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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


Clothed, sober, cooperative
My TTD (Time To Dick) was first game. It was a lovingly rendered hot pink monstrosity, erupting as it were. I didn't know you could make anything, so I assumed it was like Reach and just an AMAZINGLY clever combination of other emblem pieces.
As I said I don't have any illusion that my reporting is having an effect. Still gonna keep on doing it though. I do it in between games at lobbies. Just remember the name and then report later. Easy as pie.


JB1981 said:
You're on Xbox Live. What the hell do you expect? What do you guys sit there and stare at peoples emblems all day rather than play the game?

he I´m on PS3... but no I do not look at other peoples Playercards or emblems.. that is a USELESS feature in the game (just one of many useless features)..
I've seen a few people with the genitalia emblems and just ignored them, if they want to use that and look childish upto them, im personally happy with my smiling Panda emblem.
To be fair unless your 12, seeing a penis shouldnt evoke that much a reaction. BUT I do get annoyed when I see racist emblems/ clan tags. Quite honestly though I rarely even see peoples playercards, in my opinion its a nice little feature, but isnt game changing.


hamchan said:
What a bad time to pop into this thread. Free speech for dick emblems, delightful.

Ain't GAF grand? :lol

I'm done going off on my tirade since the few people trying to stick up for dick emblems will never get a clue.

Back to a real topic:
What does everyone run in the game with?

My current setup is:
Commando w/silencer (Ak47u w/silencer)
China Lake (crossbow for sticking and exploding groups)
Semtex, Concussion, claymore
Hardline Pro (switch to scavenger pro sometimes)
Sleight of Hand Pro
Ninja Pro (just got Second Chance Pro but I seem to never get a shot off anymore once I'm downed, plus team mates ignore me and never revive)

I like trying out different setups and I haven't found one I want to stick with when I prestige.
OuterWorldVoice said:
My TTD (Time To Dick) was first game. It was a lovingly rendered hot pink monstrosity, erupting as it were. I didn't know you could make anything, so I assumed it was like Reach and just an AMAZINGLY clever combination of other emblem pieces.

Is Time to Dick the online community version of the Start to Crate?


aristotle said:
Ain't GAF grand? :lol

I'm done going off on my tirade since the few people trying to stick up for dick emblems will never get a clue.

Back to a real topic:
What does everyone run in the game with?

My current setup is:
Commando w/silencer (Ak47u w/silencer)
China Lake (crossbow for sticking and exploding groups)
Semtex, Concussion, claymore
Hardline Pro (switch to scavenger pro sometimes)
Sleight of Hand Pro
Ninja Pro (just got Second Chance Pro but I seem to never get a shot off anymore once I'm downed, plus team mates ignore me and never revive)

I like trying out different setups and I haven't found one I want to stick with when I prestige.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend you use Hacker Pro over a perk that doesn't work right now (Ninja Pro). With Hacker Pro you will be able to see any piece of equipment the enemy has put down, even turrets. No more deaths by claymores!


How easy is it to mute everyone in a game? Within seconds? Can settings be set to mute everyone by default in all versions?
JB1981 said:
Its funny because you aren't going to do anything to curb it. This is the world, you are going ot have to deal with things that you don't like. I can understand reporting people who cheat and glitch. But reporting someone because you personally find something offensive? Get over yourself.
So if you heard someone using slurs in the real world would you say something? Or would you sit back and cower? It doesn't matter if it's in an online game, or at the grocery store. If you're not doing anything, you are part of the problem. It's not just kids or teenagers either. I hear grown men saying the worst things too. At the very least, if I am paying for XBL, I won't sit back and let idiots ruin it. If you're tacitly defending people's right to say slurs or disgusting things, um great? Don't expect any decent person to respect you.


MarkMclovin said:
I must be the only person to use the very lowest. Any higher and I can't help but spray n pray.

Well, I'm on 4 (high, but it goes to 10???) and I'd like to bump it higher for looking around but at times I can't get the crosshairs on target accurately and fast enough. I'd like 5 or 6 for general looking around but slow it down to 2-3 for fine aiming.

There's snap/auto aim on in MP, correct? (console, not glorious master PC)


pcdev @ twitter:

Trying to roll out another patch before the weekend. CPU optimizations and Zombie matchmaking fix included. QA starts in the AM. Stay tuned.

will add 12 player playlists.

I prefer playing with 18 but 12 players would be ideal for nuketown ... 18 is just crazy for that map.
Effect said:
How easy is it to mute everyone in a game? Within seconds? Can settings be set to mute everyone by default in all versions?
On the 360 you can go into your general voice settings and make it so you can only hear friends. That may help.
GitarooMan said:
I just want to say the campaign in this blows away MW2, it's so, so, much better. I much prefer Treyarch's approach to focusing on a single story line rather than the mish mash of IW's games (see also WaW and Big Red One). I played on Hardened, and really thought the difficulty was fair, and the missions were varied and interesting.

Two funny points: Sam Worthington struggling to lose his Aussie accent, and in the credits Nolan North shows up as one of the voices.

The story might be better but I thought the level design was pretty boring. Good thing the MP is so good.


Hanmik said:
Free speech is just a VERY bad argument for portrayng offensive stuff..
No, you just don't understand the concept. Free speech is omnipresent, it is not excluded from videogames or whatever else you deem "not to be taken seriously."

Is this where I point out that this all stems from aristotle claiming free speech in emblems to be "pointless," to which I responded that free speech is not pointless? That's all I've been saying.

All I've been doing in this conversation is reiterate what Voltaire once said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Apparently, GAF thinks Voltaire was a dumbass who should've gotten banned from Xbox Live, so let's just give this little experiment up and go back to bitching about gameplay features that aren't even there. Quickscoping can eat a dick, why does the sniper rifle get a snap-to-enemy feature?!

greenjerk said:
Well, I'm on 4 (high, but it goes to 10???) and I'd like to bump it higher for looking around but at times I can't get the crosshairs on target accurately and fast enough. I'd like 5 or 6 for general looking around but slow it down to 2-3 for fine aiming.
I can't believe you actually asked about snap right before I made a joke about it... :lol No, there is no snap.

A little tip about sensitivity; none of us who play on a higher one (8 here) did well the very first time we tried a higher one. We do poorly and die a bunch of times as we get used to it, but once we are used to it, we do better on the higher sens than we did on the lower one. So, yeah, switching it up is going to suck for a few days, but if you stick with it, it'll be very rewarding in the future. :D


Neuromancer said:
On the 360 you can go into your general voice settings and make it so you can only hear friends. That may help.

Why oh why does the PS3 not have this :(

Oh well at least the few people who do talk can be easily muted still.
JB1981 said:
You guys seriously "report" people? :lol

I do.

Edit: I report people cheating...not for having a set of balls in their logo. It's juvenile but it isn't hurting anybody. If a kid sees it then I'm a lot more concerned about why the hell he is watching/playing such a violent game.


the_zombie_luke said:
So if you heard someone using slurs in the real world would you say something? Or would you sit back and cower? It doesn't matter if it's in an online game, or at the grocery store. If you're not doing anything, you are part of the problem. It's not just kids or teenagers either. I hear grown men saying the worst things too. At the very least, if I am paying for XBL, I won't sit back and let idiots ruin it. If you're tacitly defending people's right to say slurs or disgusting things, um great? Don't expect any decent person to respect you.

No, dude. If someone in real life uses racial slurs or acts in a way that is not acceptable to me, I just don't involve them in my life. I avoid them (if i can). According to you, I should report them to the police for using a word or acting in a way that offends me. Or perhaps you think they should be sent to some kind of state-mandated "sensitvity" training for their transgressions? Maybe we should correct the way these people think, eh?
aristotle said:
Ain't GAF grand? :lol

I'm done going off on my tirade since the few people trying to stick up for dick emblems will never get a clue.

Back to a real topic:
What does everyone run in the game with?

My current setup is:
Commando w/silencer (Ak47u w/silencer)
China Lake (crossbow for sticking and exploding groups)
Semtex, Concussion, claymore
Hardline Pro (switch to scavenger pro sometimes)
Sleight of Hand Pro
Ninja Pro (just got Second Chance Pro but I seem to never get a shot off anymore once I'm downed, plus team mates ignore me and never revive)

I like trying out different setups and I haven't found one I want to stick with when I prestige.

I use M16 with ACOG and dual mag, 1911 with upgraded sights, ghost, warlord, and hacker. When going to take out air support I switch to the same class but the 1911 is switched with a strela. As the game stands now, its the most effective setup for me. Once the game is fixed with its audio and lag(hopefully) fixed a little as well as people playing the game differently, it may change. For now it crushes for me. :D

Edit: Forgot to add that I use semtex, concussion, and claymores. Claymores net me so many kills its amazing.


aku:jiki said:
free speech

I think the point of free speech is to protect from going to jail (or getting executed) for what you say. It does not protect you from getting banned from an online service, nor should it.
Raiden said:
Wow! What a great option, did not know it existed thanks.

This feature makes Xbox Live a glorious place. I never hear racist, homophobic remarks...and I have never felt that it hindered the experience.

It's also nice that my friends and I can have conversations (not necessarily about the game) while we're playing.


aku:jiki said:
No, you just don't understand the concept. Free speech is omnipresent, it is not excluded from videogames or whatever else you deem "not to be taken seriously."

ohh I understand the concept.. afterall I´m from Denmark .. land of free porn and sex.. :D and we had the controversy with the Mohammed paintings in a newspaper (some years ago). I Understand the concept of free speech, And I fully support free speech. But we are talking about a videogame. Made by people, who ALSO made up some rules for playing their videogame. Glitching, cheating etc. is against their rules. And as far I know (I might be wrong, If I am, then i retract all I have written) there is a rule against portraying offensive stuff in their game.. that´s all I wanted to point out.
JB1981 said:
No, dude. If someone in real life uses racial slurs or acts in a way that is not acceptable to me, I just don't involve them in my life. I avoid them (if i can). According to you, I should report them to the police for using a word or acting in a way that offends me.
Call the police? :lol Saying something in response would be the best bet. Your "avoid them if I can" is pretty laughable. I would hope someone would help you if some asshole started shit with you for no reason. According to you, they shouldn't help you.
Hanmik said:
ohh I understand the concept.. afterall I´m from Denmark .. land of free porn and sex.. :D and we had the controversy with the Mohammed paintings in a newspaper (some years ago). I Understand the concept of free speech, And I fully support free speech. But we are talking about a videogame. Made by people, who ALSO made up some rules for playing their videogame. Glitching, cheating etc. is against their rules. And as far I know (I might be wrong, If I am, then i retract all I have written) there is a rule against portraying offensive stuff in their game.. that´s all I wanted to point out.

The free speech argument is relatively out of place here. It's a closed system. There are specific rules regarding hate speech and offensive stuff for the service. There is a reporting system in place specifically for it.

Now that doesn't mean an individual has to report people. And a person may or may not be offended by certain things. That is there personal right. But its also fairly silly to tell somebody else they shouldn't report people. This isn't a private home or political speech or something. It's Xbox Live and it can have separate rules from general society.

To repeat once again, because I think this is important. I don't think reporting has a big effect on policing this stuff. Mainly because of the demographic and the fact that Microsoft (or Sony) isn't really serious about policing this stuff. They care more about getting that fee every month. And them placing the enforcement system in there is their little attempt to say hey at least we are trying when people complain.

But on an anonymous service there will always be a higher than usual asshole quotient. It brings it out in people. It is what it is.


Stoney Mason said:
The free speech argument is relatively out of place here. It's a closed system. There are specific rules regarding hate speech and offensive stuff for the service. There is a reporting system in place specifically for it.


ha ha that was the thing I was trying to explain.. but my words went down some magical drain.. and came out like trash. :D


Kyoufu said:
I highly, HIGHLY recommend you use Hacker Pro over a perk that doesn't work right now (Ninja Pro). With Hacker Pro you will be able to see any piece of equipment the enemy has put down, even turrets. No more deaths by claymores!

Hmmm true. I have the pro version of hacker as well. I'll try running with that setup tonight, although I'm only like 3k away from prestige.

I'll upload a video of me getting cheap ass kills from my setup later tonight as well. I'll post it in here and in the "post your CoD video" thread. It really was unfair and as much as I like leveling fast, it was so wrong
that I will continue to use and be cheap until they fix it. Don't hate me. I didn't noob tube or knife lunge in MW2
aristotle said:
Hmmm true. I have the pro version of hacker as well. I'll try running with that setup tonight, although I'm only like 3k away from prestige.

I'll upload a video of me getting cheap ass kills from my setup later tonight as well. I'll post it in here and in the "post your CoD video" thread. It really was unfair and as much as I like leveling fast, it was so wrong
that I will continue to use and be cheap until they fix it. Don't hate me. I didn't noob tube or knife lunge in MW2

Do me a favour and dont post any cheap builds here. Gaf has a ton of readers and I would hate the game to be ruined. :lol


Hanmik said:
ha ha that was the thing I was trying to explain.. but my words went down some magical drain.. and came out like trash. :D
No, the problem is that none of you are actually reading my posts. I haven't, even once, talked about free speech as a law intended to protect you from other laws. I am talking about the basic human right of free speech and free speech is not just a word written on a paper somewhere. Free speech was not established by some old guy in a wig with a feather pen and a scroll - no, free speech was established the day mankind started talking. But none of you have a clue what I mean and your ignorance is leading you to believe that I'm the idiot for getting it, so whatever.


bobs99 ... said:
Do me a favour and dont post any cheap builds here. Gaf has a ton of readers and I would hate the game to be ruined. :lol

The build I used has been talked about alot in here already. Don't blame me man! :D


aku:jiki said:
No, the problem is that none of you are actually reading my posts. I haven't, even once, talked about free speech as a law intended to protect you from other laws. I am talking about the basic human right of free speech and free speech is not just a word written on a paper somewhere. Free speech was not established by some old guy in a wig with a feather pen and a scroll - no, free speech was established the day mankind started talking. But none of you have a clue what I mean and your ignorance is leading you to believe that I'm the idiot for getting it, so whatever.

Perhaps it's time you stopped since few people seem to agree with you. A lot of people have issues with what has been going on and some people are taking action against it. Perhaps you're just digging your own hole on this topic. Whether or not what you say is an actual right of humans is completely up for debate, but this is CoD, not a supreme court or anything that actually matters in the grand scheme of things. Let's get back to real CoD discussion and what you think "free speech" is ok? I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but beating a dead horse serves no purpose. This whole discussion is better served in an Off-Topic thread.

PalaceBrother said:
What thread is this? I looked but couldn't find it.



Neuromancer said:
On the 360 you can go into your general voice settings and make it so you can only hear friends. That may help.

That's good to know. Curious about Wii version. I would assume something would have had to be built into the game as it doesn't have a voice service built into it outside of the Wii speak channel and even then you are directly connecting with another person.
I have been using Second Chance Pro and I'm in shock about the "heroism:lol " randoms will show in reviving me. They revivie me under enemy fire and shit.

Edit: Another thing, I'm sticking with Second Chance Pro on some classes. If you kill a player trying to run and gun you feel bad but when you kill that corner camper or some player using cheesy tactics you feel great especially if you get revived.


I feel like some people on the last few pages need a sense of humor. Offended by a cartoon drawing of a dick, but no problem shooting 1,000 people in the head a day?


jlevel13 said:
I feel like some people on the last few pages need a sense of humor. Offended by a cartoon drawing of a dick, but no problem shooting 1,000 people in the head a day?


bobs99 ... said:
Do me a favour and dont post any cheap builds here. Gaf has a ton of readers and I would hate the game to be ruined. :lol

Its not like there is a ton of variety. Perk trees ensure everyone is running around with hacker pro (because the other perks in the last tree suck dick).
People who are outraged about all the drawn dicks online are conveniently forgetting all those dick scenes in the single player campaign:
seeing Reznov's dick, seeing JFK's dick, and seeing Robert McNamara's dick.

Double standard?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
aku:jiki said:
This is the funniest sentence I've seen on GAF in a while. "My logic is flawed?" :lol :lol

Don't use big words if you don't know what they mean, bro.

I love when people who have no counter point or don't understand a point try to make it seem like the other person doesn't understand.

Funny how you didn't address my point either.

I'll reiterate it for you.

By your logic (the logic in which you base your argument on) men should be allowed to expose themselves to children and anyone who doesn't believe that this is OK, has been brainwashed.

Furthermore, you believe that the right to expose yourself (or even show pictures of human genitalia not belonging to you) to whomever you want is a fundamental human right.

Let me help you, it's NOT a human right to expose yourself or show genitalia to whomever you want, in fact, it's a crime in most places.


Neuromancer said:
People who are outraged about all the drawn dicks online are conveniently forgetting all those dick scenes in the single player campaign:
seeing Reznov's dick, seeing JFK's dick, and seeing Robert McNamara's dick.

Double standard?




aku:jiki said:
No, the problem is that none of you are actually reading my posts. I haven't, even once, talked about free speech as a law intended to protect you from other laws. I am talking about the basic human right of free speech and free speech is not just a word written on a paper somewhere. Free speech was not established by some old guy in a wig with a feather pen and a scroll - no, free speech was established the day mankind started talking. But none of you have a clue what I mean and your ignorance is leading you to believe that I'm the idiot for getting it, so whatever.

Let me simplify.

Person A has the right to say what ever they want to say on xbox live.
Person B has the right to report them.
Xbox Live has the right to create their own rules that members have to fallow if they choose to use the service. That may include limitations on speech.


aku:jiki said:

I can't believe you actually asked about snap right before I made a joke about it... :lol No, there is no snap.

A little tip about sensitivity; none of us who play on a higher one (8 here) did well the very first time we tried a higher one. We do poorly and die a bunch of times as we get used to it, but once we are used to it, we do better on the higher sens than we did on the lower one. So, yeah, switching it up is going to suck for a few days, but if you stick with it, it'll be very rewarding in the future. :D

Musta missed it! :lol
Thanks, I seriously thought there was at least some type of assistance in MP.

Maybe I'll bump to 7 or 8 and try it out in local MP and get some of my screw-ups outta the way there.
Hi, dudes

So what's the easiest way to get gameplay clips from Theater to YouTube? Are people just using FRAP's to record the playback?

I own Sony Vegas for editing.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
PoweredBySoy said:
Hi, dudes

So what's the easiest way to get gameplay clips from Theater to YouTube? Are people just using FRAP's to record the playback?

I own Sony Vegas for editing.

On console?

Simply link your callofduty.com account to your youtube and render a 30 second or lower clip in game.

Anything more than 30 seconds and you will need something else.
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