True Savior
Healthier than water
Diet Soda fucks you up just as bad as regular soda. Either go with sugar soda (a la Pepsi co. throwback brands, Sierra Mist, Jones) or better yet, water.
Of course, everything is healthier than drinking sports drinks sans exercise.
For the same reason quick carbs are justified after a workout: to replenish. The reasons for replenishing are different of course, but after laying dormant for 8 hours, a small kickstart works wonders.
Of course, you need to eat something substantial with it as well. It's not an isolated glass of juice and that's it.
My diabetic granduncle has been drinking diet sodas for ages, and most studies say that they don't raise your blood-sugar levels, so...
Unless there are more studies in general it's best not to take one study in isolation.
its bad for you obviously
I'm not sure I understand this. A large part of any soda is... water.edit: Kidney Stones come from lack of water. Those who drink tons of soda, don't drink water.
Dr. MAUREEN STOREY (Senior Vice President, Science Policy, American Beverage Association): Soda is comprised mostly of water. A full-calorie soft drink has 90 percent water, and a diet soft drink is 99 percent water. Water is the most important nutrient that we have...
This as well.
Diet Soda fucks you up just as bad as regular soda. Either go with sugar soda (a la Pepsi co. throwback brands, Sierra Mist, Jones) or better yet, water.
Of course, everything is healthier than drinking sports drinks sans exercise.
There was a study published with convincing evidence that artificial sweeteners change your bacterial flora, resulting in higher blood sugar levels, which could give you diabetes or make you fat over time.
Studies have shown time and time again that it's harmless, but people will always claim otherwise based on nothing but conjecture.
Vaccinations cause autism. It must be true because I heard it from an anecdote.
just type in something like is coca cola zero healthy and you will find it is not
soda should be like a every couple weeks type of drink
if you have it everyday you are fucking up imo
To sum it all up, all of the ingredients in Coke Zero aren’t really bad for us. However I didn’t say they were good for us, but they won’t kill us, or decapitate us, or even put us in cement shoes. It’s all about drinking in moderation. Too much of anything can be bad, especially if that thing is a soda pop. Of course drinking water would be the best option if you want to choose a healthy drink. I would say for a soda pop Coke Zero isn’t that bad. It can be a delicious, pleasant drink that isn’t as harmful to your health as the media makes it out to be. Everyone just needs to remember to make smart choices when choosing how much they consume. Information about every ingredient is on the internet, it’s just taking the time to look it all up and being well educated about what you’re putting into your body.
Drinking Coke Zero in moderation is not likely to pose any potential health risks for healthy adults, but you should still think twice before consuming too much. Opt for healthier beverage options when possible. Milk or juice can provide your body with the nutrients Coke Zero lacks, yet still quench your thirst at the same time. Drinking nutrient-rich beverages such as these may also cause you to feel fuller, which may cause you to consume fewer calories through food or other beverages. Plain or sparkling water is also a good choice.
1. Replace your daily soda intake with water.
2. Realize you don't miss it that much and live a healthier life.
3. Profit.
It's not that the diet coke makes you gain weight. But it triggers you to still want real sugar.
Most people that drink diet coke are probbaly still eating like total crap.
This whole thread is just FUD.
These are your risks, OP.
Mice developed cancer in Aspartame tests.
That may be true for some people, but many of us who drink diet soda don't resort to increasing sugar intake elsewhere.
To answer OPs question diet soda like all soda and carbonated berverages is terrible for your teeth. Using a straw will greatly protect them when you choose to drink.
As for non oral health I think it's largely harmless. I'd even go so far as to say I'd rather somebody be properly hydrated by consuming large amounts of diet soda over someone who tries to stick to water but because of taste isn't drinking enough.
There's a myth that carbonated drinks of any kind can leach calcium from your bones or damage your teeth; however, the claims are unfounded. Only cola drinks have been connected to low bone mineral density, and although carbonated water has slightly more acidity than plain water, it won't significantly damage tooth enamel. A study published in 2001 in the "Journal of Oral Rehabilitation" found that although sparkling mineral water had a slightly more erosive effect on teeth than still water, it was 100 times less than soda.
just type in something like is coca cola zero healthy and you will find it is not
soda should be like a every couple weeks type of drink
if you have it everyday you are fucking up imo
You can't be serious.
Cola. Healthy.
just to be clear , i am not drinking this stuff like it's water ( although during my school years i came dangerously close to that )
i usually drink water or tea or juice or anything basically but occasionally i crank one of these open ( especially in Summer) it's my guilty pleasure i suppose .
And yeah i should have made the question how much is it less unhealthy ?
It's actually probably worse for you than real Coke.
Your body knows what to do with sugar. Your body has no fucking idea what to do with the artificial sweeteners.
It took me ages to realise drinking Pepsi Max and Coke Zero was the reason I couldn't lose stubborn kilos. I figured drinking them would be "better" than drinking Coke.
Yeah no. Once I stopped drinking them, I lost 6 kilos in 2 months without even doing exercise. You shouldn't drink soft drink at all, but if it's only going to be once in a while, stick to real Coke.
My diabetic granduncle has been drinking diet sodas for ages, and most studies say that they don't raise your blood-sugar levels, so...
Unless there are more studies in general it's best not to take one study in isolation.
If it's been written on the Internet, then it must be true!
American Beverage association.I'm not sure I understand this. A large part of any soda is... water.
There's really no reason to think that it would elevate blood sugar levels. It's not like the liquid can turn into glucose, so at most it would be stimulating your liver to pump stored glucose into the blood, but that's unlikely. I think it's been shown that caffeine can have a small effect on stimulating glucose release, but it's quite small.
nice anecdotal evidence, we're done here folks
no way you could have been eating less calories
You probably mean this one
It has been completely debunked
Um, you're replying to a post which quoted information that indeed does give a reason for thinking that and even provides a mechanism for how it happens.
Ignorance is bliss I guess
The real question is if and how much less unhealthy than regular Cola it is.Well, I don't think coke zero is "unhealthy" either.
More FUD
Note: the "Cola" referred to here is non Diet Coke.
"Information?" It was a theory presented by a single study, which some in here are already claiming has been debunked.
Even if the theory (that artificial sweeteners stimulate specific gut bacteria growth in a way that leads to being able to get higher glucose yields from food) were true, it still would not lead to an expectation of increased blood sugar levels after drinking an artificially sweetened beverage independently of other consumption.
As long as you can't generate glucose from water, then there is no reason to expect you can do so from diet sodas.