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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

recklessmind said:
No dude I'm just saying... having just dropped $60 on it I feel entitled to say whatever I want. These are my impressions: W.....T......F...... back into the box, hopefully I can get some money back on it.

The game runs, plays, and looks like shit. You want me to write a thesis? Brother, it's not worth the time. Glad you like it of whatever, but I think that last 40 mins or so was the least enjoyable time I've had gaming that I can recall.

As a noob, with no weapons, classes, or perks unlocked... my first game was 10 mins of complete spawn rape by an enemy helicopter. No one on the team had a counter, we were all new. Pilot was basically invincible for the entire round, and the fucking game must light us up like christmas trees because I was hiding in a corner under a bush and only lasting 4-5 seconds after spawn.

So fun. Cool game.

Try sucking less.
Johnlenham said:
Most of what you've said is nothing ive experienced and you can turn aim assist off.

Yes and no.

You can turn off auto aim(when you zoon in near enemies and it locks onto them).

But aim assist is still there. When you aim down the sights if an enemy moves near the reticule the gun follows. Real annoying in Veteran when enemies are running around.
knitoe said:
Yeah. I played like 7 hours of Black Ops yesterday, and when friends logged on, couple hours of MW2 afterward. Graphics are definitely, guns, environment and so on. MW2 seems more realistic while Black Ops more cartoony. Guns I tried all seen to be peeshooters. Doesn't have weighty feel. Still loving the game since it's more skill base and way less BS moments. Maybe, MW3 will put all good things from both games into one package.

The LMGs are weighty, ones like a fucking chopper gun :lol with silencer they do seem weak though.


recklessmind said:
No dude I'm just saying... having just dropped $60 on it I feel entitled to say whatever I want. These are my impressions: W.....T......F...... back into the box, hopefully I can get some money back on it.

The game runs, plays, and looks like shit. You want me to write a thesis? Brother, it's not worth the time. Glad you like it of whatever, but I think that last 40 mins or so was the least enjoyable time I've had gaming that I can recall.

As a noob, with no weapons, classes, or perks unlocked... my first game was 10 mins of complete spawn rape by an enemy helicopter. No one on the team had a counter, we were all new. Pilot was basically invincible for the entire round, and the fucking game must light us up like christmas trees because I was hiding in a corner under a bush and only lasting 4-5 seconds after spawn.

So fun. Cool game.

Ummm...doesn't one of the default classes have a rocket capable of taking down a helicopter? I'm PRETTY SURE it does, as I managed to take down both a spy plane and a helicopter....so maybe that whole 'suck less' thing has some merit. :lol
Mr. B Natural said:
Oh stop it.

Awful framerate
Netcode hits
Awful controls...wonky aim assist that locks on the enemy like no other COD before, but only turns on sometimes. When aim assist turns on - it just doesn't guide my controls, it snaps-on like the A.I in practice mode.
Sound effects are awful and don't work - I hear two peoples footsteps when I run and sometimes I make no noise at all even without ninja. People can run right behind me and I won't hear em...again even without ninja.
Maps are all interchangeable and a giant mess of loops and paths...except nuketown, which isn't a good map.
Spawns are awful...always. Not sometimes in certain situations, but every darn match.
Party system broken

and yes, the formula is getting old. The perks in this game aren't dynamic enough and yes, the graphics aren't that good either...especially considering the horrible framerate.

But I bet you still love it anyway, right?
Kingbrave said:
I've played 10 games this morning and everyone keeps voting for Nuketown. I hate people. :lol

Just played it 4 games in a row and finally left when it was about to be voted again. Having the previous map as an option doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Two new ones and a random, or hell just random would be good.
recklessmind said:
No dude I'm just saying... having just dropped $60 on it I feel entitled to say whatever I want. These are my impressions: W.....T......F...... back into the box, hopefully I can get some money back on it.

The game runs, plays, and looks like shit. You want me to write a thesis? Brother, it's not worth the time. Glad you like it of whatever, but I think that last 40 mins or so was the least enjoyable time I've had gaming that I can recall.

As a noob, with no weapons, classes, or perks unlocked... my first game was 10 mins of complete spawn rape by an enemy helicopter. No one on the team had a counter, we were all new. Pilot was basically invincible for the entire round, and the fucking game must light us up like christmas trees because I was hiding in a corner under a bush and only lasting 4-5 seconds after spawn.

So fun. Cool game.
30 minutes of playtime and you've formed a full opinion on said game. You should be a game reviewer. Also lol at 'Pilot was basically invincible'. Go back to Battlefield I guess?

zero margin said:
Just played it 4 games in a row and finally left when it was about to be voted again. Having the previous map as an option doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Two new ones and a random, or hell just random would be good.
I have no idea why you can vote for the previous map. It's completely stupid.


nib95 said:
Just to clarify, the PS3 version has frame rate woes in MP that the 360 version doesn't? I ask because I have a sealed PS3 version that I'm tempted to return and then head to my local store to pick up a 360 version instead.

What do you guys think?

Dont let them kid ya....the 360 version has some framerate issues as well.

Nuketown has issues
Cracked has issues
Array has issues...
Summit has issues...

The framerate is never constant


he's Virgin Tight™
What horrible frame rate? If anything BO runs much better than any of the previous games in the 360 version :lol Netcode is the same COD one that has been used for eons.

The only thing I can give you is the over generous aim assits and the horrible, HORRIBLE, texture quality the game has that affects the overall experience, giving it a blurry look (that + 600p). WAW had the same thing happening to it. Don't know if Treyarch can't do textures for shit or couldn't fit it in 512MB of RAM, because disc space surely wasn't the issue. Besides, I've seen games with better and more varied textures inside that 512MB of RAM. It's inexcusable.

cameltoe said:
Dont let them kid ya....the 360 version has some framerate issues as well.

I have a magic Xbox then because I never notice these severe frame drops. When things get heavy in MP yes they do drop a bit, but not as bad as MW2 or WAW. Now split screen online runs like ass (zombie runs nicely though... and fills the whole screen. WTF?).
DevelopmentArrested said:

Perfect frame-rate, netcode, sound effects, controls and party system here. Maps are solid (except for Nuketown) and spawns suck; but a patch will fix that.

If you dont' feel the framerate drops then you don't know how to notice them and maps are not "solid." They have NO personality to them. They're not well thought out, Treyarch just shoved paths and building all over the place and called it a day. And did that 13 times with a different color pallete for each one.

And spawning breaks maps...so saying they're "solid" before they fix the spawning makes you sound double nonsensical. The maps are broken and will remain that way until they fix the spawning.

And turning off aim assist is a stupid idea. Why wouldn't I want to shoot somebody in the head with perfect computer-aided precision? The problem is that it turns on and off on it's own accord for no real reason. (This is refering to MP for clarification)


Neo Member
I love the design choices Trey made in this game to improve the experience but overall I have been having a rough time in the multiplayer in this game. I was a stopping power junkie in the previous games and have been really missing it so far. I'm accustomed to a 2 hit kill at close range with stopping power and a powerful AR.

It's virtually impossible to pop in and ice more than 1 guy in a room (where in previous games I could do this all the time thanks to SP).

And forget about long range kills. 4 shots (5 with some guns, with the exception snipers, M60, single shots) is the new minimum to kill and boy does it suck. 3 hit kills with SP in the old games was perfection, at least for me.


eh....I'm completely satisfied with Halo Reach right now (as far as FPSs go), but my neighbor is trying to get me to buy BO. Not only that, but for the PS3 too :(

I have nothing against buying the PS3 version, except for the fact I do most of my gaming on X360 and that's also where most of my friends are playing online.

I dunno, maybe I can pick up a used copy on craigslist. Maybe not...
GodofWine said:
I don't know where you are at, but playing from the NE part of the USA last night at peak time, via a somewhat OK DSL connection that is hardwired, I had zero problems, nor did any of my buddies, we were all loving this game last night.

I didn't get a single frame issue, no warping laggers, no major issue with getting shot behind corners...this runs everybit as well as every other FPS in this series for me.

Frankly, I think it looks as good too...and my god it plays better than MW2...this is actually fun...assuming your connection is OK I guess, or match making is putting you in proper games.

I changed it to look for local games first, I don't want to play with people from far away, try doing that.
My issues are with online (single player is finem though not as smooth as MW2):

Online it does NOT look great. Jaggy, ugly shadows and blurry low res textures.
Online i experienced a lot of connection errors, but that could be just a regional thing and could be diferend every day.
Online there were noticably framerate problems (or very constant lag...) that MANY people noticed and complained about. Also people from your region.

Either you got the only copy that works fine or you just don't notice these things. either way, you're lucky. Or, it's all connenction related but that would be weird when these problems are worldwide.

The online IS fun. The changes were definitely for the better. I agree.
It just looks lackluster and runs like shit.. to me.

I will play tonight and i will try for
knitoe said:
Yeah. I played like 7 hours of Black Ops yesterday, and when friends logged on, couple hours of MW2 afterward. Graphics are definitely, guns, environment and so on. MW2 seems more realistic while Black Ops is more cartoony. All the guns I tried all seen to be peeshooters. Doesn't feel weighty and powerful.. Still loving the game since it's more skill base and way less BS moments. Maybe, MW3 will put all good things from both games into one package.

I must have woken up in some alternate universe 2 days ago.

When have the guns in ANY CoD game ever felt powerful, or meaty? One of my biggest complaints going back to CoD4 has been the weak feeling/sounding guns. Playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 since March only makes me even more aware of the problem since the guns, and sound in that game rock my brain. Using that as a complaint against BO like it hasn't been the same for 4 games is wickity-wickity-wack.


Unconfirmed Member
Net_Wrecker said:
I must have woken up in some alternate universe 2 days ago.

When have the guns in ANY CoD game ever felt powerful, or meaty? One of my biggest complaints going back to CoD4 has been the weak feeling/sounding guns. Playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 since March only makes me even more aware of the problem since the guns, and sound in that game rock my brain. Using that as a complaint against BO like it hasn't been the same for 4 games is wickity-wickity-wack.

Its the lack of SP perk.


marathonfool said:
960x544 and poor performance. :lol Someone tell me this is a april fool's joke. I think I'll just rent it now. Treyarch completely dropped the ball.

PAL SD standard is 576i... seems like the PS3 version could benefit from using an old CRT TV, I guess it would look more crisp (seriously)? I'm not trolling or kidding I love my PS3, but that's really a disgraceful porting job. Watching that framerate comparison video is a shame, come on it's not like the PS3 launched last summer.
recklessmind said:
Yeah? How do you take out the helicopter without countermeasures? How do you avoid its attack when your position is given away as you spawn, and there's no cover?

Explain how a "smart" player deals with that. The answer is to play the game through frustrating situations like that, until you unlock (what a wonderful trend in shooters these days) the appropriate countermeasures. Sorry bro, I don't have the kind of free time to put up with crap like that. If a game needs 5 - 6 hrs of play before it becomes fun of fair, I don't think that's good design, and frankly, I don't have the fucking time. Especially when it has so many other shortcomings: performance, visuals, etc.
Well, there is a launcher available in the first few default classes that can easily take down a chopper.

Or, if you're having trouble with that, you could, oh I don't know, go inside a building and wait for the killstreak to end? Relatively simple.

Edit: So, I guess you've seen the light?
I was hoping to do some offline multiplayer with ai bots since I won't have Internet installed here til Friday but I can't seem to find it. Don't tell me it's under "Xbox Live" in the MP menu, because that would be retarded.
Chrange said:
Ummm...doesn't one of the default classes have a rocket capable of taking down a helicopter? I'm PRETTY SURE it does, as I managed to take down both a spy plane and a helicopter....so maybe that whole 'suck less' thing has some merit. :lol

Except in Bo, Ghost isn't gonna save you from killstreaks. You need Ghost Pro. Any legit player in a helcopter will kill you before get the chance to shoot your rocket...especially now that they can control their chopper and can see you perfectly fine thanks to no "visual filter" to blur his screen.

^Except backflip, in nuketown you almost always spawn outside in the open in the garden.
Mr. B Natural said:
If you dont' feel the framerate drops then you don't know how to notice them and maps are not "solid." They have NO personality to them. They're not well thought out, Treyarch just shoved paths and building all over the place and called it a day. And did that 13 times with a different color pallete for each one.
Not denying you might have framerate drops, just saying that I have experienced none.

And spawning breaks maps...so saying they're "solid" before they fix the spawning makes you sound double nonsensical. The maps are broken and will remain that way until they fix the spawning.
Spawning breaks one map. The other maps are big enough to support shitty spawns.

Mr. B Natural said:
Except in Bo, Ghost isn't gonna save you from killstreaks. You need Ghost Pro. Any legit player in a helcopter will kill you before get the chance to shoot your rocket...especially now that they can control their chopper and can see you perfectly fine thanks to no "visual filter" to blur his screen.
And yet helicopters are extremely infrequent in the game now.... Dude is acting like they are in the sky all the time ala MW2.

Lonely1 said:
Its the lack of SP perk.
Play Hardcore.


They really should just get rid of that gunner killstreaks all together. Really ruins the game. The rest I'm having a lot of fun with. Just hit rank 26 and playing around with the AUG. Though I'll probably go back to the Famas. And yes, I've got the noob toob attached. :lol

Btw, how do we get perks for pro? Certain level or am I missing something?
Mr. B Natural said:
^Except backflip, in nuketown you almost always spawn outside in the open in the garden.
Yeah, that's true, though you could make a run for one of the houses off the spawn. That's what I would do, anyway. That map has some problems.


Mr. B Natural said:
If you dont' feel the framerate drops then you don't know how to notice them and maps are not "solid." They have NO personality to them. They're not well thought out, Treyarch just shoved paths and building all over the place and called it a day. And did that 13 times with a different color pallete for each one.

I hate to be a cynic but this was my impression of the maps as well. They have a lot to learn from IW in this area. will play more tonight to see if they fare any better....
Mr. B Natural said:
Except in Bo, Ghost isn't gonna save you from killstreaks. You need Ghost Pro. Any legit player in a helcopter will kill you before get the chance to shoot your rocket...especially now that they can control their chopper and can see you perfectly fine thanks to no "visual filter" to blur his screen.

That's an 11 KILL STREAK in a game where streaks don't stack. Blowing things out of proportion much? I've only seen 1 in 6 hours.

JB1981 said:
I hate to be a cynic but this was my impression of the maps as well. They have a lot to learn from IW in this area. will play more tonight to see if they fare any better....

You guys are just playing around now right? Joke's on me?

Was every single map in MW2 not just a bunch of corridors, buildings, doorways, paths, shortcuts, windows, and every other hole known to man? That's on top of the minimum 5 rooftops you could access on every map.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Not denying you might have framerate drops, just saying that I have experienced none.

Spawning breaks one map. The other maps are big enough to support shitty spawns.

Yes you have, your game is not special to mine... and yes, spawning all over the place breaks ALL maps. No matter the size. You can't discuss map balance when people are spawning behind you. You can, however, discuss map variety, and BO has little to none.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
In about 4 hours I've seen about 8-10 chopper gunners, care packages should just be removed from the game.


Net_Wrecker said:
I must have woken up in some alternate universe 2 days ago.

When have the guns in ANY CoD game ever felt powerful, or meaty? One of my biggest complaints going back to CoD4 has been the weak feeling/sounding guns. Playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 since March only makes me even more aware of the problem since the guns, and sound in that game rock my brain. Using that as a complaint against BO like it hasn't been the same for 4 games is wickity-wickity-wack.
Talking relative to MW2. And, never played BD 2, but do have latest Medal of Honor. MoH guns are weak too.

Lonely1 said:
Its the lack of SP perk.
I hardly use SP in MW2. It has more to do with how gun looks and sound.
Mr. B Natural said:
If you dont' feel the framerate drops then you don't know how to notice them and maps are not "solid." They have NO personality to them. They're not well thought out, Treyarch just shoved paths and building all over the place and called it a day. And did that 13 times with a different color pallete for each one.

I stated last night before you even made this argument that the maps in this game including Nuketown are better than every map offered in MW2. "No personality" Launch has a Nuke about to be launched (you can get caught and burned to death under the launch pad) complete with a count down and has a button you can push to open a trap door :lol Disagree dude. IMO the maps are just better.


It's too bad the texture streaming implementation isn't as fast as the one in MW2. Kinda bothering me a bit.


Ikuu said:
In about 4 hours I've seen about 8-10 chopper gunners, care packages should just be removed from the game.
Agree. My first care package was Gunship. Lets just say I destroyed everyone. It's worse when Ghost doesn't hide you from aircrafts.


PC version technically runs BUTTERY SMOOOOOVE on my rig, but the problem is.........

the fucking netcode is god awful, even on dedicated servers...people lagging all over the place.

only had a few games where nobody warped around, and no, its not my fibre optic connection.
Ikuu said:
In about 4 hours I've seen about 8-10 chopper gunners, care packages should just be removed from the game.
Yeah, chopper gunners seem very overpowered. Got one in a care package and immediately got 15 kills. Wound up going 35-3 in that match of TDM.
Anerythristic said:
I stated last night before you even made this argument that the maps in this game including Nuketown are better than every map offered in MW2. "No personality" Launch has a Nuke about to be launched (you can get caught and burned to death under the launch pad) complete with a count down and has a button you can push to open a trap door :lol Disagree dude. IMO the maps are just better.

I wasn't talking about the stupid little things they added to the map. I'm talking layout. I'm talking map design. I'm not even talking the appearance. Who cares? I'd rather play a game with lots of different varieties and concepts to map design with 1 theme *cough cough tf2 cough* then 13 boring maps that all play out the same with similar design concepts with 13 different themes and palletes.


Ikuu said:
In about 4 hours I've seen about 8-10 chopper gunners, care packages should just be removed from the game.

You obviously never played Modern Warfare 2 if this if your complaint?

This game feels pretty damn calm compared to the madness and chaos in MW2:lol
knitoe said:
Agree. My first care package was Gunship. Lets just say I destroyed everyone. It's worse when Ghost doesn't hide you from aircrafts.

I've seen 1 Gunship in 6 hours so it's just luck of the draw, even with 4 or 5 rooms of people doing the Care Package glitch.

And seriously, you people defending IW's ability to create maps after MW2 are just blowing my mind.


Ok. Tested the PC version for some time and it's incredibly bugged. And I'm amazed that Treyarch managed to make this engine so heavy on PC.

And, honestly, Medal of Honor looks prettier and runs smoother.


Kyoufu said:
PC version technically runs BUTTERY SMOOOOOVE on my rig, but the problem is.........

the fucking netcode is god awful, even on dedicated servers...people lagging all over the place.

only had a few games where nobody warped around, and no, its not my fibre optic connection.

Its a setting that every server has, its so stupid. + I am getting stuttering due to high CPU usage too.


Just spoke with Alex G., he seems to indicate that the source of the lag might be with the GamerServer server config.

Issue is with the sv_maxrate, currently on all servers it is set to 5000 (because of consoles I would assume) it should be set to around 25000 for PC.

Therefore most pc users are finding a poor online expierience.

I have been on with gameservers all day and their tech team.

We tested the different rate on our server as a fix (via the tech team) and guess what, absolutely perfect.

Our server has actually just been changed back, of course they can't edit the servers, They have submitted a request to whitelist the command sv_maxrate for all users to activision to be able to edit to what they desire. (They didn't want to set all servers to it by default because they believe people will have bandwidth issues).

Just so you know they have limited results in the in game server browser to a few hundred servers to stop it overloading. Leaving most people unable to find their own servers!

Also don't know if you know yet but there it no connect/reconnect and similar commands in the game and the addfavourite command does not work.

Hope this is useful and details enough :)




On the 360: not experiencing any significant framerate drops; game has been installed on a Slim

Really not feeling the maps though, like others have said before me, none of them have any flow.

Oh and if you think the audio is underwhelming, check your audio settings, speaker volume defaults to 'quiet', I set it to 'loud'
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