, it's simply not. Waking up and pounding 20+ grams of sugar is not how anyone should start their day.
He's better off with the 0 sugar Coke Zero if he must have something sweet.
The bigger question is, what else are you eating?
Let's focus there.
Quick carbs are actually justified in the morning. Carbs are not the devil.
Also, home-made orange juice can be pretty sour.
Starting your day with the nutritional black hole in a can that is coke zero is a far worse alternative.
Quick carbs are actually justified in the morning. Carbs are not the devil.
Also, home-made orange juice can be pretty sour.
Starting your day with the nutritional black hole in a can that is coke zero is a far worse alternative.
Please tell me which disease(s) I will die from if I continue drinking diet soda.
There was a study published with convincing evidence that artificial sweeteners change your bacterial flora, resulting in higher blood sugar levels, which could give you diabetes or make you fat over time.
Explain your reasoning, then. Why are they justified?
"Nutritional black hole" is just hyperbole. Devoid of nutrients it may be, but so is water for the most part, yet that's the best drink with which to start your day.
0 out of 10 healthy. Switch to soda water, your life expectancy will thank you.