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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Alienshogun said:
By your logic (the logic in which you base your argument on) men should be allowed to expose themselves to children and anyone who doesn't believe that this is OK, has been brainwashed.

Furthermore, you believe that the right to expose yourself (or even show pictures of human genitalia not belonging to you) to whomever you want is a fundamental human right.

Let me help you, it's NOT a human right to expose yourself or show genitalia to whomever you want, in fact, it's a crime in most places.

Not really human genitalia tho is it? Just some pixels in the form of a penis.

Also who's exposing themselves to kids? Pretty sure the game is rated for adults in most countries and if there are kids playing then the blame lies squarely with their parents for allowing them to play a game that has been rated not for them.


Anerythristic said:
I have been using Second Chance Pro and I'm in shock about the "heroism:lol " randoms will show in reviving me. They revivie me under enemy fire and shit.

Edit: Another thing, I'm sticking with Second Chance Pro on some classes. If you kill a player trying to run and gun you feel bad but when you kill that corner camper or some player using cheesy tactics you feel great especially if you get revived.
prob because you get like 25 or 50 points from it :lol


Stoney Mason said:
Theater Mode is so awesome. Especially in third person fly around mode. Don't know how I ever lived without this in COD games.
It's pretty funny how against the idea IW was. Something about 10% of people using it and garbage like that.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
kyo_daikun said:
Not really human genitalia tho is it? Just some pixels in the form of a penis.

Also who's exposing themselves to kids? Pretty sure the game is rated for adults in most countries and if there are kids playing then the blame lies squarely with their parents for allowing them to play a game that has been rated not for them.

I'm addressing his argument, which has more to do with people's rights than these COD emblems. He even points that out as the basis of his argument.

I don't like the emblems in COD, but his argument does not fit or work in the defense of the emblems in the first place, because his argument doesn't work period.

Go back a page (or two if you are 50 pages) and you will see his original diatribe.

Anyhow, on the topic of the emblems, it's still a depiction of human genitalia, beastiality, and sexual acts. Yes it's a 17+ game, but I doubt anyone though when they purchased the game they would be exposed to "emblem porn."

Like someone else said, people can make them, others can report them. Ultimately it's up to Treyarch and XBL (if you use XBL) to decide if it's a violation, which I believe it is on Xbox.

PoweredBySoy said:
No no, PC. Is the process the same? Although I would definitely like the ability to record longer than 30 seconds.

I don't believe so.

I would just use Xfire, fraps or some other such program.
Chrange said:
It's pretty funny how against the idea IW was. Something about 10% of people using it and garbage like that.
IW was a stubborn company, say what you will about Treyarch but they at least try to give their customers what they want.


Wait people are reporting over emblems? :lol c'mon son.

now if they are being douche bags then yeah report away. But if you are reporting because some dude has a gorilla humping a llama that's just petty imo.


Gold Member
Neuromancer said:
People who are outraged about all the drawn dicks online are conveniently forgetting all those dick scenes in the single player campaign:
seeing Reznov's dick, seeing JFK's dick, and seeing Robert McNamara's dick.

Double standard?

What game have I been playing?! Must have totally missed those parts, sounds AWESOME! :lol


I got into top 3 several times on all the 24/7 Nuketown TDM servers I went on this morning, went from rank 13 to 23 in an hour! :lol :lol
Prestige 2 in no time! :D

EDIT: Oh and here's my emblem/playercard. Just something simple and clean.



kyo_daikun said:
Hehe I was going to say it but thought I would leave him thinking there are some genorous kind people out there in live/psn land :lol

For me it's my Bad Company 2 medic instincts kicking in. First time I saw a "revive" icon in Black Ops I just bolted over without thinking and revived him. Under fire and everything. :lol


Oh man, went 85-13 in firing grounds :lol Granted, it's HC and domination but I didn't care, even if half my deaths were from FF.

Final minute or so, racked up 30 kills alone from the stupid airship gunner.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
greenjerk said:
For me it's my Bad Company 2 medic instincts kicking in. First time I saw a "revive" icon in Black Ops I just bolted over without thinking and revived him. Under fire and everything. :lol

Same, I just can't help it. Also, I think the revive needs to take a bit longer. It's a bit too fast IMO.
MrMister said:
I got into top 3 several times on all the 24/7 Nuketown TDM servers I went on this morning, went from rank 13 to 23 in an hour! :lol :lol
Prestige 2 in no time! :D

EDIT: Oh and here's my emblem/playercard. Just something simple and clean.


Looks like a penis. Reported.

You know I'm kidding
Alienshogun said:
I'm addressing his argument, which has more to do with people's rights than these COD emblems.

Anyhow, on the topic of the emblems, it's still a depiction of human genitalia, beastiality, and sexual acts. Yes it's a 17+ game, but I doubt anyone though when they purchased the game they would be exposed to "emblem porn."

Like someone else said, people can make them, others can report them. Ultimately it's up to Treyarch and XBL (if you use XBL) to decide if it's a violation, which I believe it is on Xbox.

Fair enough, really Treyarch should have put an option to block everyones emblems who aren't on your friend list, this kind of thing happens in nearly every game where you can customise your own things so they should have assumed people were going to do it here.

When making your emblem there isn't any warning saying that if you make rude emblems you will be banned or anything so im guessing people just thought it was ok to do it (doesn't make it right or anything but it would have helped the situation if there had been a warning im sure)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
PoweredBySoy said:
Mine is super dirty.


Goes well with the wood background.

Now make me a salad.

kyo_daikun said:
Fair enough, really Treyarch should have put an option to block everyones emblems who aren't on your friend list, this kind of thing happens in nearly every game where you can customise your own things so they should have assumed people were going to do it here.

When making your emblem there isn't any warning saying that if you make rude emblems you will be banned or anything so im guessing people just thought it was ok to do it (doesn't make it right or anything but it would have helped the situation if there had been a warning im sure)

Eh, I'm sure anyone making a "questionable emblem" didn't think it was "ok" especially since there is specifically a report emblem feature.

Regardless, these are the same people who make up offensive gamertags, bios, and clan tags.

It's just how they are. Kids and immature adults exploiting the deindividuation that the internet allows.


MrMister said:
I got into top 3 several times on all the 24/7 Nuketown TDM servers I went on this morning, went from rank 13 to 23 in an hour! :lol :lol
Prestige 2 in no time! :D

EDIT: Oh and here's my emblem/playercard. Just something simple and clean.


Pervert. At least it's clever unlike an actual penis as an emblem.
Chrange said:
It's pretty funny how against the idea IW was. Something about 10% of people using it and garbage like that.

Even if it is only 10% it's the most active 10% that are the most dedicated to your product and the most likely to spread good word around about your game.


I'm on the train for the "Love Theater mode" gang. Seeing how someone can go 37-0 is worth it. You can see their setup and see how they play. It helps a lot even for people like me who are above average for the most part in gameplay.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
aristotle said:
I'm on the train for the "Love Theater mode" gang. Seeing how someone can go 37-0 is worth it. You can see their setup and see how they play. It helps a lot even for people like me who are above average for the most part in gameplay.

It's a shame we can't render more than 30 seconds. I have a few games 35+ kills with 4 or less deaths I would love to share.


Finally hit Level 15 last night and unlocking the FAMAS made a world of difference for me. I havent had much time to play the MP so far, and only played MW2 through about Level 25, so am certainly behind the curve as compared to most of the online community.

Not sure if the FAMAS just fits my style better or is simply a better option than the stuff previously available -- but after unlocking it, my post match rating was consistently higher than it had previously been. With that stated, Im really looking forward to the Galil (sp?) at Level 20. Ive picked it up from some dead bodies and really liked using it.

Also, had my first match on Nuketown last night and had a blast :lol I saw people here mentioning it but had no idea what they were talking about. I think I played it 4 straight times before logging out for the night.


Alienshogun said:
It's a shame we can't render more than 30 seconds. I have a few games 35+ kills with 4 or less deaths I would love to share.

Those are the kinds of games I would love to spectate on and see how the better players work. I've learned a few tricks. Unfortunately the dolphin dive still works. I still can't do it fast enough to live most of the time.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
aristotle said:
Those are the kinds of games I would love to spectate on and see how the better players work. I've learned a few tricks. Unfortunately the dolphin dive still works. I still can't do it fast enough to live most of the time.

Those are typically games where I play strategically and move from cover to cover with a destination in mind. It's when I roam around aimlessly I do worse.

It also helps explosives don't hurt me, nor does fire and I can see enemy equipment.
aristotle said:
I'm honestly stunned you're still trying to use this as a case of free speech. Ok fine. In your opinion a dick with jizz oozing out of it is fine. It's not to me. Get over it. I will continue to report these idiotic images and nothing you say can sway me. Unbeknownst to you, I'm an artist and I take free speech very seriously. However nothing about these images are smart, funny, anatomically correct, thought provoking, political satire or anything other than some moronic adolescents who think drawing a dick cumming on a horse is funny. I find it completely offensive and I want a better MP experience. I'm doing what I can to report these people. You don't like it, complain to the devs who want users like me to report this imbecilic nature. Also perhaps you should read the fine print better next time. These kinds of actions are not well regarding with the developers since in their terms of use. You are in fact violating their contract and they can revoke it at any time. Don't be a douchelord and you'll be ok.

You should really read up on your "free speech" issues before you try to use them as an agenda. Free speech was not in the Constitution and it was a matter for the Bill of Rights. Not to mention that these issues are still discussed in courts every day so nothing is cut or dry. Your logic is flawed if you seriously think a man humping a horse is funny or not offensive. I find it extremely offensive as would anyone who crusades for animal rights or against animal cruelty. Swastikas aren't offensive if used in the right way. Nazis stole them from Indian religion and perverted them for their own uses. I wouldn't report someone who is from India or uses it as it was meant to originally. These are issues that have no place in an arcadey war game. These emblems are offensive to me and I should say many others. They may not be vocal about it, but these people are still be reported. In fact with your tiring crusade, you've made me want to report even more people.

Also, free speech extends to everyone, not just people who share your same viewpoint. So in fact by trying to dissuade me from reporting people, you're not doing anything but stamping on my right to free speech ;).

As far as I know the PC version doesn't have any way to report people and I am glad, if I as an adult buy an "M" rated game I assume I will see some things that are considered mature. I see as many dicks on PC as I am sure X360/PSN do and I personally do not care. I doubt anyone is getting banned for this and i think you're wasting your time.


aristotle said:
Those are the kinds of games I would love to spectate on and see how the better players work. I've learned a few tricks. Unfortunately the dolphin dive still works. I still can't do it fast enough to live most of the time.

Oh shit, completely forgot about that. There was a dude last night that was owning everyone 5 straight matches no matter who hopped in. I'll have to watch those tonight.

*no babe, i'm not playing black ops again, just watching some movies* :lol


Alienshogun said:
Those are typically games where I play strategically and move from cover to cover with a destination in mind. It's when I roam around aimlessly I do worse.

It also helps explosives don't hurt me, nor does fire and I can see enemy equipment.

I typically run around like an idiot getting shot up all over the place. I only play like that though because for some reason no one on my teams plays objectively. Even in TDM, people run headlong into firefights and get killed 2-4 at a time. I almost always am the top scorer on my team in games. If not #1 then in the top 3 for sure. It's annoying knowing I've been catching 6-10 flags in half a round and guarding them when other members are doing nothing but trying to play TDM and we lose, yet I still have a higher score than #1 on the opposing side. Ah well. I expect it from randoms, but it's still annoying and my KDR suffers, but thankfully I don't care about my ratio at all as long as I win in the long run :D


greenjerk said:
Oh shit, completely forgot about that. There was a dude last night that was owning everyone 5 straight matches no matter who hopped in. I'll have to watch those tonight.

*no babe, i'm not playing black ops again, just watching some movies* :lol

hah...good luck with that ;)

Hit me up on PSN next time you're online (if you still have me on there). It'll be nice playing with some BFBC2 people for once.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
aristotle said:
I typically run around like an idiot getting shot up all over the place. I only play like that though because for some reason no one on my teams plays objectively. Even in TDM, people run headlong into firefights and get killed 2-4 at a time. I almost always am the top scorer on my team in games. If not #1 then in the top 3 for sure. It's annoying knowing I've been catching 6-10 flags in half a round and guarding them when other members are doing nothing but trying to play TDM and we lose, yet I still have a higher score than #1 on the opposing side. Ah well. I expect it from randoms, but it's still annoying and my KDR suffers, but thankfully I don't care about my ratio at all as long as I win in the long run :D

The best thing you can always do for yourself no matter the mode is know where your next destination is and the way to get there that is least exposed to fire from more than one angle.


ARs and smgs rule as usual, but I prefer using shotties and crossbows now. So much more fun. My KDR has dipped to 1.9 though over the last week. :lol


jlevel13 said:
I feel like some people on the last few pages need a sense of humor. Offended by a cartoon drawing of a dick, but no problem shooting 1,000 people in the head a day?
buncha dry snitches in this thread

i got a monkey holding his wang on my emblem, deal with it


Jesus, I just killed same guy 11 times in a row in tdm. He was in a quiet area of the map when I first got him and the game kept spawning him near me so he kept coming after me....... I ended up with chopper gunner from killing him over and over, with his gun I'd picked up...

He typed "Fucking die already" in the end. lol


maddogg015 said:
As far as I know the PC version doesn't have any way to report people and I am glad, if I as an adult buy an "M" rated game I assume I will see some things that are considered mature. I see as many dicks on PC as I am sure X360/PSN do and I personally do not care. I doubt anyone is getting banned for this and i think you're wasting your time.

You can report people on the PC version. I'm not really sure who the report is sent to, though. Steam? GameServers/Activision? The Server Admins?


aristotle said:
hah...good luck with that ;)

Hit me up on PSN next time you're online (if you still have me on there). It'll be nice playing with some BFBC2 people for once.

Yeah, I'm sure you're still on my FL, I haven't added or deleted anyone lately. :lol
I apologize- just like last time I completely forget the association between your gaf account and PSN id. *smh*


Alienshogun said:
The best thing you can always do for yourself no matter the mode is know where your next destination is and the way to get there that is least exposed to fire from more than one angle.

Yeah that sounds like my problem. I'm not nearly patient enough to take the slow methodical route and I end up getting killed. Although I must say, my killstreaks don't seem to suffer very much. I'm trying to re-learn myself to be more cautious but it irks me when I see 5 team mates die and no one can kill the one guy camping so I take it upon myself to get to him. After I take him out, I usually get killed :lol

greenjerk said:
Yeah, I'm sure you're still on my FL, I haven't added or deleted anyone lately. :lol
I apologize- just like last time I completely forget the association between your gaf account and PSN id. *smh*

haha no worries. I know it confuses alot of people :lol


Woot finally got Ghost Pro! My 30th shootdown was a Helicopter, after 29 straight Spy Planes :lol

Now my combo of perks for my Galil class is Ghost Pro, Sleight of Hand Pro, and Second Chance Pro. It is freaking deadly.
kyo_daikun said:
Fair enough, really Treyarch should have put an option to block everyones emblems who aren't on your friend list, this kind of thing happens in nearly every game where you can customise your own things so they should have assumed people were going to do it here.

When making your emblem there isn't any warning saying that if you make rude emblems you will be banned or anything so im guessing people just thought it was ok to do it (doesn't make it right or anything but it would have helped the situation if there had been a warning im sure)
Treyarch doesnt have to say or do anything because: a) having an obvious wang as your emblem fails the common sense test and b) it's MS doing the banning (if were talking about the 360 version) or suspending and c) it's covered quite clearly in the terms of service we all agreed to.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Well I'm an idiot for not thinking of it sooner but classic mode is easily the best way to get Ghost Pro since it forces everyone to use Spyplanes.


maddogg015 said:
As far as I know the PC version doesn't have any way to report people and I am glad, if I as an adult buy an "M" rated game I assume I will see some things that are considered mature. I see as many dicks on PC as I am sure X360/PSN do and I personally do not care. I doubt anyone is getting banned for this and i think you're wasting your time.
You seem to believe that upon purchase, you waive your rights by bypassing the ESRB based on age or who purchases it for you.

You sir, are a fucking idiot.

As a father buys a game for his child he is not saying "WORLD, HERE ME! MY SON IS NOW ALLOWED TO SEE YOUR PENIS." He is buying a game for his child whether or not they are of age to purchase it.

ESRB is not a rating system on who can PLAY games, it is a rating system on who can BUY games.

With your logic, it's okay to send some people pictures of your dick because
A) Some people buy a membership using a card which means
1)They are over 18 and have a card
2)Under 18 and have a card
B) Some kids buy with a pre-paid card

thus, giving you a rule book to play by since age can and is sometimes displayed a player's gamertag.

You seem to be the fellow who doesn't understand why you can't pull your dick out in public because a girl is showing cleavage.


I unlocked both Hacker Pro and Hardline Pro last night. Now running around feeling like fucking MacGuyver.

3rd SAM turret I called in after upgrading rerolled to a Hind...so awesome.


Brian Fellows said:
Well I'm an idiot for not thinking of it sooner but classic mode is easily the best way to get Ghost Pro since it forces everyone to use Spyplanes.

ugh I never once even thought of playing that game mode. Derp! Thanks for making me realize my stupidity.

PalaceBrother said:
To whoever suggested Headquarters, I owe you a Coke. I've gone from 33 to 39 in a couple of hours and am having a blast. Love that mode.

HQ is an amazing point fest. Especially if you run the map and shut down the opposing team. I and some other randoms did that for like 5 games straight before I backed out because it was too easy. I went from level 42 to 47 in those games alone. I'll post some short clips later when I get access to my console.

I'll try to make them hidden from lurkers due to me not wanting to run into someone like me :D I can just hide the urls in a tag quote like in the "free to a good home" thread right? I've never done it before.
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