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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Does anybody else's foliage/trees flicker dark/light and even disappears standing close to it on the PC version? I didn't notice it until I played on the jungle level with a bunch of plants, but once I noticed it there it seems to do it on every map.


Outdoor Miner said:
I was hoping to do some offline multiplayer with ai bots since I won't have Internet installed here til Friday but I can't seem to find it. Don't tell me it's under "Xbox Live" in the MP menu, because that would be retarded.
Yeah, it's in the MP menu. Because people who have Live need bots to play against, I guess?

I thought it was to prevent people from maxing out against easy bots and then jumping online...but it tells you that unlocks and purchases don't carry over anyway so what was the fucking point of requiring an internet connection?
Mr. B Natural said:
maps are not "solid." They have NO personality to them. They're not well thought out, Treyarch just shoved paths and building all over the place and called it a day. And did that 13 times with a different color pallete for each one.

Ehh, they are still better than the crappy maps MW2 shipped with.
knitoe said:
Talking relative to MW2. And, never played BD 2, but do have latest Medal of Honor. MoH guns are weak too.

The MOH weapons probably feel weak to you because they patterned the shooting on Call of Duty. There is barely any recoil in any of these games which is why people calling these guns peashooters like it's new to the franchise is surprising to me. Play Battlefield, or Killzone for some meaty feeling guns.


Belfast said:
Noob toobs are still an easy crutch for bad players to lean on, but they are far, far less prevalent in Black Ops.
Indeed, honestly i dont think i got killed by one just yet.

Only lv 13 though.


I haven't even seen anyone in a chopper yet. I can go on youtube and be guaranteed to find a video of a RANDOM game of MW2 where someone annihilates the map with one!

The game is far more balanced now because KILL STREAKS DO NOT STACK! That is an improvement from IW's system of killstreak-to-killstreak.

I'm actually amazed I don't have to worry about dicks falling from the sky and instead just focusing on gunfights.

The problem the game has aside from the netcode is the god awful spawns. Oh man I've never seen spawns so bad in a COD before.
bloodforge said:
Does anybody else's foliage/trees flicker dark/light and even disappears standing close to it on the PC version? I didn't notice it until I played on the jungle level with a bunch of plants, but once I noticed it there it seems to do it on every map.

Maybe it has something to do with putting you against bots with your friend's gamertags? Needs to link them through a Gold account. Who knows? Seems pretty arbitrary nonetheless..

EDIT: wrong guy :lol It was meant to be in response to Chrange about the internet connection for bots..


Raiden said:
Indeed, honestly i dont think i got killed by one just yet.

Only lv 13 though.

Noob tubes have some sort of ridiculous blast radius on them. They're best served at choke points for multiple kills.


The SP campaign has a few areas where my bullshit meter is hitting max.....

I'm playing regular and one minute I think I'm in good cover and the next BONG dead.... Try a different spot next time and this time more carefu....... BONG dead ...........Try hanging back whilst sticking to the corners....... BONG dead......



Is it just me, or is the sound absolutely terrible in this game? What's the point of ninja if nobody can hear your footsteps anyway?


Kyoufu said:
The problem the game has aside from the netcode is the god awful spawns. Oh man I've never seen spawns so bad in a COD before.

Yeah, thank god I really enjoy playing Search and Destroy!
Mr. B Natural said:
Yes you have, your game is not special to mine.
Yes, please tell me what I have or have not experienced in the game now.

Ikuu said:
In about 4 hours I've seen about 8-10 chopper gunners, care packages should just be removed from the game.
Go play classic. In 7 hours, I've seen one. They are far less common than MW2.

backflip10019 said:
FAMAS was my go-to in MW2. Can't wait to unlock it in Black Ops. How does it compare?

ergo said:
Any regurgitated maps like a few in MW2?
backflip10019 said:
FAMAS was my go-to in MW2. Can't wait to unlock it in Black Ops. How does it compare?

It's auto now. It's very strong and accurate with good range, but I stuck to light machine guns in MW2 so I can't offer more than it's awesome.
kitch9 said:
The SP campaign has a few areas where my bullshit meter is hitting max.....

I'm playing regular and one minute I think I'm in good cover and the next BONG dead.... Try a different spot next time and this time more carefu....... BONG dead ...........Try hanging back whilst sticking to the corners....... BONG dead......


So much worse in Veteran. Sucks that your team mates are also programmed to take a specific cover spot and if happen to be on that spot sometimes you'll get pushed out onto the line of fire.

Died a few times when an enemy ran between all my team mates and hit me with his gun.
Mr. B Natural said:
I wasn't talking about the stupid little things they added to the map. I'm talking layout. I'm talking map design. I'm not even talking the appearance. Who cares? I'd rather play a game with lots of different varieties and concepts to map design with 1 theme *cough cough tf2 cough* then 13 boring maps that all play out the same with similar design concepts with 13 different themes and palletes.

All of the maps in BO are better. MW2s maps might be some of the worst maps for balance out of any modern shooter. Dude I still love MW2, I plan on playing it tonight after I play BO but that game is not balnced in anyway. If its anything its a hectic, wacky, shooter that polished well.


Is anyone else on the PS3 forcing the output to 720p? The IQ is atrocious in 1080p. Man I wish the PS3's scaler wasn't such a piece of shit.


LosDaddie said:
eh....I'm completely satisfied with Halo Reach right now (as far as FPSs go), but my neighbor is trying to get me to buy BO. Not only that, but for the PS3 too :(

I have nothing against buying the PS3 version, except for the fact I do most of my gaming on X360 and that's also where most of my friends are playing online.

I dunno, maybe I can pick up a used copy on craigslist. Maybe not...

If you're gonna get it, I say pick it up for 360 anyway. Multiple people are saying that the Ps3 version suffers from framedrops in MP. Don't know about the SP.
Oh yeah add Split Screen Online to the list of things Treyarch did right. Sure, it's half the framerate and not for serious play, but thanks for throwing me and my mates a bone for gaming nights. With MW2, all those TVs in my tiny apartment...the horror...

I have nothing against buying the PS3 version, except for the fact I do most of my gaming on X360 and that's also where most of my friends are playing online.

And it's a question for you as to which console to get Black Ops on?
I'm wondering if Tryarch was split up, one focused on the campaign and the other on MP. The campaign visually looks better than MW2. The other half of Treyarch, should of used the same texture assets, but with lower weapon detail. Which is what it appears to be what IW did.


velvet_nitemare said:
Is it me or does this game look worse than MW2? Rented it last night and played a few rounds of MP, can't speak to SP.

Definitely looks worse in MP but I think it looks better in SP.
Wow, I didn't think their would be this many people disappointed with the game. I, for one, love the game and think it's way better than MW2.


bedlamite said:
On the 360: not experiencing any significant framerate drops; game has been installed on a Slim

Really not feeling the maps though, like others have said before me, none of them have any flow.

Oh and if you think the audio is underwhelming, check your audio settings, speaker volume defaults to 'quiet', I set it to 'loud'

Yeah, once I fixed that I expected the muffled sound and no footsteps issue to be rectified.
It was not. Sound was indeed a bit boomier, tho not as crisp as I'd hoped through my Sony ES2400 klipsch /7.1 surround system.

Still, no footsteps sound. No matter if I select theatre, headphones, or tv, and no matter which mode I choose to output via my receiver.
The sound is definitely lacking on PC. It could be that I have the bizarre sound settings wrong, but in general it just seems low and poorly mixed.

Outside of that, it's [so far] without a doubt the best CoD campaign behind the first Modern Warfare. I'm a couple of hours in and it's only getting better.

For me, it runs identically to Modern Warfare 2 (as smooth as smooth butter). I had a few fantastic rounds of absolutely flawless multiplayer on Nuketown, but as soon as I switched maps/servers, the lag and stutter kicked in. I didn't do a whole lot of experimenting last night, so I'm hoping it was a coincidence.


Besides the graphics looking blurry and muddy, the audio sucks even more.

I threw a care package can on the snow and I heard "tink tink tink", sounded like a tin can bouncing on concrete... which literally made me laugh out loud.

I'm using headphones and the interactive audio is not on the same level as previous games. The footsteps sounds on metal or wood, the sound of you brushing against grass...its all assy.

Oh and then there is the gun and grenade audio. All the gun sounds in MW2 had a punch. Compare something like SCAR, ACR or RPD... guns in this game sound very toy like. The grenade don't sound 'explosive' enough.

There is not a single thing about this game thats impressive. The best bullet points are the things taken away from the previous game: Commando, Pain Killer, unlimited noob tubing, etc.
friskykillface said:
jeez :lol over 2 million playing right now again 0_o

crazy for this time at noon.
Proof that there is zero chance that unemployment will fall over the next month, no matter what the government does.
velvet_nitemare said:
Is it me or does this game look worse than MW2? Rented it last night and played a few rounds of MP, can't speak to SP.
Looks and feels worse. Character models and structures aren't polished. The controls even feel different. I use 10 sensitivity for MW1 and 2, but I had to notch it down to 7 in this game because the acceleration was tossing my reticle all over the place. AI is (even more) braindead in campaign as well. And yeah, nobody should compare the audio to Bad Company, its nowhere even close. But if you liked W@W none of this will bother you.

Treyarch's multiplayer changes seem to work out, but the multiplayer experience itself seems wonky. Shots not registering, killcam showing kills where none of the bullets actually landed on target, and having my party either split up or dropped 18 out of 20 games last night just sunk the knife in. We ended up playing bot matches after giving up on matchmaking.

All of this is in regards to the 360 version btw.


Sam Worthington did such a bad job in this. Can't hold his accent at all! I'm really not liking the SP a lot this time. Not as exciting as the last one for me.

Loving MP so far though, but ask me in a week!
I was just spawned 2 feet infront of an enemy actively shooting and auto-died. :lol

Also the retciles are cool, I take it back. I was expecting more funny/awesome ones like the smiley but even the various crosshairs in different colors are pretty awesome.
NullPointer said:
Looks and feels worse. Character models and structures aren't polished. The controls even feel different. I use 10 sensitivity for MW1 and 2, but I had to notch it down to 7 in this game because the acceleration was tossing my reticle all over the place. AI is (even more) braindead in campaign as well. And yeah, nobody should compare the audio to Bad Company, its nowhere even close. But if you liked W@W none of this will bother you.

Treyarch's multiplayer changes seem to work out, but the multiplayer experience itself seems wonky. Shots not registering, killcam showing kills where none of the bullets actually landed on target, and having my party either split up or dropped 18 out of 20 games last night just sunk the knife in. We ended up playing bot matches after giving up on matchmaking.

All of this is in regards to the 360 version btw.

Seem like valid criticisms of the PS3 version as well.


Time to go Sentry Gun questing. Think, I am going to try object base games first. Unless, someone wants to do some Sentry Gun boosting...:lol
NullPointer said:
Shots not registering, killcam showing kills where none of the bullets actually landed on target, and having my party either split up or dropped 18 out of 20 games last night just sunk the knife in. We ended up playing bot matches after giving up on matchmaking.

All of this is in regards to the 360 version btw.

Shots not registering, and the killcam being wrong are new to you? Were you not around playing CoD4 when the .50 Cal (or snipers in general) couldn't hit anything, or when the killcams were "wrong" 90% of the time? These are problems that CoD players have been dealing with for 4 years now, let's not dump it all in Treyarch's lap.
NullPointer said:
Treyarch's multiplayer changes seem to work out, but the multiplayer experience itself seems wonky. Shots not registering, killcam showing kills where none of the bullets actually landed on target, and having my party either split up or dropped 18 out of 20 games last night just sunk the knife in. We ended up playing bot matches after giving up on matchmaking.

All of this is in regards to the 360 version btw.

this. Man, it's frustrating. Not frustrating as in MW2 where there's consistently a Harrier, Pavelow and AC130 in the air frustrating-but frustrating as in you know you just got the drop on the enemy, emptied an entire clip into him and he fires once to kill you.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Combat Training is fucking hilarious. :lol

I just played a FFA against recruit level bots running round using nothing but the tomahawk, it's fun as hell to screw around with.
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