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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
OP's lacking, or maybe I'm blind... I know about the retarded decision to ditch offline multi with bots and that you need to be online with Gold even to play vs bots, what I'm asking is if your guest is required to have GOLD too if you want to play Combat Training vs bots in 2 players split-screen mode, os is the console owner's GOLD sub sufficient for both?
Can't find a definitive answer and my game's still wrapped.

Do help, please :)

God I feel so fucking ripped off


Got to level 25 in zombies.. I think I'm done with that mode for like a month. Gonna be such a long buildup to get back there again


Dash Kappei said:
OP's lacking, or maybe I'm blind... I know about the retarded decision to ditch offline multi with bots and that you need to be online with Gold even to play vs bots, what I'm asking is if your guest is required to have GOLD too if you want to play Combat Training vs bots in 2 players split-screen mode, os is the console owner's GOLD sub sufficient for both?
Can't find a definitive answer and my game's still wrapped.

Do help, please :)

God I feel so fucking ripped off
You only need it for one account.
dwin45 said:
It's a nice perk to have. Is there any way for an enemy to tell that it's been hacked?

Also, does anyone else feel like the shotguns aren't strong enough? They seem pretty much worthless because they aren't even a one shot kill from like 15 feet away.

The Olympia definitely needs to allow for faster firing. It's disappointing that it feels like a nerfed double-shotty. Not even ADS helps that gun.

Stakeout is actually pretty good though if you make sure to ADS for each shot and get the players in the very center of your aiming screen. It's like the spas in MW2 if you actually needed skill to pull off distance shots.
treyarch I first came to know you from porting the Tony Hawk series, but I came to love you in this game. Well online at least, I a haven't gotten to much into the SP.. But please fix the spawn points :p


Unconfirmed Member
How long does it usually take for videos that are uploaded from the theater mode to appear anywhere? Or is it broken for me atm?


TOM f'N CRUISE said:
witch map?? got to level 31 on the first one

First one, we just hung around the area next to the fence, watching the top, side window, and long aisle. What about you guys?

All of us had level 2 rayguns, 3 w/ the upgraded LMG and one with the upgraded wind gun shooter thing
So last nights games were frustrating again with the fucked up hitboxes/lag or whatever you wanna call it, until something glorious happened, I became the HOST!

I murdered every motherfucker so hard. Felt sooo good. And I laughed and stayed up past my bed time.

Then I lost it again and it all went to shit and I rage quit.
jlai said:
First one, we just hung around the area next to the fence, watching the top, side window, and long aisle. What about you guys?

All of us had level 2 rayguns, 3 w/ the upgraded LMG and one with the upgraded wind gun shooter thing
the area where you would open the gate door behind you?? Damn, never thought about that...we always just opened that door to get to the box.

My buddy and I (2 player) would go up the right stairs from the room you start in(remember theirs one to the left and right) and stay in the back. We wouldn't open that double doors and hold off the hallway, ceiling near the hallway(they fall from there), and window opening thing behind us.

We had 1 upgraded ray gun(wish we both had them), both had upgraded LMGs, 1 monkey bombs(wish we both had them), and 1 upgraded wind gun.

When we thought it was the end(we wanted to at least hit 27 to beat the score in the room:D) we opened the double doors to survive and ended the round. We went back thinking we don't care if we die now cause we beat them........we ended up getting up to level 31 holding off the same room but with the double doors added. Needless to say they where pissed :lol
Big Baybee said:
Netcode is ruining the game for me. Game can never migrate host, constant lag. Parties are always being split up. Come on mang.

I just came on here to post the same thing. I'm so fed up with getting killed when I should have been the one getting the kill. I'm so fucking fed up with it. I don't think I've ever been more frustrated with a game-even MW2-and that's saying something.
MDavis360 said:
I'm so fed up with getting killed when I should have been the one getting the kill.

I feel this happens to me, especially when I AM host. I'll put two hit markers on a guy, and he'll turn around and kill me in one shot (not a headshot).

Does anyone know if this is a netcode problem? What causes this?


After having the game for a week and I have gotten to know the multiplayer maps I'm having a blast.

Though the question is how many of GAF designed a cock for your emblem when you unlocked it? I certainly did (and kept it)!
Freezie KO said:
I feel this happens to me, especially when I AM host. I'll put two hit markers on a guy, and he'll turn around and kill me in one shot (not a headshot).

Does anyone know if this is a netcode problem? What causes this?

Only 2 hits? Try more than 3. I will literally hear the clicks and get that X up to register at least 3 hits (a hell of a lot more should register btw) and yet the guy can just turn around and nail me.

What makes it worse then is a guy running around quickscoping with the crossbow. You just can't win!

EDIT - I'm thinking of putting up some of the ridiculous kills against me on youtube for all to laugh at this shit.


How do you guys even play in parties? When I invite my mate in to one, soon as I search his name disappears besides mine and it just endlessly searches. The one time it did find a match he got booted. Suffice to say, I've not been able to have even one partied match in this game.

Is it borked or something? 360 versions here...


nib95 said:
How do you guys even play in parties? When I invite my mate in to one, soon as I search his name disappears besides mine and it just endlessly searches. The one time it did find a match he got booted. Suffice to say, I've not been able to have even one partied match in this game.

Is it borked or something? 360 versions here...

Same problem here (360 version as well). Doesn't happen 100% of the time but often enough to be pretty damn annoying.

He'll start the game and it'll split us up - I get a message "this party is no longer available" or something, yet he gets put into the match with other players (and a lot of times the server is full so I can't even join the game in-progress). We both have open NAT so it's not that.
-Winnie- said:
As fucked up as it is, I absolutely love free-for-all on Nuketown. ADD gameplay at its best.

Agreed its like a completely different beast. Still really fun but so different than every other map.


FunBoy said:
After having the game for a week and I have gotten to know the multiplayer maps I'm having a blast.

Though the question is how many of GAF designed a cock for your emblem when you unlocked it? I certainly did (and kept it)!

You do know you'll probably be reported right?

I report everyone person I see with crap like that. Being juvenile doesn't have to be idiotic. Be clever!
You can usually tell who is host at the very start if you quickly bring up the scoreboard at the start sometimes. Everyone usually has a red bar and one guy will have full bars, that is host, then a few seconds later everyone elses bars will show.

Went 42-6 on array tdm yesterday. :lol the sad thing is I was the only player who did good on my team, we barely won. I was picking people off literally across the map with my M16 ACOG with dual mag. I had about 3 napalms and two cobras. Can't even imagine the bloodbath if I wouldve had chopper gunner unlocked(I prestiged the other day). Probably one of my best games.

BTW anybody experience a ton of framerate issues in games last night? On summit mostly the framerate would dip to like 15FPS on the 360. It would even out within in a minute and sometimes it would go smooth then back again over and over again. Very annoying.


MDavis360 said:
I just came on here to post the same thing. I'm so fed up with getting killed when I should have been the one getting the kill. I'm so fucking fed up with it. I don't think I've ever been more frustrated with a game-even MW2-and that's saying something.

Even Gears of War 2 did it better


This game is still buggy as hell for me (PC version). I get 50+ framerates pretty much all the time, I may drop down into the 40ish range when I get into an open area. However any time I come across an enemy player I get constant stutter, pretty much to the point where it's unplayable. It's like it turns into a slide show for just half a second, which is long enough for me to die. Anyone else having this issue? Or have any fixes to try?


nib95 said:
How do you guys even play in parties? When I invite my mate in to one, soon as I search his name disappears besides mine and it just endlessly searches. The one time it did find a match he got booted. Suffice to say, I've not been able to have even one partied match in this game.

Is it borked or something? 360 versions here...
DMZ your 360 to the router.

When I did to my PS3, it solved all my connection problems.
Lionheart1827 said:
You can usually tell who is host at the very start if you quickly bring up the scoreboard at the start sometimes. Everyone usually has a red bar and one guy will have full bars, that is host, then a few seconds later everyone elses bars will show.
so are these people just disconnecting or something?


So how do you open the launch chute on Radiation and launch the rocket on Launch, anyway? I've never managed to find that stuff. Would be nice to know how to stop the rocket launch, as the shaking fucks up the match for a good 30 seconds...

Are there other map interactions I haven't seen yet, besides those two?

Tkawsome said:
Heck, I just played a capture the flag match where one of my teammates complained about me scoring. He wanted the points for Marathon and got angry because I took the flag and won the match.
Um? I don't think you understood what went on there. He wanted to do what you did, but you were hogging the flag. If you already have Marathon Pro or don't want it, you were totally being the dick there. Not that kid's fault that Treyarch decided to force people to play CTF.

Effect said:
Are all these server issues really common when a new CoD launches? Or is this just unusually bad for players?
It's common. Nobody ever remembers it, but MW2 had the same BS going on for the first few weeks or so, then it got a pretty fast patch for it. You kept getting thrown out of parties and shit in that game too, and it had the same absurd lag issues before it got a patch that forced matchmaking to go locale only.

aristotle said:
I report everyone person I see with crap like that. Being juvenile doesn't have to be idiotic. Be clever!
Geez, dude, you don't need to try to get them banned just because you don't appreciate the humor. It's not like they're drawing swastikas or thinking up ways to make the emblem say "I hate niggers."

Ran into a clan that had just that as a hobby last night. They had creative ways of spelling "nigger" in half of their gamer tags (like "NEKKAZ 4 SALE") and they all had german flag callsigns even though they weren't german, etc. That was disgusting. Fortunately, we fucking destroyed their camping nazi asses. :D


grap3fruitman said:
Do you honestly have nothing better to do than tattle on people online? :lol

Do you honestly have nothing better to do than berate people for no reason? :lol

The report function is there for a reason. Beastiality, penii, racist crap serve no purpose in this game other than to let people with anonymity react badly. I don't want to see it and I report it as the developers would like me to do. Sorry if that rains on your penis parade.

aku:jiki said:
Geez, dude, you don't need to try to get them banned just because you don't appreciate the humor. It's not like they're drawing swastikas or thinking up ways to make the emblem say "I hate niggers."

Ran into a clan that had just that as a hobby last night. They had creative ways of spelling "nigger" in half of their gamer tags (like "NEKKAZ 4 SALE") and they all had german flag callsigns even though they weren't german, etc. That was disgusting. Fortunately, we fucking destroyed their camping nazi asses. :D

Like I said earlier, there's no reason for it other than to get a reaction or to be 'net-clever; which in fact isn't clever at all. There are so many other options to use for the emblem and be funny and/or clever. If it gets them banned, then so be it. I'm not the goofus who did it in the first place and they should know better. I highly doubt anything will happen to them but if it keeps them from making idiotic emblems, then I'm all for it.


aristotle said:
You do know you'll probably be reported right?

I report everyone person I see with crap like that. Being juvenile doesn't have to be idiotic. Be clever!

dude, i like dicks. let me keep my dicks on my guns. don't snitch me out.
Aggrotek said:
Hacker Pro is so awesome. Enemies just take the care package no matter what, every time.

I saw dogs in a care package. I ran towards it, I got shot down.

I ran towards it again, I got shot down. I repeated this like 5 times. :lol

I finally killed the 2 enemies guarding the care package, the idiots should have claimed theyre prize when they could have instead of getting greedy I thought. Next thing I know the package blows up in my face. :(

Hacker pro is dangerous, I guess I got unlucky though, im guessing most decoy care packages wouldnt have dogs in them. If it was just like a helicopter I wouldnt have gotten myself killed try to get it so many times. :lol


aristotle said:
The report function is there for a reason. Beastiality, penii, racist crap serve no purpose in this game other than to let people with anonymity react badly. I don't want to see it and I report it as the developers would like me to do. Sorry if that rains on your penis parade.
Eh, I'd say allowing people to make whatever emblem they want serves a pretty massive purpose. A dick and a swastika are not in any way comparable, so that's not much of an argument.

Some old dudes some time called that purpose "free speech," and I believe they scribbled something about that on a piece of paper that some people find fairly important.
aku:jiki said:
So how do you open the launch chute on Radiation and launch the rocket on Launch, anyway? I've never managed to find that stuff. Would be nice to know how to stop the rocket launch, as the shaking fucks up the match for a good 30 seconds...

The rocket launches randomly so no way to control that. The launch chute on Radiation can be opened via the control panel on the catwalk on that map.


aku:jiki said:
There is something called free speech and human creativity, both of which serve a pretty massive purpose and is much more important than emblems in a fucking videogame. But the most important thing is that aristotle doesn't have to look at 2D representations of dicks, right?

And, yes, a kid making a dick in Call of Duty falls under "creativity," even if you consider it low-brow and yourself to be far above it.

Hah funny. Free speech doesn't extend to video games where the publisher/developer runs the servers or the means to connect to other users, much like forum posts. Try trash talking Evilore and see how far it gets you. Free speech right? If the developers were a-ok with al of the moronic symbols I've seen, then there wouldn't be a report function now would there? I'm just using the tools the devs put in the game. If you don't like it, complain to them or don't be idiotic. You can make other emblems than penii and rascist or beastiality crap. Common man. You can do better than that.

Nice ghost edit. I still caught it.


Stoney Mason said:
The rocket launches randomly so no way to control that. The launch chute on Radiation can be opened via the control panel on the catwalk on that map.

There is a control room on the other side that opens the hatch as well.


aku:jiki said:
So how do you open the launch chute on Radiation and launch the rocket on Launch, anyway? I've never managed to find that stuff. Would be nice to know how to stop the rocket launch, as the shaking fucks up the match for a good 30 seconds...

Are there other map interactions I haven't seen yet, besides those two?

In Radiation, there's a button in the control room in the main building and, if you look straight across the map out the window from there, there's another button on a platform in between the two tank things.

Pretty sure the rocket taking off is completely random and uncontrollable towards the middle of the match; it's usually around five minutes into TDM or it can be earlier if an HQ spawns down there.

I haven't seen any other interactions and I was also beaten to this post pretty badly.


so beast is a banned word but other words that are shockingly racist are fine in this game huh?

also flackjacket is fucking awesome.


Xux said:
In Radiation, there's a button in the control room in the main building and, if you look straight across the map out the window from there, there's another button on a platform in between the two tank things.

Pretty sure the rocket taking off is completely random and uncontrollable towards the middle of the match; it's usually around five minutes into TDM or it can be earlier if an HQ spawns down there.

I haven't seen any other interactions and I was also beaten to this post pretty badly.

I wish there was a way that the rocket launch notified you better when it was time to escape. I don't hear any sirens or anything and then suddenly everything gets all heat wavey and I die in a fire. I hate it when I'm trying to protect an objective.


aristotle said:
Hah funny. Free speech doesn't extend to video games where the publisher/developer runs the servers or the means to connect to other users, much like forum posts. Try trash talking Evilore and see how far it gets you.
You don't at all understand what I mean. I'm talking about free speech as a human right, not free speech as a tool to avoid lawsuits in the litigation states of america. What I'm saying is that just because corporate society asks you to limit yourself and your creativity, so that they don't have to deal with lawsuits, doesn't mean that you have to listen.

We're allowed to have dick emblems if we want to. There is nothing inherently inappropriate about it -- remember, you're not supposed to be playing Black Ops if you're under 18. The kids who are on it are the ones breaking the rules, not the guys with dick emblems.

Seep said:
so beast is a banned word but other words that are shockingly racist are fine in this game huh?
This kind of stupid shit is exactly why companies shouldn't even try to censor their users. Just have a disclaimer that you can't take responsibility for user's comments and let people say whatever.

aristotle said:
Nice ghost edit. I still caught it.
Just saying the same thing in different words. Writers re-write!

Xux said:
I haven't seen any other interactions and I was also beaten to this post pretty badly.
Me neither, but I remember Treyarch specifically mentioning a door in a map that could be closed to control a chokepoint. I guess that was just an example that never made it in. :/


Neo Member
nib95 said:
How do you guys even play in parties? When I invite my mate in to one, soon as I search his name disappears besides mine and it just endlessly searches. The one time it did find a match he got booted. Suffice to say, I've not been able to have even one partied match in this game.

Is it borked or something? 360 versions here...

It is borked but it does work very occasionally. For me it seems worse in larger parties.

Group up. Search for game. Only 3/4 made it in. Back out. Try again. Everyone gets in. Game starts and boots 2 of us. Back out...
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