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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


aku:jiki said:
You don't at all understand what I mean. I'm talking about free speech as a human right, not free speech as a tool to avoid lawsuits in the litigation states of america. What I'm saying is that just because corporate society asks you to limit yourself and your creativity, so that they don't have to deal with lawsuits, doesn't mean that you have to listen.

We're allowed to have dick emblems if we want to. There is nothing inherently inappropriate about it -- remember, you're not supposed to be playing Black Ops if you're under 18. The kids who are on it are the ones breaking the rules, not the guys with dick emblems.

Just saying the same thing in different words. Writers re-write!

Funny because I'm pretty damn certain that almost everyone I've reported for racist, animal humping, and dick emblems were all high schoolers. Listening to them talk to their clan mates about classes that suck is annoying too, but I don't report that. I report EXACTLY what the devs wanted me to report. I find it offensive. You can't honestly try and convince me that somehow making a dick emblem is infringing on your so called free speech. You know full well that people will find that offensive even if you don't. If you don't want to get reported don't make it. I know I'm not the only person reports these tossers, but I may be the only one in this thread that says I'm actually doing it. The developers want crap like that reported so they can stop it or curtail it at least. I'm just doing what I think is right. I want to play with semi-mature people, not someone who thinks a dick picture is funny or clever. At least bathroom stalls for the most part are funnier.
I report everybody. I'm the biggest narc on Xbox Live. I report all the racists, sexist, assholes. I go out of my way to do it and I enjoy doing it. I don't have any illusion that its making a difference but since I don't like racist assholes I still get some personal enjoyment out of it.
Stoney Mason said:
I report everybody. I'm the biggest narc on Xbox Live. I report all the racists, sexist, assholes. I go out of my way to do it and I enjoy doing it. I don't have any illusion that its making a difference but since I don't like racist assholes I still get some personal enjoyment out of it.

Oh totally. I've been reporting fuckers left and right.
Stoney Mason said:
I report everybody. I'm the biggest narc on Xbox Live. I report all the racists, sexist, assholes. I go out of my way to do it and I enjoy doing it. I don't have any illusion that its making a difference but since I don't like racist assholes I still get some personal enjoyment out of it.
So do I. If much more people did it, XBL would be much more pleasant.


shooting blanks
I reported some little punk the other night that kept on saying 'oh worship my ass! i love my ass! i want to worship ass!'. I don't pay 60 bucks for a game and 50 bucks for live to listen to that crap. I kind of enjoy reporting them too lol.


AndresON777 said:
I reported some little punk the other night that kept on saying 'oh worship my ass! i love my ass! i want to worship ass!'. I don't pay 60 bucks for a game and 50 bucks for live to listen to that crap. I kind of enjoy reporting them too lol.

I report certain emblems and tags, but that? It's quite easy to mute folks; I wouldn't report someone just for being juvenile.

In times like that, I just mute them and move along, unless their speech is extremely volatile.

greenjerk said:
What controller sensitivity is everyone playing at?



Ehh.. dunno. I report people that does stuff that directly interferes with my enjoyment of the game. Like leaving mid-game (in Halo) or otherwise being racist or anything similar.

But a dick emblem? Hey, I'm 24, I'm already past that shit and I don't scream when it shows up so it's all fine. Even for swastikas and similar, unless the guy is also being a jerk on the chat, I just don't mind. I don't appreciate that kind of emblems, and chances are if he's a kid, he doesn't know half of what that symbol involves, but to go out of my way to report him?.. Yeah, I've got more interesting things to do.


greenjerk said:
What controller sensitivity is everyone playing at?

I play on "high" now. I'm not sure what number it is. I'm thinking of taking it up another notch or two to see how well I do.

Mik2121 said:
Ehh.. dunno. I report people that does stuff that directly interferes with my enjoyment of the game. Like leaving mid-game (in Halo) or otherwise being racist or anything similar.

But a dick emblem? Hey, I'm 24, I'm already past that shit and I don't scream when it shows up so it's all fine. Even for swastikas and similar, unless the guy is also being a jerk on the chat, I just don't mind. I don't appreciate that kind of emblems, and chances are if he's a kid, he doesn't know half of what that symbol involves, but to go out of my way to report him?.. Yeah, I've got more interesting things to do.

Well I'm usually already looking at everyone's player card/reports to see how good of a player they are. It's not like it's that hard any way. It's only two button presses.


Aesthet1c said:
This game is still buggy as hell for me (PC version). I get 50+ framerates pretty much all the time, I may drop down into the 40ish range when I get into an open area. However any time I come across an enemy player I get constant stutter, pretty much to the point where it's unplayable. It's like it turns into a slide show for just half a second, which is long enough for me to die. Anyone else having this issue? Or have any fixes to try?

Yes I have the same.

And there is some fixes that dont work for me. Treyarch hopes a patch will be out before weekend. I bought this on launch and have yet to play it much :S


Well I got disconnected with three others from a 10,000 CoD point wager match. It mentioned that I would get a refund if the match was not finished. I never got my refund. 10k down the drain and I was in first place with sniper rifles in gun game. *rage*


Najaf said:
Well I got disconnected with three others from a 10,000 CoD point wager match. It mentioned that I would get a refund if the match was not finished. I never got my refund. 10k down the drain and I was in first place with sniper rifles in gun game. *rage*

You don't get it instantly, it can take a few hours to come back. I wouldn't fret.
Najaf said:
Well I got disconnected with three others from a 10,000 CoD point wager match. It mentioned that I would get a refund if the match was not finished. I never got my refund. 10k down the drain and I was in first place with sniper rifles in gun game. *rage*
How long did you wait? The refund tends to take a while to go through.


buy teh haloz said:
How long did you wait? The refund tends to take a while to go through.

Match was last night. As of this morning, I have not received a refund. The key wording was that if the match was not finished by the other players, I would get a refund. Because only four of us got kicked to the lobby, that means two were left to take the winnings. The rest of us got nothing. If the damn game kicks me from a wager match, I sure as hell had better not loose my money. They need a better fail safe against this type of thing. Surely it is easy to see the difference between a cat 5 cable being yanked out of the box and the server having problems.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Najaf said:
Well I got disconnected with three others from a 10,000 CoD point wager match. It mentioned that I would get a refund if the match was not finished. I never got my refund. 10k down the drain and I was in first place with sniper rifles in gun game. *rage*
I got DC'd from a game last night (PC only has the 500 CR buy in) when I was first place. All my buddies to move up a spot :(


aristotle said:
Funny because I'm pretty damn certain that almost everyone I've reported for racist, animal humping, and dick emblems were all high schoolers. Listening to them talk to their clan mates about classes that suck is annoying too, but I don't report that. I report EXACTLY what the devs wanted me to report. I find it offensive. You can't honestly try and convince me that somehow making a dick emblem is infringing on your so called free speech. You know full well that people will find that offensive even if you don't. If you don't want to get reported don't make it. I know I'm not the only person reports these tossers, but I may be the only one in this thread that says I'm actually doing it. The developers want crap like that reported so they can stop it or curtail it at least. I'm just doing what I think is right. I want to play with semi-mature people, not someone who thinks a dick picture is funny or clever. At least bathroom stalls for the most part are funnier.
Dude, if you find human anatomy "offensive," you are the one in the wrong. There is nothing, in any way, offensive about anatomy. There's nothing offensive about animals mating, for example, either. People are making images of these things as jokes, sure, but the subject matter is not inherently inappropriate nor offensive. If you feel sexual contact and mammal anatomy are "offensive" subjects that should never be adressed in a public space, you have been completely brainwashed by the MPAA and other ratings boards.

The entire point of free speech is that different opinions should be able to co-exist, without anyone feeling slighted. You are abusing free speech by choosing to feel slighted by something that actually doesn't affect you at all, nor does it specifically target you. Seeing a graphical representation of a penis will not give you trauma. It will not give you nightmares. The intention of the creator is also something to consider -- someone making a swastika intends only to offend and annoy, while someone creating a monkey fucking a horse is merely trying to make you laugh. Maybe you don't think it's funny and don't appreciate the humor, but he most likely didn't intend to offend you. Because, honestly, who the fuck gets offended by a cartoony picture of a monkey fucking a horse? Nobody does, and certainly not you. You're just trying to force your views and values upon others*, and that's just not cool, bro. Especially not when your way of doing it locks them out of a service they're paying for.

(No, I don't take emblems in CoD this seriously. I take our human rights this seriously.)


Stoney Mason said:
I report everybody. I'm the biggest narc on Xbox Live. I report all the racists, sexist, assholes. I go out of my way to do it and I enjoy doing it. I don't have any illusion that its making a difference but since I don't like racist assholes I still get some personal enjoyment out of it.
If I reported every racist homophobe I came across on live I spend more time in menus than I would playing games.

Just ignore those pricks and have fun playing games cause it won't change shit.


AndresON777 said:
I reported some little punk the other night that kept on saying 'oh worship my ass! i love my ass! i want to worship ass!'. I don't pay 60 bucks for a game and 50 bucks for live to listen to that crap. I kind of enjoy reporting them too lol.

Wow, you're easily annoyed, just mute them, he was not even being racist or anything.


shooting blanks
Raiden said:
Wow, you're easily annoyed, just mute them, he was not even being racist or anything.

It was actually in Halo and the kid was doing it for like 10 minutes non stop. It's easier to mute in COD than in Reach.

I don't see the big deal in reporting people. Code of Conduct etc

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
If I'm playing with a party I mute everyone not in my party. If I'm playing by myself I just turn the chat volume down on my headset.


aku:jiki said:
Dude, if you find human anatomy "offensive," you are the one in the wrong. There is nothing, in any way, offensive about anatomy. There's nothing offensive about animals mating, for example, either. People are making images of these things as jokes, sure, but the subject matter is not inherently inappropriate nor offensive.

The entire point of free speech is that different opinions should be able to co-exist, without anyone feeling slighted. You are abusing free speech by choosing to feel slighted by something that actually doesn't affect you at all, nor does it specifically target you. Seeing a graphical representation of a penis will not give you trauma. It will not give you nightmares. The intention of the creator is also something to consider -- someone making a swastika intends only to offend and annoy, while someone creating a monkey fucking a horse is merely trying to make you laugh. Maybe you don't think it's funny and don't appreciate the humor, but he most likely didn't intend to offend you. Because, honestly, who the fuck gets offended by a cartoony picture of a monkey fucking a horse? Nobody does, and certainly not you. You're just trying to force your views and values upon others*, and that's just not cool, bro. Especially not when your way of doing it locks them out of a service they're paying for.

(No, I don't take emblems in CoD this seriously. I take our human rights this seriously.)

I'm honestly stunned you're still trying to use this as a case of free speech. Ok fine. In your opinion a dick with jizz oozing out of it is fine. It's not to me. Get over it. I will continue to report these idiotic images and nothing you say can sway me. Unbeknownst to you, I'm an artist and I take free speech very seriously. However nothing about these images are smart, funny, anatomically correct, thought provoking, political satire or anything other than some moronic adolescents who think drawing a dick cumming on a horse is funny. I find it completely offensive and I want a better MP experience. I'm doing what I can to report these people. You don't like it, complain to the devs who want users like me to report this imbecilic nature. Also perhaps you should read the fine print better next time. These kinds of actions are not well regarding with the developers since in their terms of use. You are in fact violating their contract and they can revoke it at any time. Don't be a douchelord and you'll be ok.

You should really read up on your "free speech" issues before you try to use them as an agenda. Free speech was not in the Constitution and it was a matter for the Bill of Rights. Not to mention that these issues are still discussed in courts every day so nothing is cut or dry. Your logic is flawed if you seriously think a man humping a horse is funny or not offensive. I find it extremely offensive as would anyone who crusades for animal rights or against animal cruelty. Swastikas aren't offensive if used in the right way. Nazis stole them from Indian religion and perverted them for their own uses. I wouldn't report someone who is from India or uses it as it was meant to originally. These are issues that have no place in an arcadey war game. These emblems are offensive to me and I should say many others. They may not be vocal about it, but these people are still be reported. In fact with your tiring crusade, you've made me want to report even more people.

Also, free speech extends to everyone, not just people who share your same viewpoint. So in fact by trying to dissuade me from reporting people, you're not doing anything but stamping on my right to free speech ;).


Brian Fellows said:
If I'm playing with a party I mute everyone not in my party. If I'm playing by myself I just turn the chat volume down on my headset.
I mute everyone in the room by default regardless. Unless I'm playing with friends. I never want to risk being in the middle of a game and having one of those idiots singing or other stupid crap people do.
Seep said:
If I reported every racist homophobe I came across on live I spend more time in menus than I would playing games.

Just ignore those pricks and have fun playing games cause it won't change shit.
But it's everyone thinking it doesn't make a difference that lets them stay around. Even if everyone only reported one nasty player a day, it would make a difference. It only takes a few seconds anyway, and there is always downtime in the menus.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
aku:jiki said:
Dude, if you find human anatomy "offensive," you are the one in the wrong. There is nothing, in any way, offensive about anatomy. There's nothing offensive about animals mating, for example, either. People are making images of these things as jokes, sure, but the subject matter is not inherently inappropriate nor offensive. If you feel sexual contact and mammal anatomy are "offensive" subjects that should never be adressed in a public space, you have been completely brainwashed by the MPAA and other ratings boards.

The entire point of free speech is that different opinions should be able to co-exist, without anyone feeling slighted. You are abusing free speech by choosing to feel slighted by something that actually doesn't affect you at all, nor does it specifically target you. Seeing a graphical representation of a penis will not give you trauma. It will not give you nightmares. The intention of the creator is also something to consider -- someone making a swastika intends only to offend and annoy, while someone creating a monkey fucking a horse is merely trying to make you laugh. Maybe you don't think it's funny and don't appreciate the humor, but he most likely didn't intend to offend you. Because, honestly, who the fuck gets offended by a cartoony picture of a monkey fucking a horse? Nobody does, and certainly not you. You're just trying to force your views and values upon others*, and that's just not cool, bro. Especially not when your way of doing it locks them out of a service they're paying for.

(No, I don't take emblems in CoD this seriously. I take our human rights this seriously.)

By your logic a man exposing himself to children is ok.


Is everyone else starting to see more and more motion sensors? Especially in SnD or Demo, plop one down by an objective and you have a mini-uav covering a good area around the target. I don't have Ghost pro anymore since prestiging, but it doesn't look like you're invisible to em with that perk? From what i've read on the perks it sounds like only Hacker pro allows you to be invisible to the motion sensor. Plus, being able to see all the different types of equipment is so much more usable now with all the different types of equipment and the fact that people have a grenade and equipment slot.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Dmorr07 said:
Is everyone else starting to see more and more motion sensors? Especially in SnD or Demo, plop one down by an objective and you have a mini-uav covering a good area around the target. I don't have Ghost pro anymore since prestiging, but it doesn't look like you're invisible to em with that perk? From what i've read on the perks it sounds like only Hacker pro allows you to be invisible to the motion sensor. Plus, being able to see all the different types of equipment is so much more usable now with all the different types of equipment and the fact that people have a grenade and equipment slot.

Yeah, Ghost pro doesn't block motion sensors. Hacker pro does, and I abuse the hell out of guys who rely on those motion sensors. :lol

Hacker is awesome, and will tell you a lot about where enemies are and what lies ahead.

Plus hacking enemy equipment is awesome.
JB1981 said:
You guys seriously "report" people? :lol
What's so funny about it? Trash talking is fine, using slurs is not. It's just sickening for everyone and doesn't help a game. Everyone trying to ignore it and hide from it has made XBL much worse than what it could be.


aristotle said:
In your opinion a dick with jizz oozing out of it is fine. It's not to me. Get over it.
If only you could understand that this, exactly fucking precisely this, is the basic sentiment of free speech. You are the one not "getting over it," because you feel that you must take it to the point where you take action and actively try to remove what you find offensive. This is where you go against free speech, as the idea of free speech is that you're supposed to be able to say what you want without fear of repercussions, while others should be able to say what they want without repercussions. Much like you expect to be able to comment on, say, the quality of the food in a restaurant without the chef running into the dining area to kick you in the face, the guy with the horse dick expects to make his little joke without getting banned. In your own words; get over it and stop snitching. You are not, in any way, following the ideals of free speech here.

aristotle said:
Your logic is flawed if you seriously think a man humping a horse is funny or not offensive.
This is the funniest sentence I've seen on GAF in a while. "My logic is flawed?" :lol :lol

Don't use big words if you don't know what they mean, bro.

Also, free speech extends to everyone, not just people who share your same viewpoint. So in fact by trying to dissuade me from reporting people, you're not doing anything but stamping on my right to free speech ;).
Nice try, but you're not expressing a damn thing when you click "report user." You're not even entering a reason, you're clicking a pre-written one. That's not free speech, that's pressing buttons.
the_zombie_luke said:
What's so funny about it? Trash talking is fine, using slurs is not. It's just sickening for everyone and doesn't help a game. Everyone trying to ignore it and hide from it has made XBL much worse than what it could be.

I'm so glad I am always in a party with people I know when I play on XBL


Before the start of any match, the first thing I do is mute everyone. I don't have a headset but I would only get one if I could ONLY communicate with my friends on the PS3. :\


the_zombie_luke said:
What's so funny about it? Trash talking is fine, using slurs is not. It's just sickening for everyone and doesn't help a game. Everyone trying to ignore it and hide from it has made XBL much worse than what it could be.

Its funny because you aren't going to do anything to curb it. This is the world, you are going ot have to deal with things that you don't like. I can understand reporting people who cheat and glitch. But reporting someone because you personally find something offensive? Get over yourself.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
aku:jiki said:
(No, I don't take emblems in CoD this seriously. I take our human rights this seriously.)
There is no human right to express whatever you want in whatever forum. Should people be allowed to make pictures of dicks - sure. Do they have the right to display them in any venue and be guaranteed to be protected from community censure - no.


Free speech and Call of Duty.. hahaha

but I too would report that shit. You know why.? because it has nothing to do with free speech. It´s a violation againts the TOS for the game.. it´s as simple as that. Free speech is just a VERY bad argument for portrayng offensive stuff..


the_zombie_luke said:
But it's everyone thinking it doesn't make a difference that lets them stay around. Even if everyone only reported one nasty player a day, it would make a difference. It only takes a few seconds anyway, and there is always downtime in the menus.
You'll never stop racism or idiots on live so just mute them or go in a different lobby. Is it really that hard?


Hanmik said:
Free speech and Call of Duty.. hahaha

but I too would report that shit. You know why.? because it has nothing to do with free speech. It´s a violation againts the TOS for the game.. it´s as simple as that. Free speech is just a VERY bad argument for portrayng offensive stuff..

You're on Xbox Live. What the hell do you expect? What do you guys sit there and stare at peoples emblems all day rather than play the game?
I just want to say the campaign in this blows away MW2, it's so, so, much better. I much prefer Treyarch's approach to focusing on a single story line rather than the mish mash of IW's games (see also WaW and Big Red One). I played on Hardened, and really thought the difficulty was fair, and the missions were varied and interesting.

Two funny points: Sam Worthington struggling to lose his Aussie accent, and in the credits Nolan North shows up as one of the voices.
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