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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

KoreanBarbecue said:
Agree with you on everything except Ghost Pro. I've had absolutely zero problems getting Pro for that perk. The only real downsize is spending time shooting down 30 aircraft. Maybe I just get into more matches with Sentry guns than other folks.

Nah I'm with you on Ghost Pro. It's one of the easiest pro perks to earn, which is strange considering its the most valuable perk in the game.
3ur4zn said:
Nah I'm with you on Ghost Pro. It's one of the easiest pro perks to earn, which is strange considering its the most valuable perk in the game.

The hardest perk for me so far has been Second Chance Pro, but mainly because I'm awful at getting a Second Chance headshot. I let my coworker play with my profile in the office once and he got it the first match he played. :\
KoreanBarbecue said:
The hardest perk for me so far has been Second Chance Pro, but mainly because I'm awful at getting a Second Chance headshot.

Run around with dual Skorpions and Second Chance. You'll spray so many bullets that you're bound to get a lucky bullshit headshot eventually :(
ergo said:
Whats the best set of perks for domination? practically the only thing i play

Domination isn't anything special as far as perks are concerned. It depends upon how you want to play - domination gives you the most choice when building classes of all of the objective modes.


divisionbyzorro said:
Domination isn't anything special as far as perks are concerned. It depends upon how you want to play - domination gives you the most choice when building classes of all of the objective modes.
True ive definitely played around with lots of variations so i hear you on that. what about SD? i would think ninja and ghost would be a must but maybe not
ergo said:
True ive definitely played around with lots of variations so i hear you on that. what about SD? i would think ninja and ghost would be a must but maybe not

I haven't played much S&D, but I typically use Hardline in the first round, and only switch to stealth if things don't go well, or a member of the enemy team builds a good streak. You don't necessarily need ninja; hacker can be useful too.
Alright, wish list for the next Cod-

1. Dedicated servers

2. some sort of skill based matchmaking

If Infinity Ward does either, I'll probably buy the next one, if not, then well........ I mean at this point I'm burned out on a game that's basically been an up and down experience for 2 iterations. So I'm not buying the next Cod unless they completely innovate the game in some fashion, or they drastically increase the quality of the online experience.
Is it just me or is the Commando inconsistent with the damage it does? Some times I shoot a guy, and he goes down in three bullets. Others takes double that. I'm SURE it's not hit detection, because of the "X" on the reticle.


TacticalFox88 said:
Is it just me or is the Commando inconsistent with the damage it does? Some times I shoot a guy, and he goes down in three bullets. Others takes double that. I'm SURE it's not hit detection, because of the "X" on the reticle.
Could just be variance in your connection to the host.


computers putin' said:
Alright, wish list for the next Cod-

1. Dedicated servers

2. some sort of skill based matchmaking

If Infinity Ward does either, I'll probably buy the next one, if not, then well........ I mean at this point I'm burned out on a game that's basically been an up and down experience for 2 iterations. So I'm not buying the next Cod unless they completely innovate the game in some fashion, or they drastically increase the quality of the online experience.

A quick question, what kinda of "skill based" matchmaking you want? Do you want some mix-and-match, or strictly the same level as yours? Me personally would like some mix-and-match, so I can get a chance to build my killstreaks from noobs, but also can have some challenges from better players. Now I think about it, server side matchmaking may not even be necessary, just make two teams more balanced.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
computers putin' said:
Alright, wish list for the next Cod-

1. Dedicated servers

2. some sort of skill based matchmaking

If Infinity Ward does either, I'll probably buy the next one, if not, then well........ I mean at this point I'm burned out on a game that's basically been an up and down experience for 2 iterations. So I'm not buying the next Cod unless they completely innovate the game in some fashion, or they drastically increase the quality of the online experience.
If dedicated servers mean a lot to you, I'd suggest you try out PC gaming. Black Ops feels quite lovely with a 50 ms and lower ping.


I wouldn't mind skill based matchmaking but I feel like the CoD community would not like it at all. From my time playing, I've come to the conclusion that the majority of parties are just matchmaking until they can find a lobby that they completely murder. I don't think I've ever played a close match against a party where they stayed for a rematch before. You either get the silent drop out where 6 people vanish from the lobby or someone repeating "backout backout backout backout" .. lol
luoapp said:
A quick question, what kinda of "skill based" matchmaking you want? Do you want some mix-and-match, or strictly the same level as yours? Me personally would like some mix-and-match, so I can get a chance to build my killstreaks from noobs, but also can have some challenges from better players. Now I think about it, server side matchmaking may not even be necessary, just make two teams more balanced.

I dunno. Halo's matchmaking is by far the best for the sake of competition, but sadly I suppose it's probably like eek said, the community doesn't want that it seems. It make sense I guess, CoD's gameplay doesn't lend itself well to competitive play and people have kinda embraced its over the top nature; and big ass scores come with that. I DO think a skill based matchmaking system like Gears of War 2's might work, where the game piys teams against each other as long as the collective skill levels of the teams are similar, rather than matching up players individually by skill.

I do know this, I'm sick of the lopsided matches, regardless of if I'm doing the dominating or not. Of course it sucks to be on the team getting dominated, even if you're a good player your teammates do more to bring you down than you can do to carry them, but being on team thats doing the dominating is just as shitty an experience sometimes. Running around scrounging for kills; because the game decided to put all the players with a k/d over 1.5 on one team and the players with 0.5 and below on the other; and shooting at players who aren't any better than the game a.i. on normal is boring and monotonous. So yeah, I'd prefer ANY type of skill based matchmaking, even if the community doesn't want it, because even, competitive matches are more fun, satisfying, and epic


Berlin Wall is the worst map in the game. It's just like rundown from MW2 with it's three obvious choke points that everyone sits and stares at the whole time. It's bad enough that this game's TDM is nothing but people waiting in obscure corners with silencers and ghost, but the developer decided to create a map encouraging that play style even more. Sure, TDM is consistently the worst mode in the last 3 CODs, but this game makes it even worse. Thanks Treyarch.

So, let's get this straight:

1. Treyarch's intentions are good, but they've never made a great COD

2. Infinity Ward has proven they can make great CODs, but unfortunately the last good one they made was COD4. Also, they don't seem to give a shit about anything.

3. Raven/IW/toomanycooksinthekitchen making the next multiplayer

4. ?

5. Profit


Damn. I hadn't heard this one before and we can't talk about TryHardNinja's songs without linking the most awesome one:


He goes all out in this one, it's like his masterpiece! He sings his ass off, the clips are awesome and the lyrics are oddly poetic for being a joke song. :D

eek5 said:
I disagree. Both WaW and Black Ops are great.
They would be if they weren't unplayably laggy. I mean, how are some of you guys still maintaining that this game is fine? People are even writing songs about the shitty lag now!
Any game on the cod4 engine has been laggy on consoles, get over it. You guys are really giving the iw games too much credit in the lag department.
DRE Fei said:
Berlin Wall is the worst map in the game. It's just like rundown from MW2 with it's three obvious choke points that everyone sits and stares at the whole time.

I love it, lots of long-range firefights, which is rare in BO.

It's bad enough that this game's TDM is nothing but people waiting in obscure corners with silencers and ghost, but the developer decided to create a map encouraging that play style even more.

That's a massive misconception. Barely anyone uses Ghost in TDM. I'm consistently surprised at the total lack of love for Ghost.

Sure, TDM is consistently the worst mode in the last 3 CODs, but this game makes it even worse. Thanks Treyarch.

I have the most fun with it, so disagree there. Infact, TDM consists of less camping than the objective modes.

1. Treyarch's intentions are good, but they've never made a great COD

Disagree. WaW is fantastic.

2. Infinity Ward has proven they can make great CODs, but unfortunately the last good one they made was COD4. Also, they don't seem to give a shit about anything.


3. Raven/IW/toomanycooksinthekitchen making the next multiplayer

4. ?

5. Profit

So tiresome.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
cuevas said:
Everyone loves getting a loss for joining a game they can't win.
I would take a loss on my ratio rather than play frustrating or boring as shit games that can't be refilled any day of the week. I don't get why people give a shit about their W/L ratio still.
tsigo said:
Just like everyone loves limping to the finish of a 6 on 2 game?
No but having a win streak end because of that is bullshit. The only problem is dashboarding. We did win a game that was like 100-10 when we joined which was fun.

It was Tuesday morning on launch if you want to verify, 3uerzin. :jakncoke
Stallion Free said:
I would take a loss on my ratio rather than play frustrating or boring as shit games that can't be refilled any day of the week. I don't get why people give a shit about their W/L ratio still.
Some of us play to win, sorry.
Stallion Free said:
I would take a loss on my ratio rather than play frustrating or boring as shit games that can't be refilled any day of the week. I don't get why people give a shit about their W/L ratio still.

The answer is simple: if you join a game where you're losing after a given threshold, it shouldn't count as a loss. Done.


cuevas said:
Some of us play to win, sorry.

In MW2 when I join a match mid-round I'm still playing to win. I just don't care if I lose, because I joined mid-round. In trade, I got into a match quickly, replaced a player who isn't as good as me, and allowed everyone else in the match to continue having fun. What a horrible system.

Also, yeah. DVZ, with what I'm sure was not even a full minute of thought solved the issue from a design standpoint.
tsigo said:
In MW2 when I join a match mid-round I'm still playing to win. I just don't care if I lose, because I joined mid-round.
The whole problem starts from people not caring about winning. They get upset instead that they can't match their little 1.5 k/d and quit the match.

I get people put into my matches all the time since the last patch went live and put into more in progress matches as well. But then there's just a cycle of people joining and leaving because they see how bad they are getting killed.


3ur4zn said:
I love it, lots of long-range firefights, which is rare in BO.
That's a massive misconception. Barely anyone uses Ghost in TDM. I'm consistently surprised at the total lack of love for Ghost.

I have the most fun with it, so disagree there. Infact, TDM consists of less camping than the objective modes.
Wow, just wow. Maybe you just have good karma or something and just consistently run into a lot less douchebags, but I have played a ton of Merc TDM and all I see is ghost. Regular TDM isn't as bad, but there is still tons of camping there too. I had to switch to ground war because 6 v 6 has become so boring in this game.

3ur4zn said:
Disagree. WaW is fantastic.
WaW has the "War" game mode which is great, but aside from that, the game didn't do much for me. At least they had the good sense to incorporate flak jacket against explosives in this game, but they also made second chance/last stand even worse with the ability to revive. I'd also like to throw in an honorable mention for the MP40. It's a good thing that gun isn't overpowered when combined with Juggernaut or anything. It is completely balanced in every way.

3ur4zn said:
So tiresome.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. MW3 has huge competition this year (Gears 3/BF3) with dedicated servers on the consoles. With so many of the IW people leaving and Activision bringing new people in, I think people are completely justified in their skepticism towards this upcoming game. I love the COD engine and I think they did the smart thing with this franchise by lowering the resolution to maintain the high framerate. I think that approach takes advantage of these current consoles in the best way for a shooter. It's really hard to compete with the fluid controls of a 60 fps shooter if your game is running at 30fps. The difference is very obvious, which is why I always prefer COD. However, I am getting really sick of peer to peer connections. They are going to have to step it up at a certain point. With so much competition out there, you cannot stay on top for long if you keep doing the same thing.


Man, the game will not give me a break right now. I'm only ever allowed to be on the horrible team of idiots. I mean, just look at this shit:


I rampaged the entire fucking team, my entire team is there and I'm ready to go wild with that minigun. None of my five teammates saw a need to plant after I did this and we lose the match 5-10 seconds after this clip. What the fuck, seriously. :(


DRE Fei said:
Wow, just wow. Maybe you just have good karma or something and just consistently run into a lot less douchebags, but I have played a ton of Merc TDM and all I see is ghost.

Using Ghost == Douchebag? You're an idiot.
DRE Fei said:
Using ghost doesn't make someone a douchebag. The way the community uses ghost in this game makes them douchebags.
Yep, oh hey you have 1 flag and your team is losing? Keep sitting there in that corner getting RC cars.
DRE Fei said:
Wow, just wow. Maybe you just have good karma or something and just consistently run into a lot less douchebags, but I have played a ton of Merc TDM and all I see is ghost. Regular TDM isn't as bad, but there is still tons of camping there too. I had to switch to ground war because 6 v 6 has become so boring in this game.

Agree 100%

DRE Fei said:
WaW has the "War" game mode which is great, but aside from that, the game didn't do much for me. At least they had the good sense to incorporate flak jacket against explosives in this game, but they also made second chance/last stand even worse with the ability to revive. I'd also like to throw in an honorable mention for the MP40. It's a good thing that gun isn't overpowered when combined with Juggernaut or anything. It is completely balanced in every way.

Yeah, the MP40 was obnoxious, but I never thought it was significantly worse than any other SMG (in the same way that Black Ops is ruled by Assault Rifles, W@W was ruled by SMGS). Oddly enough, it's due to a glitch on consoles which never got patched; the MP40 actually does 10 less damage on PC.

And I would do dreadful things to get War back into a Call of Duty title...

DRE Fei said:
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. MW3 has huge competition this year (Gears 3/BF3) with dedicated servers on the consoles. With so many of the IW people leaving and Activision bringing new people in, I think people are completely justified in their skepticism towards this upcoming game. I love the COD engine and I think they did the smart thing with this franchise by lowering the resolution to maintain the high framerate. I think that approach takes advantage of these current consoles in the best way for a shooter. It's really hard to compete with the fluid controls of a 60 fps shooter if your game is running at 30fps. The difference is very obvious, which is why I always prefer COD. However, I am getting really sick of peer to peer connections. They are going to have to step it up at a certain point. With so much competition out there, you cannot stay on top for long if you keep doing the same thing.

I'd agree, but the problem is that it doesn't make good business sense to run dedicated servers for CoD. On PC, you have a smaller audience, and that audience contains enough hardcore fans/clans willing to pay monthly fees to run their own servers. Activision would have to pony up the cash every month to pay for dedicated servers for the entire Xbox Live/PSN community - that's not cheap!

That said, if they did implement their monthly subscription fee for CoD, and it included dedicated server support, I might be tempted...

DRE Fei said:
Using ghost doesn't make someone a douchebag. The way the community uses ghost in this game makes them douchebags.

PalaceBrother said:
Before this devolves into two pages of people insulting each other, let's stop it now.

CoD Black Ops |OT2| Sibling Rivalry 24/7

cuevas said:
If other games are doing it for free activision can go fuck themselves if they want to charge for dedicated servers.

Nothing's ever free. Microsoft might be funding it for GoW3 off of our XBL subscriptions (which would be just fine in my book - I still somewhat resent that fee that I pay every year just to be able to play 360 games with my friends), but I have no idea what the P&L is for EA's dedicated servers. Speaking strictly from a business perspective, has it ever been demonstrated that the investment in dedicated servers actually pays itself off in this day and age? Ever?
DRE Fei said:
Wow, just wow. Maybe you just have good karma or something and just consistently run into a lot less douchebags, but I have played a ton of Merc TDM and all I see is ghost. Regular TDM isn't as bad, but there is still tons of camping there too. I had to switch to ground war because 6 v 6 has become so boring in this game.

WaW has the "War" game mode which is great, but aside from that, the game didn't do much for me. At least they had the good sense to incorporate flak jacket against explosives in this game, but they also made second chance/last stand even worse with the ability to revive. I'd also like to throw in an honorable mention for the MP40. It's a good thing that gun isn't overpowered when combined with Juggernaut or anything. It is completely balanced in every way.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. MW3 has huge competition this year (Gears 3/BF3) with dedicated servers on the consoles. With so many of the IW people leaving and Activision bringing new people in, I think people are completely justified in their skepticism towards this upcoming game. I love the COD engine and I think they did the smart thing with this franchise by lowering the resolution to maintain the high framerate. I think that approach takes advantage of these current consoles in the best way for a shooter. It's really hard to compete with the fluid controls of a 60 fps shooter if your game is running at 30fps. The difference is very obvious, which is why I always prefer COD. However, I am getting really sick of peer to peer connections. They are going to have to step it up at a certain point. With so much competition out there, you cannot stay on top for long if you keep doing the same thing.

I agree with what you're saying, just not the way you said it. Internet memes give me the shits.

MW3 will still destroy Gears and BF3, but it's getting to a point where they don't deserve it. The competition is evolving (dedicated servers, more tactical approach, etc) yet COD remains in its comfortable shell, unwilling to venture out incase they put their market-share in danger.

The fact Treyarch made BO made me buy it. Coming off MW2, I'm sceptical for IW's version, but I'm hoping that with an exodus of the muppets who designed MW2, MW3 might actually be better than most expect.

RE: Ghost. I use Ghost Pro almost exclusively in TDM, because most often it gives me the jump on opponents. I barely see any good Ghost users, so I never have a problem with it. Sure, you might get the occasional Ghost corner-camper, but its very rare, and easily dealt with.


DRE Fei said:
Wow, just wow. Maybe you just have good karma or something and just consistently run into a lot less douchebags, but I have played a ton of Merc TDM and all I see is ghost. .
If you rely too much on radar then ghost players are going to kill you a lot and you'll notice them more often. Sorry to say it, but people who complain about ghost are probably not very good... I play with a couple of guys that get fooled by ghost users just like you so when we are matched up against a team with more than 2 or 3 people running ghost, I do them a favor and just sit on my spy planes. If the guys stay in the lobby after the match I'll take spy plane off and change it to black bird.

And FWIW, while we're throwing anecdotal experiences out there, I run spy plane 99% of the time and I would say that the vast majority of players don't run ghost.


eek5 said:
If you rely too much on radar then ghost players are going to kill you a lot and you'll notice them more often. Sorry to say it, but people who complain about ghost are probably not very good... I play with a couple of guys that get fooled by ghost users just like you so when we are matched up against a team with more than 2 or 3 people running ghost, I do them a favor and just sit on my spy planes. If the guys stay in the lobby after the match I'll take spy plane off and change it to black bird.

And FWIW, while we're throwing anecdotal experiences out there, I run spy plane 99% of the time and I would say that the vast majority of players don't run ghost.
It's not about relying on dots to find enemies. Anyone who has played COD for a decent amount of time can just look at friendly triangles to figure out where the enemy is. I'm bitching about ghost in addition to the kill streak system in this game which encourages a defensive, boring style of play and slows the game down. IMO, very little competes with ghost in the 1st tier slot.

Now, I'm specifically addressing TDM here:

1. Flak Jacket (even though it's amazing) is not needed because explosives aren't really a big deal in this game. This isn't MW2 hot garbage. Also, hacker dominates the 3rd slot for me, so I really don't worry about claymores.

2. Scavenger's value is diminished in this game because of dual mags. If for some strange reason I don't get 10 kills with my dual mag famas/galil, I can just pick up someone else's famas/galil off the ground. However, Scavenger pro is really IMO the only thing that competes with ghost because you can be extremely aggressive by throwing frags/stuns around every corner and fuck people up.

3. Hardline. Lol, how hard is it to get one extra kill, especially if they don't know where I am because I have ghost and constantly switch my camping spot so I can lay prone again?

4. Lightweight. Also Lol, do you really think I'm gonna use lightweight in TDM over any other perk?
KoreanBarbecue said:
I discovered the magical love that is Ground War last night. I was strictly a TDM player, but man, I love Ground War. 9 on 9 is a beautiful thing.

It helps that the GW players are also the worst.
So I smashed a controller tonight.
Had a game where my connection was 3 bars but terrible, I was playing stupidly and aggressively when I should have sat back, and my teammates were meatsacks. Coupled with the fact the opposing team's top guy was running SPAS12 with LWP, SOH, MP, and kept nailing me from 40 feet, I cracked it and pegged it at my computer chair. Smashed it to bits.

Not proud of it, but I need to vent on here. I've put Black Ops on eBay, so this thread will probably be all daisies and rainbows from now on.
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