I'm honestly stunned you're still trying to use this as a case of free speech. Ok fine. In your opinion a dick with jizz oozing out of it is fine. It's not to me. Get over it. I will continue to report these idiotic images and nothing you say can sway me. Unbeknownst to you, I'm an artist and I take free speech very seriously. However nothing about these images are smart, funny, anatomically correct, thought provoking, political satire or anything other than some moronic adolescents who think drawing a dick cumming on a horse is funny. I find it completely offensive and I want a better MP experience. I'm doing what I can to report these people. You don't like it, complain to the devs who want users like me to report this imbecilic nature. Also perhaps you should read the fine print better next time. These kinds of actions are not well regarding with the developers since in their terms of use. You are in fact violating their contract and they can revoke it at any time. Don't be a douchelord and you'll be ok.
You should really read up on your "free speech" issues before you try to use them as an agenda. Free speech was not in the Constitution and it was a matter for the Bill of Rights. Not to mention that these issues are still discussed in courts every day so nothing is cut or dry. Your logic is flawed if you seriously think a man humping a horse is funny or not offensive. I find it extremely offensive as would anyone who crusades for animal rights or against animal cruelty. Swastikas aren't offensive if used in the right way. Nazis stole them from Indian religion and perverted them for their own uses. I wouldn't report someone who is from India or uses it as it was meant to originally. These are issues that have no place in an arcadey war game. These emblems are offensive to me and I should say many others. They may not be vocal about it, but these people are still be reported. In fact with your tiring crusade, you've made me want to report even more people.
Also, free speech extends to everyone, not just people who share your same viewpoint. So in fact by trying to dissuade me from reporting people, you're not doing anything but stamping on my right to free speech
